Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on Jun 9, 2009


All the usual T's & C's apply. If you are offended by stories involving boys or same sex relationships, then this is not the story for you.

We hit the bottom and the doors to the elevator were knocked off there tracks. It must have happened when the top of the place was blown to bits. His dad got off first and then helped us over the doors.

The place was a complete mess. Tables and chairs fallen over, papers strewn about. We walked over to where the 3-D map was and it was all black. The lights flickered on and off like some sort of secret code. His dad walked over to the fuse box and then flicked some switches.

The power went out and then the lights went off. I felt Damien get closer to me and he was holding on to my pants like a child does when a scared. The lights came back on and we heard the machine rebooting itself.

A few moments had passed and the map was back up and running. We all gathered around the map and then Damien started to tell us what he noticed. He started by pointing at the town.

"When I was looking at the map from an aerial view, I notice that the dessert and mountain ranges formed something. I went to the library to look up who lived there back in the day and found out that bandits, thieves and outlaws us to make it a nice little rest stop and pit stop for dumping things," he said and then looked us to make sure we were following him. "So when I came back I figured out that the people that are after us are coming after the treasure as well. Take a look at the map."

We all looked down at the map and realized what it really was. It was a big giant X. The town was not the center of the X through. It was a couple of feet above the town. "So whatever they are looking for is not in the town but north of the town. I think we should go check it out," I said.

"Well I am not going back up there. I will stay here and you boys can go. They know my face and just go after me," his dad said.

"Why not you play decoy while we check out the marked spot," Damien said.

"Sounds good, I think we should wait till tomorrow to do anything," his dad said and then went back to his corner to go to sleep. I looked down at my watch that I had on and it was almost ten at night. I looked over at Damien and gave him a smile. I noticed a closet in the corner and started walking over to it.

Damien followed in suit and I opened the door. He walked in and then I followed. I shut the door behind me and then Damien turned around to face me. "What we doing in here?" he asked.

"Well I figure I can get payback for the library, so I was going to have you go down on my right here and now," I told him with a big smile across my face.

"Well I guess I do own you one for that," he said and then quickly just dropped down to his knees.

He walked over to where I was standing and then pushed me up against the wall. His hands worked quickly to release my cock. My shorts were already down around my ankles and his mouth was on my now semi hard cock. He licked the fabric and made me go even harder then normal.

I loved it when he teased me. His warm tongue slowly going over the tip of my cock, I arched my back in response to this. He then grabbed the sides of my boxers and slid them over my butt. He left them around my ankles like my shorts and then his hands started kneading my ass.

He did one big squeeze on his cheek and I let out a loud moan. I am sure his dad heard it. I did not care; Damien took my cock into his hand and started stroking me off. His other hand was playing with me hole and he slowly entered my body with it. His fingers felt good inside me. Sliding in and out of my hole, I was ready for more of him inside me.

I reached down and stopped him from jerking me off and I turned around. My ass was no a few inches from his face. His hands knew what to do. He spread my cheeks and dived right in. His tongue working angles that I did not even knew I had. He spread my cheeks even further and his tongue went deeper into me.

Then his tongue stopped and I heard him unzip his shorts as well. I heard them hit the floor and then I felt his boxerbriefs and his hard rod right up against my ass. He started to dry hump me. It felt good and I moan again but this time it was his name. Then I felt his cock poked out of the fly his underwear and then he entered me slowly and gently.

The fabric of his underwear was no just rubbing against my ass and soon his started moving back and forth. The fabric started warming my butt up every time he would push into me. My hands found their way down to my cock and I start to stroke in time with him pounding my ass. He picked up the pace and so did I.

He leaned in and started kissed my neck and then moved a little south. I turned my head so he could kiss my lips. He moved his head back up and our lips touch. That sent me over the edge and I tighten up and came all over the door.

I collapsed on the door and used it so Damien could finish fucking me. I felt his arms wrap under my arms and then pulled me back to my feet. He was holding me up and I was like his little rag doll. He started bouncing me up and down on his cock and it felt even better then before. His lips whispered in my ear, "I Love you."

Just as the last left his lips, his body tightened up behind me and I felt him sho9t his load into my ass. He let go of me and we both went falling to the floor. I landed on top of him and we were breathing heavy. My head was resting on his chest and I was listening to the beating of his heart.

His hand ran through my hair and then he sat up. My head landed in his lap and my lips on his cock again. I teased him with a quick lick and then sat next to him. He smiled at me and then put one around my shoulder.

"That was amazing, babe," he said to me and kissed me on the forehead.

"Yeah that was, I think we should get dress and then some sleep. We got a busy day tomorrow," I said to him while getting up.

He smacked my ass and then got up. We both got dressed and then went back into the main room. He kissed his dad goodnight and then we took off back to his house.

Back at his house we jumped into his bed and drifted asleep. His alarm went off the next morning around nine and we both woke up slowly. I stretched and then lay on top of him. I felt his morning wood and my hands start working there magic. His hands stopped me this time and then I looked at him.

"We can save that as the prize for the person to find the treasure today," he said to me and kissed me on the lips. He threw the covers off our naked bodies and he went into the bathroom. He started the shower and I got up out of bed. I walked over to the bathroom door and Damien was standing over the sink. I just poked my head around the corner and was watching him. His cute little butt was sticking out and he was wagging it about.

It looked like he was dancing to the song that was playing in his head. He noticed me and grabbed my hand. We started dancing around the small bathroom and then stepped into the shower. He turned the water on and we got clean together. We dried each other off and got dressed quickly. We made a mad dash to his car and took off towards the lab were we left his dad.

We got there about an hour after we left and his dad was waiting outside the elevator with some backpacks. He tossed the backpacks in trunk of Damien's car. He hoped in and we drove his dad to where he left his car. On the way to dropping off his dad we discussed what the plan was.

"So I well drive around and make them follow me through all town while you guys go check out the X. please be careful," he said to us as we reached the drop off point.

"We will be careful. You too old man," Damien said as he kissed his dad on the cheek.

"I will make sure we do not get into too much trouble. So see you after this all over," I said to him.

He got out of the car and we took off. We took one of the back ways to get out of town just incase someone was following us. We made it to the freeway and then off to the dusty road that lead town. We stopped just outside of the town and then got out of the car. We unfolded the map on the hood of his car.

"We are here and the map shows that we need to go about two miles north of the town into those mountains," I pointed and we both looked up at the mountains.

"Well guess we better get started," Damien said and then he went to the trunk of his car. He opened up and grabbed the backpacks that his dad put in there. He tossed one at me and I caught it. I figured that I should check what is inside it.

I put it down on the ground and opened it up. It had some glow sticks, rope, flashlight, batteries, and snacks and water. Damien opened his and some climbing gear, some clothes, another flashlight and some more snacks and water. We zipped them back up and threw onto our backs. Damien started walking and I followed in suit.

I caught up to him and smacked him on the ass as I got next to him. He turned and smile at me. His hand groped my ass and moaned and jumped a little at that. We started chatting about everything. Then we reach the bottom of the small mountain that we need to climb up.

"So I guess we are going up," I said as I went towards the wall. Damien grabbed my shoulder and spun me around. His lips planted on mine and then he broke the kiss.

"Please be safe," he said to me and then we both started climbing up the wall. Damien went first since I was a little more experienced at rock climbing. So if he fell I would be able to grab him.

We climb slow and carefully. Every couple of minutes I would yell to Damien, "You doing ok."

He would response with the same thing, "Yeah babe, do you like the view."

I would look up and just howled at the sight of his ass in front of me. He'd laugh and we would continue on with the climbing. I turned around and saw the sun approaching mid- point in the sky. Damien reached up and he finally hit the first cliff that was where we would be able to find the mark. He pulled himself up and then I was climbing and his hand came over the edge.

I grabbed hold of him and he helped me up to where he was. I sat down and rest next to him. We pulled some water out of the backpacks and drink it.

"Wow, your good at this rock climbing," I said to Damien.

"So are you, we need to do this for fun next time," he said back.

"Sounds like a plan, so let's see where we are," I said and then Damien pulled the map out his backpack. He laid it down on the ground and it seemed like we were right on top of the X. I got up on my feet and started walking around on the side of the mountain. I step on the ground and it gave way.

"Ahhh," I yelled as I fell down the hole.

Damien came running over to where I vanished and he noticed the hole. I hit the bottom and landed on my feet but then I fell down. My ankle was in sheer pain. I tried to stand up but was not able to.

"Zach. Zach, answer me. Are you ok?" Damien shouted down the hole. I did not response to him. I was in too much pain. Damien started to get worried and then yelled again down the hole. "Babe, say something, anything."

I was trying not to scream but then the pain just filled up my body. I screamed loud enough for the world to hear me. Damien then knew I was not dead but need to get down there. He quickly looked around and noticed a rock and tried the rope around it. He tossed rope down the hole and started to repel. I figured I need to see where I was and see how bad my injury was.

I reached into my backpack and grabbed the flashlight. I tried it but it did not turn on. The batteries must have been dead. Then I reached into my backpack and found the glow sticks. I broke them and it lite up some of the surrounding. I landed on some rocks and I notice my ankle was twisted it. The pain was still there but it died down a little. I tried standing again but it did not work.

I fell back down and then I felt the rope that Damien tossed down. I looked up and notice him repelling down. I crawled so he would not land on me. He finally got down to where I was and noticed I was down on the ground. The glow of the sticks was all the light in the small cave area.

"My hero," I said and then looked up at him.

"Are you alright?" he asked me and then unhooked himself from the rope.

"I think I broke my ankle on the fall. Besides that I am fine. By the way the flashlight does not work," I said trying to get my mind of my pain.

Damien walked over to me and then touched my ankle. I screamed out in pain and then bit my lip from crying. Why do people always touch the place that hurts you the most?

"Sorry babe," he said quickly and kissed me to make the pain go away. "Can you get up?"

"I tried but I can not stand on my ankle. Just go fine the treasure; I will be here waiting for you when you come back," I said to him.

"Nope, we do this together or nothing at all," he said to me. He grabbed his flashlight from his backpack and his worked. He shined the light on my ankle and it looked like I twisted it all the way around and some blood was smeared around it. He took one of the shirts out and tried it around my ankle. Then he went under my arm and helped me get back to my feet. It still did not work.

"Ok babe I guess I am going to piggyback you all the way," he said to me.

"Are you sure babe?" I said. He did not answer but just picked me up and tossed me onto his back. Damien grabbed our backpack and I put them on. Then he handed me the flashlight and handed it to me. I was his light in the dark and he was hero. We started walking on into the cave to see where it led. We turned a couple of corners and then we entered a big room.

Inside the room Damien put me down and then went looking around. It was a hollowed out cave, man made because there were wooden stairs that lead up. Damien looked at me before he disappeared up the stairs.

He yelled down from the stairs. "I found the entrance and another room. I am going into the other room." I noticed the light fade away from the stair case and I was left in the dark. My eyes adjusted to the darkness. Then I notice something sparkling. I crawled over to where it was.

I dug at the spot and then I figured out this was there treasure room. They would come down the stairs and stash the valuables in here. I figure who ever owned the town had access to this mountain hide away. They must have moved everything in the last time this was use over hundred years ago.

I kept digging then my hands hit a slivery box. I brushed the dust away and pulled it from its shallow grave in the mountain. Then I noticed the light gleaming down the stairs, Damien must have finished looking around upstairs. He came back downstairs and notice I had moved from my spot where he put me down.

"You ok?" he said and then came running over to me.

"I am fine enough, but it looks like I found something," I said and held it up to him. He shined the light on it and it beamed all over the place. It lite the entire place up. It looked like daylight underground. It is a small sliver box. It seemed to have a lock on it and some writing.

I dusted it off and read it: To who finds this, the key is in the room above. "Well that is pretty simple," I said after reading the inscription.

"Well you ready for another piggyback ride up into the room," Damien ask me and gave out his hand.

I smiled at him and put the box in the backpack. I grabbed his hand and then he hoisted me up onto his back. We quickly made it up the stairs and into the room adjacent from the entrance. I looked over to the entrance of the cave and noticed that the daylight from the outside was not really coming in through the hole. I thought it was a little strange.

We made it to the room and then he put me down again. He started searching the room for a key. I took the box out of my backpack and started looking at the lock. It seem like the lock was not with a key but some other kind of object.

"Hey babe, I do not think it is a key we are looking for but some kind of object to lock this box," I said and then showed him what the lock looked like.

He came over and inspected the box and then I saw what it was. Damien followed my gaze and he looked at what I was looking at. He went over to the corner and found a dust old boot. It was just one boot and nowhere in the room was there another one. The spur of the boot was still in good condition. Damien gave it a spin and I just watched it spin around.

Then I passed out. I figured it was from the blood that was slowly leaking out of me or it was from the pain that my mind was suppressing. I woke up to the sounds of beeping machines. I looked down slowly and my foot was in a cast and sling. I looked over and my parents we sitting there. I looked the other way and it was just the door. I figures that I was in the hospital.

I tried to speak but nothing came out. My parents noticed that I was awake and my mom went to get the doctor. My dad was just sitting there with a big smile. The doc and my mom came rushing through the door. The doctor introduced himself and then went on about that I have a broken ankle and some internal bleeding but I would be fine.

He gave me a drink of water and my throat was dry then the dessert. I drank the whole thing and then was able to talk. I talked in a slow and shallow voice.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Don't worry, honey. Damien told us everything," my mom said to me. "He will be by later to fill you in."

"We are so happy to see you're awake. Well we got to go but we will be back later after work," my dad said and then they both rushed out of the room. The doctor went on about the pain pills and everything I would need to know and then left. I lay back down and about an hour later there was a knock on my door.

"Come in," I said and then Damien walked in.

"Hey babe, I heard you were awake. How you feeling?" he asked and then I notice the giant stuffed Mickey Mouse doll he had with him.

"I guess I am doing ok," I said as I brought the bed up to get a better view.

"Glad to hear that you're doing better, I got you this," he said and held it out.

"Thank you," I said to him and grabbed it. I placed it right next to me and then leaned out as much as I could for a kiss.

He leaned in the rest of the way and we kissed. "When you getting out of the hospital?" he asked.

"In a few days," I said.

"Awesome, then we can look at what's inside the box," he told me.

"What you have not looked inside the box yet," I said a little shocked thinking that would be the first thing I would do.

"I wanted to wait for you. I will bring it tomorrow around this time so we can open it together," he said. "Oh yeah I told you parents that you tripped and fell down my stairs. That is how you broken your ankle. I figured you would not want your parents to find out you went treasure hunting."

"Thanks babe," I said. "I think I am going to get some sleep now."

"You get your rest and I will be here when you wake up," he said.

My head hit the pillow and I was out again. I woke up again and it dark out. I looked around the room and Damien was sleeping in the chair. I noticed the time and it was around eleven. I made the bed sit up and then I turned on the TV. I was flipping through the channels and then I got to the news station.

The news anchor was going on about different things and then felt a hand on my hip. I looked over and it was Damien with a grin on his face.

"Sorry did not mean to wake you," I said and then realized what he was doing. His hand was rubbing my crotch and then I felt it start to rise underneath the gown that I had on. His hand wrapped around my hardening member and he started stroking me off. I was not able to move so I just let him do his work.

He went quickly just incase the nurse or doctor on call would come in to check up on me. I never felt him move his hand so fast. With minutes I was already at my peak. I looked down and saw the bugle in his pants. It seemed like he was going to come with out anyone touching him. I think the excitement that we might get caught turned him on.

I reached out and started rubbing his crotch through the jeans he had on. I just moaned a little and came in my gown. His hand slowly down and then he reached for my hand. He unbuttoned his jeans with his other hand and then he guided my hand down the front of his.

My hand glided over his patch of hair and then found the hard shaft of what I was rubbing. I wrapped my hand around it and start stroking him off. it was not long before he start to get a little weak in the knees. He grabbed hold of the side railing of my bed and was using it to stabilize himself. Sound he let out a small moan and then I felt his cream all over my hand.

I took my hand out of his jeans and licked off his cum. I knew I need a new gown before the nurse or doctor came in. it would be embarrassing to have them find the mess I made in it. Damien walked over to the closet in the room and it had one in there. He pulled it out and I was still not able to untie mine.

I leaned forward and he helped me untie my gown. I pulled it off my front and then Damien went down to clean me up. His warm mouth over my soft cock felt nice. I started getting hard again but I knew once was enough for now. Damien knew it as well. He finished licking the come off me and then he helped me into a new gown.

Just as I finished putting the gown on my doctor came in through the door. I just laid back and continued watching the TV. He ran a few tests and then left. I moved over on my bed and Damien got up there with me. I fell asleep in his arms and he just sat there watching TV.

I woke up the next morning to the sound of my parents coming in. Elliot and Jackie were there with them as well. A bunch of balloons and flowers that were carrying with them, on the balloons were get well and glad you safe written on them. They all had smiles on their faces.

"What's with the grins?" I asked.

"Just happy to see that you're alright," Jackie said and then punched me in the arm.

"She does that to you too," Elliot said and laughed a little. Jackie punched him in the arm as well.

"Yeah I she does and I saw it coming. Every time I worry her she makes my pain a little harsher," I said with a smile.

"I do it because I hope you would remember not to do it again," she said and then crossed her arms like she was mad at me.

I just smiled and word thank you to her. She smiled in return and then took a seat. Elliot followed suit.

"The doctor says you can go home within the next couple of days. You will need crutches but besides that you will be fine," my mom said and then adjusted the pillow behind my head.

"Thanks mom," I said and then re adjust my head back to the spot I had it in before she moved the pillow.

My dad was quiet, I did not know why but I knew when he was quiet was always a bad sign. I looked at my dad and smiled at him. He smiled back but I knew it was empty as the look in his eyes. He wanted to tell me something but not in front of everyone. I figured he would tell me what was sooner or later so I just let it go for them moment.

"So what brings the whole gang here today?" I asked and then looked around the room. I do not see Damien so I figured he went home to change and bring the box.

"Just wanted to see how you were doing. It seems you doing fine. I guess we need to get going to work. We will drop by after work to check up on you," my parents said and then took off.

"Well it just leaves us," I said and turned on the TV.

"We brought you some movies, just incase you got bored with TV. Want to watch one," Elliot said and then hold up four different movies to choose from.

"Sure, put one in," I said.

Jackie got up from her seat and then moved over my bed and just grabbed hold of my hand. For the entire movie she did not let go of my hand. I knew so was a little scared of losing me. She will never admit it but we both knew it. The movie was awesome and it got my mind off the fact that I was not enjoying my summer with my friends outside. Elliot and Jackie both left after the movie and then as they were leaving Damien showed up.

I smiled at him when he walked through the door. In his hand were the boot and the silver box that we found. He sat down next to me in the bed.

"Where is your dad?" I asked him.

"Oh he is at work right now," Damien said quickly.

"Really?" I asked him and looked him in the eyes.

"Yes, really do you want me to call him," he said back to me.

"No, so we ready to open the box. You sure your dad does not want to be here as well?" I asked him.

"I am sure, I asked him this morning. He said that he was to old go treasure hunting anymore. He passed it onto us to find out what is going on with this box and anything it brings us," Damien paused. "Let's up this box and see what awaits us."

Thanks for reading. Email what you think of the story so far.

Next: Chapter 24

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