Zachary and Jonathan

By Kevin Cox

Published on May 16, 1999


First I'd like to state that this story is totally fictional (although I'd love it to be true) and involves boy/boy sex if you feel uncomfortable with it don't read any further. Also this story involves real life celebrities but as I said early none of this is true.

"Great show guys" said the director as the stars of Home Improvement got off the stage and headed for their changing rooms. Jonathan Taylor Thomas and his two young co-stars entered their mutual dressing room and began changing. Zachary got his shirt and jeans off and then took out his soccer uniform from his locker and turned to Jon.

  • "Hey Jon...can I ask you a favor?"

  • "Depends on what you have in mind."

  • "Well my team and I have a game in one hour and we're missing one

player, so I thought you could take his place for the game"

  • "Mmm, I don't know, you guys are like soccer pros and I'd just be in you're way"

  • "Don't be stupid you're very good at soccer if you don't want to play, just say it, it's no big deal I'll just have to find someone else"

  • "No that's ok I'll play"

  • "Great, here take this" said Zach giving a soccer uniform to Jon,

"it used to be mine but I grew out of it. It should fit you"

  • "Thanks"

  • "I'll wait for you outside" said Zach leaving the room.

Jonathan took the uniform and put on the shorts and realized Zach was right it did fit him but what annoyed him his that Zach must have stopped wearing it at 13 maybe 14 and that it was the perfect size for him, a 16 years old boy. Jon would have liked to be taller and stronger like his friend was, although he didn't hate the way he looked, he just thought a little more muscle would be nice. Taran leaving the room snapped Jon out of his dreaming and he got up and left too.

Zach was just outside the room playing with his soccer ball bouncing it on his knees, his feet and his head apparently without any trouble. When he saw Jon get out he caught the ball and they walked to Zach's car.

They drove to the soccer field at Zach's high school where Jon met the other members of Zach's team. To warm up they split the team in half and played against other. Jonathan found out that he was a lot better than he thought he was. Then the other team arrived and the game began. Never in his life did Jon run back and forth so much but all his efforts were rewarded when he scored one goal. In fact, Zach and Steve had made most of the work, they were the ones who got the ball all across the field but it was he who deviated Zach's pass right into the net. After lots of running and sweating the game finally ended. Zach and his team came out victorious by the score of 3 to 1.

As they headed for the locker room, Zach took his shirt off and wiped his sweat with it. Jon couldn't help but look at Zach's bare chest, his strong muscles all glistening from the sweat, it was smooth and looked so firm , of course this wasn't the first time he had seen Zach's chest but was the first time he really "looked" at it. The two teams got inside the school and went in the boys locker room the take a shower. When he got in Jon just sat down on the bench to recuperated a little.

  • "You were great" said Steve as he sat down left of Jon.

  • "Yeah, great goal" said Zach to his right.

As he turned his head, he saw Zach in his briefs putting his soccer uniform away in his bag. His eyes locked on his friend's crotch as he thought to himself "Wow he must have such big cock!" Jonathan realized that he was getting a hard on, so he crossed his legs so no one could see it. That's when Zach got his briefs off revealing a thick and long shaft even though he wasn't even hard. Jon's cock from semi-erect to rock hard in no time, he just couldn't help it.

  • "Hey, Jon you're not taking a shower", said Zach as he grabbed his soap out of his bag.

  • " i don't like those showers, they're either too hot or too cold... I prefer to take a long shower home instead...(and I don't want you to see the boner you gave me) he thought to himself.

  • "That's cool, I won't take long" Zach replied heading for the showers, letting Jon take a good look at his smooth and firm butt cheeks.

Jon was going out of his mind, why was he so aroused by Zach naked body, he thought while forcing himself to watch to floor. Ten seconds later he was staring back at him again, following the water as it passed through his blond hair, fell onto his shoulders, ran down his perfect pectorals and abs, slid on his dark blond pubic hair and then on his soft cock to finally hit the tiled floor. He seemed to be talking to Steve about the game from what Jon could see, he looked so cute his wet blond hair and his so charming smile. Jon was so excited he was leaking precum all over his boxers.

Even though he had gotten out of taking a shower he still had to change so he turned his back to his showering team mates and got his borrowed soccer shorts down, what he saw was no surprise: there was a big tent in his boxers and they were soaked with precum where his cock head was resting. He placed his cock pointing up in his boxers held by the boxers waist band so it wouldn't show and then got his jeans up. He was a little more relax knowing nobody could notice his erection now.

Zach came back from the shower drying his hair with a towel, Jon forced himself to look at his friend from the shoulders up as he rubbed his body with the towel. Zach took out a pair of briefs from his bag and slid them up to his waist, followed by his jeans shorts and then he got a green Nike shirt on.

  • "Are you ready?" he asked.

  • "Yeah, so we are we going?" Jon answered.

  • "I thought we could go get something to eat at the pizza place just on the corner from here"

  • "Ok, cool! Let's do that" said Jon as he followed Zach out of the locker room.

On the way to the car, Jon kept looking at Zach's butt not able to shake to image of him naked from his mind. All through the diner Jonathan half-listened to what Zach said because he was spending most of his time staring at him, thinking how cute he was with his beautiful smile, his blue eyes and blonde hair. After the dinner, Zach dropped Jon off at his house where he rushed to his room to think out what had happened that day. It was the first time he had such an attraction to a guy, what did it mean? Was he gay? He remembered he one time had a dream where he was having sex with another man but that didn't mean anything 'cause he had a lot of heterosexual sex dreams. What really meant something is that seeing Zach's naked body made him harder than he had ever been. All these thoughts brought back the image of his co-star's long and thick cock into his head which gave him a boner. He didn't want to think anymore, he was tired and he quickly feel asleep.

Zach was lying down on a floating mattress, the cold water running on his back and to hot summer air surrounding him. He watched the stars on the pitch black sky and thought about his day, he had noticed Jonathan had been strange at the restaurant he couldn't really put his finger on what had changed but he knew something was different. Maybe Jon had noticed he had feelings for him and that made him uncomfortable. "I knew I shouldn't have invited him to diner", he thought, now his friendship with Jon was ruined or maybe it was something else. He would always imagine the worst case scenario and take it for the reality but not this time. "Yeah, Jon had problems at home or something that's what distracted him earlier", Zach convinced himself. Now he felt a lot better and he looked at the stars and enjoyed the sight.

Zachary and Jonathan Part Two

The next day, Zach woke up and for a moment laid in bed to decide what to do when he would see Jon on the set. He didn't want to look like he was intruding on Jonathan's personal life but he needed to know what was going on. He decided to ask his friend about last evening, with this decision he got up from bed, got some white briefs over his usual morning hard cock and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

Jonathan was so tense just thinking about seeing Zach, he was scared to see what would happen to his friendship with the young actor if he started to have feelings for him. For the moment, he just had an attraction to Zach and he was sure that when he'd see Zach on the set he woudln't feel a thing, a least he wanted to be sure of it. He parked on his reserved space and noticed Zach's car wasn't there which made him loosen up a little. He entered the studio and walked to the dressing room where Taran was dressing up into Mark Taylor.

  • "Hi Taran", Jon said.

  • "Hi Jon!, so last evening did you guys win?" Taran asked.

  • "Yes we won 3 to 1 and I scored one goal", said Jon.

  • "Great", Taran said, getting up and leaving.

Jonathan started undress while taking Randy's clothes out, he was almost fully dress when Zachary passed the dressing room door.

  • "Hey Jon!" he said.

  • "H..hi Zach", Jon said back.

  • "You played a great game yesterday, you're good you know."

  • "Thanks, I did what I could."

Zach had removed his shirt and Jon looked at his chest trying not to feel anything, to prove himself that the last time was an isolated incident. Jon was quite happy because his friend's torso seemed to have left him indifferent, but when the young star got his jeans down, the sight left Jon anything but indifferent. He felt his cock growing has he looked at his friend's crotch.

  • "Jon, I've got to ask you something..." began Zach. Jon panicked, he thought that Zach had surely noticed him looking at his body.

  • "W..What?", Jon said stuttering.

  • "You don't have to answer but...well...yesterday at the restaurant you seemed...well you have problems at home or something...if you do you know i'm here for you."

  • " Yeah...well my parents are always on my back since they don't get along together, they fight all the time and they take out their rage on me." Jon answered lying, but he didn't have the time to find something better.

-"That sucks man, tell you what, come to my house for a while ,my parents are out on vacation for two weeks, that way you won't be in the crossfire anymore."

Jon was not sure what to say since it seemed that he was attracted to Zach he didn't think that staying two weeks alone in the same house with him would help him get over it, but on the other hand what if staying with Zach helped him figure out what was going on with him.

-"OK, I'll ask my parents."

-"Cool, we'll have so much fun, you'll see" Zach said looking truly happy.

Jon had no problems convincing his parents to let him go at Zach's house, in fact they thought Jon didn't have enough friends so they were happy to let him go. After he got his clothes in his suitcase, he got to his car and drove to Zach's house, where his friend was waiting for him.

Zach couldn't beleive Jonathan was going to stay in his house for two weeks, two weeks with the guy he had a crush on for so long. He was so nervous, he wanted Jon to love his stay, in fact what he really wanted is for Jon to fall in love with him but he decided that if he liked his two weeks that would be a good start. Zach followed Jon's car as he parked it just next to his car.

Zach had everything ready for Jonathan, he had put up a bed in the basement with a place to put his clothes and he had cooked diner for him. Zach watched Jon get out of the car and walk towards him. It was no wander, he had been madly in love with him, he was so cute, he had the most beautiful smile, he looked so innocent, he was wearing an opened shirt which let Zach see, his smooth and firm chest.

  • "So where do I put this", Jon said showing his suitcase.

  • "Put it in the basement in the guest room, where you'll be sleeping I can help you unpack if you want."

  • "Nah, that's ok...mmmm what's that smell?

  • "Oh, that's dinner, my specialty: MY home made pizza, you'll see it's way better than anything the restaurants make" said Zach with a proud look on his face.

  • "I'm dying to see about that" answered Jon as he walked down the stairs to the basement.

  • "Your room is on the right" Zach shouted to Jon.

  • "And what's on the left?"

  • "Your personal bathroom"

  • "Wow, this is better than a five star hotel here", Jonathan said as he entered the vast guest room.

  • "Maybe but there's no room service."

  • "I can live with it."

When Jon was finished unpacking he came back up where a delicious meal was waiting for him. Zach was already sitting at the table waiting for his guest to join him. Jon had to admit his friend was quite a cook, his pizza was really good better tasting than many restaurant pizza.

  • "So what's tonight's program Zach?" asked Jon savouring his pizza.

  • "Well, there's a good movie on TV, I thought we could watch it, but if you have another idea, i'm open to suggestions."

  • "No, the movie will be great, there must a good movie every night with that huge satellite dish in your yard."

  • "Well let's say I can watch Russian TV whenever I want...which is not very often", answered Zach.

  • "It must be great to have so much channels to choose from!"

  • "Bah, at the beginning you get a kick out of it but then you realize that 40% of channels are porn channels, another 20% are channels in a language you don't understand so it's not so god but you always have something to watch"

They finished eating and they got to the movie which was after all not so good so the two guys decided to do something else. Zach would have proposed stip poker but since he was alone with Jon, it would have looked a bit suspicious so he proposed chess instead. Jonathan loved chess and he thought he would have no difficulties beating Zach since he had been playing this game for over 10 years. After a couple of moves, Jonathan realizes that Zach wouldn't such an easy target as he thought before. The game went on for about two hours when Jon finally got his friend in checkmate.

-"Checkmate pal!" said Jon with a big smile on his face.

-"Damn, I didn't see that coming, ok Jon I want my revenge, are you up to it?

-"Of course, you'll be sorry you asked for it"

After two and a half hours of long strategic thinking of both sides, Jon had to admit he was defeated. After they each got to their rooms to get some sleep.

"It was a great day" Zach thought to himself while getting undressed, Jon seemed to have enjoyed it and that was what was really important. Zach was looking foward to getting asleep because he was sure Jonathan would in his dreams. When he was fully undressed, he got in his bed and quickly feel asleep.

Two hours had passed after the time when Jon went into his room but he wasn't asleep yet. The image of Zach naked under the shower was back in his head, he was as if it was happening over and over in his mind, Zach taking off his briefs, then washing his so beautiful body and his long and thick cock. Jon wasn't able to take it anymore, he wanted to see Zach naked again. Even though his mind was telling to stay in bed, Jonathan got up and walked the stairs up to Zach's room. Silently, he opened the door and saw Zach in his bed deeply asleep laying on his side, he looked so cute with his blonde hair all over his face, he was smiling probably having a pleasant dream, Jon thought as he walked into the room. Zach was under a single cover which was resting on his shoulders. Jon, taking care not to wake the sleeping beauty, lifted the cover to the boy's muscular chest and then taking it down to his knees. Jon couldn't beleive it Zach's cock was rock hard, it was so thick and long at least 9", it was so exiting to look at, Jon had problems resisting the urge to touch it but one urge he couldn't stop was the one from his demanding cock. His right hand was wrapped around it through his boxers and it was going up and down the hard shaft at an incredible speed. Jon's eyes were also busy looking at Zach's so gorgeous body, from his angel face, to his strong arms and chest, to his firm butt, to his so big cock. "That guy is perfect" Jon thought as he continued the inspection of his friend's body his hand working hard on his dick. Then he felt he was gonna cum, he did even slow down and continued fastly jacking off until his cock began shooting load after load of hot cum into his boxers.

After his dick shot the last load, Jon looked at his soiled underwear and realized what he had just done. He looked on the floor to see if any of his sperm had fallen which wasn't the case so he rushed down to the bathroom next to his room and took his boxers off to wash them. It was clear to him now, he was sexualy attracted to Zach but stangely it didn't sound weird or bad to him unless Zach found out about it of course. He just had an orgasm watching a naked guy but it felt normal. Actually Jon felt good, relaxed now so when he got in bed after finishing washing his underwear, he went right to sleep.

Well, here's the end of part two, hope you liked it, if you did tell me about it at if you didn't like it well that's too bad.

Next: Chapter 2

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