Zachary and Jonathan

By Kevin Cox

Published on Jun 12, 1999


First I'd like to state that this story is totally fictional (although I'd love it to be true) and involves boy/boy sex if you feel uncomfortable with it don't read any further. Also this story involves real life celebrities but as I said early none of this is true.

Zach and Jon arrived on time for the show which every member of the set made a remark about. The shooting went pretty well and as usual the three Taylor boys got back to the changing room together. Taran looked at Zach and Jon undressing and the image of them naked one on another kept haunting him. They were his friends but now he could only seem to picture them naked. Zach got up and announced he was going to his agent's. He left the room leaving Jon and Taran alone. For a moment, they both stared at the floor silently dressing up then Taran decided that now that he was alone with Jon he could tell him what he had in mind.

-"Jon...mmm...there no good way to say this but...well...I know about you and Zach. -"You know what?" asked Jon nervously. -"I know you guys are a couple, yesterday I went back here to get my sunglasses and I saw you and Zach sucking each other" -"Oh my God!, well I guess I can't deny it if you saw us...mmmm... yes ,Zach and I, we are together since two days ago, oh man you must have been shocked to see us, I can only imagine" -"Don't worry I kinda liked what I saw" -"You liked what you saw! I thought you were straight!" -"Well...I thought so myself but yesterday when I saw you guys naked...I...I got a huge hard on and...I creamed my pants when I saw both of you eat each other's cum and later I jacked off thinking about your naked bodies. You see that's the problem...I think I may like men but I'm not sure `cause I know I like women but since I saw you and Zach having sex I have been thinking about what it would be like to be with a man" -"Really? You think you could be bisexual?" -"Maybe...I don't know... but could you help me figure it out?" -"How?" Jon asked suspicious. -"Well to know if I really like men, I thought we could kiss on the lips and if I hate it then it's case closed it was a false alarm" -"I understand what you are going through here, I had the same the questions when I started to get aroused by Zach but as you said Zach and I are a couple I don't think he would appreciate me kissing you" -"Please Jon, I've gotta know and a kiss is not that bad, if it helps me figure out what is going on" -"OK, I guess it's all right but just a kiss" Jon said.

They got closer to one another Jon got his arms around Taran, he did the same, slowly their lips got closer until they touched, then Taran felt Jon's tongue wanting to enter his mouth so he let it in and got his tongue inside Jon's mouth. Jon was a terrific kisser to Taran's judgment and saying he enjoyed would be lying because he was loving it, then he felt Jon's hands caressing his butt and as they pressed against each other even more Taran felt Jon's hard cock pressed on his legs. Letting his instinct guide his actions, Taran got his hand inside Jon's pants and felt Jon's cock through the fabric of his briefs. Jon's kiss became more and more passionate as Taran rubbed his manhood then just when he was about to undo Taran's pants Jon realized what he was doing and broke the kiss and got a few steps away from Taran. The young actor was standing there, still shocked by Jon's sudden action. Jon looked at his confused friend and he realized he had given him a hard on.

-"Sorry Jon I know it was supposed to be just a kiss but I got carried away when I felt your cock, I had to touch it, sorry" -"Don't apologize Taran I'm the one who got carried away, I never should have touched your butt and sorry that you had to feel my erection" -"Are you kidding I loved it" -"I'm guessing you liked the kiss, huh?" -"Hell yes but I think we need another kiss to make sure and this time just a kiss I promise" -"OK but before tell me, if I had continued and dropped your pants you would have gone all the way with it?" Jon asked. -"Yeah, I think would have, why?" -"Just to know, let's kiss again then it's over" Jon answered.

They got back in each other's arms, this time Taran initiated the kiss, putting his on Jon's, then they opened their mouths and their tongue explored each other's mouth. At the beginning, they both kept their hands in each other's back but then Taran felt Jon's erection again, he try to resist the envy of grabbing the hard members but something came over him and he slid his hand into Jon's underwear, he was shaken with excitement when his fingers touched the hot flesh of Jon's cock. Taran's hand slid down Jon's shaft then got to his balls and began massaging them. Jon was trying to ask Taran to stop but he had a hard time being convincing, his pleads were filled with so much pleasure that Taran ignored them, then he felt Jon's hands moving. For a while he thought he was going to push him away but instead one of them stopped on his butt and the other on his crotch. Jon started to feel Taran's cock through his pants, groping it and sliding his hand on it, making Taran harder and harder. Taran knew what he was doing was wrong, wrong for Karen and for Zach but as the sexual caresses when on Taran's sexual desire for Jon kept getting bigger and bigger. He felt Jon pulling his pants down and reveal his hard 6.5" cock stretching his boxers to the maximum, there was a wide wet area where is cock head was resting caused by all the precum it leaked out, seeing how much his boxers were wet Taran realized Jon might turn him on even more than he thought. Taran kissed Jon on the lips and then went down kissing Jon every two inches or so on his chest , unbuttoning Jon's shirt as he went down kissing then he paused when he got to Jon's belly button, right in front of him was Jon's hard cock hidden behind his jeans and briefs. Taran was now decided, he wanted to suck Jon's dick, he wanted to taste is precum and eat his load. So he undid the jeans button, then got the zipper down and slid the pants off, he felt more precum oozing out of his cock when he saw Jon's 7" dick tenting his briefs. Taran was so aroused that in no time he had Jon's briefs down. Now Jon's hard cock was right in front of Taran and without any clothes to hide it, it was full of precum on the end. Taran got his tongue out and licked the precum and found out it tasted very good, then he started licking the head of the cock, all around and under. Jon had forgotten all about Zach and what could happen if he knew what they were doing, now the only thing he had on his mind was the blowjob he was getting and loving. Taran wrapped his lips around Jon's cock and got it slowly in, he loved the feel of Jon's cock sliding on his lips and he also loved the taste of the precum that Jon was leaking in his mouth. Then he started to go up and down on the hard shaft, at the beginning his teeth got in the way but he soon he got the hand of it, Jon hips had started moving fucking Taran's mouth as the young man sucked his cock. Taran was overwhelmed with pleasure and desire, the hot cock fucking his mouth was so good, he couldn't wait to taste Jon's load and the groans and moans of the young actor were driving Taran crazy with excitement. Then Jon said: "Here it comes!" and a few seconds later Taran received the first cum shot, it was so strong Taran thought he was going to choke but he managed to swallow to sweet sticky liquid, tasting it for the first time and loving it. Jon's cock shot a second time and then shot loads after loads of cum filling Taran's mouth with his semen, Taran was amazed by the quantity of cum Jon was shooting and couldn't hold all the hot liquid in his mouth and some of it fell onto the floor.

Taran swallowed all he had caught in his mouth while Jon was staring avidly at his precum soaked boxers, when Taran got up Jon got down on his knees and licked the precum soaked boxers tasting Taran's juice through the fabric of his boxers and then he pulled the them down. Taran was hard as never before and Jon was very aware of that, he got his tongue out and placed it on the cock head then licked his way down to Taran's hairy balls. When Jon took one of his balls in his mouth, Taran was shook all over overwhelmed by desire and excitement, he was fighting not to cum too fast. Jon passed to the second ball, got it in his mouth and started licking it, then he got both the balls in and sucked them. After a while Jon let Taran's balls slip out, a long string of precum was sliding on Taran's hard cock, Jon licked it on his way to the cock head, then he got the head between his lips and licked it with his tongue, Taran was moaning with pleasure. Jon then began sucking Taran's cock going up and down on it taking all of it in his mouth making Taran groan again and again.

Jon was a way better cock sucker than Karen, Taran thought as he looked at Jon avidly eating his cock, he knew Karen didn't like sucking his cock and when she did it, it was only because he insisted on it but with Jon it completely different, he loved sucking cocks and it really showed in the way he was going up and down Taran's cock, in the way he always came back for more and in the way he made sure to lick every bit of precum Taran leaked. Taran could say without any doubt that it was the best blowjob he ever had. Jon slid Taran's cock in and out of his mouth for about eight more minutes till the moment where when Taran wasn't able to hold it anymore. With one long moan, he filled Jon's mouth with hot sperm having one the most intense orgasm of his life. Jon ate everything Taran shot at him and realized Taran's cum tasted different from Zach's. Then Jon froze, he let Taran's cock slide out of his mouth, he thought about Zach, what would he say if he knew his boyfriend sucked another guy's cock, he wouldn't be happy about it that's for sure. "How could I let this happen?" Jon thought, "How could I let a simple kiss turn into this?" Panicked, Jon got his briefs and slid them over his still hard cock.

-"Jon! What are you doing?" asked Taran. -"I'm leaving, I think you must know by now that you like men so my job is finished, I've already done to much, way too much" -"Yes I know now that I like men, that I have sexual desires for men but Jon you're the man I desire" -"I can't go on with you Taran and I don't want to either" -"Don't say you don't want me, it's a lie, just look at your cock it still rock hard, if you are worrying about Zach, you know he doesn't have to know about it", while talking Taran had moved closer to Jon and now had his hand on Jon's covered cock, Jon didn't do anything to remove Taran's hand from his cock, he was thinking about the situation: on one side he was really attracted by Taran and really wanted to go on but on the other side he didn't want to betray Zach, but then he already had betrayed him by letting Taran suck his cock and by sucking him back, so either way if Zach found out he was in deep. "Zach doesn't need to know" Taran repeated rubbing Jon's crotch, Jon knew he was right and decided to let his sexual desires take over, so he took off his briefs to Taran's great pleasure.

-"You asked for it", Jon said just before kissing Taran passionately on lips, "I want to fuck your ass, that's OK with you?"

Taran was so horny and wanted Jon so bad he would have done anything for him, he kissed Jon deeply giving him the answer he needed. Jon didn't have any lube on him he would have to use Taran's saliva instead to help his cock slide in his ass. Taran was already in doggie position ready to take Jon's manhood up his ass, Jon walked in front of Taran and said to the young man, "Lick my cock `till it's completely wet" Jon didn't have to repeat it, even before he had finished talking Taran was licking Jon's dick, when he was fully wet , he pulled his member away from Taran and got to his waiting ass. When he got the butt cheeks apart Jon was surprised to find that Taran's hole had been loosened by something or someone, when he asked Taran why, the young man simply answered that his girlfriend had a dildo. Jon inserted his pole in Taran's tight hot ass slowly. Taran found out that Jon's cock was bigger and longer than his girlfriend's dildo because he was hurting a lot but after a short while, when Jon began to go in and out of his hole Taran's pain got away and indescribable pleasures took the place, it was much better than with the dildo it was faster, it was bigger and the feel of an hot cock was ten times better than some plastic toy. Jon loved the feeling of Taran's hot ass hole wrapped tight around his cock and the excitement made him go faster and faster making his balls slap on Taran's butt. Jon reached out under Taran's body to grab his hard cock and jack it off while pumping his ass. The two partners were sweating like crazy but it only augmented their excitement. For ten minutes, Jon rammed Taran's hole, resulting in a large amount of moaning and heavy breathing from the two men. Taran was having the best sex ever and thought to himself: " If only I knew before that sex with a man was so good, I wouldn't have waited so long before trying it". Suddenly, Jon's hips started to move faster and faster until the moment where he stopped and began to unload is sperm in Taran's butt, as is cock was shooting what seemed like gallons of cum in Taran's hole, Jon laid flat on his friend's back exhausted.

-"You are a God Jon!... Never my whole life... have I had such a good... sexual experience ...I got so... excited that I shot my load...while you were fucking me" Taran said looking for his breath.

Jon looked on the floor and saw that Taran was speaking the truth: there was a big puddle of cum on floor , right under Taran's softening cock. Jon slid his cock out of Taran's hole, it was coated with cum which Taran was happy to remove. Jon got up and took his briefs back to his waist.

-"I'm glad you liked the experience Taran, but you do know that was just a one time thing, we won't do this again" Jon stated. -"Why? Didn't you like it?" -"Of course I liked it, but there's Zach and I really love him, I don't want to loose him, in fact I wish this never happened, I don't know why I did it?" -"Maybe `cause you think I'm sexy" -"Maybe" Jon answer to end the conversation, shortly after he was fully dressed, "Bye, Taran" he Jon leaving the room. Taran sat there, still naked staring at his cum on the floor, thinking about what he and Jon had done and how hot it was, Unlike Jon, Taran didn't regret one thing, he wanted to know if he liked men and now he knew he loved it. Taran got some towel and washed his cum off the floor, then got his boxers and pants back on and left the room.

Jon prepared a huge meal for he and Zach, first he prepared a vegetable soup for the entrée and he had bought lobster for the main meal and some brownies for dessert. To go with the lobster, he had made a salad and some garlic bread, now the only thing missing was Zach. He knew Zach visits with his agent were always long because he always complaining about it in the dressing room the day after his meetings but today's meeting was a record breaker. Jon and Taran always loved hearing from Zach's slow-talking-beat-around-the-bush agent because they always had a good laugh, Zach was always so funny while talking about him.

Jon was sitting on the couch watching TV but not listening at all, he was lost in his thoughts. He felt tremendously guilty about what he had done and wasn't sure if he had to tell Zach or not, he knew telling him would surely mean the end of their couple but he didn't think keeping a secret that big from Zach would be a good thing either. He was so afraid of loosing him, afraid of never feeling his hands caressing his body again, afraid of never falling asleep in his arms again, afraid of never having sex with him again. All these fears convinced him that not telling was a good thing but then how could he live with so much guilt, his thoughts were interrupted by the front door opening.

Zach came in the door and Jon thought to himself: "God, that guy's gorgeous! How could I do that to him?" -"Sorry, Jon, I know it's late but you know my agent he keeps getting slower every time, well I hope diner his still hot?" Zach asked walking to Jon to kiss him. -"Don't worry about that, so how did it go?" -"Well, I only half-listened to what he said, I must admit my mind was elsewhere...I kept thinking about you and for about half of the meeting I had a hard on" -"Oh! I guess I'm in for a hot night!" -"You bet you are but before let's eat I'm starving" Zach said removing his shirt. -"What are you doing?" -"Well, I thought we could eat bare chest, I just want to look at your sexy body while eating, that's it" -"Fine by me", Jon said removing his shirt, he looked at Zach's firm chest and at his beautiful smiling face and he felt his cock rising in his pants. Jon was happy to realize that the incident with Taran did not change the attraction he had to Zach, he was still mad about him. Zach sat down at the table and Jon served the soup.

-"So...tell me what were you thinking about to get hard in your meeting" asked Jon. -"Well...I thought about you naked and hard, then I thought about all those times we had sex together...and I imagined what tonight will be like...all this was more than enough to give a rock hard cock. And you besides cooking me this good soup what did you do?" -"I... I...jacked off thinking about you" answered Jon suddenly feeling very bad, his guilt torturing him but he couldn't tell Zach what really happen he wasn't able to say it and didn't want to either.

They ate slowly, talking and looking at each other's naked chest, Jon's guilt gradually got down as his desire for Zach went up. Immediately after finishing their dessert, without cleaning the dishes or the table they got into a long passionate kiss, Jon hugged Zach as hard as he could to feel his boyfriend's hard cock against his body. Zach was kissing and caressing Jon like they had been separated for years, he knew Jon liked to feel his bulging jeans so he got closer to him. While kissing and caressing each other, the young lovers slowly walked up the stairs to Zach's bedroom. Zach got his hands in Jon's pants and started rubbing and grabbing Jon's 7" cock. Jon's hands got to Zach's waist and quickly undid Zach's belt and Jon let the pants drop down, leaving them in the stairs. Now Jon could slide his hands on Zach's cock through his briefs, it was so big and hot, Jon then pulled the briefs down leaving them a few steps up from Zach's jeans. Zach's

9" cock was now free and Jon was rubbing and stroking it, making Zach leak a lot of precum. Zach was loving Jon's caresses on his cock and he wanted to return to favor to his boyfriend so he easily undid Jon's pants and dropped them down, making Jon's hard cock spring out and slap his belly. He got his hands on Jon's manhood and started jacking off his lovers. They were now both naked, playing with each other's cock and they were now very close to Zach's room. When they got in, Jon laid on his back on the bed and said: "I'm ready Zach, get that huge meat in my ass" Zach quickly got to the Vaseline and got his cock well lubed, he was so excited he almost came while putting the Vaseline on. Jon was jacking his cock while waiting for Zach to enter his hole with his thick and long cock.

Zach entered his head and Jon realized Zach's cock head was much bigger than the three fingers he had inserted in his ass before. Slowly Zach entered Jon's hole, he was loving how Jon's hole was hot and tight around his dick. Jon was squeezing the bed sheets and biting his lip not to shout, Zach was only half in and he felt like he was going to pass out, then another inch got in and the pain augmented again, he looked straight into Zach's beautiful eyes and the love and desire he saw in them gave him the strength to go on, then when there was only one inch left, the pain started to go away and by the time Zach had entered all of his nine inches Jon was filled with pleasure, then Zach started to slowly go in and out making both young men moan in deep pleasure, Zach was feeling the inside of a man's ass for the first time and he was loving it, Jon's tight hole was rubbing his every single of his cocks sensible parts making his excitement built up like never before. Jon was in heaven, each of Zach's trusts brought so much pleasure to Jon that he was completely overwhelmed by it, he was moaning constantly, he was enjoying it so much that his cock suddenly began shooting cum in the air, some falling on Zach's chest, some on Jon's sweaty body. Zach felt the hot liquid hitting his chest and began to go in and out faster knowing he was close to orgasm too, not long after he began filling Jon's ass with hot cum.

When he was finished unloading, Zach got his cock out of Jon's hole and licked his boyfriend's cum off his chest. When he was completely cleaned by Zach's tongue, it was Jon's turn to lick all the cum he had shot on Zach's strong abs. Zach laid on his back on the bed and Jon started cleaning and then he saw that his lover's softening cock was full of cum too, so without hesitation he got his lips down Zach's manhood licking the cum off it and getting it back to full hardness at the same time. He slid his lips back up to the head, started licking the sensitive skin under the cock head. Jon felt that his own cock was hard again so he positioned himself so his cock would be over Zach's head. As soon as Jon's cock was over his head Zach grabbed it and jerked it for while before lowering it in his mouth. Zach lick the precum off Jon's cock and then began going up and down on it. Jon was doing the same with Zach's huge dick, he sucking it as fast as he could craving Zach's sweet cum, he wanted Zach to love this blowjob so Jon was licking every inch of Zach's cock and moved his lips on the head faster and faster. Zach was having a hard time sucking Jon because his friend was sucking him so well that he hardly could concentrate on anything else. Jon got down on Zach's cock and went up one more time and then felt his lover was going to cum. Jon was right, Zach's cock began shooting a immense quantity of cum in Jon's mouth, filling it with hot sperm. Even though Zach had shot an huge load Jon did not let one drop of cum slip out of his mouth. Now that he had unloaded Zach could get back to Jon's hard cock, he slowly took it all the way in and then licked it all over then when he felt Jon was close slowly slid his lips to the head and with his tongue started teasing the head, it was long after that that Jon's cock began shooting hot sperm in his waiting mouth, he tasted every drop of his boyfriend's semen before letting his manhood free from his mouth.

The two young lovers got into each other's arms and kissed. Zach whispered to Jon's ear: "I love you more than anything in the world" and drifted off to sleep before hearing Jon say: "I love you too" Jon would have loved to go to sleep right away in Zach's arms but he couldn't. He immediately began to think about what happen with Taran. Jon knew that it was an accident and that it meant nothing but he also knew Zach would see it that way. Now Jon was blaming himself for letting Taran do what he did, for accepting that stupid kiss idea and one question kept coming back: Why didn't I stop it when I had the chance to? Was it because I wanted to have sex with Taran or because I can't control my sexual desires. He didn't want to answer the question, afraid of what it could reveal and he was still unsure what to do: tell or not? All night long he kept going from one opinion to the other, without ever making a decision.

Part Five is over, don't worry there will be a Part Six (I can't let the situation like that!) I hope you liked it and tell me what you think my e-mail is still and tell me if you think Jon should tell or not I'm not sure myself!

Next: Chapter 5

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