Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on May 29, 2009


All the usual T's & C's apply. If you are offended by stories involving boys or same sex relationships, then this is not the story for you.

We went chasing after our other halves when something caught my eye. I stopped and Elliot stopped with me. I looked over in the direction that something was shining at me. it hit my eyes again.

"What's up," Elliot asked me.

"I say something shining over there. I think we should go check it out," I said.

"I think we should not separate from each other," he said and then looked back in the direction that the other went running. I looked back that way as well. They vanished out of our site. "Well, I guess we can go look at what was catching your eye."

"Well then let's go," I said then started too walked off in the direction. Elliot followed me and we made it to one of the houses that were in the area. I looked through the window and noticed there was something hanging from it. It was a pendent on a silver chain. I grabbed it and took it down from were it was hanging.

I figured that it must belong to someone; I would return it once I found someone that was here. I held it up into the light and Eliot noticed something. Inside the pendant was some time of inscription.

"Hold it up to the light, I think there is something written on the inside," he said to me. I put it back on the nail that I took it off of and then the light hit it. It blinded both of us but then I looked inside the building. There was something shining on the back wall of the small house.

I tried the door and luckily it was unlocked. I went inside the building to read what it said. Elliot followed and we both started reading the inscription. It was a little hard to read but it seemed to be gave us directions to the next place. It read something like high noon, sky, door beneath. Well that is what I thought I saw.

We figured this would be a good time to go find the others and show them what we found. We went back outside and I grabbed the pendant and put it into my pocket. We ran back to the spot where we last saw them. As we got back to the spot, I noticed two figures off in the distances.

The figures were coming towards us. Then they came into focus, it was Damien and Jackie.

"Where did you guys go off too?" Jackie yelled as they walked up towards us.

"We saw something and went looking at it," I said back to them.

"Well so did we, show us yours first," Damien said to us.

"Babe I do not think you're that horny already," I said jokingly. He just gave me that look like you go to be kidding me. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the pendant.

Damien's eyes widen like looking at a treasure that just being discovered. Jackie pulled out pendant that looked just the same as the one in my hand.

"What did yours say?" Jackie asked.

"It said tall tower, sky, door beneath," Elliot said. "What about yours?"

"Well it said shadow, follow and door beneath," Damien said to us.

"It must be two pieces of the same puzzle. The riddle is the answer to the door beneath," I said and then started thinking about the two halves. After a few moments of thinking I got it. "The high noon's shadow points to the sky that we follow to the door beneath."

"Well that makes sense but that means," Jackie said to us.

"That means we need to wait till high noon," Elliot said.

I looked down at my watch and it was only about ten in the morning. "Well let's go explore this ghost town," I suggested. "Then we can meet back here at noon."

"Sounds like a plan to me," everyone else said. Just before I could say anything, I was getting dragged into the closest houses. As soon as we were inside, Damien shut the door behind us. He pushed me up against the door and passionately kissed me. I pushed him back and we stumbled down onto the floor. We hit the floor with a thud.

I heard the floor crack underneath us and we fell through. We landed on a pile of clothes and next to us were some old chests. I landed on top of Damien and I quickly go off him.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, I am glad you're not heavy," he said with a huff.

I looked at him then looked around. I walked over to one of the chests and opened it up. It was filled with clothing from the olden days. Then I felt his hands wrap around me. His hands found there way to my button. He undid it and then quickly pulled down my jeans. My boxers were all tented up and I was ready for some action.

I heard his pants drop onto the pile of clothes and then I felt something poking me in the back. His hands enter the waistband of my boxers and slowly push it over my cock. It spring out and his hands wrapped around it. I leaned back and felt his warm breath on my neck. He kissed my lips.

Then I felt him starting to enter my body. It felt great; I was ready for him to fuck the shit out of me. I felt his ball sack resting on my upper inner thigh. I knew he was all the way in.

He whispered in my ear, "Are you ready?"

I close the chest that was in front of me and I bent over it. I just nodded my head and then I felt him pull out of me. He then thrust back into me. I moaned out his name on that thrust. He went quick and hard, whiles his hand hands were working on my front side. One hand was working on my cock, stroking it at the same speed as his fucking and the other hand was rubbing me chest and nipples.

I was not going to last any longer and I just shot all over his hand and the chest in front of me. I panted and fell onto the chest while he was still pounding away. His body was pushing me into the chest and then my mind started to think about having some more fun once we were done here.

He started moaning out because I was flexing my ass. Every time he would push I would close flex and it would be tight so when he pulled out he would really feel it. He pulled out one more time and then quickly pushed into me. I felt the warm goo fill me up and then he pulled out.

He collapsed on top of me and then he kissed my on the neck. His lips got to the bottom of my ear and then he bit it. I moaned a little from the pleasure and pain. Then he whispered in my ear, "What you thinking, sexy?"

"That was awesome, now I have an idea," I said and then turned underneath him. I kissed him on the lips and then grabbed the closest thing I could grab. It was a cowboy hat. I put it on top of his head and then he looked down at me. I smiled back at him and then he got up and started looking around for other items that he might need to dress up.

I got up and then open the chest that I was onto of. I found a few things in there and start to get dressed. Damien went over to the way and found a light switch. The whole bottom was lite up. We both looked around and realized that this was not a ghost town but a small western theme park. It must have been abandon but everything was left behind.

I looked around and noticed they had props and everything as well. Damien and I both went and finish our outfits with some straps and guns. We both found the exit and walked up to the backstage area.

"Think it about time we head back partner," Damien said to me and then started walking like he just got off a horse.

"I reckon that it is," I said back to him. I smiled and was holding back a laugh. We made it past the hole that we made and back to the door that we went through. We wore are clothes underneath so we would not lose them. We walked outside and they must have been gone exploring. I looked down at my watch and it was almost noon.

I looked back at Damien and he looked so cute in the new outfit. "Hey babe, we should have a shoot out, like in the olden days. When those two get here we can step out and pretend that we are going to kill each other. Do the whole gunfight at high noon," I said to him.

"That does sound like fun. Let's do it," he said. Then he took off to the end of the building. I took off to the other side and we waited for them to show up. About five minutes before noon Elliot and Jackie showed up in front of the show house.

Just as they were going to enter the house we both popped out from the sides of the buildings. Elliot and Jackie just stood there in shock. They could not see our faces since we both had bandanas covering everything but our eyes. We each walk slowly towards each other. We were about ten feet away from each other and then we both yelled, "Draw."

We quick draw and pulled the trigger. Two bullets shot out and we both fell to the ground. Jackie ran over to me and Elliot over to Damien. We did not know they were really loaded but luckily we both suck at shooting. The bullets missed us completely but they thought it hit us both.

We both were laying face down in the dirt and then I felt Jackie's hands roll me over. I could not lie to her. When she rolled me over I was wide eyed and smiling from ear to ear. Then it can. She put some real pain into me. She slapped me across the face and then stormed off.

I tilted my head and saw that Eliot did the same thing. We both got up and went after them. Then we heard a bell in the distances. We all stopped where we were. It was noon and then the bell kept ringing. We all looked down at the shadows that were forming around us. They all seemed to point towards this one spot. Even our shadows seem to point towards this one point.

We all went running towards that spot before it started to fade away. After the bell stopped chiming the shadows all faded away and then our shadows went back to normal. I thought it was weird that our shadows did it as well.

"Guess we are digging here and sorry about scaring you guys," Damien said to them

"Yeah sorry but we thought it would be cool to dress up and have some fun, maybe after we can all dress up and have some fun," I added.

"Well maybe, depends on the time, my parents would like me to be home for dinner," Jackie said to us.

"Then that does not leave us much time, let's start digging," Damien said and then got on his knees and started digging. We all joined in and then we did hit something. About half an hour later there was a door in the sand. We all stood around it and was just wondering what was behind it.

"You ready babe?" I asked and gently rubbed his shoulder.

"Well, I do not know if I want to know what's behind the door. What if turns out I am like some alien or something," he said to us.

"If you are then I will still be here and I am sure they will too," I said to him and kissed him on the cheek.

"Yeah, that would be cool if you were an alien but still I would be your friend," Elliot said.

"Yeah same here, so let's open up this sucker up," Jackie said.

Damien walked to where the door was and bent over. He grabbed the door handle and pulled into open. It swung up like any other door. Beneath it was some stairs leading down. Damien quickly bolted down the stairs and we followed close behind him. The only light was from the doorway and it seem like the stairs went on forever.

"Wow, these stairs are long," Jackie said. The light started to fade, since we now were about four feet down and then they start to become a long hallway. We all looked down the hallway to see if there was anything that we could see. It was completely dark. We barely could see a foot in front of our noses.

Damien grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hallway with him. I quickly grabbed Elliot's hand and he latched onto Jackie's hand and we went down the dark hallway. Damien was waving his hand in front of him so he would not run into anything in front of him. About twenty down the hallway, Damien had hit a wall. He tried to go left but was blocked; he tried to go right and was blocked again. We hit a dead end.

"Well guess we need to head back," Elliot said and then started to walk back down the hallway. He stepped on a loose rock and his foot sank into the ground. "Guys, I am sinking."

"What?" Jackie said. Then Elliot grabbed hold of her. She felt his grab slipping and then she started sinking down with him. "Help, guys we are sinking into the floor."

Elliot was about waist deep in the ground when he pulled Jackie, now he was just a head and Jackie was about halfway gone. The ground was giving away faster now and I felt myself start to sink into the ground. I grabbed hold of Damien and then he was trying to hold onto the wall. Not finding anything to hold onto he just grabbed hold of me and we sank even faster then Jackie and Elliot. We all got sucked into the ground.

I thought that was the end of our journey, great we got eaten by the earth. Then I felt Damien still hugging me. I opened my eyes and it seemed like we were still alive for the moment. I embraced him back and he opened his eyes see that we still were alive.

We kissed each other and then quickly looked around for Elliot and Jackie. Elliot was grabbing hold Jackie's waist, I pointed them out to Damien and we both were laughing at the sight.

"Hey, guys we are still alive," I yelled out to them.

They opened their eyes and Elliot was looking at her crotch and Jackie saw us. Jackie quickly pulled Elliot up and then he saw us. "What's going on?" Jackie yelled at us.

"I have no clue but we are still alive and that's what matters at the moment," Damien said to us.

I just smiled to myself and Damien noticed. He smiled back at me and realized that we were not sinking any more. It felt like we were on solid ground. Damien started walking over to where Jackie and Elliot were. He reached them with easy. When he got to them the walls start fading and we were in a room no bigger then small closet. There was a chest that Damien was standing next two and I was now right next to everyone.

Damien bent down and opened the chest inside was a DVD. He grabbed the DVD and then we need to find a way out. I noticed him grabbing something but did not know what. I was thinking I would ask him later about what he grabbed.

"It looks like we need to find an exit," I said to the group.

"Yeah but where are we and how do we get out of this box," Elliot stated.

"We will find a way, Zach is great at solving puzzles," Damien said to me and smiled.

We started looking around for a switch or lever or something that did not belong in here. I walked past Damien in the tight space and I felt that he was hard as hell. I turned around and gave it a squeeze. He moaned silently and then I bent down in front of him. My ass was his rubbing his crotch and then gave it a pitch. I turned my head back towards him and smiled. I knew we should be focusing on finding a way out but I just could not help but tease him.

I opened the chest that Damien looked in and saw something in there. My ass was still backed up into Damien's crotch. Damien stopped search because he was in to much pleasure from my teasing him. I figured I must finish what I started. I kept pretending to be looking on the ground but really I was just bending over to rub his crotch. Damien grabbed my ass real tight and I knew he was just about to nut.

That was my sign that he was almost done. I then quickly stood up and turned to face him. My hand reached into his pants and tugged on his hard cock. I felt his cum squirt into the palm of my hand. Jackie and Elliot did not notice a thing. I took my hand out of his pants and licked his cum off my hand and then I was holding him up a little. He got weak in the knees from the pleasure that he just felt.

"I think I found something," I told the guys after we got our composer back. I went back to the chest and opened it up. On the side of the chest there was a small button that blended in. "We ready to try this button and see where it takes us."

"Yeah," they all said. We each grabbed each others hand and then I reach in the chest. I pushed the button and then the ground started move. It felt like we were going up. About two minutes later, it stopped and then the door that we did not know about opened up.

We were back underneath the stage, where Damien and I messed around and got our cool outfits. Just then my phone rang. I stepped out of the elevator and walked a few feet before answering it. "Hello," I said.

"Hey sweetie," the voice said. It was my mom.

"Hey, mom how is everything going?" I asked.

"Everything is going fine. It looks like we will be home tonight," she said with some excitement in her voice.

"Wow that is awesome. How is dad doing?" I asked.

"He is doing well. He can not wait to see you boys. We were wondering if Damien would be able to have dinner with us tonight," she asked.

"I am sure that would be fine but mom I need to go so I will see you at home tonight. Love you," I said.

"Love you too," she said just before I hung up the phone. I put the phone back into my pocket and then went back to the group.

"So who was that?" Damien asked.

"It was my mom, they are coming home tonight and would like us to be there for dinner," I told Damien.

"Sounds ok," he said. Jackie and Elliot were looking around at the costumes that were lying about. We both went walking over to them and then noticed the time. It was almost four in the afternoon. "I think we should be getting back home."

"Yeah it is getting pretty late," Jackie said and then really noticed the time.

We all decided that we should be getting home. We all hopped back into Damien's car and we took off. About an hour later, we got back to my place and said goodbye to Jackie and Elliot. We also thanked them for coming with us. They took off and then we enter the house. We went to my room to rest for a little bit before my parents got home.

We entered my room and I quickly stripped down to my boxers and plopped down on my bed. Damien just sat down on in the desk chair. I propped myself on my elbow and looked at him. He was holding the disc in his hand and was spacing out a little.

"What's that babe?" I asked.

"I found this in the chest with the switch; it must have something to do with why my parents wanted me to go there. It must be important," he said and then looked over at me.

I got up off the bed and walked over to him. I got down on my knees to be eye level with him and just said, "Well no matter what happens, I'll be right beside you." I kissed him and then I grabbed his hand.

He knew I meant it and then stood up. He under dressed down to his boxerbriefs and then he pulled me over to the bed. We both crawled into the bed and just lay down. He cuddled up in front of me this time and then we just stayed like that. He fell asleep but I was still wide awake. I was not really tried but I knew he needed me to just be there for him.

About two hours later, I heard the front door open. Then footsteps were coming down the hallway. My mom popped into the doorway and saw that both of us were just lying on the bed. I looked over Damien's shoulder and gave her a smile. She smiled back and then walked away.

My dad then entered and told me in a soft voice, "Dinner is ready."

"Ok, I will wake Damien up and we can go eat," I told him.

My dad left and then I walked my fingers up his spine. I leaned in and kissed the back of his neck. He turned over and opened his eyes. He leaned up and kissed my on the lips. "What time is it?" he asked as he stretched out.

"It is about seven thirty and my parents just got home," I told him. "Dinner is ready; let's go get something to eat."

"Ok," he said and then he started to roll out of the bed. I followed him and we both go dress and headed towards the kitchen. We turned the corner and there was my dad and mom setting up the table and the pizza they got was in the middle. They got two pizzas and it smelled wonderful.

We all sat down around the table and dug in. My parents were talking about the trip and how everything happened. Then they asked us about everything over here. We filled them in on most of everything. Told them about the party for his birthday, how finals went and few other things. We left about the info about his dad and today's adventure.

I knew they would just worry about it and then make a big deal about so I just left it out. I noticed Damien was getting a little quieter, so I excuse myself and Damien followed in suit. We went back to my room and I shut the door. He sat down on the bed and then grabbed my hand.

I looked over at him and a single tear rolled down his cheek. Then I spoke, "We will get your father back and find out what's going on here."

He just looked completely up at me and wiped away the tear. "Thank you my love," he said to me. "I think I am ready to see what's on the DVD."

"Well let's put it in, or do you want to go back to your place," I asked him.

"I think doing it here will be ok," he said.

I sat down and forget that I still had the pendants in my pocket. I reached in and pulled them out and handed then to Damien. He handed me the DVD and I got up and put it into my DVD player. I turn on the TV and waited for the DVD to start. I wrapped my arm around Damien and we both waited.

Hope your enjoying the story. Email me comments and questions if you got any

Next: Chapter 22

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