Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on Jun 18, 2013


Zach Brimstone pt. 48

All the usual T's & C's apply. If you are offended by stories involving Boys or same sex relationships, then this is not the story for you.

I just sprung out of bed and was gasping for air. It felt like a rush of life was just thrown into me. I leaned back on the hospital bed and all I could see was the ceiling and hands of the people around me. My vision was still blurry and I could barely make out anything. I tried to focus at one point on the ceiling since most of the hands were just blurs of light floating above my head. I just focused in on that one point on the ceiling.

My ears were ringing from the force of the shock that went through my body. I heard muffled sounds but I could not make any of them out. Then all the hands went away from my sight and a face appeared in their place. The sounds were still muffled but I knew he was talking to me.

I re-focused my eyes to his mouth and was reading his lips.

"Mr. Brimstone, can you hear me?" is what I could make out.

I shook my head no. "Pen," was the only word that came out of my mouth since there was an air tube down my throat.

The doctor left my sight and then came back with the pen and paper. He handed them to me and I started writing. I wrote sounds are muffled and vision blurry. Breathing is ok minus the tube in my throat.

The doctor read the paper then wrote something down. He handed it back to me. My name is Dr. Forte. I am the one that did your surgery. We are going to run some test. Give us thumb up if it is good or you feel it or thumbs down if it is bad or no feeling. I put the paper down and gave two thumbs up.

He went through and did a twelve point check of all my points on my body. I felt every pressure point he did on my body. I gave him thumb up on each one. Then I felt pain but I did not remember why I hurt so much. I tried to scream out in pain but nothing but a squeak came out of my mouth. I grabbed the notepad and wrote, "What happened? I am in a lot of pain right now when you pushed down on my abdomen."

The doctor read the pad then responded, "Sorry for that, do you remember anything that happened before you woke up here?"

I felt more hands roaming over my body, some were taking measures and others where just making sure the wound was not reopening. I wrote, "The last thing I remember was talking to my ex. Is he ok? Where is Damien? Did anything happen to him?"

He replied, "Damien is in the hallway since you went into shock. Nothing happened to him and he has been the one who rescued you. As for you, Noah shot you, or that is what we believe. He hit your abdomen area but it likely did not hit any vital organs. You were lucky or you have some powerful guardian angels watching over you."

I wrote back, "I understand, what happened to Noah? Can I speak to Damien please?" I handed back the paper to the doctor and I started to cry. I wanted to see a familiar face. I wanted to see the one I love looking back at me.

"You can see him in a few minutes; let us finish checking you out before he can come back in," the doctor handed the pad back.

"Ok," is all that I wrote back to the doctor. I wiped the tears away and just waited for the team to finish up. I felt the hands start to disappear one by one. The doctor wrote on the pad, "I will be back in a few minutes after I call your parents."

I nodded my head and just keep looking up at the ceiling. Within a few minutes my vision came back to its full capacity and I was able to breathe without the tube down my throat. Then I felt a familiar pair of hands that have caressed me a million times before. I slowly turned my head and there he was. My knight in shining armor so to speak, I smiled at him and then got a good look at him.

His clothes were still soaked in blood and he forgot to change. Then the look of concern was on my face within seconds of looking at the blood. Damien looked down and realized that he was still in the soaked clothes. He mouthed the word sorry. I just smiled at him then I got to see the most beautiful sight in front of me. Damien slowly stripped down to his sexy pink boxerbriefs that he had on. He bent over to put his jeans that his dad brought him.

I wanted to just reach out and squeeze his tight ass. Then I felt that all so familiar feeling down in my lower regions. I thought to myself, "Thank god that still works." Damien finally got dressed and also noticed the bugle underneath the sheets. He smiled and just walked over to me. His hand snaked its way underneath the sheets and took hold of the monster and quickly started jerking me off. He did it quick since we did not know when the doctor would be back. My hand dropped to the side of the bed and it found its way to the bulge that was forming in my lover's pants. I did not have enough energy so I just rubbed it back and forth.

I felt my balls tighten up into my body and moaned loudly. Damien felt the goo all over his hand and the gown that I was in. I cough a little because my mouth was dry. He removed his hand and licked up every last drop that was on his hand. He then grabbed my hand and instead of putting it down his pants, he just kissed it and placed back on the bed.

He knew I was tired and need my rest to heal up. I wanted to speak but my throat was dried up. Just when I was about to write something down on the pad, the hot nurse, Jason came into the room. He was holding some ice chips in a bucket and some water in a cup.

"Which one would you like," he said but also held up each item. I pointed to ice chips. He took the lid off the bucket and handed Damien a cup to put a few of them in. "These should help with the dry throat. If you need anything feel free to buzz me."

Damien and I nodded. Damien scooted the chair over and I was about at his chest level when he sat down. He started feeding me the ice chips. I felt my throat start to get moist again and soon I was able to talk again but very shallow and slowly for the moment. I did not want to chance anything.

I was still not able to hear anything, my ears were still ringing and when anyone was talking it was just muffled. Damien realized that quickly and grabbed the pad of paper. He saw the conversation that the doctor and I had. He wrote on the pad and asked, "What is wrong with your hearing? I do not know what happened to Noah after I left with you. I noticed he was not moving and that there was a big pool of blood around his body. I am sorry."

He handed me the paper. I read it and was going to say something when the doctor came in with my parents and also Danny (Damien's dad) came in as well. They noticed Damien changed and that I was wide awake now. My parents came rushing over and smothered me with hugs and kisses. They started talking but I could not hear a word they said because of my muffled hearing but by they were talking it was a lecture.

I just nodded my head like I was hearing them but Damien and the Doctor knew I could not hear a word. Damien was holding in his laughter when I looked over at him. My parent s then left the room and so did Danny. The Doctor took the pad and wrote done what the next steps were. I was going to get a cat scan to see why my hearing was muffled and also to make sure that nothing else got loose.

"Thank you doctor," I said in a low voice.

He wrote, "It is my job, it is what I do. Now off to CT for the scan."

I just smiled at him and looked over at Damien. He mouthed the words I Love You. I mouthed I Love You back to him as I was being wheeled off. The CT scan was taken and I was wheeled back into my room. As I was being wheeled in there were two other people in the room. I focus because I was still tired and it turned out to be Jackie and Elliot. Damien must have been texted by Jackie to see how things were going and he must have told her everything.

She always had a knack for knowing when I was in trouble or down in the dumps. She had the pad already filled with questions. Elliot was just sitting back with Damien, they were talking but I could not make out what it was. It sucked that I was not able to hear what was going on.

Jason parked the bed and Jackie handed the pad to me within seconds. I looked at all here questions and I filled her in on everything that I knew. Then I told her, "I wanted to know what he was going to say even going against my better judgment. I wanted to just close that chapter in my life." A couple of tears rolled down my cheek. "Can you go find out what happened to him? I know he is my ex but he is also a friend of mine. I think Damien and the doctor know but they do not want to tell me."

"I will go find out what I can. I will work my magic," she told me then took off towards the door. Elliot walked over to me and just gave me a big hug. No words were needed to convey what he felt on the inside. He went and took a seat on the side of the room and Damien took the seat next to the bed. I pointed towards the ice chips and Damien got my drift.

Jackie came back after being gone for a good half an hour. Then she grabbed the notepad and wrote down two words. Then she held onto the pad and showed Damien. Damien nodded his head because he agreed that it was the time to tell him what happened to Noah.

"Did you know?" Jackie asked Damien.

"Yeah, the EMT that brought me told me about him. I just do not know how to bring it up," Damien told her.

"Hey guys, what is going on? Please someone tell me is Noah alright?" I asked them with some squeak in my voice.

"Should I give it to him?" she asked.

"No, I will do it," Damien said to her and grabbed the notepad and was about to hand it to me.

He put the notepad facedown on the bed and then I quickly picked up the pad. The two words that were written down were, "He's dead."

I did not know what to do. I felt sorrow, anger, and sadness that I could not do anything more to help him. I was quiet and Damien knew I need some time to wrap my head around it. A flash of lighting went off in my head. Some of the memories came flooding back into my head with the thoughts of what happened right before I got shot.

I got shot and remember that clearly now. As I was going down to the ground, I saw him turn the gun on himself. He put it up to his temple then I heard the second shot. I shout, "No, do not do it!" Yet my words fell on death ears and that is when I hit the ground. My mind went black after those two memories played in my head.

I sat up and just curled into a ball and started crying hard and long. Damien quickly came to my side and I felt his hand start to comfort me. He was rubbing small circles on my back. I did not know how to react or for that matter, how to move on. In my head, I was just going over every piece of evidence to see if the was anything more that I could have done.

Damien did not leave my side while I was in my little shell. I finally peaked over my knees like I did before in the last couple of days. My eyes shifted over to Damien and he noticed. He looked back at me and before I could speak the doctor walked in to tell us and my parents since they were right behind him, the news about the CT scan.

He had two pads of paper and held them up. It read "Good news Bad news."

I pointed to the bad news. He handed me the bad news and then told everyone in the room. It said, "It looks like you hit you're head a little too hard and it loosened your ear drums. Then he handed the good news, "We will let you go in a few days by then your loose eardrums will fix itself within a week or so. You will be able to hear again shortly. Just take it easy for the next couple of weeks. Damien and maybe someone else can help you do you daily activities." He drew a winking smiley face to end the note.

The doctor rushed everyone out of the room so I could get my rest; Damien was the only person that was able to stay with me. As soon as the door shut, I lied back down. Damien pulled out the cot that was kicked underneath the bed when everything went down. He laid down next me and my hand fell off the bed to reach for his. He grabbed my hand and we both fell asleep.

A couple days of restless sleeping, if you ever stayed over night in a hospital they come by and check up on your every couple of hours so you really do not get much sleep. One of the good things about the hospital was that the hot nurse gave me two sponge baths. Damien was there helping out as well. They would undress me and put me in the bathtub. Then Damien and Jason would take turns slowly dragging the sponge across my body. Damien had the honors of cleaning my private parts which would always turn me on. It also turned Damien and Jason on. I would always still a peek at both of there cloth covered bulges, which did not help me with my hard on. Usually once Jason left the room Damien would work his magic down there.

The day came that I was being released. I was happy with that because finally I can sleep in my own bed with my partner. Also some of my hearing came back but it was not fully up to par. He did go to school during the day and got my homework for me. I was doing that during the day when was not there so I did not fall behind. Damien came and wheeled me out to his car. He picked me up from the wheelchair and placed me inside the car.

"You know I can walk," I told him.

"I know but I just wanted to make sure you do not get hurt any more," he told me while pulling out of the drive way.

"Fine lover boy, you can take care of me but I need to repay you in anyway possible," I told him with a devilish grin across my face.

"That is fine by me," he told me and rubbed his cock through his jeans.

"I was thinking, can we do something for Noah. I am pretty sure his parents do not care about him and I was maybe the only one that loved him once. I have wanted to do something to show that he was loved. Maybe get him cremated and spread his ashes along the beach or out in the ocean or something like," I asked Damien. "The doctor told me what happened to Noah as well. He asked me what I want to do with him since I was the only person left in his life and also the last person. The hospital tried contacting his parents but turned up empty."

"Wow, you're just amazing. You even show sympathy even after being shot and almost killed by your ex. I love you even more now then I ever have. I am so glad you're in my life," he said to me. "Of course we can do something for him. I will be right beside you even through he did try to hurt you."

"Thanks babe, they are going to cremate him in the next couple of days and then we can pick up his ashes. I think I know the perfect spot for him to be at rest. Thank you for sticking by me through all this. Also sorry for putting you through all this," I said to him while looking down at the floor mats of his car.

"Do not worry about it. My ex put us through the same thing. It comes with dating one of the hottest guys on the planet. What is the first thing you want to do when we get you home?" he asked me.

"I just want to go to bed, change into my boxers and cuddle up with you," I told him with a smile. We made it home and that is exactly what we did. Damien help me change into a new pair of boxers with a little bit of foreplay. He would tease me down there with his warm breath before he would slowly pull up my boxers. He did that five times and I was rock hard once he got my boxers all the way up.

I was feeling better so I figured I could pay him back for all the help in the hospital. I grabbed him and spun him on the bed. He landed with a bounce and when he came up off the bed I pulled at his gym shorts that he had on. They came off in one quick swoop. I was smiling at what he was wearing underneath. They must have been an old pair of boxerbriefs because they look two sizes to small and nothing was left to the imagination. His cock was already rock solid and begging to be released. I grabbed a pair of scissors off the desk and made a few small cuts in the fabric that was confiding his massive woody.

I put the scissors back then turned around to see him taking off his shirt. Now both of us were in nothing but our underwear and just letting the hormones take our. I walked back to the bed and start fingering the holes in his boxerbriefs. My fingers would snake in one hole and out another. Each time, I was slowly brushing my fingers along his cock or his balls to reach the next hole. Then I started tearing the holes making them connect to the other ones. Soon his cock was just hanging out of one of the large holes that I made by tearing his underwear to shreds.

I leaned in and took the whole thing into my mouth. I started bobbing up and down while he was arching his back. He was making a wave motion with his body and I was just riding the waves. I started to pick up the pace. I went fully down on him and let my throat take care of the rest. He started moaning and I was lost in his smell. His sweaty boxerbriefs mixed with the musk scent of sex.

I reach down and start jacking myself off. Every time my throat would pulse around his woody, I would speed up stroking down south. Soon I was ready to cum but I was waiting for him to reach the point of no return. My throat muscles were working their magic on him. He moaned out my name one last time and then I felt his warm gooiness shoot down my throat. That sent me over the edge and I came inside the fresh pair of boxers that I just put on.

Damien fell silently on the bed and I crawled next to him. He looked down my body and noticed the big wet spot in my boxers. He just smiled at the thought that I came in them. We lay like that for an hour or so then we quickly hopped in the shower. We came back and tossed his boxerbriefs in the trash. He pulled out a pair for me and him. We put them on and cuddled up on my bed with a couple of good movies. I must have fell asleep before him because when I woke up the blanket was over both of us. The TV was still playing some infomercial. I turned it off and just nuzzled up with Damien and fell back to sleep.

That weekend was much of the same thing; us lying around in the bedroom. We stayed in bed all weekend pleasing each other and watching TV. Sunday evening came and Damien was just about to go home when I got a call from the morgue.

I had Damien answer my phone since my hearing was still not at 100% clear.

"Hello," Damien answered and put it on speakerphone.

"This is Dante from the city morgue. We have Noah's ashes ready for pickup. When will you been coming to get them?" he asked.

"How late are you open till tonight?" Damien asked back.

"Till the gravely hours of midnight, I know how eerie that is. It just because we get all kinds of things late at night," he said with a little cheer in his voice.

"We will be right over and thank you," Damien said.

"We will see you soon," Dante said and then hung up the phone.

"That was a little bit creep. That is a guy that must really love his job or else he is just been working a little too long," Damien said to me as we got into his car.

"I think your right; let's go get his ashes and tomorrow after school we can go spread them," I told him. The ride there was quiet. I was just thinking about what to say before I set him free. We made it to the morgue and Dante was waiting there for us. It was still creepy and if you think that we would do it in the morgue, you are sadly mistake. It just creeps me out to know that some people have died is not a turn on for me. I would not mind doing it in a graveyard at the stroke of midnight, if you get my drift.

Dante spoke, "Here are your friend's ashes. May he rest in peace and for a piece of mind for you and your friend there, he did not feel any pain when he shot himself. Sometimes knowing that helps the living with there own piece of mind about the dead."

"Thank you for that, it seems like you enjoy your job," I spoke for the first time this trip.

"To be honest, I do but it is a lot easier then dealing with the living and all there bullshit out there. In here no one talks about their problems. They just tell me story about their life and their final moments on this planet before they go to wherever they end up on the next trip around," Dante said to us.

"I understand that. Thank you for the quick cremation, he deserved better then this but his life was more painful and I am glad he did not suffer when he shot himself. I can say he finally got away from all the pain," I said and took the urn from Dante.

"You guys be safe and I did not want to see either of you here anytime soon, ok?" Dante said to us as we started heading towards the door.

"We will and hope you have an uneventful night," Damien said back before we left. We hopped in Damien's car and I was still thinking about what to say tomorrow at the spreading of the ashes.

Damien pulled up into the driveway and asked me, "You going to be ok? I can spend the night if you like."

"I should be fine but if I need anything, you will be the first person I ask. Love you," I said to him as I shut the car door.

"Love you too," Damien said as he rolled down the driveway.

I walked in holding the urn and my parents saw what was in my hands. They came out of the living room as I walked into the kitchen. I place the urn in the middle of the table and took a sit. My mom and dad both sat down around the table and was about to speak when I spoke up.

"What do I say or do to make this whole thing better? I feel horrible about this whole thing. What was I suppose to do, just dump Damien and pick up off where Noah and I left off. That would not be fair to Damien but Noah would not kill himself. I feel like this is my entire fault," I told them.

"Sweetie, it is not your fault. Noah made his own choice and if he had his way you would also be in box or urn. Do not beat yourself up so much," my mom said.

"Your mom is right; if he really wanted to live he would have found a way. He was also abandoned by his parents. You were the only one that really did care about him and did more for him then anyone he knew. You were the least of his problems and you were there for him till the end," my dad told me.

"I know but it still hurts inside. My heart is hurting and he was my first love," I told him.

"We have all been through it, it sucks but you will get through it. Just give it some time and with all the support from us and Damien and your friends. It will get easier and soon you will remember it but the pain will go away," my mom said to me and came over to give me a hug.

My dad came over and joined in on the hug. They both left me with the urn in the kitchen. I was staring at that thing for a couple of hours. My phone went off which snapped me out of my trance. It was Damien texting me good night. I looked at the time and it was already eleven at night. I got up and texted him good night back. I went to my room, changed and fell asleep.

I woke up early the next morning, showered and was getting ready. I brought the urn with me to school and placed it in my locker so we can go honor him after school. School went by without a hitch. Nothing really exciting to speak of about that day, at the end of the day I went to my locker and grabbed the urn. Damien was waiting at the car and I drove to the spot where I thought would be a perfect end to his life.

It was up on one of the cliff sides of the Pacific Ocean. You could hear the waves crashing against the rocks. It was not a gentle area, it was kind of rocky and the waves never seemed to stop breaking against the rocks. We climbed to a flat spot among the rocky cliffs and I place the urn down. I was about to speak when a wave crashed and made a thunderous sound. I jumped a little from that and Damien just smirked. I knew he was holding in the laughter till after we got done.

"Noah P. Jones, he was a great guy. He had a very troubled life and was trying to work through it the best that he could. I was by his side till the very end; even then he tried to take me with him to the next destination. I wish I was able to help more and that I was not doing this today. Instead, you should have been here and we could be having fun. Wherever you are, I hope that you are happy and enjoying your new life. Farewell my friend," I said to the winds coming off of the cliff and down to the sea.

Damien walked over to me and noticed the tears coming from my eyes. He picked up the urn and handed it to me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and stood next to me. I checked the wind to see which way it was blowing. I opened the urn and then walked up to the edge of the cliff. I started pouring out the content of the urn. It looked like a thousand small stars sparkling in the sun. You could see the trail it made down towards the water. I emptied out the urn with every last ash coming out and then I tossed the urn into the ocean. Damien hugged me and we stood like that for a good two hours while I cried on his shoulder. After that we walked back to his car.

Let me know what you think or just drop either me or Zach a line. Also if you have any ideas for the next adventure hit me up.

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Zach: or

Next: Chapter 49

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