Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on Dec 4, 2008


All the usual T's & C's apply. If you are offended by stories involving boys or same sex relationships, then this is not the story for you.

Zach Brimstone

Morning guys, hope you slept well. I know I did. Waking up to the sound of birds chirping, mom tapping on the door. "Hope you up and showered because your bus will be here any minute," she said to me.

"Yeah I am. Just checking my email from some friends, I will be down in a few moments," I said through the door. Well I was checking emails but not from friends from school or anything like that. I was checking my business emails. Well I better describe myself. I am five foot eleven inches with a swimmers build, twenty-nine inch waist, platinum sliver blonde hair with deep sea blue eyes, with a smile that could melt the coldest of hearts. My name is Zach.

The business I run is an internet site that just started a few days ago and this is the story of how it started. Only being a sophomore in high school. As the typical teenager with the rebellious towards everything mental state, I was the kid that was just coasting by. Then I saw him, he walk right past me. He had a sort of confidents about him that just made you want to follow him no matter where he went. He was about five foot ten dark brown hair, green eyes, skinny but not a lot of muscles to himself.

Just then he looked over and I was staring directly into his eyes and he was doing the same. He started to walk towards me when the bell rang. He darted off to class and I just could not move to get to class. It was like I was frozen in my spot. Then my friend walked by and tapped me on the shoulder.

"Hey, Zach why are you standing there like a freshman on the first day?" Jackie said. Now Jackie has known me since middle school and we been best friends ever since. I told I was gay when I first meet her and she had my back ever since.

"I just saw a God in human form. He was so perfect. I must need to know who he is and if I would be able to get into his pants to see more of him." I told her. She just smiled at me and hit me in the arm.

"Come on Casanova, it is time for class," she said then dragged me down the hall. We enter the class as the tardy bell rang. We took our seats in the back of the room and wait for the teacher to start the lesson. It started and all I could think about was that kid. Then I decide to find out who that kid was.

Classed ended and Jackie and I said our goodbyes and that we would meet up at lunch. The bell rang and off we went to our next classes. Lunch came and I meet up with Jackie on the grassy knoll. "So how was your classes?" I asked.

"Not to bad. The normal do this, homework that," she said and then looked up behind me. "So you know that hot guys you where talking about early. I think he is right behind you." She point to the figure behind me.

I slowly turned around and it was him. Now that I got a better look he was more beautiful then the first time I saw him. "Hi, my .my." I tried to speak but nothing can out.

"His name is Zach and I am Jackie and who are you?" she said in my place. I just sat there in complete awe of the awesomeness that was in front of me.

"My name is Damien," he said then paused to look down at me. "I like the color of your hair. It is not like the other kids here at the school. Is it natural?"

"Uh. yeah it is," was all I could muster out.

"I am new to this school and was wondering if I could sit with you guys? Maybe you can show me around town sometime." he said.

"Sure, sounds like that could be possible," Jackie said well moving over to make some room for him to sit down. He moved to sit between us and I felt his arm brush my back ever so lightly. When I felt that I got instantly hard, and tried to hide it. I put my book over my lap to hide it and hope it went down before the bell rang to go back to class.

"So where did you move from?" Jackie asked.

"Well I moved from New York to here in L.A. My dad and I moved here about three weeks ago and then I was able to enroll into school. I am sophomore. So what about you guys?"

"Well I been here all my life and Zach moved here in middle school and I showed him the ropes." She said with a smile. Still trying to get my composer back and making my hard on disappear. "Yeah I met her in middle school and then we have not spilt up since then."

"Cool. So what do you guys do for fun around here?" he asked and smile which melted my heart. Just them the bell rang and he grabbed my hand. He pulled a pen from his pocket and wrote his number on my hand. I looked up at him and he said, "So here is my number so call me so we can hang out sometime. Later guys I got to go do not want to make bad first impressions." Then he got up and walked off.

"Hello, earth to Zach, anyone home in there?" Jackie said to me. I did not respond just froze in shock that he touched me and gave me his number. Then I just yelled out and scared the shit out of Jackie. She wacked me on the head and asked, "What was that for?"

"I just got the hot guys number and now I can us my charm to get him in bed. I can care less if he is straight, I want him." I told her.

"Ok, well enjoy him and if is straight pass him my way once you're done with him. Are we still hanging out after school today?" she asked before starting to walk away.

I stood up and my boner was gone and told her, "Yeah meet at the regular spot?"

"Yep," se said back to them and off to the next class. The day dragged after that until the last period which was history. I walked into the classroom and Damien was sitting down. Just luckily he was sitting next to the desk that was mine. He waved to me and had that killer smile on his face. I walked over to him and sat down in my desk and said, "Guess we have the same class together."

"Yeah I was hoping that we did have one class together. Can I ask you something?" he said then the teacher started the lesson. He did not ask me the question because the teacher had us working hard on some project. Then I felt his hand on my shoulder and then saw a note in his hand.

I took the note from his hand and started to read it. It said I was wondering if you could come over after school. I was going to ask you something but I think I would be better at my house. After just reading that my mind filled with some many thoughts and something started to grow. I looked over at him and I notice we were looking down at my crotch and then h quickly looked back up. He started turning beat red and then the bell rang. He ran out the doorway and I wanted to chase after him but I knew I could not ditch my friend.

I slowly got up covering my crotch again for the second time today and started to walk to our meeting spot on to tell Jackie what just happened. I reached the spot and she was already there waiting for me. I filled her in on the last period and told her that he was checking me out. I asked her, "What should I do?"

"Well duh. You call him up and find out what he wants. You do that right now or I will do it for you," she said and was reaching for my hand that had the number on.

"Ok. Ok. I will do it," I told her and reached into my pocket for my cell. The line rang twice before I heard his voice again.

"Hello?" asked the voice on the line.

"Hey, is this Damien?" I asked.

"Yeah, it is. Who is this?" Damien replied.

"It is me, Zach. So about your note, I would love to come over and talk about that question you need to ask me," I said with some glee in my voice.

"Sure. Here is my address." He told me the address and hung up after that.

"Somebody has a date," Jackie jokingly said and did a little dance around me. I said goodbye to her and I would call her when I got home later that night.

He actually lived only about two blocks away from my house. I was walking home that day so I knew I had sometime for my mind to wonder on what could be his question and what I would do to make sure I could not waste this great opportune moment. I came up with the perfect plan to seduce him. The first thing was to just get to his house.

I get up to his house and it was just a two story house with a small front yard and no back yard that I could make out. I walked up the small path to his doorway. I knocked on the door and wait a few moments. The door opened and I notice he changed from the jeans and shirt he was wearing, to a pair of gym shorts and a wife beater. I then noticed that he did have some definition to his body. I looked him up and down once before he let me into his house.

I looked back up into his eyes and it seemed that there was something more to him then I thought. Just at that moment I felt a spark go through my entire body. I did not know what to do but just step inside his house. He took me to his bedroom and offered me a drink.

"No thanks," I said.

"Oh ok. So I guess your wondering what I was going to ask you so I will get right to the point since I am not that good at hiding things so I will just come out a say it. Zach the moment I saw you I wanted you so bad. If we weren't in school I would have jumped your bones right there. So I guess you can leave if you want to but I had to tell you." He said with his face looking down at the ground.

That throw my plan that I had for him out the window. I was a little taken back by his honest and could not speak. I just stood up and walked over to him. I reached down I grab his chin and pushed his head to look up at me. I bent down and slowly moved my lips to meet his.

He was a little shock at this but after a moment he started to join in on the kiss. We started making out a little more before we broke the kiss. "Wow, that was better then I imaged," he said.

"Yeah, it was awesome," was all I could say after catching my breath.

"So what now?" he asked.

"Well we can continue with the kissing, we can go further then just that or talk. I will leave it up to you." I told him which shocked me because usually I would just rip off there clothes and fuck them right there but this felt different.

"I think we so continue kissing, I liked that," he told me then wrapped his arm around my neck and pulled as together again. We made out for a couple of hours and then I heard the door shut downstairs. I figured it was his father. I pulled back and wondered he his dad knew about him.

I asked, "Does you dad know about you?"

"Yeah he does know and that is the reason we moved out here but I do not want to talk about my past. Did you want to meet him?" he asked me and then tried to give me the puppy dogs but fail horribly.

"Well I guess I should meet him and be friendly but I not good at meeting people cause I just usually just fuck and leave but with you it feels different like I want to be with you." I paused and got my breath back. "I can not believe I just told you that. I hope you do not think I'm some kind of slut or something."

"We all got our pasts, so do not worry about it. So lets go downstairs so I can introduce you to my father," he said and grabbed me hand. He pulled me up off the bed.

Out the door we went downstairs and before he entered the living room, Damien stopped me. "I need to tell you something, my dad is Drag Queen," he told me.

I took a step back and then spoke, "Ok, so what, I see nothing wrong with that. So let's go meet him."

He took me around the corner and I saw his dad dressing up for his second gig down at one of the night clubs.

"Hey, dad I would like you to meet my new friend, Zach." Damien said.

"Nice to meet you Zach," he said while extending his arm. I reached out a shook his hand. "I wish I could stay but I get to get going. My next job is in less then an hour and I still need to get ready." After he said that he grabbed his purse and walked out the door.

I looked back at Damien and saw that look like he was about to cry. I walked over to him and put my arm around him. "What's wrong, babe?" I said then just realized I just called him babe. It was too late to take it back so I just went with it.

He did not say anything but just pushed my arm off his shoulder and went running up the stairs to his room. I was left stand a little rejected in his living room. I was deciding if I should go up there and make sure if he was alright or just leave.

After a few moments of thinking I knew what to do. I walked up the stairs and paused at his door. I raised my hand and knocked waiting for an answer. I knocked again.

"GO AWAY," he said through the door forcefully.

"What is wrong? I would like to help if I can, even if that means that just sitting there holding you." I said back through the door. I waited for a response. Still nothing but silence then I heard the sounds of crying.

I knew I should just go now since I was not able to do anything on this side of the door. So I started to walk down the stairs when I heard the door open up behind me. Out of the room walked Damien with red eyes and tears streaming down his face.

I walked back over to him and he clasped into my arms. Then I heard him whisper in my ear, "Please do not go. Can you spend the night with me? I do not want to be alone any more." Then he just started cry and then hugged me. It felt like forever while in this embrace but it was only a couple of minutes. He walked me back to his room and we sat down on his bed.

It started raining outside but the weather inside was a lot colder. We sat next to each other and he was silent but I knew that I was comforting him just by being there and rubbing his back. I knew when he wanted to talk he will. He looked up at me and was about to say something when there was a crash of loud thunder and a flash of light. He jumped a little when it happened and then he looked back up at me.

"So I guess your wondering why I am balling my eyes out in front of you and you must think I am sissy or something like that." He started to speak then he pause waiting for something.

"No I do not think you're a sissy for crying, plus I figured you would tell me soon or later but before we start let get you some food," I said to him. This time I lead him down his stairs by the hand and we went into his kitchen. He sat down in one of the chairs at the table. "So what do you want me to whip up?" I asked in an Italian fake accent.

It got him to smile on his but it disappeared as fast it came. I started looking through his cabinets to see what he had and I found a couple of soup cans and spaghetti in a can. Then I looked in the freezer and it was empty. So I went back to him and asked, "So we have soup, spaghetti or we can order out something?"

He looked up for a spilt sec then decided that he want something take out and then spoke, "Can we get pizza?"

"Sure anything you want babe." I said and then thought there that word was again.

He made the phone call and orders the pizza. "It will be here in twenty minutes. I guess I should tell what is going on. Well it started when I my mom disappeared one night. We all went to bed and in the morning we found no trace of her. We filed a missing person report but still nothing was found and that was five years ago today. So when my dad left it remind me of that night," he paused. A couple of tears rolled down his cheek and then he continued on with his story. "Plus that is one of the reasons why we left New York so we can get a fresh start somewhere else. So my dad since he was straight but had been a female impersonator got a couple of jobs down here and that brings you up to date."

I walk over to him and just hug him. I did not know really what to say so I did what my mom always does to me when I was sad. He started to cry a little more and I just told him, "To let it out, nothing wrong with crying."

We stayed in that hug till the door rang and I went over to get it. It was nice and hot. Told the guy to keep the change, as I shut the door and I walked back into the room and notice that he was passed out on the table. I decided that I must get him up to his room. I picked him up and started towards his room. I got up the stairs and open his door. I slowly put down on his bed and the next thing that happened through my mind for a loop.

"I love you, Zach," came out of his mouth and then he turned on his side. I did not know how to take that. Nobody I ever said that to me besides Jackie and my rents. I went back downstairs and I already said I was going to spend the night. I took my cell phone out and called my parents. Luckily it was Friday night so pretty much I was ok but just want to check in with them.

"Hey, mom." I said into the phone.

"Hey baby, so what is up?" she replied.

"I am going to spend the night at my new friend's house. His name is Damien and he lives about three blocks down," I told her.

"Ok baby. You got a condom just in case anything happens?" she asked.

"Mom, you know I am safe and yes. So have a good night and I will see you tomorrow. Love you." I said then hung up the phone. I came out to my family about four months ago and they took if fine. I know they got my back if I ever got into any trouble I could not handle. So I went back up to his room and hopped on the computer sitting on his desk. It booted up and I started to jump through different websites. Then I did some other stuff on there when I looked over at the time. It was about three in morning when I finally finished all my errands I want to do on the web when I powered it down. Just as I shut it down, I heard the door open and I knew it was his dad getting home from his job. I walked down the stairs and I notice the kitchen light on.

I walked into the doorway of the kitchen and I said, "Hey, mister."

"That's right you do not know my name. It is Danny Prass. I see my son asked you to say. What are you doing up so late?" he asked.

I told what happened and he thanked me for staying with him but then he had a serious look on his face. "I thank you once more but I must give you a warning if you break his heart like his mother did. I do not need to pick up the pieces again. So I hope you in this for long haul because I do not need any more grief. Then again since you already know the history and have not left yet you might be good for him." he said then we each said our good nights and he retried to his room.

I just sat in the kitchen thinking about everything that happened today. It seemed so unreal. It seemed like it only happened in the movies that what happened to me. I fell asleep at the table and I was awoken to his dad slowly shaking my shoulder to wake me up.

"Morning, Zach," he said to me.

"Morning, Mr. Prass what time is it?" I asked while rubbing my eyes.

"It is about nine in the morning and you call me Danny." he told me and then moved to the chair next to me.

"Ok, Danny. So what plans do you have today?" I asked him as I stretched.

"Well I got work in about two hours so I was wondering if you could show my son around town. Plus I must ask you if you guys are together?" he said while looking me straight in the eyes.

"Well I do not know if we are together but I would love to date him and maybe become his boyfriend. If he wanted that too, I do not know," I finish speak.

"I would love for that to happen as well," a voice behind me rang out. I turned around and notice he was standing in the doorway.

"Well, you behave today and I will see you tonight for dinner and Zach you more then welcome to stay if you can." He said then stood up.

"Thanks I will see what I can do." I told him and then he walked around his son and kissed him on the head. Then a minute later we both heard the door shut. Damien joined me around the kitchen table.

"So what do you want to do today?" I asked him.

"Well first I want to eat some breakfast then you can show me around town," he said while slowly getting up. He walked over to where I was sitting and learned in and kissed me slowly on the lips. I slowly melted his lips onto mine. Kissing and parting his lips with my tongue and then feeling his tongue slowly tango with mine.

He reached out with his hands and started to rub my chest through my shirt and then moved them slowly down to waistband of my boxer shorts that were above my jeans that I had on.

I pulled back and asked him, "I thought you were going to have breakfast, babe."

"I am. I just need to un wrap it," he said then I heard the button my jeans snap and the zipper slowly slide down. Then he started tugging and my jeans and I just lifted my ass of the seat and the easily came down to my ankles. Now seating with my Joe Boxers all tented up. I feel his warm mouth slow engulfing my seven inch dick.

He took his mouth off my boxers and a small wet spot of pre-cum was forming on my boxers. He noticed it too. He reached up into the waistband of my boxers and slowly pulled them down over my raging hard-on. As soon as they where under my balls, my cock slapped my on the stomach and bounce up leaving a trail of pre-cum. Leaving my boxers underneath my balls, he attack the trail of pre-cum on my stomach. He licked it up in one clean and then looked up to me with those puppy dog eyes. It seem like he wanted my approval before he started his magic.

I just looked down at him and nodded my head. He smiled back and then opened his mouth once more and took the whole thing in. I leaned my head back as the waves of pleasure throughout my body. I could not speak but loud moans escaped my mouth. After each moan, I felt him go up and down faster and faster. He did not even come up for air when felt that I was almost ready to cum.

"Babe. I'm about to cum," was the last thing I said before I felt my cockhead erupt with the sticky sweetness that he wanted for breakfast. I bucked my hips off and forcing myself to grab onto the chair. I shot four loads and then he let my cock just fall out of his mouth. He looked back up at my and smiled while I lower myself back onto the chair. He cleaned my cock by licking the shaft up and down and pulled my boxers back over my now soft cock.

I stood up and pulled my jeans back on and just looked at him in amazement. "Where did you learn to do that? Out of all the boys that have been down on me that was by far the best I had since I came out. Wow," I told him and then he started to blush.

"Years of practice on lollypops and icicles," he said with a big smile. Then he grabbed my hand and rushed me up stairs so we could get on our way. As soon we enter his room he quickly pulled his shirt off his tight toned body. Then off came his jeans that he slept in and there before me was the most beautiful boy I have seen. Standing in nothing but his fruit of the loom gray boxer-briefs was the nice round bubble but. The underwear hugged his butt and made me just want to start rimming him on the spot. I fought the temptation and thought to myself that I need to get home to check in myself. Just then I was snapped back to reality when he asked me, "Do we need to go to you house, so you can change and freshen up?"

I did not response right away. He must have noticed that I was staring at him, and then I spoke, "Yeah. I need to check in and change my clothes." Then I looked down at the ground so I would no stare at him. Then a pair of bare feet came into view. I looked up and there was his crotch at eye level. Must have been half-erected, the tent that is starting to form was growing with my warm breath on it. I looked up past the bugle and into to his eyes. "So does this mean you want to me to suck it, but I thought we need to get going sir," I said teasingly, and then I licked his bugle slowly.

He shivered but then grabbed my shirt and pulled me up. He leaned in and was about to kiss me and then spoke, "Let's save that for later. I really want to see your place and this town." He turned around and left me hanging there. Next thing I know he was dressed and grabbing my arm pulling me through the house. I snapped back again, and start walking with him, so he would not be dragging me. We got out his front door and then I started dragging him towards my house. I really wanted to change and then take this hottie out on the town.

About five minutes later we reached my house, we both enter my room and my mom and dad were gone. I down the hall to my room and told him, "I will be out in just one moment." I entered my room and looked around for some fresh clothes. I stripped off my clothes and threw on a pair of shorts and t-shirt. I took a quick look in the mirror, and then exited my room. He was sitting on the couch and I enter the living room. He whistled at me, "Wow that is my date. I am the mostly luckiest guy in the world. I can just die right now." Then I turned around and he whistled again as I went into the kitchen. I wrote a small note for my parents so they would know where I was and told them to call me if they need anything.

"So you ready to go out on the town," I asked.

"With you looking like that I would just rather rip your clothes off and have you all for myself but if we must I guess we can wait just a little long to start the sexually part of the date," he told me. With that said I just stood there in shock then I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him towards the door. Let's hit the beach and then we can just chill there. The good thing was that Huntington Beach was just down the street from our houses.

"You're just going to love the beach. It has plenty of hot spots, shopping and more," I said while leaning into kiss him. He then grabbed my hand as we went the boardwalk shopping area of the beach. His eyes grew bigger and bigger as we walked down towards the beach. We got to the sidewalk that was next to the sand I we took off our shoes. He grabbed my hand as we both went running towards the water. I let go of his hand as we got closer and sat down in the sand. We both took off are shirts so we could get tanned. We laid there for what seemed like hours.

A couple of hours later, I turned towards him and poked him in the stomach. "So do you want to go shopping, get food or go home?" I asked.

"Can we go shopping? I need to buy some trunks to go swimming in." he said to me. We both got up and went to the nearest shop. We enter and got greeting with Southern California. "What's up dudes?" the guy behind the counter said.

"Just looking for some shorts to go swimming in." I replied back.

"Well we got plenty of those. They are in the back on the racks," he said as he pointed to the back of the store. We walked back to and started looking through the racks and we both picked out the same style but mine had blue flames on the side and his had red ones. We both laughed that we picked up the same ones just different colors.

"We better try these on. Follow me into the changing rooms," I said and lead the way to a little room in back to change. As soon as he stepped into the room, I closed the door and locked it. Since we already had our shirts off, I knew this was my chance to repay him from this morning. I reached around him since his back was facing me. I found his button on his jeans and unbutton it. I let them drop to the floor and then he stepped out of them and turned around. Standing only in his underwear, I noticed he still had the same half hard erection from this morning. I put my hands inside the waistband of his boxer-briefs and slowly pulled then over his nice cock. As soon as the underwear hit the floor, I was down on my knees. I start stroking his cock and it began to grow. I got it hard enough to put in my mouth and it must have been about eight inches. I start to go a slow like he did to me, and then I sped up. He put his hands on the back of my head and pushed his cock all the way to the back of my throat. Lucky I learn how to deep throat or I would have gagged on it. I let it slip down my throat and that is when I heard a soft moan escape from his lips. I let my mouth go on to auto pilot when I noticed that he was tensing up. Then I felt him shoot his load down my throat. Just as he finished there was a knock on the door.

"You guys ok in there?" the guy from the counter asked.

"Yeah we are fine just trying on the shorts. We will take them. Is it ok if we wear them out?" I asked as I let his dick slip out of my mouth and lick the left over cum off of it. Then I reached behind me and grab his red shorts and slowly pulled them up his legs and finished by standing up and kissing him on the lips. I felt his hands start to reach down to my shorts and undid the button and let them fall to the floor I stepped out of them. Still not breaking the kiss he removed my boxers as well.

Then we heard the guy again, "Yeah but I think you guys should hurry up cause there are some other people waiting to change just like you." With that said I looked into his eyes and winked at him. I grabbed my shorts and pulled them up. Then grabbed the rest of our clothes and we both walked out with smiles on our faces. The old lady that was waiting for us to finish up gave us a mean look and then scurried into the changing room. The guy behind the counter rang us up and then looked us both up and down. "Well he is your change and if you need anything else please do not hesitate to call." He hand us the store's business card and on the back of the card was his personal number. We both stuff into our shorts pockets and walked out the store.

Outside the sun started to hit its highest point. It made the sand look like an oasis and the water was shimmering and call us to get in. we walked back to the spot where we were laying and dropped off our clothes. "Tag you're it," he said then took off towards the water. I took off after him and then he reached the water and I was right behind him. He was about to jump in when I tackled him. We both went flying into the water. We popped back out of the water and splashed each other. I went underwater and swam next to him. He started looking for me and then I wrapped my hands around his waist. I slowly popped behind him and start kissing his neck. He turned around in my arms and then we embraced in a long kiss.

A nice big wave came up and engulfed us under the waves, so then we both rode it back to shore. We looked at each other and decided it was time we started back. We walked back up to where our clothes were and grab them. We did not bring any towels so we just walked back in our shorts and barefoot. We reach my front door step just as the sun was setting, we turned towards the sunset and I grabbed his hand. "Do you want to stay for dinner? Meet my folks and maybe spend the night," I said as I turned to face him.

"That would be lovely. I just need to call my dad to let him know what is going on," he said then pulled me close so we could kiss in the setting sun.

With that I dragged him to the front door; I smelled something good was cooking. I opened the door and was rushed with flood of smells that I could not describe. I walked into the kitchen where my mom was standing, "Hey mom, this is my new boyfriend, Damien. I was wondering if he could spend the night tonight. What smells so good?" I asked her.

"Well first of all, Dad will not be home tonight. He had to go away on business. Second it is nice to meet you Damien. I am Zach's mother, Iris. He can spend the night as long as it is ok with his folks," she said while handing Damien the phone. Damien walked into the other room. "He is cute and this was the one you spent the night with last night. So if you do anything tonight, please make sure I do not hear it cause I got to get up early tomorrow morning." Then she reaches into her purse and pulls at a condom.

I give her the look like "mom, please". I just finished giving her that look when Damien came back into the room. He handed me the phone and I put it back on the charger.

"Yeah, my dad said it was ok with him. He says thanks and that we should get together as families and do something sometime since our boy's are dating," he said to us. "So what is for dinner, Ms. Brimstone?"

"Well it is my son's favorite. It is Shrimp Gumbo. It should be ready within the hour. So you guys go play and I will call you when it is ready," she said then turn back around to make sure everything was going right.

We left the kitchen and went down the hall to my bedroom. It was set up with a nice TV in corner and the bed facing it and a dresser next to the door. My desk was in the other corner with a flat screen monitor. My closet was just filled with junk and plies of clothes. My mom must have come through since when I was home. She moved all my clothes into my closet. I sat down on the bed and he came to sit down next to me. We must have dozed off because the next thing I remember my mom was shaking my shoulder to wake me up. I looked over at the clock and it was about nine.

I slowly woke up and notice that Damien was asleep right next to me. "What is dinner ready?" I ask while rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"It was ready a couple of hours ago but I came in when you did not respond to my calling and found you two asleep. I decide to just chill the food and let you sleep," she told me. After she said, that I leaned over and kiss Damien on the check and he slowly started to wake up. He just looked up at me and smiled.

We both got up and my mom kissed me good night. I noticed a small tear run down Damien's check when my mom did this. We said goodnight to my mom and headed into the kitchen. "Did you sleep well, babe?" I asked.

"Yeah I did. I dreamt about us. We were sleeping naked together and then you told me some good news. Yet when you tried to tell me, nothing came out of your mouth. That is when I was awoken by your kiss," he told me while sitting at the table.

"Really, I do not think I can keep anything away from you sexy. Well I am going to re-heat the Gumbo, so I hope you're hungry," I told him while getting the pot out of the refrigerator. I was standing watching the food heat up and I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist. Then a pair of lips started kissing the back of my neck. I started swaying us both back and forth very gently. I started to melt when the food start to boil over the top of the pot. "Oh shit," I said then turn off the stove to stop the food from overflowing. "Thanks for the endless time and hope there is more to come but first let's eat."

"Yeah food does sound good right now," he whispered into my ear. He grabbed a plate that was in the dishwasher and served only one plate. Then he guided me to sit down at the table. I did not notice that he lit the candle that was in the center of the table. We sat next to each other and then we each had a fork. I start to dig in and so did he. About half way through the dinner, he pushed my fork away from my mouth and then he put his fork in front of my mouth. I opened up and he feed me the food on his fork. I did the same thing to him.

I sat back in my chair: satisfied and content. Then I looked over and he pushed his chair away from the table. He got up and then just cross on leg over my lap then he sat down. We started to make out on the chair, also figuring we were just in our shorts and nothing else I started feeling up his chest and rubbing his back. He then started to move down my check and the trailed down to my neck. He spent sometime on my neck circling it with his tongue and then kissing it.

After about five minutes on my neck, he moved lower. He got to my nipples that were fully hard by now. He teased them by biting them. I let out a soft moan causes I remembered my mom told us to keep it down. He was lick and sucking and biting each nipple while his hands found their way to the top of my shorts. I felt his nice bubble but sit on my lap which made my member come to life. His hands seem so quick and fast. They had the strings of the shorts undone in matter of seconds and he then the fly undone and was slowly pulling them down. He left himself off my crotch and I knew he want to those shorts to come off. So I left just slight off the chair and let him strip me of the last piece of clothing I had on. The fell around my ankles and my cock was at full mast. Then I took the time to undo his strings and had his shorts fall to join mine on the ground. His cock was just inches from my face then he slowly guided me back to seating on the sit and he follow to seat down on me. I reach down to grab the condom from my shorts pocket.

He grabbed it from my hand and using his teeth to rip open the small package. While he was doing that I grab both our dicks and start stroking them together, he finally stop me and slowly wrapped my hard cock with the condom. He lifted his body and positioned my cock to line up with his bubble butt. Without any fingering or foreplay he slowly lowing himself on to my tool, he took it inch by inch. After a couple of minutes he was sitting on my lap with nothing left to go inside of him. I started kissing his neck and he was waiting for his body to adjust with my cock inside him. When he was ready I felt his body slowly rise up and off my abs. he start slow at first then the speed start to pick up. He was bouncing up and down on my pole which felt so good. He started moaning each time he would sit full on my cock. I moan with each and ever motion. We got into a rhythm and he was not going to stop till we both came. After about fifteen minutes I finally reached around and grabbed his cock. It was hard then early in the day. I loved the feeling of his cock slowly pumping in my hand. He tilted his head back and I knew he was about ready to cum. I started to jerk faster and faster. I let out one last moan and I felt his entire body tense up. Then I felt his cock twitch in my hand every time he shot.

His ass enclosed upon my cock and it rubbed my cock. It made me feel so good, I had an orgasm. I explode from the pressure that his tight ass was showing me. I shot about five times and I felt the weight of his body back on mine. I wrapped my arms around him and he looked back at me. I leaned in a kissed him on the lips. He got of me and my cock popped out of his ass.

"Wow that was awesome," I said well still sitting in the chair.

"Yeah, but I think you mom would not like to see the mess we made," he said with a laugh and then pointed out that his cum sprayed everywhere.

I looked around and then just realized what he meant. There were white globs of his cum on the kitchen table, on his chest, a little down the chair we were sitting on, and on the plate. I got up and grabbed the plate and use my fingers to wipe off the cum. I licked it off my finger and move to where he was standing. I lean over and licked it off his chest. He lightly hit my ass I stood start up and said, "Did not know you were ready for round two?"

"Not yet sexy but I just might want seconds helpings," he told me and winked at me. He grabbed a paper towel off the rack and cleaned the rest of the kitchen up. I put the dishes away and grabbed our shorts. I tossed them in the washed since I notice that they had some cum on them as well. "Hey, babe where is the shower?"

"Hold on a sec I will join you in there," I said as I started the washer. I took his hand as we walked down the hall. The bathroom was right next to my bedroom. He walked in and turn it on and made sure it was not to hot or cold. He walked in the shower and I just stood there taking in the sight. The water cascading down his perfect body and hitting every curve of his body, he looked over at me and smiled. I then joined him in the shower. I wish I could write that we did something in the shower but nothing did. We washed each other up and dried off. I forgot that he did not go home and had clothes to change into.

"So what do you wear to sleep?" I asked him as I was opening my drawers. I did a half look back and he was no caught staring at my ass. He tried to shrug it off but then he just busted into laughter, which in turn I start to laugh as well. "Well I take it you did not hear my question. What do you sleep in?"

"Well I just sleep in my underwear usually but I since I am not at home I do not know how you or your mother would react to this," he responded.

"To be honest my mother never comes into my room. Plus she has work early in the morning, I think it is about five in morning," I paused and looked over at my clock. It read Eleven forty-five. "So we can sleep in anything we want." I looked back and he was already passed out. He looked very peaceful so I just decide to join him. I crawled over his body and lay down next to him. As I pulled the covers over us, he moved so he was spooning me. I fell asleep.

I awoke up to the sounds of my mom leaving the house. I knew we would be alone all Sunday if we want to or I figured he might want to make another trip around the city. I slowly got out of my lover's arms and went to my drawer to put some boxers on. After that I went to the bathroom, as I was taking a piss I hear some noise coming from my bedroom. I figured he was up, so after I finished up I walked over to my bedroom. I slowly open the door and I saw that he was sitting up on the bed. "Good morning," I said to him.

"Good morning sunshine," he replied back.

"I figured we could stay here or I can take you to another part of town but before we decide that how about I get some breakfast for us," I said. Then he stood up and walked over to me. His cock was half hard and he started to jerk off. It got hard real fast. I just could not help myself. I dropped to my knees and grabbed hold of his hard member. Then he lifted me up and slowly removed my boxers. My cock was hard as well. Then he walked me back to my bed, he pushed me down on the bed. Then he got on the bed then but his head was not where mine was. We were in a sixty-nine position. I grabbed his cock as he did mine. We both started to go down on each other. He would speed up then I would match his speed. About ten minutes into it, he takes his mouth off my cock and asked me, "Hey was this breakfast ok or do you want more?"

I took his cock out of my mouth and replied, "This breakfast is just great." Then I went back to sucking his cock. He continue on mine another ten minutes past and I felt my body start to tense up. With my mouth full I moaned and he knew that I was about to cum. Then I tensed my body up and cum right into his mouth. That sent him over the edge and I felt him start to cum into my mouth. After we had our fill of breakfast, he turned around and we both fell back to sleep.

A couple of hours past and it was nine o'clock when I woke up again. I was spooning him this time when I woke up. I slowly shook him awake and then kissed him when he looked my way. He smiled and asked, "What time is it?"

"It is nine o'clock. So we ready to face the day?" I said and started to get out of bed. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back down on the bed.

He wrapped his hands around me and whispered, "Let's stay in bed all day. I just want to cuddle with you." Then he started kissing my neck. I lay back down with him and found the remote. I clicked on the TV and asked, "What do you watch in the mornings?"

"Usually I watch music videos or whatever is on VH1 or MTV," he said. I was flipping through the channels and we both noticed a movie on the Here network. It was Shelter. I stopped it on that channel and we both snuggled up next to each other and watched it. Just as the movie ended, his pants started to ring

"I think someone is trying to get a hold of you," I said then leaned over to reach his pants. I grabbed the phone and answered it. "Damien's pants, how can I help you?"

"Zach is that you," the voice on the other end said.

"Yeah, is this Danny?" I asked.

"Yep, can I speak to my son?" he said. I did not reply but just handed the phone to Damien.

"Hey dad, so I was going to spend the day here with Zach," he said. "Oh I completely forgot about that is it cool if Zach comes with us? Let me asked him. I forgot my dad is taking me to Disneyland today and I was wondering if you would like to come."

"Well I do not have any other plans for today. So I guess that would be cool but only if your dad is ok with it." I said.

"He said yes but only if you're cool with it. Ok well I will be there in a couple of minutes and so will he. I love you too dad," then he hung up the cell. "So get dressed we got to at my house like in the next couple of minutes."

We both jumped out of bed and I went towards the dresser. I reach the floor where my boxers and scoop them up. I got dressed real fast and I turned around so was he. Then we both ran out of the house and down the street towards his. His dad was waiting in the car and some of his son's clothes in the back seat for him to change.

We entered the car and his dad asked, "Did you guys have a good time yesterday and last night?"

"Yeah we did dad. Thanks for the change of clothes," Damien said.

"Yeah, we did have a good time. I took him down to the beach and we went swimming and then had a peaceful night," I told his dad. His dad took off while I got the chance to see my boy strip down in front of me again. We just pulled into the park when he finished getting dress with his new clothes. He looked over at me and I just had a big fat grin on my face. He pushed me and I just pushed him back.

"Ok, guys we are here. Let's go have some fun," he told us.

Well here is the first installment. Let me know what you think. Also let me know if you want me to continue.

Next: Chapter 2

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