Zachary and Jonathan

By Kevin Cox

Published on May 23, 1999


First I'd like to state that this story is totally fictional (although I'd love it to be true) and involves boy/boy sex if you feel uncomfortable with it don't read any further. Also this story involves real life celebrities but as I said early none of this is true.

The next day Jonathan woke up and remembered what had happened last night when he saw the underwear he had so carefully washed the night before. He got up from bed and got fully dressed before going up to the kitchen. He sat down and took out some cereals and served himself a full bowl. That's when Zach came down the stairs wearing only a pair of briefs, as his eyes followed his sexy co-star Jon felt his cock hardening and he thanked himself for having put something over his boxers.

-"You're already up and dressed, sorry about my clothing, I don't usually have company at breakfast" said Zach.

-"That's OK, don't change your habits because of me."

-"OK cool!"

The rest of the day went pretty fast, the got to the studio and shot the episode, then they got to the mall just to look around, to kill time before diner. That day, all the cast of Home Improvement was to a restaurant to eat together like they do about every two months, Jon and Zach got there and had a good time with everybody and then came back to Zach's house at sundown.

-"Hey Jon, what do you say, we take a dip in the pool"

-"Good thinking Zach, I'm gonna get my suit!" Jon said heading for his room, but after he looked twice in each drawer and in his suitcase his bathing suit was no where to be found. Jon got back up the stairs and saw Zach in his swimming trunks waiting for him.

-"What are you waiting for Jon! Get your suit!"

-"I forgot it, I'll have to go back to my place to get it" answered Jon.

-"We don't have time for that, I'll lend you one of mine, go upstairs and take one in the second drawer on the left."

Jonathan obeyed and took the first suit he found and got it on, it was I little big it seemed to hold so he went down the stairs and ran straight to the pool followed closely by Zach. They jumped almost simultaneously in the deep end of the pool. Then Zach proposed a race which he won without any difficulties then he got to the diving board and dove. Jon got on the diving board and Zach shouted:

-"Let's see what you can do!"

Jonathan dove into the water making a perfect dive and swam underwater to the shallow part of the pool where Zach was. When he got up, Jon felt a draft on his butt, he looked down and realize he had lost his bathing suit while diving. He looked around to see if it wasn't floating around somewhere it seemed to have sunken.

Zach was in shock, just in front of him was the boy of his dreams totally naked, Zach took a good look at his friend's cock, it was thick, smooth and seemed to be quite long, shorter than his but still long. Zach looked down and saw the very visible bulge in his suit. He wasn't the only one that had noticed it, Jon had his eyes glued to the young man's suit.

" He...h...he got hard...looking at my cock" he thought afraid of what it meant and stimulated by it at the same time. Could it be possible that Zach was also attracted to him the way he was attracted Zach? Maybe he wasn't responsible for his friend's erection? Then, suddenly he got tired of all the questions and let himself go. He got his arms around Zach's neck and kissed him on the lips, Zach did not give back the kiss right away too shocked by what Jon had just done but when his senses came back he gladly gave back the kiss. The two young actors were now exploring each other's mouths and as they got closer one to an other, Jon felt Zach's erection pressing against his belly while Zach felt Jon's soft cock rising and getting hard against him. Zach's hands were slowly caressing Jon's back and ass while Jon was running his hands through Zach's wet blonde hair.

Jon broke the kiss and stared right into Zach's blue eyes, Zach stared back with love and desire in his eyes. Without losing eye contact, Jon got his hands to his friend's waist and undid his suit's cord and then slowly pulled it down making Zach's cock spring out. Jon looked down at the hard and thick 9 inches long cock, he was shaking as he was got his hand on the member but when a got a hold of it, he thought it was great, the feeling of having a hard dick in hand other than his was just wonderful. Jon felt Zach's strong hand wrapping around his 7" cock and he was now in paradise. He got to Zach's lips and kissed him passionately, his tongue exploring deep into Zach's mouth while his hand was working up and down the young man's shaft.

Zach loved how kissing Jon felt, he wanted this kiss to last forever, the jack off Jon was giving him wasn't bad either and the feel of Jon's cock sliding in his hand added to his excitement. Jon suddenly broke the kiss and then Zach felt Jon's hot cum hitting his body as the young actor's cock shot load after load on him. The feeling made Zach go over the edge and his dick began shooting loads of hot cum onto Jon's chest.

When they had both finished unloading, they collapsed into each other's arms and stayed like this, naked in the pool with their cocks softening , for about two minutes and then Zach broke the silence.

-"You can sleep with me tonight if you want to" he said.

-"It will be my pleasure" Jon replied with a quick kiss on Zach's lips.

-"I know it's gonna sound weird to you but I love you Jon"

-"It's not weird Zach `cause I love you too." Just by saying it Jon realized it was true, he loved the guy, he wanted to be with him always.

-"Let's get to bed, OK?"

-"OK, but first I'll swim a little to wash out the cum"

-"Yeah, I'll do that too"

The swam for while and then got out and walked towards Zach's room stopping every ten feet to kiss each other. When they finally got in bed, they started asking questions to learn more about their mutual attraction .

-"So Jon, when did you realize I was hot?"

-"Well, it's gonna sound silly cause it hasn't been so long, in fact it was after the game two days ago, when I saw you in briefs, my cock began hardening then when you took them off it went straight to hard, I know that's quite recent but I think I had feelings for you for a long time but I was ignoring them and seeing naked got them back up in no time."

-"So, that's why you didn't want to take a shower `cause you had an erection and you lied to me, that's bad" said Zach smiling.

-"I didn't that taking my shower hard as a rock in front a dozen of guys was a good idea." Jon replied.

-"It wasn't but I sure would have liked it" he said smiling again.

-"Enough about me, what about you?"

-"Well, after a few years of doing the show with you, when I was old enough to know that gay doesn't mean happy -- although it made me very happy to be gay -- well anyway, I realized I was looking at you more like a lover than just a friend, it was about 5 years ago." Zach answered.

-"Wow, five years and I didn't see nothing"

-"Well, I was very careful."

-"I guess we better get to sleep we have to work tomorrow and we'll have plenty of time to explore each other."

-"Yeah, I hold you to this promise." ,said Zach closing his eyes and wrapping his muscular arms around Jon which did the same and they quickly fell asleep holding each other.

The next day, Zach woke up before Jon, they were still entangled together. Zach slowly and carefully got out of Jon arms and watch the young actor for some time, just looking at his face. All the memories from last night came back to Zach, the feel of Jon's cock in his hand, the so intense orgasm he had and the emotions that brought that first kiss they had. Zach went downstairs to fix some breakfast for the both of them.

Jonathan woke up not long after Zach had left for the kitchen, he was disoriented and since he did not see Zach besides him, he started to think that he had dreamt the whole thing. He got depressed by thinking that he hadn't really kissed Zach then he realized that he was lying in Zach's bed which meant last night wasn't a dream which got him very happy. It was then that Zach arrived with a breakfast plateau with enough food on it the feed an army, Zach was wearing only briefs and the tent his friend's huge cock was making in them, made Jon's cock harden in no time.

-"Here I brought breakfast for the two of us", Zach said.

-"Great, hope there's enough" ,replied Jon with a wide smile on his face.

-"That's it joke all you want mister, maybe I've done too much but that's no big deal we'll just throw away the leftovers"

-"I see a lot of stuff here but no dessert here. Could it be that the dessert is in those bulge briefs of yours" asked Jon, looking at Zach's underwear. Zach was surprised by what Jon implied but he sure wasn't going to let that chance.

-"It will be if you want it to be" he replied.

-"Oh, then I'm looking forward to dessert." Jon said taking a toast.

The two young men ate silently looking at each other with passion and desire, even though there was a lot of food they ate it all, probably starved from last night's exercise. When they got to the last bite, Jon put away the plateau and look straight into Zach's eyes and started to get closer to him. Zach was totally hypnotized by Jon's stare, he looked so confident and so hot. As Jon got closer enough to touch him Zach said: "Ready for dessert?", Jon nodded and laid his lips on Zach's, then he kissed one pec then the other, he licked Zach's hard nipple while his hands were roaming on his abs making Zach go mad with desire, he felt like his cock gonna rip through his briefs as Jon got to his other nipple. Jon got his lips down to Zach's abs and his hands to his butt, he could see the Zach's erection through the white briefs. Then he started to massage Zach's firm while he kissed his abs always lowering between each kiss. Zach was so exited that his cock was leaking precum like never before. When Jon got to the briefs, he placed his hands on each sides and Zach lifted his body from the bed allowing Jon to slide the underwear off. Zach's cock was in full erection and was standing right in front of Jon's face, the young actor could see the precum oozing from his friend's cock. He licked the precum off the head of the cock , then circled around the cock head with his tongue tasting it and liking it. Now Jon was ready to go further, he wrapped his lips around Zach's cock and slowly went down taking what he could of the thick 9" shaft then went back up as slowly as he went down, making Zach release a deep moan of pleasure. Hearing his friend moan Jon got carried away had started pumping up and down the hard member at a great speed.

-"Uhh, that's so, Uhh, good, Jon!" Zach managed to say.

Jon loved the feel and taste of Zach's cock in his mouth, it was hot and good. Although he wasn't able to take the whole dick in his mouth he got about 7" of it each time he went down on it. Zach was in heaven, Jon's wet lips were running up and down his hard cock and this was giving him pleasure like never before. He had one hand on Jon's head and the other was caressing the young men's sweaty body. Zach felt he was gonna cum so he let out a deep moan and his cock began to shoot it's semen. Jon was surprised when the first shot hit the back of its throat, but as the cum shots were coming out he quickly learned to love the taste of Zach's sperm.

After, his 9" dick finished to unload, Zach slid his member out of Jon's mouth and laid down on his back in ecstasy, he just his best orgasm ever, Jon had really done a good job. Jon laid on top of him and kissed him on the lips, he was still wearing his boxers but Zach felt his friend's hard cock as they were kissing passionately. He slid into the boxers and got to the hard cock and said: "My turn" to Jon who strongly agreed with the idea.

Zach had no problem getting his friend's boxers off, revealing a 7" hard cock. Zach kissed Jon passionately while his hands were playing with Jon's cock and balls, then he got down to the base of Jon's cock and licked the thick shaft all the way up to the cock head. His tongue then circled around the head, as he tasted Jon's precum. When he had finished licking the cock, he licked his way back down the hard dick to Jon's pubic hair. "Suck my balls" Jon said panting heavily. Zach obeyed and got one balls into his mouth and sucked it, Jon's had big balls and Zach enjoyed having them in his mouth. Jon was clutching the bed sheet and had his eyes closed to savor the pleasure even more. Jon felt Zach's lips leave his balls and felt them running down his cock, it was so good Jon thought he had to concentrated to prevent him from cumming right away, Zach's lips felt so good and the hand playing with his balls was adding to his pleasure. Zach came down on Jon's and then started to lick the huge stick in his mouth tasting the sweet precum Jon was leaking. While Zach was pumping on his cock, Jon looked and touched Zach's perfect body, he had noticed that his partner's cock was in full erection once again, that meant more fun was ahead for this morning. Then Jon's thoughts were stopped when he was overwhelmed by a powerful orgasm which sent his hot cum straight into Zach's mouth who looked like he loved the taste. Zach tried his best to swallow all of Jon's load but some of the hot fluid got out his mouth and fell on the bed sheets.

For a moment, the two young men looked at each other, sweaty and panting, then when Jon was moving towards Zach's hard on the phone rang. Zach looked at the time and knew who was calling. So he rushed to pick it up.

-"H--H--Hello" Zach said still searching for his breath. -"Yeah! HI! I know if you remember Zachary but you are a star on a show called Home Improvement AND YOU'RE VERY LATE FOR IT"!, shouted the man on the other end of the phone. -"I know, I know, don't panic, I--I--kinda slept too much, but I'm on my way now" -"You better be and call Jonathan, he is not there either ... if I learn that you guys went out last night I'm gonna..." -"Relax man, I'll call Jon and no we didn't go out last night." -"Be there in 15 minutes." -"No problem."

Zach hang up the phone and saw that Jon had guessed what was going on and was heading for his room to change. Zach hopped from bed still completely naked, got out a pair of briefs out of his drawers and quickly slid them up, the he jumped into his jeans and took he shirt at random in his closet and got it on. When he came down the stairs, Jon was fully dressed and waiting for him to go. They got each in their cars and drove as fast as they could to the studio.

When they arrived they got yelled at for being but after that everything got to normal and they shot the episode. In the dressing, Taran looked at Jon and Zach and said:

-"Tell me, did you guys go out and party last night? Don't worry I won't tell." -"euh, yeah we went out and drank a bit to much that's why we didn't get up this morning" answer Jon. -"I knew it, don't worry I won't tell but next time bring me too" said Taran with a smile. -"Yeah, no problem" answered Zach. -"Bye guys, see you tomorrow if you guys get up of course" said Taran leaving the room.

Zach was removed his jeans and Jon saw that his friend was rock hard underneath his briefs. He looked at Jon with the cutest smile, Jon knew what he had in mind.

-"Not here, Zach! Anyone can enter the room" -"Come on Jon, no one besides you, me and Taran ever enters this room and Taran is gone so..." while saying this Zach had removed his briefs and Jon could see his 9" rock hard cock. Jon couldn't resist such a strong argument and got undressed right away. The two actors kissed passionately, their hands exploring every inch of their bodies then Jon got on Zach and lowered his mouth onto his cock, as he was doing so he felt Zach's tongue licking his cock head. Jon loved the combined feeling of tasting Zach's cock and the feeling of Zach's lips on his own cock. Zach loved the taste of Jon's cock, the young men was moving his hips fucking Zach's mouth, he felt their hot bodies against each other, sweating and moving for the pleasure of the other. Zach enjoyed both sucking and getting sucked so it was like fucking twice in one time.

Taran got outside and the hot afternoon sun blinded him so he reach in his pocket for his sunglasses but they weren't there, that's when he remembered he left them in his stage clothes. He had to get them back so he went back in and headed for the changing room. When he got to the room, he heard Zach and Jon breathing heavily and moaning, at first he wanted to leave but then he was curious to know what his two friends were doing. He opened the door just enough to see what was going on, his heart stopped went he saw the two young men in a 69 position clearly having a good time. `How could this be?' Then his mind made the connection with this morning they weren't late because they had taken to much alcohol, they must have been... Taran stopped his thinking shocked, his cock was hard, he wanted to go away but his body didn't seem to move at all, he looked alternatively at Zach and Jon each sucking the other's cock.

Two young men having way too much pleasure to noticed Taran looking at them. When Zach stopped sucking his cock, Jon knew he was gonna cum and a second later the first shot of cum hit his throat, Jon tried to swallow all his friend's load but a good part got out of his mouth and slid on Zach's dick and body. Jon was happy to lick the cum which got out off Zach's body. Zach loved the feel of Jon tongue on his cock and body. Just when his friend finished cleaning him, Zach feel that Jon was ready to shoot, he tasted Jon's semen at it made his way into his mouth, he took all he could letting some of Jon's cum fall on the floor.

Taran looked at the cum dripping from Jon's and came so close to cream his pants. Then he saw Zach eating Jon's cum and this time he wasn't able to hold it, he began to shoot load and loads of cum in his pants. He quickly got up, not knowing what to think of what just happened, he didn't want to know, he wanted to be out of there and to be with his girlfriend as fast as possible and forget about this.

Well, Part Three ends here, I know it has been a long time since Part Two but I've been busy and this part is longer than the others. I'm still looking for some feedback so write me at

Next: Chapter 3

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