Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on Jun 2, 2009


I sat down next to Damien just as the DVD started to play. His hand grabbed mine and did not let go for anything. It felt comfortable but I was still a little scared of what the DVD might say.

The image of the dressing room came into play. Then two people came on after the camera was adjusted. I recognized the man, it was Damien's dad but I did not know the lady. I figured it was his mom. I looked over at Damien and his eyes were filling up with tears.

"We can stop if you need a moment, I take it that is your mom on the screen," I said. He just nodded his head in response. "She is so beautiful. You have her eyes and nose."

I leaned over and wipe his tears away. I kissed him and then his grip on my hand got tighter. I took the pain and did not say a word about it. His parents took a seat and it seemed like they were ready to begin talking. Damien stopped crying and then stared at the screen intently.

"Hello, son," his dad said.

"Hey baby," his mom said.

"Well if you're watching this video either both of us are gone from this world or something has happened to us. Hopefully, you found someone to help through this hard time," his dad said to us.

"To the person you're with please take care of my baby, he is a very special kid," his mom said and then a tear shear down her cheek. After she said that I just gave Damien a hug and smile at him. I was still watching the TV screen through all of this.

"Son, I bet you're wondering what is going on. Well this is our unofficial living will; it seems we came across some problems with certain people. See the land that you got this DVD from is special. We never really figured out why it is special but maybe you can. In this DVD is the information you will need to survive. We have entrusted our accounts: which include banks, travel, and the use of the research that we were doing on the land. Please continue the work or not. We know you will make the right choice," his dad said and then the DVD paused.

I looked over at Damien and he had the remote in his hand. He was in complete tears and shaking. I quickly grabbed him and pulled him close. Then he started sobbing and his head went into my shoulder. I knew it was too much for him to take. Then I remember one thing. I whisper in his ear, "Your dad is still alive, maybe when you're ready, the DVD will have info on finding him. Where he is hiding out and then we can go there."

He looked up at me and had blood shot eyes. He knew I was right and then I let go of him. His hand went back to mine and then his other hand hit play on the remote. The DVD started up again and then they went to talking about some business about the accounts and were the research place was. There were two research places, one was by the place he lived now and the other was in the small town. They showed us the in's and out's of the town. Each building seemed to be connected by an underground passageway. I figured that we would go back there and test out the tunnel.

They started to finish the DVD and then they gave him the secret password that would give him access to the research and accounts. The DVD end with one thing. His mom started talking.

"Hey, darling, I know this must be hard for you but I will tell you one thing. Remember who you are, trust in yourself and you will over come anything you put your mind too. I Love you and I will be watching over you," she said.

"I Love you son, be brave and strong," his dad said. Then the screen went blank. Damien dropped the remote from his hand and just stared into space. I knew he would be out of commission, so while they were talking I was writing everything down. I figured he would only watch it once since it would be a little more emotional then he needed right now.

Damien just raised his legs up to his stomach and wrapped his arms around them. I started rubbing his back and I wish there was more I could do but that was all I could do for him right now. I sat with him, I was just wondering what was going on through his mind. I laid him down and then cuddled up with him.

We fell asleep and then in the morning I woke up to nothing in my bed. I looked around and his clothes were gone. I figured he must have gone home; I did not worry too much. I would call him when I got ready to start my day. I went into the bathroom and hoped into the shower. I finished the shower and then decided to go over to his house to see if he was there.

I threw on some shorts and a t-shirt. I kissed my parents goodbye and then head over there. I got there in about five minutes and Damien's car was in the drive way. I thought to myself that he was home and safe. I got up to the doorway and knock. I waited a few moments and knock again.

Then I tried the door handle. It was locked. Then I heard a voice on the other side of the door.

"Who is it?" the voice said.

"It is me, Zach, your lover," I said with a smile.

"Babe, do not take this the wrong way but I do not want you to get involve with this any more. I already decided that last night. That is why I left your house around two in morning. Please just go home and forget anything about this," he said through the door.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"I do not want anyone else to get hurt by this thing. Please just go, this is hard for me," he said and then I heard him trying not to cry.

"Please just open the door so we can talk. I do not care what trouble this brings me, I told you that I will be there no matter what," I said to him and tried the door handle again. It was still locked. "Babe, do not make me break a window again."

I knew he meant well but when I heard his mom say the words that his dad told me as well, I knew I was locked in to this whether I liked it or not. I am sure who ever is after the land pretty much knows I am involved as much as he is. Then I heard the door unlock and then I tried the handle one last time.

It turned and I pushed the door open. I walked in and then he shut the door. I looked at him and then he looked at me. He knew he was not going to get rid of me. I told him, "We do not have to include any one else but you're parents keep telling me to take care of you. When some one tells me something like that I see it through."

"I figured that. I do not know what to do right now," he said and was about to break down again.

"Well we need to take it one step at a time. Have you eaten yet?" I asked.

"No," he said.

"There is our first step, let's go get some breakfast," I said and then reached out my hand.

He took my hand and then we walked into his kitchen. He sat down at the table and I figure I give him something special for breakfast. I grabbed an apron that was hanging up and then left the room. Damien looked at me curiously. I return with the apron on.

The apron was a half apron and it only covered my lower half. I walked past him and he noticed that I was completely naked underneath the apron. He reached out and pinched my ass. I turned my head back and gave him a wink. I thought he could use a small break after everything that been going on. I went over to the fridge and pulled out some food.

I worked quickly at preparing out breakfast. I put it on a plate and before I turned around to face him, I heard some rustling behind me. I turned around and Damien was sitting there in his birthday suit. I walked over to him sit and place the food in front of him. Then I took my sit on him.

I felt his cock poke my in the butt and I just sat down on it. It went inside me and in moan little from the feeling. On the platter was some whip cream, bananas, strawberries, and some granola. I start rubbing my ass to make his cock fit inside me a little more comfortable. "So what do you want first?" I asked.

He pointed to the strawberries. I picked one up and dipped it in the whip cream on the platter. Then I teased him with it. I slowly brought it to his mouth and when I went to take a bit I would pull it away. The whip cream dripped on him and a little on me.

I felt him started to get even harder inside me. That made me moan and then he took a bit of the strawberry. I bit the rest and then he reached down and undid the apron. He pulled it off my body and then took some whip cream and put it on the tip of my cock.

He bent over and I felt his cock push into me further. I raised my hips to meet his awaiting mouth. He engulfed my cock and sucked down the cream that was on there. I started bouncing up and down on his cock, while he was going down on mine. He lifted off my cock and I knew he wanted some more food. I reached over and grab the banana. I peeled it and pretend it was his cock. I teased him and I felt his body started to tense up inside me. I knew that sent him over the edge.

I felt him squirt inside me. Then I hand him the banana, and he grabbed my dick with one hand and the banana with the other. It was his turn to tease me. He started deep throating the banana and was jerking off my cock. I was holding back but was not bale to hold it any longer. I came on the both of us. He finished off the banana and then we finished off the rest of the food. Licking it off our bodies and enjoying every moment of it.

After we finished the food we decided to get dress and make a plan on what to do next. I figure we should visit the lab and see what is up. "Babe, I think we should go to the lab that is here and then we can see what you folks found out about the place," I said to him.

"Yeah that does sound good," he said then looked down at the ground.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I just want you to know that you're the best boyfriend I ever had. Most people would bail out after they find out about my dad. I Love you," he said to me then gave me a great big hug.

I hugged him back and then just looked into his eyes. We kissed and then headed out to the lab. We hopped into his car and then started driving off to the place. Nothing was said in the car, I think both of us were just thinking about what might happen when we get there.

We drove up to the address and it was a small building. Pretty much it looked like it could have been just a simple storage faculty. We parked right next to the building and got out. He walked up to the door and I follow in tow. He turned around and looked at me, then grabbed my hand. His other hand went to the keypad that was on the door itself.

He his hand was shaking a little fro the excitement that was running through him. Quickly he punched in the code and we heard some whooshing noise's coming from the other side. The door slowly rose up and we could see the inside.

After the door was completely up we walked in. It quickly slammed down and the other wall opened up. We pressed forward and there was a button on the other side of the wall. I reached up and pushed it. The door that opened up closed and we started moving down. I figured we were in the elevator and was taking us to a more open space.

"So.," I said to break the silence.

Damien just looked over at me and smiled. I knew he did not want to talk just yet. The elevator stopped and the door opened again. Just as it opened up there was a barrel pointing right at us. I noticed the figure that was holding the gun.

Damien's eyes widen and then we rush the person holding the gun. It was his dad and we found him. Damien and his dad fell back onto the floor with a thud. I walked out of the elevator and helped both of them up.

"I see you found the tape and deciphered the clues. I knew you would," he said with a great big smile.

A couple of tears rolled down Damien's cheek and he wiped them away. "I am happy that you are safe and also happy that we found you. Yet I am pissed off that you did not tell me any of this and that you vanished without a trace just like mom," he managed to say. He turned away from his father and then walked to one of the table. He started tinkering with something that was on there.

I walked over to him and started to rub his back. His dad then walked over to us and grabbed his son's hand. "I am sorry too vanish like mom did and sorry I did not tell you about any of this. I was hoping I would not have had too. I want this over as much as you do and then we can go back to our normal lives. Hopefully you can forgive this old man," he said as he started walking to another table.

Damien quickly turned around and throwing me off guard and I crashed a little into the table to regain my balance. He went over to his father and gave him a big hug. I did not know what was going through his mind at the moment but to be honest I knew what was going on. Damien really did not want to lose another parent, so that over powered his angry towards him.

After that emotional reunion, his dad started walking around the room. I noticed he seemed a little fatigue; he must have been spending all his time down here so they would not find him. He was puzzled about why people were after that land.

"I think you should get some sleep," I said to him and then point to a make shift bed.

"I think your right Zach. May be you kids could figure out what is so special about this land that was given to us. Goodnight boys," he said.

"Goodnight," we said back to him. We shut the lights of in the area and we started looking around the place. I noticed one of the table they had dirt samples and they were testing different types to see if it was something with the dirt. I assume they go nowhere with that one. After I walked around, the room Damien was standing next to one of the tables with a 3-D aerial map of the place.

"What you looking at babe?" I asked as I walked over to him.

"I think I found out why every one wants this land. I need to go to the library and verify my thoughts. Want to come?" he asked.

"Like I am going to say no," I said and then looked down at the map. I did not see what he saw but I trusted him so I went along with it. We quickly shut down all the lights and made our way back up the elevator. We hoped in his car and jetted over to the library.

Damien was very excited and knew that because his shorts we all tented up. It took us a little while to get to the library and then as soon as we got there he park and bolted without me. I locked up the car and slowly walked into the library to find him. I walked down the stacks and stacks of books. I walked past one of the open aisles and I was pulled just before I went into the next aisle.

I landed on the floor and looked up at the person that grabbed me. It was Damien and he had book in his hand. He dragged me on the floor before I could get back up. We went back to one of the little cubbies in the back. He put the book down and sat down. I figure, I would just hover over his shoulder, when he finally spoke.

"Babe, could you help me with something?" he said softly.

"Sure, what do you need me to help you with," I asked him as I went to face him.

"Could you help me down here?" he said and then I noticed that he was rubbing his crotch.

"Really babe, you want to do it here and now," I said to him with a little frustration in my voice.

"Please," he asked with his puppy dog eyes.

"You suck and own me," I said and then crawled underneath the desk area. He tucked the chair in and my face was right in his crotch. I took a whiff of his scent and it got me going. I reached at and started rubbing his crotch with my hand and my other hand found my own. I un-zipped my pants and whipped out my cock through the fly of my boxers. I started jerking my self off first.

I thought to myself, I might as well enjoy it and give my boyfriend pleasure in process. Then my hand reach underneath the waistband of his shorts and I pulled them down on one side and then the other. His cock spring out and hit his treasure trail. He was already leaking pre-cum and when his cock was sticking straight up it left a trail. I licked up the trail and his body shutter. My lips then engulfed his cock and he jumped a little in his sit.

My hand picked up speed on my cock and I was enjoying the thrill. I heard above me that the book he grabbed was open and he was looking through it. I picked up my speed on his cock and he started moaning in soft and short sprits. His breathing become shallow and knew he was enjoying this as well. I felt my body tense up and I came on the carpet. My mouth sucked him hard when I came. It made a like an air tight seal around his cock and Damien pushed his cock further into my mouth when I did that.

I relaxed and started going again on his cock. He sat back down in his sit and now his bare ass was resting on the chair. I heard the pages start to turn again. I kept the same speed as I was before and then one of his hands came down. His hand rubbed through my hair and I was enjoying the feeling.

His body arched up one more time and I knew he was ready to blow. I took all his cock into my mouth and deep throated it. He lost control of his body and I felt his warm cum run down my throat. He shot seven times down my throat and then I just let him go soft and slip out of my mouth. He lifted his ass off the chair and I pulled his shorts up again.

I tucked my cock back into my boxers and zipped up before he pulled the chair out. He reached under the desk and I grabbed his hand. He helped me out from underneath the desk.

I looked down at the book that he was reading and the picture in the book look a lot like the place we were at. "So what is with the book?" I asked him as I straight myself up.

"Well while I was looking down at the map, I notice a formation of mountains that looked like something. So I need to do some research to find this out," he said and pointed to the book.

I read the little blurb underneath the photo in the book. It read: Home to some of the most famous and infamous outlaws of all time. Then everything in my head clicked, the people that wanted the land must think there is some buried treasure or something beneath the soil. So they want it so they can dig out what might be there.

"That is why everyone wants to this land," I said to him and gave him a big kiss. "I think we should go tell you dad about what we found."

"He needs the rest, we can tell him tomorrow. Plus I need to show what I saw on the map," he said. We decided to go back to the place and he was going to show me what he found. We put the book back and headed for the door. We made a quick dash to his car once we were outside. We hopped in and headed off to the lab.

We both were excited and could not wait to get to the place. We got there and both our jaws dropped. The storage shed was torn to pieces. Damien was still parking the car but I was not going to wait. I jumped from the car and rolled in the dirt. Damien parked the car and got out just as fast.

I landed right where the front door was and I looked around. Damien came up to my side and start searching with me. After a few moments we both started to give up some hope of finding a way in. We both stopped and then I heard a sound. I put my ear to the ground like an old Indian trick to see which way the bulls were running. I heard something underneath starting to move.

The ground started to shake a little, where the elevator once was. The ground opened up and the elevator. The doors opened up and Damien's dad appeared. He grabbed the both of us and we all went down again.

"I am glad you guys were alive. I figured you came after the person that did this," he said to us.

"Yeah Damien discovered why people are trying to get this land. It seems that there might be some buried treasure some where on the land. It was place that outlaws of the Wild West came and rested," I said to him excitedly.

"Really you found out what is going on?" he said and looked over at Damien.

"Yes, dad I figured everything out. I just need that 3- D map and I can show you everything," he said and then we hit the bottom.

Next: Chapter 23

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