Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on Jun 3, 2013


Zach Brimstone Pt. 47

All the usual T's & C's apply. If you are offended by stories involving Boys or same sex relationships, then this is not the story for you.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Goodbye, Zach Brimstone," Noah said and then I just heard two shots ring out. Everything went black.

Just before everything went black, the door to the house swung open. I could not make out who it was. I fell to the floor with a thud. My body was motionless and a puddle of blood was forming on the floor underneath me and being soaked up by my clothes. Then everything went black for me.

Damien's POV

I was waiting in the car. Anxious and worried about what might happen within the walls of that dark and lifeless house. Just then my phone lit up and I looked at who it was. It was Zach and I jumped out of the car and went rushing towards the front door. Just as I was about to open the door, I heard two gun shots go off.

I kicked the door open and saw Zach fall down to the floor. I knew what happened, I looked over at Noah and his body was lifeless as well as Zach's. I grabbed my phone and quickly dialed 911.

"Hello, 911 operators. What is you're emergency?" the woman on the end of the phone asked.

"My partner has been shot and the shooter also shot himself I think. Please hurry," I said into the phone.

"Ok, what is the address that you're at?" she asked. I gave here the address. "Ok, now look at your partner, where was he shot. Can you put pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding? Can you see if he is responsive?"

I reached down and tried to wake him up with a kiss then I tried to shake him but not response. Then my fingers flowed over his body and I found the entry wound. It was just above his hip. Blood was gushing out all over the place.

I put the phone on speaker and told the woman, "He is not responsive and I found the wound. It is just above his left hip. What do I need to do?"

"Find something to stop the blood from flowing out. A shirt, a cloth, a rag anything that will soak up the blood, also apply pressure to the wound," she told me.

I quickly took of my shirt and jacket and placed both of them on the wounded area. The blood slowed down but was still flowing out of my lover's body. "Blood seemed to be slowing down but it is not stopping," I told the lady on the phone.

"Just keep putting pressure on the wound and help will be there shortly. Do not hang up the phone, I will here with you the whole way," she said to reassure me that everything will be alright. "Is he breathing? Put your ear up to his nose and look down his chest to see if it rises and falls."

I leaned down, listened and watch if his chest rise and fall. It did but it was very slowly and shallow. "It is very shallow and slow but he is breathing. What should I do?"

"Talk to him, maybe you're voice can reach him and bring him back to consciousness. It will make you feel a little better too," she told me.

"Zach, baby, I am here for you. I am never letting you go," I told Zach's lifeless body. I pulled his body up into an embrace and just held him there for eternity. I whispered sweet nothing into his ear. Then I told him one last thing, "I will always love you and never stop fighting for us no matter where or what happens to us. Just keep living."

Just then the sirens where blaring outside. Quickly, a team of emergency people came flooding in and started taking over what I was doing. I grabbed my phone and thanked the lady on the other end. She hung up and I was asked a million questions as to what happened here. I told them what I knew. They put Zach on a stretcher and start carting him off in the ambulance.

"Are you riding with us?" one of the EMT people asked me.

I just nodded my head as he took me and we both hopped into the ambulance. We took off and I was sitting right next to him as they worked their magic on my love. I was holding his hand the entire trip to the hospital.

Zach's dream (Zach's POV)

I opened my eyes and I was back in Ryan's beach house. Damien, Ryan, Chase, Sean and Justin where all running about. I grabbed Damien and asked him, "What's going on?"

"Did you forget, sexy? We are here to help out Ryan with a fashion show he is running. I think he might need us to model some underwear and other outfits. You told him yes," Damien told me and kissed me on the cheek.

"Oh, ok. Well let's see what I need to before the show goes on. Let's go find Ryan," I said back to Damien and grabbed his hand. We went quickly throughout the house and ended up in the upstairs bedroom where everyone was gathered. Ryan was standing on the bed waiting for us.

"Finally, you found him. Now that you guys are all here, please let me show you what we are going to be modeling today. It is not like any other fashion runway show. We are going to be wearing all the clothes in one take. We will be just stripping layers off as the show goes on. There is also a catch, if one of the clients wants to buy something off your body, they are more then welcome to do so. If you're gutsier, you may let the client take the clothing off your body any way they want," he paused to see our reaction.

"That is hot, can not wait to see what we are wearing," Chase chimed in.

"As you can see your outfits are hung up on these racks behind me. Gentleman, please hurry up, get dress and meet me in the backyard. I will see you guys in a few," he said and stepped down from bed. He walked out the door and shut it behind him.

We went rushing towards the outfits and started stripping out of our normal clothes. Soon we were butt naked in front of each other but that is nothing out of the normal. I looked over and was admiring Damien as he bent over to put the black Fcuk boxerbriefs that his was going to model on. He noticed that I was staring at him.

He stopped getting dressed and came over and whispered in my ear, "Do you need me to take care of that monster between your legs before you get dressed?"

I looked down and was at full mass. I looked around and everyone else was gone expect Damien and I. Before I even could say another word, I felt his lips around my swollen member.

I moaned out his name and he just picked up the pace since we had a show to do within fifteen minutes. I did not remember how long I was hard but I knew I would be exploding real soon if Damien kept up at this pace. I felt my balls start to tighten up into my body. Then one last moan escaped my mouth and seven shots of my spunk went shooting into his awaiting mouth.

He swallowed every drop and nothing spilled out. He stood up and now his boxerbriefs were all tented up. I look down and back at the time. We had about five minutes before we have to be in the backyard. When I looked back he was already pulling his pants up. I knew his answer was to wait till after the show.

I reached over and pulled up my gray low rise boxerbriefs and then threw on the outfit that was laid out in front of me. Damien then grabbed my hand and out the door we went. Down the staircase and out the back door into the backstage area for us to wait till Ryan's announce our names to start the fashion show.

"Attention, Attention, if everyone can take their seats. The show is about to start. While we take our seats, let me explain how this is going to go down. I am going to call out the model's name. The model will come out and then model the clothing. From there they will stand and wait for the rest of the models to come out. Each model is wearing the same clothing line from head to toe," Ryan paused to scan the crowd.

"When do we get to buy the clothes off these sexy models of yours?" someone from the crowd yelled up at him.

"Once all the models have come out, we start the bidding on each item person by person. We start with the outerwear then got to the underwear till each model is naked. Once they are naked, the models will walk away and all the money will be donate to a charitable cause. Any questions?" Ryan paused once more. "Since there are no questions, let's get on with the show."

"Our first model is a good friend just moved from the east coast to be here with his long lost love. Chase is his name and he will be modeling the famous line of Aeropostale. Please come on out," Ryan said.

Chase came out and walked down the runway. He turned around and walked back showing off his assets. He stopped right next to Ryan's side.

"Next on the runway, he is the cute little emo kid from next door that you just want to eat up. He is a swimmer with the body to prove it. Give it up for Sean in his American Eagle attire," Ryan said and then Sean stepped out.

Sean was making fun of the models that he has seen on the runway. He was strutting down the catwalk and did not care what people thought about him. He made his way back to where Chase and Ryan where standing.

"Now in the middle is a new comer to the scene here in L.A. Not much know about this mystery man but I knew he will fit right in. Justin is his name and he is sporting the working man look. T-shirt and blue jeans kind of guy," Ryan said and Justin popped through the curtains.

He walked up and down the runway twice so everyone could get a good look at the new comer. He finished back at the end of the stage waiting for the next model to come out.

"Since the beginning, he has been the man's with plan's right hand man, the lover of our leader of the pack, Damien. He is sporting Fcuk new clothing line," Ryan said and Damien came out with a flash and bang.

Damien made his catwalk all sexy and drove the crowd wild. On the way back he let his pants slip down his butt showing off his tight and sexiness back there. He pulled them up and took his place on the right side of the stage across from the others.

"This guy needs no introduction from me. He is the one that brought as all together one way or another. Let's here it for the leader of this pack Zach. He is wearing something special of mine, my very own clothing line," Ryan said.

I looked at the clothes and could not find an ounce of tags to see if what he said was true. I decided to check later on that and walked through the curtains. I started walking towards the crowd and it was a mixture of boys and girls throughout. His whole backyard was filled with them. They were cheering him on.

I finished my walk down the walkway and then took my spot next to Damien. I grabbed his hand and was ready to get sold to the highest bidder. Damien squeezed my hand as Ryan went on about how the bidding will go. He told the people what to expect and what they can and can not do.

"Gentleman, please go stand on the walkway," Ryan waited for us to take our places before he went on. "The first item up for grabs is this lovely boy's shirt off their backs."

Each person got bid for around $50 for our shirts. We gave them to the people that won the bidding. We where all standing out there without our shirts on, I looked over at Damien, he was shivering a little bit.

"Next to come off these sexy men, that's right ladies and gentleman, their pants. If you pay extra you might get to take it off for them." Ryan said and started the bidding.

Damien and I got the highest bids. We both got our pants sold for 200 dollars. Then two ladies from the crowd came up on the walkway and we let them slowly strip the pants right off our bodies. The ladies enjoyed it more then we did. We both looked over at each other.

So there we were each one of us down to our underwear. I was in Ryan's low rise boxerbriefs, Damien who was next to me was wearing Fcuk black boxerbriefs, Justin had on a pair of Hanes skin tight red boxers, Sean hand on American eagle green and purple stripped briefs, and last was Chase with Aeropostale boxerbriefs. I looked down the line and everyone was sporting a nice size bugle.

"Who should we start with first?" Ryan asked the crowd.

"Sean, Sean, Sean," the crowd chanted.

Ryan then walked over to Sean and the bidding started. He was going fast and he just passed $300 dollars. Ryan then said, "Going once, going twice. Sold."

It was his partner, Ethan who just bought his sexy lover's underwear. He got up on stage and stood in front of Sean and lower himself down Sean's slender body. Just as he was reaching the briefs that confided his partner's love stick, he stuck his hand down there to get it rock hard for the crowd. Then he went behind Sean and in one quick swoop, Sean's briefs were now down around his ankles. Sean stepped out of them and stood there for the world to see his hard member blowing in the wind.

Just then Ethan picked Sean up and took him behind the curtains. "That was an interesting turn of events, who would have guessed. Who is next?" Ryan asked the crowd.

"How about the love birds?" the crowd roared.

"Which set of love birds, Justin and Chase or Zach and Damien?" Ryan asked.

"Both at the same time," the crowd shouted back.

"Find we will do both of them but first how about we give them a show guys," Ryan looked at the both of us and then looked over at Chase and Justin. I know what type of show he wanted to do.

I grabbed hold of Damien and just started making out with him here in public, well sort of public. Justin saw that and was not going to be upstaged. He quickly one upped us by slowly massaging Chase's butt through the fabric that he was wearing. All the while Ryan started the biding for the highest bidder for not just one but both underwear per pair. The bids just kept getting higher and higher.

The higher it went, the more we would show. My underwear was now underneath my butt and I was flashing the crowd. Then I figured since mine is showing why not have Damien show off the same thing, my hand slide down the backside of his underwear and pushed them all the way down.

They fell down to his ankles and he stepped out of them. Not wanted to be the only one naked he did the same thing for mine. I stepped out of them and we both started walking off stage and into the backroom. Sean and Ethan were already full on going at it. Sean was topping Ethan and their moans were getting louder by the second.

We found a chair near by them and both of us took a sit without even skipping a beat. Damien was now on my lap and I was positioning him to start bouncing up and down on my fully hard cock. I just heard the finally number for our pair of underwear and it was at $2,000 dollars. Damien was already riding me like there was no tomorrow. I reached around and started jerking him off with every stroke he was moaning my name.

I looked over Damien's shoulders and heard Sean moan and thrust one last time inside his lover. Sean then clasped onto Ethan and the friction that it cause made Ethan moan and exploded between both of the hot boys.

Damien was bouncing on my cock so hard, I felt it hit his prostate and then he rested on my cock. I felt his ass muscles tighten up around my cock. In that moment, I felt Damien's cock just expand and then shoot about eight times all over the place. I aimed it up so it would mostly land on us and not the floor. Then Damien leaned back and rested his whole body on mine. I wiggled my cock and got it in the right position which it felt like I was about to go past the point of no return.

Damien moved ever so slightly and that set me off. Six powerful shoots fill Damien up. My cock slowly shrunk and popped out of his tight ass. We both just rested in the chair with Sean and Ethan across from us on the sofa. Just then Chase and Justin came in from the walked way. Both of them had this glow about them and then it hit me. I looked down and both there underwear was off there bodies but each of their cocks were dripping some left over cum. They were one stage and made each other cum inside the underwear that they were wearing.

"That was so hot," I thought to myself. Damien got the energy to get off me then we both walked back up to get changed. He leaned in and whispered in my ear as we were changing, "I will always love you and never stop fighting for us no matter where or what happens to us. Just keep living." Then he grabbed my hand as we finished changing and we went out the door of the beach house. When the door opened up it was a bright light blinding everything but I still felt Damien's hand holding onto mine.

Damien's POV

The EMT was working fast to close the wound on my lover's side. My hand did not leave Zach's hand. I was holding it all the way to the hospital. When we got to the hospital, they rushed him in the O.R. and were prepping him to close up the wound. The EMT walked with me to the waiting room. We took a seat and the nurse handed me a patient's information form. I just placed it next to me and will fill out later.

"Do you need us to call any one? His parents have been called and they are on their way here," he said while looking eye level with me.

"I will be ok for the moment. I will call me dad and let him know what is going on. Thank you for everything that you did for Zach," I told the EMT. He walked away and I just put my head in my hands. I started crying and could not stop.

Two people took a sit on both sides of me. Then I felt someone wrap their hands around me. I looked up through my teary eyes to see it was Zach's mom and dad. She leaned in and whispered in my ear, "He is a tough cookie; he will make it through just like all the other times. We called your dad and he is on his way here."

I looked down and for the first time, I noticed I was covered completely in his blood. My shirt and pants were completely soaked. I curled up into a balled and did not know what I would do if I lost him forever. His mom started rubbing my back and his dad filled out the paperwork and turned it in.

Just then my dad showed up and he took a sit across from where I was sitting. He reached over and put his hand on my shoe. I looked up from my ball formation, I put on a weak smile for him but we both knew I was tearing up inside.

You know the worst part about being in a hospital, it is not seeing the people in pain or worried about getting sick from the other people around you, it is the waiting to see if the person you're there for is alright. We all know that but nothing was said.

A couple of hours passed by and still no word from anyone. Zach's dad got up and walked over to the representative's desk to ask. I over heard their conversation.

"Excuse me, miss," he asked her.

"Yes, how can I help you?" she asked back.

"I was wondering if there is any update about my son's, Zach Brimstone, condition," he asked calmly.

"Let me go see if I can find out for you. Please just wait here," she said and took off behind the beige doors. He stood up there waiting for the representative to come back.

I moved over to sit next to my dad and he wrapped his arm around me. He pulled me close and hugged me. He kissed me on the top of my head and just let me be quiet. He knew as well as everyone else that I would not talk till I heard news about my partner.

I do the whole peek my head over the top of my knees and look over at Zach's dad. I wait for the representative to come back and getting more anxious by the second.

About five minutes passed and the representative came back and was about to tell Zach's dad the news when the doctor came out and asked for Zach's family to come back and talk in the office. His parents both looked at me and that was my cue to go with them.

My dad pushed me along to get the lead out. "I will wait here till you guys get back," he said to me.

"Thanks dad for everything," I said back to him and walked with the Brimstone's into the doctor's office. We took a sit as he shut the door behind us. "Ok, what is going on with their son and my lover?" I jumped down his throat.

"Clam down Damien," Zach's mom said to me.

"Sorry, just been anxious and worry about him. I am sure you are as well," I told her.

"Sorry for keeping you guys waiting. We just finished surgery on him and he is still a sleep. As you're well aware right now, he is in critical condition. He lost a lot of blood but luckily we had a fare about of his type of blood on hand. We transfused him and now we are just play the waiting game to see what happens. If he survives the night I am sure he will pull through and make a recovery," doctor told us.

"Can we go see him?" I asked the doctor.

"Yes you can but I just want one person at a time to go in just in case he wakes up. Just to make sure he is not over whelmed with to many people around him," the doctor told us.

"Ok, one last question. Can I spend the night with him?" I asked the doctor with a couple of tears rolling down my cheek.

"That is fine by me. I will have the nurse set up a bed for you by his bed," the doctor said and we all left his office.

I went back to my dad and told him the news of what was going on. His dad was the first person to go in. About five minutes later, his dad came out with a couple of tears in his eyes. His mom went next when our dads started talking about everything that went on so far. When his mom came out they said their goodbyes and my dad walked over to me.

"Do you want me to go in first since you will be spending the night?" he asked me.

"Sure dad," I said and started to cry a little. I did not know what to expect when I got in there. I knew I needed to be strong for him. My dad came back and a couple of tears went down his cheek. He hugged me and whispered in my ear, "I love you son. You are awesome for standing by your man in his time of need. Try and get some rest. Oh I forgot, I brought some clothes for you. Let me go grab them for you."

He went and came back. He handed me the clothes and hugged me before he took off. I started walking towards the doors and headed into his room. Luckily he was in the emergency room all by himself. I noticed the bed right next to his. I went to the other side and pulled up a chair next to his bed side.

The only light that was shine on my fallen hero was the moonlight coming from the window. He looked like an angel when the light hit his face. He looked so peaceful. I grabbed his hand and put my head down on the bed. I started balling my eyes out. I was trying to be strong but it was not working.

"Please do not leave me, I am not ready to say goodbye just yet. Keep living for me and that might sound selfish but I love you with all my heart and could not live with a broken heart again," I said to him.

His monitor for his heart started beeping fast. His heart rate started spiking. Just then a team of people came rushing and started performing CPR. They got the defibrillator and started the charges.

"Clear," the head doctor said and sent the charge through his body. I was standing by the door wait for life to come back to him.

"Clear," the head doctor yelled and another shockwave went throughout him. Just when his body hit the bed, I saw it. His eyes opened up and he gasped.

Let me what you guys think or if you want to chat to me or Zach. or

Next: Chapter 48

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