You're in Charge - installment

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 15, 2024


It was late, but Colin texted Chris as soon as he couldn't see Paul's car anymore. "I DID IT! Date AND a kiss. LOTS of kissing!" "He probably won't answer for a while," he thought. "That slut is probably out looking for someone unless he got that guy from the theater. In fact, Chris HAD gotten that guy: Eddie Reyes. At the moment Colin sent the text, Chris was unbuttoning Eddie's shirt. He had the man tied down on his bed, gagged, and hard. He moved his fingers expertly up to Eddie's nipple. He was naked and straddling Eddie's chest. "Know what I'm gonna do to you stud muffin?" He began to squeeze Eddie's nipples and Eddie moaned. Weakly, he shook his head no, and Chris sneered.

"Sure you do. I'm gonna FUCK you, and it's gonna be long, hard, and brutal. `Cause that's how you like it, isn't it eddie?" Meekly, eddie shook his head yes. He closed his eyes as Chris opened the button on his jeans, and began to wonder: had he finally found the Dominant Top Man he had been looking for? This guy, Chris, sure seemed to check all the boxes on his list: good looking, employed, in shape, and very, VERY dominant. And he also satisfied eddie's most challenging criterion. Chris didn't seem to be at all impressed by eddie's size, or his strength. Almost immediately when they met for the date, Chris had circled his arms from behind around eddie's middle. He whispered into eddie's ear: "you're mine tonight handsome. We got that clear?" When eddie didn't answer right away, Chris had tightened his hold and whispered more strongly. "I ASKED IF WE HAVE THAT CLEAR?" When Chris tightened his grip, eddie felt the hard on up against his ass. He was beginning to swoon. "Yes, it's clear," he answered, and Chris responded, "did you forget something, boy?" Eddie squirmed, deliberately stimulating Chris' dick, and answered "Yes, it's clear, SIR." He laughed a little, and Chris responded "You wanna laugh? We can always find out if you're ticklish, eddie. I bet you are." Chris released his hold, but they both knew: he took charge the minute they met , and within an hour, eddie had gotten hard thinking about what this man could do to him.

"Look at those hairy legs on my bottom stud?" Chris growled. "But boxer shorts? Nah. We're gonna have to change that, studmuffin." He hooked a finger in the boxers and pulled them off. Eddie's cock shot up in the air and Chris took it in his hand.

"Oh, look. Someone likes being tied down. Someone likes being gagged. I wonder if that somebody likes...TICKLE ATTACKS." Chris went at eddie's pits, and eddie tried to scream . "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" came out of his gag as he struggled. He began to wonder why he had let Chris tie him up and then he realized that he really hadn't: Chris gave him an order, and he followed it.

Eddie continued to howl with laughter as Chris' fingers moved down his sides. "Next time, I'll get those big feet of yours, fella, but for now, time to take the prize. Bend your knees, eddie." Eddie thought he knew what was about to happen: he expected Chris' dick to plunge in and he braced himself. Instead, he felt the wet warmth of Chris' tongue diving in. Eddie's last boyfriend had made eddie eat HIS ass, and then he'd flip him and fuck him. He couldn't remember the last time someone had eaten his, and Chris was getting in, deep. He pushed eddie's knees up steadily, and eddie had never experienced something quite like what was happening to him. When Chris stopped, they both took deep breaths. The fiendish look on Chris' face made eddie nervous, but also even hornier. "Simple stuff is best, eddie. At least on the first date." Chris pulled out a spool of twine, and he deftly cut a long piece of it. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!" came out of eddie as he felt the rope going around the base of his balls. He winced as Chris tied the knot: just tight enough for eddie to notice. He moaned again when Chris ran the rope all the way to the headboard and tied the other end there. "You're not going anywhere, eddie, unless you want to leave your balls behind. You better hope I don't get in the mood to tickle you. And I will unless you keep me... amused." Eddie's legs had fallen back on the bed. Chris had begun to edge his cock again. His balls were churning, and his dick was desperate for...something.

"How did I forget your nipples, eddie? Must be those blue-green eyes. The ones that just got bigger when you heard `nipples'. Eddie's eyes HAD gotten bigger. Chris had been pushing each one of his buttons, and now, it sounded like he was going in for the most sensitive ones of all. "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG!" The sensation eddie felt when his nips were played with was different than any other, and

the way Chris was twisting them, giving no release or time to recover, was driving him truly crazy.

"You taking my dick, eddie? Hmmmm?" Meekly, eddie nodded. "GOOD. Cause I want your big furry ass. I want it bad." He bent eddie's knees again, but this time, it wasn't his tongue that entered eddie's ass: it was his dick. Eddie was still moist from the ass eating, and as Chris expertly entered him, he melted. There were things that eddie loved: ice cream sundaes. Watching professional wrestling. Reading porn. But he loved the feel of a cock in him the best. It hadn't been that long since someone had fucked him, but never with all of the foreplay and games that Chris was using.

"You're gonna pay for making me wait, eddie boy. You tried to get away from me and now, you'll learn, NO ONE gets away from Sir Chris, and NO ONE who tries, gets away with it."

Eddie knew what Chris was talking about. The first time they had met, Chris had given eddie his card, and told him to give him a call, as well as telling him that they could go to a museum, and then Chris would take him home and fuck his brains out. Eddie had laughed at the directness, and assumed Chris was teasing, so he didn't call, and certainly didn't meet up with Chris at a museum. He put it out of his mind, until the following Wednesday. Chris had shown up at the theater, asking to see "that hot bitch Eddie." (At least, that's what his co-worker told him). At the time, Eddie was underneath a piece of scenery, trying to adjust portions of it so it didn't wobble. "Here I am, mate," he said as he pushed out from under the panel. When he saw Chris, he smiled and reddened at the same time.

"Oh, hi. You're the guy from the other night." He began to pull himself up, brushing wood scraps and dust. Chris' direct stare unnerved him. His lips didn't move, his eyes didn't move, he just stared at eddie, saying nothing.

"Sorry, mate. I was just, well, I thought you were teasing." Eddie saw that Chris had folded his arms and his legs were spread. He had an education and knew aggressive behavior when he saw it.

"I wasn't. And you sounded interested."

"Dude, I was. I just...I freaked out." Eddie remembered how he had gone home and fantasized about meeting the guy and, well, when he looked him over, he saw that there was an ample package at his crotch. He had masturbated three times thinking about it.

"You still have the card?" Chris asked. Eddie swallowed. "Uh, yeah. At home, I think."

"Here's another one. You call me tonight. We'll plan something. Don't make me come back here, looking for you." Eddie stammered out an answer. "I won't. I'll call. I promise." Chris smiled and turned and began walking out. "Go get a wank or something . You're dripping." He kept walking and eddie looked down. Now he REALLY reddened, and his colleague laughed. "Eddie's got a boyfriend/eddie's got a boyfriend." Eddie punched him in the shoulder.

"Knock it off , Shawn. He's a professor here. What the hell chance does a stagehand have?" Shawn walked off, humming the song. Eddie realized he did need a wank. He did attract guys because of his looks, but when they found out that this big, strapping hunk was a submissive bottom, they backed off. This guy -- he looked at the card -- Chris Shaw -- didn't. He came after him. And he assumed that eddie defied the stereotypes. What the?

"He's a psych professor. That must be it," he thought. Later that day the theater director came in and Eddie thought he'd ask him (They had crossed paths in one of the local bars. Dr. Kenny was a sub bottom too). "Oh, yes, Chris Shaw. Leading expert in domination and submission. Best selling author, lots of books. University's lucky to have him. Why do you ask?" Eddie hesitated. He had a feeling that Dr Kenny would be jealous.

"He asked me out. Or to be more honest, he told me we were going out." Dr Kenny began to laugh. "OH COME ON EDDIE. Save it for a screenplay you're writing or something."

"No, Sir. It's true. " Shawn had just come back into the room. "I was here. He asked Eddie out after he saw a show and, well, Eddie didn't follow up, so..." Dr. Kenny was VERY jealous at this point. He had a mild crush on Chris Shaw, and to hear this?

"Well, never thought a guy like that liked trade?" He gave a huff. "I hope you have a good time, but you probably won't. I imagine you'll bore him to death."

It didn't FEEL like he was boring Chris, as the man pounded eddie's ass. Gagged, all eddie could do was moan, but he was getting hotter and hotter from the pounding. He needed release but gagged, he couldn't say anything that Chris would understand, and he knew the rules well enough to understand that cumming without permission would have consequences. Then Chris shoved in particularly hard. Eddie's prostate was pretty high up, and Chris found it. His moan was high pitched and long, as he released what he was trying to hold back. He couldn't help it. As his contractions subsided, anyone who saw eddie's face would have known he was scared. Chris pulled off the gag. He was still fully inside eddie.

"You have anything to say for yourself, boy?"

"Sir, I'm sorry. I fucked up again." Chris pulled the rope that was tied around eddie's balls, and eddie screamed. "OH FUCK!"

"Seems you need discipline more than I thought, eddie. And punishment. Now, let me get myself finished and then we'll look at punishment." Chris closed his eyes and all he saw in front of him was eddie. "THE MAN IS BEAUTIFUL" he thought. "Not just the eyes. The smile, the walk, everything. GOD, taking him to an event. I wonder...does he even own a harness?" The image of eddie in a harness pushed him over the edge, and he began to shoot deeply into eddie. Eddie had recovered enough to respond "Thank you, Sir. Thank you, Sir." Chris stared at him.

"So, eddie, what do you think is an appropriate punishment for all the things you know you've done wrong?" Eddie squirmed. The rope around his balls hurt a bit, and his arms were stiff from the restraints.

"I don't know, Sir. I think, I think whatever Sir thought was appropriate, was appropriate." It was the answer Chris expected: the standard sub answer. He felt a little disappointed. He got up and headed to the bathroom.

"Sir? Sir? Please, don't leave me like this." He came back with two toothbrushes. "Oh, are you gonna be sorry you pissed me off, eddie, because once I work on those little piggies, you're gonna squirm and...geez, I don' t know what I'D do if MY balls were tied up and my feet were being tickled. Eddie gulped. "Please Sir, not... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. OH SHIT IT HURTS SIR." Eddie had VERY ticklish feet and again, Chris had found a hot spot, working between his toes. "Please SIR. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHA. Please untie my balls. Please." Chris stopped to give eddie a chance to catch his breath. "Well, I think I can do that, but then, we're gonna have to amp the tickling." Eddie was thinking "how would that be possible?", and after Chris untied his balls, he found out. Chris reached under the bed and pulled out the biggest hitachi eddie had ever seen. "Not just for your feet, stud. That cock of yours, and your balls? They're going to be AWFULLY sensitive. Let's start at low." Eddie tried to pretend that he wasn't affected. He bit his lips and tried to hold his mouth shut, but eventually, the laughs burst out. Chris was alternating one food and then the other, and the foot that didn't get the hitachi, was getting his nails. Eddie wanted to die.


"Anything else? Hmmm. I think I have a few toys that will work, but first, I have something to do without toys." He put down the hitachi and stretched out on top of eddie: "Kiss me, fucktoi. Kiss me like the sub bitch you are." He shoved his tongue into eddie's willing mouth. He heard the moans of pleasure. Eddie liked kissing more than just about anything and...GOD, this felt good.

"I wonder how you'd explain a love bite at work tomorrow, eddie. Gimme that neck."

"A love bite? No Sir, please, no. AGGGGGH" Chris had begun squeezing eddie's balls. "Did we forget who's in charge?"

"No, Sir. No. I'm a bad sub." He moved his head and prepped himself to feel Chris' beard. Instead he felt his tongue, running up and down, and then getting eddie's ear. He whispered: "You're my fuck bottom from now on, eddie. You understand?"

"Yes, Sir. Real clear."

"First thing, for now, you give up those boxers. You go commando until I decide what covers those goose eggs." He heard the gulp. Eddie was "gifted," which was another problem with many tops and Doms, and his "eggs" would show. "I need to introduce you to some of my friends, especially my buddy Colin." He loosened the restraints on eddie. "Get yourself a shower, big boy. I don't sleep with a man covered in cum."

"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir."

While eddie was getting cleaned up, Chris checked his phone. He saw the message from Colin. He was elated.

"Congratulations, Professor! You win the bet. I owe you lunch. Tomorrow. We have to compare stories. By the way, I just finished fucking that big hunk of burning love I met at the play. We can compare stories. And keep Saturday free. I wanna meet your boy and you can meet mine."

Colin read the message. He was concerned: his first date with Paul was Friday. Would he be willing to go to a party to meet other guys? Colin thought about it for a minute. "Well, if things are going to go the way I want them to, he'll have to accept I make the rules." He shrugged his shoulders. "Yes, it could not work out, but he had been so lonely since Jeremy left him, he needed to try.

Paul's last name was Brandt. That made searching difficult, but when he did an image search, he found him. There wasn't much. It would be wrong to say Paul lived off the grid, there just wasn't much. But seeing the few photos caused Colin to think "he's much prettier in real life," and he felt his cock surge. He wanted this to work.

Colin wasn't the only one who had googled his new boyfriend. Paul had done the same. His results were very different. There was some older information on Colin himself, and then, after he and Jeremy were a couple, much more. Mostly photos. The stories were about Jeremy, and Colin was frequently in the photos as "Principal dancer's companion." Paul looked at the photos of Jeremy and thought "He thinks I look like HIM? I'm flattered." He began to think about their up coming date and now, with the images of Jeremy in his head, he began to think "I need help. I'm going out with a man who has tenure, and who dated a hot dancer. " He laughed to himself. "This is definitely a step up." His last boyfriend, Ray, had mostly been unemployed and supported by Paul. "You put a deposit in my account, I'll put a deposit in your ass, fucker," was one of Ray's more charming statements. "Why did I stay with him at all?" Paul asked himself and realized: he gave me something I wanted: he controlled things." When Ray left him for someone else, he took most of his stuff with him, but he had left behind a set of handcuffs he had used on Paul. Paul found them now and ran his fingers around their edges. "I don't even know if my professor...," then he shrugged his shoulders too, at about the same time Colin did. "Well, there's room in the overnight. One never knows, do one?" He had one more thought: "Paul, don't fuck this up." He smiled, totally unaware that Colin was looking at his collection of toys, and wondering if he should try any of them on Paul. "I get sub vibes from him, that's for sure," he thought. "HOW submissive? " He recalled something his PhD mentor had told him once, exasperatedly. "We don't infer. We do experiments." "Well, lots of experimenting this weekend." Then he said to himself: "Colin, don't fuck this up."

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