Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on Jun 18, 2009


All the usual T's & C's apply. If you are offended by stories involving boys or same sex relationships, then this is not the story for you.

I woke later that night to his dad coming home. Slowly getting out of bed, I made my way down the stairs with my crutches. I wanted to thank his dad for helping me out and not tell me parents what really happened. I made it down to the last step and noticed the kitchen light was on.

I turned the corner and his dad was there in drag and fixing a sandwich. I cleared my throat so he would know I was there. He looked up and noticed it was me. He smiled and then went back to making his sandwich.

"I just wanted to say thanks," I said to him.

He stopped making the sandwich and then turned around fully. "Your welcome, but I should be thanking you. You're the only boyfriend of his that stuck through all this shit. Most of the others beside the psycho that you meet in New York left within the first two weeks. You not like anyone else."

"Thanks," I said and blushed a little from the complement.

"What are you doing up?" he asked.

"I woke up when you came in and then I wanted to thank you," I said to him and took a seat at the table. It started feeling like the first night that I was here. Damien's dad and I were sitting at the table talking about Damien.

"How's the foot?" he asked and sat down with me.

"It is fine. Just getting use to being on crutches," I said.

"So what was in the box?" he asked and took a bit into his sandwich.

"It was a note saying to treasure the ones you love and gold nugget that turned out to be fool's gold," I told him and then looked at the time. It was almost three in the morning. "So how did you shows go tonight?"

"They are going well. Getting more and more people every night, you and Damien should come. I can get you guys in," he said taking a bit of his sandwich.

"Well it sounds like fun. I would not mind seeing you perform, just got to talk it over with your son. Well I think I am going to go back to bed. Goodnight," I said and grabbed my crutches.

"Good night, Zach," he said.

I made it to the stairs and wished someone would carry me up like Damien did early. I took it one step at a time. I finally reached the top of the stairs and I hobble into Damien's bedroom. I still was not sleepy but a little tried. I sat down at his desk and reached for my phone. I pulled it out of my pocket and I figured I would text Ryan and set up the date for going to the club.

Hey are you awake, I texted him.

Yeah, what's up, he replied back.

Just could not sleep so I decided to make plans to go to the club you were talking about, I texted him.

Oh cool. So I was thinking this Friday, he said.

Sounds good to me, I said.

Then it is a plan, you get some sleep and I will talk to you later, he sent back.

He was right I did need to get some rest so I put my phone on the desk and then crawled back into bed. I looked over at Damien and his eyes were open. I kissed him and he smiled at me.

"What's up?" Damien asked me and then snuggled up next to me.

"Just saying thanks to your dad and then texted Ryan about the club, does Friday work for you?" I asked him.

"Yeah it is summer, I got no plans whatsoever," he said and then kissed the back of my neck.

"Then we are going to party all night long. I will dance with my crutches," I said and start wiggling around in the bed like I was dancing.

Damien started laughing and then I felt something else poke me. I turned over and looked down his body. His shorts were all tented up. My hands started to reach down and rub his crotch. He moaned a little and I knew I was going to start something now.

I wiggled down so my mouth was at the same level of his bugle. My legs were hanging of the bed but I did not care. I then pulled down his shorts and underwear and his cock was just centimeter from my face. I stuck out my tongue and I teased the tip of his cock. He shivered and his body shook. Then I opened my mouth and then he pushed his hips forward.

He kept pushing his hips forward and then his cock hit the back of my mouth. Then I started bobbing up and down on his member. My hands found their way up to his nipples and they went to work. I circled them with my fingertips and then squeezed them ever so lightly. He arched his back which pushed his cock deep down my throat. I just took it all in.

I let my throat muscles take charge and I relaxed into the moment. I slowed down my breathing and then my hands slipped under my shorts that I had on. I was enjoying the moment and so was he. Then I felt him bend over and that pulled his dick out of my mouth. He snaked his way behind me and then I felt his hands pulled down my shorts and underwear.

Then his tongue went to work on my hole. I felt it slipping in and out of my body. I melted into the moment and enjoy every second of it. Then he flipped over and grabbed some lube from his nightstand. It put some on my ass and I felt him work it in. it started to heat up and then I felt something bigger then his finger start to poke into me.

I relaxed and in one quick push he was already inside of me. I relaxed around his tool and then he started pumping away. He started out slow and then the speed picked up. My hands went to work on me and I was matching his speed. Then he tensed up behind me and I felt him cum inside of my ass which in turn sent me to my climax real quick. I shot my load allover the sheets and his shirt that I was borrowing.

I took off his shirt and cleaned up the mess that was on his bed. Then his two arms wrapped around me and then he whispered in my ear, "Clean it up tomorrow let's just go to sleep."

"Ok," I said and then melt back into his arms.

We both fell asleep in each others and then I felt the warm sun on my face. I opened one of my eyes and Damien was not in bed with me. I looked over at the time and it was almost noon. I stretched and kicked the covers off my body. I hobbled over to my crotches and then noticed that my clothes were on the desk chair. I grabbed them and noticed they were washed.

I quickly put them on and walked over to the bathroom. I entered the bathroom and Damien was standing there fully dressed and getting ready for something. I enter the bathroom and started up the shower.

"Sorry babe but we got no time for the shower," Damien said to me.

"Why, what's going on?" I asked.

"Ryan called this morning and told me to have us meet him at his beach house. So I cleaned you clothes and wiped you down as best as I could. I am surprised you did not wake up when I was doing that," he paused and looked in the mirror. "Then I got ready."

"Oh ok, thanks for the sponge bath and clothes but I think I need to go home sometime today," I told him.

"Well I will drop you off after we meet Ryan, if that is ok sweetheart?" he said and looked at me.

"Well." I said and then looked up to think about it. "Think I should go home, tell Ryan that I am sorry but will you come over after and tell me everything," I said to him.

"Sure, babe," he said and then we both went to his car. We got in and he drove me home. I got out and kissed him. I stood in the driveway and watched him drive off. I knew that I need to rest for a little bit before anything else started to happen. It seemed like this summer was starting off really fast and fun. We already had a big adventure and it has not even been two weeks after school got out. I made my way into my house and plopped down on the couch in the living room. I looked down and there was a note on the table.

It read: Dear Son, hope to see you sometime over summer and do some family stuff as well. Please do your chores and be home for dinner tonight. Love Mom and Dad P.S. Damien can join us too.

Darn even when I am injured my mom still wants me to do my chores. Well might as well get started now since I figured it would be long since I am now handicapped. I went to my bedroom and then changed into some new clothes. Then I went into the kitchen to see what chores need to be done this week. Take out the trash, clean room and bathroom and last was to wash dishes. Well at least it is nothing to bad.

I started cleaning the dishes when I got a text. I looked at my phone at it was from Damien. I miss you is what he texted. Miss you too I texted back. Then I got another one saying he will be there shortly.

I figured the meeting with Ryan was short and that he must tell me everything right away. With Ryan everything was go, go, go. He seemed like he was the ultimate business man but had all the time in the world for everything else. I always wonder how he did it.

I went back to doing the dishes and I just finished when the doorbell rang. I made my way over there and opened the door. Damien was standing there with a smile on his face. I let him in and we both headed towards my bedroom. I opened the door and it was a complete mess.

"Well I will clean up while you tell me the news from Ryan," I said to him. He made his way to my bed and sat down. I started picking up my floor and putting things away.

"So Ryan was just explained what the plan was for tomorrow night. He rented us a limo to pick us up and then which club we will be going too. How much cover was and to make sure everything was alright with you. He wanted to see you but he understood you need to be home," Damien said to me and then started helping me out with the cleaning.

It took us no time to finish cleaning my room and then we head across the hallway to the bathroom. As we crossed the hallway the front door opened. We both stood there waiting to see who it was. My mom came into view and so smiled at the both of us.

"I see you got my note. How is your leg?" she asked us.

"It is fine," I said and then disappeared into the bathroom.

"Hey, Damien can I see you for a moment?" she asked and then went into the living room.

"Oh ok," he said hesitantly.

Damien walked down the hallway and I poked out my head with a curious look on my face. I just shrugged my shoulders and started cleaning the bathroom. A few moments later Damien came in and I was on my hands and knees scrubbing the tub. I looked over my shoulder and Damien was just staring at my ass. I shake my ass at him and then he realized that he was staring and tried to look away.

"So what my mom wanted?" I asked.

"She wanted to thanks me for taking care of you while they were away," he told me and then sat down on the toilet.

"Yeah she does that to everyone. The first time Jackie brought me home late one night, she thanked her next she was over. It is her way of being her," I told him.

He pinched my ass and I jumped a little. I gave him a dirty look and went back to cleaning. I finished up with my chores around five and that is when my dad came through the door. I was died tried.

"Hey son," he said to me.

"Hey dad, how was work?" I asked him.

"It was good, just hiring new people to staff the office," he said.

"Well that is cool, so dinner should be ready in a few moments," I told him and then he walked away to change. Damien and I made our way to the table and took a sit. We were facing my parents and we were having steak, mashed potatoes and corn. It was my favorite meal of all time. We started eating dinner and then my mom brought up our plans.

"So boys, what are you plans for the rest of summer?" she asked us.

"Well.," I started to speak and then felt something on my lap. My hand went under the table and I felt Damien's hand there. "It seems that with my broke ankle I will not be as mobile as I planned. So I figured that we would just hit the local scene. Tomorrow night we are going to club."

Then I felt Damien's hand move up my shorts. His hand went underneath my shorts and now was at the bottom of my boxers. His fingers were tugging them down. I felt my cock start to get hard from the attention he was giving me. I was trying not to show any of this excitement on my face or my parents would ask what is going on.

"So son, would you want to go to work with me one day?" he asked.

"Sure it sounds like fun, also Damien's dad offer to take us to one of his shows," I said and then took a bit of my steak.

Then I felt my boxers completely hook underneath my balls. My cock was fully hard now and it touched the zipper and sent a chill down my spine. Damien noticed that my body shook a little. He took that has his cue to start moving up again. His hand reached the base of my cock and then he wrapped his hand around it. I closed my eyes for second and then knew I still need to focus on the task at hand.

"So Damien, how did you do in school?" my mom asked him.

"I did good, got mostly A's and B's," he said to them.

I was in complete shock that he was so calm and cool since he was jerking me off right in front of them. Then he picked up the speed. I knew he need more room so I reached underneath the table and unbutton and unzipped my shorts. My dick and his hand both popped up out of them. He started to move faster then normal once he had more room. His hand stopped and snake back out to get a better grip.

"Well, it seems you boys are going to have a great summer," my mom said to us.

"Yeah, we are," I said with a weak smile.

I looked over at Damien and his hand was still making me reach my climax. Then just as I was about to shoot he let go and let me come down from excitement. Then just before I reached bottom he would start up again. He did not want me to come in front of my parents so he just teased me the entire time.

We both finished dinner and I felt him tuck my cock back into my shorts and close me up. We put our plates in sink and made our way to my bed room. As soon as I shut the door, I pushed him up against the wall and kissed him forcible. My crutches fell to the ground and I was picked up off the ground. My feet touched the ground again and then I felt my shorts and boxers getting pulled off my body. My hands found there way to his clothes and soon they were in a pile with mine. Then Damien picked me up again and I felt his cock poking me in the ass.

I then knew he wanted to fuck me and I so wanted it. I felt him enter my ass and then he slowly went in. I was now sitting on his dick and then in his arms he started bouncing me on his cock. It felt so good for him to be inside me right now. I knew I was not going to last long since the foreplay at the table brought me to my maximum climax three times before. I tensed up in his arms and my cock exploded on both our chests. I moan out his name and I did not care if my parents hear me.

I was happy and in dazed like state as he continued to fuck me. He was now leaning up against the wall and using it as support for the both of us. Soon I felt his knees buckle and then I felt him shoot up inside me. Just as he finished and his cock popped out of my ass we both went down. I looked at him and smiled. I leaned in for a kiss and he met me halfway. We kissed each other on the floor of few moments before we got up. We got dressed and decided to go outside for some fresh air.

We went into the backyard and took a seat in the lawn chairs. My mom noticed that we went outside and brought us a snack outside with some lemonade. I thanked her and she went back inside. It was a lovely night out. Not a cloud in sight and all the stars were out sparkling in the summer sky. The warm air rushing past us and keeping us warm.

"Hey babe," I asked him as I took a sip.

"Yes sweetheart," he replied to me.

"I was just think about tomorrow night, how am I going to dance with crutches?" I asked him and then looked at him. He did not answer right away but instead of giving me an answer he got up and walked over to me.

He extended his hand and I took it of course. He pulled me up and then grabbed my crutches. He placed them underneath his arms and then started dance a little. He moved his head to the beat inside his head. Then his shoulders start grooving back and forth to the imaginary beat. I still stood up on my foot and then I leaned to the next one.

"Good one," he said.

He then added that into the moves that he was now doing. I started getting into it and then I started dancing with him. My foot was a little more stable today them the last couple of days. Then he spun himself around with the crutches and caught himself with them as well. I laughed at it but he was showing me out to dance with the crutches. Then I realized that with dancing it is not really about looking good, it is more about having fun with your friends and lovers.

He handed me the crutches and I kept dancing with him in my backyard. Then I was getting tried and we both took a sea on the same lawn chair. I looked over at him and he had a goofy look on his face. I started laughing at him. He joined in.

"So that is how you dance with crutches," he finally said to me.

"Ok, ok. I see you how to dance in crutches. What if we want to slow dance even if it is not a slow song," I asked him and then he got up once again and extend his hand out. I took it and then he just looked into my eyes and I looked back.

"Just stand on my feet and I will carry you away," he said and I did just that. We start slow dancing around my backyard and it felt wonderful. Then as we got back to the lawn chairs he dipped me and we kiss in that position. Since my head was still tilted back I noticed someone was standing in the doorway.

Damien looked up and so did I. My mom and dad were standing there smiling at the both of us. We both smiled weakly and then he brought me up to standing position. We walked back over to the patio area and my parents were just standing there holding each other.

"I take it that brings back some of the old days," I said and nudge my dad.

"Yeah," he said and then looked up at the stars.

"We use to do that back here," my mom add and followed my dad's gaze up.

Just then my dad grabbed my mom by her arms and whisked for a quick dance around the backyard. Damien and I watched to make sure they did not kill themselves. Then as we watched them dance, Damien came around me and just wrapped his arms around my waist. He hugged me and tilted my head back to give him a kiss.

He swayed me back a forth a little bit while we were together. Then we both took a seat on the lawn chair again. He lay back in the chair and I lay between his legs. We watch the night sky and my parents dancing around. It got late and the warm summer air turned to a nice chilly breeze.

My parents did one last turn around and then decided to call it a night. We said good night to them and we just sat and looked up at the stars for a little while longer. Just while we were looking up Damien's phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket and answered it.

"Hello," he said.

"Hey son," the voice answered back.

"Hey dad, what's up?" he replied.

"I was wondering if you would be able to come home tonight?" he asked.

"Yeah sure, dad that is not a problem. I will be home one I get Zach in his bed and kiss him goodnight," Damien said to his dad.

"Ok see you in bit," his dad said.

I looked up at him and see the blank stare on his face. "I take your going home tonight," I said to him.

"Yeah my dad wants to talk about something," I paused and then looked down at me. "So let's get you to bed and then I will text you a little later tonight."

"Wait, shouldn't I walk you to the door. I have no stairs to get in my way," I said to him with a smile.

"Yeah, so let's go slow poke," he said and then got up. I followed him with my crutches and then we made it to the front door. I walked him to his car and then we kissed goodnight and he took off.

I made my way back into the house and locked the door. I made it back to my bedroom and sat down at my desk. I turned on my computer and was going through my websites. As I was going through one of my websites, one of the users caught my eye. He just sent an email to me.

I read it and it was the reason I set this sites up. I responded to the email and waited to see if he would respond. I got nothing back. I sent him another email and then my phone lite up. It was a text from Damien.

It told me to have a sweet dreams and he will be here tomorrow morning. I texted him back sweet dreams and see you bright and early the next morning. I started to get tried and knew I need my rest. I checked my email one last time and got nothing so I decided to go to sleep. I crawled into bed and went to sleep.

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Next: Chapter 26

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