Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on Jul 21, 2009


All the usual T's & C's apply. If you are offended by stories involving boys or same sex relationships, then this is not the story for you.

I woke up the next morning and was happy to have the day off from everything. My friends would be searching for the last clue before they see me tomorrow and I was waking up to an empty house. I knew I need to clean my room and do some other things around the house.

I decided to get started and it did not really take me that long to finish with everything. The day was peaceful and that was when I started to worry. No phone calls, no people rushing in my house to go do something and my boyfriend have not texted me once all day. I grabbed my phone from the top of the dresser and shot him a text.

I got a response from him a few minutes later. He just told me that everything will is going well and he would see me later tonight if he had time. I thought to myself if he hand time. I shrugged it off and then went back to my peaceful resting day. The rest of the day went by quick and my parents came home to a clean house. I cleaned it from top to bottom and my parents jaws dropped to the floor.

"I see you been busy," my mom told me.

"Your by yourself, I am shocked," my dad said as he went to put his stuff down.

"Yep they are finished up the hunt and I just chilled here at home for the day. It was a nice relaxing day for me. Have not had one of those in a long time, by the way I made us dinner," I told them and then went into the kitchen.

They followed me into the kitchen and it smelled wonderful. I made three course meals for them. I figured since, I have not been around to have dinner with them; I might as well just do it for them this and make it special. We had a salad for the first course. It was just a ceaser salad with the dressing on the side. Next was the main course was garlic chicken with pesto noodles. Last was dessert, I made a triple layer Oreo chocolate cake with white frosting on the inside so it looked like a big Oreo cookie.

We eat and they talked about there day. I just sat back and enjoyed the company and conversation. My parents thanked me for cooking and then I surprised them with one more thing. I went to my room to grab it and then I came back and they were feeding each other pieces of the cake.

"Can you save that for when I am not around," I said jokingly.

"Sorry, can not help it," my dad said with a smile on his face.

"Well I figured you would like this more then me and my boyfriend. So here you go," I told them and then hand them a pair of tickets. They were tickets to a ballroom dance off. I do not remember how I got them but they were tonight and it seemed they would enjoy them more then me.

"Really?" my mom asked and her eyes light up. "But we do not have anything to wear."

"I got that covered. Follow me," I said and then lead them to there bedroom. On there bed was a tux for my dad and beautiful red grown for my mom. I looked over to my mom and I saw tears rolling down her cheeks. Then she hugged me and I quickly went over to the dress. My dad just stood next to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

He whispered to me, "You done great son."

"Your welcome," I said back to him and then left the room for them to get changed. I went into the living room and just plopped down on the couch. About a half hour later, both of them came out into the living. I gave them a whistle and complimented them on how the looked.

Then my dad asked, "What's your plan for the evening?"

"Nothing, just chillen here," I said to them and then they gave me that look like what's wrong.

"What's wrong, where is Damien?" my mom asked.

"Nothing, he is just busy with the hunt and I will see him tomorrow. Now you two love birds go have fun," I said and then shooed them away with my hands. They turned around and went out the door like two high schools going to prom. I smiled as I heard the door to the car shut and then hearing them take off.

I focused back on the TV and then my phone rang. "Hello," I answered.

"Hey babe," Damien said back to me.

"How's it going?" I asked.

"Well, but I go some bad news," he replied to me.

"What's wrong?" I asked and then sat up from the couch.

"It looks like I will not be able to see you tonight. It is taking us longer to find what the last clue is. I love you and I will see you tomorrow bright and early in the morning," he said.

"That fine, I love you too. See you tomorrow," I said back to him and kiss the phone. He hung up and then I put the phone on the coffee table. I just sat back down and relaxed back into the warm glow of the TV. I fell asleep on the couch and awoke to my parents coming in.

I wiped the sleep from my eyes and they seem to be smiling. "Have a good time?" I asked them.

They shook there head and then tromped to their bedroom. I turned off the TV and grabbed my phone off the table and made my way to my bedroom. I sat down on my bed and just was about to go back to sleep when my phone rang. It was from an unlisted number.

"Hello," I answered.

No response just more heavy breathing and then I heard a train in the background.

I did not speak again; I just hung up the phone. Then I got a text saying to meet at the high school. I thought to myself who it might be but then I thought if I should go or not. I texted back who is this. I waited a few moments and then just got a text saying please meet me. I decided even through it might be a bad choice, to go meet this person. I put the phone in my pocket and then head off. I took my mom's car and then drove off.

I got the high school and pulled into the empty parking lot. Then I got a text from the person just as I was pulling in. It said he was on the side of the gym. I got out of my car and walked over to the side of the gym. There was a kid sitting down on the side of the gym and as I walked over I noticed he was pretty messed up.

I run over to him and noticed he was bleeding. I picked him up and I knew I need to get him to hospital. Just then out of know where, something hit me on the back of my head. I fell down on the kid and was knock out.

The next thing I was awoken by some cold water splashed on my face. When I opened my eyes I realized who they were. They were a couple of kids from my school; probably the same ones that help destroy my locker during the school year. I was on a cold metal chair and my hands were tried behind my back.

"What do you guys want?" I asked with some attitude. I was not really pissed off but just trying to think why there were ding these.

"Well, we are just tried of you flaunting you sexuality and boyfriend and friends all over the place," one of them said.

"Is the kid alright?" I asked them even through they may not answer me for that.

"You mean me," he said and then stepped out of the shadow. He still had the blood but then took a towel and wiped off the fake blood. I just hung my head in shame when I realized I was a fool. My parents and my boyfriend keep telling me I have a good heart that will always lead me into trouble and now I am stuck. I started thinking of ways to get out when Bobby ex stepped into the little.

"How come that does not shock me," I said as he walked right up to me.

"Well, I am glad you still got your wit about you because I am going to knock it out of you," he said to me. He swung his fist and I sucked in my gut so I would not take so much of the blow. He made contact and sent me and the chair flying to the floor. I lay on the floor and then was picked up. It looked like there four of them or at least from what I see. I looked around and then he grabbed my face to look at him.

"So which one is this person boyfriend?" I asked. That is when it shocked me. I looked out there faces and then I realized he did not come out to anyone. He was still closeted, and I just told them his secret. If I would have known I would not have said anything.

The look on his face was now about killing me instead of revenge. I was ready for the worst. I looked down at my body for the first time since I woke up and realize they had stripped down to my boxers. My clothes were off to my left. He swung and this time I was not able to dodge or soften the blow. He hit the side of my face and I went flying with the chair again. I slide on the ground and I thought to myself that I did deserve that one for outing him to his friends.

He just then jumped on my and start wailing. I was squirming in the chair dodging the best I could. His friends had to grab him off me and try to calm him down. I knew I struck a nerve. That was my chance to either get out of here or to fix things.

"I am not a Faggot," I heard him say and then tossed all his friends off of him.

I guess fixing things will not work and now its time to defend myself. I used my back muscle to flip myself upright. Then I did a turtle stance and was ready to fight. His friends just backed off because they know that this was going too far. In fact most of them already took off. I knew it did to and I was not going to hurt him just need to get him pinned.

There was only one other person in the room and it was the kid that I thought was hurt. He came charging at me and tackled me again but instead of pinning me on the ground he ran us both into a wall of the school. I felt the chair starting to break from the pressure. Then I kicked out since they forget to try my legs up. I kick his shin and slid down it when made more pressure on him and he fell to the ground.

That was my chance, I slammed the weakened chair onto the chair and it broke about. I looked over at the kid and he was just standing there. I walked over to my clothes and then was tackled from the back.

"You are not leaving here!" he yelled at me.

I went flying down to the ground and he pinned my arms underneath me and he got one solid hit to my back. I just fell to the ground. It felt like my whole body was on fire. I was unable to move or protect myself. I felt his punches but was helpless to block. My entire back was now is complete pain. I just laid there taking the beating.

After a few minutes of getting pummeled, I felt some tear drops on my back. He was crying. His friend finally stepped in and quickly dragged him away and out of the school building. I got feeling back in my right hand and I was able to reach my pants that I had on. I pulled out my cell phone and then texted the first person on my recall list.

I just put the words at school and then I hit send because I lost the feeling my right hand again. I did not know if it sent or not but then my phone rang. It kept ringing. Then it stopped. I lay there and it seemed like forever. Then I heard a car pull up. I knew it was Damien's car. Then I heard him yelling out my name.

"Zach, Zach where are you?" he yelled out.

"In here," I yelled back and then a sharp pain rushed through my body. I forget that he hit me in my face. I just bit on my lower but I could not hold it in. I yelled out in pain. I then saw a shadow in the doorway and I tried to look up. I could only see from the waist down but I knew it was my boy.

He saw me face down on the ground in nothing but my boxers. It turned him on a little and as he was getting closer to me he saw what happened. Then his walking became a run and then he was down on his knees right next to my face.

"What happened to you?" he asked. He flipped me over and I landed on my back with a thud. I winched in sheer pain. I arched my back. "Sorry babe, we need to get you home."

At least I knew my back was not broken. He grabbed my clothes and then piggy backed me to his car. I got some feeling back in my arms and pointed over to my mom's car. He looked over and realized that I would get in more trouble if I left that her. He lugged me over to it and we took off in my mom's car. We quietly drove it into the driveway and then parked it.

He left me in the car and then we need to get me treated for the pain at least. He went to my bedroom window and crawled in. He sneaked across the hallway and into the bathroom. He found the aspirin and quickly got back out the house. He got back to the car and he hand me the pills I took them. He helped me out of the car and I want to go with him. I was still sore from the pain but I wanted to get his car.

"Need to rest, we will talk later," he said to me as we got to my bedroom window.

I just shook my head no.

"Well then I have no choice," he said and then opened the window. He picked me up and tossed me into the room. I landed on my back and yelled out in pain. He closed the window and quickly made his exit. My parents came rushing and found me on the floor.

"What happened?" they asked.

"Fell out of my bed," I said painfully.

"Well everything is alright so let go back to bed," my dad said and they both left my room. I crawled my way to my bed and then just laid there. About an hour later there was a tap on my window. I looked over there and it was Damien. He let himself in and made his way to my bed. I was little pissed off at him.

"Babe," he said to me. I just turned over and faced away from him. "I am sorry for tossing you into your bedroom but you know it was the best for you to rest and heal. What happened away?"

"I pissed at you," I finally said.

"Well at least your voice is back," he said and then started rubbing my tender back. "Maybe this will help with the pain."

I felt his hand started inch closer to my boxers and then it went underneath in. His hand wrapped around my cock and start jerking me off. The pain started to subdue and pleasure seem to replace it.

I felt the weight shift on my bed and then my boxers came off my body. I felt his warm breath on my cock and then he took it all in. I shiver which hurt and felt good. His mouth worked its magic. I started to relax and not be so tensed up. He noticed and then picked up the pace of his blowjob. His hand then started playing with my balls. He cupped them so gently and caressed them with a very light touch. I figured he did not know if I was hurt down there or anything.

I just let out a soft moan and then he wanted more of me. His mouth went all the way down to the base of my cock. I felt his throat started to put pressure on the tip of my head. I arched my back out of the pleasure and then a spike of pain went through my body. I quickly moved my hand over my mouth so I would not scream from the pain.

Damien looked up at me to make sure I was ok. When I eased back down to the bed he just went back to work on pleasing me, I felt like I was going to die from both pain and pleasure. I grabbed hold of the sheets and then I just came into his awaiting mouth. He swallowed every drop.

He let my cock fall out of my mouth and then asked, "You still mad at me?"

"No," I said and pouted my lips because I really want to but I could not.

"So you going to tell me what happened or do I have to guess," he asked me again.

"Now that I am feeling a little better, I will tell you," I told him the whole story about the kid and then get jumped. I fought back and then I texted him. I looked up at him and saw in his eyes that he wanted to kick that guy's ass. "Please do not get mad and you were right."

"What was I right about?" he said and the kiss me.

"That my good heart will get me into trouble," I told him. "I think we should just let it go and move on."

"If that is what you want babe but if I see him on the street I will be a different story," he said.

"That is fine I just do not want you to go looking for him," I told him. I looked over at the time and it was almost time for my parents to get up. "Babe, either you need to hide or leave. Since my parents know you were not here when you threw me they will be shocked and mad that you're here now."

"I will just hide in the under your sheets till they are gone," he said.

"Oh ok," I said and then he ducked under my covers.

My parents opened my door and I was just lying in my bed. I felt Damien started go for my cock again. His tongue was licking up and down my shaft and I was starting to get hard again. My parents left my door open just a little just in case there need to tell me something.

Damien flipped over and then just started rubbing my cock along his crack. Then I felt him start to spread his cheeks and he backed up on my cock. by now I did not care if my parents caught him. I reached down and grabbed hold of his cock and started to jerk him off.

He started rocking his hips slowly and then my hand sped up on his member. Then I just lost myself inside the moment. I took my dick out of his ass and then just flipped him so that his cock was inches away from my mouth. Then I took him into my mouth. I was sucking faster and harder then I ever had. I was enjoying every second of it.

He was about to moan and then he quickly covered his mouth; I just stopped sucking and pulled my mouth off his cock. Just as I pulled off his cock, he exploded in my face. I had cum all over my face and some was making a bridge from my lips to his tip. I licked as much as I could and then I ate cum that was like a wet noodle. He shivered when my lips reached the tip of his cock.

Damien just smiled and then licked off the rest that I was not able to reach. Then we just snuggled up with each other. I heard my parents take off to their jobs and I just relax and fell back to sleep with him in my arms.

I awoke a couple of hours later and I quietly got up to get ready for the final day of the scavenger hunt. I quietly snuck out and went to the spot where I was going to wait for them. It was into graveyard and sat down next to a certain grave. I left a note for Damien and the rest to come find me and we will finished the game.

It was a bright sunny day for late August. The clouds would slowly pass the sun, covering it up and then shining through the cracks. The rays would hit my face and warm me. The breeze whistled through the trees and strangely enough the birds were not out singing. A couple of hours had past and I figured I send out a text to see where every one was.

I started too mediated, when my phone went off, all three texted me at the same time. Each one said they were on their way. I went back to mediating and just was listening to the sounds of the world. I wish I could say it soothed my mind from the events of last night but it did not work. I just kept playing the thoughts over in my head. I felt the presence of someone else. I opened my eyes and Ryan and Bobby where walking around the graveyard.

I just sat there looking around and waiting for them to see me. They finally saw me and walked over. They noticed my bruises but I did not tell them what happened. I was just sitting there quiet and enjoying the moment. They joined me in the mediation and then Damien and Sean made there way to the site.

Damien hugged me and joined in on the little circle. Sean stood up and leaned against a tree. Jackie and Elliot finally made there way to the site and then I was ready to begin. The sun was just about to set and it made the prefect lighting for the last thing of summer.

"Well first off I should tell you what happened last night, since I know you're wondering about my bruises," I said to them. "Well your ex, bobby, tricked me into helping out someone that did not need help. They stripped me down my boxers and tied me up. I out him to his friends that were there and he beat me up. Damien came to my rescue after they all left."

"I am going to kick his ass," Jackie said.

"That asshole, the next time I see him I will just kill him," Bobby said to us.

"Guys, I would not worry about him. I think outing him was enough to do more damage then psychical. So please forget about it and let's continue on with the task at hand," I said to them. Damien got from where he sat and came up behind me. He hugged me around my shoulders and I just rubbed his hand. "So let's begin this end. First let's compare each other's answers to see who is got it and who did not."

We went around to each team and they told us what they got. Everyone got eight out of nine. They were missing the Soulful Warrior. I just smiled at them all.

"So what's the Soulful warrior?" Sean asked.

"Yeah it seems nobody found the last one. Does that mean nobody wins?" Ryan said to us.

"Actually you guys all found the Soulful Warrior; you just were not looking in the right place. The clue was within this beast lies the warrior, to find him bring the peace to it, so here is the peace. Now the beast within you guys. You're the last clue and it was the point of the journey. You guys all won and the prize well is the lifetime of memories and these," I said to them and then pulled out a cd.

I went to my bag that I had with me and pulled out a little DVD player. I popped the disc in and we all gather around. I was taping everyone one. The cameras were hidden in each of the little locations and I also was filming them when I with them each of the days.

"When did you have time to edit this?" Damien asked.

"Yesterday, when I was home alone," I said to him with a big smile.

Everyone was watching the video when I walked back to the tombstone that I was mediating on and I over heard Ryan asking Damien.

"So why are we doing this in a graveyard?" Ryan asked Damien.

"I think I know why. That tombstone he is standing next to is his Grandmothers and he comes here on the anniversary of her death every year. He told me this once but never told me the date. So I am guessing today is the day," Damien told him and then walked over to me.

I was just looking down at the gravestone and then a tear rolled off my cheek. Damien's hand wipe it away and then wrapped around my shoulder. I just turned into him and cried into his chest. I got his shirt all wet and he just let me cry. I stopped crying and then looked up at him and then over at the others. They were all looking at me. I wiped my tears away and put on a smile.

Jackie knew and Damien knew but I figured I should let everyone else in. I told them about my grandma and the tombstone. I shed a few more tears and then everyone shared a story about something sad. We had a moment of silence for the fallen ones in our lives.

The night was chilled and spooky just sitting in the graveyard. The only glow coming from the DVD player, so I figured it was time to go. "I guess we better get going before the ghost come out."

"Yeah that does sound like a good idea," Jackie said. "Thanks for the awesome time."

"Yeah thanks and see you at school," Elliot added. They both took off and then it was just the five boys. Ryan thought he would do something special and invite us all back to his place.

We went racing over there.

Hey guy just let me know what think.

Next: Chapter 32

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