Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on Jun 9, 2015


Brimstone reborn Pt. 1

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It has been a weird couple of weeks since I died. Yes, I died. You can read all about that adventure in the past four chapters before this one to get caught up to where I will begin here. So let's begin to catch up to where I am now in this new life that I was given after my trials in the afterlife.

"Make it stop. Please make it STOP!!!!," I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"Make what stop, my love," Damien said to me.

Just like that I was back in my car, stopped at the crossroads of my life once again. I turn right and head to our house or I can go straight and by pass the house where this all started with Logan and the horrific scene that was about to unfold.

Now before I tell you which path I choose, here is the thing. I felt a sense of déjà vu and all the memories of what happened came flooding back into me. I remember my death and Damien's near death from the hands of Logan. Also I remembered the ones I helped while I was dead. Then I remembered his face but I could not put a name to his face. All I know he was the one that lead me back to Damien. The memories stopped and I was still just sitting in the car at the four way stop. Luckily, no one was behind us. "Is everything ok, love?" Damien spoke up and his voice broke the trance that I was now in.

I looked over at him and I was just so happy to be back with him. "I love you so much. Do not leave me ever again." He just gave me a confused look. "Where did I go?" he asked all confused.

"Do not worry about it, I am glad everything is back to the way things were. Let's just skip going to our house and head over to Jackie's. Can you text her that we are heading over there?" I asked him.

"Ok, but again is everything ok with you?" he asked me.

"I could not be any happier than I am right now," I told him.

"Ok, babe," Damien said and pulled his phone out of his pocket.

We drove a few minutes down the road when I had to use the restroom or that is what I told Damien. We pulled into on a gas station; I walked into the restroom of the place. I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed the detective's number.

"Hello," he asked when he picked up the phone.

"Hi, this is Zach Brimstone," I replied.

"Yes, Mr. Brimstone, how can I help you?" he asked me.

"Can I give you a tip?, I think I know where Logan is" I told him.

"Sure but we may not be able to check it out right away," the detective told me.

"Ok, well I think he is waiting for us at my house on the hill. He might be armed so be careful if you do," I told him.

"Well that is one place we have not checked. Usually, the person would not go back to the scene of the crime but if you think he is there. I will send someone to check," he told me.

"Ok, thanks for your help with all this," I replied.

"We will call you back if it turns out to be true," the detective told me and hung up the phone.

I hung up the phone and left the bathroom. I made it back to the car and Damien told me, "Jackie is ok with it but she is wondering why her place."

"Just do not want to be at the house right now," I told Damien. "Just have a bad feeling."

"Ok, babe," he told me.

We finally got to Jackie's house and I knocked on the door. She opened the door and I almost tackled her to the floor when I gave her a hug that lasted forever. A couple of tears rolled down my face. She looked over my shoulder and worded to Damien, "Is he ok?" Damien just shrugged his shoulders. I finally let her go and saw Elliot just turning the corner. I quickly went up to Elliot and gave him the same type of hug which caught him off guard.

"Glad to see you too but can you loosens your grip," Elliot told me.

"Oh sorry, I am just so happy to see you guys," I told them as I wiped a tear from my cheek.

"Damien, did you fuck him senseless or something?" Elliot asked Damien.

"Not that I know of, he just has been acting weirdly since we changed plans to come here," Damien replied.

"Why did you change the meeting place?" Jackie asked me as we all went into the living room.

"Just got a bad feeling that something would have happened if we went to my place," I told them all. "I am not ready to go back there yet if that is ok."

"Ok ok I get it. So what is the plan for us?" she asked.

"Well I was thinking of doing a bonfire tonight. We can invite the whole gang," I told them.

"Any special reason why?" Damien asked. "We really do not have anything to celebrate."

"I am sure that will change. I have a good feeling that Logan will be captured real soon," I said to the group and that is when my phone rang.

"Hello," I answered it.

"Ok, hold on. I am going to put you on speaker phone," I said and pushed the button for speaker phone.

"Ok, I was just telling Mr. Brimstone, that we found Logan. Your hunch was right Zach. He was waiting inside your house with a gun. If you guys went back there he would have ended up killing you guys. That is the good news," the detective told us.

"Ok, so what is the bad news?" Damien asked holding his breath.

"The bad news is that Logan saw the cop enter the house. He tried to take down the cop with his gun. When he realized that he could not win, he turned the gun on himself. The cop tried to stop him but he did not make it. Logan shot himself in the head. There is a letter that we found that is addressed to you, Zach. Please come pick it up plus we can talk more about this case," he told us.

"Ok, detective, we will come by and talk to you," I told him and then hung up the phone.

There was a moment of silence. I know I was supposed to be happy that I came back from the dead but I did not want him to die either. Damien walked behind me and just rubbed my shoulder. Even though Logan did horrible things to him, he still knew that I cared about him.

Jackie looked over at me and knew how I felt. "We can still throw a bonfire but let's honor the past and the bright future that we have coming."

"Yeah, we can do that," I said in a low voice. "We should call the rest of the group. I am going to step outside for a moment."

"We are here for you," Damien told me.

"I know and thank you for always being there for me," I told him back. I planted a deep emotional kiss on his lips. It almost knocked him off his feet if I did not swing my arm around the small of his back and held him in place. I broke the kiss and did not let him go. I locked my eyes on his to see what he was thinking about. Our foreheads connected and just staring into each other's eyes then I saw what I needed to see.

I saw the road that I would not want to do with anyone else beside me. I saw the future that I knew I was going to make with him. I kissed him one more time and then I let him go. I walked to the front door and opened it. Just as I closed the door and heard them all on their cell phones calling everyone up.

The door closed behind me and I just went to the sidewalk. I took a seat and started wondering why. I changed my future and saved the one I loved and myself. Why did Logan still die? Was I better off not coming back and leaving things the way they are.

Just then my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled my phone out to see who texted me. It was not a text but an email. I opened my email from my phone. The email was from Hank.

I do not know if this will reach since you were not alive at the time. I hope you saved the person that you loved. I am grateful for the talk and advice that you gave me. Even though nothing happened the day after we met, something did happen a couple days after that. I was picked on but then I remember what you taught me, I blocked his attack and then flipped the guy that was bigger than me. He landed on his back and it was in front of a good size crowd.

After that happened, all the people just stopped harassing me. Some even become my friends. Yet that is not even the greatest news. I have a boyfriend now, well someone I have been dating. It turned out that someone video tapped it. They posted it onto YouTube, It became a viral video. I got a couple of emails from some people asking me out on a date. I took them up on their offer and the first one was a bust but the second one seemed genuine. We hit it off and now going on our fourth date tonight. On our third night he asked me to his prom since we go to different schools. I accepted it.

Well that catches you up on everything that happened. I wanted to say thank you for everything that you did. You are the best and if this reaches after you come back or whatever, I would like to meet the real you and your partner too. Email me back if this ever reaches you.

Thank you,


That is when it hit me. That everything happened for a reason. That is when I remembered his name, the man that took me through the afterlife. His name was Ethan and he needed me to help Hank out. Just that email helped me see things in a different light and understand this crazy world a little bit better.

I still felt sorry that Logan killed himself; it was something I did not want him to do. I know what he did was wrong and he was a little bit obsessive but he did not deserve to die. Maybe I could have done more to help him, get him some counseling or something. I really was at a loss for words. I took a seat on the edge of the sidewalk and just rested my head in my hands.

I must have been sitting out there for a good thirty minutes before I felt my partners hand on my shoulder. I took my head out of my hands and turned my head to look up at him.

"Are you ok?" he asked me.

"Not really, I do not know what to do. This might sound odd but I think I should go to his funeral whenever it is. You can come but I would defiantly understand if you did not want to come after all the stuff he put us through," I told him and just kept looking into his eyes searching for his answer.

"He did mean something to you didn't he?" he asked me.

"Yeah but that is what is tearing me apart inside. You know I love you and feel more for you than anything else yet he meant something a long time ago in a life that I tend try and forget. I guess this will help me close that chapter in my life for good," I told him.

"You should go, I am still thinking on if I can go myself after what he has done," Damien said to me.

"I understand," I said and looked back down at the ground. He then took a seat next to me and just placed his hand on my neck and started to massage me a little. He always knew that got me to clear my head. I tilted my head towards him and leaned over for a kiss. He met me halfway and we kissed like the world was going to end. I did not care what just happened with Logan and me coming back to life after everything. All I knew was this moment right now, the moment that we are living.

We broke the kiss after a moment or two. I rested my forehead on his for the second time today. "Did we get a hold of everyone for the bonfire tonight?" I asked.

"Yep, we are ready to get the supplies if you're feeling up to it still?" he asked back.

"Yeah, I am. We can go now. I am ready as long as I have you by my side," I told him and started to get up. He got up with me and we headed back into Jackie's house.

A couple of hours later, all of us were on the beach getting the fire going before the sun was setting. Everyone was setting things up and I was just sitting on the shoreline. Staring out into the vast ocean, just letting the sound take me away, then Sean and Ethan walked up to me.

"Hey, is everything ok?" Sean asked me.

"Yeah, sometimes I just like to sit and listen to waves. Do you guys need me to set anything up?" I asked.

"Nah, we pretty much got everything done. Damien sent us over to make sure you were ok?" Ethan chimed in.

"Yeah," I said.

"Ok, do you mind some company then?" Sean asked before taking a seat down next to me. I just nodded my head then remembered that he helped me in my second trail. I leaned over and whispered in Sean's ear, "Thanks for the boxers. They came in handy."

He just gave me a weird look and just shrugged it off. I knew he did not know what I meant but still I needed to say that to him. A few minutes later, Damien came and planted himself right next to me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. He kissed me on top of the head then kissed me on the lips.

"I'll go," he told me after we broke the kiss.

I just smiled at him and he knew that made me happy. I kissed him back and started to feel warmth on my back. My head turned around and the fire was starting flicker about. I got up and waited for Damien. He got up and we walked hand and hand as the flames were growing and the sun was setting.

I looked up for brief moment and the park that was starting to light up since the darkness of the night was taking over. I noticed two figures standing there looking at me. I could barely make them out but one of them was lit up by the now coming to life street lamps. I realized he was the man from my crossroads, Ethan. I did not know the other figure. I blinked and both of them were gone from my sight.

I smiled because I did notice one thing about them before they vanished. Ethan was holding the other's hand. I squeezed Damien's hand tighter and he looked over at me. "Thank you," was all I said to him.

"Thank you too," Damien replied back. We kissed in the setting sun one last time and joined the rest of the group. I know everything would be ok from the moment on. We partied with everyone till about two in morning when the fire died down and we all started to get sleepy.

We said our goodbyes to everyone and headed towards my parents house. We got there and we both walked into the house. We went into my bedroom and I closed the door.

I am thinking of doing a time jump with this story and maybe fast forwarding it to senior prom and graduation. Let me know what you think, hit me up at or the website

Next: Chapter 60: Brimstone Reborn 2

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