Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on Feb 4, 2009


Zach brimstone- Ch. 7

All the usual T's & C's apply. If you are offended by stories involving boys or same sex relationships, then this is not the story for you.

After that night we both agreed that we so hang out with Ryan a little more often. That was not the only thing that happened over winter break. School started up again and Damien and I were just leaning up against my locker when Jackie came up to us.

"Morning boys," she said to us.

"Hey darling, how was your winter break?" I paused and looked at her. She had a smile on her face. Right then I knew something was up.

"It was good," was all she said to us.

"Ok, spill it. What did you do over the break?" Damien asked her.

"Well I met this really hot guy. He does not go to this school but he lives in the city. We meet online and we finally met over winter break, we hung out like every day since our first date," she said.

"So that is why I have not heard from you all winter break," I said. "So when are we going to meet him."

"Well that is what I was coming over here to ask. He wants to meet you guys. I told him most of the story of how you guys met," she paused and then looked down at her feet. "We were thinking about doing a double date with you guys."

I looked over at Damien and his eyes just gleamed with excitement from this idea. I knew his answer. I was a little hesitant at the idea but I just caved in and told her, "Sure it sounds like a plan. Go text your boyfriend and we can get the details at lunch."

She hugged me and then hugged Damien. Then she turned around and went skipping off to class. That was the first time, in a long time, that I have seen her so happy. The bell rang and I kissed my boy and we both went off to class.

The first half of the day went by quickly and then the bell rang for lunchtime. We all met up on the grass knoll in the courtyard. I was sitting down on the grass and I had Damien's head resting in my lap. Jackie came up and sat down in front of us.

"What's the word?" I asked her as she sat down.

"Well it seems he is free all this week. So when are you guys free?" she asked.

Damien looked up at me and then spoke, "Well we were going on a date tonight. So why not make it for tonight."

"Ok, let me text him to see if it is ok," she said and reached into her pocket. She pulled out her phone and started punching in the message. A few seconds after she sent it, her phone rang. She looked down at the text and then back up at us.

"It is all set. Where are we going?" she asked.

"Well I thought we could all have dinner at this cool new bistro that opened up on the pier," I said to her.

"I heard that place is all about making the sandwiches just perfectly," Damien chimed in. "Now I really can not wait." Then I bent forward and kissed me.

Jackie knew of the place and then asked, "So want to meet up there or one of your guys house and what time?"

"Well how about we meet up there and say around seven so it gives us some time to change," I said.

"Sounds perfect," Jackie said and then started texting to tell her boyfriend the plans. She got another text back. "It is all set."

The bell just rang as soon as she said that. Then we all went off to class. I was still not sure about the whole double date thing. See the last time I did a double date with anyone, I was still in closet.

One of my other friends set me up with this girl heather and we did a double date. It started out ok but then it all went downhill from there. Everything went wrong. I was so nervous that they might find out my secret that I completely made an ass of myself.

I spilled food all over her and called her the wrong name. By the end of the night I was just ready to run out the door and not look back. I think that was when I decided to not get set up by my friends.

Well at least I do not have to pretend that I'm straight and I do not have to make a good impression this time. The bell for the last class rang and I was walking in and Damien came up behind me. He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a big hug. I did not react to it and just keep walking into the classroom.

I was still in my daze when class started. Then I got hit on the side of the head when Damien threw a note at me. I snapped back to reality and picked up the piece of paper up off the ground.

It read: Everything ok? I looked up at Damien and he had that concern look on his face. I just looked down at the piece of paper and wrote on it. I tossed it back at him and he picked it up. I wrote: I am ok, just worried about tonight.

He wrote on it and tossed it back to me. It read: Let's talk about this after class. Love you. I looked up at him and I just did a weak smile then looked back down at my desk. The class went by real fast and then the bell rang. I was still dazed in my own thoughts when two hands came into view.

I followed them up and there was Damien with a concern look on his face. "You alright, babe?" he asked.

"I am just worried about tonight. I do not know if I can do it," I said to him.

"I am not following you. Could you tell me what's on your mind," he said and then took a seat next to me. He reached down and grabbed my hand. He rubbed it and then I started telling him what happened on the last double date I was on. "Oh, now I see why you're so nervous. We can always cancel."

"No, this means some much to Jackie, so I will go through with it. As long as you're by my side I think I will do ok. We better get a move on so we can change and get ready," I said and then looked up into his face. That was the first I looked up at him and realized that everything, no matter what happened he would be there for me.

I then pack up my stuff and we both went out of the room holding hands. We got back to his place and then he asked, "So you going to change or just go like that."

I looked over myself and realized that I stank. "Well I guess not because I need to shower but that means I need to go home," I said to him.

"You can use my shower if you want to and borrow my clothes. I think I got the perfect outfit for you and then I can match you," he said to me.

I just turned around and stuck my tongue out at him. I shut the door behind and I turned on the shower. I was testing the water when I felt two hands reach around me. I did not turn around and I just let the hands work their magic.

The right hand just went underneath my shirt and started working, rubbing and pinching my nipples. The left hand just worked on getting me out of my pants. The left hand got the button undone and my pants just fell to the floor. Leaving me in just my boxers and shirt, I heard Damien whisper in my ear, "Get in the shower."

I followed his orders and I walked into the shower half clothed. I still did not turn around but my clothes started to cling to my body. Then I felt that he had on just a pair of boxerbriefs. They were all tented up and felt his manhood start to rub up and down my crack.

I leaned forward and that made his covered cock just get in the entranceway of my ass. He moaned a little and then could not take it anymore. I felt his hands just go under the waistband of my boxers and in one quick more he pulled them off. My dick flopped up and slapped my stomach. Then he pulled his off. I just felt the water flowing over my body and his hands holding my hands above my head.

Then I felt him started to enter my body. I just tilted my head back and let out a moan of pleasure. I finally turn around and saw his face. It looked like he was waiting all day for this to happen. Then I just looked into his eyes and he bent forward as he finished entering his dick inside. He kissed me on the lips and started to move back and forth. I broke the kiss and he let go of my hands. First I took off my now completely see-thru shirt and tossed in on the shower floor. I moved my hands down my body and they found my hardening member. I started to jerk off with the same paces as Damien was doing to my ass.

Damien noticed that my hands were working on myself and then his hands went around my waist again. He slid his hands around my cock and pushed my hands away. My hands went back up to balance us, so that we would not slip and fall. I was in complete pleasure and I did not think about anything. Then I felt his cock tense up inside me. Then he shot his load. Three times he came and then he just kept going with his hand.

He took his dick out from inside me and spun me around. I looked down and he was on his knees and his mouth was now inching closer to my cock. I did not want a blowjob but I wanted to cum inside him. I pulled him up and just started to kiss him passionately. Then I spun him around and just jammed my cock in his awaiting ass.

He let out a moan and yelled at the same time. I just keep going and then the yelling stop by the moaning continued. About a few moments later I was at my climax, feeling my cock inside his ass just finished me off. My cock tense up and shot three loads into him.

We both collapsed onto the shower floor. The water flowing over both our bodies and then he just started to hold me. He broke the silence. "That was awesome baby. I did not know you would allow me complete control of your body. Then you just take your hot and hard cock and sticking it in without any foreplay. That was so hot," he said and started to get up.

I reached up and said, "That was really hot but now we need to clean up." He reached for the soap and I reached for the wash cloth and we cleaned each other up. After we finished cleaning up we both walked back into his room. I looked down at his bed and he laid out the clothes for me to borrow for the night. I bent over and then I felt his hand just smack my ass.

"Ouch, that hurt," I said as I went face first into his bed.

"Oh sorry babe, I did not mean to hit you so hard," he said to me and then reached out and started to rub my ass check that he hit.

"Oh you think you getting away that easily," I said and then reached up and grabbed his hand. I pulled him down and I turned around so he landed in my lap. His ass was face up on my lap. It was getting turned on a little and so was he. I felt his cock on my thighs and then I raised my hand. It came down and you could here the smack that it made.

"Owwww," he said and was trying to get away just in case I was going to follow up with another one.

I lift my hand up off his cute bubble butt and my hand print was still there. I just busted up laughing after I saw that. Then after I was done laughing, I walked over to him and just rubbed his now sore ass. He just looked at me and then kissed me.

"We are even for now," he said to me and pull up a pair of black boxerbriefs.

"Ok," I said and walked over to the clothes that were now spewed all over the bed. I grabbed the boxers he had for me and put them on. We both finished getting dressed and looked at ourselves in the mirror, we both looked stunning.

He had on some black jeans and a nice blue button down shirt. What he gave me was a pair of brown cargo pants and a one of his old skater shirts. Both which fit me like a glove.

He leaned his head back and I kissed him. I looked over at his clock and it was almost time to leave. I grabbed his hand and we both went down stairs. We did not hear his dad come in and we reached the front door.

"Hey boys," his dad said.

We both looked into the living room and there was his sad sitting on the couch. "Hey dad," Damien said.

"So where you boys off to?" he asked.

"I am taking your son out for dinner and then coming back here," I said a little too quickly.

"Ok and one more thing please could you keep your noise down while have sex. I do not mind it but I think our neighbors would not like to know," he said to us and then went back to watching the TV.

We both went out the down and looked out each other. Both of our faces were a shade of pink. "Well at least he did not barge in on us," I said.

"Yeah, that would be so embarrassing. Well how do you feel?" he asked me.

"I am doing ok. Still think I am going to screw up or something like that," I said and then looked down as we were walking down the street.

He caught up to me and grabbed my hand. "Do not worry about it, I will make sure that you do not say or do anything to ruin the night," he said and smiled at me.

I looked over and smiled back. We kissed each other and started walking a little faster.

Once we got the pier, we walked down towards the restaurant. We got there and looked around to see if Jackie and her boyfriend were there. Nobody was there, so we just got a table for four. We started having some small talk and then out of the corner of my eye I saw Jackie enter.

I stood up and waved her down. She was holding his hand as both of them came up to the table. We all stood up and Damien and I hugged Jackie. Then Jackie said, "Guys, I would like you to meet Sean."

He was standing about five feet eleven inches, about hundred forty-five pounds and had long black hair that went down to his shoulders. He was wearing some blue jeans and nice button down black shirt. We both shook his hand and we all sat down. Jackie was in a pair of black jeans and a strapless top.

After we order our food, I was getting a little antsy. Then I felt something brush my hand. I looked down and Damien's hand was trying to grab my. I then grabbed his and we held each others hand as we talked.

"So I heard how you guys meet and that she is totally into you," I said and then looked at Jackie. She gave me the look of death and then I started talking again. "Yet she has not told us what you like to do?"

"Well that is a good question," Sean said to me. "Well I am into video games, hanging out on the beach and Jackie."

I was taking a drink of water and almost spit it back out when he finished that line. Damien just turned away and was trying not to make any comment on that. Then Damien spoke, "Well that is great."

"I guess that was a little strong but I just can not help it. I see her eyes sparkle in the sun and I just want to kiss her all night long," he said and looked over at Jackie.

Jackie was blushing and speechless for once. Just then the waiter came out with our food. We all dug in and the conversation was put on hold. I excused myself to go to the bathroom.

I got into the bathroom and went into the last stall that was open. Then I heard the door open up and it was Sean. I heard him take a leak and then his phone rang. I heard his conversation with the person on the other line and it left me in shock. He left the bathroom and I finished up.

As I got back to the table, Jackie and Sean were making out. "Hey Jackie can I talk to you for a second," I said to her.

"Yeah what's up?" she asked.

"While I was in the bathroom I overheard Sean talking to someone on the phone. It sounded like he was just going to nail you and then dump you," I said to her.

She did not say anything. Then her hand just came across my face. It knocked me off balance but not over. Then she spoke, "I hate you. You just do not want to see me happy. I do not want to speak to you ever again."

"Jackie, Jackie wait," she just went back to the table and grabbed Sean. They both walked off and I slowly walked back to the table. Almost about to bust into tears, Damien saw this and knew it was time to go. Damien went and got the check. He grabbed me which I was now just sitting at the table trying not to cry.

We walked up to the cashier and he paid. Then he rushed me outside. Just as soon as we got to the side of the pier, I just grabbed him and busted into tears. "I.I." was all that came out of my mouth.

"You do not have to tell me now. Just cry and you can tell me later about what happened," he said. I did not need to ask what was going through Damien's head because I already knew. He was thinking of why Jackie would do that to her best friend. He just held me while I sobbing away on his shoulder.

About fifteen minutes later, I finally lift my head off his shoulder. I wiped away my tears and then I was ready to speak. We walked over to one of the benches and sat down. "I was telling her what I heard Sean say in the bathroom about how he just wanted to bang her and then dump her," I said to Damien.

"You were doing the right thing, even if it did hurt you in the process. I am sorry babe you had to go through that. You know what, I think we should go and get some ice cream," he said.

I just looked up at him and said, "I think I just want to go home. Thank you though."

He kissed me on the forehead and then got up. We walked back up the pier and then down my street. We got to my house and we kissed goodnight. He left and I was just walking up the walkway to my house.

I got to my door and my phone rang. I fished it out of my pocket and there was a text message. It was from Jackie. It read: Please do not talk to me ever again. I just put it back in my pocket and walked into my house. I went to my room and just cried into the pillow. I must have fallen asleep, since the next thing that happened was someone knocking on my door. "Go away," I said.

The door slowly opened and it was Damien and my mom. I did not realize the time but it was almost one the next day. They both walked in and then sat down on my bed.

"Hey babe," Damien said and put his hand on my back side.

I peeked out of the covers that was over my head and saw who it was. I smiled at them and asked, "What's up? Is it time to go to school?"

My mom spoke, "It is one in the afternoon, sweetheart. You have been sleeping all day. Is everything alright?"

I just reached out and grabbed my phone. I handed it to Damien and told them, "Look at the last message."

They looked at the last message and realized that Jackie was really pissed off at me. They really did not know what to say. My mom just got up off the bed and was walking to the door. I spoke up, "Thanks for letting me take the day off."

"Your welcome," she said and then closed the door behind her.

"Come on babe, you need to get up," Damien said to me.

"Why, I do not need to do anything," I said back and rolled over so I was not facing him. I felt his hand start to rub my back and it felt good.

"I will not let you become a hermit. If she can see that you were trying to help her then I think she did not value the friendship that you had. Plus if it is true then she will come back and will totally beg for your forgiveness," he paused. He did not start up again but was just staring out the window.

When he did not speak I rolled back over and looked up at him. "What's wrong?" I asked him.

"You might want to check outside," he said and pointed out the window. I looked outside the window. Down on the ground was the words Fag spray painted into the grass of my front lawn.

"I bet I knew who did this," I said. I threw the covers off my body and I was still in my clothes from last night. "It was Sean; after I told his plan to Jackie he was pissed off at me. So he wanted to make it that Jackie and I would never be friends. He thought I would think Jackie would do this."

"What are you going to do?" Damien said in a worried voice.

"I am going to teach Sean a lesson," he said.

"Babe, I think that is not the best thing to do right now. We should just clam down and then we can talk this over after we have a cool head," he said to me but I was just seeing red.

I just walked outside and since I knew where Jackie lived, I figured that where he would be. I started walking over there and Damien was not too far behind me. Jackie did not go to school either. I knock on her door and then she opened it. Then she slammed the door in my face once she saw who it was.

"Jackie, open up. I need to talk to you boyfriend," I said through the door.

Finally Damien caught up and the door opened again. Jackie opened the door and saw that Damien was now standing behind me. He worded sorry to Jackie over my shoulder and then I saw that Sean was now standing behind Jackie.

"What the heck do you want?" Sean asked.

"I want you to fix my lawn. You painted the words Fag across the whole thing," I said and was just about to charge in. Damien grabbed me and was holding me back.

"I think you should go home," Jackie said. Then she just shut the door in my face one more time.

"Damien, I think you should let go of me and not follow me," I said and then took off running. Damien did not listen to me and he took off after me. About three miles down the road, I could not run any more. I collapsed down on the side of the road. Damien caught up to me and was out of breath.

"What.what are you doing?" he said trying to catch his breath.

"Go away. I want to be alone," I said to him.

"I am not going. I told you I will be with you through thick and thin," he told me. He sat down next to where I landed. "I will sit here all day if I have too. We do not have to talk. I will listen; of course that is when you're ready to talk."

I did not say a word for the next couple of hours. We just sat on the side of the road. Cars would pass by and we would get weird looks from them. Then I spoke, "Why."

"Huh?" Damien said.

"Why could she just believe him? She only knew him for a couple of weeks and my like forever," I said.

"That is what love does to people. Makes them blind to the truth or they just do not want to believe it," he said to me and then looked over at me. He moved closer to me and wrapped his arms around me. He held me and I just started to cry. I just lost my best friend and did not know what to do.

I got up and so did he. We walked back to my house and my mom greeted us at the door. "Where have you been? Did you see the lawn? Answer me young man," she said to us as we walked up to the front door.

"Well I am sorry about the front lawn and I will help get rid off it tomorrow after school. Damien and I were walking around and sorry to make you worry," I said in a low voice. Then my mom looked over at Damien and then she understood it all. She walked over to me and hugged me.

"Sorry for getting in your face," she whispered to me. "Dinner is ready. Will you be staying tonight Damien?"

"My dad is at work so that would be great, if that is ok?" he said to her.

"That is just fine. Plus I figured my son would not want to be alone right now," she said and then we all walked into the house.

A few days had passed. We fixed the lawn and I saw Jackie in between class and at lunch. She still did not speak to me at all. It was tearing me up that entire week. The weekend came and that is when it happened.

Damien and I were just walking on the beach; we found a really good spot and sat down. Damien was in a frisky mood and he started to make out with me right there. "I want to suck you off right here," he whispered to me as he kissed the side of my neck.

Then I felt his hands start to rub my boarder shorts that I had on. I started to get all tented up and then he started moving down my body. His hands did not waste any time. They went under the waistband of my shorts and boxers; he was slowly jerking me off. I just feel back onto the sand and let the moment pass over me.

I felt my shorts open up just enough so that he could get my dick through the fly of my boxers. Then his warm mouth was covering my cock. I started moaning and he was in the moment. I did not notice that there was a person standing about five feet back from where head was. I finally realized that the person was watching us.

I tapped Damien on the head and he looked up at me. I pointed towards the person and then he realized that my cock was in view of the world to see. He quickly tucked it back into my boxers and closed my shorts up.

It was Sean. He looked pissed off. He came up to us and grabbed me by my shirt. I tried to get him to let go but he had a good grip on me. Damien was just watching at the moment since nobody made a move yet.

"I can not believe you told her about my plan. I should beat you up right now," he said. He began to raise his fist and was about to swing when Damien ran up behind him and grabbed his fist. "Let go, he deserves this. I am got to beat the shit out of you and your boyfriend."

That pissed Damien off and put him into a rage. Damien then just kicked Sean in the back of the knee. Sean and I both went flying down into the sand. Damien grabbed me and we went running. Sean closely following behind us, when we looked behind us, we did not see that one of his buddies popped out in front of us. We ran straight into him. Knocking us down into the sand, Sean caught up to us and started to kick the crap out of me.

Damien was being pinned down by his friend and was forced to watch his boyfriend get beat up. I grabbed Sean's leg as it was kicking me and quickly twisted it. I heard it snap and his was down on the ground in seconds. He screamed out in pain and I got up to my feet. I went after the guy that was holding down my boyfriend. I got one good punch to his jaw, which made him let go of Damien but then he swung at me.

He punched me in the eye and I was down on the ground. His friend grabbed Sean and both of them went running off. Damien first thought about going after them but then realized I was not moving. He checked if I was breathing and I was. He shook me a few times and then I finally came around.

"You ok?" I asked him as I slowly got on my knees.

"I am ok. Are you?" he said as he looked at my eye.

"My head hurts, I feel like I am going to puke and the world is spinning besides that I feel fine," I said.

"Well let's get you home and put an ice pack on that eye so it does not swell up. The only good thing that came out of this was that we did not get beat up to bad and I bet Sean has a broken ankle because of you," he said and then helped me up.

We started walking down the beach and I was using him as my crutch. "Yeah and he deserved that." I smiled at Damien and he smiled back.

We finally got back to my house and my mom was at work so we did not have to worry about the twenty questions bit. That would come later on and hopefully it would not happen at all.

Damien set me down on the couch and went to the fridge to get some ice for my eye. Just as Damien came back from the kitchen and then there was a knock on the door. "I'll go get it," Damien said to me and hand me the ice pack.

I put the bag of ice on my eye and then I saw Damien return with someone. It was Jackie. She looked at me and then slowly walked over.

"I am sure that I am the last person you want to see. I came over after I heard what happened. One of my friends saw the whole thing, she filled me in on what he said to you and then how you guys got into a fight," she said and then just looked down at the floor. I heard her start to cry. "Then he came over to my house. I asked him what happened because I was still not sure what to believe at that moment. Then he just got pissed off and slapped me. My dad stepped in at that moment and kicked him out of my house."

That was when I looked up at her; she still had the red mark on her face. I dropped the ice bag and got up off the couch. "I am so sorry you had to go through that," I said to her.

I opened my arms and she walked over to me. She started to cry on my shoulder. I looked over at Damien and he was getting a little teary eyed as well. I just smiled at him and he walked over to us. I whispered into her ear, "Everything will be alright and if he ever shows up to hit any one of us I will kick his ass."

She stopped cry and just looked at me. She smile and spoke, "I am so sorry. Can you forgive me?"

"Oh, course. That is what friends are for; they make mistakes and then forgive others for it," I said to her and then we both sat down on the couch. I handed her the ice bag and she put it on her face. Damien sat down next to me and just grabbed my hand.

We all sat there thinking about what happened. Then Damien spoke up, "Now that this is all over, I still need to finish something I started on the beach. Jackie we will see you tomorrow but tonight he is mine."

She knew what was up and then just walked out the door. Damien led me to my bedroom in the back and then locked the door behind him. "So I think I was just giving you an awesome blowjob. I will pick up from there," he said and then quickly pulled down my shorts.

My boxers were all tented up. He reach down and pulled my cock out of the fly and drop to his knees. He took my cock into his mouth and engulfed it again. I just tilt my head back and moaned. My hand flowing through his hair and then I grabbed the back of his head. I start forcing him to take more of my cock. He did not resist and he just took the whole thing in. Since I was already hitting my climax, I figured he would slow it down. Nope he just kept the same speed. I felt my cock tense up in his mouth and I shot a couple of loads down his throat.

Just as I shot my last load, he let my cock slip out of his mouth. He looked up at me and smiled. He got up off the floor and was standing eye to eye. We kissed and my hands found his jeans waistband and I just fiddled with the button. I finally unbutton and unzipped them. They fell to the floor and he stepped out of them.

He then whispered in my ear, "Can this wait till tomorrow, I am tried and I sure you are too."

"Are you sure?" I said and looked into his eyes.

"Yes, all I want to do now is fall asleep in your arms," he said.

So I tucked my now soft cock into my boxers and lead him onto my bed. I covered both of us up and we fell asleep in each others arm.

Well here is the next installment. Sorry about the delay just was working on my other book. Hope you guys are enjoying it. Hit me up with some feedback about the story so far.

Next: Chapter 8

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