Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on Jun 30, 2009


All the usual T's & C's apply. If you are offended by stories involving boys or same sex relationships, then this is not the story for you.

It has been a couple of weeks after we meet up with Sean and I went to swim with him once a week. My leg recovered and it was the last month of summer before we headed back to school. Our parents took us shopping for school supplies and clothes.

It be came the last week of summer, Damien and I were just sitting I my backyard looking back on the events that happened over the summer. I was day dreaming when the door to the house opened up. It was the whole gang, Ryan, Bobby, Jackie, Elliot, and Sean. We smiled at them and they took a seat.

"So." I said to everyone.

"Why did you call us here?" Sean asked me with his hair in his eyes. They all looked over at me and Damien. Damien shrugged.

Damien did not know what I was up too. I did not fill him in on the little surprise I had planned. He looked over at me and then I felt their piecing eyes all on me. I stood up and was about to speak when I looked up at the sky.

"Well what is that you brought us here to see," Jackie said and got up. She looked up towards were I was looking at. Then a smile crossed her face.

Then the rest of the gang looked up towards the sky, I set this up once before and it did not take. So I decided to try it again. See when I opened the box in the hospital, it remind me that there is more to life then just being happy. After that day I started setting up this city wide scavenger hunt.

"Well I guess you guys see what I planned for us to do for the last week. It should take us all week. Now to get onto the rules, first off do we want to do this a whole or in teams," I told them.

They all looked around at each other and then looked back at me. Jackie spoke up, "Teams would be more fun."

"Ok, then the teams would be your other half and since I know the answers Damien will be paired up with Sean. Next, each day I will be with one of the teams as watcher. I will not help but I can be a good guide for you. Last, the team(s) to finish by Friday will get something awesome," I told them.

Behind you is the list of items that must be found. You can start today but I will guide people tomorrow. I picked up one of the lists and just looked it over. One person from each team grabbed a list and everyone took off. I just sat back down in one of the chairs and looked back up into the sky.

What was written in the sky you ask? It said it begins in the old sky writing. After it drifted into the sky like normal clouds, my parents joined me in the backyard. The looked up at the sky which was turning into a beautiful night sky.

"How did the meeting go?" they asked me while taking a sit in the chair next to me.

"It went well, they are searching right as we speak but I am sure they will not fine anything till tomorrow due to the fact that everything starts tomorrow," I said with a smile.

"Well hope everything goes well. Dad and I our going out so we will see you later," they told me and then walked back into the house.

I guess I should tell you what was on the list before it gets too late. You guys should try finding theses things in your life as well. So the list of items: A pet, a memory of time, the golden sun, the sword of sorrow, hand of fated, peaceful salesman, the name to show life, fire of passion, and last the soulful warrior.

Each of those things must be found by Friday. The list also had clues on where to find them but I will get into those a little later. The night breeze cooled down the air and then I get a phone call.

"Hey babe," I answered.

"Hey, so whose team you going to be on tomorrow?" Damien asked.

"Have not decided," I told him. "Where are you at?"

"Your front door," he said and then knocked.

I hung up the phone and went to answer the door. There he was standing with a big fat grin on his face. I knew what was on his mind. Then I say Sean standing behind him like a lost puppy dog. I look over his shoulder and assumed something was up. I let them both in and we went to my bedroom.

Damien took a sit on computer chair and Sean and I sat on the bed. I looked over at Damien and he had the devilish grin on his face. I knew something was up.

"So what's up guys?" I asked.

"Well Sean wanted to ask you something," he told me. I look over at Sean and he looks back at me.

"Well, I was talking to Damien today and I told him everything. He told me that you told him everything. Then I asked him about gay sex since I have not done anything with anyone. Then I ask Damien if maybe you guys could be my first and give me some pointer or something," he said to me and then looked down.

I looked over at Damien and I knew his answer. We shared this odd connection. His answer was to ask Zach and if he says yes then we will do it. I did not know what I should do this time. It is not like the time with Elliot. Elliot was straight with some curiosity. Then Sean looked up with those eyes and I knew my answer.

"Sure but lets put down some ground rules first. No kissing on the lips for starters," I said to him and his face lite up like a kid on Christmas.

Damien chimed in, "Well since we are going to teach you we must be gentle but I think we should just go with what comes up." I went over to Damien and looked at him. Damien was alright with this and so was I.

"Where do we start?" Sean asked.

"Well let's start by stripping each other. That is always hot," I said. I stood up and stood in the middle of my room and both of them came to me. Sean got on his knees and started working my pants as Damien was feeling under my shirt. Damien started playing with my nipples and then kissed my neck. I just enjoyed the attention and then he lifted my shirt over my head.

I felt Sean's hands working the button on my pants. Then he got them undone and they fell off my body. I was standing there in my boxers and then I moved onto Damien. Sean got my drift to keep my boxers on for a little while longer. He rotated and not he was facing Damien's crotch. He fumbled with Damien's pants as I did the same thing Damien did to me.

Finally Sean got Damien's pants down around his ankles and then he started going for Damien's boxerbriefs but Damien stopped him. Damien pulled him up and now it was his turn. Damien and I attacked from both sides and we each hand one hand underneath his shirt.

We lifted his shirt over his head and he looked hotter now then when we swam together. His pants were hung loosely from his hips and the top of his boxers were showing. Damien and our eyes meet and we need that this was going to be fun. I went around to Sean's backside and Damien took the front.

We made Sean the center of our sexual focus. I started kissing Sean's neck and then slowly running my tongue down his spine. Damien worked on the front and was engulfing his hard nipples. I made my way all the way down to his boxers and then my hands wrapped around his waist and worked his pants. Sean's was now breathing hard.

I got his pants off and looked at his sexy boxers. They were printed boxers of Nightmare before Christmas. Then Damien and I stepped back for a quick second to admire the boy in front of us. His boxers were all tented up and then we quickly went back to work. Damien stuck his fingers in the waistband and pulled Sean's boxers off in one quick movement.

Sean's cock sticking straight out from his body must have been about eight inches and it was somewhat thick. I on the other side of Sean's body was looking at those hot ass cheeks of his. They were perfect in every way. Size, shape, and then seem to not have been touch by any one. Well I started were I stopped off and then I spread his ass cheeks apart to see what I was working with.

I stood up and pulled off my boxers and Damien did the same. Sean looked at Damien and was happy to see it was about the same and then turned around to look at me. I looked up at his face and he seemed a little scared that I might fuck him with my tool.

"Relax, it will only hurt for the first couple of moments," I told him and then his face seemed to relax a little bit. Damien grabbed Sean and then got back down on his knees. He took Sean's cock into his mouth and start sucking him like he does me. I watched for a few seconds and then walked over to my drawer. I pulled out some lube and condom.

I heard Sean moaning from the pleasure. I turned around and Sean's head was tilted towards the ceiling and Damien was deep throating Sean. I walked up behind Sean and put some lube on my fingers.

"This is going to be cold," I whisper to him and then put two fingers into his awaiting hole. He yelled from the pain and the pleasure. He pushed forward cause Damien to choke a little from the push. Damien paused for a moment and then decided to take things a little different.

Damien took Sean a laid him on my bed. Then Damien laid the other way so they would start sixty-nine. Sean grabbed hold of Damien's cock and licked the tip of Damien's dick. Damien shivered and then went back to work on Sean's member. Sean, then start taking the tool into his mouth.

Sean got into it and I went on the other side of Sean and started fingering him and then my other hand went into Damien's ass. I start picking up speed then I knew Sean was ready for me. I bent over to Sean and whispered to him, "It is time."

"I am ready," he said to me as I he took Damien's cock out of his mouth. Then he put it back into his mouth. I slowly lined up my cock with his hole and I inched into him. He started to tense up and then Damien start deep throating to make him relax. Then I slipped my head into his ass. He yelled but was muffled by Damien's cock.

I stopped and let him adjust to my cock. Then I pushed a little more once he was ready for it. It took me three minutes to full get inside him. I looked over his shoulder and I kissed the back of his neck. He finally relaxed and I started rocking back and forth. Then he took Damien's cock out of his mouth and was moaning in pleasure.

"Yeah fuck me," he said.

It shocked both of us when he said that but I kept on going. I started picking up the pace and then his moans got louder and louder. Damien was working in time with my thrusting. Then I felt his body tense up. Damien felt that and Sean's cock explode from all the pleasure that was flowing throughout his body. Damien swallowed ever drop.

His ass relaxed again and then I started fucking him again. Damien wanted to have some fun with Sean's ass so I pulled out and then Damien took his place. I went in front of Sean and waved my cock in front of his face to see if he wanted to suck it. He reached out and started jacking me off.

It did not take long for Damien to get off and then Damien loaded his cum in Sean's ass. Damien collapsed and then I was just about to follow. I warned Sean I was about to cum but he just kept jerking. Then I exploded, it went all over his face. Strands of cum were hanging from his hair down to his chin. He looked up me with those ice blue eyes and then his tongue came out to taste it.

He licked up one of the strands and then had a big smile on his face. Then he licked up some more of me. He noticed that there was some still leaking out of my cock and his tongue reached out and lap it up. It sent a shiver down my spine when his tongue touched the tip of my head. He finished clean his face and hair and my cock and then we all just rested on my bed.

Sean was in the middle of us and then I looked over to check the time. Then I got up and picked up my clothes. "Well guys would you like to spend the night or do you have to go," I asked them.

Damien just smiled at me and I knew he was spending the night. Then Sean looked at the time and realized it was getting late.

"Well, I would like to spend the night but I must get home. Thanks guys and I hope we can do this again," he said and then got off my bed. He grabbed his boxers and pulled them up his slender body. Then put his pants on. He left my room and I walked him to the door. He did not put his shirt on since he was still hot from the sex.

He turned around and looked at my naked body, "Wow, now I see why Damien is with you. Not only do you have the body but the personality that is hard to find," he said to me and then took off down the pathway.

I shut the door and blush a little and then walked down the hallway to my room. Damien was passed out on my bed so I just took the sheet and covered him up. I picked up the rest of my clothes from the floor and put them in the hamper. I folded up Damien's clothes and put them on my desk chair. I was not really tried so I put my boxers back on and then went to the living room to watch some T.V.

I must have fallen asleep on the couch because I awoke with a blanket over me and an infomercial was playing. I looked at the clock on top of the T.V. it was just a little past seven. I figured it was time for me to make my choice on which team I would be with today.

I got up and fold the blanket and placed on the couch. I walked into the kitchen and there was a note from my parents. It read: Dear son, did not wake you see you after work love mom and dad. I smiled at that and then sat down at the table. I had three groups to choose from. Team A: Ryan and Bobby, Team B: Elliot and Jackie and Team C: Damien and Sean. So I wrote on a piece paper each team and I spun a bottle. It landed on Team C.

I got my phone out and texted the others to let them know whose team I would be with today. Then I got a text from Jackie and Ryan. I figure those would be the head of the groups. It read: Ok, but can we text you for help.

Yes you can and good luck searching: I replied

Then I went back to my room and I heard the shower going across the hall. I poked my head inside and saw Damien's silhouette in the curtain of the shower. I took my boxers off and head in. I got behind Damien and then he turned around. He jumped and shrieked a little. I started laugh and then he hit my arm.

"What?" I said with a smile.

"You scared me," he said to me.

"Sorry, I said and then kiss his lips. "I got some good news. I will be with your team today."

"Awesome, so let's finish the shower and then we can go get Sean," he told me. We quickly showered and then got dressed. We hoped into his car to go pick up Sean from the swimming pool. We pulled up into the parking lot of the swimming center and Sean was sitting outside waiting.

He noticed I was sitting in the driving side and he climbed into the back. Sean was the one with the list and pulled it out of his back pocket. He looked over the list and figured to start at the top.

"Where are we starting?" Damien asked.

"I figured we start at the top and work our way down," Sean said back.

"Sounds like a plan, so tell me the first clue?" Damien yelled back as they went drive forward.

"Ok, so the item is a pet. The clue is I swim along side you in the deep but now I am trap for you to keep," Sean read the clue to us. I just smile after he read it.

"I think I know where he wants us to go. Pretty much he wants us to go to a pet shop and get a pet fish or sea animal," Damien said.

"Sounds good but which pet shop there must be thousands of them in the area," Sean said.

I thought to myself that the first one is really easy but then they must fine the right one shop I left the piece for them. Then Damien figured it was the pet shop on the pier. They quickly drove to the pier and parked. We all got out and rushed down to the pet shop.

We got into the little shop and it was filled with animals. Birds singing, wheel rolling around and pets all over the place. Damien and Sean went straight back to where the fish were kept. I went to the front desk to where the owner was sitting. I started up a conversation with the young owner but then Damien called for me.

"Duty calls," I told the owner and then headed back to the fishes. I walked down the aisle and looking at the different creatures. Then I went into the darker room and they were standing in front of one of the fish tanks. It had a note sticking out of it. I noticed one of the notes was already taken. I figured one of the other teams has come by.

"How can I help you?" I asked them.

"It says to take a picture; we would like you to take a picture of us in front so we can both get in it," Sean said to me and handed me the camera.

I took the camera and took a picture of them in front the fish. Then I handed him back his camera and we took off. I said bye to the owner of the shop and then we were back in his car.

Sean got out the list and crossed off pet. Then he started reading the next item. "Ok so the item is: The memory of time. The clue: In this place holds time for nobody, but if you look careful it does stand still for everyone," he told us.

"A place that holds time for no one but stands still for everyone, that is tough one," Damien said as he was trying to think of what it might be.

I just was spacing out when Sean tapped me on the shoulder. I looked back at him and asked, "What's up?"

"You're enjoying this aren't you?" he asked.

I just shook my head and then spaced out again. They kept driving around town looking at places and time. Then Damien stopped the car. He parked the car and got out. I looked at him and he signaled us to follow him.

"I take he figured it out," I said to Sean and then got out of the car. Sean followed and we followed Damien to the Grauman's Chinese Theater. He started looking around and then he found the next note.

I read: Look around and take picture of you with your favorite actor or actress. Pretend your in their shoes when they were here making time stand still.

Damien and Sean started walking around and looking at all the hand prints. Damien found his and Sean took a picture by the Marx's brothers. And the Sean found his by Dean Martin. We took a moment to look around some more then we head back to his car. The continued on and Sean crossed off it on the list and went to the next one.

"So the next item is: The golden sun. The clue: I set and rise at the same time every day, I am hot and cold. Come find me in the center of the world," Sean read to us.

"Ok he must be talking about Disneyland or something around there. So let's head over there," Damien said to us and then we took off.

We park on the other side where Downtown Disney started and we walked through the place. We made it the center were the two parks face each other. Then Sean looked over and noticed that the big Ferris wheel had a sun on it. Then at that moment the real sun gleam its rays down to through the big A in California that was in front of us. It ray made something sparkle and they went running over to it. It was a one of those make a penny impression coins. It had Disneyland and the castle was on it. Damien put it in his pocket and then we walked back.

I looked at them and then back at the sky. It was starting to get dark and I need to get home. "Hey, guys I had a fun time today but I need to get going," I said to them.

"Ok," Sean said and then realized the time as well. "I need to get going as well so I think I will jog home. Thanks and I will see you tomorrow partner."

He took off and then Damien and I made it back to his car. I just looked over at him and smiled. He unlocked my side and then turned around. His lips met mine and I slowly pushed him up against the car. I got into the kiss and then some flashes went off. My eyes looked around and notice a small crowd was forming around us.

A couple more flashes went off and we broke the kiss. We smiled at the cameras and waved. We acted like movie stars and then we got into the car. Then we took off back to my house. I was still spacing out when Damien snapped me back to reality.

"Well." he said to me.

"Huh?" I said in response.

"You ok babe? You been spacing out all day. Is everything alright?" he asked me and then took hold of my hand.

I looked over at him and then took off my seat beat. I then leaned over and just rest my head in his lap. The hand that was holding my hand now was just massaging my head. I turn so I was looking up at him and then we hit a red light. He noticed I was looking up at him so he looked down at me.

He kisses two of his fingers and then brought them to my lips. I kiss them and then I just snuggled up to him a little more. The light changed and we took off again. He pulled up to my driveway and then parked the car. I knew we were home but I just want to stay the way we were. Damien got that hint as well.

He looked down at me and then his hand start roaming over my body. He rubbed all over the place. Then he reached my crotch and I grind into his hand when he got there. He grabbed hold of my now hard member and then I knew I wanted more. His hand moved up and my hands went down to free myself.

His hands stopped my hands from unzipping my pants. "Can we hold off on this tell later or tomorrow," he asked.

"Sure babe," I said then looked up at him. He was no longer looking down at me but out the window. "Sorry for being so spacey today."

He looked down at me and was about to speak when I started up again.

"Well, I was just thinking the entire time; that I hope this goes well. Then it started going well and I was happy. So then I started to relax and enjoy the moments that we been sharing all day," I said.

"Oh babe, I thought something was wrong. So I started to worry but then I relaxed as well. Well how about we go inside now," he said to me.

I got up and out of his car. He joined me and he smacked my ass as we entered my house. I yelped a little and then went into the kitchen real fast. The bottle and the three teams were still on the table. I took team C off and spun the bottle to see who tomorrow's group I am with was. It landed on Team A. I texted Ryan and Bobby letting them know that I will be with them tomorrow.

Then Damien yelled down from the hallway, "I'm ready." I turned the corner and Damien was standing there buck naked and leaning against my doorframe. I ran down the hallway and tackled him into my room and then my foot shut the door.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed. Hit me up what you think about it.

Next: Chapter 29

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