Zachary and Jonathan

By Kevin Cox

Published on Aug 12, 1999


First I'd like to state that this story is totally fictional (although I'd love it to be true) and involves boy/boy sex if you feel uncomfortable with it don't read any further. Also this story involves real life celebrities but as I said early none of this is true.

Late in the night, Jon finally made a decision: he was going to tell about Taran and try to work it out with Zach. After making his choice Jon quickly feel asleep. He woke up six hours later, he opened his eyes and found out that Zach was lying on top of him, still naked and from what he could feel very aroused also.

-"Good morning, handsome!" Zach said to Jon the moment he opened his eyes. -"What a beautiful sight to wake up to" Jon getting up on his elbows to kiss Zach.

They kissed for a long time, Zach working his hands on Jon's butt and cock, Jon wanted to tell Zach about Taran the moment as he woke up but Zach's deep kiss and his caresses made Jon totally forget about it. The only thing he could think about was Zach's sexy body, with its strong abs, its firm butt and its huge cock. Jon took Zach's cock in his hand and got his lips away from Zach's to wrap them around his cock head and then slowly licked the head. Jon then got his tongue down Zach's hard dick to finally stop on his balls, which he took in his mouth one by one while he was jacking Zach's cock with his hand. Zach couldn't believe how good Jon's mouth sucking his balls felt and it made his cock harden even more. After a while, Jon got his lips back on Zach's big cock head which was now oozing a lot precum which Jon was happy to lick it. Zach began moving his hips, thrusting his cock up and down in Jon's mouth, Jon knew Zach wanted him to suck his cock so he began running his lips up and down Zach's hard shaft which made the young man moan of pleasure. Each time Jon sucked him it was better than the last time, he knew where to go to make Zach's blowjob as good as it could be and was appreciating it a lot, in fact he was so excited he had to concentrate not to cum too soon, but after a while Jon got the best of him and Zach reached orgasm which sent load after load of hot sperm into Jon's waiting mouth. Jon savored every drop of Zach's cum and he then fell on the bed smiling. His smile washed away when he remembered what he had to do...

-"Zach, there's something I've got to tell you..." Jon began.

-" I know you would like me to return the favor, but there's a soccer game this morning and we don't have time anymore but I promise you that I'll sucks that hard dick of yours after the game" Zach said smiling. -"No that's not it Zach. It's something important." -"Why are you being so serious all of a sudden" Zach asked a little worried. -"Well...yesterday...after you left the changing room...Taran told me he saw us...well...doing it...and...and..." -"Don't worry about that Jon, Taran won't tell anyone, he not like that" -"No that's not what I wanted to tell you...what I want you to know is that after seeing us, Taran was curious and wanted to know if he was attracted to guys too..." -"And...?" Zach said with visible tension in is voice. -"He...he asked me if we could kiss so he would be able to figure it out...I accepted figuring a kiss is not that bad...but during the kiss... things got out of hand and we...we..." -"No, don't tell had sex with Taran!!!" Zach said hoping what he was hearing was just dream, a very bad dream. -"Yes, but I swear it meant nothing, it just happened " Jon answered looking downward in shame, not able to look at Zach in the eye. -"How could you? I thought we had something going on, but it seems the only thing you were interested in was sex!" -"NO, you know that's not true Zach", replied Jon with a shattered voice, "I love you Zach, I really do. Please believe me! I made a mistake, an horrible mistake, I'm willing to do anything to be forgiven" -"Well, then leave this house right now" -"No please, I don't wanna go, you are under shock, please take some time to think about it, why don't we go to the game and then we will talk about it...OK?" -"Are you crazy, do you really think you're going to the game with me, I want you out of my house NOW!"

Jon knew there was nothing to do right now, Zach was too upset with him to hear anything he had to say, so he slowly got up from Zach's bed and went down to the guest room, where he got dressed and gathered all of his things. He couldn't believe that his relationship that just had just begun was going to end this way. When he was finished packing, Jon went back up to Zach's room, where the young man was busy making the bed where they had such great times.

-"You're not gone yet?" said Zach coldly. -"I'm leaving now, but if one day you change your mind and want to talk about it, call me ok?" -"Don't wait by your phone `cause it ain't gonna happen." -"I wish it wouldn't end like that" said Jon. -"You know what? Me too and it wouldn't be like that if you were able to control yourself a little." -"I'm going now" it was all Jon could say knowing that anything else would have made Zach angrier. -"Yeah, do that"

With that, Jon walked down the stairs, left Zach's house and drove home where he had to find an excuse to tell to his parents as why he wasn't staying at Zach's anymore.

Zach went on a rampage after Jon's departure, he was so mad, he really believed Jon was as serious as he was but in reality he was just using him. Zach just threw everything he could find on the wall, fortunately most of the things that were thrown were pretty solid and resisted their encounter with the wall except for the alarm clock which exploded into hundreds of pieces. Zach decided he should go to his soccer game which would allow him to get his anger out on the soccer ball instead of on his personal belongings. He got to the locker where all the members of the team were waiting for him.

-" Oh Zach, great you're here we were starting to worry", said Jason, "Where's Jon?" -"He's not coming anymore" Zach answered trying to control his anger. -"Why?" Jason asked. -"How the hell am I supposed to know!" Zach replied angrily, Jason was surprised by Zach's response and figured he should not ask more questions about Jon but he still had one other question. -"Then who is gonna take his place Yan won't be back for a while" -"We'll have to find an other player by the next game and today we'll play with a player missing that's all...does anyone have someone they know who could play with us?" -"I think my cousin Dany would be happy to play" answered Kyle. -"You see Jason, problem solved, now let's play"

Zach played quite a match using all the rage he had to pump him up and even with the missing player they managed to win 6 to 2, three of the goals scored by Zach. After the game, Zach returned to his empty house where he could help but cry, I cried because he had been betrayed, because he felt so alone now that Jon was gone.

The days passed and Jon tried to call Zach many times but the young man would always hang up the second Jon talked. Zach didn't want to talk to Jon but he couldn't deny that he missed him. At times, he even thought about calling him but then he would think of why they were separated and the envy of calling Jon would disappear.

It was now four days since the breakup and Jon was sitting in his room evaluating the damage he had done: first of all he had lost Zach which was what angered him the most, also he didn't want to talk to Taran anymore which made the atmosphere on the set of Home Improvement a very cold one since he didn't talk to his co-stars anymore. His "accident" with Taran destroyed both his personal and professional life at the same time. Jon decided to go out and walk on the street, so he could think about something else besides how screwed up his life was. He got shades and a cap so he wouldn't be recognized and got out. He walked for a while unnoticed but then on one street he walked by Jason from Zach's soccer team. Even with the cap and the shades Jon wasn't able to fool Jason who recognized him on the spot.

-"Hey Jon, what are doing here?" he asked.

-"Just taking a walk to relax and think." Jon answered.

-"Cool, hey I've been meaning to ask you, why don't you come and play with us anymore, the guy we found to replace you really sucks."

-"Didn't Zach tell you why?" Jon asked not knowing what Zach could have said to them.

-"He just said you weren't coming but didn't really expand on the subject. So why did you leave us?"

-"I'd prefer not to talk about this, Jason, if you don't mind"

-"That's OK, but could I convince you to come back, I don't want to loose again because of this Dany, please!!"

-"Sorry Jason, I don't think so."

-"It's another team isn't it?" Jason said jokingly with a faked "reprimand" expression which made Jon laugh out loud something he hadn't done in a while.

-"No it's not another team", Jon said smiling as he looked at Jason's expression.

-"Don't try to fool me Taylor, I saw the grass stains on your shoes, they have a bigger field that's it uh?" Jason went on, making a perfect impression of a jealous person which made Jon laugh again.

-"Seriously, Jason I can't tell you"

-"That's OK, I won't bother you with this anymore..."

-"Cool, man! I appreciate it" Jon said as he began to walk away.

-"Say Jon, want to go grab something to eat, that's where I was going and I could use some company."

-" Sure, why not? Walking made me hungry, so where are we going?"

-"McDonald's... and don't look at me like that, I'm not a billionaire like a certain someone I know but that I won't name."

-"Hey I'm not a billionaire let's just say I'm comfortable."

-"Yeah right...comfortable!"

For the first time in days, Jon forgot about his problems and had a good time. Jason kept going on and on, on how bad Dany was and how 60 percent of his passes went straight to the other team. After they were done Jon invited Jason to his house where they play videos games for a while. Jason was no match for Jon's video fighting skills and a some time Jason drop the controller and said:

-"I give up Jon, you're too good at this, you kick my ass every time."

-"Not every time, I think you got me one time."

-"Yeah, but only because I unplugged your controller."

-"Well, if it's any consolation to you, I'm sure you would kick my ass easily in the real world."

-"Yeah that's probably right so let me win a couple of times or else..."

-"I don't feel like playing anymore."

-"So what do we do?" Jason asked.

-"Don't know."

-"We could play soccer, it's a sport we are both good at and we have a team that's in great need of a good player so..."

-"You never give up! Do you?" Jon interrupted Jason.

-"Seriously I think I'm gonna go home", Jason said as he got up, "I had a great time...hey if you're not doing anything this weekend you could come camping with me and my parents, it's supposed to be a family weekend but I'm sure I'll be able to change their minds about that"

-"I don't know Jason, if it's a family thing maybe it's best if I don't come."

-"Are you kidding me, I don't want to spend two days in the wood alone with my parents, come on it`ll be fun and it will kept your mind away from whatever is bothering you." Argued Jason.

-"OK then, I'll go with you, but ONLY if you parents are OK with it!"

-"Don't worry, they will be, bye man" Jason said heading for the door. As they were walking towards the front door, the image of Jason naked in the shower came back to Jon's mind, he remembered the cute soccer player had quite a big cock and a wonderful body. Jon felt his cock rising as he pictured the young man naked, for a moment he felt guilty for lusting after Jason then he remembered he had no reason to feel guilty since he was a free man now.

Jason walked away feeling like he was walking on a could since the day, Zach brought Jon to fill in for Yan, Jason had only Jon on his mind. He thought that if Jon was on the team, he and him could become friends, but when Zach told him Jon wasn't coming to the games anymore, Jason had lost all of his hopes to become friend with the hot star, but this day changed everything not only did he became friends with the guy, he was coming camping with him this weekend. Jason was more than happy, he was in heaven.

The next day after the shooting of the show was finished, Zach rushed to the changing room and began undressing, Jon did not change there anymore, he wasn't able to support Zach's angry stare at him. Taran, although he was the cause of Zach and Jon's break up, kept changing in the same room with Zach, but of course there was no conversation between the two young actors. Taran sat down and began undressing his eyes glued to Zach as he stripped to his underwear. Zach noticed Taran staring at him and turned to him.

-"What's your problem Taran?" he asked with anger in his voice.

-"Sorry Zach, you are so cute and strong and I love the way you fill those briefs" Taran answer looking straight at Zach's crotch.

Zach couldn't believe what he was hearing, how could he dare to say that? For a while, Zach didn't know what to answer to Taran too stunned.

-"What the hell are you talking about Taran?" he finally said.

-"I'm just saying that you're hot" he got up and walked to Zach, " and that I would love to have sex with a strong man like you."

-"In your dreams, bastard!", Zach shouted, " You steal my boyfriend and then you think I'm going to have sex with you, you're crazy or what?"

-"I didn't steal your boyfriend, you're the one who threw him out"

-"Yeah! To your great pleasure!"

-"What is this supposed to mean?"

-"Don't take me for a fool Taran, I'm sure you were more than happy to find out he was available"

-"You don't know what you're talking about Zach, I haven't seen Jon since the day we...we...well you know what and except for the shootings, I didn't even talk to him, after we were done Jon explicitly told it was an accident, that he wished it never happened and that it would never happen again then he left."

-"Really?" Zach asked confused, not knowing if he could thrust what Taran was saying after all he could be lying to cover for Jon.

-"I swear. "

Zach knew by the tone of his voice that Taran was telling the truth and Zach sat down to think about what he had just learned, all week long he had thought that Jon and Taran were together, making love and that made him mad, but it seemed Jon wasn't with Taran after all and that he was telling the truth when he said it was an accident, but it didn't change the fact that something did happen which he wasn't about to forgive Jon or Taran for in a long time. Taran sat besides Zach and said:

-"Let's put Jon aside for a while... I really think you are cute Zach and...", he slid his hand on Zach's underwear, "Your cock drives me wild."

Zach would have liked to punch Taran in the face for placing his hand on his cock, but he had to admit that Taran's touch felt really good, he was also in great need for some sex so he let the young men rub his dick. Taran own cock raised straight up as he felt Zach's cock hardening in his hand. He knew Zach had a big cock because he had seen it when he saw him and Jon sucking each other, but that was from afar, now from where Taran was , Zach's cock wasn't just big, it was huge. Zach was torn between his hatred for Taran and his desire for sex, then something came to Zach's mind, he had found out a way to fulfill both of his desires, so he got Taran's shirt off and whispered to his ear:

-"You know what drives me crazy?"

-"Tell me..."

-"I love to get my cock in a hot and tight ass hole."

Taran smiled and in an instant he undid his belt and dropped his pants and underwear to his ankles, while Zach got his briefs off. As he looked at Taran's naked body, Zach had to admit he was hot, on the other side Taran was in admiration in front of Zach's nine inch boner. Some precum was oozing from it and Zach began jacking spreading the precum all over his hard cock, he got Taran in doggie position and slid his cock across the young actor's butt driving Taran wild with excitement. Zach got his cock head in Taran's hole, then got his whole cock in and began go in and out of the Taran's hot hole, the pleasure was getting from the feeling of his cock sliding in and out of Taran's tight hole was augmented by the fact that Taran was hurting like hell right now, he could see it by the look his eyes, it was a sweet revenge for the pain Taran had caused him, Zach was taking a mad pleasure out of seeing Taran suffer as his 9" cock was ramming his hole. Taran had difficulties not to scream out loud, Zach's cock was hurting him so much, Taran knew Zach was doing it deliberately but he asked for it and he couldn't back down now.

As he came closer to orgasm, Zach forgot about hurting Taran and was only interested in how much pleasure he was getting as his huge member rubbed inside Taran's tight hole, his balls were slapping against Taran's butt. When the look of pain washed away from Taran's face to be replaced by one of great pleasure, Zach didn't care anymore, he was having of very good time and it was all that mattered to him.

-"", Taran managed to say, while Zach was still pounding his ass, but now he wasn't hurting at all, he was in heaven. Then he felt that Zach was slowing down, he knew that Zach was going to cum any second. Zach felt a jolt of deep pleasure which shook his whole body and his cock began to shoot loads after loads of cum in Taran's hole.

After Zach finished shooting Taran collapsed to the floor, Zach falling with him, for a while they stayed there laid one on another breathing heavily. When Taran got up, Zach realized the young man was still fully hard and oozing a lot of precum so he took his 6.5" cock with his right hand and with the tip of his tongue Zach licked a drop of precum off Taran's cock head. Taran closed his eyes while he enjoyed the sensation of Zach's agile tongue licking his cock head , then Zach laid his lips on it and slowly inserted Taran's hard pole in his mouth. Soon he had all of Taran's manhood in his mouth, with one hand he was playing with Taran's balls while with his tongue he was playing with his hard cock. As he watched Zach's lips running up and down his dick, Taran moved his hips to fuck to young man's mouth. Taran knew he wouldn't last long without filling Zach's mouth with hot cum because Zach was so good at what he was doing and also because he was aroused like never before. Zach knew Taran was aroused a lot by the amount of precum his cock was leaking, then Zach felt Taran shake and got up and down a few times of Taran's dick before the young man began shooting hot loads of sperm in his mouth, the cum kept coming and coming to Zach's great pleasure who love the taste of Taran's semen. Eventually, Taran stopped shooting and Zach let his softening cock slip out of his still cum full mouth.

Taran had to sit down to recover from his intense orgasm, he looked over at Zach who was standing up staring down at the floor looking for his underwear. Taran thought to himself: "I've never had such great sex since...since...I don't remember when...Since you had sex with Jon his mind answered him." Suddenly, Taran froze, he was enjoying sex with men too much, was he loosing his interest for women, he didn't think so, but to make sure it would not happen, he promised himself not to have sex with guys again. Taran looked again to Zach who was now getting his jeans on and he felt he had to say something.

-"I had a great time Zach, but I don't think it'll happen again, `cause you know, I have a girlfriend and well..." -"Don't worry about me Taran, I was in bad need of sex and you were there so I thought even if you are a fucking bastard, you can still give me what I needed." Zach answered while putting his shirt back on. -"Oh...I still hate me right?" -"Right" Zach said with a smile before leaving the room.

Taran had suspicions that Zach was using him, but he would have preferred if he didn't admit it, but he couldn't really hold it against Zach who was in every right to hate him. Taran then felt guilty for breaking up Zach and Jon and also for having cheated on his girlfriend.

The next day, Jon woke up looking forward to his camping trip with his new friend Jason, he had just finished packing when he heard the doorbell. It was Jason who was coming by to pick him up, he was wearing white shorts and a red camisole which made him look quite irresistible. Jon got his camping gear in the car and met with Jason's parents who were amazed to see it was really him. "We thought Jase was kidding about his friend being Jonathan Taylor Thomas, but I guess he was telling the truth uh ?" Jason's father said when he saw Jon.

-"I always tell the truth dad, you should know that!" Jason stated.

-"Yeah, like when you told me you spent the weekend alone watching TV but oddly there was about fifty empty beer bottles in the house." , replied Robert, Jason's father.

-"Uh...oh...what can I say, I'm a heavy drinker..." Jason sat down on the sidewalk and then got up with a faked serious look and said: "Hi I'm Jason Taylor and I'm an alcoholic!"

-"Drop the act Jason and don't take us for fools, we know you have little parties when we are not home" said Ally, Jason's mother.

-"OK, maybe I lied once but that was the only time" said Jason, then he turned to Jon "You`ll see Jon we're gonna tons of fun and since we have our own tent , we'll be able to stay up as late as we want to"

-"Not too late, Jase, I don't want you complaining you're tired in the day because you didn't sleep well the night before" Jason's mother replied.

-"We'll be good boys, mom ! We won't stay up too late"

With that they left civilization for the great outdoors, the drive was long but the two boys spent the whole time talking, without ever stopping, Jon got a complete description of Jason's last soccer game where Dany tripped three times on the soccer ball.

-"You really don't like him, do you?" Jon asked.

-"Well, he's like an exact replica of Kyle but smaller and bad at soccer."

-"Oh! My God!"

-"You get the idea of what he might look like."

-"Unfortunately, yes"

Late in the afternoon, they arrived to the site which was worth the ride, there was a wonderful beach all around the lake and a mountain on the other side of it. Jason's parents placed a bet on who would have their tent up first them or Jon and Jason, the two boys accepted the bet which they lost. Jason's parents finished five minutes before them. Then Ally cooked them a really good diner, after Jason proposed to take and dive in the lake, so they each went back to their tent to change.

-"I hope the water's good" said Jon removing his shirt.

-"It's so hot today, that I wouldn't be disappointed if the water was cold." Jason replied, his attention focused on Jon who was undressing before, he wondered if the young man was going to get totally naked, he feared not since Jon never took his shower with the other team members when he was playing soccer, but as Jon got his boxers down along with his shorts, Jason got a look at Jon's cock only for a brief moment before Jon got his bathing suit on, but it was enough for Jason to get an erection, fortunately he still had his shorts on so Jon didn't notice anything.

-"I'll be outside" said Jon leaving the tent.

-"Wait for me, OK?"


Jason got his shorts down, followed by his boxers and got his suit over his semi-hard cock, he then waited for his cock to get back to it's normal state before getting out. Jon was waiting for him like promised. For about three hours all the four campers swam in the cool lake water. Then Robert suggested that they all go get some sleep to be in shape for the next day. Jon and Jason got back to their tent, but didn't go to sleep right away they talked for a long while before. Jon fell asleep almost instantly after they stopped talking, Jason just looked at him, "He so beautiful" he thought to himself, so beautiful he wanted to kiss him. "Why don't you do it then" he asked himself, after all Jon was sound asleep and it might as well be his only chance to kiss the young actor. So Jason slowly moved over Jon who didn't make a move and laid his lips and Jon's, the feel his lips touching with Jon's was just wonderful to Jason as he closed his eyes and imagined that they were really kissing then Jason got back in his sleeping bag.

The next day, Jon and Jason got woken up by Ally and Robert at 7 a.m. sharp, the day was a very interesting one, first they crossed the lake in canoes, then walked up to the base of mountain where they ate lunch, after they got out their hiking gear and started going up one the mountain, it was the first time Jon went hiking and he liked the experience, it was rough by times but it was a lot of fun too. By the end of the afternoon, the four campers were on top of the mountain. Jason's father got a fire started while his mother was preparing diner and while the boys were playing soccer on the very uneven ground of the mountain. After diner, they got back down (which was a lot easier they getting up on the mountain) and then got back to their camping site for a good night sleep. Like the night before Jon and Jason talked instead of getting to sleep right away.

-"You were right Jase about this weekend, I'm having a really good time" began Jon.

-"I'm glad that you like it Jon, I'm happy to have you as a friend, you're a great guy." Answered Jason. -"Thanks, Jason you're really a great friend too and I think you deserve to know the truth about what happened to you might know the reason I'm not playing soccer anymore is related to Zach..." -"Yeah I noticed Zach was aggressive that day, you two had a fight?" -"Well see... I'm gay and me and Zach were a couple but then I...I...cheated on him and that's what ended the most wonderful that ever happened in my life and that's what got Zach mad at me..."

-"Oh ! My God !" said Jason not believing what he was hearing.

-"I know what you might think, but there's worst...I think I'm falling in love with you"

Jason didn't say a word, not being able to open his mouth, overwhelmed by Jon's declaration.

-"I knew you would freak out, don't worry I won't bother you with this, you've been great to me this weekend and I feel a lot better since I met you, I'll be happy if you still want to be my friend if not I'll understand."

-"I don't want to be your friend" began Jason, "I want to be your lover." He finished just before he wrapped his arms around Jon to kiss him. Jason laid his lips on Jon's they were moist and felt wonderful just like the night before but this time Jon reacted to his tender kiss. He felt the young actor's tongue wanting to enter his mouth and his hands running through his hair as they kissed. Jason hand's were caressing Jon's bare back and bare chest, his fingers were sliding on the contours of Jon's beautiful body. Both of the boys' boxers were bulged by their fully hard cocks as they continued to explore each other's mouths with their tongues. Jon felt Jason's hand slide down his back and into his underwear where it grabbed and caressed his ass, Jon's excitement was at an all time high as the kiss and the caresses went on, he could spend days just touching Jason's hot body. The young actor couldn't wait anymore, he wanted to see Jason's cock so he pulled down the young man's stretched boxers down which made Jason do the same with his. Jon pulled his lips apart from Jason's to get a better look at the hot soccer player's manhood. It was standing straight up and was about 8" long enough to make Jon even more crazy about Jason, after the inspection of his partner's cock, Jon got his eyes back up to look into Jason's beautiful green eyes.

-"You know...I imagined us in this situation many times, but none of my fantasies were half as exciting than what I feel now." Jason said.

They reinitiated their passionate kiss, Jason got both the cocks in his hand and began jerking them together. Jon was moaning at each stroke Jason gave with his hand, the feeling was great, way better than a simple jack off, the cock on cock feelings was driving the two young men mad with excitement and desire. The two cocks were leaking a great quantity of precum and it was being rubbed all over their hard shafts by Jason's hand, Jason could feel Jon's pleasure as he slid his hand across his partner's cock and Jon wasn't the only one to be overwhelmed with pleasure, Jason was enjoying this moment like no other in his life. After, a while Jason felt Jon's cock "shake" in his hand, Jon was cumming. Jets after jets of cum shot out of Jon's hard dick, hitting the two kissing lovers, on their chest and belly, some falling back on Jason's hand and on his cock. The feeling of the hot sperm hitting his body got Jason so excited that he reached orgasm too and began shooting his own sperm.

When the two young men finished shooting, they were both covered with a mix of their sperms, they stopped kissing. For a minute they didn't nothing but stare at each other with lust and desire then Jon got closer to Jason and got his tongue out and began to lick Jason's right nipple. He then moved to his left nipple, licking Jason's cum and his own off his hard nipples. Jon then moved on to Jason's abs where a great quantity of sperm had landed, he loved the taste the mixture of his cum and Jason's and he licked every inch of Jason's chest and abs to get every drop of it. Jon's tongue running on his body was really exciting Jason who was beginning to get hard again, by the time Jon finished cleaning him up, it was back to an 8 inch rock hard boner. Jon got his hand around it and began licking the head, then slowly got down the hard cock with his tongue, then went back up before taking the large cock head deep in his mouth, he got his lips down until Jason's whole 8 inches were surrounded by Jon's hot mouth, Jon's tongue was circling Jason's hard prick and the young man kept moaning loudly as he watched the man of his dreams suck his cock. Jon then began sliding his lips up and down Jason's hard shaft going slow at first but getting faster and faster, licking each inch of it making Jason squirm with pleasure and leak a lot precum for Jon to taste. Jason's excitement was building up very fast and he didn't want to cum right away so he whispered to Jon: "I wanna fuck your ass." Jon got down Jason's cock one more time and then let it slip out of his mouth, he looked at the 8 inch boner with anticipation as he got on his back while Jason was placing himself between Jon's legs. Jason got his cock head slowly in Jon's hole making him moan with pleasure and as Jason got the rest of his cock in, Jon couldn't help but grab his cock and jerk it. Jason looked into Jon's and he knew that he wanted to be fucked as hard as possible so he grabbed Jon's legs and began to swing his hips as fast as he could making his cock go in and out of Jon's tight and hot hole giving indescribable pleasure for Jon who screamed with enjoyment and for himself too. Jon kept jerking his cock frantically as Jason's rammed his ass faster and faster. In this hot summer night both the young men were sweating from their intense activities never slowing down even if they were exhausted. Suddenly Jason stopped and Jon felt Jason's hot sperm filling his hole as Jason enjoyed the most intense orgasm of his life. When Jason got his cock out, Jon looked at him still jerking and said:

-"Man that was a great fuck I think I'm gonna cum really soon too."

-"Let's me take care of that then" said Jason before wrapping his lips around Jon's cock head and slowly slide down the young man's dick while his tongue was busy licking the head. Jon who was very close to orgasm before Jason's lips touched his cock, couldn't hold it anymore and began shooting loads after loads of cum in Jason's mouth who tasted every single drop he had to offer.

When Jon was done cumming, the two guys got a towel for really needed clean up, especially Jon who was still covered with the results of their mutual jack off. Jon then got back in his sleeping bag and was quickly joined by Jason.

-"What are you doing Jase?" asked Jon.

-"I just want to get to sleep in your arms feeling your body against mine all night long."

-"What about your parents, what will they say when they see you asleep in another guy's arms."

-"Don't worry, they know I'm gay, I already brought some of my boyfriends home to sleep over, they're ok with it."

-"Well they don't know about me..." replied Jon worried.

-"Even if we don't tell them about us, they'll eventually figure it out... I know you're worried the press could find out about your sexual orientation, but I can assure you my parents wouldn't even think of things like that."

-"I guess you're right and I would love sleeping in your arms tonight." Jon said wrapping his arms around Jason. Jason did the same and they both feel asleep almost immediately after.

That's where Part 6 ends, I'm really sorry it took so long to write I've been busy (summer job, gotta pay for those studies) but I finally managed to get it done, I promise you won't have to wait for Part Seven won't be as long as for this part. Kevin (

Next: Chapter 6

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