Youtube Humiliation

Published on May 17, 2008



= YouTube Humiliation: Part 1

By TopLegal

WARNING. This story contains graphic descriptions of sexual intercourse and sadomasochistic activities between adult males. If this offends you, is not appropriate for viewing in your location, or you are not of legal age, do not read it. Any resemblance of characters in this story to the living is purely coincidental.

(c) 2008, TopLegal. Permission is granted for distribution via Usenet and the Web provided that the following two conditions are met: there is no cost to access this story, e.g. AdultCheck, pay site, etc., and the story is posted in full without modifications.

Note: Carpal tunnel syndrome continues to impede my writing

== Bethany Reservoir State Park

I have an isolated farm just a few miles from Livermore, California towards the Eastern edge of Alameda County. The farm is about five miles from Bethany Reservoir State Park. I left my house this morning at 8am and jogged to the parking lot to meet my victim: Dean Henricks.

How we got to this point may be helpful. Dean is 43 years old and is a litigation partner in a major law firm with offices in San Francisco. I found his posting on [[|Craigslist]] at the [[|men-seeking-men]] pages.

His ad read as follows:

: ** Straight Male Seeks Humiliation**

:: Straight male seeks humiliation at the hands of another guy. Email me for details.

I responded after a while:



Subject: Straight Male Seeks Humiliation

Date: February 21, 2008, 7:03 PM PST

From: Mason Smith

I think I can assist you in finding the humiliation you are so

deeply craving.

Contact me by calling my cell phone 510-479-xxxx within the next

thirty minutes.

xThe Humiliatorx


My Casio Atomic Watch showed 7:32pm when my disposable cell phone rang.

"This is The Humiliator," I answered.

"Um," Dean stammered.

"Get it out boy," I barked.

"My name... cough is Dean Henricks," he finally managed.

"Dean, tell me what you need." There was dead silence on the phone for several minutes. I rode it out.

"I need to be sexually humiliated by another man." The sentence took him nearly a minute to spit out with stammering and hesitation and "hmms" and "erms".

"Ok, get out a pen boy." I waited a few seconds. "I expect to see you tomorrow at Bethany Reservoir State Park. Nine AM sharp. Expect to stay with me all weekend. Wear whatever you want, but pack a small duffel bag with only a pair of running shorts and a white T-shirt. Absolutely nothing else." I paused for a few moments.

Then I repeated, "Nine AM sharp tomorrow, Bethany Reservoir State Park. Pack nothing other than one pair of running shorts and a white T-shirt in a duffel bag."

I hung up after adding, "See you tomorrow Dean Henricks."

I run a good seven-minute mile most days and Friday, February 22, 2008 was no different. I arrived at the parking lot at precisely 8:35 and 23 seconds. The area was desolate. I sat down at a table near the bathroom and waited for Dean.

I saw a silver Lexus SUV pull into the lot and my watch showed 8:59. He had nearly been late. A man slightly taller than six feet stepped out of the SUV. Caucasian with a slightly olive complexion, he had short-cropped brown hair, brown eyes, and was nicely proportioned.

"Dean Henricks?"


"You will refer to me only as Sir or Master for our time together."

"Sorry," he managed as he looked down at his shoes.

"Give me your wallet, cell phone and keys and then go into the bathroom with your duffel bag and change into your outfit."

He hesitated and I added, "Now boy." That got him moving.

He placed his wallet, cell phone and keys in front of me on the table and then went back to the SUV for his bag. He then disappeared into the bathroom. I perused his wallet and noticed the state bar card.

He came out of the bathroom after a few minutes.

"Duffel bag," I said sternly.

He handed it to me and I inserted the wallet, cell phone (turned off) inside and zipped the bag. I held onto the keys. "Drop the shorts so I can see you are not wearin underwear."

Dean blushed.

"Dean, this is going to be a very long weekend if you do not follow my instructions to the letter. Now, drop your shorts."

The shorts went down. He was not wearing any underwear. He made a motion to cover his privates and I stood up and slapped the back of his hand.

"Clasp your hands behind your head slave," I said firmly.

He complied quickly exposing himself to me and the empty parking lot.

"Excellent, I am going to talk to you for a bit about the rest of this weekend. When I finish you have two basic options: ask for your keys back and leave never to speak to me again or ask me to take you to my dungeon to humiliate you."

"Sir, yes sir," he said. His cock sprouted an erection.

"It is presently 9:08am on Friday, February 22nd. If you come with me to my dungeon, I will use you and humiliate you as I see fit from now until 10pm on Sunday, February 24th. During this period you will obey my every command, submit to my every whim and be punished with severe corporal punishment for disobedience."

He started to talk. I grabbed his balls and yanked hard, "Speak only when spoken to boy." He gasped in pain, nodded and said nothing. I let go of his balls.

"The limits on my activities this weekend will be as follows. Any sexual contact I chose to have with you will include the use of a condom. I will not make any permanent markings on you such as brands, tattoos, or cuts/whipmarks that will not heal."

Dean's eyes were bulging.

"In return, I promise you a sexually provocative and utterly humiliating weekend." Pausing momentarily, I continued, "any questions to understand this guidelines?"

"Sir, no sir."

"And your decision?"

"Drive me to your dungeon sir."

I picked up his duffel bag and keys and took them to the back of the SUV. I lifted the rear lift gate. I noticed he was still standing with his shorts at his ankles and his cock erect.

"Pants up slave and come over here." He pulled up his pants and approached the rear of the SUV. "Get in the back. You are to remain on the floor of the SUV for our entire ride to my house."

He crawled into the trunk and I shut the lift gate. His duffel bag would be up front with me.

== Dungeon

We drove the five miles to my house in a circuitous route to disorient him and when we arrived I pulled into the garage to make it harder for him to recognize any features of the house.

I left the duffel bag in the front seat and fetched Dean from the back area.

"Out," I said and lead him into the house and then quickly down a set of stairs to the storage cellar of the house. I had divided the storage area into a wine cellar and my private dungeon. I led him to the dungeon area and let him in.

I locked the door of the dungeon behind me.

"Strip naked and put your clothes on this sideboard. You have a three minutes to use the bathroom and then we will get started."

He nodded and stripped. He went into the small bathroom in the dungeon and relieved himself and then when he came out he saw I had set up a video camera in the dungeon and had lit an area. Filming was about to occur.

"There is a model release sitting on the counter there," I said pointing towards the sideboard again. "Review the agreement and sign it if you agree to the terms."

He spent a while reviewing the agreement and started to ask me a question. I slapped him across the face, "did you have permission to speak?"

"Sir, no sir," he responded.

"Did you have a question slave?"

"Sir, what if I don't sign this?"

"Then we are done. I will drive you back to the park."

He signed.

I put the agreement away and steered him to the small monitor near the video camera that faced the lit area. We are going to make a naked movie staring you.

It is going to be based on a YouTube video. Specifically one based on the "Harder Bodies" song by Daft Punk featuring you with writing showing off your hot body. You have twenty minutes to watch the [[|video]] on this screen to learn the basic moves. Then, I will help use the thick black Sharpie on the floor to mark up your body to get your body ready for the dance.

I started a copy of the YouTube video looping on the monitor with sound. Dean's eyes bulged.

"Dean," I said in a chiding voice, "you came here to be humiliated. What could be more humiliating than being paraded naked on YouTube for the whole world?"

He swallowed a response and began practicing the dance moves. After about ten minutes he motioned to me and I helped write the different phrases such as "MAKE IT", "DO IT", "STRONGER", "HARDER", "FASTER", etc. across his arms, hands, legs, and torso.

"Now Dean," I said, "just to make this //really// interesting. If you make a mistake, we will stop filming. You will then come over to me just off camera and lay down across my lap to be spanked. Each mistake will be ten firm swats with a hairbrush."

He started to say something and then thought better of it. I reset the video, cued the music and announced, "Take 1."

He missed the first step.

"Here boy," I said. The video and music stopped and he came to my lap.

"Please," he whimpered.

"Please spank you?"

He just whimpered and came across my lap.

I picked up a hairbrush from beside me and whacked his ass hard ten times with the brush.

"Let's start again," I said and got him back in front of the camera. "Take 2," I called out.

He got maybe fifteen seconds in before flubbing again.

"Spanking," I called out as the music stopped.

He walked slowly to me and came over my lap. Each swat of the hairbrush made him cry out in pain.

"Get it right," I said, "I mean for goodness sakes you are a lawyer who gets up in front of courts all of the time, not being able to do a simple dance routine is pathetic."

By take seven each spanking was more drawn out with him trying to drag out the time from the set to over my lap. More whimpering and outright yelps as the brush hit.

"Next flub," I said, "and I stick a butt plug in your ass."

He got up and began take eight. And flubbed it.

"Before you come here for your spanking," I said, "bring me the butt plug in the drawer just to the left. And make sure the camera gets a good look at it."

He cried like a baby as I inserted it into his ass, but to his credit did not say, "no" or "stop" or otherwise do anything except suffer the humiliation being inflicted.

"First time being fucked I announced to the camera," as I finished inserting the plug. Then I began spanking him.

"Ok, let's try take nine as you get a hard on from being fucked by a plastic butt plug."

As if on cue, he sprouted a massive hard on and missed the start of the routine for a another spanking and more tears and whimpers.

Taken ten got off to an auspicious start with almost a minute of flawless execution and then he got his left-and-right sides confused and another spanking.

"Dean, Dean," I said chiding him, "next flub and we increase the spankings after each one to twenty and also get a larger plug into your ass since you seem to be enjoying the current one quite a bit."

He was crying like a small child when he got up for take eleven. That basically sunk his chances and he had to fetch a larger plug and got twenty quite firm smacks with the hairbrush. His buttocks were now a bright crimson and his cock was rock hard. Tears were streaming down his face as he started to blubber about showing him mercy.

I made him get up and he quickly failed at take twelve. For twenty more swats. The first bruises in his ass cheeks began to appear and I made him show them off to the camera before unlucky take thirteen got underway.

He pulled it together and got two minutes into the routine before flubbing.

Twenty swats. Show off his now well bruised and butt plugged ass before resuming.

All in all it took fifty takes to get through the video. That was a total of nine hundred swats and three hours of hard work. The "prize" was a three minute and thirty second video ready to go up on YouTube of Dean Henricks, California litigator naked and hard dancing to Daft Punk's "Harder Bodies".

I felt it was worth it.

I attached leather restraints to Dean's legs, locked them on and then locked those to each other with a two foot chain. Wrist cuffs followed with a similar two foot chain. And then puppy mitts onto the hands to limit his freedom.

Thoroughly locked up, I left him naked in the dungeon for a bit to stew on his predicament which included a thoroughly blistered ass with several quite bruised areas and a fairly larged butt plug still plowing his ass.

== Lunch

I brought in several bottles of Gatorade after about thirty minutes and several powerbars. The powerbars were all unwrapped and the Gatorade was uncapped.

"Dean," I said firmly, "I am pleased that we got through the video this morning but not how long it took to get it done. Anyhow, you need to eat and drink up before we move on. You have thirty minutes to eat and drink and use the bathroom before we resume your humiliation."

With that, I turned and walked out of the room. I was videotaping his attempts to eat and drink in the puppy mitts which was quite entertaining to watch on the monitor.

== Sex

I came into the room and ordered him onto all fours. Then I removed the butt plug and began to fuck him. "How does that feel faggot," I asked.

Hey managed a whimper as I rammed my cock in and out of his ass focusing solely on my sexual gratification. After fifteen minutes of intense ass pounding, I pulled out, removed the condom and ordered him to suck me to orgasm.

"You will swallow my cum boy," I ordered.

I took my time in orgasming waiting until he had sucked me for a solid twenty minutes before unleashing an orgasm into his mouth.

"Good boy," I said, "let's get the butt plug back into your ass."

He obediently turned around and showed his ass to me.

"Let's review the rest of this weekend now that we've established you're a faggot, slave who loves being degraded."

Dean nodded.

"There are several more humiliations I will inflict on you directly on camera for upload. They are as follows: crucifixion, nipple sensitization, shaving of your pubic hair, forced milking with a machine, and a repeat performance of Harder Bodies." I paused to let this set in. "You may pick the order, when all of the humiliations are complete you will be permitted to spend the rest of the weekend in bed with me getting fucked and sucking cock like the faggot boy you really are."

Dean started to talk. I slapped him across the face. "I am going to get changed so I can appear on camera with you, when I come back in you will tell me what humiliation you want first."

== Harder Bodies Round 2

I returned outfitted head-to-toe in a black, lycra dark Spiderman costume. No part of my body was visible. This would make it easy for me to be on camera, but focus the humiliation on Dean.

"Which of the humiliations do you want first boy?"

"Sir, I would like to repeat my performance of Harder Bodies."

"Each mistake will cost you thirty swats with a wooden paddle with holes in it," I said matter-of-factly. "Now get in front of the camera slave."

He complied and I started the music calling out "take one."

He got about two-thirds into the song before making a mistake. I brought a chair out in front of the camera. "This time," I said, "you will be paddled on camera."

He gasped audibly.

"Bring me the wooden paddle," I said and pointed at the paddle hanging from the wall.

He walked slowly over and brought it to me.

"Ask for your punishment boy," I said.

He handed me the paddle and said, "Please Sir, I need to be hit hard thirty times to punish me for making a mistake in my dance routine."

I pulled him over my lap and beat his already bruised ass. It was quite a spectacle for the camera to focus on his ass getting brutalized with the heavy paddle while he cried out in abject pain.

Personally, I enjoyed it. I think Dean did as well, his cock was stiff.

"Ok," I said stepping off camera, "Dean Henricks, Harder Bodies, Take Two."

He was distracted and missed the initial cues to start. "Dean," I said, "you do realize that this is being filmed using your full, real first name and last name, and that everyone who downloads this video will know exactly who you are?"

He cried as I sat down on the chair and picked up the paddle. "Sir, I do sir, I'm trying sir."

"Try harder," I said as I pulled him over my lap for another thirty swats with the paddle.

He bounced around on my lap like fish out of water trying to get back in, but there was no escaping my viscious use of corporal punishment to brutalize him. His ass had several black-and-blue marks and a few blisters now.

"Dean Henricks, Harder Bodies, Take 3," I called out as I pushed the crying boy off my lap.

I allowed him about a minute to regain his composure before starting the music. He got right to the very end before making one tiny mistake.

"Well boy," I said as I stopped the music. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

He looked down at the floor for quite some time and started to cry again. "Sir, I need to be punished for my mistake sir."

"Correct," I said coming onto camera in my lycra dark Spiderman costume and picking up the paddle. "How about fifty to really burn your butt for such a stupid mistake?"

Crying he looked at me, his eyes searching for mercy, but seeing back the grey, blank openings. "Yes, sir," he managed to choke out as he came over my knee.

I was relentless. His ass was a morass of black-and-blue now and blisters were everywhere. I allowed him five minutes to collect himself before resuming filming.

He got take four right.

I allowed him several minutes to catch his breath, before asking him what he wanted as the next humiliation.

== Shaving

"Sir," he asked pleadingly, "can you explain what the other humiliations involve?"

"Only if you explain for the camera, your age, what you do for a living and how much money you made last year."

He managed to get it off: "I am forty-three, I work as a litigator for a law firm in San Francisco, I made a little bit over a million dollars last year."

"Good boy," I said, and I came onto the camera's lens and patted him on the head. "Crucifiction will involve me putting your wrists into suspension cuffs and hanging you from a beam. Your legs will be restrained to the support post for the beam and as an added bonus you will find that a dildo will be positioned to go in and out of your ass as you struggle. You will be kept suspended for three hours."

I paused and let that sink in. It was only about three in the afternoon on Friday.

"Nipple sensitization will involve restraining you and then attaching nipple clamps. The clamps will be attached to a weight that will pull them away from your body rather painfully. You will be subjected to this for a minimum of one hour."

I continued, "milking will involve attaching a modified cow milking machine to your cockshaft while you are restrained and forcibly dragging multiple loads of cum out of you. I will stop the machine only after I have at least three loads of gism. You will be forced to drink your own cum."

"Lastly, shaving, well that's what it sounds like. I will use clippers and a razor to remove your underarm hair and all of the hair near your cock and ass."

"Any more questions boy?"

"One sir," he said.

"Go ahead."

"Sir, after these are finished you will let me go?"

"Let's be clear //boy//," I emphasized the boy in a derogatory tone. "You are free to go whenever you want. You are here willingly, being humiliated of your own free will because you want this. Now, perhaps you meant to ask a slightly different question."

I let him think about it.

"Sorry sir," he said after a minute or two, "what I meant was after these humiliations you'll really be tender with me?"

I laughed, "not tender //boy//, but we will be done in the dungeon and you can sleep in my bed curled against me, get fucked, and suck my cock for the rest of the weekend."

"I think I understand sir," he said. "Can we finish all of the humiliations before bed tonight?"

"Well, well, well," I said, "who's become quite the cock-hungy bottom boy faggot in the course of our first few hours together?"

"That would be me sir," he said.

"And prior to today you had never had sex with a man?"

"No sir," he said.

"Pick your humiliation."

"Shaving sir."

I threw a towel at him. "Kneel on the towel." I got out my razor and clipper and approached his body. The clippers made short work of most of the hair, but left unsatisfying stubble in a number of places "Only if you explain for the camera, your age, what you do for a living and how much money you made last year."

He managed to get it off: "I am forty-three, I work as a litigator for a law firm in San Francisco, I made a little bit over a million dollars last year."

"Good boy," I said, and I came onto the camera's lens and patted him on the head. "Crucifiction will involve me putting your wrists into suspension cuffs and hanging you from a beam. Your legs will be restrained to the support post for the beam and as an added bonus you will find that a dildo will be positioned to go in and out of your ass as you struggle. You will be kept suspended for three hours."

I paused and let that sink in. It was only about three in the afternoon on Friday.

"Nipple sensitization will involve restraining you and then attaching nipple clamps. The clamps will be attached to a weight that will pull them away from your body rather painfully. You will be subjected to this for a minimum of one hour."

I continued, "milking will involve attaching a modified cow milking machine to your cockshaft while you are restrained and forcibly dragging multiple loads of cum out of you. I will stop the machine only after I have at least three loads of gism. You will be forced to drink your own cum."

"Lastly, shaving, well that's what it sounds like. I will use clippers and a razor to remove your underarm hair and all of the hair near your cock and ass."

"Any more questions boy?"

"One sir," he said.

"Go ahead."

"Sir, after these are finished you will let me go?"

"Let's be clear //boy//," I emphasized the boy in a derogatory tone. "You are free to go whenever you want. You are here willingly, being humiliated of your own free will because you want this. Now, perhaps you meant to ask a slightly different question." I let him think about it.

"Sorry sir," he said after a minute or two, "what I meant was after these humiliations you'll really be tender with me?"

I laughed, "not tender //boy//, but we will be done in the dungeon and you can sleep in my bed curled against me, get fucked, and suck my cock for the rest of the weekend."

"I think I understand sir," he said. "Can we finish all of the humiliations before bed tonight?"

"Well, well, well," I said, "who's become quite the cock-hungy bottom boy faggot in the course of our first few hours together?"

"That would be me sir," he said.

"And prior to today you had never had sex with a man?"

"No sir," he said.

"Pick your humiliation."

"Shaving sir."

I threw a towel at him. "Kneel on the towel." I got out my razor and clipper and approached his body. The clippers made short work of most of the hair, but left unsatisfying stubble in a number of places.

I opened the disposable razor from it's package and applied some shaving cream to his exposed arm pits and crotch. Then I took my time shaving him for the camera.

== Nipple Sensitization

"Thank you for shaving me Sir," he said unbidden.

I slapped his face for the camera. "Talk only when spoken to boy."

"Next humiliation," I said.

"My nipples sir," he said.

I pulled the wooden chair I had sat in to spank him back to the camera's view and made him sit down. I quickly fastened his legs to the chair and his arms behind his back. "Try to stand up," I said.

He struggled and at best could manage to wiggle about six inches from the back of the chair. I was ok with that for these purposes since I was going to attach the nipple clamps to a pulley with a weight on the other end. If he managed to move closer, the clamps would simply get pulled further away. Thus, the movement would make the video more entertaining, but not do anything to relieve his pain and suffering.

I set up a timer and face it at the camera so he could not see how much time remained. Then I brought out the Japanese clover-style [[|clamps]].

He yelped as they clamped on. "Owww," he began to say over and over.

"Oww," I parroted back quizically. "Oww is not a safe word and you agreed to an hour of nipple sensitization. If you can just back out because you find it uncomfortable that would hardly be fair to your viewers?"

He gritted his teeth, "I understand sir, please do not stop this until the full hour is over no matter what I say."

"Good boy," I said as I tied a rope to the middle of the chain linking the two clamps and put the loose end of the rope over the pulley wheel near the ceiling. I tied a clamp to the loose end of the rope and then attached a five pound weight.

"Time starts now," I said and bent down and started the timer. I exited the camera shot.

There for the world to see was a struggling middle aged man in abject pain. His ass was sore from getting beaten earlier, his body was marked up with works like "DO IT", "STRONGER", etc., from dancing to "Harder Bodies" and now he was suffering exquisitely under the administration of the tit clamps.

"Have mercy on me," he screamed, "Owww."

"Make it stop, no more, let me go."

All of it.

I did nothing.

Until fifteen minutes in when I added a second five pound weight to the rope.

He screamed like a wild animal in pain and bucked up and down to no avail.

At forty-five minutes in, I walked over and began stroking his cock while he was pound. It drove him mad.

When the timer reached zero, I took my time removing the weights and then the clamps.

"Thank me boy," I said when they came off.

"Sir, thank you for torturing my tits and humiliating me for the full hour despite my pleas for help."

"Good boy," I said kissing him on the head like a small child. "Next humiliation or a break?"

"I want to be done today sir," he said.

It was nearly six. "Then pick boy, crucifixion will take us until pretty late in the night, so will the milking machine. I think it may be too much to do both tonight."

"I'm not a weak faggot sir," he said.

"But you are a faggot?"

"Yes, sir, I suck cock and get fucked sir, I need a man to humiliate and degrade me like this sir."

== Crucifiction

"Crucify me sir," he said.

I will be honest, I got my idea for the crucifixion rig from the good folks at [[|Dream Boy Bondage]].

They have two basic approaches they use and both of them are clever ways of tormenting a boy. I was planning to use the approach they've used with Cristophe and others where a dildo "seat" is attached to the typical crucifix. Thus, the respite for the body requires the boy to fuck himself with a large dildo.

I attached four buckle restraints from Mr. S to his wrists and led him over to the wall where two heavy wooden beams were set up. "Stand on this stool to get up to the top of the beam."

I pointed the camera at the cross and moved the timer over in front of the stool.

"Now," I said, "we are going to take our time positioning you so that at the top of your range of motion you are still riding the dildo."

I pinioned his hands to the top beam. He was on his tip toes so his wrist and arms were now starting to support his 170-180 pound body. He was arcing his back away from the dildo which was about 8" long and 3" in diameter.

"Not to worry boy," I said, "that dildo will be making friends with you shortly."

The dildo itself was adjustable in height and I moved it up about two inches to better insure penetration. Next I adjusted the location of the eyelets on the support beam where his ankles would be locked. This would ensure that if he "stood up" at full height, the dildo would still be buried in his ass.

As I put on the ankle restraints he asked me if this was going to hurt a lot. I laughed and said, absolutely.

I guided his body onto the dildo and he gasped in pain. The ankles were then locked to the eyelets and he was restrained. For effect, I pulled away the stool which was out of reach anyhow and started the timer.

If he could not "stand" by trying to extend his knees, he was supporting himself by his shoulders and getting fucked by a massive dildo.

I watched him struggle and then oiled up his whole body before attaching a heart rate monitor and feeding the output to be superimposed on the video. Then I left the room.

His suffering could be observed remotely and his shouts for me to "come back" and "not leave" him were more entertaining.

Watching his body exhaust itself and suffer and he screamed, struggled, and hollered was exciting. I am not sure whether the bottoms at Dream Boy Bondage suffer like this, but Dean Henricks, litigator, suffered. For three full hours with no mercy.

His body was limp when I removed him from the cross and he groveled at my feet weak and incoherently thanking me.

I fed him and forced him into a sleep sack to sleep and blindfolded him for good measure.

Light's out.

== Milking

I rejoined Dean the next morning at 9:07 am. I removed the blindfold, offered him some water and then attached the milking machine.

"Suffer more boy," I said as I flipped the switch.

The sleep sack itself was tied to the table and he was in no position to do anything but try to thrash his head around against the padding. He did that and cursed at me as the machine whirred and sucked him dry.

If you've never seen one of these puppies at work, they are quite fantastic. I use a venus milking machine.

I slowly increased the machine's ferocity as Dean helplessly thrashed, cursed, and pleaded for mercy. None of which was forthcoming.

He suffered beautifully as his first orgasm was extracted.

The second took quite some time and was definitely more painful for him.

The third was even more equisitely painful.

Satisfied that I had drained him of cum, I left the machine on for another ten minutes of suffering.

The video footage is really quite exquisite.

I finally turned the machine off and released him saying, "time for breakfast and helped him walk upstairs.

His entire body was sore and achy from the ordeals of the past twenty-four hours.

I let him sit, naked at the breakfast table and gave him a very hearty breakfast. Before taking him up to my bedroom to perform oral sex on me and fuck his brains out.

He was kept naked and used by me virtually non-stop for the entire weekend. Monday morning he had an email with the URL of the pay-site where his videos were posted.

== Write the Author

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