Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on Dec 24, 2008


So Christmas was around corner and I was really trying hard to give my boyfriend the perfect gift. This would be the first time I had a boyfriend during the holiday season and I went it to be very special. I was talking to my mom about this.

"Hey, mom I was wondering what I should give Damien for Christmas?" I asked her.

"Well I think you should give him something from the heart. Something that shows him you care and are thinking about him," she told me.

"I guess that is right but I do not know what that is exactly," I said while looking down at my shoes.

"I am sure you will get him something great and if not I am sure he will love what ever you get him," she said and then kissed me on the forehead.

That is when I decide that I need to go snooping around his room for some clues on what he would want. I walked down the street towards his house. As I got to his house, I was hoping he was not home so I could just snoop without him noticing.

I knocked on the door and his dad answered. "Hey Zach, what up?"

"Is Damien in?" I asked.

"No, he went shopping for some Christmas gifts. Did you want to wait for him? He should not be too much longer," he dad said to me.

"That would be great," I said. He let me in and I went straight towards his room. This was my chance to read or look around for anything that might help me. I got up into his room and I shut the door behind me.

I remember that he told me once about his little log that he kept. I went searching for that first since I know I would find something about him in there. I start to think where I would hide something that I would not want any one to find it. I looked at the bottom of his underwear drawer and only found that jockstrap. I close that drawer and then went to his bed.

I leaned over and reach behind the bed. I found a book and pulled it out. Bingo. I lay back on his bed and opened it up. I read a couple of pages and then I found the one that I was looking for. It was one of his fantasies that he would love happen to him. So that is when I got the ideal to act it out for him.

I returned the book back to its hiding place. I went back to his underwear drawer grabbed something and stuff it down the front of my pants. I walked out and told his dad I was off and to tell Damien that I will call him later.

His dad just smiled at me and then I walked out the front door. I got back to my place with a big smile on it. I knew that my gift would be perfect or at least it would be something that he wanted. I got home a couple of minutes later and I run up to my room.

Digging through my clothes to find the outfit that I was looking for, it was a while since I wore it but I tried it on. It still fitting but was a little tight but I am sure I would not be wearing it for to long.

I took it off and saved it for the Christmas day.

Later the night I got a call for Damien. "Hello," I answered the phone.

"Hey babe, I heard you dropped by this afternoon. Sorry I was not home but need to go shopping for your gift," he said. "So why did you come over?"

"Well I just wanted to see you. So I waited for a little bit then I remember that I need to go do something with my mom. We were sending my dad a gift since he is still a way on business," I said to him.

"Aw. that is so sweet. I wish I was there to hug and kiss you. So what r the plans for Christmas?" he asked.

"Well I got a surprise for you so I will text you with what you need to do on that day," I said to him.

"Really. can I get a hint or something? You're going to drive me crazy with what it is. Please, please, please," he said to me. I knew he was trying to do the puppy dog face but since I was not there to see it, it was not going to work on.

"Sorry baby but it would not be a surprise if I told you. So how was your day?" I said trying to change the topic.

"My day was good. Got your gift and my dad's gift, so just waiting for Christmas to get here, how was your day?" he asked.

"It went well, got everything done that I need to get done. I am also waiting for that Christmas to come," I said to him.

I looked over at the time and it was about ten. "So babe what time do you want your gift on Christmas?" I asked.

"I want to as early as possible, so I will call you when I wake up that morning. So I am a little tried right now so sweet dreams babe," he told me.

"Sweet dreams too you to," I said then hung up the phone. Christmas was only two days away. I fell asleep around midnight that night and woke up to my mom screaming.

I jumped out of bed and run downstairs. I turned the corner and found that my dad had come home to surprise us for Christmas. I was standing there with my morning wood and straining against my boxers. I just jumped on to him and gave him a big hug.

"Hey son, I thought I would surprise you guys by coming home," he paused. "Zach you might want to go take care of that or put some clothes on."

I looked down and realized that I just pressed my morning wood on my dad. I ran back up stairs and through some clothes on. I came back down stairs and my mom had finished make breakfast.

I was so happy and I want my dad to meet Damien. I quickly eat breakfast and then I went to make a phone call.

It rang, rang, "Hello," the voice answered.

"Hey sunshine," I said.

"It is too early. Let me go back to sleep." Damien said.

"My dad came home for Christmas. I want you to meet him. Come over please," I said.

"Can I meet him later? It is only eight-thirty. It is not like he is leaving in the next couple of hours," Damien said but then he just fully woke up. I think he realized how important this was to me just like how important it was for me to go with him to see his mom. "Ok, I will be over within the hour sexy. Hope I get something special or help with this morning wood after I meet your dad."

"I love you," I said then hung up the phone. I ran back downstairs and both my parents were sitting in the living room. I walked in and told both of them that Damien was coming over. I sat down and waited for my boyfriend to come over.

About half an hour had past and my dad was catching us up on the business trip he just got back from when there was a knock on the door. I ran to the door and open it. Damien in a pair of running shorts and a nice black t-shirt, I let him and slapped him on the ass. I now totally just want to jump his bones but I had to wait.

He looked back at me and gave me a wink. That is when I knew he wore that so it would turn me on. He was making sure he got some before he went home today.

"Dad, I would like you meet my boyfriend, Damien," I said.

"It is nice to meet you sir. Heard you were out of town on business. How was your trip?" Damien asked my dad.

"It was good but glad to be home with my family. So Zach has told me so much about you and it seems that you guys had some good times here as well," he said back to Damien.

"Yeah we have. I have fallen for your son and hope that is ok with you," Damien replied.

"As long as you treat him right and do not break his heart, we will just be fine," my dad said back to him.

"Yes sir, I will treat your son right," Damien said then looked at me and gave me a wink.

"Well you guys go run along me and mom need to talk about some grown up stuff. How about you guys go check out that new movie?" my dad said then he reached into his pocket and pulled out some money. He handed it to me and we both went out the door.

We both walked down to the theater and we stood in line to get the tickets. So I thought I tease him a little. I went behind him and put my hands in his pockets of his running shorts. I then felt around and I found his semi hard member. I used my left hand to start to stroke him. He just noticed what I was doing and just melted with the pleasure that went flowing through his body.

I looked up and realized that we were in the front of the line and we both walked up to the booth. My hands still working there magic as we order our tickets.

"Welcome, how can I help you?" the ticket guy asked.

"Can we get two tickets, um." he said. The under his breath he moaned a little.

"Excuse me sir, I did not get the name of the movie can you repeat that." The ticket guy asked.

As Damien was just about to speak again he moaned again. "Sorry about that, we want two tickets to Day the Earth Stood Still," then he moaned at the end of that.

See I was slowly stroking him but when I reach the tip of his cock I would rub my finger every so soft over that part. I knew that drove him wild. He paid the man and we both went walking fast towards the entrance. The person ripped our tickets and we rushed to the bathroom.

I knew he was about to explode because I felt his dick start to tense up in my hands. We got to the bathroom and we went into the handicap stall. We locked the door and he just quickly pulled down his shorts and underwear. His dick was leaking pre-cum like mad. I just dropped to my knees and I had to finish what I started. I just put my mouth of it and licked all the pre-cum off.

I went really fast on his hot cock and in about minute I felt him cum in my mouth. I took every drop into my mouth and then I got up off my knees and gave him a kiss. He accepted the kiss and we made out in the bathroom for a couple more minutes. He pulled up his underwear and running shorts and we both walked out to get to the theater.

"Does that make up for this morning?" I asked.

He just looked over at me and smiled. I knew he was happy. I was happy as well. We both walked in to the theater holding each others hand. During the movie I just I lifted the arms rest up and I cuddle up with him. He wrapped his arm of my shoulder and we finished the movie like that. It ended and we both looked at the time. It was about three in afternoon now and we both decide to see each other tomorrow bright and early so we can give each others Christmas gifts.

We walked back to my place and kissed each other goodbye. I just stood there on the sidewalk as I watched him walk towards his place. When he was gone, I walked up to me front door.

When I opened the door I just had this feeling that something bad was about to happen. I was right. I opened the door and my mom was just sitting in the living room were I left her. "Hey mom, what's up?" I said all cheery and warm.

She lifted her head up and that is when I noticed she was crying. I walked over to my mom and gave her a hug. I knew those tears. I have only seen them once before. It had to be something with my dad.

She had me sit down and then she wiped away her tears. "Zach we need to talk. Your father has finally got a good position in the company now and they want him there full time. The good part about that is he will be home a lot more. The bad part is that we would have move to where he is if we want to move. He has not made up his mind and now he really does not because he found out that you have a boyfriend and all. He really hates that he might spilt you two up," she told me.

"So when will we know?" was all I could think of.

"We will know by the end of the week what is going on. He left and went back to see if he might be able to get a location around here. I am so sorry sweetie," she said.

I could not really explain how I was feeling. On one hand my dad would be home more often and we can do all the dad things but on the other hand I lose the one that I love. I was happy for my dad yet scared of what might happen to Damien and I. I figured since tomorrow was Christmas that I would focus on give Damien his gift and then deal with this after that.

So dinner came and went and I lay out my outfit for tomorrow gift. I texted him sweet dream and see you tomorrow. I did not want the news to affect the gift so I just pretend like I did not hear it. I really did not get to much sleep that night. I was thinking too much about telling Damien that I might be moving away.

I finally fell asleep around three. I dreamt that I told him and he just walked away from me. I woke up the phone ringing. "Hello," I said groggily.

"Now I get to wake you up sleepy head," Damien said on the other end of the phone.

"Oh ok. Let me get ready and I will text you where to meet me," I said.

"I am so excited. I can not wait. I could barely sleep last night," he told me.

"I love you babe, so just wait for my text," I said.

"Love you too sexy," he said then hung up the phone.

I got dressed up in my outfit and I also had the thing that I took from Damien's room on me. I got the place where I was going to meet him. I got my cell phone out and texted him to meet me under the bleachers on the high school football field.

The day was a little cold being winter but nothing I could not handle. I got a texted back and it just said ok. I waited around for him and then I saw a shadow appear at the far end of the bleachers. I started walking towards the figure and when I got closer I notice it was Damien.

I walked up behind him and he had some rip off pants this time and gray t-shirt on this time. Still looking hot as ever, I just grabbed his hand, he was about to scream when I turned him around and kiss him.

He pulled away from the kiss, and just stood there in shock. "Merry Christmas," I said.

"How did you know about my Baseball fantasy?" he asked me.

"Well a couple of days ago, I went snooping in your room and found your little journal. I read it and thought this would be the perfect gift," I told him.

"Well you do look so sexy in that to tight uniform and I guess that my gift for you will have to wait since I see that someone wants to come out and play," he said while reaching down to my crotch. He started fondling my balls in his hand. Then I grabbed him and went down behind the blenchers.

So I wanted to act the part so I pretended that I was one of those straight jocks on the baseball team. "So you want my cock? Do not act like I do not know. I have seen you staring at me in the locker rooms," I said to him.

It took him a second to realize what I was doing. Then he figure that I was just playing the role that his fantasy wanted me to be. "Yeah, I want that cock," he said timidly.

"Well get on your knees and service my huge baseball cock," I said to him while just standing there which my feet spread apart. Damien got on his knees and then crawled over to where I was standing. He reached up and undid my belt and then unbuttoned my pants. He pulled down the zipper and then was shocked to see I was wearing the jockstrap that was in his underwear drawer.

He pulled down the pants of the outfit and then reached around the jockstrap and pulled my dick out from the side of it. I was already rock solid and he start sucking on it. I knew he was enjoying it and I was happy to help him get his fantasy to come real.

After a couple of minutes of him on my cock, I pulled him up and said, "Now turn around so I can fuck you tight little ass hole."

He did not say anything he just turned around and grabbed hold to one of the metals bars that made up of the blenchers. I notice he had tear-away pants and I grabbed a hold on each side and just ripped them off his body. He had the same underwear on from yesterday. Then I went up behind him and just teased him. I went really close to his ear and had him feel my warm breath on his neck. Then I moved my hands to the waistband of his boxerbriefs. I slowly just moved the waistband of his underwear under his nice ass. I did not take them off and I did not take off his jockstrap.

Then next thing I was doing was just taking my dick and rubbing it up and down his ass crack. He was starting to moan and I knew it was time to fuck him like there was no tomorrow. I just rammed my cock up his ass without any lube or warning. He screamed from pain and pleasure.

I keep that pace up for about three to four minutes and then I slowed down the pace. Then I knew I was about to cum and I just keep pumping my cock into his ass. I unload about five shots into him. When I finished, I pulled out and just left him standing there with his ass hanging out of his underwear and he was panting like it was his first time getting fucked. I tucked my dick back into his jock and pulled up my pants. I waited for him on the other side of the blenchers.

I few moments later Damien came out of the blenchers and he was finishing buttoning up his pants. "That was totally the best Christmas gift I have gotten. I love you so much. Come on let's go get your gift. It is back at my house," he said then grabbed my hand.

We got back to his house and we saw his dad just sitting on the pouch. "Hey dad," Damien said as we walked up to the front door.

"Hey son and Zach, how are things going?" he asked.

"Merry Christmas and things are going great," I said to him and then we both walked through the front door.

We went over to his Christmas tree and he reach under the tree to get my gift. He came back out and hand it to me. I ripped off the wrapping paper and it was a picture frame and it had a picture that was taken of both of us at Disneyland. I was so touched by the picture I did not know what to say.

I just started to cry. I fell to my knees and I put the picture frame down. I covered my face.

"Babe, what's wrong?" he asked and then he went down to the ground and hugged me. He did not let go of me. I knew I had to tell him the news. I stopped crying for a few minutes and looked up at him.

"I am ok, I love your gift," I told him with a sniffle. "Babe I got some not so bad news yet. I do not know the answer but it is not sure what will happen. I might be moving."

Next: Chapter 6

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