Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on Jun 11, 2009


All the usual T's & C's apply. If you are offended by stories involving boys or same sex relationships, then this is not the story for you.

As Damien and I lay on my hospital bed, we just wondered what might be inside the box. I held the boot in my hand and spun the spur of the boot. On the box there was a set of holes all around the box. It seemed that that box need the spur of the cowboy to roll all the way around to open it.

Damien took the boot form my hands and stuck it into the first hole. He started walking the boot to the left and each time he would move the boot the spur pins would slip into the next hole. He made it all the way around and then we here something unlock inside the box. He handed me the boot and I put it on my lap.

Damien held the bottom of the box and then grabbed the top. He opened it up and on the inside was red velvet lining. It had a piece of paper and in the corner of the box was a small gold nugget. Damien grabbed box the paper and nugget and showed them to me. He reached over and put the box on the floor.

I grabbed the piece of paper from his hand and looked it over. It was hand written by one of the owners of the town. I read it out loud so Damien could hear it. It read: For those looking for the treasure, we moved it from this spot. By now it must be in some place safer then here. Yet I must tell the true treasure, was not the physical and tangible one. It was the one that help make the treasure and the ones that were there through thick and thin. So stop looking for the treasure and treasure the ones that help you find this.

I started to cry from what it meant. Damien noticed that I was getting teary eyed and then just warped his arms around me. He drew me in and hugged me. Just then the door to my room flung open. Bobby and Ryan were there with some get well flowers and a grin on their faces.

"Oh did you interrupt anything?" Ryan asked.

"No, we just got some really advice," I said to him.

"Cool, what was it?" Bobby asked excitedly.

"To treasure the one's you love the most," Damien said to them and then wiped away the tears in his and mine eyes.

"Wow, that is good advice, I cherish Bobby all the time," Ryan said and then pulled Bobby closer.

I pulled Damien on top of me and I kissed him deeply. He broke the kissed and we share the moment that felt like a lifetime. We looked into each other's eyes and knew that nothing could break us. Bobby tapped us on the shoulder and then asked, "So when you getting out?"

"Today or tomorrow," I said to him.

"Ok, so when you get out we need to go clubbing. There is this new club over on Santa Monica Blvd. that I went to go check out," Ryan said.

"Sounds like a blast and I think we could use the distractions from all this stuff," Damien said.

"You guys should invite Jackie and Elliot too," Bobby add.

"Sounds good guys, so you guys sticking around," I asked them.

"Yeah, we are I got no business till next week and the house was all quiet without you guys around," Ryan said to us.

"Let's watch a movie and relax," I said.

Damien got off the bed and put a DVD into the player. Damien then came back and snuggled up with me on the hospital bed. Bobby and Ryan took the pull out bed that was on the side of me. The movie played on but I fell asleep about half way through. I awoke to the sound of people enter and exiting the room.

The doctor came in as Ryan and Bobby left the room. I was bout to say bye to them when the doctor cut me off.

"Well the good news is that I am releasing you now but you will have to use some crutches for the next couple of weeks and stay off the foot for as much as you can," he paused. "Your parents told me it was ok to let Damien take you home."

"I will take him home and play nurse to him," Damien said with his devilish grin.

I slapped him on the leg and the doctor just let it go. Nurse came in and was holding the crutches. The doctor lowered my leg and then I was helped up. I stood up and my legs were weak since I was in bed for more then a day. The nurse adjusted the crutches to my height and hand me them one by one. I walked around the room and the seemed to work.

The nurse and the doctor both agreed that they worked and left me to get dressed. I thanked them as they left the room. Damien sat down on the bed and was just watching me. I leaned up against the wall while I tried to untie my gown. I got my gown off and I was standing there completely naked in front of my lover.

"You going to just stare at me or come over and help," I said and gave him a death stare even through I was not good at them.

"Fine I will come over there and help you," Damien said and got off the bed. He came over and I handed him my boxers. As I handed them he dropped them.

"Opps just call me mister butterfingers," he said and then got down on his knees. His face was in perfect alignment with my crotch. He was staring at my dick and I started to get hard. He took it in his hand and instantly I got hard. He licked the tip of my cock and I just shuttered. A wave of pleasure flowed over my body. Damien opened his mouth and took my entire cock into his mouth.

His warm breath felt good, I was able to move my hands and just run them through my hair. I reached down and pulled him up. I kissed him and my hands roamed over his body. The found his shorts and I undid them. They fell to the floor and his underwear followed short there after. I got on my knees and start going down on my boy.

He moaned a little from the pleasure I was giving him. My hands wrapped around and start fingering his smooth ass. My fingers entered his ass and he moaned again. I knew what I wanted and I was going to get it. I let his dick popped out of my mouth and I got off my knees.

I hobbled over to the bed and Damien followed me. When Damien was on top of me I flip him around and bent him over the bed. I quickly lined my cock up with his ass that was sticking up in the air. I slowly entered him and then pulled gently on his hair. He yelled out my name and then I let go of his hair. I swear after that a doctor would surely come in to see the site of us fucking each other.

I made my way all the way in him and waited a few seconds to make sure we were fine. The door did not open and Damien was ready to finish our love making. Damien started grinding his ass into me and I knew he was ready. I started pumping away. I was using the bed as support while rocking in and out of Damien.

I was reaching my climax when my legs gave out. I slipped out of Damien and that is when I shot my load. It landed on Damien's back, the bed sheets, his underwear. Damien quickly turned around and realized I was on the floor. I notice Damien was still jerking himself off.

"Just cum on my baby," I said in the heat of the moment. Damien just jerked faster and then he arched his back. His cum came flying out of him and land all over my body. One squirt land on my check, just as he finished up his knees gave way and he landed on top of me.

We laid there for a few moments and realized that we should get going before that get to suspicious. Damien got off of me and his shirt that he still had on had some white stains of his cum. I pointed it out to him and just smiled at me. He quickly got dressed and then helped me with my clothes.

I got my crutches and we made a dash for the door. He held the door open for me and then we made our way out of the hospital. We made it to his car and I tossed the crutches in the back seat of his car and we took off.

"Were are we going?" I asked.

"Well I think I need to change from the mess. Plus I would not mind taking a shower, plus I will give you sponge bath to clean you up," he said.

"I wanted to ask you, what happened after I passed out," I said to him as we drove down the street.

"Well, you passed out on me and I knew we need to get out of there. So I stuffed the boot and the box into our backpacks. I toss the backpacks on you and then I picked you up. Not really knowing how to get us both down without injuring the both of us I looked for another way. I went out the normal entrance and it seemed someone built a staircase on the other side of the mountain," he paused to catch his breath at the moment.

"By the way how many days was I out?" I asked him.

"You were out for about two days," he told me.

"Oh ok," I said and let him continue the story.

"Yeah I climbed down the staircase and then my phone rang. It was my dad. He was calling to let me know that he was safe and to see what was going on our side of things. I told him about what we found and told him about you. He got all worried and rushed over to where we were. I was still carrying you and then I was just about to put you down when a giant dust cloud came over us. My dad was in the center of it and he drove us to the hospital," he said and paused again.

"Wow that was very lucky of us to have you dad on our side," I said with a smile.

"We dropped you off and then he took me back real quick to get my car. I drove back and stayed with you the entire night," he finished just when we pulled up to his driveway.

"Cool, so I guess I get to have a nice relaxing sponge bath from you," I said with a Cheshire cat grin on my face.

"Well I guess that will do for now," he said and slapped my ass. I almost fell over when did that. I stepped up into his house and then I realized that his room was on the second floor. I hung my head in defeat and Damien knew what I was thinking. Then I was swept off my feet.

Damien picked me up and was carry me up the stairs. I grabbed hold of my crutches and in a few moments we were at the top. Damien rushed past me to get everything ready. I made my way to the bathroom and Damien was completely naked. He was standing in the bathtub with a sponge and bucket of water in his hand.

I put the crutches on the side of the cabinet and then started to undress. I got down to my boxers and then Damien walked over to me. It felt like we had not done something is sensual in a long time. It felt awesome. Damien grabbed the waistband of my boxers and led me into the bathtub.

I stood there and then he got on his knees. His fingers were still inside the waistband of my boxers and as he went down so did my boxers. My dick was semi-hard from the attention my lover was giving me. I stepped out of my boxers and he tossed them with my other clothes.

He got back up and told me to sit facing him. I followed his instructions and now I was on the cold tile of the bathtub. He sat down and grabbed the sponge. He dipped it in the steaming bucket of water. He rung it out and then leaned forward to start washing me. My foot stuck straight out, so did my cock. Each time hi reached in it was hard for him to completely wash me.

"Babe turn around I can get you better if your back is on me," he said to me.

I just did as he said. Now my back was next to his chest and felt his cock poke me in the butt. It felt nice once more. He rung the sponge out and then I felt it hit my back. He started rubbing in small circles. I just melted into the feeling of us being together. He then finished my back and then rung out the sponge one more time.

His hand with the sponge in it started at my shoulder. It slowly moved over to the front side. It moving down my chest and back up to my other side his breath on the back of my neck. I fell back into his chest and let him do whatever he wanted. He kissed my neck and then started moving the sponge again. This time it went lower to my abs.

Roaming slowly over each one, I felt the water slowly dripping off the sponge. I was able to feel it flowing down my abs and onto my cock. He took the sponge and put it back into the water. He brought it back over my body again and stopped just above the base of my cock. His head looked over my shoulder and he knew where he was going next. He pushed downward and my cock was pushed down with the force. I arched my back in the pleasure that was sent through my body.

The water flowing around my cock and down to the cold bathtub floor, I felt the water flowing backwards. It went underneath my butt and down the drain. It warmed up my butt. Damien's now hard cock was poking me in the butt and it felt great. Damien slowly rubbing the sponge over my cock a couple of times and it was now even harder then before.

I turned my head and kissed him on the lips. His hand kept rubbing as we kissed. Then he let my cock fling up and hit me in the gut. Then I felt the sponge on my balls and he rubbed it gently. Then his hand slipped into between my balls and the butt. I lifted up so he could get all the way around. His arm pinning my cock against my body making me shiver from the pressure.

He reached my ass and then rubbed it around. His other hand grabbed the sponge as he teased my hole with his fingers. Then I felt the sponge started rubbing my ass again. His fingers left my hole and then I felt the sponge run back underneath me. It was now under my balls and slowly come up my shaft. He hooked it right and went down my good leg. He lean his entire body on mine and we both stretched downward. We reached my toes and then we came back up to sitting position. The he cross my abs and then went down to the tip of my cast and back up again.

He took the sponge and dropped it into the bucket. He stood up and then helped me up open. I looked him once over and his cock went back down. Mine was also soft as well after that very sensual bath. Damien grabbed a towel from the racks and held it open for me to hobble in. I made it to him and he just hugged be from behind. He started drying me off and made sure to get every spot.

Then he left me standing there while he went to get something. He came back with some of his clothes. He dropped them on the floor and then held up and pair of boxers for me to wear. I bent down and I stepped into them. He pulled them up and then helped with the shorts as well.

He handed me his shirt and the said, "Well I am going to finish my shower."

"Ok sexy," I said then grabbed my crutches. I looked over my shoulder and saw him bend over. I smiled at the sight and then left the bathroom. I walked across the hallway to his room. I decided I need to check my emails to see what the happened the last few days. I heard the shower start up as I got to his desk and flipped on his computer.

I sat down at his desk and waited for it to boot up. It finally came up and I started to type in the address. I heard the water turn off and then I knew Damien would be coming in soon. I kept looking through my emails. Then I felt a pair of hands massaging my neck. I looked up and Damien was looking at my emails and massaging my neck.

"Thanks you," I said and then looked back at the screen.

"You're welcome, baby, so these are the sites you working and create on," he said to me.

"Yep, they email requests and then I go and help them find it. Well that is what I built this site for," I said to him and then showed him how it worked. "This is the site that I had helped me find your mom."

His hands left my shoulders and then I heard the drawers behind me open and close. Then I turned around to see him pulling on his boxerbriefs. I gave him a whistle and then he lost his balance. His underwear was half way of his ass and boy did that turn me on.

"Wow babe that is so hot," I said to him.

"Ouch," he said and then looked at me. He gave me a half smile and then pulled his underwear the rest of the way up. He pushed himself off the floor and went to get his shorts and shirt on. I went back to checking my emails.

"Babe, I have a question for you?" he asked while pulling his shirt over his head.

"Sure, what's on your mind babe?" I asked. I t turned around from the computer and looked him in the eyes.

"Well it is with the gold nugget," he said and then paused.

"I know what you're going to ask, you should keep it. I really do not need the money. I get plenty from my work," I told him and then looked down at the ground.

Then felt his hand on my chin and lifted me to face him. His eyes were crying and then he hugged me. He let go of me and had the biggest smile on his face.

"What's the smile for?" I asked and was a little afraid of what the answer might be.

"Babe, while you were passed out, I went to get this thing appraised. It turns out it is fool's gold and I was just seeing if the whole money thing would get in our way. Well you did not want it and neither did I," he said.

"Wow, so that was just a test to see if money is something we would fight over," I said and punched him in the arm.

"Ouch, guess I deserve that," he said rubbing his arm.

I turned back around and went back to responding to the emails. I went on to the next site and then Damien walked over to me.

"I'm sorry, your not mad at me are you?" he asked and then spun the chair around. At first I did not look up at him but I knew I could not stay mad at him. I loved him and I knew he loved me.

His hand took my chin again and lifted me to look at him. I looked into his eyes and saw that he was truly sorry. "I'm sorry; I did not mean to piss you off. Please do not be mad at me," he said and then looked at the screen.

I opened up a photo shop and left the project I was working on the screen. Damien mouth dropped open. It was one of those mosaics where you take the pictures of other things to make a bigger one. The bigger picture was of me and him kissing on his birthday. Jackie took that picture and I liked it so I decided to use that as the big picture and then I just filled in that with small pictures of us and our friends.

"I am not mad at you, I just figured this was the right time to show you this," I said to him. Then I got out of the chair and pushed his mouth shut. Then I kissed him but he was still in shock. I broke the kiss and then he sat down in the chair. He was looking over the smaller pictures and then he turned the chair around. I took a seat on his bed since standing would not be the best bet for me.

He walked over to the bed and sat next to me. Out of nowhere, he close lines me and we both fall back onto his bed. Then he straddles me and showers me with kisses. He got off me and we laid in each others arms. We fell asleep in each others arms.

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Next: Chapter 25

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