Zac and Rob

By Zac Loughty

Published on Jun 25, 2020


Hi Guys,

Thanks for all the great feedback on my last story, Zac's Surprise. If you liked that story, you should like this one, too. You're always welcome to email me at if you want.

I hope you like this story. First, Rob gets spanked while I get paddled. Then we both get to serve corner time together. There's a surprise in part 2. Any mention of "boys" in this story are all men at least 18 years old. To me, a man of any age (even age 80) can identify as a "boy" emotionally. If you aren't in chastity, I hope you jerk off to this story. If you're in chastity, I hope reading it causes you to drip!

This is a work of fiction and any similarity between real persons or events is purely coincidental. All characters depicted in this story are aged 18 or older. This story describes consensual sex and bondage between adult men. If it's illegal for you to read this material where you live, if you're a minor, or if this material will offend you, please don't read this story.

The work published here is all my own with all rights reserved. Please do not copy any portion of this story without permission by the author.

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Zac and Rob Get Spanked and Parked - Part 1

I'm so excited! Tom and Rob have invited Sir and me to a spanking party. Apparently, Tom isn't really into spanking Rob since Tom's afraid he'll actually hurt Rob. Rob would like to receive maintenance spankings if Tom would enjoy giving them.

Sir will be coaching Tom on how to deliver a good, solid maintenance spanking to Rob. I'll be coaching Rob on how to effectively communicate to Tom the results of Tom's spanking. The most important point Sir and I will try to emphasize is that this is for fun.

So Sir will be demonstrating how to deliver an effective spanking using my ass for a target! But He'll be using a paddle, so He doesn't pull any muscles in his arm! LOL! Tom will probably be spanking Rob over his knee.

But there's more! Since Sir and I feel that 15 minutes of corner time is important after a maintenance spanking, Rob and I will be serving corner time together, in separate corners, of course.

But that's not all! Tom and Rob say they have a surprise for Sir and me. I've tried to pry hints out of Rob over the phone, but to no avail. Whatever the surprise is, it affects the severity of the spankings Rob and I will receive. Sir says my butt will only tingle for 15 minutes instead of the usual hour. This is all very mysterious.

Sir and I have arrived at Tom and Rob's place. We're all sitting around in the living room. Sir and Tom are fully clothed and sitting in big, plushy leather chairs. Rob and I are naked (except for our collars and nub cages), and we're sitting on the floor since that's where silly boys belong.

Sir and Tom are discussing all sorts of important matters in the world. Rob and I are talking about our nub cages, which are very important in our world. Rob is so excited; Tom bought him a new nub cage! It's a metal cage just like mine! His little nub is now safely confined behind metal bars just like mine. Since there's only a quarter-inch between the A-ring and the cage, Rob won't need to worry about one of his boy nuts suddenly slipping out of the cage (which can be very painful). There's still a big difference between my cage and Rob's; my frenum piercing is secured to my cage with a numbered plastic lock slipped through a bar of my cage and my frenum ring. There isn't any way I can pull my nub out the back of my cage. Since Rob isn't pierced (yet?), he's on the honor system. Whether or not Rob gets pierced is between him and Tom.

Rob's giddy over the fact we have the same cage. He tells me he always thought of the plastic cage as a toy. Now his nub looks like it's in jail! More importantly, it's much easier to keep his nub clean since he can soap up and rinse off properly. That was a huge drawback to the plastic cage, which needed to be removed daily for cleaning.

"Okay, boys," Sir announces, "let's talk about spankings."

This immediately gets our attention since we're both eager to talk about it, and receive our ass warmings.

"Zac," Sir begins, "would you ever consider spanking your own child for any reason?"

"No, Sir," I answer truthfully. "I would use time out or some other non- physical method of punishment."

"What about you, Rob?" Sir asks.

"No, sir," Rob answers. "I would never strike a child for any reason, no matter what they did."

"What about you, Tom?" Sir asks, turning to Tom.

"No, Girard. I would never hit a child," Tom answers.

"And neither would I," Sir states emphatically. "So we've all affirmed that none of us will be spanking any children. Now, let's talk about adults, or those aged 18 or older. Zac, before I paddle you, even if it's a punishment paddling, what has to happen first?"

"I have to consent to the paddling, Sir," I reply.

"What if you refuse?" Sir asks.

"Then you won't paddle me, Sir," I respond.

"That's right. There must be consent both ways," Sir affirms.

"Rob!" Sir says sharply to ensure He has Rob's attention.

"Yes, sir!" Rob snaps back.

"You believe you might benefit from Tom giving you maintenance spankings from time to time. Is that right?" Sir questions.

"Yes, sir," Rob answers. "If sir would enjoy giving me maintenance spankings, I believe I might enjoy receiving them."

"That's the key point, Rob," Sir responds. "It's up to Tom to decide if and when to offer you a spanking. The boy doesn't get to decide when he'll be spanked. Tom may not enjoy spanking you, in which case, you're out of luck. Is that understood?"

"Absolutely, sir," Rob replies. "I'm just a boy, and my sir needs to decide what's best for me."

I'm very proud of Rob's response. That was spoken like a true boy.

"Okay, boys," Sir says, "now I need you to both stand up and turn around. In other words, show us those asses."

Rob and I get up and turn around, keeping our arms at our sides. We're not slaves, but sirs like to appreciate their boy's bodies from time to time.

"Okay, Tom," Sir questions, "what do you see?"

"Um... two really hot asses?" Tom answers uncertainly.

"That's very true, Tom. I agree completely. Do those asses belong to boys?" Sir questions.

"Not really, Girard. These are two men," Tom answers.

"That's a key point right there, Tom," Sir explains. "Those butts belong to full-grown adult men. Do they look particularly delicate to you?"

"No, those butts look pretty sturdy to me," Tom replies.

"Those butts can take a lot, Tom," Sir informs him.

"I guess you're right, Girard," Tom answers. "Maybe Rob's butt isn't as delicate as I thought."

"I can assure you it isn't," Sir agrees. "Okay, boys, turn around and sit back down."

Rob and I return to sitting on the floor.

"Tom, Rob," Sir says, looking at each of them, "you both need to communicate with each other about spankings. If there's something you don't feel comfortable about when you're spanking Rob, you need to let Rob know, Tom. Rob, if there's something that's not working for you when Tom spanks you, you need to let Tom know."

"I'll do that, Girard," Tom responds. "I think that's a great idea."

"I'll let sir know what works and doesn't work, sir," Rob replies.

"Okay, guys, that sounds good," Sir responds. "Who offers their butt up for spanking?"

"I do! I do!" I yell as I wave my hand enthusiastically.

"I do!" Rob states eagerly.

"Okay, I think Tom and I should face each other as we're delivering your spankings boys. I'd like each of you boys to grab a chair from the dining room and bring them in here," Sir directs.

There's nothing like having to retrieve the chair you'll be spanked over. Rob and I smile at each other as we each grab a chair and haul it back to the living room.

"Put the chairs down facing each other about 6' apart," Sir instructs. Rob and I place the chairs as directed.

"Tom, if you'll take a seat there, I'll have a great view of the spanking you'll be giving Rob," Sir informs Tom.

"Okay, boys," Sir announces, "the cost for these spankings is 15 minutes of corner time. Do you both agree to serve your corner time?"

Rob and I both answer affirmatively and nod our heads.

"Okay, Rob, I'll let you position yourself over Tom's lap," Sir guides.

I get a beautiful view of Rob's butt as he carefully positions himself over Tom's lap.

"The spanking position you're using is actually very intimate. If you part your legs a bit, Tom, you'll notice that Rob's nub cage will fall between them. I suggest that you take your left arm and drape it over his back. Yes, it can be used to hold him down if he squirms, but it's also a point of physical intimacy between you and your boy," Sir offers.

"God, Girard, all I really want to do is kiss these two beautiful butt cheeks," Tom says.

"You go right ahead, Tom," Sir endorses the idea. "Rob is your boy, and that ass belongs to you. If you want to kiss his butt, you do it, man."

Tom bends over and delivers a series of kisses to Rob's butt cheeks. Rob and I both giggle.

"Do you find something funny, Zac?" Sir asks me seriously.

"No, Sir. I just think Rob has a cute butt, Sir," I admit with a smile.

"I'll give you something to laugh about," Sir says. "Just step right up to the back of this chair, young man."

I know Sir isn't really angry. He just wants me to take my job of model spankee seriously. I step up to the back of the chair.

"Okay, boy, bend over," Sir orders.

I bend over the back of the chair and place my hands firmly on its seat. I look over at Rob just as he turns his head and looks at me. We smile at each other.

"Don't you worry about Rob, boy. He'll be getting his own spanking," Sir informs me.

I drop my head into the proper spanking position. I can still picture Rob's cute butt in my mind, though. I feel Sir place His left hand on my back. It's all about that intimacy between us.

"Let's start out with some light swats first," Sir suggests. "Just a few swats that won't hurt our boys at all."

Sir takes the paddle and delivers some light swats to my bottom. It feels more like a kiss than a hit, to be honest. I hear Tom delivering some light smacks to Rob's cheeks. Rob probably can't feel them at all.

"Okay, now we're going to try something different," Sir announces. "Rob, when Tom asks you if something hurts, you must answer honestly. Don't worry about hurting his feelings. He doesn't know how your butt is feeling. Let him know what hurts and what doesn't."

"Okay, sir," Rob answers.

"Tom, from now on, I want you to concentrate your spanks on the bottom third or bottom half of Rob's butt cheeks. Also, concentrate on his upper thighs right where they become his butt cheeks. We want him to remember his spanking whenever he sits down," Sir instructs.

"Now I want you to deliver one spank to one of his cheeks that you really believe will hurt him. Again, just one. Then we'll ask Rob if it actually hurt," Sir explains.

I hear a "smack" delivered to one of Rob's cheeks. I feel the force of impact as Sir slams the paddle against my ass harder. To be honest, it doesn't hurt at all.

"Did that smack hurt you, Rob?" Sir asks.

"No, sir," Rob answers. "I felt the smack, but it didn't hurt at all."

"Really?" Tom says, absolutely astounded. "I thought for sure that one would make you yell."

"The fact is, Tom," Sir patiently explains, "we're dealing with butts of adult men here. As cute as they look, they're not delicate at all. Eventually, he'll start feeling those smacks, but only after many of them have been delivered. Since he's already told you they don't hurt, why don't you keep giving him smacks using that same force? After a while, you'll start to see his butt turn a light shade of pink."

"Okay, but you need to tell me when they start hurting Rob," Tom says.

"I will, sir. I promise," Rob replies.

Tom's a really good guy. I hear him deliver loud smacks to Rob's derriere. Sir keeps bringing the paddle down across my backside using firm, measured strokes. Again, I definitely feel the impact, it just doesn't hurt.

"Let's pick up the pace a bit, shall we Tom?" Sir suggests.

"Okay, but how much?" Tom asks uncertainly.

"How about double time?" Sir recommends.

"Twice as fast?" Tom asks.

"Yes, let's try that for a while," Sir confirms.

I hear the smacks to Rob's ass quicken. The paddle comes down on my rump faster as well.

After a few minutes at this speed, Tom says, "This is a lot like work, Girard!"

"I never claimed it was easy, Tom," Sir responds.

"Your ass is starting to turn pink, boy. Aren't I hurting you?" Tom asks with concern.

"No, sir," Rob answers. "My butt just feels nice and tingly."

"Really?" Tom asks in amazement. I hear him begin delivering harder smacks at a faster pace.

Sir also increases the force of His hits, as well as shortening the time between them. Sir is beginning to get my attention. My ass is tingling, but the tingles are beginning to feel like needles.

After a couple minutes of the harder smacks, I begin to hear Rob's breath catch. My breathing is also becoming irregular.

Finally, after another couple minutes, Rob elicits a very quiet "Ouch."

"Are you okay, boy?" Tom asks.

"Yes, sir," Rob answers, "please keep going until I'm nice and red if you can."

"Ouch!" finally escapes from my lips. The paddle is relentless. That hunk of unyielding wood just keeps slamming into my ass. Yes, my ass is tough, but it's beginning to wear down. Lots of blood is pouring into the area. It hurts, but it feels awesome at the same time.

After another minute, both Rob and I are verbal after every hit. I don't know what our asses look like, but I'm sure mine is bright pink by now. Again, due to Tom and Rob's surprise, this paddling is only about a quarter of the force and duration of my regular maintenance paddlings.

"How do you like those pretty, rosy cheeks, Tom?" Sir asks.

"They're a nice shade of pink, aren't they Girard?" Tom confirms. Perhaps Tom is enjoying changing the color of his boy's butt cheeks.

"Do you think you've had enough, boy?" Tom asks Rob.

"I guess so, sir, especially with the surprise," Rob admits defeat.

Tom and Sir both stop smacking our butts.

"Now comes the part I know you'll enjoy, Tom," Sir explains. "Take your hands and rub your boy's cheeks. Enjoy all that warmth."

"Oh, hell yeah!" Tom responds enthusiastically. I assume he follows Sir's instructions.

"Oh, sir!" Rob yells. "I'm a little tender back there!"

"Oh, your cheeks are so warm!" Tom exclaims. "They feel amazing! Your crack smells nice and sweaty too!"

"Sir!" Rob yells with embarrassment.

I can't help but chuckle. Boys can't hold on to a lot of pride. We've turned most control over to our sirs. I love the feel of Sir's rough hands massaging my thoroughly spanked boy butt.

"Okay, boys," Sir says, "time to stand back up."

I straighten up, turn to Sir and say, "Thank you for my paddling, Sir. I really appreciate it."

"You're very welcome, boy. I enjoyed watching your ass bounce off the paddle," Sir replies. Then we hug tightly.

Following my lead, Rob gets up and addresses Rob, "Thank you for my spanking, sir. I know this really isn't your thing, and I sincerely thank you for giving it a try."

"You're welcome, boy. It wasn't too bad. Damn nearly wore me out, though," Tom gripes.

We all laugh.

"Okay, boys, take your chairs back into the dining room," Sir instructs.

Rob and I grab our chairs and put them back in the dining room. I glance at Rob's spanked butt and smile. He glances at mine and smiles back at me. We go back into the living room.

"Okay, Zac," Sir begins, "over in that corner there, I see a lamp. Please move it out of the corner into the room a bit."

I immediately head to the corner.

"Rob, over in that corner, I see a chair. Please push it out of the corner and into the room a little bit," Sir coaches.

Rob heads to his corner.

Nothing makes you feel more like a boy than moving stuff out of the way so you can stand in the corner. At home, there's always a plant I need to move. Here, it's a lamp. I carefully lift the lamp out of the corner and set it to one side. I watch Rob move the chair out of his corner.

"Okay, Rob, I understand this will be your first time standing in the corner. I need both you boys to step up to the corner, stand up straight, and stare straight ahead right where the two walls intersect. Keep your hands down by your sides. I don't want to see you touching your butt or your nub. I also want you to bend one of your legs just a bit so you won't faint. Don't close your eyes, I don't want you to fall asleep. I want you to stare right into that corner and focus on your spanking experience today. Under no circumstances are you to look at each other standing in the corner. If one of you breaks any of these rules, I'm adding 5 minutes to both of your corner times. Do you understand the rules for corner time, Rob?" Sir asks.

"Yes, sir," Rob answers.

"I know Zac understands since he's a professional corner boy. He's served tons of corner time as we eliminated his potty mouth. His vocabulary has improved immensely, and I credit all those hours spent staring at the junction of two walls," Sir explains. "I'll now set the timer for 15 minutes."

I feel so serene standing in this corner. I've never stood in this corner before. It's a whole new world! LOL! Actually, I've never stood in any corner at Tom and Rob's before.

This is really strange, but I love knowing that Rob is standing in his corner at the same time. Even though we can't see each other, we're both sharing a form of bondage. No, we're not secured here with ropes or chains, but we're stuck here by our sense of honor. We both agreed to serve 15 minutes of corner time for our whippings, so that's what we need to do.

I know this is Rob's first time to stand in the corner. I hope he doesn't start fidgeting and cost us both another 5 minutes. But I trust Rob. He probably wants to show me how he can follow the rules every bit as much as I can. The rules are pretty simple.

I overhear Sir explaining to Tom how Sir likes to sit in His recliner, which faces the corner I usually stand in. Sir prefers to read while I'm serving corner time. That way, it's easy for Him to glance up from His book from time to time to check my form and ensure I'm not fidgeting.

I hope Rob comes to enjoy corner time as much as I do. I use it for meditation and deep breathing exercises. It also completely reinforces how much of a boy I am. No man would ever stand in the corner for another man, but a boy would!

After what seems like only 5 minutes, Sir comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me. I keep my corner form until Sir tells me my time is up. Sir kisses me on the neck. I can't help but smile.

"Time's up, boy," He whispers in my ear.

"Thank you for my corner time, Sir," I say as I turn around to kiss Him.

"Are you ready to see the surprise that Tom and Rob have prepared for us?" Sir asks.

"I love surprises, Sir," I reply.

"I'd like to know what the surprise is too, boy," Sir informs me. "Whatever it is, I'm required to have you turn back around and place your hands behind your back."

"Okay, Sir," I say as I comply. This is all very mysterious.

I then hear Sir take a pair of handcuffs from his pocket. I hear the rachets as Sir pushes the single strands through the double strands to open them up. I feel the cold metal of a cuff on my right wrist. I hear clicks as the single strand again meets the double strand, and Sir tightens the cuff around my wrist. I try to push my hands out further to make it easier for Sir to cuff me. He cuffs my left wrist. I then feel and hear him double-lock each cuff.

Sir spins me around and kisses me passionately. Our tongues dance around each other in our mouths.

"I was told you needed to be cuffed to see the surprise," Sir explains.

"Cool, Sir!" I reply enthusiastically. I glance over and see that Rob has been cuffed, too.

"Now, we head down to the basement," Tom informs us.

I'm glad I'm not blindfolded. Going down stairs with a blindfold really stresses me out. In fact, I'm not sure Sir would even allow that. Even so, Sir keeps a strong grip on my left bicep as we make our way down the stairs. It's not like I can grab the handrail with my hands cuffed behind my back.

When we get to the bottom of the stairs, Tom hands a blindfold to Sir.

"Would you please blindfold Zac, Girard?" Tom addresses Sir.

Sir quickly secures the blindfold over my eyes. This is so mysterious!

"Okay, Girard, please lead Zac over this way," Tom instructs.

Sir leads me by my bicep as we turn to the right, to clear the stairs, and make another turn to the right to go further into the basement. I smell that familiar musty basement smell. But I also smell some type of chemical. I can't quite place it. Is it paint? Is it varnish?

"Oh, wow," Sir remarks, "Zac, you're going to love this!"

What could it possibly be?

      • End of Part 1, to be continued in Part 2 - - -

Next: Chapter 2

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