Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on Feb 19, 2013


Zach Brimstone pt. 42

All the usual T's & C's apply. If you are offended by stories involving boys or same sex relationships, then this is not the story for you.

We just entered school and hustle and bustle was all about us. Everyone was getting back into the swing of things, running around about to their classes. Just when I was about to kiss Damien goodbye, a group kids blocked us and swept him away. I just smiled and waved at my partner. He smiled back at me then vanished out of sight. Then I was whisked away down one of the hallways.

I tried to grab hold of anything to get a balance or to get out of the rushing kids. I grabbed hold of a bulletin board but soon my grip was loosening and I got push all the way to my classroom. I jumped into my classroom and that?s when I realized that there was something attached to my hand. It was a piece of paper that must have been attached to the bulletin board that I grabbed hold of.

I pushed it down into my backpack to look at it later or bring it back to the board. Class started and I was paying attention, when I reached into my backpack and looked at the piece of paper.

It was a flyer for a local Marathon here in L.A. It was for all ages and you could do it for fun or competition. It got me thinking that it might be fun. Then I got the next bright idea on how to presents this to my partner. The day went by smooth and I meet up with Damien and Jackie in the parking lot.

?Hey guys, what?s going on?? I asked them while walking up to them.

?Not much, just waiting on your perky little ass,? Damien said to me then spanked my ass. I stuck it out once more and Jackie took a swing at it as well.

?Well, I am here so let?s get this show on the road,? I said to them as I got inside Damien?s car. Damien and Jackie go in as well and we took off to the mall. ?Is Elliot working today??

?Yeah, we are going to go visit him. Maybe have some fun on his break,? Jackie said with a smile.

?Lol, that fun is only for two people not four,? I said to Jackie.

?I agree with Zach, that is only fun for two,? Damien chimed in.

?I am sure you guys can find something to do during that time,? she said with a smirk and wink.

?I bet,? Damien said and grabbed my thigh.

I smiled and we started talking about school and stuff. We made it to the mall and Jackie took off towards Elliot?s store. Damien and I both got out and started walking around the mall. When Damien was not noticing, I ducked into the sporting good store. I quickly grabbed a couple of items and went into the changing room.

I whipped out my phone and texted Damien to meet in the changing room of the sporting store. I got a reply, ???. Then I sent back, got a surprise for you. All that came back this time was smiley face.

He finally got my drift. I quickly changed into a neon green skin tight running shirt, black loose fit but short running shorts and a nice small fitting jockstrap which did not hold my entire package. I was standing there waiting for Damien to open the door.

A couple of minutes later the door handle started to turn. The door opened slowly and then Damien quickly bolted inside. He took one good look at me and smiled.

?That outfit is so hot on you but I need to check if those shorts are loose on you,? Damien said and started walking over to me.

I just stood still, letting him inspect my shorts. I was all ready rock hard and the jockstrap was about ready to burst at the seams. Damien started tugging at my shorts and they slowly started slipping off my body. I lift my shirt and you could see the waistband of my jockstrap that was on me. Damien stopped and used his teeth to snap the waistband. It turned me on even more. My hands went to the back of his head and I started rubbing my hands through his hair.

He tugged at my shorts and then the bugle in my jockstrap was completely uncovered. His mouth went for it and started licking the outside of it. The mixture of sexy and sweat drove him wild. His hands pulled on the leg of the strap and my cock flopped out. It slapped him lightly on check. Damien quickly went to work on my pulsating member.

Damien was in heaven. He was going to town on my cock. I looked down and smiled. He was wearing a pair of loose fitting basketball shorts that were sagging. I saw the bugle in the front and his perfectly shaped butt hanging out the back. I reached down and start slipping my finger down his butt crack. He moaned on my cock which I knew was not going to last much longer.

Damien noticed it too and took his mouth off my cock and stood up. He then started kissing me. My hand roamed freely around his body and I pushed his shorts down around his ankles. His Gap boxerbriefs were all tented and a small dark spot was forming in the front. He then reached down and freed his member. Quickly, he turned me around and I felt his cock slowly start to enter my body. Inch by inch, I was enjoying every moment of this. I took one deep breathe and he entered me fully. He started rocking back and forth.

I went with the flow and soon felt him hit my prostate. I moaned his name out but not loud enough for everyone to hear. He started hitting it over and over again. Then I felt my cock just loose control and it squirted all over the place. He made me organism without even jerking my off. It was so hot. I felt weak in the knees and used the wall to support ourselves.

Damien then picked up the speed then I felt him erupted inside me. He fell upon my body and we both took a seat in the changing room.

After a couple of minutes of resting, Damien finally started pulling his underwear and basketball shorts up. Then he asked, ?What is with the whole runner?s outfit??

?I got this flyer for a Marathon in L.A. in the next couple of weeks and thought it would be fun to go running in it. Might meet some new friends or who knows finish first or just pass out from trying,? I said with a smirk and handed him the flyer. I quickly change back into my clothes and placed the clothes on the seat inside the dressing room. Damien read over the flyer and looked back at me.

?Go for it, I think I will not run though. I will be your number one fan and train with you,? he told me while I was getting dressed.

?Sounds good to me,? I said to him and kissed him on the check.

?Is that the outfit you?re going to be wearing?? he asked me.

?Yep but maybe a looser jockstrap and some tighter running shorts so they do not fall off my body while running,? I told him.

?That would be hot to see you?re shorts fall and you mooning the rest of the runners. Also I might just have you make a detour on the run to have a quick break,? Damien told me and slapped my ass. He exited the changing as I grabbed the clothing articles.

?I might just take you up on that offer,? I said while catching up to him.

I went back to get a tighter pair of shorts and loose fitting jock. Damien just smiled at me and whispered, ?Hopefully those will make more then one appearance.?

?I am sure they will,? I told him and we both walked towards the cash register. I paid for my things then we meet up with Jackie, who was flushed. ?Did you have a good time with Elliot??

She just smiled and was almost speechless but then she spoke, ?I did not know that Elliot had that in him. He came twice in fifteen minutes. Wow!?

Damien said, ?Wow that is my kind of man. I bet he would have came more if he did not have to go. You left him with a hard in his cute boxers.?

I noticed Damien was getting hard again just from the images of Elliot in nothing but his boxers. I quickly went in front of Damien and reached into his shorts and underwear. I quickly gave it a couple of jerks and he exploded again in his underwear. I felt his cum all over my hands. Luckily, Jackie was still out of it and did not notice a thing. I slowly pulled my hand out of his shorts. I licked my hand within seconds of getting it out of his shorts.

Damien whispered, ?Thanks, I need a second time especially with the thought of Elliot in nothing but his underwear.?

?I know that is a hot thought,? I said back to him. I turned around then felt his hand on my crotch. ?We can take care of that one later.?

Damien knew that Jackie would notice anything about me but she was still getting use to Damien?s tell signs of his horniness. Damien just gave it one more squeeze and then we all went back to Damien?s car. We took Jackie home and Damien went back to my house.

?Ok, let?s start training today,? Damien said to me.

?Sure, what is the first thing that I should start doing,? I asked him.

?Let?s go for a run,? he said and we both went up to my room. We quickly changed into some sweats and took off running. We went towards the beach. We did some of the training in the sand since it does give the body more resistance. At the end of the first days run, I was completely tired. We got back to my house; Damien kissed me good night and took off towards his house.

I got in and went to my room. I crashed out on my bed and awoke about four in the morning. Trying to fall back to sleep but I could not fall. Quickly, I jumped in the shower and washed all the sweat and smell, off my body. It felt great to have the hot water flowing over me. I just let the water flowing over ever muscle in my body, relaxing it to no end. I felt like jelly in the hot sun, everything just started to melt away.

I must have been in the shower for a good hour because the water started to get cold. I finished up and got dressed. My parents got up maybe an hour after I got out of the shower and they smelled something coming from the kitchen. They got dress quickly and were wondering who was cooking something in their house.

Both of them bolted towards the kitchen, as they turned the corner they saw that I was waiting for them with a table full of food. I also texted Damien to come over a little early if he wanted breakfast, just then there was a knock on the door.

?I got it and you two can go ahead and start eating,? I said and motioned for them to have seat.

I disappeared and opened the door. Damien was standing there with some jeans and a hot skate shirt on that was just a little short. He yawned and came inside. We re-joined my parents at the table and eat breakfast.

?I have something to tell you,? I told my parents.

?Please do not say you did not end up at hospital again and we need to see the doctor,? my mom said to us.

?Nope, I decided to do the Marathon that is coming up in a few weeks and Damien is training me to at least not keel over during the middle of the race,? I said to them while taking a drink of O.J.

?That sounds like fun, do you want us to do anything,? my dad asked.

?Right now, I think I got everything but I think when the race comes it would be great to have you watch,? I told them.

Damien started telling them how he is going to train me and get me into shape. Both my parents were impressed that he came up with a three week plan to get ready. Then he looked at me and said, ?You will follow these plans to a T or else.?

I swallowed my food and had a look of terror on my face. He also handed a sheet of paper with the workout and eating habits that I need to follow. Then I noticed there were not extra activities on there. At the bottom was a note for my eyes only, I will have fun with you after the race is over.

I put the paper down and had a sad face. Damien noticed and went over to me. He kissed me on the ear and whisper, ?Trust me, the wait will be worth it. You will have complete control of me when you finish.?

That put a smile on my face but I did not know if I could last three weeks without our hot passionate love making. I decided to go for it and it would be worth it. The plan started today after breakfast.

We finished our meal and we all went to work and school. The next three weeks was well worth it. I woke up the morning of the race and looked in the full length mirror. I was completely ripped; all my muscles were well defined. My six-pack was showing which lead down to my v-line which rose just above the waistband of my American eagle plaid boxers that I was wearing. My legs were chiseled. I was happy and so was Damien. I had so much energy. I looked over at Damien sleeping peaceful on my bed. He spent the night so we can get there early.

Walking back to the bed, I slowly crept over his body and gently kissed him on the mouth. His eyes slowly opened and he melted into the kiss. We kissed for a few more minutes and both our members were coming to life. We started to grind our bodies together but Damien pushed me away. I knew he would do that even though he did not have sex for three weeks either.

I rolled off him. We both got up and started to get ready. We hopped in the shower and Damien was admiring my new body. He started soaping up my back and then fondled my butt. I moaned out his name and the sexually tension was tremendously overwhelming. Damien was about to say fuck it all when his finger was sliding down my firm butt checks. Then he snapped back to reality and pulled his finger away.

I was not the only one to get re-defined. Damien was built with an amazing six pack and his butt was firmer then mine. I just wanted to spilt his ass and eat him out. I knew the sex tonight will be fantastic.

We quickly finished our shower and got ready. We both dressed, he was in a biking gear so he can get from stop to stop while riding. I dress up in my runner?s outfit. We both looked at each other and smiled. We knew what the other was thinking and to be honest once sex is out of the equation it makes you see things about the relationship and can build a greater foundation for your relationship.

We hopped in his car and took off towards the starting line. Within a couple of minutes, we were at Huntington Beach. The place was starting to fill up with people. There were tents set up for check in and other booths selling things. Damien parked the car and we both got out.

We went over to the check in booth and gave them my name. They checked me in and I signed a couple of waivers. They gave me my number of 673. Then I went to the starting line. Damien went back to his car and unloaded his bike while I was stretching. Just then I noticed someone out of the corner of my eye. He was wearing a New York University sweater and some black running shorts. He was a couple of inches tall then me and his ass was hugged perfectly by those running shorts.

He was stretching too and I walked over to him. I continued my stretching next to him. I was also checking him out when Damien came over. He was checking both mine and the stranger?s ass. I looked between my legs and noticed he was check both of us out.

I stood up and tapped the stranger on the shoulder. I said ?Hi? and extend my hand to shake his.

?Hi, you new to the Marathon scene?? he said back.

?Yeah, how did you know?? I asked.

?Never seen you around here, I have done this race a couple of times,? he said as he was stretching his legs.

?Oh, my name is Zach and this is Damien,? I said and point to him who was now standing next to me.

?Where are my manners, the name is Chase. Yes that is my real name and that is probably what you will be doing during this race,? he told me with a smirk.

?Oh really, it sounds to me like you want to make a bet,? I said with devilish grin on my face.

?Fine, I will take that bet. What are the stakes?? he asked curiously.

?Hmm?,? I said and looked over at Damien. Then I knew what he was thinking and I was wondering if Chase, our new friend, would be down for it. ?If you win, you will have two personal escorts for the weekend. If I win, then you become ours for the weekend.?

?Ok, anything goes for the escort service?? he added.

?As long as anything goes for you if I win,? I said back.

?Deal,? he said extending his hand.

I reached out and shook his hand. The deal was set. Damien then pulled me aside and asked, ?If we are thinking the same thing, this weekend will be hot either way. Just hope this guy is gay.?

?I am sure he is. He was checking both of us out when we walked into the booth. Plus if he is not, who could resist my tight ass and your plentiful bulge,? I said and gently grabbed my lover?s cock.

Just then Chase grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. ?You ready, the race is about to start and I do not want to put you at a disadvantage.?

?Wow, his is nice too,? I thought to myself.

Damien was on the sideline as we all took our place at the starting line. I looked over at Damien and gave him a wink and smile. He did the same back. Then I looked over at Chase and his eyes were not focused on me but my package. That was the final thought before we started the race.

The gun went off to signal the start of the race. We all took off and Chase was fast. He was not kidding about me chasing after him in the most literal of sense. For the fist couple of yards, I was not too far behind him. I guess you can call him my pacer. Every time he sped up, I would speed up. If he slowed down, I did the same.

We reached the first checkpoint and Damien was there smiling. He handed me a cup of water and I drank some of it and splashed the rest of it over my face. I did surprise myself, I thought I would be completely out of breath but I was not. It must be the fact that I am use to the smog filled air.

I looked over at Chase and he was fit as a fiddle. He took off his sweater that he had on and underneath was a skintight t-shirt almost just like mine. He looked over in my direction and I smiled at him. Just when I smiled, he took off running. Damien quickly kissed and spanked my ass as a signal to get going.

The next length of course was running inland towards Disneyland. Luckily, I knew these back streets like nobodies business. I took a couple of turns that where marked on the road and I looked up. Chase was not in front of me anymore. I looked behind me when I saw him turn the corner that I was just at. I was to busy focusing on running that I did not even noticed that I pasted him up. I knew I was good at cornering but would not know that would be his weakness.

I picked up the pace and was gone around the next few corners without even thinking about it. I looked up ahead and saw the next checkpoint. Damien was there holding up the cup of water for me. Damien noticed that I was ahead of Chase. He started cheering me on. He was jumping up and down, full of excitement.

I made it to where he was and was feeling great. My muscles were not sore and I was ready to finish this race up. I grabbed the water from my sweetie and splashed most of it over my face to cool off. I kissed him real quick and took off to finish this race up.

Chase noticed I was not tired and he was starting to run out of steam. He drank a cup of water and splashed another one over himself. He was not going to lose to a rookie especially to someone like me. He took off like a lighting bolt.

He spirited right past me within seconds. He looked behind me and did not realize that the pavement was uneven. I tried to yell, ?Watch out!!? but it was too late. His foot hit the uneven pavement and he started to fall. He hit the pavement with a solid thud. I finally caught up to where he landed.

I knelled down and asked, ?Are you ok??

?No,? he winched through his teeth. ?I think I twisted my ankle.?

I noticed he was grabbing his ankle and was in pain. ?Can you walk? You can use me as crutch.?

I helped him to his feet and noticed some of the other runners just jogging past us. He swung his arm around my shoulder and we walked the rest of the way and he did not put any more pressure on the twisted ankle. It was about another half a mile to the finish line. We got over the horizon and everyone was waiting at the finish line.

Damien was the first one to notice and dropped his bike. He came running over to us and went to the other side of Chase. Then Damien and I made a make shift seat and Chase took a sit in our arms. We carried him across the finish line and into the first aid tent. The on-call doctor was looking at the ankle and told us, ?Just give it some rest, ice and keep it wrapped. Glad your friends were here to help you finish the race.?

?Thanks doctor. I will follow those instructions to a T,? Chase said to the doctor and looked over at us.

?Glad you?re not hurt,? I said and looked at the swelling of the ankle. ?It does not look as bad as the one time I broke my ankle falling through a secret cavern.?

?What happened?? he asked.

?We will tell you that story on the way over to your place or hotel. I assume that you?re from New York because of the sweater your wearing,? Damien said.

?You guys do not have to do that. I will get a taxi and head back to my hotel. Please do not go out of your way for stranger you just meet,? he replied back to us.

?It is not out of our way. Plus we would like to get to know you,? I chimed in.

?Ok, if you guys insist,? he said and then we all help him in to Damien?s car since it was parked at the end of the race. Damien put the bike in the car as Chase gave us directions to the hotel. We got there and he had a nice little suite.

We all walked in and he hobbled over to the bed. He flopped down and Damien and I both noticed a nice size bugle. Damien put down our bag of clothes so we could change into them later. I flopped down next to Chase on the bed and my hand just swiped his bugle. When I did that, I felt a twitch in that region of his toned body.

Damien, just being funny, lay across both of us. Damien?s crotch was inches away from Chase?s face and his face was inches away from mine. I started kissing him and that got a rise in the bicycle shorts that he was wearing. It also got a rise out of mine. Chase just watched us make out then Damien felt something poking into his thigh.

It was Chase?s bugle trying to escape. Damien then snaked his way off both of our bodies and ended up right in front of the monster wanting to be released. Damien looked at the both of us and then back down. I nodded giving him the ok that I was fine with it.

Then Damien reached up and slowly peeled off his running shorts. Chase lifted his but off the bed to let his shorts slid off with ease. It revealed a pair of tight black CK boxerbriefs. His bugle was tearing those boxerbriefs at the seams. Then he went over to my running shorts and did the same thing. My jockstrap was the only thing left on my body once Damien took my shorts off.

I took off my shirt and Chase?s shirt while Damien was working on the lower half of our bodies. My mouth to work on his chiseled abs and rock hard nipples, Chase was moaning out of pure pleasure. Damien then went back to work on Chase?s bugling underwear. He licked the entire length and that sent a shiver down Chase?s spine. Then Damien hooked his hands into the waistband of the boxerbriefs and slowly unwrapped the present waiting for his luscious lips.

Chase?s cock flopped onto his stomach and started standing straight up with a small curve to the right. Damien just went to town on the nine inch monster. Chase arched his back and I just rolled with the moaning Adonis.

Then I got the strength to sit up and straddled our new found friend. My jockstrap was only inches away from his awaiting mouth. He was taking in the smell of my sweaty jockstrap. He then stuck out his tongue and start licked my cloth covered cock. It tented the jockstrap out to the limits like before.

He reached in and pulled out my cock and started slurping up my cock that was already oozing pre-cum. I moaned from the pleasure he was giving me. I turned my head to see what my lover was up too.

He was already on the next phase of pleasure our friend from the other coast. He was already stripped butt naked and went to the bag to get the lube. Not only was he lubing up his cock and Chase?s asshole, he was lubing up Chase?s cock and mine butt. Every time Damien?s finger would slip into my hole it made me push my cock all the way down Chase?s throat. I felt his muscles start to message the tip of my cock and that just sent me wild. I did not know if I could last any longer.

Damien slipped his fingers out of my butt and lined up his cock to Chase?s awaiting hole. He slowly slipped in inch by inch. Chase let me cock slip out of his mouth which was my cue to start riding his monster cock. I slip backwards as my partner inch forwards. I made my way back and felt Damian?s bare chest against my back. That was when I felt Chase?s cock slip between my crack. I started slowly bouncing up and down, letting it slip in and out of my hole. I moaned every time it would enter.

Chase?s was in pleasure overload. He must have completely forgot about his foot because he was having these two hot studs give him everything he every wanted. Damien was picking up his paced as I sat down completely on his cock. It hit my pleasure zone and it sent me over the edge. I clinched my butt around Chase?s cock and exploded all over him. Cum went flying everywhere. It landed all way up onto his pillow, face, chest and it must have shoot at least twenty times since I did not jerk off or have sex for three weeks straight.

Damien saw that and gave one finally thrust and tapped Chase?s pleasure spot and Chase?s could not hold back any more. He let out one final moan and then I felt his cock erupt inside of me. Ten long shots came out of his hot cock. Once I unclenched my butt cheek and felt his cock and cum slowly fall out. I was spent and just fell on top of him. Damien was about to climax but pulled out at the last moment.

His cock popped out Chase?s tight ass and spewed all over my back and Chase?s cock. He was also build up with three weeks of cum without any pleasure. He shot about fifteen times all over my back and Chase?s cock and legs. Damien fell on top of us and I grabbed him with the rest of my strength. Quickly I pulled him onto the bed and we all fell asleep within each other arms.

Hope you guys enjoyed, this is dedicated to a good friend, Chase. Let me know what you guys think my email is

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Next: Chapter 43

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