Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on Apr 13, 2010


All the usual T's & C's apply. If you are offended by stories involving boys or same sex relationships, then this is not the story for you.

Waking up the first crack of light over the horizon was one of the most perfect ways to wake up. You should try it some time. I rolled over onto my side and Damien was still sound a sleep. I slowly edged my way out of the sleeping bag and grabbed my underwear.

I looked around the beach and there was nobody in site. I reached into my pocket and there was one miss call. It was about ten minutes before I woke up. I walked down to the surf line and sat down on the sand. While looking out at the sand I started thinking if I would ever get married.

Just as I was deep in thought a hand grabbed my shoulder. I quickly turned around and looked up at the person behind me. Damien was standing behind me with his underwear bugling out.

"Morning," I said looking at his bugle.

"Morning, did you sleep well?" he asked.

"Yeah and had a great time yesterday. Do you?" I asked back and then turned back around to stare back out onto the ocean.

"Yep," he said back and sat down next to me.

I looked over at him and planted a kiss on his check. He turned towards me and just smiled. "I think we should be heading home," I said to him.

He stood up and extended his hand to me. I took hold and he pulled my up into him. I felt his rock hard member right against mine. We both looked down and we thinking if we should or not.

I pulled away and then he knew it was not the right time to take care of our other needs at the moment. We made our way back to the sleeping back and got dressed. He rolled up the sleeping bag and off to his car.

We hoped in and drove off. It was quiet for the first couple of minutes and then I broke the silence. "So what are the plans for today?"

"Well, I figured we can just relax or do something with someone," he said to me.

"Hmmm.," I started thinking about those temping offers. "How about I take care of something right now?"

"Huh?" is all he said before I reached over to his crouch. I unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock through the fly of his underwear. I was not in the mood to go down on him so I just started to jack him off. His hands tighten around the steering wheel and that is when I knew he was enjoying it.

We paused at a light and he was starting to moan out in pleasure. I turned up the radio so nobody would hear his moans. He leaned over and kissed my lips. That turned me on and I was just ready to whip mine out as well.

One of his hands left the steering wheel and found its way over to my crotch. I heard my zipper un-zip and my cock was straining to be released. He hooked my underwear underneath my balls. His hand wrapped around my cock and started to jerk me off.

I started going faster and faster and the light just changed. His hand went back to the steering wheel, as my cock was left hanging in the wind. My hand on the other hand was not stopping. I wanted to make him feel like there was no tomorrow and this was going to be the best thing. He pushed back into the chair and then thrust forward into my hand. That finally thrust pushed him pass the point of no return. His cock tensed up and then spewed all over the place. After seven shots of cum, his hips came back down into the seat and he just had a glazed over look on his face.

He looked over at me and realized that my cock was still out there for everyone to see. He quickly grabbed it and wanted to give me the same experience he just had. I already tucked his cock back into his underwear and pants. His hand was furious working on my member and then I felt what he must have felt. I thrust forward and tensed up. I came about five times and it was dribbling out of my cock. He took his hand and wiped it up.

He licked it off his hand and then I followed suit with my hand. He tucked my back in and we made it to my house. I kissed him goodbye and told him I would call him later. He drove off and I walked up to my front door. I walked in still a little dazzled from the hand job that I just got and then was quickly snapped back to reality when I noticed that my parents were standing in front of me.

"What's up?" I asked a little coyly.

"Nothing much, how was the wedding and your night out on the beach?" they both asked at the same time. That is when I knew something was up. If one of them asked me something by themselves I knew it was a good sign but since both them asked at the same time I knew something was going to happen.

"It was awesome, the wedding was fun and they both seem happy to get married. Then the night underneath the stars was just a great way to end the day. Damien enjoyed it as well. So what is the news that you want me to hear?"

"We could never really put anything past you, so now for the news part of the program," my dad said trying to make it sound like the newscasters on TV.

"Well to be honest honey, there is no news this time. We just wanted to make sure you were happy and health," my mom chimed in.

"Oh, ok," I paused and looked up into their eyes. "If that is everything you wanted, may I go take a shower since I am sure I stink to you guys."

"Sure go ahead," My dad said and then stepped aside so I could make it down the hallway to the bathroom.

I bolt through them and then hooked left into the bathroom. Quickly I closed the door and started the shower. I waited for the water to warm up and stripped off all my clothes. I hopped in and just stood there, letting the water just run down my body. I was enjoying the water when I remembered that someone called me and I did not even check who it was.

After remembering that, I finished my shower in a flash and made my way to the bedroom with the pile of clothes in my hand. I grabbed my phone from the pocket and tossed them into the hamper. As soon as I was going to get dressed, the phone rang.

"Hello," I answered the phone and then realized that I was still dripping wet.

"Hi," the voice, on the other end of the phone, say back me. I took the phone away from my ear to see if call ID picked anything up. It read unknown. I grabbed a towel that was lying about and started drying myself off.

"Who is this?" I asked after a few moments of silence.

"A friend," is all that the voice replied.

"Ok, I buy that, how can I help you my friend?" I said back to him as I pulled up my boxers that so I was not complete naked.

"Well I would like to meet up with you and discuss a few things," he said to me.

"Ok, when and where?" I asked waiting for him to say something like the parking garage or some dark alleyway.

The phone went silence. I looked at it and the person hung up. Then my phone rang again. This time the caller ID read Sean. So I picked up and flopped down on my bed. "Hey, Sean," I said to him.

"Hey, I just wanted to call and say thank you for the awesome time at the wedding and the bachelor party," he said to me.

"No problem, anytime," I said. "So, what are your plans for the day?"

"Just thought I would hang out with my boy and relax after all that partying and you?" he said back to me.

"Do not know, Damien is going to call me later since we just both got home from the beach and then after that I still have no clue," I told him.

My phone buzzed and I looked to see who was calling. It was Damien. "Speak of the devil, he is calling me. Can I put you on hold?"

"Sure," he said and then I switch over to my other line.

"Hey babe," I said to him.

"Hey lover, so I got same news," he told me.

"Ok, shoot," I replied.

"My dad and I are going to hang out today so I guess I will talk to you later," He told me.

"Ok that is fine, so have a good time and I will talk to you later," I told him and then waited for a response.

"Ok, sexy. Love you," he said.

"Love you too," I said back and hung up the phone. I was lying down when my phone rang again it was Sean. I completely forgot that he was on hold. "Hey."

"So what are your plans for the day?" he asked.

"I am free, Damien is doing things with his dad," I told him.

"If you want you can come over and chill with us," he asked.

"Sure, sounds like fun," I said with some excitement in my voice.

"Then it is a date. Just come over whenever, we will be ready," he said cheerfully and then hung up the phone.

I finished getting dress and told my parents that I was going to hang out with Sean and Ethan. They told me to have a good time and see you later. I went out the door and just decide to walk instead of getting a ride.

As I was walking I notice something move out of the corner of my eye. I turned around and nothing was behind me. Thinking nothing was there, I went on my way. A couple more blocks down the road, I got the feeling like I was being watch. I turned around and saw a foot disappear into the bush that I just walked by.

I walked back to the bush that I saw the shoe disappear in and then started looking around. I heard some footsteps and decide to follow them. I walked through the bush tear my shorts that I had on nothing to revealing. My curiosity got the better of me. I kept hearing the footsteps and it lead me to an abandon building down towards the docks.

The door to the building was open just a crack, I texted Sean to let him know where I was and waited a few moments. I got nothing back from him but I figured at least texted someone so they would know my last known whereabouts. I creped up to the door and looked through the crack. Slowly opening the door, I walked into the building not know what I would find.

I heard a door shut and the footsteps walked away. I felt around for a light switch or something to brighten up the place. I found a button on the wall and pressed it. When the lights turned on, I was shocked to find out what I saw.

All over the place were pictures of me. Someone has taken pictures of me in different places, clothing, and some of them were naked. Damien was also in a few of them but he was marked out of them. I went looking around a notice a couple of video tapes lying about. There was a bed and TV with a VCR. I did not have to guess what was on those tapes.

I quickly got the hell out of there but I did remember the place. I did not know what to do. I just found out that I had a stalker. It freaked me out a little bit and I just started walking with my heads in the clouds. Then just one thought popped up into my head. My mind started playing back one event.

The day that Damien and I had sex in the park while it was down pouring like mad, then I lost Damien as we made our way back to his house. That figure in the mist that was coming towards me. My mind made the connection that must have been the person that was taking the photos and videos. I wish I got a better picture of the man.

My mind was racing, trying to figured out who was this person and why me. Just then my phone rang and it was Damien. I pick it up but did not say anything at first.

"Hello, Hello, are you there babe?" Damien asked.

"Yeah," I said softly.

"What wrong babe?" he asked again. I did not reply and then I knew Damien knew something was up. "Where are you, I will come and get you."

I snapped out of the trance I was in and just told him I was at the docks. He did not hang up the phone but just started talking to make sure I was still ok. I did not really respond to anything he was saying. I would just give the occasional "uh-huh" and then I looked up and there he was with his car.

Life did not feel real. It seemed like I was caught off guard with a sucker punch to the face. I felt Damien's touch but I did not respond to it. He shook me and nothing. My vision become tunnel vision and then all of sudden his eyes came into my view. It was the only thing I was able to see.

I just busted out into tears and fell down to the concrete sidewalk. Damien did not know what was going. He really did not know what to do but just stand there and wrap me in his arms. He was waiting and sitting down with me for who knows how long.

Finally, my head stop flashing back. My eyes got out of tunnel vision and I was completely aware of my surroundings. I wiped my tears from my eyes and looked over at Damien.

"What is going on?" he said to me.

"Huh?" I said back to him.

"Babe, I called you to see what is up with your day and you were a complete zombie. Then I rushed over here and you did not respond to me at all. You started to cry but did not tell me again. What is going on?" Damien said to me and then grabbed hold of my face.

He planted a kiss on my lips and then let go. "I just found out that I have stalker. I heard some footsteps following me but then they lead me to an abandon building on the docks. I went inside and found a pictures and tapes of me and some of you but you were all crossed out of them. I did not watch the videos but I am sure they are of me and you having sex. I quickly walked out and just started walking down the docks and then you call," I paused and started thinking again.

Damien grabbed me and then hugged me supper tight. He knew I was going back into my head and that was a bad thing right now. He kissed me and that stopped me from going into my head.

"What am I going to do?" I asked out loud.

"Guess we need to confront the person and find out why they are doing this." Damien affirmatively said and then got up off the ground. "Where is this place?"

I point in the direction of the building and then got up myself. I walked with Damien to the place and the door was still open just the way I left it. Damien stepped inside and I followed in suit. Just as we were about to turn the corner, we both heard the TV.

I knew what was playing. I could hear the moans of Damien and me getting it on. Then we heard the sounds of a third moan but it was not coming from the TV. Then the springs from the bed were squeaking as well. Damien and I turned the corner and saw the person jacking off on the bed.

Hey guys, this chapter is pretty short but the next one will be longer. Since I have not been writing the chapters I figured I give a lite chapter to get people back into the story line. Got my book published and the name is The Fallen and if you want a copy of it you can get it from Love hearing from you guys so hit me up.

P.S. Thanks to all my fans out there, you're the ones that keep me going to write these stories.

Next: Chapter 37

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