Zac and Rob

By Zac Loughty

Published on Jun 26, 2020


Hi Guys,

You're always welcome to email me at if you want.

I hope you like this story. At the end of Part 1, Zac has been blindfolded and led deep into Tom and Rob's basement for a surprise. What is it? Any mention of "boys" in this story are all men at least 18 years old. To me, a man of any age (even age 80) can identify as a "boy" emotionally. If you aren't in chastity, I hope you jerk off to this story. If you're in chastity, I hope reading it causes you to drip!

This is a work of fiction and any similarity between real persons or events is purely coincidental. All characters depicted in this story are aged 18 or older. This story describes consensual sex and bondage between adult men. If it's illegal for you to read this material where you live, if you're a minor, or if this material will offend you, please don't read this story.

The work published here is all my own with all rights reserved. Please do not copy any portion of this story without permission by the author.

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Zac and Rob Get Spanked and Parked - Part 2

Sir leads me by my bicep as we turn to the right, to clear the stairs, and make another turn to the right to go further into the basement. I smell that familiar musty basement smell. But I also smell some type of chemical. I can't quite place it. Is it paint? Is it varnish?

"Oh, wow," Sir remarks, "Zac, you're going to love this!"

What could it possibly be?

"Rob and I built it ourselves. I had Rob do all the work, I merely provided instruction and guidance. We had a lot of fun designing it," Tom says.

"Thank you for having me build it, sir," Rob says. "I never built anything before with my own hands, and it was a very rewarding experience. I've gained a lot of confidence."

"May I please see what you're looking at?" I question.

"Why don't you lead Zac around to that side, Girard, and I'll take Rob to this side. Just have Zac squat down with his back to the wall. I'll help you with him once I have Rob situated," Tom suggests.

Sir slowly guides me around. I'm completely dependent on Sir to get me where I need to be.

"We're approaching a wall, boy," Sir warns. "We're going to turn left and step ahead a few feet."

Sir guides me all the way. We come to a stop.

"Now I need you to turn to your left, boy," Sir instructs. "You can use your hands to tell that there's a concrete wall behind you."

I turn to my left and back up until the fingers of my cuffed hands feel a concrete wall. Sir gives me a hug.

"You're going to absolutely love this, boy!" He says.

"I trust you, Sir," I reply.

I feel Sir's lips and tongue against my mouth. I part my lips and let Him enter me. My tongue and His have a wrestling match.

"Now, I just need you to squat down and let your butt rest on the floor," Sir directs.

I scooch down the wall and plop my tingly bottom down on the cold, concrete floor.

"Okay, Girard," Tom says, "I'll hold this while you get his legs squared away."

"I'm going to pull your legs out in front of you, boy," Sir informs me.

"Okay, Sir," I reply. I let Sir grab my legs and stretch them out. Then I experience déjà vu! I feel my feet being set down into wooden cutouts. My feet are slightly elevated. I smile broadly.

"This feels very familiar, Sir," I say happily.

I feel wooden semicircles come to rest on the tops of my ankles. I hear the loud, solid click of a padlock. Sir removes my blindfold.

"Surprise!" Rob yells.

My feet are locked between these two massive, used railroad ties. That aroma I smelled upon entering the basement? It was creosote. The heavily weathered railroad ties look especially cool.

"Wow!" I exclaim. "How cool!"

"I know, right?" Rob says excitedly. "After I told sir about the foot stocks at Redemption, he thought it was silly to pay all that money for me to go there when we could just build our own. Initially, he thought we'd only need two holes for my feet. But I thought about sitting here all alone in the basement with my feet hopelessly stuck between these massive railroad ties. That sounds really lonely. Then I thought about you, Zac! I remembered all the fun we had sitting in the stocks together at Redemption. I begged sir to design a longer set of stocks that could accommodate my buddy Zac, too! That way, we can both spend our time together down here in the basement with our feet trapped between these heavy railroad ties. Isn't it great, Zac?"

"You are the most thoughtful person I know, Rob," I say sheepishly.

"I didn't want you to be miserable having to play pool with our sirs or watch TV with them when you came over to visit. Now you'll just be locked up with me! We can talk about boy stuff and have a great time together. We can even eat down here! If our sirs uncuff our hands, we have lap trays that fit over our laps. We don't even need to be let out to eat!"

"Wow, Rob," I say, "that's a lot to take in."

"So, Girard," Tom says, "you and I can go play pool over there. On the other side, there's a big-screen TV. As you can see, the boys won't be able to see it, so we won't bother them at all. I've also set up big, comfortable chairs for us to watch TV in. If one of the boys needs to take a piss, he can let us know so we can unlock him, let him piss, and quickly relock him. The boys won't be any trouble at all!"

"You have a nice setup here, Tom," Sir admits. "I see you also have a small table with chairs around it. We could play cards if you'd like."

"As Rob said," Tom confirms, "we can even eat down here if we want. The boys can eat on lap trays."

"That certainly makes sense, Tom," Sir agrees.

"The boys won't get into any trouble at all sitting in these foot stocks, Girard," Tom assures Him. "The two sets are far enough apart that they can't be messing with each other, especially if their hands are cuffed behind their backs. Even though they're both naughty boys, the foot stocks will force them to be good."

"I can see that, Tom," Sir concurs.

"You want to know the best part of these stocks?" Tom asks. "We'll always know right where our boys are. They won't be able to hide when it's time to clean up after our visit. We'll let them out of the stocks so they can thoroughly clean and return our room to tip-top shape!"

"To be honest, Tom," Sir informs him, "Zac never hides from serving. He's always eager to help in any way he can."

Thank you for sticking up for me, Sir. I love you, too.

"Now, he'll be even more eager!" Tom exclaims excitedly. "He'll really appreciate getting out of those stocks after a few hours. His butt's going to be sore from sitting on that cold, hard concrete floor."

"I bet that'll be true, Tom," Sir replies.

"From now on, when you and Zac come over," Girard proposes, "we'll park the boys in the stocks. You and I can enjoy our visit without having the boys underfoot. The boys can talk about, well, whatever boys talk about, and you and I can enjoy each other's company."

"Okay, that sounds good to me," Sir agrees. "Zac and Rob pretty much stick together anyway when we visit."

"Exactly!" Tom emphasizes. "Let's go shoot a round or two of pool. I know Rob wants to tell Zac all about building the stocks. I'm really proud of Rob; he listened to my instructions carefully and did precisely what I asked of him. He's a naughty boy, but a good boy, if that makes any sense."

"That makes perfect sense, Tom," Sir agrees. "I'd say the same about Zac."

Sir and Tom disappear around a partition which separates the stocks from the pool table.

"So, what do you think of my woodshop project?" Rob asks, smiling with obvious pride.

"You did a fantastic job," I answer honestly. "I'm very impressed that you were able to build this. I wouldn't know where to begin."

"I didn't know where to begin. Thankfully, sir was able to tell me exactly what to do."

"You did an excellent job of following his instructions," I compliment him.

"Thanks," Rob says. "I didn't have any confidence at all at the beginning of this project, but now I know I can follow directions and create something beautiful."

"This is a masterpiece, Rob!" I compliment him again. It really is pretty cool that he was able to build this.

"You think so, bro?" Rob asks. "I especially like that we used old, beat-up, weathered railroad ties. It gives our foot stocks a very rustic, masculine look."

"Our foot stocks?" I question.

"They belong to you, too, bro," Rob says. "I only thought of you the whole time I was working on them."

"Aww, that's really sweet, Rob," I admit. "You couldn't wait to get my feet stuck between these railroad ties, and now, here I am, sitting right next to you!"

"That's right, bro!" Rob says enthusiastically.

"So is the base one long railroad tie?" I ask.

"It came 8 feet long, bro," Rob informs me. "I needed to use a hand saw to cut it to its current length of 6 feet. It took a really long time to cut through that railroad tie. I put a lot of sweat equity into this project."

"I wish I could have helped you," I say truthfully.

"I appreciate that, Zac," Rob says, "but it was good for me to do the entire project by myself, with sir's direction. I'm very proud of what I accomplished."

"You should be, bro," I encourage him.

"I used the 2 feet I had leftover for a perpendicular on one end," Rob explains. "We can't allow our foot stocks to tip over, they might break our legs!"

"I can see that, Rob," I agree.

"Then I had to cut two 2.5 foot sections for the top halves of our stocks," Rob continues his explanation.

"How did you make the holes for our feet?" I ask, genuinely curious.

"That was a bitch, bro," Rob admits. "Sir wanted me to use only hand tools to cut out the circles for our feet. I used a variety of tools. The railroad ties are 7 inches thick. The hole on the side holding our feet is smaller than the hole on the other side since we both have calves."

"So the hole on the other side is smaller than the hole I can see," I confirm.

"Yeah, the stocks need to trap our feet, so the hole on the far side is only about 10 inches around, but the hole leg-side is about 15 inches around. The important hole is on the other side since that's the one that won't let us pull our feet out of the stocks," Rob explains.

"The holes feel really smooth," I say as I turn my ankles in the stocks.

"I worked very hard to sand everything just right," Rob admits. "I didn't want either one of us to get any splinters. Sir really helped me with ideas and tools for getting that done. Then, I added a leather lining to ensure we'd be nice and comfy while we sat here."

"The hinges must be massive," I speculate.

"I used heavy-duty commercial hinges, dude," Rob admits. "They're secured with really long bolts. Sir and I thought the hinges that allow the top to be raised should be on the outside. I used heavy-duty commercial latches and hasps for the inside, where the padlocks are. The latch drops down over the hasp. Sir bought these extra chunky padlocks to slip through the hasps so we boys would have that extra-secure feeling."

"That was very thoughtful of him," I say with a smirk. "I notice our feet are slightly elevated."

"Yeah, that's because the railroad ties are 9 inches on the longer side," Rob explains.

"I can't even see my feet!" I exclaim.

"Yeah, that's because the top portion is 9 inches high, too," Rob explains.

"Wow, these things are solid, Rob," I say, obviously impressed. I try to use my feet to shake the stocks, but the structure doesn't budge at all.

"Yeah, with those 2-foot end pieces," Rob assures me, "we aren't going anywhere."

"You know," I say, "between the weather-beaten look of the railroad ties, the massive size of the ties compared to our feet, the heavy-duty hinges, latches, and padlocks, I feel sort of bad-ass."

"I know, right?" Rob agrees. "We must be some tough boys to need all this wood and hardware to keep us in place."

"I think you're pretty bad-ass to be able to build these stocks for us, bro," I admit.

"Oh, stop, Zac," Rob says, blushing. "I think you're pretty bad-ass to be brave enough to sit in them."

"Um... I didn't exactly have a choice?" I remind him.

"Oh, true," Rob admits. "But, you're not whining to get out!"

"It wouldn't do any good," I say, truthfully.

"That's true, bro," Rob admits. "Well, you're a bad-ass for being a buddy of a bad-ass like me!"

"Okay," I say, smiling, "I'll take that. I'm really glad they didn't gag us."

"Yeah," Rob says, "Sir told me that as long as we keep it down and don't disturb them, we can talk all we want."

"It's cool how, if one of us needs to take a piss, the other stays locked in the stocks," I notice.

"Yeah, that was all part of sir's design," Rob admits. "He didn't want to need to release both of us at the same time."

"Are you two having fun?" Tom says as he enters our area with Sir.

"I've been learning how Rob built these stocks using your design and instruction, sir," I say. "I'm very impressed. I hope you'll give me an opportunity to help with any future projects, subject to my Sir's approval, of course."

"I'll keep that in mind, Zac," Tom says, "thanks for the offer."

"Zac really likes our stocks, sir," Rob informs him.

"I'm glad to hear that, Rob," Tom replies. "Zac will be spending many hours stuck in them with you in the future."


"Well, Girard, I don't know what you see," Tom announces, "but what I see are two warm, wet mouths that have been yapping away over pointless boy- talk when those same two mouths could be put to much better use. What do you see?"

"I think I may see the same thing," Sir looks at me and gives me a wink and a smile.

My heart melts. I'll sit here in these stocks as long as You want if You keep giving me looks like that.

Sir and Tom strip out of their clothes. Rob and I glance at each other, smiling ear to ear. We're about to get our reward for sitting here.

Sir steps around the stocks and straddles my trapped legs. I can't take my eyes off His cock. I want it so bad!

"What do you see, Zac?" Sir asks.

"I see Your magnificent cock, Your massive testicles, and Your glorious scrotum that holds them, Sir, all covered with long, curly, black pubic hair," I answer.

"What would you like to do with all that?" He asks.

"Worship everything, Sir," I reply.

"Maybe you could start by sticking your nose in my sack," He suggests.

"I'd be honored, Sir," I respond.

Sir moves forward until He's standing right in front of my face. I lean forward, close my eyes, and bury my nose in His marvelous, sweaty sack. I'm transported to another world as I inhale His powerful musk. My nose explores every fold of His male bag. I teabag His weighty balls. I love feeling them rest on my nose. Sir grasps my neck with His hands and pulls me into Him. I don't care if I smother, what a way to go.

"Are you enjoying yourself, boy?" Sir asks.

"Thank You for sharing Yourself with me, Sir," I reply.

Sir squats down and gives me a deep, wet kiss. We look into each other's eyes.

"You're the sweetest boy, Zac," Sir remarks.

"I love You, Sir," I say.

"I love you, boy," He says as He leans in to kiss me again.

"I'm afraid my balls might be sweaty, boy," Sir acknowledges. "Would you like to clean them?"

"I will lick every ounce of sweat off Your beautiful sack, Sir," I reply.

Sir stands up again and positions himself, so I can get to His balls. I start by sticking my tongue in His taint. This way, my nose is buried in His sack, and I can inhale His musk fully before licking Him. I start with short, little licks as I enjoy His sack resting on my nose. I love the salty taste of His sweat. Then I start giving Him longer licks, that lift His balls as my tongue glides under them. After fully bathing His sack under His balls, I take each testicle into my mouth and gently suck on it.

"That feels really nice, boy," Sir encourages me.

I love worshipping His balls. They produce a lot of the cum that will soon flood my mouth. I take both of His jewels in my mouth at the same time. I hold them there and gently caress the underside of them with my tongue. I'm doing a great job cleaning His sack! After His balls leave my mouth, I need to use my tongue to expel a couple stray public hairs from my mouth. LOL! I guess that's a hazard of a boy's responsibilities!

"What do you want to worship next, boy?" Sir asks.

"Whatever You're offering, Sir, I'm worshipping," I reply with a naughty boy smirk.

"Would you like to worship my hole, boy?" Sir questions with a sly smile.

"I would love to bury my tongue in Your beautiful hole, Sir," I answer.

Sir steps to the side, turns around, straddles me again, and starts backing into my face. "Here you go, boy," He says. "My hole is all yours."

"Thank you, Sir," I say gratefully. "I would spread Your cheeks, Sir, but... um, I'm a bit restrained at the moment." I get a most delicious view of His glorious hairy ass heading straight for my face. My nub strains in its cage.

"I've got you, boy," Sir says as He bends over and spreads His cheeks. The jungle of thick, black hair in His crack parts to reveal His beautiful, pink, puckered hole. It's hard for Sir to judge exactly where my mouth is, so I stick out my tongue to guide Him to my mouth just as a marshaller guides an airplane into its gate. His two splendid hairy globes soon part on both sides of my nose, and I inhale His manly scent. I lick His furry right cheek so He knows His hole is a little high for my tongue. My movement is really restricted by the stocks. He slides His left foot just a tad to the left, dropping His button directly even with my tongue.

I flatten my tongue and start wide licks, up and down His pucker.

"That feels nice, boy," Sir encourages me.

Then I lick side to side, diagonally, and finally, in a circle, all around the exterior of His hole. The entire time my tongue is busy, I have the immense pleasure of inhaling His scent. I lightly blow on His hole to intensify the sensation.

"Oh, wow, boy," Sir sighs.

I'd like to keep this up for hours, but Sir looks uncomfortable in this position, so I quickly move on. I point my tongue and start gently entering Him. Since I've already slicked up His pucker, I slide in easily.

"Fuck, boy, you're a pro at this," Sir says quietly.

I tongue fuck His hole for a bit, then I dive in as far as I can, and stay. I wiggle my tongue in every direction up in there. I make clockwise circles, I make counter-clockwise circles, then I make triangles, followed by squares.

"Jeesh, boy, your rimming skills are amazing!" Sir says between moans.

I pull out briefly to say, "Are You okay, Sir? You look uncomfortable."

"This position is a little difficult to hold, boy," Sir admits.

"That's okay, Sir," I say, "I'd love to worship Your cock if You'd like."

"Okay, boy," Sir says as he steps to the side, turns around and straddles my legs once more. "Your tongue feels great up there, but my back hurts."

"No worries, Sir," I offer. "If You'd like, I can continue rimming You when we get home. We can use the rim seat if You'd be more comfortable."

"Thank you for understanding, Zac," Sir acknowledges.

Briefly, I realize that Tom and Rob must be having sex a few feet away.

Like a good boy, I'm focused on my Sir, which is exactly where my attention needs to stay.

I'm mesmerized by Sir's impressive cock heading my way.

"Do you want my bone, boy?" He asks.

"You know I do, Sir," I say enthusiastically.

Sir points His cock directly at my face. He leans in until the tip reaches my mouth. My tongue licks up and down His piss slit. I taste a little piss, but also some sweet pre-cum. I roll my tongue all around His head. I love listening to the little sighs that escape Sir's mouth.

I cover my teeth with my lips and take just His head into my mouth. My tongue pushes it into the roof of my mouth, where I can massage His glans by nodding my head. At the same time, my tongue can massage His frenulum.

"Oh, fuck, boy, that feels good!" Sir gasps.

I keep that up for a while, slowly taking a little more of Him into my mouth at a time. Then it's time to get serious. I lean forward and take Him completely inside me. My nose gets buried in His bushy pubic hair, and I feel His head touch the back of my throat. At this point, Sir's ready to fuck my throat; He really wants to cum. I feel Him grasp my neck with both hands. I breathe in through my nose and inhale His man musk. He steps in closer. He pulls His cock back a bit, then plunges it back against my throat. At this point, I'm just a fuck doll. My job is to let Him manipulate my mouth and throat as He needs so He can cum. I keep my tongue busy sliding back and forth on the underside of His shaft. At first, He keeps a nice, steady rhythm. But as He gets closer to cumming, the speed of His thrusts accelerates. I have to grab a breath whenever I can. I can feel Him getting close.

"Your mouth feels so good, boy!" Sir gasps.

Then I feel that wonderful feeling of His cock expanding slightly, and His balls tightening up higher on my chin. Since He knows how much I love to taste His seed, He pulls back somewhat, He shoots directly onto my tongue.

"Oh, fuck yeah, boy!" Sir yells. "You wanted my man seed, and now you have it, boy. Here's a special delivery directly from my balls."

Unfortunately, some of His cum shoots directly against the back of my throat. Luckily, a hefty, salty load accumulates on my tongue. I swirl it all around my mouth, at the same time, bathing His head. I'm in heaven. Sir's sperm is swimming all around inside my mouth! I suck on His head to get every drop.

But Sir has another idea. He pulls His cock out of my mouth and rests it on my nose. Then He takes a hand and pushes up under His balls and up His shaft to coax the last bit of cum out of His cock. Cum leaks out of His slit onto my nose. He uses His cock to paint His cum around my nostrils and onto my upper lip. I inhale the bleachy scent of His cum! I'm such a lucky boy!

"Thank you, Sir," I say, in grateful admiration.

"You're welcome, boy," He says, smiling from ear to ear. "You look much more like my boy when my cum is all over your face."

"Your cum smells amazing, Sir," I say, thankfully.

"I'm glad you like it, boy," Sir says, shaking His head. I know He thinks I'm certifiable. He would never want to wear another man's cum. But then, He's a man, and I'm a boy.

"Your mouth and tongue really felt great, boy," Sir says, happily. "Thank you for sharing them with me."

"You're welcome, Sir. Thank You for sharing Your cock, balls, and hole with me," I say gratefully.

"That's okay, boy, the pleasure was, literally, all mine, I'm afraid," He says sadly, looking down at my locked nub.

"Oh, I got plenty of pleasure out of servicing you, Sir," I reply. "My nub leaked a whole puddle of cum!"

"Really, boy? That's nice," He replies.

"Sir, may I please take a leak?" Rob asks Tom.

"Sure, boy," Tom replies, "let's get you out of there."

Tom, still naked, rifles through his pile of clothes on the floor, finds his pants and pulls out a ring of keys from a pocket. He kneels down and unlocks the padlock on Rob's side. He removes it from the hasp. Then he flips up the latch and lifts the top of Rob's foot stocks. Rob quickly removes his feet. Tom recloses the stocks. Rob pushes against the wall with his cuffed hands to stand up.

"Isn't it great how I can be released without also releasing you from the stocks, Zac?" Rob asks excitedly.

"It's a very effective design, Rob," I agree.

"Sir, would it be possible to please release Zac and me from our cuffs? We promise we'll be good boys, won't we Zac?" Rob asks for confirmation.

"Yes, sir," I agree. "I promise I won't try to molest Rob while we're sitting in the stocks."

"I guess it'd be okay," Tom reluctantly agrees. He steps up to Rob, who turns his back to allow access to his cuffs. Tom uncuffs him. "Here's the key to Zac's cuffs, Girard. Can you uncuff him?"

Sir takes the key from Tom and approaches me. "I can do that, Tom," Sir says.

I bend forward as far as I can and raise my hands as far as possible to allow Sir to access my cuffs. Sir puts the key in my left cuff, and I feel it pop open. What a relief! I've been cuffed for a while. I pull my left hand around in front of me. Then Sir unlocks my right wrist. I have the use of my arms again!

"Thank you so much, Sir," I say with relief. I rub my wrists with my hands.

Sir puts His hand on my shoulder. "Are you doing okay, boy?" He asks.

"I'm okay, Sir," I reply, smiling slightly. What I really want to say is, "Heck no, I'm not okay! I've been sitting on this hard, concrete floor for a while now, and my butt hurts!" If I wasn't a boy, I'd be adding a whole slew of curse words in there for extra effect!

"Sir, would it be okay for me to have a beer and offer one to Zac?" Rob asks.

"I don't see why not, if it's okay with Girard," Tom answers.

"Zac can have a beer since he's not driving," Sir agrees.

"Also, sir, can Zac and I do a boy activity on our lap trays while we're in the stocks?" Rob asks.

"I don't see why not, it's all harmless, Girard," Tom answers.

"I'll take your word for it," Sir replies.

What the heck is a "boy activity?" I'm sure Sir is wondering the same thing.

"Would you like to color, Zac?" Rob asks.

"Beg pardon?" I answer. I couldn't possibly have heard that right.

"I have these really cool adult coloring books with pictures of hot, hunky naked guys. I have lots of colored pencils, too!" Rob says enthusiastically.

Time out! I have to process all this within the next second. I don't dare look at Sir, or we'll both burst out laughing uncontrollably, which would completely devastate Rob. Rob is my host. I'm a boy. Boys need to be polite and respectful in all circumstances at all times. Rob is also my very dear, sweet friend, who thought about me all the while he put so much sweat into building these stocks.

"Absolutely, Rob! I'd love to color with you, bro," I manage to say enthusiastically with a huge smile. I know Sir is proud of me. Heck, I'm proud of me!

Rob's face lights up completely! "Awesome, bro," he says, happily. "I'll be right back down with our beers and coloring supplies!" He practically runs up the stairs.

I glance at Sir. The look he's giving me melts my heart. He doesn't need to say anything out loud. He's saying, "Well done, boy. Good job!" For that look, I'll color every picture in the effing book!

Sir and Tom get dressed and move into the next room to play another game of pool. I stay exactly where I've been, for obvious reasons. I look over Rob's project carefully. My friend put a large amount of time into making these stocks just right. It's a work of art, actually. It's also a completely effective work of art; I'm not going anywhere. Neither, unfortunately, is my poor, tired ass.

Now that I have the use of my hands, I can push my butt up off the floor, at least until my arms get tired. Oh, wow, that's a relief! I try to move back a bit, but my progress is quickly checked by those small holes (that I can't even see!) on the other side of the stocks. My feet slam up against the holes and will go no further. I try to move forward a bit. I get a little further since the holes facing me are definitely bigger. But they're not big enough for my entire calves, so my forward movement is stopped when my calves slam into those holes.

"Pretty cool, huh?" Rob asks for confirmation upon his return. He's carrying two bottles of beer and a plastic sack.

"Very cool, Rob," I say as I smile and give him two thumbs up.

He comes over and hands me my beer.

"Thank you, bro," I say.

"Sure thing, bro," he says, dropping the sack between us. Then he goes over into the corner and retrieves two lap trays. He carefully takes one, folds down the sides, and dutifully places it over my lap.

"Thanks, Rob," I say.

"No problem, Zac," he replies.

Rob sits back down in his spot and places a lap tray over his own lap.

Tom comes back in. He lifts the heavy, top portion of the stocks. Rob eagerly sticks his feet in the holes. Tom carefully lowers the top, trapping Rob's feet again. Then Tom flips the latch over the hasp, inserts the padlock, and locks it. Rob's feet have been imprisoned once again.

"Thank you, sir, for releasing me," Rob says politely.

"No problem, boy," Tom replies. "Well, you boys have fun!"

Rob takes a few coloring books out of the sack.

"Here, Zac," he says, handing me a book, "this one's my favorite."

"Thanks, bro," I say and start looking over the book.

Nearly every guy in this book has a huge dong. It makes me feel inadequate!

"What I like to do first, bro," Rob suggests, "is take a black pen and draw a chastity cage over their dicks. That way, even though they have these massive cocks, they can't use them!"

We both laugh at the thought of all these guys with huge dicks being locked in chastity cages like us boys.

Rob takes several boxes of colored pencils out of the sack. He's really into coloring! There're also a number of colored pens.

I pick up a black pen and begin carefully drawing a barred chastity cage on my paper dude.

"So, I guess I need to color his balls blue," I remark with a giggle.

"Or purple," suggests Rob.

We both giggle again.

"I think my dude has a Mediterranean look to him, so I'm giving him a brown tone," I remark.

"Mine is black, so I'll be using some darker shades," Rob informs me.

"Can you believe that back in olden times, there was a peachy pink color actually called flesh?" I ask.

"Wow, that's really racist," Rob observes.

"Right?" I confirm. "How can one color represent all flesh?"

"Someone was clueless," Rob concludes.

Rob and I continue to color our paper dudes. You know what? I'm actually having fun! I can't remember the last time I colored. Rob has pulled me deep into boy-space with him. We compare our works of art and make suggestions on which colors to use on which parts. I don't know how much time has gone by, but I've completely forgotten about my sore butt.

"Well, would you look at that, Girard. Our boys are exactly where we left them," Tom remarks entering the room with Sir.

"Knowing how well you and Rob built these stocks, I'm not surprised at all," Sir says.

"They look so sweet and innocent, sitting there coloring quietly," Tom observes.

"They can't get into much trouble with their feet caught between these heavy railroad ties," Sir states.

"After being locked in our stocks for a few hours, how do you feel about our little home improvement project, Zac?" Tom asks.

"I believe you designed a very effective way to keep us boys in place, sir. Rob did an excellent job following your instructions and building these stocks," I declare.

Sir steps around the stocks and comes to look at my coloring. He has a mischievous grin on His face.

"That's very nice, boy," He congratulates me. "I see you do a good job of staying in the lines. I like that your man is in chastity. We'll have to put that up on the refrigerator."

You see what us boys have to contend with? We can't win! If I had been rude to Rob, Sir would have, rightfully, punished my ass. But now that I've done the right thing, He's going to tease me relentlessly!

"That would be great, Sir!" I say with a big smile on my face. "That way, we can both look at my masterpiece every day."

"Zac is really good at coloring, sir," Rob adds, addressing Sir. "He has a great sense of which colors should be used where."

"Is that so, Rob?" Sir says. "I never knew Zac was so talented."

"Oh, he really is, sir," Rob restates his opinion.

"Girard and I are heading upstairs. I'm going to let you boys out of the stocks to clean up down here. Rob, you'll need to let Zac know how he can help you," Tom directs.

"I'll be happy to help in any way I can, sir," I tell Tom.

Tom unlocks the padlock and lifts the stocks so Rob can remove his feet. In the meantime, I help Rob ensure he collects all his colored pencils and pens. Tom unlocks my padlock and opens my stocks. I withdraw my feet. I'm surprised at how stiff I am.

"Thank you, sir," I say respectfully.

Sir and Tom head back upstairs.

"I'll give you a folder to take your dude home, Zac, so it doesn't get fucked up," Rob says.

"Thank you, Rob," is all I can say.

Sir and Tom didn't mess up the downstairs very much. Rob and I collect a few bottles. Sir didn't drink any alcohol since he'll be driving us home. Rob uses a duster to breeze through the place, and I run the vacuum. For some reason, I feel like a complete boy, and I couldn't be happier.

When it comes time to leave, and I'm fully clothed again, I give Tom a respectful hug.

Rob and I hug each other tightly.

"Thank you for being with me for my spanking and corner time," Rob says.

"Thank you for building those incredible stocks for us, bro," I say. "Now we'll be inseparable, literally, every time I come over," I say, laughing. "Also, I really enjoyed coloring with you, thank you for suggesting it."

"Thank you for being such an awesome friend, Zac," Rob says, hugging me even tighter.

"Right back at you, buddy," I say.

I glance at Sir, and He's absolute beaming!

On the drive back to our place, Sir and I talk about the great time we had with Tom and Rob.

As we get closer to home, Sir asks, "So, boy, is that offer to service me while I'm sitting on the rim seat still valid?"

"You know it is, Sir," I say, "and always will be!"

      • The End - - -

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