Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on Aug 7, 2013


Zach Brimstone pt. 49

All the usual T's & C's apply. If you are offended by stories involving boys or same sex relationships, then this is not the story for you.

It has been a couple of weeks since the passing of Noah. I have seemed to be coping with it pretty well as far as I see but that maybe because I have been thinking about the upcoming holiday. It was winter break already and I was thinking of what to do for the holidays. I was sitting on Damien's bed and was looking up at his ceiling.

"Hey babe, I was thinking about this upcoming holiday," I paused to prop myself up on my elbows. "What would you like to do?"

"Hmm..." he responded.

"We have been through a lot these last couple of weeks and I was thinking of going camping for the holiday. Just me and you," I told him.

"Camping sounds like fun but do you think it would be too cold for that?" he asked.

"Yeah but image getting a cabin in the woods, just me and you cuddling up in front of a fire, just using the fire and our body heat to keep us warm. Just the two of us, out there all alone in the forest no one else around for miles if we wish. We would have it for a couple of days to go hiking during the day and wild passionate forest sex either under the night sky or in front of the cozy fire," I told him and walk up behind him. I wrap my arms around him to make him feel the comfort and coziness.

"Has anyone told you that you have a very powerful way of persuading people?" Damien told me as he leaned his head back to kiss me.

"Yes," I said and kiss him full on the lips. "Did you want me to help you look up some places?"

"Sure, let's do that now and hope that they are not all booked up solid for the holiday," he said to me. He turned around in his chair and I was looking over his shoulder. We went through a couple of sites and mostly everything was booked up for months in advance. We kept looking for a good two more hours and still were not able to find anything.

"Sorry, babe but I think we will not be able to get out of dodge," Damien said to me. I just had a sad look on my face. I just wanted to take my baby away from L.A. for the holidays.

"It's ok, what can we do to get away. Is there any place that you would like to go visit," I asked.

"To be honest as long as I am with you, I think going anywhere would be a great adventure," he told me.

I smiled at that comment. "Well, I agree with that as well. You get to choose our Christmas destination. I am off to go shopping and you're more than welcome to come shopping with me. We can get gifts for everyone," I told him and started to leave.

"Wait for me," he said while stumbling out of his chair. He quickly put on some shoes and came running after me. We hopped into the car and took off towards the mall. The one thing I hate about the holidays: the malls. They are always so crowded and you have to fight for parking.

Luckily, we found parking real fast. We got out of the car and made our way to the entrance of the mall. "What are we going to get the guys?" Damien asked me.

"To be honest, I was just going to go window shopping. If something catches my eyes, I will go get it," I told him.

"Sounds like a plan," he told me.

We started walking around and then there was a small little fashion show going on. It was these hot models showing of some of the Christmas fashion line. At the end these two hot guys in nothing but these sexy Christmas boxers came walking out. One had a Christmas tree in the front and it was decorated with a string of lights wrapped around it. The other one was a reindeer head on the front and when he turned around the tail end of the reindeer was printed on his butt. They must have been cold because their nipples were hard. That got me thinking of what to do for the holidays. I signaled for Damien to follow me behind the curtains where the models were changing.

"Who are you two?" one of the people running the show.

"My name is Zach and this is my partner Damien. I had a question for the two models that just showed off those sexy boxers," I told the person.

"You will just have to wait to talk to them outside. This is for models and cast only. Please get out," the guy said and started to push us back through the curtain.

Just as we were almost back outside, one of the models came up two us. "They are fine. We got some time to talk before the next set," he told the person pushing out. "Let me go find a place that is a little quieter spot to talk and grab my other underwear model."

We followed the model that had a robe on then we saw the other model. He waived the other model to join him and we went to the back of the closed off area. There was a couch back there and we all took a seat. I wish I was sitting across from these two hot hunks so Damien and I could see what they might be hiding underneath those robes. They would adjust their crotches every once in awhile when we were talking to them.

"I noticed you guys up there. I know your busy and have another show coming up so I will get to the point. I was wondering if you guys did private parties," I asked them then looked over at Damien. Damien had a confused look on his face. I gave him and smile and a wink. He smiled back at me since he figured I would fill him in on my plan later.

"We do some private events, it really just depends on what the deal is," the one sitting right next to me.

"I was thinking about throwing a holiday party. I was wondering if you guys would be willing to be dress in those boxers and help cater this event with a few others. Also at the end of that night, I would love to purchase those boxers right off your body," I told them.

They stood up and walked away for a moment and I saw them talking to each other before they gave us an answer. Damien leaned in and whisper to me, "Are you sure they are going to say yes? Plus what are we going to do since it is only a couple of days away."

"Do not worry we go plenty of time to plan since there is no school. I am sure they will do it since we have not even offer any money. They will come back curious about the pay and where it is going to be. We will offer them a nice amount but nothing to fancy then tell them the place. After we tell them that they will go talk then either come back with a counter offer or take the offer that is on the table," I told him just as they started walking back to the couch.

It went down just like I said it would. We told them the price and the location of where it would be. They left once more and I just looked over at Damien and he had a shocked look on his face because it went down just like I said it would.

They came back with two conditions of their own. The one in the tree boxers spoke up with these demands, "First, we would love to work for you Zach but at the end of the night we want to have you guys take the boxers off us and the second conditions more of a question are there going to be all dudes or mixed crowd at the party?"

"It will be mixed crowd," I replied to them.

"Awesome, see we are really good friends and he is gay and would love to have some fun with you guys but I am complete straight and hope to find some hot girl to have some fun with," the one with the tree boxers had on, his name is Paul. The other one is Rudy.

"Do we have a deal?" I asked as I extend my hand to seal the deal.

Rudy and Paul both grabbed my hand and shook it vigorously. Just then we heard the coordinator yell out, "Five minutes to show time!"

We said our goodbyes and exchanged numbers. We walked out of the backstage area and went on our way to finish our shopping. We got a whole bunch of gifts and supplies for the party. We headed out towards the car and headed home to start the planning of the party.

"Are you going to tell me where this location is or do I have to wait for the party in a few days?" Damien asked me.

"I know the perfect place. We can drive by it if you want to," I said to him.

"I would love to see this place," he said to me and we took off. About ten minutes later we were there. It was old abandon house up in the hills. It was a little bit spooky but the truth was it had a majestic ballroom that just need some tender love and care and it would be perfect for our little event.

I slowly pushed the door open and it started to creak. It almost felt like it was about to fall off its hinges. Damien stepped inside and it was dark with only the light coming from the widows. I used my hands to follow the wall to a light switch or breaker. My hand bumped into a switch and I flipped it. You could hear the generators start humming in the distance then a flicker of light started to glow throughout the ballroom.

Damien was taken back a little bit by how big this place was. It had three hanging chandeliers that lit up the place. The ballroom was split up into two sections: the dance floor and the seating area. The dance floor was polished and wooden. It had not seen the light of day in a couple years because it had a light covering of dust sitting on top of it.

The seating area had chairs and tables set up from the last time this place was used. They have been covered with white sheets. Damien went walking onto the dance floor and start dancing around kicking up all the dust.

"I am glad you approve of the place but we can dance a little later. We got work to do right now. We only got a couple of days before we need this place in tip top shape," I told Damien.

"I know but I can see it now, setting up the sound system that Ryan got us awhile back. Then having the lighting across the floor and whirling about the guest. Also having those models and a few others catering the event with all guest in nothing but there holiday attire, it will be grand," Damien said and walked over to me.

We started uncovering the chairs and tables. I made a few phones calls and within an hour, we had this place busy with life again. The floors were swept and vacuum. The chairs and tables had been uncovered. The table having their place setting and tags put on them for all the guests that are invited. We had a long table ready for the food to be put upon. It was really coming together and quick to boot.

Damien walked over to me as I was just sweeping up the dance floor. He wrapped his arms around me and slowly started swaying to the music inside his head. I just relaxed into his arms.

"How does it look?" I asked him.

"Perfect. Cannot image it any other way, we need to send out the invitation to people," he asked.

"It is already been taken care of. We will deliver them once we are finished here. If you go over to my backpack, they are in there with a special treat for you," I said to him and smiled.

I watched him walk over to my backpack and slowly unzipped it. I raised my hand to have the lighting crew lower the lights and have a spotlight on him. He looked around and just noticed that there was a spotlight on me as well. I snapped my fingers and "Our song" from Matchbox twenty started playing throughout the room. He then opened the backpack and underneath all the invitation was the gift. It was a set of keys on a key ring.

He turned around and the spotlight on me went dark. "Zach, where did you go?" he yelled out into the darkness.

I popped up behind him and it was my turn to wrap my hands around him. I whispered into his ears, "What do you think about my gift?"

"What is the gift, babe?" he asked.

"This is our place now," I told him. His mouth dropped. He did not know what to say. "I take it you like it. I know you have a lot of questions but can we head out and start delivering these invitations. I will explain everything on the ride as we make our rounds."

He just nodded his head as I grabbed his hand. We both went off to the car and that is when I started to tell him how I got this enormous gift. We started up the car and took off to the places these invitations need to go.

"Let me guess, you're wondering how I got this mansion up in the hills for only being 17. Let me tell you how, if you remember back to the beginning of my story about the websites that I ran to help people find things for people. One day I got this email from someone that was looking for long last treasure that was buried up in these hills. One weekend when you were away, I came up here looking for the buried treasure. It turned out that it was on this land, I asked the own if it was ok if I could look for said item on her property. She said no and that was the end of that," I told Damien on the ride around town.

"Ok, so what happened next?" he asked with anticipation in his voice.

"I called up the client and told him what the lady told me. He said to go back up there in a week and everything will be settled. I did what he told me. A week had past and I went back up there. I knocked on the door, there was no answer. I knocked again and there still was no answer. I knocked a three time and then I looked down and there was a note and key. I opened the note and it read: I have bought this house and all the land around it. Please continue your search for the item and as payment for the item found, I leave you this house. The deed to the house and everything is inside will be yours. Signed Scorpio." I told him.

"Who is Scorpio? Did you ever meet him? Did you get the item for this mysterious man?" Damien eyes light up with curiosity as he asked.

"I never did meet him and we never did talk after I finished the job for him. I even wrote back to him that the payment was way too much for what I did. He has never responded so I never told anyone. I made up my mind what to do with this property that was now in my name. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. I could make this our home if you would want to," I said to Damien.

"What about my stuff and my dad?" he asked me.

"That is already taken care of. I asked your dad and he was happy to see someone care as much as he did for you. He said he would help us out as much as he could, just like my parents told me. They also told me that it was time to find a job and start earning our way out in the world," I told him.

"We can start looking after the New Year. I am so lucky to have a partner like you," he said as leaned over and kissed me on lips.

I kissed him back and asked, "Did you want to check out the rest of the house since we just delivered the last invitation?"

He just nodded his head and we headed back home. We drove back to our house up in the hills. I took him to the front door this time and he put the keys in the door. He turned and the door swung open. I turned the lights onto our little five bedroom two story mansion. It had three bedrooms and two baths. It has a ballroom, a game room in the basement, an outdoor pool with a hot tub and big backyard to just hang out in. We walked around the place and the last room I showed him was our bedroom. It was already furnished with our stuff.

His mouth dropped again as I looked over at him. I knew how I want to share our first night together in our house. I grabbed him by the hand and led him to the king size bed. I slowly stripped him down to his low rise gray Hanes briefs that he had on. They were completely tented up and that is when the shock finally wore off. He followed suit and I was down to my Tommy Hilfiger red boxerbriefs. We started climbing on the bed as we were kissing each other on all over. He finally reached my underwear and was teasing me. He would lick the outline of my cock through them and my cock started making a wet spot on them. He knew I was enjoying every moment of this.

He took the time taking them off my body and left them half way down my legs. Just as slowly as he took them off, that is how his started to engulf my cock. Slow and gentle. I felt his tongue swirl around the head of my cock. I moaned out his name and arched my back. He rolled with my body and did not skip a beat. He was going up and down as I grab his legs to start to sixty-nine him. He let my cock fall out of his mouth and moaned as well. He looked down my body and was just admiring the work I was doing on him down there.

He went back to work on my member and I felt all his love and passion for me through his blow job. I took his cock out of my mouth and slapped him on the ass. He looked down at me and he knew I was ready for the next step. I walked over to one of the draws and pulled out some lube and a double-headed dildo. Damien's eyes widen and they were filled with glee. He always wanted to try this.

We started lubing up the dildo and we both sat on the bed. He started it off by slowly putting up my awaiting hole. He inched it in slowly. I took as much as I could then grab hold of the dildo inside me. Damien knew the signal then got ready for is end. I was slowly feeding his ass with the other side. Soon we were ass to ass. We started rubbing our asses together causing the dildo to be pushed in a little bit further. We both moaned from the pleasure that we were giving each other.

We did the side backward kissing each other and we start riding that dildo like there was no tomorrow. About twenty minutes in I felt Damien slip off the dildo and push me down on my back. He slowly entered my body right beside the dildo. He grabbed the dildo and started sliding it in and out of my body. I arched my back a couple of times and he rode them like a champ. It was pumping away like a well oiled machine. When his cock was pulling out, the dildo was going in.

I could not take any more pleasure. I gave him one last moan and came all over our chests. Then I felt him tense up inside me and explode within. It felt great then he just collapsed onto me. We fell asleep just like that as soon as I pulled the dildo out of my ass.

Hey guys,

Hope you enjoyed this small installment. Next will be a little longer and it will include a special treat for all you readers out there. If you want to know what the treat is email me or Zach at or

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Next: Chapter 50

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