Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on Jan 10, 2013


Zach Brimstone pt. 40

Hope everyone had a great Holiday season. Here is the next installment of Zach Brimstone. Do not forget to help out this awesome site by donating so we can all enjoy these fantastic stories.

All the usual T's & C's apply. If you are offended by stories involving boys or same sex relationships, then this is not the story for you.

We flew back from Mimi?s house and had a couple of days till our event at Disneyland. I was still wondering if we would have a great time like last time or find different areas to explore if you get my drift. It was nice to meet Chris and glad that we could help him out from all his drama.

By Friday, we were all caught up with our school work that we missed and our phones were getting blown up by everyone. Bobby, Ryan, Sean, Ethan were texting us to make plans with them and meet them at gay day at Disneyland. Jackie and Elliot just wanted to hang out with us since we have not seen them in a while. We did make plans to hang out with everyone over the weekend. It also included some alone time with each other.

Friday night came and we started thing of right. Friday night was the party at Downtown Disney and the House of Blues. We decided since all weekend we would be in the park that tonight we would hang out with Jackie and Elliot.

Eight o?clock hit and we met up with them at the House of Blues. We walked in and they were already dancing the night away. The music was blasting between jazz and R&B. Both slow and fast beats were rocking this clubhouse. I was dress in a pair of slack and a silk button down shirt. Damien was in a pair of nice blue jeans and a nice button down shirt. We walked over to them and said, ?Hi?

?Hey,? they yelled over the music blasting.

We motioned for them to come grab a seat with us for a moment. We talked about how school was and everything. It seemed their relation was going along great. A few bumps here and there but nothing they could not handle. We told them about our time in Georgia.

?Wow, I hope Chris keeps to the contract and does not end up on the street,? Jackie said.

?Hope he patches things up with his dad,? Damien said.

?Me too,? Elliot added.

?What are your guy?s plans for the rest of the weekend?? Jackie asked.

?Our parents got us a hotel room for the weekend so we do not have to come back and forth. Tomorrow we are going to meet up with the rest of the gang and hang out in Disneyland. Sunday, we are spending time to ourselves within the park,? I told them.

They both smiled and looked at each other. They kissed. They turned to us and grabbed us by the hand. Both of them pulled us back onto the dance floor. It was a mix crowd of men and women. Gays and straights, it felt right to be part of the mix and not an outsider for once. We did not have to worry about someone starting shit; we leaned in and kissed each other for a couple of minutes.

Jackie and Elliot did the same thing. We dance the night away. We were staying at the Disneyland hotel so it was not too far from downtown. About one in the morning, Jackie and Elliot both decided to call it a night.

We walked them to their car and told them, ?Have a safe trip home.?

?We will and you guys have a great weekend. Hit us up next week,? Jackie told us and got into the car.

Elliot just nodded his head and got in. They drove off and we started walking to the hotel. On the way back, I stopped and looked up into the starry night sky. Damien kept on walking a few more feet when he realized that I was not next to him.

?Everything ok?? he asked.

?Yep, I was just thinking how lucky I am. Not a lot of people get to have this,? I said back to him as my gaze was now on him.

?Have what?? he asked curiously.

?You, great friends, parents that are not to over protective and a life that is just so wonderful it is too much to believe sometimes,? I paused to catch my breathe. ?Sometimes I look up at the night sky and ask why I am so lucky.?

Damien walked back to my side and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. He then said, ?I can answer that one. You?re a great person and great people deserve to get treated very well. I am lucky and grateful everyday that I found you.?

I smiled and leaned in to kiss him. I dipped him and held the kiss. A few flashes went off but we did not care. I stood him back up and we walked hand in hand back to the hotel room. We got up to our room on the 17th floor; he swept me off my feet. Damien opened the door and carried me across the threshold. He gentle placed me down on the bed. He crawled over to me and I let him have his way.

I was all his for the night. He slowly bent down and I turned my head so he had access to my neck. He started sucking on my neck and bit down hard. I arched my back and moaned out his name. He slowly lifted my shirt off my body. Then his tongue traveled down my chest and circled around each nipple.

I just let him take full control of my body. My mind was sent into overdrive from all the pleasure my man was giving me. Then he started moving south. He stopped at the waistband of my jeans and used his teeth to unbutton my slacks. I slowly wiggled out of them and he had a big smile on his face.

A couple of days ago, I went and got some new underwear. They were not anything to special but I knew he would like it. They were a pair of low rise boxerbriefs in a dark blue color by American Eagle. His eyes almost popped out of his head because those were bursting at the seams. My cock was so hard from all the sensual attention that Damien was giving to me.

He was tempted to just ripe my underwear off my body and engulf my cock but he was letting it all build up. He skipped over my underwear and moved down to my inner thigh. A shiver was sent down my spine from all that was going on. I was holding back from just flipping him over and ripping all his clothes off. His tongue left my body and I tilt my head to see what was going on.

He reached down and slowly lifted his shirt over his body. He was sagging a little bit and that got my turned on even more. Then he flipped his body, so his bugle was right above my face. I lifted my head off the bed and started to lick the front of his jeans. His tongue came back full force onto my bugle as well.

My teeth worked there magic on his jeans that he was wearing and I pulled them completely off his body. They landed somewhere on the floor. He was also wearing some new boxers. They were gap ones that had different workout positions. I smiled to myself at how cute and sexy they were on him. My hands made quick work of the thin material and they also landed somewhere on the floor.

He felt that he was completely naked and wanted me to be in the same state. I lifted my butt off the bed after I felt him tug at my underwear. Soon my underwear join the clothes strew about the hotel floor. I looked down his body and his head was doing the same thing.

We smiled at each other then quickly engulfed each others cock. I did not start out slow, I just went fast and steady with his piece of meat. I wanted him to feel the full pleasure that I could give him. I felt him moan on my cock from the pleasure that I was giving him. He was so worn out from the dancing; I figured he would not last long.

I was right, a couple of more bobbing up and down I felt his cock tense up. I took it out of my mouth and stroked him. He took my cock out of his mouth and just said, ?Babe? real loud.

He squirted five shots all over my face and chest. I was enjoying it. I enjoyed it so much, my cock tense up from all the pleasure I knew I was giving him. I explode all over him. His face was covered with my spunk and I was with his. He spun around on my and we just started making out. Our tongues lapped up the fresh made cum. Every last drop was either licked up or kiss off our faces.

He slowly rose off my body and sat up. I sat up right next to him. I looked into his eyes and slowly went in for a kiss. During that kiss we gently lowered each other onto the bed. We cuddled and fell asleep in each other arms.

The curtains we open just a sliver, so in the morning, the sun shine just enough to wake me up. I looked over at the clock and it was an hour before we had to start our day. It was six in the morning. We got special access to the park since we were staying in their hotel. I learned over and kiss Damien on the cheek to wake him up.

He turned over and smiled at me. ?Did you have a good time last night??

?Yes, I did. That was just the beginning, the fun is not going to stop till Monday morning back at school,? I told him with grin from ear to ear.

?Really,? he said and quickly pounced on me.

We played around for a half an hour and then decided to start to get ready. He grabbed my hand and we walked to the bathroom for a quick shower together. We dried each other off and got dressed. We both had some khaki shorts and he had a pink tank top on and I was wearing a little pink shirt that had ?Guys in pink are hot? it read.

?You look hot babe,? I said to Damien.

?So do you,? he paused and looked me up and down. ?Too bad we are not just spending the day here in the hotel. The only thing you will see is the hotel ceiling.?

I spanked him for the comment and smiled at him. I knew he was horny and this day will not be a let down in any sense. We left our room and headed to the monorail. We waited for the monorail and he whispered in my ear, ?What ride do you want to go on first??

Being in a playful mood, I reach behind me and grabbed his crotch. Then I turned my head and winked at him. He understood what I wanted as well.

?That ride is close for the time being,? he whispered into my ear again.

?Well, maybe it will be fixed later,? I said back and kissed him. ?How about we just play it by year, the gang will not be in the park till eleven so we have a couple of hours till then.?

?Sounds good to me, no rush,? Damien said to me as the monorail pulled up. We boarded the train and just waited for it to travel to the entrance of the parks. As we got off Mickey Mouse was there to greet us. I smiled at Damien and he was like no. Then I gave him the pouty lips.

?Fine, go stand next to him,? he said.

I skipped over to Mickey and Damien took my picture with him. I walked back and kissed him on the cheek because I knew he was not big on photos with characters. Mickey is one of my favorite Disney characters. ?Thanks,? I said.

?Where are we going first?? Damien asked and a few seconds passed. ?Hmm? I know where we should go first.?

?Lead the way,? I said to him and followed him around the park. We ended up in Tomorrowland. It was something that has not been there in years. They brought it back for a limited time showing. It was the old Michael Jackson?s Captain EO 3D show. They brought it back for the thirty year anniversary.

It was not going to start for the next twenty minutes, so we started get fast pass for Star Tours and Space Mountain. We got back in line and we wait a couple more minutes watching the little preview before the show. The preview was the making of the film and behind the scenes.

The doors opened up and we walked in. We took our seats and put on the 3d classes. We were the only ones in the theater. It has been at least seven years since they have had this and I watched it with my folks. I cuddled up with Damien as the movie started. I was still a little bit tired but was happy to have a weekend to ourselves.

The movie played and we both enjoyed the show. We both like the little flying furry creature named Fuzzball. He kissed me as we walked out of the theater. We walked over to Star Tours and rode that. It was completely awesome with the new tours that they put in. It was better then the original.

Finally, it was ten and we got a text from Sean and Ryan. Each of them entered the park early and was wondering were we where. Damien replied to Ryan and I replied to Sean. We told them to meet us up at the waterfront. As we walked towards the waterfront in New Orleans Square or Main Street, I noticed all the pink and red shirts that everyone was wearing. I knew about Gay day at Disneyland and that it is not an actually endorsed by Disneyland, people wearing pink or red to know that they are there for that reason.

We made through the sea of red and pink and I noticed Sean and Ethan in bright red shirts and some cargo pants. They matched each other and I thought it was cute. I knew Damien and I would never do that. They saw us and came running over to us. We hugged each other and started talking about the trip and everything else.

I saw Ryan sneak up behind Ethan and Sean, Bobby was right next to him. Bobby and Ryan both picked up Ethan and Sean. Damien and I both just laughed as they put them down. We all had a good laugh at that. Bobby and Ryan hugged us and off we went to enjoy the rest of the day.

?Ok guys, were should we start our day?? Damien asked as he grabbed my hand.

Just before anyone could say anything, a barbershop quartet started singing. We all turned around and watched the show. They each sang a song and it lasted for about a half-hour. We clapped after each song and most of the boys singing where cute. Just something about the outfits and the boyish clean style they had made them hot.

Damien noticed that my bugle in my pants and slowly reached down. He gave it a squeeze. I looked over at him and smiled. I leaned over and kissed him. Then we looked at everyone and noticed that we were already to head out to the first ride of the day with everyone.

I asked again, ?Where are we heading first??

?I could give you guys the tour but I think pretty much most of your guys seen the front side of Disneyland and I can not take you to the back lot,? Ryan chimed in.

?That would be awesome but we can save that for another date,? Damien said to the group. ?How about we start in Fantasyland??

?Sounds like a plan,? Ethan said to us.

?Cool, we can cuddle up on the Peter Pan ride of the small little rides like Snow White or Pinocchio ride,? Sean and Damien said at the same time.

I thought about this too. I like spending time with everyone but cuddling up with Damien is great too. We all walked through the magical castle and ended up in Fantasyland. We got in line to the Peter Pan ride and then I noticed something I have not done in years but I figured I save it for nighttime because it is a little more special then during the day.

We all got on our separate boats and we floated through the story. The best part when you?re flying over London in the starry night sky. The ride ended and we all met up again.

?Let?s tour Snow White?s castle,? Ethan said as his eyes lit up. Before any of us could answer, he grabbed Sean?s hand and dragged him towards the entrance. We followed in suit and took the small tour. It just accrued to me what Ethan was doing. He was like a little kid wanting to do everything possible. It must have been a really long time since he had been at Disneyland.

I nudge Damien in the side and just look at him. He knew what was up then walked up to Sean and Ryan side. We each grabbed them and took off. Damien and I planed something special for them. I still had some connections in this place that I think Ryan did not even knew I had. Bobby and Ethan quickly followed us to one of the side employee entrance. I knocked three times and then the door swung open.

A man in his early twenties was standing on the other side. He was almost the spitting image of Walt Disney himself. Dressed in a black and white penny suit, he motioned for us to follow him. He did not say a word as he walked down the cobblestone road that leads us to our next spot.

I smiled as I knew where we were going. I even think that Ryan has never been here before. We get to a gate that has a hedge bushes on both sides of it. The hedges blocked the view of what was on the other side. The man turned around and held out his hand. Within his hand was an old time metal key. Ethan knew what that key was for. He gently grabbed the key from the gentleman and went up to the gate.

At a closer look the gate was painted white with red roses trimmed about the edges. Ethan entered the key and turn to unlock the gate. You could hear the click and then door slowly swing open.

It swung open to a garden maze and in the center of it was our treasure that we where lead to get. We all quickly started off and the gate closed behind us. The gentleman vanished from site and off went into the garden maze.

?We need to do this logical,? I said to everyone before we start on our walk.

?Yes, I agree with Zach,? Sean said.

?Ok, so what is our plan of attack and do you guys know what is in the center of this maze?? Bobby asked us since we dragged all of them into this.

?Yes we do but we will not tell you. We want this to be a surprise and a thank you to you all,? I said and then was thinking of how to tackle this task. I looked around and the hedges were taller then your average basketball player. A couple of feet you could see roses growing out of the hedges. ?By the way, welcome to the Red Queen?s garden.?

?I did not even know about this place,? Ryan chimed in.

I smiled then spoke, ?Ok so the plan is to stay together and just keep track of where we been. Anyone have anything as a maker that will not get stolen or eaten.?

We all emptied our pockets and it was mostly pocket change that was in them. We grabbed them and started walking towards the center of the maze.

A couple turns and an hour later, we where almost done from what I could feel. Nothing really eventful happened while we walked the maze. We made it to the center of the maze; within the center of it all was a banquet just for us.

A table set for us six and the gentleman was there waiting to serve us. He snapped his fingers and another just opened up and a couple of servers came through. We took our sits and we ate like kings. I looked at the time after we all finished and it was about 3:00 in the afternoon.

The head waiter came over to me and whispered into my ear. I just nodded my head and got up from the table. I tapped my glass and got everyone?s attention. ?I would like to now show a special movie that Walt Disney made himself before his past away for people that find this garden.?

A cloth covered the top of the center and a movie screen popped out of the hedge in front of the table. The gentleman wheeled out a projector and placed it on the other side of the table facing the screen. He flipped the switch and adjusts the lens to focus it on the screen.

I thought it was cool that they still used an old time projector. Within a few minutes of blank screen, Mr. Disney himself was on the screen in the famous room that his early films started out in. Mainly the one you would see when he did Winnie-the-Pooh books. He took a sit on the edge of the bed and looked directly into the camera.

?I wanted to start of by saying welcome to my secret garden. If you could not tell, I model it after the famous Red Queen?s garden from Alice in Wonderland. I am glad you can make it and to tell you the truth only a very select few make it to this little place. If wondering what this place is, think of it as my sanctuary to work and think on new things to become. If you are watching this, I am sure I am no longer living.? Walt said to us. ?The gentleman that led you here or at least gave you the key would most like be one of the few that has been here before, most likely my son or daughter or one of my grandkids.?

The film pause and we all looked at him. He just nodded and started up the film again. ?You probably wondering why we brought you to my garden and showing you this film. This film was one of my lost makings of an early version of Disneyland in the making. Also I challenge you to do something for me. My son or daughter will tell you the details of it if it has not yet been discovered by an early group of young people like yourselves.?

The film played on and it showed the make of Disneyland. A couple of moments later the cover was pulled off and the light shone thru again. We all looked back at the gentleman that looks like his grandpa.

?Yes, it is true. I am the grandson of Walt Disney. My name is Walter Miller. My dad past this task down to me, I have been looking for the treasure of Disney. I look around the park multiple times but came up with nothing. Even my dad was looking for it. I started bring in close friends and family members to help me with it and they got as stump as I did,? he told us.

?Ok, so what does that have to do with us?? Damien asked.

?I noticed some of the adventure?s that you went on in the local newspaper and that is why I invited you, Zach and Damien. I gave your parents the idea to give you a nice getaway and it is the perfect time to go treasure hunting since the park is full of people. My next question would be to ask you guys to dress in costume since you would have easier access to most of the park. It works out perfect that you?re in pairs because I will have one of you dressed up in costume and the other will be your handler.? he paused to make sure we understand what the task at hand was.

?That sounds like fun,? I chimed in ?Yet you still have not told us what we are looking for exactly.?

?To be honest, the only clue I could give you was that film. It is an original piece of the park that has not been touched by re-construction of the park. To tell you the truth, there is only a few places that can be: Fantasyland, Main Street, New Orleans and Adventure land. Please can you help me out,? he aid to us again.

?I am up for a challenge and I?m sure Zach is too,? Damien said and looked over at me. I just nodded my head. I looked around at everyone and then nodded their heads as well.

?Perfect, I got the perfect costumes for your other halves. Zach you will fit in perfect as Aladdin and Damien could be your handler. Sean since your so tall, I think Jack from Nightmare before Christmas would work for your and Ethan can be your handler. Last I think a villain for Bobby since Ryan works here. Ryan can blend in more of a handler. How about Hades, Bobby,? he said and snapped his fingers one more time.

The servers came back with our costumes. We quickly changed into our costumes and were led out to the park through the exit of the garden. I was led to Adventure land, Sean was led to New Orleans square and Hades was put in Fantasyland.

Before we left, I told everyone to come meet up at the waterfront by seven. It would give us plenty of time to check this out. Damien and I walked around Adventure land and were taking pictures with the guest of the park. I noticed a few things that caught my eye that I would not notice as a regular guest. Damien kept track of time and was looking around as well.

Damien tapped me on the shoulder and whispered in my ear, ?You make a hot ass Aladdin; maybe we could borrow the costume for later.?

I smiled at him and gave him a winked. Just then a kid about seven years old came up to me and tugged on my baggy pants. I looked down and asked, ?How can I help you little man?? in best Aladdin voice I could do.

?You?re my favorite Disney hero. You?re awesome,? he said and then handed me his autograph book. I smiled at him and knell down. I signed his book.

He was about to run away when I said, ?Wait, I have something for you.? I reached up and took off my little hat that I was wearing. I handed him the hat.

?Really, can I take it?? he looked back at his parents and then back at me. I looked up at his parents. They nodded at me and then I looked back down at the boy. I smiled and nodded. Then he just hugged me and ran back to his parents.

I got back up and looked over at Damien. He had a tear roll down his cheek from the kindness that I just shown the boy. ?You never cease to amaze me. I am so happy that you?re in my life.?

?I am so happy you?re in mine,? I said back and blew him a kiss.

We kept walking around and then seven o?clock rolled around. We both started walking towards the waterfront. Everyone was standing around waiting at the water front. Sean and Bobby were about to take off there costume heads when I stopped them. ?Do not ruin the illusion, for the young ones,? I said to them as I point out the young ones around us.

We signed a few more autographs and then the show started. Fantasmic was still an awesome show but I was more interested in finding about what was going on with the treasure. Sean and Ethan started things off. There was only one thing that he found that seems to be original. It was a sign that pointed to Fantasyland and writing underneath it was a small little description. To find what you seek go through the gates.

Next were Bobby and Ryan, they were in Fantasyland. They could not find anything that would be out of place. They came up with nothing.

Last was us, I only notice one hint but it was more of a picture I remember from the film that was shown. ?I think I know where the treasure is hidden. It is place within Fantasyland. Let?s go get Walter and changed into our normal clothes.? We all went back to the center of the Rose garden and Walter was waiting for us.

?Did you guys find out?? He asked.

?I think I might know where it is but can we change out of these clothes first. Would you like to come with us?? I asked him as I was taking off my pants.

I was standing there in my American eagle boxers waiting for his answer. Damien was staring at me and then he snapped out it. Ethan walked back in after changing and was staring as well. Sean walked in and placed his hand on Ethan?s shoulder. He whispered in Ethan?s ear, ?Yeah, I know. It is totally with it. Maybe we can have a four-way.?

I started getting dress and Walter finally spoke, ?Sure plus I bet I can get us access to anywhere on the park.?

?Awesome, so are we ready to go?? I asked everyone.

?Yep,? the all said back in unison.

We all left the center space and walked towards Fantasyland. ?The question is simple what the only place here is in the entire park that has not been touch by time or construction. The answer was on the film that was shown to us,? I asked everyone.

Everyone was thinking of it and then it hit Walter like a ton of bricks. A smile lit up his face. It was a ride that has only gotten a fresh coat of paint. Walter then remembered something about construction laws here inside Disney land.

?I got it,? Walter shouted. A couple of people looked at him as we waited for him speak. ?I know where it is. It is in the even written in the original contract for Disneyland. They even made it withstand time.?

?Storybook land,? we both said to everyone.

?Good job on figuring that out. I knew you could do it without our help,? I said to Walter with a smile.

?What are we waiting for let?s go see this treasure he left,? Damien said and grabbed my hand. We all got on the same boat and then the person giving the tour noticed that Walter was on the boat. The tour guide asked, ?Do you want the private boat sir??

?These are my friends and this boat would be just fine, yet I want to take our time so this ride is closed for the time being. Please shut down this ride,? he said to the tour guide and the one running the line.

They closed the line and luckily no one was in line at this time. The tour guide started the tour just like any other one, going through the mouth of the whale from Pinocchio. If you never been on this ride at Disneyland, it is a little ride of canal boat that takes you through miniatures of the villages of the stories. The tour guide did his lines and we where all looking about for something that seemed out of place.

I figured it out what we are looking for. We were almost done with the tour, when Sean spotted something. ?What is that inside the mansion?? he said as he pointed to Cinderella?s mansion.

The tour guide stopped the boat as everyone was getting a closer look at mansion. Just as Walter leaned over, the small boat tipped and everyone took a dip. We all fell into little river that the boat was floating on. We all got up on our feet and Walter reached for the house and flipped it up. Within the house, the light bulb that lit it up was shining upon a gold coin. Walter tried to pull the coin out but it would not budge.

He tried again and then it bent down like flipping a switch. The switched started to disappear into the ground. The ground started to shake a little as hill spilt open. Within the hill was door. Walter opened the door and there was a staircase leading down.

?Do you guys want to come with?? he asked before he started down.

I looked at everyone and then thought to myself. ?I think I will pass,? I told the group and got back on the boat. Damien joined me on the boat but had a puzzling look on his face. I knew what he was thinking. Why? I looked back at him and then he got the hint that I would tell him later. Ryan and Bobby went down with Walter but Sean and Ethan went back with us to the start of the ride.

We all got off the boat and it was about nine and I wanted to go back to the hotel and dry off. ?Do you guys want to go back to the hotel and dry off a little before you go home?? I offered to them.

?Sure,? they both said with a shiver.

We all walked back to the monorail and waited for the train. ?I guess your wondering why I did not want to go down to see the treasure of Disney. To be honest, it is not my treasure plus it was not meant for me. My curiosity was not peaked plus it was more fun trying to find it,? I told them.

Damien just hugged me and said, ?Me too. It felt wrong to go looking since it was not meant for me plus I agree with Zach about more fun finding the place.?

The train came and we all boarded and just cuddled with each other to stay warm. That start something that I think we all wanted since I changed in front of everyone. I felt Damien?s hands on my lap and it started to rub my now growing bugle. I looked down and noticed another pair of hands also rubbing my inner thigh. I followed the arms and it was Ethan?s hands that were down there as well.

I looked over at Sean to see if he was ok with is. He just nodded and then I looked over at Damien to see if he was ok. He also nodded so I just let it happen. Then I reached out and put my hand on Sean and Damien?s lap. I started rubbing theirs as well. The train made it to the hotel and we all rushed up to the hotel room.

We got to the door then I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. The two hands started undressing me and I let my pants that I had on fall to the floor as I opened the door. Damien was behind me and Sean was doing the same thing to Ethan. Within minutes we all were down to our underwear. Damien in his Gap boxerbriefs, Sean had on some pink Aussiebum briefs, Ethan had on some black Structure boxers and of course I still had on the American Eagle boxerbriefs.

We all stared at each other for a quick moment to take in the sight. We were all a little cold and wet. I lead Damien who grab hold of Sean hand?s which in turn grab Ethan?s hand, into the bathroom. Luckily the shower was big enough for all four us to fit. We all hopped in and I bent over to turn the shower on. I felt Damien?s cock rub up against my ass. It felt great and I was ready for him. The water started flowing over all of us because it was one of the new showers that it came down like rain. We enjoyed the warmth and then we all started to make out with each other.

I felt Damien?s hands slip into my boxerbriefs and slid them down my legs. My cock sprang to life once it was released from the confining cloth. Ethan stopped to get a good look at my cock since it was the first time since he felt it at the pool. Then Sean noticed and took that chance to lower Ethan?s boxers.

Sean slipped off Ethan?s boxers and he was sticking straight forward. Sean then wrapped his hand around his lovers cock. He slowly started to jerk him off. Ethan melted into Sean?s arms. Meanwhile I already lowered Damien?s underwear and got on my knees. I engulf his cock and was deep throating him. I let my muscles in my throat do all the work. Damien moaned out my name long and hard. Ethan and Sean stop from what they were doing to look over. They noticed what I was doing and Ethan just turned around and got on his knees.

Ethan then ripped Sean?s briefs off his sexy body and did not waste any time to go down on his partner. Sean let out a moan and then I looked over to see what was going on. I looked up and Damien and he was in complete ecstasy. I reached around and interested one of my fingers into my lover?s hole. He let out another moan and Ethan want to have some fun with us.

Ethan got off his knees and walked over to us. He then lifted me up from the shower floor and now I was facing Damien. We started making out and let the others do what they wanted. Sean was behind Damien. Then I felt some lube squirt on my butt and get rubbed in. Ethan then entered one finger into my ass and I moaned into Damien?s mouth.

While Ethan was fingering me, my hands wondered down Damien?s body down to his cock. I slowly started jerking him off. Damien followed suit. Then I opened my eyes and Sean was doing the same to Damien. Then I felt it. Ethan?s cock slowly crept into my body. I felt the head push through my butt, inch by inch. Finally I had all nine inches inside my body. I let go of Damien?s cock for a moment to readjust to the hard member within me.

Sean did the same thing to Damien and soon I was rocking back and forth upon Ethan?s cock. He whispered in my ear,? Does that feel good??

I just nodded my head and I knew I want to pleasure him as well as Damien. I grabbed hold of Damien?s cock again as Ethan sped up his pumping. My hand wrapped around his cock and was going as fast as Ethan was. Damien could not take any more of this pleasure and released his seed all over my hand and cock.

Since he just finished, he turned around so Sean?s ass was no in front of me. I grabbed some lube and started fingering him. Then I walked forward and enter him. He moaned into Damien?s ear. Damien bent over so he could let Sean enjoy of his ass had to offer.

Ethan was rocking in time with me and Sean. Soon I felt Sean?s ass clench around my cock and then he stopped rocking. He moaned one more time then I felt him thrust into my lover?s ass. In turn, I flexed my ass and that pushed Ethan over the edge. I felt him push in one final time then about seven shots came flying out of his cock. It filled me up and some of his cum dribble out. His cock went soft and he took a seat on the shower floor.

I was still hard as a rock and I want to have a little more fun with Sean?s ass. Damien took a sit next to Ethan and both of them watch the rest of the show. I start really rocking Sean?s thin body. I gave it to him rough. Sean?s was moaning uncontrollable and was moan for me not to stop. I was going at it for a few more minutes and his cock became hard again from all the passion.

Ethan then crawled around the front of Sean and started to suck his cock while I fucked him. Then I reached the point of no return. I did one finally thrust and I hit him square on the sweet spot within him. He moaned out and then came all over Ethan?s face. I grabbed held of him and shot my entire load into his sweet ass. About twelve shots came flying out. I pulled out about halfway through and the rest came all over his back and my cock. I squeeze out the rest and then fell down to the floor.

Damien came over to me and just started to cuddle. Sean and Ethan were both on the floor just resting like us. The water was still showering us and washing away all of the cum. A couple of minutes passed and we all started to get up. We cleaned each other up and rinsed out our underwear so it was not completely drench.

We watched as Ethan and Sean got dressed and left the hotel room. We told them to have a safe trip home and text us when they got there. The closed the door and Damien and I Went over to the bed and plopped down on it. I was about to grabbed my phone when Damien wrapped his arms me. I scooted over so over bodies matched curve for curve.

Hope you guys enjoy it and hit me up at to let me know what you think.

Next: Chapter 41

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