Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on Sep 14, 2010


All the usual T's & C's apply. If you are offended by stories involving boys or same sex relationships, then this is not the story for you.

Just as I was about to turn the corner, to see what was going on, a hand grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. My mouth quickly got covered to muffle the scream that was coming.

My eyes focused quickly and it was Damien right behind me. I looked into his eyes and clamed down instantly. He noticed my eyes and took his hand off my mouth. I whispered, "Why are you scaring the shit out of me?"

"Was following you and heard us. It freaked me out so I figured I let you know. Sorry, did not mean to scare you," he said back and then the sound of the TV stopped. We both stopped talking and looked in the directions the sound was coming from.

On the wall in front of us was a shadow. Then a voice came ringing out. "I will love you forever Zach," it said and then another shadow came up on the wall. No other voice followed when the second shadow came up on the wall.

I took a closer look at the shadow and it look like a rag doll. My curiosity got the better of me and I wanted to know. I crept forward and peeked around the corner and there was my stalker. As soon as I saw him my mind flashed back to the day in the rain. He looked just like the figure that I was running towards.

He was a little bit older then us, I would say about twenty. Some stubble on his chin but not enough to be a five o'clock shadow, five feet seven inches, short blonde hair and seemed to have craziness about him. I looked down and Damien's head was peeking around the corner as well.

I looked at the other figure and I was right. It was life size rag doll, which looked just like me. It freaked me out a little. Damien on the other hand was smiling a little. I stopped looking around and started to slowly back out of the warehouse that we were in. Damien noticed I was backing out and was slowly doing the same thing. Just as we were almost out, something tapped my shoulder.

"Damien, stop it. It can wait till we are outside," I said to him quietly.

I was tapped again. This time I turned around and I was staring at the rag doll. I looked past the doll and there was Damien on the floor knock out. I quickly tried to get to Damien to make sure he was alright but got stop. I was staring into the eyes of the stalker. They were cold as ice. They had no color to them, pitch black. He grabbed me and I tried to fight back but was not able to land a punch or kick.

Soon I was picked up and put down on the bed. Quickly, both my hands and legs were bound. I laid there not moving so the rope would not rub me raw and waited for my stalker to come back.

As I was waiting, I was looking around the room. It was still covered with pictures of me. The T.V. was still play a tape he made of Damien and I have fun. It would switch between sexual to just out and about the town. It look like he had been watching us every since that day in the rain. As I was watching the video, it brought a smile to my face.

I was happy that I had all those memories with the ones that I loved. The video kept on playing on a continuous loop. I heard the door open and slam shut. Then the footsteps started to get louder. Then I looked over to my left where the entranceway and there was that kid that tried me up.

He was a little wet and was still holding up the rag doll. My mind just started racing and trying to figure out what happened to Damien. I did not really care about my situation because at least I knew that I was going to be ok for a little while longer. So I spoke out, "What did you do with my lover?"

He did not respond.

"Please let me know that he is ok," I pleaded with him.

"Do not worry my love, he is taking a nice swim," he told me.

"If you hurt him, I will personal take your life," I told him in a cold stone voice.

"Do not worry your pretty little head, you're with me now. Just relax and let's enjoy each others company," he said and jumped onto the bed with me. The rag doll went flying across the room. Since I was here, he did not need it anymore.

My mind was racing still about what happened to Damien but I could feel it in my bones and heart that he was still alive. So my mind slowed down so I could take care of the situation at hand. My eyes shift focused on the kid in front of me. Just as I was about to speak, my phone with off and I was not able to get it.

He reached into my pocket and felt around. He started groping my cock and it started to grow and then he pulled out the phone. It had stopped ring and then he just put it on the table next to the bed. Then he reached into the other pocket and fondled some more and pull out my wallet and keys. He placed them next to phone.

"Now that we are alone, I can have my way with you. All my fantasies can come true," he said with a big fat grin on his face.

"So I have a question before you start to have your way with me," I said and was thinking fast because I saw where this was heading and I did not want to any of this.

"Go ahead and shoot," he said.

"What is your name?" I asked.

"Well, since you're here I guess I can tell you that. Since I know all about you, my name is Freddie," he told me and then just started to rub his hand up and down my body.

"Well it is nice to meet you, even though you're completely insane. So if you do not let me go and tell me what happened to my boyfriend or you're not going to like it," I said impatiently.

"Nope," he just said and I felt my shorts start to come undone. I tilted my head forward and I saw his hand start to unbutton my shorts and slowly pull down the zipper. I quickly turned and his hand got caught on the fly and my shorts got ripped off. So I was lying on my side with my boxers all tent it since you give him any attention and he just starts rising. Then I felt my shirt start to get torn off my body.

I started fighting it and I wound up on the floor. "Ouch," I said as I hit the floor. I started rolling around just to get away from and he was slowly walking after me. Then my knee hit a loose nail. It torn up my knee but I knew I needed to get away. As I was rolling around, I noticed some of the floor boards were missing.

I was not paying any attention to were I was going and ran right into his feet. I looked up at him and gave him a wry smile. Then I started to roll away but he just straddled me. He bent down and left my torn shirt on and started fondling my soft cock to get it hard again.

While I was rolling around on the floor, he stripped down to his jockstrap and he did have a nice body but this was not the way to get my attention. My mind raced again and quickly came up with plan. So I started the plan.

I flopped like fish and kicked him in the butt. That threw him off balance and he went straight for the wall. I heard a metal clang but I did not have any time to worry about him. Some how after doing the flopping, I was able to get on to my feet, I was hopping towards one of those loose floor boards. Just as I was right next to one and was going to hop in it, I turned around.

I took one final hop when I heard sirens and saw Damien soaking wet and coming through the doorway that was when I went through first. I fell right through to the awaiting ocean water.

Damien saw this and came rushing over to the floor board and tried reaching to grab me. The police behind him were already taking care of the stalker. I was looking up through the floor board and saw Damien's hand reach out for me. I started doing my best dolphin kick since my hands and feet were still bounded. I made it up to the surface and was trying to reach for Damien's hand but I think my body just gave out.

Damien saw that I made it up to the surface and he was trying to reach for me. Then he noticed that I was sinking again. By now I think Damien knew what he needed to do. Damien did not want to get back into that cold water but to save the one he loved he would have to. Damien stood up and just jumped through the floor board. Two of the medics that were there looking for me just ran over to the floor board. They both looked down and saw what was going on.

I was still fight to get loose from my bonds and was not doing a great job at it. My air was slowly leaking out of my mouth and I looked up and saw the water splash. I thought someone was coming after me. While looking for my savior, the blood lost and the coldness of the water just finished me off. I started looking like a floating fish. My mind was still a little active when I felt someone touch my skin.

The next thing I knew I was laying on the beach with Damien breathing into me. My eyes opened wide and I started coughing up water. Then about a minute later the medics were hovering over me and Damien was out of my sight. I was still a little woozy and felt them lift me up and put me on the gurney. I looked up and saw Damien with smile on his face. It made me relax and then I was just waiting for the trip back to the hospital.

I think I have been in the hospital more times this year then anything else. As I was being rolled in I realized I was wet and in nothing but a torn shirt and my boxers. I smile at the doctor since he seemed to be the same one from early this year. He came up to me and asked, "So what was it this time?"

I told him the story and he just smile and was happy that I did not get too hurt. "I am glad that you're not hurt but I think you should stop going on adventures," he said with a smile. "Your parents must be really awesome to let you out of the house after the conditions that we send you home in."

"Well I guess I'm lucky that I got great parents," I said and smile back at him. "Plus I think we are going to invite you into the family since I seen you so much."

He just laughed and started checking my vitals. Just as he was checking my vitals there was everyone behind me. My parents, Damien's Dad, Damien, Jackie, Bobby, Ryan, Sean, Elliot and Ethan running through the door towards the ER room, I heard their feet coming down the hallway. "Hey doc, I think the gang is all here this time," I said with a smile as a knock on the room door came.

"I think so too. You're healthy just take it easy for the next twenty four hours and I will get the paperwork ready for you to leave," he said and then walked out the door and was rushed with a sea of concerned faces.

My parents and Damien's dad were the ones that stayed outside and were talking to the doctor while everyone else came inside.

"You had us worried for a minute," Jackie said to me and was trying not to cry. Elliot did not say a word but just rubbing Jackie's shoulders. I knew he was worried about me as well. He did not need to say it.

"Well how many times do I need to tell you take it easy like Bobby and I," Ryan said to me.

"Yeah, come take it easy. We can show you how to do it," Bobby added on.

"I know your idea of relaxing," I said with a wink.

"So is this a common place you guys be meeting?" Ethan spoke.

"Yeah, it seems he is always coming in here and then leaving. Then about a week later he is right back here on his back," Sean said with a smirk.

Ethan hit him for that bad pun. "You need to fill me in on some of these adventures you guys have been going on. I would not mind taking one of those adventures myself," Ethan said and then grabbed Sean's ass.

Sean yelp and we all laughed.

I was waiting for Damien to say something but he just stood there silently. I knew something was up but I was not going to call him out in front of everyone. Once my parents were done with the doctor they came inside to make sure I was ok.

"We got some news; the person who did this was arrested and will go to trail within the next couple of weeks. If you two are up for it, you can go be witnesses," my dad said and my mom just whacked him on the shoulder. "What was that for?"

"They are not going to do anything, these boys just fought for their lives and you want them to confront the person that did this. I think it will traumatize them and we do not need that," my mom said.

"To be honest, I think they have been through worst stuff then this but I will leave it up to them if they want to go," Damien's dad said while leaning on the doorframe of the room.

"Well when that day comes we will decide at that time. So I'm getting a little tried so thank you all for coming but if you do not mind I like some sleep," I said to everyone.

Everyone told me that they will see me at the house since I was going to be release shortly and then they all started to leave. Damien was standing behind the door as Ryan closed it behind him. I just let my head hit the pillow as was staring up at the white ceiling. Then Damien's face appeared right where I was staring.

"I figured you would stay, what is on your mind?" I asked softly.

"I was completely worried. I thought I would lose you this time," Damien said and then he started to cry.

"I thought I lost you, he would not tell me what happened to you. He just told me that you went for a cold swim," I said and then start crying myself. I wiped my tears away "What did happen?"

"After I got knocked out, I felt my body being dragged. Then I fell and hit the cold water. It woke me up real quick. So I panic from the shock that the cold water sent through my body. I quickly figured out that I was below the warehouse and started swimming. I notice the hole which is the same one that I dragged you through. Then I reached the shore and my phone was short circuited. I quickly called everyone on the cell phone that I borrowed from a lovely couple," he told me and took a breath and wiped away his tears.

"I came back to see if you were ok and I saw you jump down the hole into the cold water. After that I jumped in, I grabbed hold of you and swam out the same way I did. Then as soon as I got to shore I started CPR to get you breath again. It worked," he said with a smile.

Just before he could continue, the doctor came in and told us, "You guys are free to go."

"Thanks doctor and I hope I do not see you for a long time," I said with a smile.

"I hope so too," he said back to me and left the room.

I knew Damien still had some stuff on his mind but Damien also wanted to leave here so we can talk more. I hoped into his car and we both took off. I looked over at him and knew we needed to talk more. "You know we do not have to go home. I feel that there is more on your mind that we need to talk about," I said to him and then he made a sharp turn.

He quickly drove us over to the school parking lot and put the car in park. His hand left the shifter and then the car just went dead silent for a couple of minutes. I looked over at Damien and he was holding back the tears. Then I just reached out and touch his shoulder and that started it all.

Quickly without warning, he came flying over the middle console and latched onto me. His head rested on my shoulder and he started to cry. I lowered my head onto his shoulder. We both felt that was the worst of everything that we been through and we been through a lot. About a couple of minutes later, we both lifted our heads and looked into each others eyes.

When I looked into his eyes I could see everything I needed to know. Then I slowly leaned in a kiss his soft lips. He returned the kiss and his hands start roaming my body like it was the first time we meet. My hands start doing the same thing. I broke the kiss and looked back into his eyes.

I started to get lost in the stare and then he snapped the button on my shorts that my mom had brought me since my other clothes were shredded. Then his hands found their way into them. I just took a deep breath and his hand found what it wanted. My member was completely hard and was full and thick this time.

I look down and notice his member just bursting to get released. Soon my hands we undoing his button then snaking their way down into his pants to release his member. We just let the other's cock just pulsate in our hands as we went back to kissing each passionately. Then his hand start to stroke up and down my member and my hand started following suit.

We did not let go of each others cock or our lips for that matter. Just as we were about to go further, his and mine phone rang at the same time. We both stop for a brief moment but just knew to ignore them since we wanted this series of moments to just last as long as possible.

The phones died down and just our breathing and soft moaning was the only sound coming from the car. The last sound that I noticed before I came was the soft spoken words that Damien said to me, "I will always love you no matter what happens. I love you Zach Brimstone."

Just after that I felt my entire body tense up and I shot my load into his hand and my shorts that I had on. Then my hand sped up on his member and I whispered to him, "I love you and will never leave you."

He shot his load as soon as I said that to him. We both leaned back and still having our hands in each other pants and rubbing each others cock softly. We still did not want the moment to end but we both knew we needed to get back to my house so everyone can make sure we were ok.

My hand came out of his pants and tidies him up and he did the same back to me. He started up the car and off we went back to my house a little more prepared for what was about to come. We pulled up into the driveway and I noticed that everyone was glaring at us. I knew that look it was telling us you had us sick and worried.

We stepped out of the car and started walking towards everyone. I guess right when I figured that Jackie was the first person to speak up.

"So where did you two go?" she snarled to us.

"Just needed to clear our heads before we came home, sorry for making you worry," Damien said to everyone. I just nodded my head to agree with him. I looked over the sea of faces and realized that no one was looking upset or pissed off.

"So lets all go in and have some fun, since it seems like we can all use some," my mom said.

We all went inside and just talked and enjoy the company of everyone. It started getting late and we all had school the next day so Jackie and Elliot were the first ones to go. They hugged us and took off. As I was hugging Elliot, I felt his member fully hard and knew the reason they were going. Jackie looked like she was a cat in heat. They left quickly and Damien's father and my parents went outside to talk about everything and make sure they were ok. So the boys were left in the living room just chatting and I could feel the sexual tense but knew nothing would start here since some of our parents were just outside.

Ryan and Bobby were the next pair to leave the party. They said our goodbyes and as Damien and I watch them leave, they could not keep their hands off each other. The newlyweds just could not get enough of each other. Then just as they were leaving the driveway, I saw Bobby's head start to go down on Ryan's cock. I just smile and looked over at Damien. He had a smile on his face too.

So our parents left us alone and then the four of us, were just chill on the couch. It was about nine at night and nothing really was good on TV. I looked over and Ethan had Sean's head in his lap just resting there. He was stroking his hair and it looked like Sean was about ready to fall asleep. I love new love; it is always interesting and discovering what the other is all about.

A couple minutes later both of them got up and said there goodbyes and we walked them out the door. As they went walking home, they grabbed each others hand and walked out of site.

I stood on the pouch with Damien a couple moments longer and a nice cool breeze flew over. "It is really nice to see the different stages of a relationship. From just starting out to married couple and I can not wait for that to be us," I said to him and kissed him on the lips.

"That would be nice," Damien replied.

"I figured, so you ready to fall asleep and start a new day tomorrow?" I said and grabbed his hand.

"Yep, sexy," he said and then he grabbed my hand. We walked back into the house and down the hallway. I opened the door for him and he walked in. I followed him into the bedroom and closed the door behind us.

Hope you guys enjoy it and hit me up at to let me know what you think.

Next: Chapter 38

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