Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on Apr 13, 2013


Zach Brimstone pt. 45

All the usual T's & C's apply. If you are offended by stories involving boys or same sex relationships, then this is not the story for you.

Wanted to put a special thanks to Jason, my new editor.

A week had past since that day and strangely enough I had not seen Noah since that day. It made me start to think if this was real or not. I tried to push it out of my mind and focus on tonight?s festivities. Justin and Chase found a house real quick with help from Ryan. Ryan even got them a discount on the place.

Damien and I both knew we would have to deal with Noah sooner or later; we both did not want to deal with that problem at all. After school on Friday, we were over at Damien?s house packing up a little duffel bag full of goodies for the party.

?You ready babe,? Damien asked me.

?Almost, we just need our robes and to strip each other down to the proper attire,? I said back to him.

We quickly got dressed down and put on the robes. We ran out the door and as we were going out we said bye to his dad. His dad was doing well, business had picked up and he was doing a show almost every night. He was just lounging around on his night off and enjoying the peace and quiet.

We hoped into the Damien?s car and took off toward Chase and Justin?s house. We reached the house within twenty minutes. As we parked the car, I leaned over and kissed Damien on the lips. We both got out of the car and walked up to the front door. It was a little dark to see the front yard but it did look big enough to do some gardening. It was a little chilly but we also had a duffel bag. We knocked on the door to Chase and Justin's new place. It was a small two bedroom house that was up in the hills. Nothing to fancy, but it looked like it would fit them just perfect..

Chase then opened the door in nothing but his black Ck boxerbriefs. "Welcome to my house! And now time to disrobe you guys." he said to us with a big smile.

We both walked in and Chase quickly untied the robes and Damien and I let them slowly fall off our bodies. Damien was in a pair of new striped green and black Gap boxer briefs and while I had on some white Hanes boxers that were almost see through. Chase went to hang up our robes and we saw Justin for the first time in nothing but his tight sexy Abercrombie and Fitch skin tight white boxers. It did not leave anything to the imagination. He must have been at least eight inches and thick to boot.

"Thank you for inviting us to the house warming party. I think we are going to have lots of fun," Damien said to Chase and Justin as they were kissing.

"Would you like a tour of the house?" Justin asked, looking down at our bodies.

To be honest I think that we were checking him out as much as he was us. Chase was smiling at that fact. Justin was built but not overly defined. He had a nice six pack abs that led down to a v shape with a happy trail disappearing into his boxers. "Sure, that would be fun," I said to them.

We turned around and each of them smacked our butts. They walked in front of us and we returned the favor. They gave us the tour and it was very cozy two bedroom place. Just as they finished the tour the doorbell rang. Justin went and answered the door. He opened the door and it was Sean and Ethan. They were also in bathrobes.

Justin had the honor of dis-robing them; Sean was in a pair of black Hollister briefs that were already tented and bursting at the seams. Ethan had on a pair of bright orange American Eagle Boxer Briefs that cupped his junk just perfectly. They walked over to us and we said our hellos. We started talking about everything that has been going on and not a single one of us even cared that we were all just lounging around in our underwear.

Last people where to arrive was Bobby and Ryan, Ryan just got done with one of his events and both of them were completely overdressed. On the invitation, it said underwear only or there would be some help getting undressed. They both realized that but they would not have a problem with these hot boys stripping them. Chase led them into the living room and we all had smiles on our faces.

Damien, Sean and I started working on Bobby's clothes while Chase, Justin and Ethan were working on Ryan's clothes. Within minutes, Bobby and Ryan were down to their underwear. Ryan had on some Adidas black Boxer Briefs. Bobby had on a pair of skimpy white low rise fruit of the loom briefs. Now that everyone was here and in the proper attire the real house warming party could begin.

?Now that everyone is here, I would like to formally introduce myself and my long lost partner. My name is Chase and I just moved here from New York after meeting two wonderful people,? he paused and pointed to Damien and me. ?The person standing next to me is my partner Justin. We had not seen each other for a few years until Zach found him and reunited us. I am so thankful for that. I do not know how to ever repay you.?

Chase then gave the floor to Justin. ?Hi, guys. My name is Justin but you already know that. I want to welcome you to our new home and you guys are more than welcome to come by anytime, but first call to make sure we are not up to anything special.?

Before you guys start wondering how we know the rest of the gang, the week that we were here looking for a house, we hung out with everyone. Zach introduced us to the gang even Jackie and Elliot. They could not make it tonight because they are visiting Elliot?s Grandmother. Yet I bet you can image the kinds of trouble if those two showed up.

Anyways, Justin just finished up his little toast and everyone started to mingle and talked about their day. About an hour had passed and Damien came over to me and whispered,? Do you think it is time to get the party games started??

?I think that would be a great idea, which one should we start with?? I asked as we both went over to the duffel bag full of goodies. Damien unzipped the bag and we started shuffling through it. ?Let?s see, what we have: a Twister board, Truth or Dare, Jenga, deck of cards, pin the cock on the hottie with blindfold, two paddles, a couple tubes of lube, condoms (if it got that far), blow-up doll of Justin Bieber, some clothes for the doll (the clothes would be just like the pop-star would wear), change of clothes for Damien and I, and pair of sex dice,? I said.

?I think we should start off with this game,? Damien said while holding up the hottie and blindfold.

??Sounds good to me but I have add a little twist to this one,? I told him. We walked back into the living room and everyone was looking at us. ?What is that?? Sean asked.

?It is one of the first games to play. First let?s tape this guy up,? I said and found one of the walls that had nothing on it. I taped him up and handed each of them a paper cock. Some of them looked at us like ?really? ?before you get up and angry there is a twist to make this game a little more fun. One of will get blindfolded and spun around. Then the one spinning will hold you in place while another person slowly pulls off your underwear. You will step out of your underwear and start walking towards the pin up. Then you will pin your paper cock on the hottie. After you do that you take off the blindfold and see if you can name the person that took off your underwear.?

?Oh, I see how this game becomes sexier. Your little devils you,? Ryan said. I looked around the room to make sure that no one had any objections to this. It seem like everyone was getting aroused by the thought that someone was going to strip them while blindfolded.

?Are we ready to start?? I asked.

?Wait, what happens if we guess the person that pulled down our underwear?? Justin asked.

?I was wondering who would ask that,? I said and pulled out one of the paddles. I spun it around like a light saber. ?If you get it right, you get to spank that person with this.? Then I swatted my hand.

?If you get it wrong then we all get to spank you,? I followed up with. Some got turned on more and some got a little too happy. Some of the underwear was getting small wet spots on the front of them. ?Who is wants to go first??

?How about you go first and show us how it?s done?? Ethan said to me. Now there is only two people in this room that have not seen me naked: Ethan and Justin. I looked over at Damien and he just nodded saying it was ok.

?Damien walked up behind me and tied the blindfold around my eyes. He spun me around a couple of times and then his hands disappeared from my body. About a minute passed then I felt a pair of hands slowly yanked down my boxers and my cock hit the person in the cheek. A couple of people gasped and the others just smirked. I could hear them breathe and I felt the person breathing on my cock.

It started to rise. I knew this was going happen to all of us. Then I felt Damien?s hands back on me and pointed me in the right direction. I stepped out of my boxers and walked towards the wall. I felt the wall and everyone was getting a great view of my tight ass. I pressed down the on the wall and lifted the blindfold off my eyes.

I turned around and my cock was now at full attention. Everyone?s eyes were glued to it. For some odd reason, my cock seems to always attract people to it. I walked over and grabbed my underwear and slowly pulled them up. ?Hmm?, who is the one that pulled down my underwear?? I pondered.

?I knew it was not Damien, Ryan, or Sean. They did it to gentle. My guess would be either Ethan or Justin since the rest I have had the pleasure of them pulling down my underwear. Yet, which one is it?? I said. I leaned in and listened to their breathing. ?I knew who it was.?

?Who Mr. Breath whisperer,? Damien said with a smile. He knew what I was doing. I was pulling a Sherlock Holmes move. Being all deductive and sexy while figuring out who done it.

??It would be none other than our newest member of the group, Justin,? I said. I waited for the answer.

?I told you we each should have taken a side and have both of us do it,? Justin said with a huff. I just fingered him over to the wall. He put his hands on the wall and spread his legs. I yanked down his skin tight boxers; they rested just underwear his cute little bubble butt. I raised the paddle and swung with just enough force to make a good sound.

It hit is little butt and it make a nice thwacking sound. He moaned out load and we knew he enjoyed that. He pulled up his boxers and that was my turn to blindfold him. This went on for a couple of minutes and each person was getting the answer right till Sean came up to bat.

Sean said, ?I think it was you Zach that pulled down my underwear.?

?Sorry to say but it was not me,? I said back to him with a devilish grin across my face.

Since I was the accused, I was the one that got to start the paddling of Sean?s ass. He walked over to wall and assumed the position. I walked over and pulled down his Boxer Briefs down to his knees as he stuck his ass in the air. He was ready for this type of pleasure.

I took the first swing and he just moaned as I hit his nice round butt. I handed the paddle over to Damien. I stepped aside and let the rest of the group take there turns. When his partner Ethan came up to bat, he did not take the handled but use his hand. He raised it up. It swung fast and hard, once his hand hit skin Sean moaned out his partner?s name. Sean knew that hand from many times it came down on him during sex.

When Ethan lifted the hand off Sean?s white butt, a red mark of Ethan?s hand was still there. We all just watch and then busted up laughing from it. Sean was laughing with us as he pulled up his boxerbriefs. We finished that game and then we looked at the hottie to see who the closet to the right spot was. Did I forget to mention that you?re not trying to pin it where the hottie?s cock is but more of where your cock will go into the hotties ass. It turned out that Justin and Ethan?s paper cock where the closet to the hole. ?What do we get?? the both asked to me.

?You guys get to go first in the next game. I think it is time for the next party of this night,? I said and looked at my watch. It was about eleven and the night was still young. ?The next game is an underwear swap. Since Ethan and Justin both won they get to choose who they get to swap underwear with. We get to see how the other one feels inside their most private areas. Plus the one you switch with can do whatever the please with the new underwear. I do mean anything. Justin and Ethan have at it.?

It felt a little weird at first; we were being inspected like pieces of meat. Then Ethan made the first move and removed his underwear. There he was in all, his glory stick straight and little hooking to the left. It was the first time we all had seen him naked as well. He must have been nine inches. Then he walked over to me and got down on his knees. He slowly pulled down my boxers and let ye cock come to life.

He then stood up and put on my boxers. They looked good on him. I just smirked. While Ethan put on the show, Justin started his. He was all boned up as well. He traded with Damien. Damien and I were both standing there naked. We could not pick or grab anyone else underwear till we were picked.

My hand found Damien?s hand and we held hands as Justin and Ethan pick the next two to go. They did pick us and we went in front of the crowd. I knew whose underwear I would like to try on. I walked over to Sean and slowly stripped him of his sexy briefs. Damien went over and picked up Ethan?s underwear off the floor and put them on.

I picked Sean and Damien picked Bobby to go next. Sean picked up Justin?s off the floor. Bobby striped his off and took Chase?s boxerbriefs. The last two where Ryan and Chase, Chase took Ryan?s as Ryan picked up Bobby?s off the floor.

It felt a little hot to be wearing someone else underwear besides my partners. I let the feeling sit in for the moment then I spoke,? Now that we have someone else?s underwear on, let?s put them to good use. I have the perfect game to do that task.? I walked over to the bag and pulled out twister. Everyone eyes lit up and knew what that meant. We got to rub our bodies with each other. There are only four people that can play at one time so we have to take turns. I was going to be the spinner for the first round and Damien would be for the second. Then we would have the top two of each round play with each other.

The first round was Damien, Sean, Justin, Bobby. Each took their stance on the board. I started calling out colors and body parts. Each time someone would cross over the other person body. After about six turns everyone was entangled with someone else. I saw a couple of bugles starting to grow from the positions that everyone was in. It was a hot sight to see.

Then it happened. Damien was the first one to fall. Luckily he did not take anyone else out. He came and sat down next to me. I felt his hand slowly going towards my crotch. I looked over at him before I called out the next color and body part. My cock was stretching the fabric of Sean?s briefs. I did not know how much more I could take of this. Damien?s hand found its way into the leg hole of the briefs and started to slowly jerk me off. It felt great.

No one noticed and Damien kept it up. I was keeping my cool and was still following the game while this was happening. The next person fell down it was Bobby. Damien felt I was close to climaxing and he did not want me to cum just yet so he retracted his hand and just rested it on my bugled.

?We can keep going or we can start one to the next round,? I asked everyone.

?Let?s start the next round since we have two winners,? almost everyone yelled in my direction.

I stood up and my bugle luckily had already gone down so it was not so visible. I handed Damien the spinner and walked over to take my place. The next group was the partners of the first group. It was Ryan, Ethan, Chase and me. We started and Damien start calling out different colors and body parts just like I did. Within a couple of turns we were all tangled up just like they were.

The next was left hand red, I wiggled my left hand across Ethan?s crotch to get to red and Ethan let out a moan so softly if you were not paying attention you would not even notice. As my arm rested on Ethan?s bugle, I would move it so slight just to keep my balance. Ethan moaned again and then I felt a wet spot start to form on the front of my boxers he was wearing.

A couple of moves later Ryan was the first one to go out of this group. He exited from the group and went over to Bobby?s side. I looked over in their direction and they just started making out and hoping no one would notice. Then Damien called out one last color and body part and Chase could not do it. He took the last fall and Ethan and I were left as the winners of this round.

?Will all the winners take their starting positions,? I told everyone. Chase wanted to be the spinner of the final round and Damien handed him the spinner. Chase started things off. Soon we were all entangled. This time it was a lot worst then the first two times.

We could not even tell were one person began and the other one ended. All I know I was some how being rubbed by every body part known to man. I did not know whose body part belonged to whom. I was getting so turned on by this as was everyone else. Ethan lost his balance and tried to grab a hold off something to re-gain his balance. To bad what he grabbed hold of was something that only made things worse. He accidental grabbed Justin?s crotch. Justin moaned and yelled a little from the touch. They both fell down to the ground. Neither was mad that they lost but I saw that maybe something might happened later between them and their partners.

That just left Sean and me. It sucked because Sean was taller and has a better reach then me. A thought just came through my mind, he may have the advantage but I got the plan. The next one Chase yelled out was right hand yellow. Sean was now complete bridging over me and I could put my plan into action. I was reaching for yellow with my right hand and I put it right through his boxers that he had on.

Sean melted at my touch of his butt as I came out the leg of the boxers he had on. My hand groped his butt as I pass through and gentle rubbed his balls as well. Sean let out a big moan and this time everyone could hear it. They all looked at what I just did. I looked over and Damien had a big smile on his face.

He knew what is was doing and it worked like a charm. Everyone else was smiling as well. My plan worked. Sean start to lose his focus as Chase called the next move. Right foot green, this time I put my foot right through the front of the boxers. I rubbed his rock hard cock as I made it through leg hole. Now that I was tangle through the one thing he could not remove, I start then adding a little tease to my plan.

Since we had sex before, I knew one of his turn on. I start nibbling his ear and then he started getting weak in the knees and elbows. Yeah, I know I was playing dirty but what is a game of twister without a little tease in it. You know you would too plus it gets you a chance to rub up on some really hot guys.

Then I was touching all four places and was complete on top of Sean. I went in for the kill, I bit one of his nipples and that sent him in overdrive. He trusted up towards me and I felt his rock hard cock exploded from all the sexual tense in the room. I looked down and noticed that his boxers were completed soaked with his cum. Then he fell down to the ground and I was hovering over him. I fell on top of him and whispered in his ear, ?Hope you enjoyed that as much as I did. Next time think outside the box.?

I got off of him and I looked around everyone enjoyed the show and some even had there cocks out and started jerking them off. We all knew what was going to happen next.

Damien and I knew it was our time to get out of there before we got caught up in the moment. Ethan, Justin, Chase and Sean went into the master bedroom and within minutes of them disappearing we heard loud moaning and banging. Damien was already dress and ready to head out. I started putting on some clothes from the duffel bag and left the rest of the goodies on the table in the living room.

That is when I noticed Bobby and Ryan just going at it in the kitchen. Ryan had Bobby bent over the kitchen counter and forcefully entering him. They both did not notice us slipping out the front door. We closed the door and Damien just wrapped his arms and kissed me uncontrollably. I kissed him passionately and picked him up. We made it back to his car and got in.

?That was really hot what you did to win the twister game,? Damien said to me.

?I was pondering it and hopefully you did not get mad at me for doing it,? I said to him.

?Does this answer your question,? he said and grabbed my hand. He placed my hand in his newly acquired Briefs what I felt was rock solid. I got my answer. ?Where are we going to take care of this and yours as well? By the way Sean?s briefs look so hot on you.?

I have the perfect place and I cannot wait to take Ethan?s neon color Boxer Briefs off you and make love to you like there is no tomorrow,? I said to him. I leaned over and kissed him.

We took off in Damien?s car to the coast. I checked my phone and got a message saying it was all good. I told him to take a left then we ended up on the pier. He parked the car and we got out of the car.

?Wow this is so not what I picture when you told me that you had a special place that we could have ?fun?,? Damien said to me.

?We could always just go back to one of our houses and not really do it if you don't want to,? I told him but I knew he was ready for a little change in pace of where we do things.

He took my hand and led me down the small walkway to the opened hatch. It was a small sub that has been giving tours during the day. My friend that I have known for a while worked here and was doing me a favor to let us have a little fun down under the water in a sub.

As we entered the hull of the submarine, there was one bunk that was designed and setup for us. It had a mattress with some lube and condoms all setup for us. Damien slowly laid me down on the little bunk bed and snaked down my body. He undid the button on the jeans that I was wearing and there were Sean?s briefs all tented up, ready to burst.

He yanked the jeans clear off my body and reached up the leg hole of the briefs and freed my aching member. He did not wait for me to strip him or anything and just engulfed my member. I arched my back and Damien rode the wave. He did not miss a beat. My hands went to the back of his head and I gently pulled his hair. He looked up at me and I pulled him off my cock.

?He was not laying on me and flipped him. Now I was on top of him and his cloth covered ass was just dying to be freed. I reach underneath him and quickly pull down his pants and Ethan?s boxerbriefs. I dived right in before his clothes could even be completely taken off. He moaned my name. He started humping the mattress that we were on.

I grabbed a condom and some lube and started to lube myself up. Damien stopped humping the mattress and waited for me to enter his body. I lined myself up and slowly slipped in. Damien moaned out my name and it echoed throughout the sub. It sounded so neat and that is when I knew he was ready for me to continue. I started out slow and then I reached underneath him and was jerking off in time with my humping.

I stuck my dick all the way in and swindle in small circles inside of him. I hit his prostate a couple of time because his body arched up and down. I rode him with each wave. Each wave made me go deeper within him. Then the finally wave ended and I felt him tight up and he shot his entire load onto my hand, his stomach and the mattress. I jerk him a couple of more times and he shot a few more loads into my hand. He must have not came for a couple of days because he was spent. He slowly lay down on the mattress and I popped out of his tight ass. He turned over on the mattress and grabbed hold of my cock. He pulled the condom off my cock and then started jerking me off like there was no tomorrow. Within seconds, I shot my load all over him. He just kept going till every last drop was out of me.

I dropped on top of him and was completely spent. Damien and I were melted into one person at the moment. When I was taking a breath he was exhaling and same with him. We were like that for a good thirty minutes, I knew we could not spend the night so I rolled off of Damien and grabbed my underwear. I slowly put them on and Damien followed in suit.

After get dressed, we grabbed most of the items that were here for us and took off. We hoped in Damien?s car and took off towards my house. Both of us being tired yet we had a good time; we knew it was time for bed.

As we were pulling up into the driveway of my parent?s house, I looked out the window and there was someone on the front lawn. I squinted my eyes to try and see who it was but could not make the person out. Damien got out of the car and then I quickly went to his side. As we got closer to the figure in the darkness of the night, I quickly realized who it was.

??Noah!? I yelled out to the figure.

?Yes, it is me, sweetheart,? he yelled back.

?What did he just call you?? Damien asked me.

?Sweetheart,? I said back to him in a low voice. In my head, I knew nothing good would come out of this.

Noah started walking towards us as we started walking towards him. ?Who is this person your with?? Noah asked.

?This is my partner Damien, what are you doing here?? I asked but was afraid of the answer.

?Damien, you better back off my man or I will hurt you,? Noah said to us. Damien looked at me and saw the fear and hurt in my eyes. Noah was about five feet away from us and Damien was already tired. I looked up and noticed both of them were about ready to take a swing for me.

I used the rest of my energy to get in between them. It was too late for them to stop what they started. They noticed that somehow I got between both their punches and each of their punches hit me square in the face. If you ever seen what an apple or watermelon looks like when it gets hit with a bullet in slow motion, that is what I felt like. I went down for the count. I laid face down on the grass of my front lawn.

Noah did not know what to do. He freaked out and took off. ?You better run, you fucking coward,? Damien yelled. Damien was still a little heated and then his senses came back. He looked down at my life less body and realized what he just did. He punched the love of his life. He dropped to his knees and started crying. He quickly checked my breathing to make sure I was alive. I was still breathing but was not moving.

He picked me up and put me in his car. He took of quickly towards the hospital to make sure nothing else happened to me since I was punched from both sides of my head. I felt him grab my hand and hold it the entire way. We got to the hospital and he carried me into the building.

We went up to the check-in nurse and she said, ?It has been a long time since you two have been here. You know the drill.? She handed Damien as one of the other nurses brought out a wheelchair to put me in and take me back since I was unconscious. Damien quickly filled out the form and gave it back.

Within a couple of minutes the nurse called Damien into the room and to get the story about what happened. Damien told her and then the doctor came into the room. It was a different doctor then the one that has treated us some many times before. Damien re-explained the story to the doctor.

The doctor checked my vitals and then told Damien, ?It seems like he is going to be fine. We will run some tests to make sure that nothing got jumbled up in his head. Speaking of that, here is the person that is going to wheel him down to the MRI room,? the doctor said to Damien.

The young man wheeled me into the MRI room. They took the MRI and then Jason wheeled me back into the room. ?The doctor will be back once the results are in. He is going to be fine,? Jason told Damien.

?Thanks, I am Damien by the way,? Damien said looking over at the bed.

?The name is Jason,? he said. ?If you guys need anything feel free to ask.?

??Can I get a blanket for me and him?? Damien asked.

?Sure, thing. Will be back in sec,? Jason said to him.

Damien scooted towards the bed and grabbed my hand. Jason came back with the blankets and placed one over me and the other over Damien?s shoulder since he fell fast asleep. He was completed tired after the adrenaline wore off.

Morning came and the sun shined through the windows of the hospital. I opened my eyes and was staring at the ceiling. I figured something happened because I recognized the ceiling of the hospital. I was trying to remember what happened last night.

It all came flooding back to me like a bad dream. I ran in between the both of them to stop them from fighting. I must have missed blocking there punches because of the pain I was having in my jaw and head right now. The pain killers must be wearing off. I took both punches to the face and passed out from it. Damien must have brought me here to get me checked out.

That is when I realized that someone was holding on to my hand. I turned my head and it was Damien. His head was resting on the bed and his hand was holding tight to my. I took most of my strength to squeeze his hand and he woke up with a jolt. He looked around the room to get his bearings.

His eyes finally stopped and focused on me. He noticed that I was awake and smiling at him. He just started to cry and wrapped his hands around me. I hugged him back and felt all his sorrow that he slugged me.

He let go of me and then spoke, ?I am so sorry for getting that heated last night. I did not want to hit you and it was intended for Noah. I got so jealous that he still thinks you and him are still together even after he left you for good.?

?It?s ok babe. I should be the one saying sorry. He is my ex. It would happen to me if one of your ex?s did that. Wait one did kidnapped us but I knew in my heart that we belonged together and nothing would keep us apart. I still feel that way and always will. Nothing and no one is going to change that. We will deal with Noah and whatever else comes our way together,? I told him.

?He just stared at me in amazement that I was not mad. ?I just do not get why you?re not mad at me.?

?That is simple silly. You?re the one here at the hospital. You?re one that took care of me. Where is Noah? It shows that you love me and would always be there for me. If Noah even care one ounce for me he would be here with you. That is why I am not mad at you,? I told him and grabbed his hand.

Just then Jason the young intern walked in. ?I am about to leave but I was going to check and see how everything is going on in here?? he asked. He looked down at the bed and noticed that I was up. ?Oh, you?re awake, I will go get the doctor and you guys can talk.?

He quickly disappeared as fast as he came in. I just smiled and Damien followed my lead. ?So who is the cutie intern?? I asked.

?His name is Jason, he is a sweetie. He brought us the blankets and tended to our wish, even though both of us were asleep,? Damien said.

?Cool, so I take it the doctor has not told you I am ok to go home and continue on with our daily lives?? I asked.

?Nope, I hope you can go home today and enjoy the rest of this weekend,? Damien said. ?I did have a great time at the house warming party and the fun time on the sub.?

?I am glad that you did. I also had a great time as well,? I said to him and kissed him. Just then Jason came back with the doctor. Jason blushed a little at the site of us kissing. The Doctor was the normal doctor that has always be here since the beginning.

?How?s my two love bird?s doing?? the doctor said.

?Fine but I bruised my partner on accident. His ex came over and Zach stepped in to stop the two of us from fighting and mine and Noah?s, his ex, fists made contact with his face. It knocked him out and then I brought him here to make sure he is alright,? Damien told the doctor.

?Wow, it seems like Zach is going to be just fine. The MRI results came in and everything seems to be clear. You just need to take it easy and Damien, make sure he does not do anything to strenuous,? the doctor said with smile.

?Will do,? Damien said to him.

?I am going to get your paper work ready, while Jason gets you?re ready to leave,? the doctor left to let Jason and me get ready to leave.

??Ok, I am going to take the IV out and then you can change back into your clothes,? Jason said to us.

?Ok, I am used to it by now,? I told him. Jason was quick and it was painless. He was done in a matter of seconds. ?All done, you can get dressed now,? he said and started walking towards the door. He got to the door and waited me drop the hospital gown. He like what he saw because his scrubs that he was wearing started to tent up.

I pulled up the briefs and jeans that I had on. Then Damien helped me with my shirt. The doctor came back and handed me the discharge papers. He walked us out to the front lobby and we took off.

In the car, most of the way home, it was quiet. My mind was thinking on what to do about Noah. I am sure Damien was thinking the same thing as well. ?I guess I need to break the ice. We need to deal with Noah so nothing like this happens again. I would like for you to be there with me when I talk to him,? I spoke to Damien.

?I agree and this time I will not start a fight with him,? Damien added. We pulled into the driveway and Noah was sitting on the steps towards my front door.

Hey guys, hope you are doing well. I am going to try something new here. I am going to start an Ask Zach type of thing. Where you ask me questions and I will answer them, ask me anything you want from something small like saying hi to asking for help and what to do. I will answer all and nothing is off limits.

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Next: Chapter 46

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