Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on Jul 3, 2015


Brimstone reborn pt 2

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Wow, it seems like that door had been closed forever. Let me catch you up to date as we to where we are now. A few weeks after we heard the news of Logan's passing at the house, we put it up for sale. We packed up all our things and moved back in with our parents. We got a good chunk of change for our college fund and to go on our next adventure which is coming up soon but I will get back to that shortly.

A week later was the funeral for Logan. Damien and I both were in attendance. I saw his family which I had not seen in a very long time. I passed on my condolences to the family and I felt heavy hearted knowing that I somewhat had a hand in his death. I could not really shake that feeling. We both walked up to coffin that he was in and it was closed.

"Hey Logan, I am so sorry that it had to come down to you ending your life. Why couldn't you have just let things go and moved on. I wish I could have done more and helped you through this but after what you did to Damien. You could have been a friend and I would have found someone for you. Why did you have to end your life like that? I knew you were waiting for us to come back and then kill us all since you could not have had me. I guess this is truly farewell and I hope you will be happy where ever you end up after this life," I said to the closed casket. After the last word that left my mouth, I started crying.

I walked a few steps forward and let Damien say his piece. "I forgive you for everything that you have done to me and Zach. Hope you rest in peace," he said and then walked to my side.

Damien guided me to our seats as the sermon began. The Funeral director got things going then his family took it over from there. About an hour later the family asked if anyone wanted to share a story about Logan and his life. The room went quiet and I felt like all eyes were looking at me. It also felt like everyone wanted me to get the ball rolling on the stories.

I shook off the feeling and gathered up some courage to talk. The funeral director handed me a microphone so everyone could hear what I was about to say. I cleared my throat and started to speak. "I know he was a good person at heart. Logan was always trying his best to succeed in life and even through his was only in my life for a brief time, he showed me something very important. He showed me that in life one should always be better than yesterday's self. He always tried to be better each and every day that I was with him. May you rest in peace," I spoke and handed the mic to the director. I took a seat back down and started thinking.

Damien's hand touched my thigh and that snapped me out of my dazed state. I looked over at him and he had a hidden smile just for me. It made me feel like what we were doing was ok and we are going to make it through. A couple more tears rolled down my cheek then I heard the background noise come back into focus. We both sat there and listened to all the other stories tell us about the kind of person he was from his family and other ex lovers.

Another thirty minutes passed and we were all invited to the reception party being held. Everyone filed out of the funeral hall and across the way to where lunch was being held. We took a seat at one of the tables and waited for people to start getting food. We started eating and that is when some other shit started to go down.

A few of his ex's came over to our table. "So you're the famous Zach brimstone," one of them said out of nowhere.

"Yes, that is me," I said meekly back because I really did not feel like socializing at the moment.

"He would not stop talking about you while he dated me," another one chimed in with some hatred in his voice.

"I guess, I was nothing really special as far as I know," I told them with some force in my voice hoping they would get the hint.

"Can you guys please back up? Can you see that he needs some space," Damien stepped in to get some of the tension off of me.

"No, I have some words to say to him," the last one said to Damien.

"What words would those be," Damien said as he stepped between the three and myself.

"We wanted to know why he thought so highly of your boyfriend there," the first guy said to Damien and stepped up a little up. "Yeah," the other two said to back him up.

"Stop it, Damien," I finally spoke. I got out of my seat and just looked at the three other kids. "Let's go."

"Yeah, that's right. Walk away like you did for Logan all those years ago," he said as I walked away.

That made me snap and I turned around with my fist a flying. My left hook made contact with his jaw. He went flying down to the ground. I did not follow up with any other punches but the other two started swinging at me. I dodged the first punch from the guy on my left but I was not quick enough to dodge the guy on the right. He landed a punch to my gut and I keeled over. As I grabbed my stomach from the pain, Damien came across from behind and landed a hit on the guy on the right.

I feel to my knees to stabilize myself. I tried catching my breath when I saw Damien land right in front of me. He must have gotten punched as well. My mind flashed back to the instant of seeing Damien on the floor in front of me bleeding out in my past life. I rushed over to him to make sure he was ok.

He just had a smile on his face and that put my mind at ease for the moment. All of us were now on the floor recovering from the punches that had been just exchanged. I was with Damien and the other three huddled around each other. My focus started to widen to the now crowed that was standing around us. I realized that all eyes were on us to see what would happen next. I got up of the ground and helped Damien up to his feet. Then I walked over to them and extended my hand. The guy I punched took my hand and I helped him up.

"Sorry about that," I said to him while looking down at the ground.

"No, it was my fault too," he said back to me. "I was just so jealous of what you guys had. I see now what he saw in you and that you and your man over there have what we all want. True love," He told me.

"If you really want what we have, just fight for it. Be there for each other no matter how small it may seem. As long as you believe in each other nothing will really tear you apart. We have been through our tough times and just grew stronger after each one," I told him. "By the way, you are being watched."

He turned around and the guy that punched me in the gut was staring at him. "Go for it," I said and gently nudged him over there.

Damien walked over to me and still had that grin on his face. "Sometimes I do not get you; first you punch him for what he said then you play matchmaker. I love you and hope for this to never end," he told me and kissed me on the cheek.

"Are you ready to go," I asked him.

He just shook his head and we grabbed each other's hand. We walked out of the funeral home and headed back to his house. His dad was not home and we went to his bedroom. I was still debating if I should even tell him about what happen a couple of weeks ago with Ethan and our deaths. He may just think I was dreaming all of it but I have proof that is was not a dream with the email from Hank. Also I do not know if I can handle the flashbacks to that time.

"I have to tell you something," I said and took a seat on his bed. Damien noticed the change in my demeanor and took a seat next to me.

"What's on your mind, love?" he asked and rested one of his hands on mine.

"You're not going to believe this but we died. You know in the car when I changed my mind and we went over to Jackie's house. I knew Logan was waiting for us at the house," I told him and looked into his eyes to make sure that it was registering with him.

"You're telling me you knew the future before it happened. Are you sure you did not hit your head in the fight at the funeral," he said with laugh.

"No, it's true. I saw you die by his hands and I killed him in a different world that I choose to change after I came back to life. I have proof. While I was walking the path of life with this kid named Ethan, I helped out a kid named Hank. I helped him out with a bully at school but I never got a chance to thank him but he does not live around here. He is from Washington D.C. Read this email," I told him and pulled it up on my phone.

He read it and just had a shocked looked on his face. "Is this why you have been off the last couple of days?" he asked with some worry in his voice.

I just nodded my head. "It is hard to believe but I want to hear all the details about this adventure that you went on," he said to me.

I told him the entire story and by the end of it he was in complete shock and awe. "I know it sounds too hard to believe, I did not even believe it myself but I tell you it is all true. Also when you landed in front of me today, I flashed back when you landed in front of me early today. It scared me that I might have lost you again," I told him.

"I am not going anywhere, with you by my side we will go far," he told me and kissed me on the lips. I pushed him back on the bed and we started making out. I was overwhelmed with emotion to be alive and to be with Damien, I just had to take advantage of this moment.

My hands started running over his button up shirt that he had on from the funeral, then I just ripped it off his body. Buttons went flying everywhere. Damien had a shocked look on his face then spoke, "Someone is ready for some loving. Yeah give it to me stud."

That was all I needed to continue my passion for him. I did not waste any more time, I quickly made work of his pants and t-shirt that he had on. Leaving him in only his urban outfitter boxer briefs which were tented up and ready to rip off his body, I got off him and stripped my clothes off within seconds. I climbed back on him and inched my way towards his awaiting mouth.

I slowly dragged my balls across his chest and he moaned from the contact. My cock was sticking straight out and he tilted his head to see what was going on. I knew he was getting the max amount of pleasure since I could feel his hips bucking to get his aching cock to be released from its confinements. I stopped just inches from his face; the tip of my cock was just begging to be sucked on. Some pre-cum was oozing from the tip, Damien tilted his head a little more and stuck his tongue out to lick up the pre-cum.

After a few attempts, his tongue finally reached the tip of my cock and he tasted my cum that was slowly leaking out. It sent a shiver over my spine and made me arch my back. I froze in the position which forced my cock into his mouth. Damien started sucking like it was his favorite candy. My hands reached back and messaged his cock through his urban outfitter boxer briefs. My hands found the fly and snaked their way into the confinement. I pulled out his cock and started stroking it in time with his mouth bobbing up and down on my cock.

His tongue started swirling around my cock; a couple of moans escaped my mouth. I pulled out of his mouth and he looked like a puppy dog wanting more from his owner. I wiggled my way down his body and place my ass right on his cock. I grabbed it and started teasing him by rubbing it up and down my ass crack. That sent him moaning out my name with a deep whimper that just begged for him to stick in me.

I obliged to his whimper and just sat straight down on his cock. It hurt for a quick second and a wave of pleasure went through out my body. A big smile came across my face because I knew where I belonged. I was happy and content being right here with Damien deep inside me. Damien started rocking his hips in and out of me. I felt the fabric of his boxer briefs rubbing my butt as he would thrust deep inside me. That made me even harder than I was and I started stroking my big cock.

I could not last anymore and I shot my load all over his body. The first shot landed across his face. The next shot hit him just below his chin and the next seven created a trail leading to my cock. There was cum all over his body. He was still pumping away and I felt every inch of him every time he would trust deep inside me.

I leaned in and kissed him passionately on his lips. I moved to his earlobe and gently used my teeth to tug on them. He moaned as he kept rocking his hips. Then I moved my kissing to his neck and I knew I hit one of his pleasure spots. He moaned and gave me one deep thrust inside of me. I felt his cock expand inside me and then erupt. It hit my sweet spot and I got instantly hard again. My cock stood straight up then another shot hit it again. My eyes rolled to the back of my head and I was seeing stars. Another shot exploded out of his cock and hit my sweet spot for the third time and I could not take the pleasure any more.

My cock exploded again all over my lover's body. Just as my cock exploded again his cock popped out of my ass and shot two more times covering my back side. I fell onto his body from all the pleasure and we melted into one at that moment. Our cum covered bodies meshing together as one, it felt perfect to be in his arms after that hot love making session. We both fell fast asleep after that.

Sorry for the shortness of this chapter, hope you guys enjoy. Let me know what you think either email at or on the blog site

Next: Chapter 61: Brimstone Reborn 3

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