Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on Mar 6, 2013


Zach Brimstone pt. 43

All the usual T's & C's apply. If you are offended by stories involving boys or same sex relationships, then this is not the story for you

I awoke to the sounds of crying in the hotel room. I let me eyes adjust to the darkness and saw a figure sitting in the chair across from the bed. I reached down and grabbed a pair of underwear that was lying about the floor. I pulled them up and noticed they were Damien?s. I figured he would not mind and probably think that it was hot.

I walked over to the person in the chair that was softly crying. It was Chase and he had his head in his hands. I gently put my hand on his shoulder so I would not shock him to much.

He stopped crying for a second to look up and see who it was. He tried to crack a smile but he could not hide the hurt within his eyes. I got down on my knees and whispered to him, ?What?s wrong??

He did not answer right away. He was pondering to let me into his personal life just after we meet only twenty four hours ago. He cleared his throat then spoke, ?I am missing my friend that I had a huge crush on back when I was younger. Seeing you laying there with Damien reminder me of the sleepovers we use to have.?

I looked at the sexy sleeping Damien and he just stirred. ?Go on if you want to. I am here to listen.?

?Well it all started out when we were eleven, his name was Justin. The one night that I remember the most was that we had a sleepover at my house. My parents and brother just went to bed. That is when we start our games of Dare. He would start off by just daring me to strip down to my briefs at the time. He would look at me but then I would get dress. I would dare him the same thing,? he paused to make sure I was following him.

?Ok, so go on,? I told him.

?He got dressed and then it was my turn for a dare. He dared me to go into my older brother?s room with nothing my but my underwear on. I said sure. Just as I was about to strip down, he quick ripped my clothes off. It felt different and I started to get a tent in my Hanes briefs. Justin noticed but did not say anything. I walked off and he smacked my butt. I jumped a little from that,? he paused and let a tear roll down his cheek.

?When I got to my brother?s room, it seemed like he was waiting for me. A flash went off in my face when I opened his door and felt someone from behind pull down my briefs. Another flash went off before I could even try to cover up my cock. Then I heard laughter from both sides of me. My brother and Justin were rolling on the floor laughing. I quickly pulled up my briefs and I was all kinds of red,? he said and I noticed in the darkness that he was turning red again just from the thought.

?So I thought I get back at Justin since I am always getting picked on by my brother. I noticed that Justin?s Fruit of the Loom briefs were showing above the waistline of his pajama bottoms. He was to busy laughing to even notice. I reached over and just start pulling with all my might on his briefs. Another flash went off and then I heard them start to rip. Then I pulled them over his head to give him a full on wedgie. He was on the ground roll and trying to get his pants off,? he told me.

I snickered a little at the thought of all three of them were having so much fun.

?Justin finally got his pants off and his underwear was complete torn apart. There was nothing left covering his cute little but and small cock. My brother flashed another picture so he had one of both of us if he would ever need to use it against us. I turned around and was about to go after him but he just shut and locked the door behind him. I helped my friend out and we went back into the living room but Justin did not have any underwear to change into. I went to my room and gave him a pair of my briefs for him to wear,? he said with a smile.

?Ok, so that was the start of a great friendship but there is more to this story,? I chimed in.

?You?re right, after that night we came up with this hot game of underwear swap. So every day for the next week, any time we would see each other, we would go to the nearest bathroom or room and strip each other naked then give the other person our underwear,? then he started sobbing again. This time he put his head on my shoulder. I felt his tears start rolling down my chest. After about a minute of him crying, he dried his tears and started finish telling his story.

?That went on for a couple of months then some got horrible news came down the line. Justin came over after school and he told me two things, first that he was gay and was in love with me. Second that his family was moving, I was shocked and really could not say anything. He got up and started to leave since I was not saying a word. He turned around with a tear in his eye and said see you later,? he stopped then I noticed that he had the same look of shock on his face.

?Let me guess you want to tell him that you?re gay and that you loved him too. You were just afraid of what might come out of it. Now you?re regretting not telling him. It is eating you up inside,? I said to him as I lifted his chin up.

He did not have to say a word, I knew the answer. I was right. ?I miss him so much. I just want to see him one more time,? he said with a more tears following.

?You go get some rest and everything will be ok,? I said to him. I lifted him up and took him back to bed. I started rubbing his back and was thinking about what he just told me.

The morning came and Damien and I took off but left our numbers with him just in case he needed anything while he was in town. I also told him what the bet winnings where going to be. In a couple of days, I will call him with specific directions on what to do.

We got into Damien?s car and he took me home. He did not know what was going on but he wanted to go home and change before we started anything else. I kissed him goodbye and went into my house. Nobody was home, so I went into my room and booted up my computer. As it was loading, I stripped down to Damien?s underwear. I took a sit on my chair and was off doing my thing.

About two hours had pasted when I realized that there was a handsome stranger standing behind me. He noticed that I was only in my underwear and his hands came around my shoulders. They engulf my body and started creeping under the waistband of underwear that I had on.

I tilted my head up and saw his smiling face. Damien was also down to my boxers that I had on last night. His hands lifted the waistband of the boxerbriefs I was wearing and started jerking me off. I just let him take control of body. I knew he wanted me to enjoy this plus I getting to cum in my partners underwear. I reached around the chair and start massaging his ass through my boxers.

He moaned out my name. I wanted the same thing as he did. I would love for him to cum in my boxers as much as he wanted me to cum in his. I felt his hand pick up speed then I realized which boxers he had on. I had special easy access boxers on the other night. I cut a hole in the boxers where you could just stick your cock through. My fingers found the hole and they went to work. They slipped in quickly and started massaging his prostate. He was moaning loader and loader with each thrust of my fingers.

I felt my cock reach the point of no return and thrust my fingers all the way in. My cock creamed all over his underwear. He smiled down at me and bent over to kiss me. My fingers slipped out of his crack then when I felt his cock bounce to life on my back. His cock slipped out of the slit in the boxers and I felt his warm goo start squirting all over my back.

We kissed and he looked up from the kiss at the computer screen. ?What you working on??

?Join me in the bathroom and I will tell you everything,? I told him while getting up to go to the bathroom. We walked over to the bathroom and I hopped in the shower and so did he. He just smiled when I told him my plans and gave me a great big hug.

?You?re the greatest person in the whole world. Can I do anything to help?? he asked me as we dried each other off.

?You just make sure Chase follows my instructions to the letter,? I told him.

He kissed me good night because he had to go have dinner with his dad. He grabbed his used underwear and took off. I spanked his ass on the way out and as he left, my email start exploding with messages. I checked each one and found what I need. I sent back an email to meet up with him and plead my case.

Monday came and went. I meet up with my friend and asked him to meet me on Wednesday. After I meet with my new friend, I called Damien and told him the plan. The next step was to tell Chase what to do.

I called Chase, ?Hey sexy.?

?Hello, who is this?? he asked.

?How could you forget me?? I said playfully.

?Zach, how are you?? Chase asked.

?I am good and you?? I asked him.

?Doing good, just resting my ankle. When are you and Damien coming back to have another night of fun?? he asked.

?Maybe another time but right now I will be sending Damien over tomorrow night to pick you up. He will have an outfit for you to dress up in and then he will be your chauffeur for the evening?s festivities,? I told him.

?That sounds hot. Can not wait to see what you have planed for me,? Chase said to me then hung up the phone.

The stage was set and the players were coming together. Damien and I meet up after school and started getting everything ready. I kissed Damien and he took off towards Chase?s hotel to get him ready.

I started walking towards the restaurant that Chase and my new friend were going to meet up. I got to the restaurant on the pier and no one was their. Damien was probably trying to convince Chase to come yet I know Damien will get the job done.

Just then a hand reached my shoulder and snapped me out of my thoughts. I turned around and there was my new friend. ?Glad to see you made it,? I told him.

?I am nervous as hell,? he said back to me. ?What if he hates me or does not even want anything to do with me??

?Relax and breathe, he is going to love you plus who would not want to be with you,? I said. The kid standing in front of me was about 5?9 and had swimmers build. He was beach blond hair and had some sexy cargo shorts on. They hugged his tight little bubble butt and had a bugle in the front to match. He had on nice button down shirt that went well with his green emerald eyes. I noticed that he was sagging and notice that he did take my advice on what type of underwear to wear for tonight?s let get together.

?Ok, you look hot and you?re table a waits,? I told him as the host took him off to the table I arranged for them. He left and then I looked at my watch.

Meanwhile at the hotel, Damien was waiting for Chase to change into the clothes I had for him. He looked at his watch and then knocked on the door to the bathroom. ?Is everything alright in there?? he asked.

?I do not know if I can do this,? he yelled through the door.

Damien tried the handle and luckily it was unlocked. Chase forgot to lock the door. ?What?s wrong?? he asked.

?What?s wrong, look at this,? he said pointing to his crotch area. ?The briefs that Zach got me are too small. I wish he just let me wear my American eagle boxerbriefs. I would be more comfortable and less nervous.?

?Those are the instructions that my boy gave me. If you do not follow them it might ruin the surprised that he has set up for you,? Damien said to him.

?Ok, fine. I am afraid that Zach is going to embarrass me in front of everyone and I will not be able to live it down,? he said and then Damien really did notice that the briefs were about a size too small and was not holding everything very well.

?Chase, Zach is not that type of guy. I know him very well and he will not do anything to hurt you unless you want it,? Damien said with a smile. ?Just trust him. He has all this planned out and you?re going to enjoy the surprise that is waiting for you,?

?Plus I will not let anything happened to you. If you want we can join you if you like,? Damien added.

?Really, you would be there for me, Zach too?? he looked up at Damien with a couple of tears rolling down his cheek.

?Yes, we will,? Damien said even through he knew what might happened once they meet up.

Chase stood up and finished getting dress. Damien then took his hand to clam him down which did the trick for a little while. They left the hotel room, hopped into Damien?s car and took off towards the restaurant. It took them a couple of minutes to get down to the pier and park.

I saw Damien?s car pull in and hid behind the restaurant so they would not see me. Damien knew I would be around watching. Damien brought Chase to the front of the restaurant and let Chase go in first. After Chase was taking to his table, Damien entered and grabbed a table nearby. I came in the back way and while Damien was looking the other way, I took my sit across from him.

Damien jumped a little when he looked in my direction. ?When did you get here??

?I have always been sitting here, I am like ninja,? I told him with a smile then looked over at the other table.

When Chase got over to the table, the mystery guest stood up. Chase was about to cry when he saw who it was. Justin did not change much over the last couple of years minus getting taller and sexier. Chase just wrapped his hands around the sexier long lost friend and hugged him. They each took a sit and it seemed like they were only apart for a day instead of couple of years.

Justin looked over in my direction and waived us over. We grabbed our drinks and took them over to the table. We all sat down and introduced Damien to Justin.

Chase asked, ?How did you find him so quick??

?That was the easy part, I have a website that goes around to different sites and searches for people. It also asked a few different webmasters to ask around. Then once it gets a hit, it shoots me back the article or information from the person. Then it is foot work from there. I meet up with the person that gave me the info and asked some questions,? I told them. ?That is how I found Justin so quick. He seems like a great guy when we talked the other day. Yet he is more excited to catch up with you.?

?Yeah, you guys have a lot to talk about, I would start on that day you came out to him,? Damien said bluntly.

?Justin, there was something that I needed to tell you that day but was not able to do so. I am gay and always loved you. Still do, hopefully your not dating anyone and you would like to be my boyfriend,? Chase said all in one breathe.

?Well, I do not. How about we take it slow and have a couple of dates first,? Justin said.

I nudged Damien in the side and he got the hint. Before I left, I told them one thing, ?Before the night is over you must show each other you?re underwear. I am sure you will love it.?

I walked away from the table and just before I reached the doorway, my phone got two texts, Justin and Chase both sent me a text reading: Thank you and that we owe you one. I sent a text back to both of them: Not necessary. Just be happy with each other.

I exit out of the restaurant and follow Damien around the back of the place. We stood on the edge of the pier looking in the vast dark ocean.

?You know your one awesome person,? Damien said to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

?Nope, I just like to see people happy and anything I can do to help others out, I will do it no matter what the cost,? I said back to him.

?In my book, I am the lucky one to have you as my partner,? he said to me.

?I am lucky to have you as well,? I told him and kissed him on the lips. We kissed each other for a couple of minutes when the cold ocean air finally got to us. We ran to his car and took off. Justin drove so I knew that Chase would get home or to his hotel depending on where the date ends up.

Damien and I were completely tried from all the running around that we did. We ended up back at his place. As soon as I was up in his bedroom, I lay down on his bed and crashed out. The next thing I awoke too was my phone going off.

?Hello,? I answered the phone groggily.

?Thank you for the best time of my life, I owe you big time. I got to go, we are gearing up for round three,? Chase said on the other end of the phone then it went silent.

Damien turned over and asked, ?Who was that??

?I think it was Chase and they were going at it. He said something about round three. I take it the briefs did their magic and they literally left off where they were in the relationship that was developing,? I told him.

?Good for them,? he said and then grabbed me to lie back down.

I just let him cuddle up with me as I fell asleep with a big fat grin on my face.

Sorry for the short chapter this time. Let me know what you think, hit me up at

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Next: Chapter 44

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