Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on Jul 14, 2009


All the usual T's & C's apply. If you are offended by stories involving boys or same sex relationships, then this is not the story for you.

I woke up the next morning with Damien all wrapped up with me. I noticed the time and I need to get ready to meet up with the last time. They were going to meet me at my house about ten and it was nine thirty. I quickly untangled myself from Damien and he woke up with me. I kissed him on the lips and then took off out the door before he could say a word.

His dad was downstairs watching TV as I made me exit. I walked at fast pace to make to my house to at least change before they got there. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and I already had a text from Damien. Thanks for the morning kiss and hope you have a good day it read. I text him back thanks and you too.

I got into my house and my parents were already off to work. I ran down the hallway and dashed into my room. I threw off my clothes and then put some new ones on. The white outfit I had on last night I did return to the studios, so I was back in my street clothes after I left.

Just as I finished putting on my shoes, there was knock on the door. I made my way back down the hallway and opened it up. Elliot and Jackie where standing there with big smiles on there faces.

"Come in, I am almost ready," I said to them.

They came in and sat down on the couch and I went into the bathroom to finish my hair and teeth. I just threw water in my hair and then brushed my teeth real quick. I came back into the living room and they were making out with each other to pass the time. Jackie had Elliot's shirt up and I saw the waistband of his boxers. I cleared my throat and then they both looked up at me.

Jackie just gave me the look like she was caught but did not care. Elliot just stared at her. "So we ready to go?" I asked them.

"Sure," Elliot said and got up. He forgot that Jackie undid his button and pulled down his zipper. His pants fall to the floor and he was all tented up again. I just covered my eyes and wanted for him to get his pants up. I heard his zipper and then I looked and there were back on. Jackie was just smiling and then we all headed off.

I whispered to Elliot since I took the back seat of her car, "Nice boxers." He smiled and then re-focused on the mission at hand. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the list. I looked over his shoulder and they were just missing the bottom three. "Where do we start guys?"

"Well we need to find name to show life, fire of passion and soulful warrior. I think we should start with the name and work down. What do you think sexy?" Elliot asked Jackie.

"I think that sounds like a plan," she said and then kissed him on the cheek.

"Well the first item is name to show life. The clue is to find me it is written all over the place, look in the sky, look in the ground and you will see my name," Elliot to us.

"Well the sky is above and the ground is below. It must be somewhere in the middle," Jackie concluded.

Just then I got a text from one of the Sean. It read where to start looking for the soulful warrior. I replied back to him, look around and you will find the answer. Just then Jackie stopped the car and my phone went flying out of my hand. It hit the floor and then I picked it up.

The message sent and then I looked over at Jackie. So was just looking up at the sky, I followed he glazes and she was looking at plane with a banner on it. The banner read: Open your eyes and follow your turn.

"Is that it?" Jackie said to me.

"Part of the clue," I told them.

"Hmm..," Jackie said and started to think what it meant.

"The game called life," Elliot chimed in. "Open your eyes and follow your turn. It starts in the sky and ends on the ground but what's the name?"

"Well we already started by looking in the sky next is the ground. Where can we see the entire L.A. area? I know the Hollywood sign over sees most of it the area," Jackie said. "You're a genius babe."

She leaned over and kissed Elliot. Elliot was a little shocked but then snapped out of it. She quickly drove to the sign and up the side of the hill. Just when we reach the top, she noticed a marked building. She pointed it out to us and then asked, "Is that the ground you're talking about?" she asked.

"Maybe and maybe not, do you know the name of that building?" I asked.

"Nope," Jackie said and then looked over at Elliot.

"It is the tallest building in L.A. I remember from my teachings that in some cultures that the tallest building would be the chi of the city. The vial life where heaven and earth would meet, it would bring life to all as long as it stands. So even through I do not know the name of the building either, that would be the chi building for the city of L. A.," he said.

I was a little shocked that he knew that but he was correct. That was the answer to the riddle. Jackie just smiled at him and then I saw the spark in her eyes. I think she just realized what she fell in love with. The boy that stole her heart was Elliot and she stole his as well so they were even on that side.

"Well what's the next riddle?" Jackie asked as we started the drive down from the sign.

"Ok, the item is the fire of passion. The clue is this comes from the heart and it is never the same for everyone. Find you passion and bring it till the end," Elliot said.

I thought to myself now looking back that this was the easiest out of the entire clues. You just got to bring the passion that you to honest with yourself and tell the person you're with what your passion is. I hope everyone gets this one.

The car was quiet for most to the ride down the hill. Elliot was thinking of the clue and Jackie was thinking if she wanted to tell us her passion. I knew my passion but I was not going to say it right now do to the fact that it was not my challenge. I was ready to tell people my passion but it was going to have to wait till the week was over.

"How about we tell each other's passions late on and started working on the last clue?" Jackie said a little to fast.

"Sure, that sounds good, plus I think that is something we should do in private," Elliot said and I knew right there he got her drift real quick.

"Fine by me so what's the last clue," I said to change the topic.

"The last item is soulful warrior. The clue is within this beast lies the warrior, to find him bring the peace to it," Elliot said to us.

"Well, it must mean some animal. Let's got to the zoo," Jackie said and quickly we were off to the zoo. As we parked, we were not the only one at the zoo. I was looking around the parking lot as we walked towards the entrance, I noticed that Ryan's car and Damien's car was park here as well. I did not plan that everyone would be looking for the soulful warrior at the zoo at the same time.

Hopeful we do not see each other because then every one would think I plan this too. I did not plan this one. We got to the gate and got the tickets and Jackie headed towards the penguins habitat.

On our way to the habitat, I got a text from Damien. I just saw you; meet me in the men's room. I just text him back ok.

"Hey guys I need to use the restroom. I'll be right back," I said to them and then dashed off. I made it in like a few seconds and the bathroom was empty. I walked past some of the stalls and then a hand yanked me back into one of the stalls.

I was thrown onto the toilet. Then Damien quickly pinned me down to by sitting on me. He showered me with kisses and then started feeling up my shirt. Then his hands roamed around to my backside and start to message me.

"I take it your missed me," I said to him.

He broke the kiss for a sec and nodded his head. We went back to making out and his hands were working fast. My shorts were unbuttoned and the flaps folded back. I notice his jeans were around his knees and he was already lining up his ass with my cock. Then I got in the mood and started to help him out with his member as he slowly sat down on mine.

I bent over and started suck on his member. I felt his tight ass wrap around my cock and start to massage it with his muscles. I relaxed into the feeling of pleasure rushing through my body. I kept going down on him I was arched and then I felt him ready so I let off him.

I wanted this to last as long as I can because I knew I did not want to wait for this tonight when we see each other. He kept bouncing up and down on my cock. Then I noticed a shadow on the floor.

"Hey, Damien you alright in there?" the voice called.

Damien froze and then responded, "Yeah just got few more seconds."

"Ok I will wait a few more seconds, if not I am leaving and you can meet me at the tiger den," Sean yelled and then walked out of the rest room.

We looked at each other and smiled. That is when we both decided to finished what we started. I bent back over taking his cock fully into my mouth and he speed up with his bouncing. I felt his cock tense up in my mouth and then he shot load after load into my mouth. I swallow every drop and then suck him dry. He was moaning out of pleasure and then with his moans made me cum inside him.

His moaning turned me up so much I just let go and came. I shot three times up his ass and then my cock fell out of him and squirted twice on the door behind us. He fell upon my chest and we both were panting from the hot sex we just had. I looked over his shoulder and saw the mess that I made on the door. I just looked back at Damien and smiled. He turned around and saw the mess as well and laughed.

"I clean that up and you need to go help you partner find that clue," I said to him.

"Thanks babe," he said to me as he zipped himself up and then he helped me with my clothes as well.

"Your welcome," I said and then kissed him. He made his exit just as quick as he pulled me into the stall in the first place. I grabbed some towels and I wiped up the mess. I flushed them down the toilet and then Elliot came into the bathroom.

"Wow, you just finished up?" he said to me.

"Yeah," I said with a smile on my face. I washed my hands and he was taking piss. Then he finished up and can next to me.

"So did you enjoy the penguins?" I asked.

"Yeah and now we are going to the lions cages," he said.

"Sounds good to me, please lead the way," I said and pointed towards the exit.

I followed him out and his pants were sagging like normal and I saw those cute boxers again. I just start imaging what it would be like if it was the other way around. If I was straight and Jackie was my girlfriend and Elliot was in my shoes.

We made it to the lion cages and I still did not see Ryan or Bobby so I figured it was safe to say they moved on. Jackie snapped me out of my daydreaming and just punched me in the arm.

"What is wrong with you today?" she asked.

"Nothing just daydreaming," I said back to her while rubbing my arm.

Elliot noticed and said, "He is just checking out my ass." Then he bent over and shook his ass in front of me. His pants sagged a little more and then Jackie smacked his ass.

"If you want to see his ass all you had to do was ask," Jackie said and then she grabbed his pants and pulled them down with his underwear as well. I took a quick look before he pulled them back up. Jackie was laughing her ass off but the more interesting part was that Jackie still did not know about the night we had fun together.

Once Elliot got his pants back up, he was a little red from the embarrassment. I went behind him and just whispered to him, "That was hot but she will never know what we really did."

He just smiled and we carried on with our day. We joked around and hit some more of the shows and other animal's attraction. The time kept slipping away and soon the zoo was going to close. They still did not find the answer to the last clue and my time was up to be with them.

We got back to the car and the drove me home. I waved by to them and then they took off to share there fire of passion. I got into my house and my parents where not home from work yet. I thought to myself, Yay a moment to relax. I walked straight to the shower.

Once I got inside the doorway I took off my shirt and shorts and looked at myself in the mirror. I lift up my arm to make a muscle and show off a little and then I smelt myself. I took could kill a small horse with my smell. I turned on the shower and got rid of my boxers that I had on.

I hopped in the shower and took my time. I let the water flow over my body and then I grabbed the soap. I wash myself good and long. Then I heard the door open and my mom yelling, "Anyone home?"

I yelled back, "Yes, in the shower."

Then I went back to washing myself. I did my hair and finished up my shower with letting the water run down my body once more. I stopped the shower and reached for a towel. I dried myself off and wrapped the towel around my waist.

I walked past the mirror and admire myself for a few seconds. I notice of few of the scars from my adventures that I had over the past year. I ran my fingers over them and just remember the good times. I wish remembering the past and I made my way to my room.

I tossed my stinky clothes in my hamper and then just plopped down on the bed. My towel opened up a little and my cock fell out. Just then a knock was at my door. I tucked my cock back underneath the towel and answered, "Come in."

My mom walked in and then I sat up on my bed. She came in and sat next to me on my bed.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Nothing, just wanted to see how your hunt is going and how are you? You been so busy I figure since your home to have some quality time with my son," she said to me.

"The hunt is going great better then the first one I did. I am just exhausted form running around with everyone. It seems like everyone got one the clues except for one of them but I am sure they will get it just fine. As for me, I am doing great. My leg is fine and I am just enjoying the last couple of days of summer," I told her.

"That is great to hear," she said and then she looked around my room. "Hopefully you can clean some of this up tonight or tomorrow and what is that smell."

"That would be the clothes that I wore today. They totally reek. I do laundry tomorrow, I promise," I told her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Sounds like a plan," she told me and then got up to leave. She left the room and then I thought the smell got rid of her. I opened up the window to my room and then I quickly got dress so the smell would not make me pass out. I went out to the backyard and just lay down in the grass. I was looking up at the orange-bluish sky. The sun was setting over the mountain tops and the wind was cooling down.

The front door opened and I heard my mom tell the person that I was in the backyard. It is still odd my mom some how always knows where I am. I propped myself up on my elbows and waited for the door to the house to open up.

Damien opened the door and I just stared at him. He was still dress when we had or time in the bathroom room at the zoo. I smiled and then went back down and looking up at the sky. He walked over and straddled me.

He got my attention by kissing me and then I just melted into the kiss. He leaned back up and then spaced out looked towards the back of my backyard. I poke him in the stomach and he laughed.

It has been a while since I heard him laugh. I liked his laugh it was sweet and innocent. I then went into full out tickle mode. I reached up and just let my hands lead the way. I went under his shirt and then started tickling him. He busted up laughing and tried to stop me but it did not work. He fell off me and over to the side and was curled up into a ball.

I laughed with him and then I stopped. His then came out of the ball and just rested on my chest. I rubbed my hand over his hair and then I felt his body come up close to me like a little kid does when he wants to cuddle with his parents. I wrapped my other hand to cup his body and I brought him in close.

We both did not say a word and just enjoyed the moment. I looked up at the sky and notice the first star to appear. I felt his breathing become shallow and soft. I tilted me head up and realized he feel asleep on me.

I just lay there with his head rising every time I took a breath. It felt very soothing and I just enjoyed. The door opened and I tilted my head to see who it was. It was my dad and I shushed him since I did not want him to wake up Damien. My dad got the hint and then went back inside. I would go ask him later what he wanted since it seemed like he had something to ask or say.

I lay there for couple of hours just thinking about random stuff and then Damien awoke from his nap. He realized where he was and then sat up.

"How long was I out?" he said to me wiping away the sleep in his eyes.

"Only a couple of hours," I told him and kissed him on the lips.

He looked down at the time and it was about nine. "I would love to stay with you tonight but I need to get home. My dad would like some quality time with me," he said and started getting up.

"That sounds so familiar; my mom said the same thing. That is fine; I will see you later then," I said to him and we started walking around the side of the house and I kissed him goodnight and watch him walk away.

After he was out of sight, I went back into the house. I went into my room and my dad was sitting on my bed waiting for me.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Just making sure you alright?" he asked.

"Yeah, just a little tried from everything," I said and then sat down next to him. "Is everything alright with you and mom?"

"We are just fine. Just doing my daddy duties and make sure everything is going well," he said and then looked around the room. "You're going to clean this up right?"

"Yes, dad," I said and rolled my eyes.

He got up and then left. I lay down on my bed and started to dose off. I feel asleep in my clothes. I woke up around three in morning to my phone going off.

"Hello," I said groggily

Nobody answered. I looked down at the phone and it was an unlisted number.

"Hello," I said again and was a little more awake.

Still no answer but I hear heavy breathing like the person was running or catching his breath.

I was just about to hang up when I heard a noise. It was not a word or anything more of like someone trying to say thing but muffled. Then the line went dead. I looked at my phone and just held it in my hand. Thinking it was someone dialing the wrong number, I went back to sleep.

Hey, guys hope you like it, let me know what you think.

Next: Chapter 31

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