Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on Aug 31, 2012


Zach Brimstone pt 39

All the usual T's & C's apply. If you are offended by stories involving boys or same sex relationships, then this is not the story for you.

I awoke the next day and was feeling rested. Slowly waking up in Damien's bed, I looked around and noticed he was not there. I threw some clothes on since the night before we had a little more fun. I will just tell you it involved both of us in our underwear and rocking back and forth for a couple of hours.

I walked downstairs and found Damien and his dad sitting at the dinning table. They were talking about someone back in Georgia. I tapped on the doorframe to make sure I was not interrupting there conversations.

Damien smiled at me and waved me in. "Good morning, sleepy head."

"Good morning," I said while yawning.

"Good morning," Danny said and did not wait for me to respond. "I have a question for you."

"Go ahead and shoot," I said and sat down at the table.

"We were just talking about taking a trip to Georgia and visiting my mom or Damien's Grandmother. It has been at least five years since we seen her and now that we live out here in Cali; we do not get the chance to see her so often. We were wondering if you would want to come with us on the trip," he said to me.

I looked over at Damien and knew he would love if I came with him. "I would have to ask my parents and see what they say before I can give you an answer," I told them.

"Of course," Danny said and left the room for us to talk about the details.

"Do you want to go over to your house to talk to your parents about this?" he asked anxiously.

"Yeah but let's eat some breakfast first," I said and went to grab a bowl of cereal. As I was reaching for the bowl, I felt two arms reach around me. His chin rested on my shoulder.

He whispered in my ear, "I love you," then kissed my neck.

I leaned back and melted in his arms. "I love you too," I said back to him and turned around in his arms. I kissed him on the lips and then turned back around.

He started shaking his hips and I started rocking with him. My shorts started to get tented up but I knew we needed to get our day started. Yet, it did not mean I could not tease him. Quickly, I turned around again and he noticed the bugle in my shorts. As I turned around my cock hit his cock since he was all tented up as well. It sent a shiver down my spine and I almost came right there.

I grabbed him and brought our bodies together. Our cocks mashed up together through the thin fabric of our shorts and underwear. Damien now was putty in my hands and I leaned in a whispered, "Can we save this for later? I would like to take my time with you tonight."

He just nodded his head and I let go of him. He almost fell over but regained his composer quickly. We ate breakfast and jetted over to my parents house. Since it was the weekend, my parents were home. They were still sitting at the dinning room table finishing up there breakfast.

"Good morning," they both said to us.

"Good morning mom and dad, how are you doing?" I asked them.

"We are good, just finishing breakfast. What are you two doing today?" my mom asked.

"We do not have any plans for today, yet," Damien chimed in.

"I am sure you guys will come up with some adventure, just make sure it does not lead you into the hospital again," my dad said with a wry smile across his face.

I knew my dad was somewhat serious with that comment because I know he did not want me to get hurt or worse. "I have a question for you guys."

My mom put down her tea and my dad put down his paper that he was reading. I had their full attention now. They knew I usually do not asked that unless it something really important.

"Damien and his dad are going to Georgia for a couple of days and they have invited me to come with. I said I would have to ask you guys before I gave an answer," I said to them and wait to see if they had any reaction.

"When is it and does it interrupt school?" my mom asked.

"It is going to be on weekend and he would only miss two days of school if he is allowed to go," Damien said.

"Ok but if we say yes, you better get your homework done before and make sure you get what you're going to miss for those two days. I am sure Damien's dad is doing the same thing," my mom said and gave me a stern look.

I knew she meant well and since last year I was in and out of the hospital, I already missed a lot of school. I was a shocking that I moved on to the next grade. My dad on the other hand did not say a word. He was thinking more of how I was going to get there.

My dad finally spoke up, "The trip would be a great experience for him to see the country. I can use my airline miles to get him there and back so it will not cost us a dime. You just make sure to call us when you get there and if anything goes wrong. Have a fun time."

I looked at my mom to see if she had any thing to add or any objections. She smiled at me and I gave her a hug, then walked over to my dad and gave him one too. We went off to my room and Damien called up his dad to tell him the news. The rest of that day we started planning the trip.

A couple of weeks later, we were on a plane heading towards Georgia. The ride was smooth and we mostly just slept the whole way there because his dad was sitting next to us. It would just be rude if started anything there in front of his dad.

We landed in Albany, Georgia where is Grandma lived. We started walking towards the baggage claim. We got there and this little old lady was waiting. She must have been in her 70's but she had a lot of spunk. Her hair was salt and pepper and had rose-tinted sunglasses on. She was dressed somewhat professional with tan khakis and a light blue shirt on. She seemed like any other grandma.

Damien ran up and gave her a great big hug. Damien's dad did the same and I stood behind them and waited for them to introduce me.

"You must be Zach," she said to me.

"Yes," I said and extend my hand.

"We hug," she said and grabbed me. We hugged for a few minutes and she let me go. "My name is Mimi and welcome to Georgia."

"Thanks, I can not wait to see this place," I told her.

"You look great, mom," Danny said.

"Let's grabbed your bags and get going," she told us. Damien and I grabbed our bags. As soon as we stepped out of the airport, we were hit with the humidity of the south. We started to break a sweat just walking to the car. We got to the car and Damien and I both took off our shirts. Luckily, we both wore tank-tops underneath, his was dark blue and mine was white. I was just so tempered to rub my hands all over his cloth covered stomach.

We hopped in the back seat and his dad took the passenger seat. His grandma hopped in and we took off towards her place. My hand was resting on the seat between us when I felt his hand rest on top of mine. I looked his way and smiled. We both leaned in a kissed.

His Grandma noticed and a smiled came across his face. She knew that we have fallen in love with each other and cared about each other more then words could say. Damien and I were looking out the window sat all the sights that were along the way towards grandma's house.

Finally, we arrived at the house that his grandma lived at. It was a one story house that had about five bedrooms. It was massive backyard with a swimming pool and hot tub. The front pouch was nicely trimmed as we drove up to the front door. We got there and quickly grabbed our bags. We both knew what we wanted to do first.

Mimi opened the door to her little mansion and told us where our bedrooms were. Ours was down the right hallway, second door on the right. Dad took his old room which was next to his mom's room on the left hallway. The house itself was separated by a large living room/ dinning room and then a left and right wing. We thought it was cool that we had a whole wing to ourselves.

"You boys have fun and lunch will be ready in about hour," she told us and hurried off to the kitchen.

"Ok," we yelled back.

We quickly dove into the room and tossed our bags on the bed. We opened our suitcases and dug through our clothes till we found our swim shorts. I turned around and saw Damien already down to his birthday suit. I was in a trance and could not stop staring at my hot boyfriend's body. His body was glistening with a little coat of sweat from the humidity. Damien pulled up his swim trunks and noticed that I was just staring at him.

Damien noticed and wanted to get back at me for teasing him a couple of weeks ago. It was not like we had not had sex since then but he just want to have a little fun. So he walked over to me and placed his hands on my pants waist band and in one quick swoop, my pants were down on the floor. My bugle was now just staring him in the face. It started to grow from the attention it was now getting.

Damien reached up and lifted my tank top over my head. I was still in a trance from the sight on my partner. Damien took it to the next level and started licking the sweat off my body and it made me shiver. That took me out of my trance and I finally noticed what Damien was doing. Just before I could say anything, Damien ripped my boxers off my body and now Damien went into a trance.

I do not know if it was the humidity or the sweat that glistered from our bodies, but it was something about Georgia that made us just that much hornier for each other. I quickly, pulled up my shorts. I kissed Damien on the nipple and started to lap it with my tongue.

Damien snapped out of the trance he was in and pulled me up off his nipple. He then leaned in and I thought he was about to suck on my neck when he whispered, "Let's save it for tonight."

He pulled away and gave me a winked and squeezed my crotch. Quickly he took off towards the door and out the back. I followed him into the backyard and he stopped at the pools edge. I just came rushing towards him and tackled him into the pool. We both splashed around for an hour when his grandma came out with our lunch. His dad followed her with the drinks and some towels for us.

Damien and I got out and dried off. We let the sun bake us while we ate. Damien's dad made some small talk about the weather and we talked to his grandma about how she has been. We all caught up on each other's lives. We finished lunch and Damien and I cleared the table.

"Damien, can you and Zach go run to the deli down the street and pick up a chicken for dinner," Mimi said to us.

She reached into her purse and pulled out some money. She handed it to Damien and we went inside to change. We changed into a tank top and shorts so we would not overheat. I slapped him on the butt and walked out the door. He caught up to me and we walked down the road towards the deli shop.

About fifteen minutes later, we arrived at the café deli. It was a nice little ma and pa shop. It had a seating area of about five tables and chairs and at the back was the deli. We both took a seat to rest before we ordered our food. I rested my head on the table and Damien was looking around the place.

Damien noticed that there were only two other tables in use. One had a couple eating and other had a table with a teenager on it. The teenager was built like a football player or something. He was not fat but more of any athletic built. Bulky in the shoulders and seemed like a nice six packed and tight butt underneath those clothes. Damien then nudged me and tilted his head towards the kid's direction.

I smiled at him and knew what he wanted. I looked over at the kid and felt something wrong. I looked over at Damien and said in a low voice, "I think he needs a friend, he seems a little down."

"Ok, let's go over there and see what's up?" Damien said. We both got up and walked over there.

I tapped him on the shoulder since his head was down on the table. He jumped a little bit from the touch. He looked up at the both of us and asked in somewhat angrily tone, "What do you want?"

"Is everything ok?" I asked. "You seem to be giving off this terrible vibe. Something bad has happened hasn't?"

"How can you tell?" he asked back.

"That is my boyfriend for you, always in tuned with other people's feelings. It like he knows what others are thinking," Damien said with a smile and trying to lighten the mood.

"You guys are gay?" he asked.

"Yep and been together for what almost two years now," I said and looked over at Damien. He nodded. "My name is Zach and my partner here is Damien."

"My name is Chris," he said and looked up. "You're right by the way; this week has just been horrible."

"Would you like to talk about?" I asked and was just waiting to take a sit if he said yes.

He just nodded his head because he was about to start crying. Damien and I took a seat at his table. We sat in silence for a couple of minutes just waiting for him to start telling us about his week.

"I guess I got to start by telling you a little about myself," he started saying. "Again my name is Chris and I am local. I guess the first one is that my dad found out that I was gay a couple of days ago. He did not kick me out or anything but everyday he comes home and calls me some really harsh names."

"Let me guess, cocksucker, faggot, puff, fairy, dodgy, dirty little homo, etc... I could go on but we get the point," I said to Damien and Chris.

"Yeah but he never hit me, yet, I am afraid that he will come back one night and beat the living shit out of me," he paused and a couple of tears rolled down his face. "That is not the worst part."

We all know what your thinking, how can it get worse.

"I have been in a long distance relationship and I just got a phone call the other day."

"Let me guess, he broke up with you," Damien said.

"I wish, I just found out that he died. He was driving in North Carolina and his light was green. He was going and then some stupid ass trucker was texting and not paying attention to the light. He sped through the red light and smashed into my boyfriend's car. He died instantly and nothing could be done to save him. I got a phone call from his brother about it since he knew about us," he said and then started crying. I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder. I started to rub his shoulder and he just turned around and clings around my waist. He started just balling and his tears started making a wet spot on my crotch.

"Everything is going to be alright. Trust me it does get better, just give it time," I said and looked over at Damien. Luckily, Damien can read my mind. He knew actual what I was thinking. He just nodded.

"How about you come home with us tonight and we can settle everything in the morning," I told him.

He looked up at me and asked, "Really?"

"Really, it would be fine with my grandma and dad," Damien told him. "Yet we still have to pick up dinner for everyone."

"Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that," I said and we got a good laugh out of that one. Damien went to the front counter and place the order then came back. We started telling Chris our adventures and everything. Our order got called and we grabbed it. On the way back, we just chatted about everything. It was so hot that we all took off our shirts. We checked each other out but did not say anything.

Finally we made it back to my grandma's house and they had everything ready to cook dinner. "Who is this?" my grandma asked.

"This is Chris, someone we met at the deli. He seems to be having some issues with his dad and life in general. We figured that he could use a friend and a place to crash if that is alright with you of course," I said to her.

"Yeah, that is fine but he sleeps with you guys. I do not need any funny business happening ok," she told us and took the chicken.

"Thank you," Damien said to his grandma.

"Your welcome, just be careful, you never know where that good heart of yours will lead you. That also goes for you as well Zach," she said as she pointed her finger at the both of us.

We led Chris to our room and we just hung out there till dinner. There was a knock on the door and Danny entered. "Dinner is ready. You must be Chris."

"Yes, sir," he said and extend his hand.

"It is nice to meet you and I am sure you will tell us your story over dinner," Danny said and left. We followed him out the door and served ourselves and took a seat. Chris was the main event at the dinner table that night. He re-told his story to Damien's dad and grandma. They both understood why we took him home. My grandma went over and hugged him.

We finished dinner and just hung around the table telling stories of everyone and Damien learned a little more about his dad and how he got into the female impersonator business. The time flew by and before we knew it was time to hit the hay. We said our goodnights and headed towards our room.

We all went into the room and I knew I was not tired and neither was Damien. Chris seem to want to stay up and talk some more. "Do you mind if I get a little more comfy?" he asked.

"Sure, if you do not mind us doing the same," I told him.

We all stripped down to our underwear, I had some American eagle boxerbriefs, Damien had some old navy boxers and Chris had on some FTL boxer briefs. We all hopped on the bed and started chatting about some of the other things and the topic like any group of teenage boys turned to sex. We started going off and telling Chris some of our hot steamy love making sessions.

"Those are some really great stories. I wish I could be part of them," he said. "I have only been with my boyfriend and he was kind of a vanilla if you get my drift."

Now we both been horny all day and really had no time to have a little fun since we been out all day. We figured we could help Chris out with one of his fantasy. We both looked at each other and nodded. All three of us were tented up and we did not hide any of this to each other.

I was the first one to make a move and I reached down and enter both Chris and Damien's underwear. I went through the fly of my boy's and through the leg of Chris. I wrapped my hands around both there members and started to stroke each of them. The both let out a moan and sigh of release. Each of them then grabbed a side of my underwear and slowly peeled them off my body. My cock was sticking straight up in the air, just begging to be sucked.

Chris bent over and took the whole thing in his mouth. I was about to moan when Damien just kissed me. I moaned into his mouth. My hand retracted from Damien and Chris's underwear and I bent over and pulled Damien's cock out of the fly. I took the whole thing in my mouth and start bobbing up and down. Damien followed suit and was going down on Chris's eight inch cock.

We formed a triangle and were just giving pleasure to each other and I knew it was time to move onto the main event. I stopped sucking on Damien's cock and let a moan slip out of my mouth. I pulled Chris off my cock and reached into my bag. I pulled out a container of lube and start stroking my cock.

"Do you want to take us both?" was the only thing I said. He just nodded his head and Damien got off Chris's cock. We both stood up and started lubing our cocks up. I picked up Chris and Damien started lubing up his ass. He would stick a finger and slide it all around. Then another finger would enter. Soon three fingers were up Chris's firm butt and he was moaning like there was no tomorrow.

I looked over at Damien and we both knew he was ready for us. I was holding up Chris and let Damien be the first one to slip in. I lowered Chris onto his cock inch by inch. Soon Damien was also holding Chris between us. Damien started lifting Chris up and down on his cock. Chris was now in ecstasy and he was enjoying every moment. Damien pushed Chris almost off his cock and waited a moment for me to line up. I lined up my cock with Damien's and we both slowly lowered Chris onto our cocks.

It took about ten minutes for both our dicks to be fully inside of Chris. We both pressed our bodies out his. Damien was chest to chest and I was chest to his back. I leaned in and whispered in Chris's ear, "Are you ok?"

He just nodded and let out a moan like nothing we heard before. We knew that was our signal to keep going. We both start lifting him up and down on our rock solid members. About five minutes into it, Chris's body started to tense up and then he came all over Damien's chest and it started dripping down both their bodies. That turned me on even more and I start pumping in and out of Chris's body faster. The fiction and heat that I was causing made my boyfriend tense up as well and shot every load into Chris awaiting anus.

After he shot seven times, the mixture of lube, cum and the tight space made me lose control. I just could not handle the pleasure any more and shot ten times. Cum just started flowing, Damien's cock slipped out and we all just lower ourselves onto the bed. My cock finally stopped erupted and we just all cuddled and fell asleep.

I awoke the next morning and Damien was just awake staring at me. Some how Chris rolled over Damien or Damien rolled over Chris to make him in the middle. I leaned in a kissed him. He smiled when he realized I was awake. I worded to him "Love you" and he said it in return. I started to roll out of bed and Damien followed suit. Before we left the room, we both looked over and saw Chris still sounded asleep.

We walked across the hall to the bathroom and both took a quick shower together. We returned to the room and Chris was awake and fully dressed. He looked at us with a smiled. We both looked down and realize that we both were at full attention if you get my drift. We just ignored them and got dressed as well.

"That was a great time last night," Chris said to us.

"Yeah, it was fun," Damien said back.

"Can we do it again sometime?" Chris asked and gave us the puppy dog eyes.

"Sure but we do not know when we will back here in Georgia. We leave tomorrow to go back to Cali." I told Chris. He looked down at the ground because he was trying to hide the fact that he was sad that we had to leave. I walked over to him and lifted his chin. "We can still text and write. This is not goodbye, just see ya later."

He put on a smile and we started to get ready to go drop him off at his house. We all hopped into Damien's Grandma Car. Along the way Chris told us a little more about his life and what he was going through. As we pulled to the front of his house his dad was throwing all his son's belongings out onto the front lawn.

Chris jumped out of his car and ran into the house. Now I know most of you are thinking that I should not get involved but I could not just stand there and watch this scene. We parked the car in front and walked up to the front door and just waited.

"Get out of my fucking house, you dirty little cocksucker!!!" his dad yelled at the top of his lungs.

"I will not dad, can we just talk" Chris yelled.

His dad just pushed his way through the doorway that Chris was blocking which made him almost lose his balance. His dad tossed another load of laundry onto the front lawn. Chris did not back down and stood in front of the doorway again.

"Get your faggot little ass and your homo friends out of my face. I do not want see you around here ever again," his dad said again and was about to punch his son in the face.

I stepped in between him and his dad and caught the punch within my hand. Damien quickly pulled Chris away because he knew what I was about to do.

Chris's dad tried to pull his hand away but I would not let go. "You think it is ok to just disown your son because he is gay," I said to his dad.

"Let me go boy, this fight has nothing to do with you," he said in a low tone voice.

"I will not till I have to say what I need to say," I told him. "Fine, I get what you're saying that you're not fond of us Homo's and our lifestyle but we do not get to choose who we love. Yet, it does not give you the right to hit another human being just because you have a little narrow mind that can not get pass the box you live in. Especially, someone that did nothing to harm you and still loves you even if you treat him like he is less then the ground that you walk on."

He did not say a word but I felt his fist start to push against my hand.

"Let us just get his things off the lawn and we will be on our way. I hope you reconsider your actions but for now lets just do this without doing anything we will regret," I said and let go of his fist. I moved out of his way so he could just go inside the house and cool off.

I did not say a word but just started pick up Chris's things. Damien joined in but Chris was just standing there in complete shock. I am sure he was shocked about everything that happened, his dad disowning him, his father almost punching him and the fact that a complete stranger stood up for him. Damien and I finished picking up his stuff and loading the car. Damien grabbed Chris and walked him to the car.

I walked up to the door and knocked on it. His dad answered the door. He was still pissed off. "We are leaving now," was all I said and turned and walked away.

I got in the car and we drove off. About halfway back to Damien's grandma house, Chris just started to break down and cry. I gave him a hug and did not let go of him till we got home. Once Damien parked the car, he joined in the hug to show that he was there as well.

We got Chris out of the car and into the bedroom before we went to talk to Mimi and Danny. I stayed with Chris to make sure that he would not do anything stupid. Damien left and went to find Mimi and his dad.

An hour passed and still no sign of anyone. Then there was knock on the door. The door opened slowly and Damien's head popped in. "How is he doing?" he asked.

"He passed out from all the crying," I told Damien.

"Can I talk to you outside?" he said to me.

"Sure," I said.

I walked out the door and waited for some news about what Chris's future is going to be.

"I went to ask my dad and grandma what to do with Chris. My dad said we could not bring him back since we did not have the room or the money at the moment. My grandma was quiet this whole time while I explained what happened and I knew she was thinking about something," Damien told me.

"Ok, so what did she say?" I asked.

"Well she told me and my dad that she would take him in on a couple of conditions. He stays in school no matter what happens, keeps his grades up, no bring home strangers and help her around the house and he can stay with her," Damien said and waited for a reaction.

"That sounds great. Let him sleep and we will tell him when he wakes up," I said and walked towards the living room. Damien followed.

A couple of hours had passed and everyone was in the living room. Chris made his way into the living room and just looked at everyone.

"Sorry for all the trouble that I caused. I will be going now since I do not want inconvenience anyone any further," he said and started walking towards the front door.

"Hold it right there, little one," Mimi chimed in. "What do you think you're going? You got some chores to do and help me clean out the pool. I could us a little help around here and you're the exact person to do the job. You help me out around here and you can stay as long as you want."

Chris turned around and had a smile on his face and stream of tears running down his face. Mimi walked over to him and gave him a big hug. We all joined in and Chris and Mimi walked into the other room to talk about the details of the living arrangement.

"You boys did well," Danny told us. "This time neither of you guys got hurt and sent to the hospital either."

"Thanks dad," Damien said and sat down next to him on the couch.

"I am glad we were able to help him out. Plus it did not get out of control," I said to them both.

"Dinner's ready," Mimi yelled from the kitchen.

We left the living room and went into the kitchen for a big old family dinner.

This chapter is dedicated to the memory of Jonothan Detusa

Hope you guys enjoy it and hit me up at to let me know what you think.

Next: Chapter 40

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