Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on Apr 12, 2009


Zach Brimstone pt 17

All the usual T's & C's apply. If you are offended by stories involving boys or same sex relationships, then this is not the story for you.

It was the day after and I started to clean up the house. Finding beer cans wedge all over the place and condoms use and not started which grossed me out. I quickly finish clean up the place and then my phone rang.

I answered it, "Hello."

"Hey sweetie, how's it going?" she asked.

"Not bad just celebrated Damien's birthday yesterday. Just cleaning up the house a little bit," I told her.

"Oh wish him a belated birthday from us. Your dad is doing fine and should be moving about soon. I just wanted to check in and see if you needed anything," she said.

"I am good. Food is fine and I am keeping busy with everything around here. School and planning parties are what is going on now. How is New York?" I asked.

"It is fine; I saw that site that you told me about. They are just wonderful. Well I got to go. Love you and see you soon," she said and hung up the phone before I could speak.

I just put the phone back into my pocket and sat down on the couch that I was next to. I started thinking to myself when there was a knock on the door. I opened the door and it was Jackie and Elliot.

"Hey, guys what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well, we got a phone call from Damien. He asked us to check up on you and help you clean the house, since he had to go spend the day with his dad," she said to me.

"Well I already finished cleaning but if you guys want to chill I have no problem with that," I said and let them in.

"You throw a nice party," Elliot said.

"Thanks," I said and we all plopped down on the couch. I turned on the TV and we all sat and watch for a little while.

Noon rolled around and I was getting a little bit hungry. I asked, "What do you want to do for lunch?"

"It is noon already, oh hate to bail on you but we got to get going. We promise that his parents would meet me today. We were going to have lunch together," she said and grab Elliot and literally pulled him off the couch.

He hit the floor with a thud and quick got up. "Thanks for letting us hang, we will see you later," Elliot said. They quickly bolted out the door again and I watched them leave. I notice Elliot's pants we falling off him; I stared at his cute boxers and started fantasies about him.

They pulled out of the driveway and I notice I was growing downstairs. I figured I got enough yesterday but I guess I could go for one more. I went into my room and went to my dresser drawer. I opened it and move some of my clothes out of the way. I pulled out my DVD collection of porn. I picked my favorite one and popped it into the DVD player.

The screen came on and it was two guys driving down towards a place in the desert. Then he parked the car and the started making out. I lay down on my bed and pulled down my shorts. My boxers were tented up and I start stroking my cock through the thin fabric. A small wet spot started to form on my boxers.

Looking at the movie, the guys were down to their boxers and one was on his knees licking the outline. The guy getting the blowjob was leaning on the car. Then the guy grabbed the cock he is sucking on and pulled it out through the fly of his boxers and went to town on his cock.

I pulled my boxers and shirt off. My cock sticking straight up into the air, I wrapped my hand around it and start to jerk off. Slowly at first so I could enjoy the feeling. Then my hand started to pick up speed. I was watching the guys on the screen and wanted to have Damien right here next to me doing what they were.

Both guys were naked now and one was completely on the car and the other was between his legs. He was going down on the guy and he was moan like crazy. The guy got off him and just jerked him off to finish the job. About five jerks after he stopped sucking the guy on the car, he squirted about five shots and it went all over the place.

I sped up to match the guy getting the blowjob, I want to cum when he did. I start to stick a finger in my ass and was just getting into the moment. I did not even realize someone was standing at the doorway. I moaned out Damien's name and shoot my load. I came back down from my orgasm and looked over at the doorway.

"What the heck?" I said to the person in the doorway. "What did you need?

"I forgot my jacket," he said. It was Elliot; he was standing in the doorway with his pants around his ankles and his cute yellow smiley Joe boxers all tented up. He was turning a bright red. I do not even think he realized that his pants were down and his boxers were showing what he had down there.

"You might want to pull you pants up and take care of your hard before you go back to Jackie," I said and pointed to his boxers. He quickly bent over and grabbed his pants. He then pulled them over his hard on and tightened his belt. He reached under his jeans and re-adjusted his cock. I just realize that I was lying on his jacket. I grabbed underneath me and pulled out his jacket. The good thing was that I did not cum on it and I stood up and walked over to him.

I handed him the jacket and he was still beet red. I walk back and put on my boxers so it would be a little less awkward. "Well do you need anything else?" I asked.

"I am so sorry, I did not mean to intrude on this, I just turned the corner and there you were with all your glory hanging out. I was like in a trance and could not look away," he told me. "Can we keep this between us? You can tell Damien but please just keep this between us three."

"I understand. You just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. By the way I bet your packing some serious meat," I said and then looked down at his crotch.

"Thanks," he said. "Well she is waiting in the car so I must be going now."

He quickly walked out the door and I just sat back down on my bed. I smiled at the event that just happened. Then I hoped he was not in the closet that would suck for Jackie. I just thought to end the random thoughts in my mind that he was curious as what it would be like with a guy.

I knew I had to call Damien and tell him what just happened. I reached for my shorts and my phone rang. "Hey babe," I answered it. "You're ears must have been burning, I was just about to call you."

"You were?" he said.

"Yeah, I got something to tell you," I said to him with some excitement in my voice.

"Well tell me," he said.

"Well Jackie and Elliot came over and we hung out for a little while. They left and I went to go jerk off, well I was really into it. When I finished and came, I looked over and there was Elliot. His pants around his ankles and his boxers were all tented up," I said to him.

"Wow, what did you do?" he asked.

"Nothing, he pulled his pants up and grab his jacket. He went home and then you called," I told him.

"My baby can turn straight men on," he said with a small chuckle.

I laugh as well. "Well maybe next time he would join us in experimentation. I think he wants to try but if we do it with him I want you there as well. It would just be weird. Plus do not tell Jackie anything about this. Elliot does not want her to know it happened," I told him. "So what did you want to tell me?"

"I wanted to tell you that I had a wonderful time and was just checking up on you. My dad and I are going to hang out all day so I will not be able to see you till tomorrow or something else. Well my dad is coming, love you," he said.

"Love you too," I said and then we both hung up the phone.

Well I got the rest of the day to just chill. Through out the day my mind would keep give me images of Elliot with his pants around his ankles and his boxers all tented up. I need to get that out of my head.

I decide to go for a walk, I headed towards the beach. It was nice sunny day outside and the wind made it so the heat did not warm me up to fast or too hot. I made it to the beach and it was a little empty compare to a normal day. I went off to the rocks along the edge and start climbing up.

I made it up to the flat rocks and start walking along the edge. Listening to the water splashing onto the rocks seemed so peaceful. I sat down and just start to wonder what the summer would be like. I figured I would get a summer job and hang out with the gang. Nothing out of the unusual I guess.

My phone rang and it snapped me out of the day dream that I was having. "Hello," I answered it.

"Hey Zach," the voice said.

I looked at the caller id and it was Elliot. "Hey Elliot, what's up?" I said to him.

"I was wondering if we could meet up. I would like to talk to you," he asked nervously.

"Sure, where do you want to meet up?" I asked.

"Where are you?" he asked back.

I gave him my position and he told me he would be there shortly. I went back to day dreaming about the summer time. About an hour after he called me a shadow was casted over me. I opened my eyes and there was Elliot standing over me.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey,' he said back.

"What is on your mind?" I asked.

"Well, um." he said and then looked out onto the ocean.

"I take it you are still thinking about what happened this morning," I said.

He just shook his head. "For some odd reason I can not get you out of my head. I know I am not gay but it seems like I would like to try something with you. I do not know what but it seemed like it was worth the chance to ask you," he told me.

"Well I did tell Damien about what happened and he promised not to tell Jackie about it. Yet on the other hand he would have to be there if we did do anything. What did you have in mind?" I asked him.

"Well I do not know. It seems like I am curious to feel another guy and then have him blow me," he said.

"I can tell you been thinking about this before you saw me," I said to him and started to stare out at the ocean with him.

"Yeah," he said to me.

"I have one question for you before we do anything," I said.

"What is that?" he asked and finally looking at me.

"I just need to know before we do anything that you will not make things weird and I do not want you to hurt Jackie with any of this. She is my best friend and if you become weird about this with her and you become gay or whatever after this she would be devastated,"

"Why," he asked.

"Well if she has not told you yet it means she does really like you," I paused. "See when I moved here she had a crush on me. I was still coming to terms with me being gay. Nobody knew about me and I was not ready to tell the world. So one time, she asked me out and not to blow my cover, I agreed. I made it one special night for her. Brought her twelve roses, opened the door, fancy restaurant, movie and the kiss on the hand to wish her sweet dreams and good night. After that night I finally got the courage to come out."

I wiped away a tear from my eye and then continued on. "I came out to my parents and friends. Then she asked me out again and I did the worst thing anyone could do. I ignored her. She got pissed off at me and some names were called. We did not talk for a couple of months after that. It made living here hell but that is what life brings to us. She did forgive me but I know I broke her heart," I told him.

"So that is why you guys are so close. You guys got history. Now I know why you asked me that question. I can assure you this is a one time thing and I would not do it with anyone else but you and Damien. That is why she does not even know I am here," he said and then came over and rubbing my shoulder.

"Well then. I trust you so when would you like to do this?" I said to him.

"As soon as possible," he said.

"Well let me text Damien and see if he is free later tonight. We can have a sleep over at my house. Does that sound good?" I said to him.

"Well ask Damien first before we do any planning," he said to me.

"Ok," I said.

I got my phone out and texted him what was up. I got a response within a couple of seconds with a big smile face and that is was fine. I text him back to meet me at my house once he was done with his dad thingy.

Then Elliot asked me, "What should I bring?"

"Well, the clothes your in now is just fine and that is about it. Since we are just giving head then there is nothing else that is needed. I got everything else if there is anything else you want to try," I told him.

"Well I guess then I will see you tonight," he said and started to leave.

"Wait, I just wanted to let you know we will go at your pace. So if there is anything that we are doing that you do not want to do or if you just want to stop let us know. Do not be shy when it comes to that," I told him and then he climbed back down the rocks.

I waited a couple more minutes up there and climb down myself. I decided since I was going to help out a friend I would at least get my place in the mood for him. I went down to the local video renter shop and went into the backroom. I knew the guy working so he would hook me up with some of the porn that had in the back. This time I was looking into straight porn.

It felt a little weird but I picked out a few that he might like. I went back up to the front counter and then my friend rung me up. He gave me a weird look then asked, "You going straight?"

"Nope, it is for a friend. He needs a little release. His girlfriend is out of town," I told him.

"Ok, that makes sense," he said and finished the transaction.

"Thanks," I said to him.

He handed me the movies and then I quickly made my way back to my house. I made sure there was plenty of space and made sure I had supplies just incase Damien and I wanted to do something extra with ourselves. Time flew by and I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," I yelled. The door opened and there Elliot was in the same outfit he had one this morning. "Have a seat. Damien is not here yet, so we can just chill."

"Ok," he said.

"I got some straight porn if you need it to get up," I said to him.

"Really where is it?" he said to be more happy about that. I point to the bag in front of him on the table. He quickly grabbed the bag and took out the three titles that I got.

I looked down at his crotch and it was starting to grow. He did not notice, he was too enticed by the porn in front of him. Then there was another knock on the door.

"Come in," I yelled.

Damien walked through the door this time and I got up to greet him. I kissed him and then he whispered to me, "You sure about this?"

"I am sure. He is sure. Are you sure about this, I can call it off if you do not want to," I said to him.

"I am not sure about this, does Jackie know?" he asked.

"No and he would like to keep that way. Babe you know I trust you and whatever decision you make I will back you up all the way," I said to him and kiss him on the lips.

"Babe, I do not want to do this. We can jerk off with him but nothing else ok," he said to me. He looked me deep in the eyes and he knew right then I would not do anything with Elliot behind his back.

We both walked into the room and he was still looking at the porn in his hand. "Hey, Elliot," I said.

He looked up at me and then said, "Yeah."

"Well it looks like we are going to just jerk off tonight. If you want more it will not be from either of us," I told him.

"Oh that is cool. I was going to ask you guys if we could just jerk off anyway. I was thinking about it and I would be able to hide this from Jackie. So jerking off is fine with me. Could I touch one of yours, maybe?" he asked.

I looked over at Damien and waited for his answer. "That is ok with me," he said.

So we sat down on the couch and popped in one of the porn's that I got. It started up and Elliot was rubbing his crotch. Damien and I were making out since the porn that was playing was not our taste. I looked over and notice that Elliot was rock hard and wanted release but I though he might be a little shy.

I start the ball rolling. I grabbed Damien's shirt and pulled it over his head. I started licking his nipples. Damien pushed me back off his nipples and took off my shirt. We boy took a quick glance over and Elliot and he was not watching the porn any more. He was watching us.

"Keep going, that is hotter then the porn. Hope you do not mind," he said.

I looked back at Damien and we both shrugged our shoulders and went back to giving a show for the boy. Damien took charge and I let him start the show. He undid my shorts that I had on and my eyes wandered over to Elliot. I saw Elliot take off his shirt and I was getting turned on by the waistband of his boxers just appearing above his jeans.

I felt a tug at my shorts, so I lifted my ass of him and my shorts came off my body. Elliot was no looking at my crotch. He was completely hard. I sat back down and felt Damien's member poking me in the butt. I grinded my ass into his crotch and he moaned.

I lifted off Damien and tugged at his shorts. He lifted his ass off the couch and I pulled them off him. Now that both of us were in nothing but our underwear, we start the show to send him over the edge. I want Damien more then anything right now. We both looked over at Elliot and wait for a moment.

Elliot got the hint and hen lifted his ass off the couch. He undid his belt and slid them off his body. His cock was tenting the Joe boxers just like this morning. I really did want to see what he was packing. Damien's eyes widen when he saw how big the tent was. He must have been about nine inches.

We went back to the show and Damien started off my going down on my cock through my boxers and made me moan a little. I grabbed his hair and forced him a little on my dick. As soon as he got off my dick I looked over and Elliot had his cock out of the fly of his boxers. Damien and I just stopped and stared at his cock.

"What wrong guys?" he said.

"You have a nice big dick. How big is it?" Damien asked.

"About nine and quarter," he said back.

"Jackie must be enjoying that monster cock," I said with a smile.

I then grabbed Damien's underwear and quickly pulled them off his body. His dick sticks straight out and I start to jerk him off. Damien follow suit and was jerking my cock in no time.

Elliot took off his boxers and tossed them between us. "Sorry, let me get those out of the way," he said. I knew what he wanted, so I grabbed my dick and Damien's and start jerking them together. Elliot's hand grabbed his boxers off our cocks and wrapped his hand around ours. He started stroking our cocks. Damien looked at me and we had one of those moments of complete agreement.

His and my hand both went for his cock. We each wrapped our hand around his and he let go of his cock. He grabbed out cocks with one in each hand and was working fast. Then I realize his one down fall. He did not know how to last long.

I felt him tense up and then he moaned out Jackie's name. That was little too much for me to know but at least he was thinking of her while jerking us off. He came all over himself and our hands. We kept pumping him and he was pumping us. He used his other hand and was now fully focused on getting us off.

He was forceful and was really jerking with a passion. I felt him giving it all he got. I knew my cock would not last if he kept up the jerking at that rate. I grabbed his hand and slowly him down. Damien looked up at me and noticed I was in a little pain. Elliot got the picture and slowly down.

Damien leaned in and kissed me to get rid of the pain I was feeling. As soon as Damien kissed me my tense was released. I came all over Elliot's hand our stomachs and Damien's cock. My cock went soft and then Damien was about to release his load. Elliot just kept pumping away at it and then Damien came. It went all over the place.

Elliot removed his hand from Damien's cock and brought it up to his mouth. He licked it a little and then had a sour face on him. "I take you do not like the taste of cum," I said to him with a smile.

"Nope," he said. Then Damien grabbed his hand and licked it off of him. Elliot was getting turned on by the finger sucking. I noticed it and that is the reason why Jackie loves having sex with him. He maybe a minute man but he recharges fast. His cock was already up to his full length again. Damien noticed it too.

"So I see you ready for round two. So how many rounds can you go?" Damien asked.

"Well the most I have done it was about eight times in a row. Each lasting about twenty minutes," he told us.

"Not bad," I said to him.

"Well I better get going. Thanks guys for the experience. Now I can go home and relax; now that I know what it feels like to be with a guy," he said.

I reached over and grabbed his boxers for him. I pushed them in front of him and rubbed my hand over his cock. It sent a wave of pleasure throughout his body. He started to pre-cum when I did that. Damien noticed it and noticed that Elliot was not completely ready to go home now. I know Damien was still holding Elliot's hand.

Damien's other hand slowly inched its way down Elliot body. It then wrapped around the base of his cock. My other hand took the tip of his cock and start doing small circles on my palm. It sent Elliot into the most pleasure he had ever been in. his whole body was arcing up. His head tilted back, Damien was pumping him away.

"Guys, guys." was all he said before I felt his cock explode once more. Damien and I both let go and licked his cum that was our hands. Now we knew he was satisfied. I put his boxers on him and tucked his cock back into his shorts before he had time to get hard again.

"Thanks again," he said as he pulled up his jeans.

"No problem," Damien said. "That what friends are for. To help each other get off."

"Yeah what he said," I said and then kissed Damien.

"Well I think I need to get over to Jackie's to finish up what you boys have started. I will talk to you later," he said to us and then grabbed his shirt and went running out the door.

Damien and I just looked at each other and smiled. We kissed each other and then I lay on his chest. I fell asleep and so did Damien.

Hope you enjoy, hit me up

Next: Chapter 18

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