Your Evil Ways

By Michael Birch

Published on Mar 19, 2017


Warning! The following story contains graphic images of gay sex and devil worship that some might find offensive

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.

This work is the intellectual property of the author, and is thereby owned exclusively by the author and cannot be copied, republished, or used in any way without the author's written consent. Copyright2017 Michael Birch

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Your Evil Ways Conclusion

The next morning Jose comes down to Tom's room, he knocks and goes in, Tom and Corbin are both still in bed.

"Heh, you guys going to clean that place up this morning?"

Tom rubs his eyes, "Yeah, what about you Corbin? Are you going to help?''

"Sure." Corbin replies.

Tom gets out of bed; although he usually doesn't sleep naked, he did last night. Corbin pulls back the sheets, as always, he is naked too. The two men sit up in their beds, simultaneously swinging their legs over and planting their feet on the floor. They sit there, their equipment hanging down from the edge of the bed, staring at each other.

Jose looks at them, "Fuck, I hope we get some cleaning done, my cock is already getting hard again seeing you two."

"Work first, fun last." says Corbin.

Tom laughs, "Yeah, I think we can make it a couple of hours before we cum. Besides, I have a surprise for you two when we get there."

Jose grins, "I love surprises, I hope it's a good one."

Tom winks, "Oh, hell yeah, but it has to be a secret, I could get in big fucking trouble if some people found out."

Corbin is pulling on his clothes, "That sounds intriguing, let's get down there."

The three men leave and go over to the church. They clean up the floors and furniture, there is definitely a lot of cum and who knows what needing cleaning. They put the bagged garbage in the dumpster, Tom puts the candlesticks in the car, he bags the robes so he can get them cleaned.

"Looks good guys, come back to the office with me."

They all go to the back. Tom opens the cabinet; he pulls a memory stick from the computer.

"What's that?" asks Jose.

"This place has security cameras outside and inside, I've got everything from last night recorded."

Corbin's mouth opens wide, "Oh, fuck, you're right, if anyone knew you recorded last night they'd make sure you made a quick trip to hell!"

Jose looks at him, "Fuck Tom, what the hell were you thinking? Man, people are going to be pissed."

Tom looks at them, "OK, here's the deal, we can erase it right now, no one will know. We can take it back and watch it and then erase it or we can watch it and then keep it."

Corbin shakes his head, "Man, that is like a live grenade, I'm saying we should erase it, but fuck, I would really love to see it too, what do you think Jose?"

Jose looks thoughtful, "Fuck, Corbin's right, it's a damn time bomb, but you know I sure want to see some of it, especially Jean fucking Ed and Ed sucking dick."

Tom nods, "Yes, and Ed fucking Corbin too."

Jose smiles, "Oh hell yeah, especially that!"

Tom laughs, "So, watch it and then erase it?"

Jose smiles, "Or maybe keep it, but if we keep it we have to make sure no one else finds out about it."

Corbin replies, "No man, we can watch it but we have to erase it, we can't take a chance, we have to erase it."

Tom nods, "Yeah, I think Corbin's right, as much as I'd like to keep it, it's too dangerous to keep, we have to erase it."

They head out, Tom looks around to make sure everything looks good and then locks up. The three of them drive back to the campus. Going upstairs to the room they run into Ed.

"Heh, you guys left without me, I was going to help."

"We got it taken care of, thanks though."

Ed looks at them, "Uh, one thing I need to explain." They all stop and look at him.

"The young guy there, Toby, that's Connie's brother. I don't know how he ended up there, but I didn't invite him. Anyway, Connie and I broke up and now, well, it's kind of brutal for me `cause everyone knows I sucked his dick."

Jose looks at him, "Yes, not to mention he knows you sucked his dick. So what are you going to do?"

Ed grimaces, "I don't know, I'd like to get back together with Connie but I'm afraid he'll say something."

Tom asks, "So is Toby gay or what, do you know?"

Ed frowns, "I don't know, I've never seen him hanging out with anyone, but he's still in high school."

They all act surprised. Ed continues, "The truth is I've got this thing, I like doing things I shouldn't do. I've been screwing more than one woman, knowing it was wrong but the thought of the evil cheating turned me on. Here, look at this." He takes his cell phone and pulls something up, he turns it to the three of them, it's a video of him fucking a girl in his class, they all watch enthusiastically.

"Wow," says Jose, "Who knew you were such a pervert!"

Ed smiles. "I've posted a lot of videos like this on line, some I'm just masturbating, and some I'm getting sucked off. I love seeing that people are watching me." He pulls up another video and shows it to them. "This one of me masturbating has over 65,000 views, I love that people are watching me masturbate. It's like a couple of weeks ago when Corbin saw me in the shower. I loved that he saw me jacking, I was actually thinking of my cum shooting on your face when I came. It's not gay I don't think, just evil, like when I sucked Toby's cock, it wasn't that I wanted to suck a man's dick, it was that he was Connie's brother and how sick it was that I was sucking her brother. I would love to watch that, like when Jean fucked me too, I would have loved to have been standing there watching his hard rod sliding into my ass. I admit I loved knowing that a man wanted to put his cock in my butt, when I fucked Corbin, it was the same thing, it wasn't that I wanted to fuck a man, it was that it was like I knew he liked my hot cock, so I wanted to fuck him. One time at the gym I put my camera in my bag pointed at the showers, Ricky, the football captain came in, he was watching me shower and got a boner, then the quarterback came in and they were whispering to each other while they watched me, they both had hard dicks, I still have the video."

Tom looks over at Corbin, Corbin shakes his head no.

"OK, so do you want to make a video of me fucking you?" asks Jose.

"No, not now, but remember it if we do ever have sex, record it."

Corbin is grinning from ear to ear, Jose looks at him. "So, Corbin, would you ever want a sex tape of you posted?" Corbin stops grinning, "Hell no, I like people seeing me naked but I don't want random people seeing me have sex."

Ed slaps him on the ass, "So, if I let you suck me I can't record it and post it?"

"NO, hell no! Besides, it would kind of ruin your image with the women wouldn't it if they saw a guy suck you?"

Ed smiles, "So I get caught, I love the danger. Maybe the devil made me do it."

Tom grins, "OK, well we're going to the room, you want to join us?"

Ed shakes his head, "No, I've got things I have to do today. I don't want to keep my fans waiting."

Jose has an evil grin, "OK, but you're going to miss out on some real fun stuff, see you later."

Tom, Jose and Corbin go up the stairs and Ed leaves too. Tom draws the shades when they get in the room, he pulls down a large screen on the wall above his bed. He has a movie projector and he hooks it up to his computer and moves a table over to set it on. He starts getting undressed.

Jose looks at him, "Yeah, I guess we have to be naked to watch this don't we?"

Corbin is already naked. "You know Ed would love watching this, he said he wanted to see himself sucking Toby and getting fucked."

Tom looks at him, "OK, seriously, are we going to let him see this?"

Jose looks at the two of them, "I think he would like seeing it, but wouldn't he be pissed we recorded it, or should I say that YOU recorded it, I didn't know about it."

"Look at what he said, that girl recorded him fucking her roommate and he posted it, he says he likes being evil. Why can't I be evil? Maybe I want to wank watching him get fucked." Tom says as he jumps on the bed next to Corbin.

Jose gets on the bed and lies across Corbin and Tom's laps. They start watching the recording, it is pretty dark because of the dim light but they can make out the action. "Can you select the camera?" asks Corbin.

Tom runs the pointer over the screen and selects one of the cameras and clicks on it, it fills the whole screen and is easier to see the action. Jose claps, "Now that's what I'm talking about, look at all of the fucking hard cocks!"

Tom pauses it for a minute, "Heh, watch Ed, dude, he's fucking checking you out hard, seriously Corbin, watch." He starts it up again,

"Yeah, that fucker for sure is checking out Corbin." says Jose. "Look at that guy Rudy, man he's checking out everyone and stroking, he's definitely liking all that man meat."

Tom points at the screen, "Man, Ed is right, look at that guy sucking you Jose, you're standing there all naked getting sucked and everyone is watching, that is fucking hot."

Jose is playing with his hard cock as he's watching, he can feel Corbin's rod against his back, he reaches around and feels Tom's dick, "You like this don't you Tom?"

"Hell yeah."

As they watch the movie, Jose sits up and moves between Tom and Corbin, checking them out as he strokes. Corbin groans as he sees Jean take Robert's whole cock, "Man, I've never sucked a cock like that, he took the whole thing! Fuck, I wish I could do that."

Several minutes later they get to the part where Toby shoots his load, "Look, he's staring at Ed's cock when he shoots, that little fucker wants that dick, he was probably jealous of his sister." Says Jose.

"I know, and Ed is watching him shoot too, I'll bet they hook up again." adds Tom.

"Oh, yeah, look at him drinking the cum, he even licked his lips. Ooh, ooh, dude, that is so fucking hot seeing him suck Toby's dick. We have to show him this."

Corbin is laughing. "If he only knew."

Jose notes, "Did you see Jean run his hand over Ed's fur and feel his ass? Jean really liked that."

Corbin smiles, "Yeah, he did the same thing running his fingers through my chest hair, evidently he likes furry guys." They get to the part where Jean fucks Ed, "Oh, hell yes." says Corbin, I wish that was my cock in his ass, I'll bet it was fucking tight as hell."

Jose licks his lips, "I loved seeing the four of them hooked up and then Jean shooting in Ed's mouth, hot!"

They continue watching as the action moves to the basement. There is no action at first, everyone walking around naked eating and talking. Corbin asks Tom to fast forward to where Ed is fucking him. They watch as the four fuck and suck each other.

Corbin stops stroking his cock, "Fuck, I've got to shoot, somebody suck me!" Tom leans over Jose and starts sucking Corbin's cock.

Jose pulls up on Tom, "Hold on."

He stands on the bed and kneels in front of Corbin and sticks his hard brown rod in Corbin's mouth. Tom resumes sucking Corbin's cock. Jose is pounding Corbin's lips quickly but Corbin puts his hands up and slows him down, he moves his tongue over the cock shaft and head, licking it as it slides in and out of his mouth. Corbin moves a hand onto Tom's head and holds it down on his cock as he shoots his load, moaning loudly. Jose holds his cock still in Corbin's mouth, ready to cum at any minute. Corbin licks around the head, that sends Jose over the edge, and he jerks as the sperm fills Corbin's mouth. Tom is still stroking his cock, he stops sucking Corbin and kneels behind Jose and shoots his big creamy load on Jose's ass cheeks, the warm jizz running down and dripping on Corbin's dick and balls. He leans down and licks his sperm off of Jose's ass and works his tongue in the crack not missing a bit of the load, then moves down and licks' Corbin's cock stomach and hairy balls. Jose sits on Corbin's lap and kisses him; Tom moves up and kisses both of them while still stroking his cock.

"Man, that movie is fucking hot, I don't want to erase it." says Corbin.

Tom agrees, "Heh, I never wanted to erase it, you guys were the ones who were chicken shit."

Jose grins, "I want a copy, I'm going to show it to Ed."

Corbin smiles, "Yes, you know he'd want to see it, we should show it to him."

"OK" says Tom, "What's the worst that could happen, he steals it and posts it on line."

Corbin slaps Tom's ass, "No, we control it, make sure he doesn't copy it or get a chance to upload it. I don't want it out there, fuck, what if my dad sees it?"

Jose laughs, "Does your dad watch internet porn Corbin?''

Corbin laughs, "Fuck, he's a man isn't he? Who knows, I can see his face watching the video and seeing me get sucked and fucked and sucking someone else, he'd probably have a fucking stroke."

"I guess that's why Ed posts things like that, he says he hates his father, so in that case you might hope your father sees them." says Jose.

"Why does he hate his father?" asks Tom.

"Mmm, I don't know, he doesn't talk much about him except to cuss him."

Tom frowns, "Yeah, that's sad, I wish my parents were still alive, but then maybe things are easier because they aren't, no connections, you know."

Corbin nods, "I always felt bad you didn't know your family, those of us with family might not like all of them but at least there is a connection."

Jose grins, "I'll adopt you Tom, you'd love my family, but they would harass you constantly about being gay. My brother is always trying to get me with a woman. When we were young we used to jack off together, now he's like total anti-homo."

"Isn't he a priest?" asks Tom.

"Yes, well that way he doesn't have to get married, I'll bet he sucks the bishop though."

They all laugh again. Tom is working on the computer. The printer starts humming. He gets up and walks over, taking a photo off of it, he hands it to Jose, "Here, give this to Ed."

Jose looks at it; it's a screen shot of Jean fucking Ed. "Whoa, yes! I'll leave it on his bed. Do one of him fucking Corbin."

"No, no, don't fucking do that, do one of him sucking Toby, I don't want my picture printed like that."

Tom prints another shot, then another. He gives the one to Corbin and the other to Jose.

"I told you not to print that, fucker!" Corbin says as he looks at the photo with Ed fucking his ass.

"Heh, you have control of it, tear it up if you want."

Corbin looks at it, "Fuck, I kind of like it, I like the angle, you can see his cock half way in, maybe I'll keep it."

Jose laughs, "Look at Ed's face in this, he looks so happy sucking Toby's dick, for sure I'm going to give it to him."

Tom prints a photo of him sucking Jean, "Yeah, this is cool; I'm going to get in so much trouble." He takes down the screen and projector, Corbin is standing at the window looking out.

"Nice day, I should do something."

Jose agrees, "Yes, it is a nice day and we're sitting around jacking off, you want to go downtown?"

"Yes, let's go." says Tom.

"Should we fuck in the shower first?' asks Jose.

"No, let's just clean up and go, we can fuck later." says Tom. The three men head for the showers.

Jose and Tom go downtown and eat. Corbin goes to the bar. Jose see Robert and Liam at the diner, he motions for them to come over, "Hey guys, you eating?" He asks.

Liam slides onto a chair, "Yes, can we join you?"

"Sure." says Tom.

Robert takes a chair also. "We just ordered, you might as well eat with us."

"Or eat you." says Robert grinning. Liam looks down, "Shhh! Those people over there know my mother."

Tom smiles, "Dude, you sure are hung up about your mother, does she live here?"

"Yeah, she lives around the corner, her friends spy on me for her."

"Dope." says Robert.

"Yeah, just remember our mothers are friends, so she probably gets reports on you too."

Robert smiles. Jose looks over, "So you guys grew up here huh?"

Liam nods, "Yes, when we were kids we went to the church we fucked in last night, it was kind of unnerving. My mom used to cook in that kitchen Wednesdays for their meetings."

Jose smiles, "Yeah, well you were cooking in there last night."

Robert puts his hand on Liam's knee, "He's always cooking something up." The waitress takes Robert and Liam's order.

Robert stands up, "I have to pee, I'll be right back." He walks to the back.

"What are you guys up to?" asks Liam. "I saw Corbin's car over at the bar, you going down there?"

"Which bar?" asks Tom.

"The hustler bar, "Jazz", I've seen him there before."

Jose nods, "Yeah, that's were we hooked up a couple of weeks ago. You know the bartender, the owner? Corbin told me the guy has a fucking huge cock. He saw it in the bathroom."

Tom grins, "Fuck yes, I've seen it, it is a monster. I feel sorry for his lover."

Liam grins, "Is it bigger than Robert's?"

"Oh, hell yes, it's not longer, Robert has him on length, but it's about as big as a coke bottle, I mean it is fucking thick."

"So did you suck it?" asks Liam.

"No, he doesn't fool around from what I've heard but he sure likes to show it off."

"Talking about showing off," Jose stands up and walks to the door, he yells out across the street, "Ed, heh, come here."

Tom turns around, he sees Ed crossing the street. Jose comes back in and Ed comes in, looks around, grabs a chair, and sits with them.

"What's up?"

Jose smiles, "We were just talking about exhibitionists and you show up."

Ed grins, "Yeah, I felt the prickling sensation that someone was talking about me."

Robert comes back from the bathroom. "Hi, Ed right?"

"Yeah, hi Robert. Where's Corbin?"

Tom points down the street, "He wanted some fresh air so he went to the gay bar....go figure."

"What are you up to?" ask Jose.

"I met up with Toby; I wanted to find out where his head was at. He's cool, damn; I didn't know he was a virgin. Do you know I'm the first person who ever sucked his dick?"

Tom smiles, "Yeah, that's what we heard. So I guess you like plucking virgins huh?' They all laugh.

"No. He said he didn't want Connie to find out about last night either, so we're cool."

Tom is still smiling, "We figured you guys would hook up again."

Ed playfully smacks his face, "Fuck, I told you I'm not gay, I'm not out to fuck guys. It probably won't ever happen again."

Liam sighs, "Too bad, you're fucking hot, Eddy and I were talking about a three way with you."

Ed grins, "Yeah, I know, everybody wants to have sex with the hot straight guy."

Jose laughs, "Heh, I left a present on your bed. Don't be pissed, I thought you might like it."

Ed frowns, "What, did you jack off in a glass or something?''

"It's a surprise, heh, the way you were talking this morning I thought you would enjoy it, like I said, don't be pissed."

"OK, now I have to go back and find out what it is."

Tom laughs a little, "Don't blame Jose, it's my fault. If you're pissed take it out on me."

"OK, now I really want to know."

The waitress brings the food.

"You want to eat with us?" Asks Robert.

"No, I already ate; besides I want to find out what these fuckers have been up to." Ed stands, "see you later."

Liam looks over at Jose, "So let us in on it, what did you leave him?"

Tom blushes, Jose shakes his head, "Oh, it's really fucking personal, we can't tell you. But Ed is a real exhibitionist, so it's something along that line. Do you guys ever watch x porn on the net?"

Robert holds up his hand, he swallows his food, "Yes, I do sometimes, why?"

Jose continues, "Well, if you look you can find vids of Ed masturbating and fucking, he likes posting shit like that."

Liam raises his eyebrows, "Really? You got the url?"

Jose shakes his head, "No, but he showed us a couple of them, I didn't think to look where it was."

Tom grins, "The one with him masturbating has over 65,000 views, imagine how many are horny old fuckers." They all laugh.

Liam has his phone, "Do you know his user name?"

Jose rolls his eyes back, "No, I didn't see it."

Tom gets his phone out, "Wait, I remember seeing it; it was like 'SexyEd' or something like that."

Jose grins, "Fuck, I remember, it was 'SexEd9+' right? I remember seeing that written on his calendar."

Robert grins, "Fuck, that's it, he's got 20 videos! Oh, fuck, dude, here's the one with him jacking off. I'm going to star that fucker, oh fuck! He even shoots his load! Damn!"

Tom is getting excited, "Heh, he's got one here, he's posing nude outside somewhere, is that the park?"

Jose looks at it, "No, that's in front of the main office on campus, fuck, look at him, he's showing everything."

They pull up the other videos, "Look, somebody is filming this one, look they have his cock sliding in that pussy, look at that hot ass of his! That girl is hot too; I wonder who shot the video."

Jose nods, "Yeah, he told us that the girl's roommate shot the video, I wonder if there's one of her."

"Hmm, there are four different women, anyone know who they are?" asks Liam.

"This one is Barb, she's our classmate in science, I don't know the others." says Tom.

"Man, he's got balls posting shit like this, what if his family sees it?"

Jose answers, "He doesn't care, he likes the thought someone might see it."

Robert shows Liam another masturbation video, "I'm leaving a message, like I wanked watching you, thanks xoxo!" They all laugh. The four of them walk down to the bar; Corbin's car is still there. Corbin is sitting at the bar as they go in,

"Heh, buddy, we came down to help you find a man." says Robert.

Corbin turns, "Heh, guys, yeah, not much for me here, good thing I have friends to get me off."

"Let's go sit over there." says Tom. "Does everyone want a beer?"

"Yes, I do." replies Jose.

"Me too." says Robert.

Liam raises his hand too. They walk over and settle in the chairs. Jose shows Corbin the spot they found with the videos.

"Yeah, I was looking for that too, it took me a while but I found it."

"We saw him while we were eating; he talked to Toby already and thinks they're cool. I told him I left him a present on his bed, he thought maybe I jacked off on his sheets. I didn't tell him it was the pictures."

Corbin smiles, "Yeah, I'm going to show him mine too, it will blow his mind."

Liam leans in, "What pictures? Is that what you were talking about before?"

Tom looks at Jose, "Fuck, yeah we found some photos of him fucking so I printed them, that's all."

Robert winks, "Aren't we your buddies? You should have shown them to us."

Jose laughs, "We didn't know we were going to see you."

Robert sits back, "Oh, yeah, I guess you're right." They all have a couple more drinks.

Liam stands up, "Man, we have to get going, we were out so late last night I want to rest up before classes tomorrow."

Robert stands too, "Yeah, otherwise we might get into trouble if we hang out here any longer."

Corbin then stands, "You guys want a ride back?" he asks Tom and Jose.

"Yes, I think we're ready." says Tom.

Corbin hands Tom the keys, "You OK to drive, I think I've had too much." Tom agrees and drives them back. They walk down the hall together; Jose stops at his door and listens.

"You guys want to see if he's here?"

Corbin nods, then he starts for his room, "Hang on, let me get the other picture." He returns shortly. Jose opens the door, Ed is lying on the bed naked, he sits up as they enter.

"Heh, where did you fuckers get those photos? Man, that was from fucking last night!"

Tom raises his hand. Corbin shows Ed his photo, Ed looks at it, "Fuck! How did you get these? Man, you have me in every fucking position."

Tom holds up the flash drive. "It's my fault, I didn't tell anyone I recorded the whole night."

Ed grins, "You have a fucking tape? I want to see it! Fuck, that's so hot, I want to watch me pounding Corbin's ass."

Jose sits down, "It's over four hours long, how about if we edit it and show you the good version."

Ed reaches over for his laptop, "give it to me, I want to see what you've got."

Tom looks at Corbin and shrugs. "You can't copy it fucker, just watch it."

Ed takes the drive and brings it up. "Fuck, this is great, look at old Jose standing there naked getting his cock sucked! Oh, hell yeah, Corbin, Jean holding your cock, that's hot. Oh, hell, yeah, that's what I wanted to see."

Tom shows him he can click on a specific view. "Oh, man, look at me sucking Toby's cock! Man that is hot, look at that. Fuck, it looks like I'm giving him a good blowjob doesn't it! Oh, yeah, look at that guy sucking me. Wow. This is hot!" He is fast-forwarding through it, he sees Jean kissing him, "Shit, me kissing Jean. Look at his tongue in my mouth. Whoa, oh yeah, look at that big cock sliding in my ass, fucking eh!" He looks at the three. "This is fucking hot, how did you get this?'

Tom gulps, "Well I noticed the cameras when we were cleaning, so I figured they had to be hooked up, so I looked in the obvious places and found the computer, so I set it up."

Ed stands up; he grabs the back of Tom's neck and kisses him. "I love you man! This is great." He gets to the part with him, Liam, Jean and Corbin. "Oh hell yes, look at this, me and Corbin fucking. Corbin did you see this? My big cock fucking your ass. I love it. Look at my cock; I'm hard just seeing me fucking you. Oh, wow, look at me shooting my cum all over you, hot, hot, hot. I want this tape!"

Jose looks at Tom, "You created a fucking monster man." Tom nods.

Ed goes on, "look at all that cum in my hair. God, I can't believe I ate all that cum." Corbin sits next to Ed and grabs his dick, Ed tries to push his hand off but Corbin has a firm grip.

"I'm telling you right now, we'll give you a copy, but if you fucking post it online I'll cut off your balls. I don't want my shit out in public."

Ed is smiling, "Dude, I'm not a fucking asshole, I won't post it, I mean look at all of these fuckers, if I posted it there wouldn't be a place I could hide from everybody."

Corbin releases his cock. "OK, but seriously, this is dangerous shit here."

"I know, I know, here, let me show you something, this is just for your eyes, no one else has seen it." Ed pulls up another video. "Remember I told you about the guys from the team in the shower, I didn't tell you the whole story." He starts the video, just as he had told them the two guys come in the shower, but then what he didn't tell them, Ed starts masturbating while the guys watch him. The two football players start stroking each other while they watch Ed, then Ed walks over and shoots his load on both of them, the team captain goes down on the other guy and sucks him off, then he reciprocates sucking off the team captain. Corbin watches intently as do Jose and Tom.

"Oh, that is smoking." says Jose.

"Heh, you guys are the only ones besides me who has seen this, so don't fucking blab."

Tom is playing with his dick through his pants; it's obvious it's hard, "Hell, I'm not saying anything, thanks, that was great."

Corbin asks, "How long ago was that?'

"A couple of months ago." Jose starts the video over again. "So have they seen it?' he asks. "Hell no, they'd probably kill me if they knew I had it. Like I said, no one has seen it but us."

Corbin pats Ed's leg, "Thanks, I'm glad you showed us that."

Ed stands up, his hard cock in front of Corbin's mouth, "If you want, I'll let you suck me if you let Jose film it."

Jose shakes his head, "Man, I'm not filming you get sucked by Corbin."

Tom grins, "I will."

Jose scowls at him, "Really man, you'd film your room mate sucking Ed?"

"Sure, and I'm going to jack off while I watch."

Corbin stands up, "I think I have a say in this guys. If I suck you, you have to suck me and we tape the whole thing."

Ed starts unbuttoning Corbin's shirt, "Sure, I'm cool with that."

Jose just shakes his head. Ed looks over at him, "Heh, you can suck Tom while he's filming, I don't care."

"Really?" Jose says.

"Dude, what's different than last night? Didn't you suck and fuck while everybody else was doing it?'

Jose stands up and starts undressing, "I guess you're right."

Ed looks at Tom, "You have to concentrate though, I want you to get every angle. I want to see my cock sliding in those lips and him gulping my cum."

Tom agrees, "OK, I'll get it all." Tom takes the camera, he moves back to get a wide shot of the two naked hairy men, their cocks sticking up in the air.

Ed moves down, "Heh, I'll go first, that way you know you can trust me." He puts one hand on Corbin's balls and the other he circles around the cock, Tom moves in closer as Ed's mouth encircles Corbin's hard meat, Ed licks around the head as he pushes the foreskin back. He slowly moves the shaft deeper into his mouth.

Tom feels a drop of precum hit his foot; he looks around to see what Jose is doing. He motions for him to come over. Tom moves back so he can get a good shot of Corbin head to ass and Ed's furry body too. Jose kneels down and starts sucking Tom's hard rod, licking the wet head to eat the juice already oozing out.

Ed moves up and down on Corbin's cock slowly, licking and squeezing it with his lips, he moves his face and nose through the curly brown bush with each stroke.

Corbin stops him after a couple of minutes, "Heh, let's lay on the bed and 69."

Ed pushes Corbin back without removing his mouth from the dick. Corbin sits down slowly and slides over while Ed maintains suction on the rod. Tom has to move and Jose shuffles with him. The two furry men lay on their backs next to each other, bent over to suck on each other's cocks. Corbin slowly takes Ed's cock in his mouth just as Ed had done to him. They move up and down on each other's meat in unison, Corbin runs his hands over Ed's chest and plays with the erect nipples, soon Ed is feeling Corbin's hair run through his fingers as well. Tom concentrates on each man, filming the balls as they move in cadence with the dick, the men's mouth firmly sucking the shafts, catching the licking and moaning as the men pleasure each other. Corbin moves one hand to Ed's ass and rubs it gently, feeling the wool under his fingers, the muscular round mounds flexing with each stroke of the mouth. He decides to try to finger Ed's crack, he slides his hand down and runs it through the thick hair, he finds Ed's hole and works his finger around it. He gently presses the tip of the finger in, working it in a circular motion.

Ed stops sucking Corbin's dick, "You want to fuck me?"

Corbin nods yes. Ed slides off the bed and pulls Corbin up behind him. Tom sits on the bed and leans back to get a good shot of the furry sex slaves.

Ed looks at Tom, "Get a close up of his cock sliding in my ass."

Tom nods. Jose is working hard to maintain control of Tom's cock as he moves around. Tom narrows in on Corbin's hard rod as it goes in the crack, "Spread his cheeks." Tom tells Corbin.

Corbin spreads Ed's ass wide so Tom can film the cock entering the tight hole. Corbin pushes the rod all the way in and just holds it there, then he slowly starts fucking the hairy man. Tom leans back to get the entwined bodies and Ed's hand stroking his own cock. Ed is looking around watching as the hairy man mounts him. Corbin fucks him for several minutes playing with Ed's nipples as his rod slides in and out.

"Hold on, let me turn over, I want to watch you fucking me." moans Ed.

Corbin withdraws the rod and Ed lies down on the bed, Corbin lifts Ed's legs and places them on his shoulders. Tom has to jockey for position again to film Corbin's cock re-entering Ed's hole. Ed is rubbing Corbin's chest, fingering the nipples as Corbin fucks him.

"Fuck me, oh, fucking hot man. Do you like fucking my hot body? You like having your meat in my tight ass? Oh, fuck me hard stud." Ed moans.

Jose has once again gotten his mouth on Tom's cock and sucks it slowly while he strokes his own meat.

"You hot fucking man, you like my cock in your ass? Your tight ass feels so good on my hard rod." Corbin is gazing down at Ed as he fucks him, running his hands over the hairy chest and stomach.

"Hold my big balls and stroke my cock. Feel the hot man you're fucking. You like feeling my muscles under that thick fur? I know you like fucking this hot man don't you? You like drilling my tight ass cocksucker?" Corbin and Ed are both covered in sweat and both men are moaning.

"When you cum I want you to shoot your load in my hot mouth."

Ed looks at Tom, "you like watching me get fucked? You like to watch two hot men fucking?

Tom nods, "Yes, and I have it all on video." He holds Jose head, "Slow down, I don't want to cum yet, I'm getting real close."

Corbin looks down at Ed, he is stroking Ed's cock with one hand and playing with his nipples with the other, "You ready to eat my cum now?"

Ed opens his mouth, "Shoot it baby, shoot it on my face and in my mouth."

Corbin pulls out of Ed's ass and lets his legs down, he straddles his chest and runs his cock into the open mouth several times while Ed holds Corbin's hairy balls,

"You want me to cum on your face?" Corbin asks, Ed nods yes. Corbin pulls his cock out of the lips and starts shooting, the cum lands on Ed's forehead running down his nose and squirts on the cheeks and chin too as Corbin's balls empty their sweet load. Ed sticks out his tongue and catches the dripping sperm from the head of Corbin's dick; Corbin pushes the dick all the way to the back of Ed's throat.

"Hot fucking mouth, fucking cocksucker, you like eating a hot man's seed? You like my big rod in your mouth?"

Ed is stroking his cock and rubbing his stomach, he pushes Corbin out of his mouth, "Suck me dry big man." he tells Corbin.

Corbin slides down the sweaty hair and takes Ed's cock in his mouth just in time to receive the blast of sperm shooting out.

"Fucking faggot, suck my cock, oh, fuck yes, suck me. I love seeing a hot man sucking my prick.

Tom hands Ed the camera, "You film him sucking you, I have to cum."

He holds Jose's face deep on his cock and starts shooting his load down Jose's throat. Jose licks around the rod and swallows the load, he is stroking his own cock and shoots it on Tom's leg and the cum runs down onto his own legs. Jose licks up the spilled juice and sits up to kiss Tom. Tom takes the camera back from Ed.

"Come lick your cum off my face and feed it to me," Ed tells Corbin.

Corbin slides up the hairy body and starts licking the runny cum with his tongue and inserting it into Ed's mouth. He licks the whole face, leaving it wet with saliva and cum residue.

"You like tasting your own sperm?" asks Ed, "You like feeding me your sweet seed?"

Corbin licks Ed's lips and reinserts his tongue in his mouth. "So how was it? Did I fill your ass cocksucker? I loved drilling your fag ass."

Ed holds Corbin's mouth with one hand, "I'm not a fag cocksucker."

Corbin rolls off of Ed and grabs his cock and balls with one hand and rubs the sweaty body with the other. "Oh, yeah, well your cock and ass say different, they love having a hot man's touch and we have the video to prove it."

Ed smiles, "Yeah, man I can't wait to see it. I'm going to jack off watching that for sure."

Tom and Jose are watching the two of them, "Fags, cock suckers, homos, hot men fucking is what I'd call it." Says Jose.

"Cum lover, sperm eater, butt fucker," yes Ed.

"You might like to fuck women but you're definitely a cocksucker now." Adds Tom.

Ed reaches over and pulls Tom's face over to him and kisses him. "OK, I'm a cocksucker, Father fucker and cum eater. I don't care."

Ed rolls off of the bed; he stands up, stretching and posing, "You love looking at me don't you? I'm a hot man and you love it."

Jose pinches Ed's ass, "Yeah, conceited asshole, you are hot, I know one thing too, Corbin is just as hot. So now you better suck me off once in a while, I mean, you are MY roommate!"

Ed laughs, "Yeah, I guess I've been an ass to you, I'll make it up to you. Heh, let's download that video, I can't wait to see Corbin fucking me."

Tom smiles, "Ed, you are a serious narcissist!"

"Yeah, I guess, how many people masturbate watching themselves jack off?" He laughs. Tom takes the card out of the camera and plugs it into Jose's laptop. He downloads the video and they all start watching it.

"You do have a hot mouth, look at my dick sliding between your lips." says Corbin.

"Yeah, that first few strokes and I could taste your cheese, then later your sweet pre-cum. Wow, I love watching this." says Ed.

Jose looks over at Ed; Ed is playing with his cock as he watches himself giving Corbin head. "Oh, hell yeah, the 69, god that's hot, fucking hot men sucking each other. Look at my big balls laying there, man they felt so good I could feel the cum churning in there." Ed's cock is hard and he's stroking it gently, he rubs his chest and plays with his right nipple as he jacks off.

"Oh, here's the money shot, Corbin's cock defiling your hole." says Tom.

"Oh, yes, man that big cock sliding in past my prostate felt so good, look how he's stretching my hole wide open." The video gets to the part where Ed lays on the bed and Corbin has his ass in the air fucking him. "Fucking hot, you running your hands over my smokin' hot body, I know you love feeling a man under your hands." Ed raves.

"Yeah, even more I loved having my cock in your hot ass while I stroked your hard meat." Says Corbin.

"Yeah, that is hot your hand stroking my meat, I sure have a pretty cock, look at those big balls too. Man I love seeing myself naked."

Jose laughs, "Dude, you have a serious problem."

Ed smacks him. "Oh, yes, look at that cum splattering on my face, your cum tastes so good, I loved sucking your beautiful cock." Ed slides more horizontal on the bed. "Fuck, look at my balls drawing up when I shoot into your mouth, damn and you swallow every drop."

Corbin is watching as Ed is stroking his cock faster, "Man, you going to cum again?"

"Oh, yes, I can feel it coming up, oh, hell."

Corbin leans down to take the cock in his mouth, "No, let me shoot it, you can lick it off." He releases and the sticky fluid shoots all the way to his chest and dribbles down the shaft to the bushy pubes. Corbin licks the chest and works his way down, sucking the cum out of the hair and licking everything. Tom and Jose are stroking each other and Corbin is watching them as he cleans up Ed. Corbin's cock is sticking straight out of his crotch but he isn't touching it.

Ed looks at the hard cock, "Fuck my mouth again, I want more of your cum."

Corbin kneels on the bed and straddles Ed again, he quickly fucks Ed's mouth and unloads in his mouth this time, Ed swallows it all.

Jose looks at Tom, "I'm cumming."

"Me too." says Tom. Jose shoots straight up in the air and seconds later Tom points his cock at Jose and shoots on Jose's smooth stomach. Tom leans over and licks off both of their loads then kisses Jose gently, running their tongues in and out of each other's mouths.

"Wow, two loads in less than an hour, we're studs." says Jose. He gets up licking the cum off of his hand. "Are we going to shower together or are you going for another round?" he smiles.

Tom leans over Ed and takes Corbin's cock in his mouth, licking it, then down and takes the hairy scrotum in his mouth sucking on it. He sits back up, "I'm good, let's shower." he says.

Ed looks at Tom, "You didn't clean my cock and balls."

Tom grins, "Yeah, I know." He stands up and picks up his clothes, Jose opens the door and they walk down the hallway naked, Tom stops at his room and drops his clothes and gets a towel and they go to the showers. Ed and Corbin remain on the bed lying next to each other, their hands exploring each other's fur, cocks and faces.

"Stand up." Ed tells Corbin.

Corbin stands in front of him, Ed runs his hands over Corbin's torso, he runs his hands over Corbin's firm ass and around the thighs and back up to the spent balls hanging down in front of his face. "Don't take this as a gay thing but I love your body, I love the way your big cock hangs down over your hairy balls," he lifts the soft cock and pushes back the foreskin, he licks the head of the cock then moves his hands up over the stomach, he pauses at the nipples and feels them gently then runs his hands over the muscular chest. He runs his face through the crotch hair and up the stomach across the abs. "Your tight abs, your beautiful chest, your handsome face. You're just so fucking hot."

Corbin leans down and kisses him, "Yeah, that's not gay at all, loving another man's body."

Ed smirks, "No, it's like the Greeks loved men, they appreciated physical perfection, they worshipped the male body, it wasn't gay it was art."

"Yes, and they fucked each other in the ass too, not gay at all. Ed, just because you get hot looking at me doesn't mean I'm judging you. I love it that you think I'm hot, I love it that we can suck and fuck each other, we don't have to label it, just enjoy it."

Ed stands up, he pushes Corbin back on the bed, "OK, do you worship me too?"

Corbin smiles, he runs his hands over Ed's firm body as Ed poses and flexes for him. "I worship you, I worship your cock and balls and your furry body." He takes Ed's cock in his mouth and sucks it as he runs his hands over Ed's body. Ed pulls him up and kisses him. He kisses Ed back; they embrace and kiss feeling each other from front to back.

"I want to wash you, let's go shower." Ed says. They leave the room walking down the hallway arms wrapped around each other's waists. A tall blonde man comes out of the bathroom, he sees them walking down the hallway.

"Heh, Ed. What's up?" He stares at them as they walk up.

"Hi Kirby." Ed replies.

"What are you doing?" Kirby asks.

"We're going to take a shower." says Ed.

"Oh." he continues to stare at them as they go around the corner to the showers.

Jose and Tom are drying off, Tom smiles, "Not very obvious that you fuckers like each other."

Ed laughs, "Yeah, did you see the blonde guy that was in here?"

Jose and Tom shake their heads, "No." says Jose.

"He's in one of my classes. I wonder what he's thinking right now, I stole his girl friend last year."

Tom grins and points to some cum on Corbin's chest. Ed and Corbin go in the shower and start the water.

"Oh fuck, we don't have any towels." Corbin points out. He looks around the corner, "Heh, Tom, can you get us some towels?"

Tom nods, "Yeah, that might be useful."

Jose and Tom leave, Tom returns in a few minutes and hangs towels on the hooks, "Heh, your towels are out here." he says as he leans in the door.

Ed and Corbin are locked in an embrace kissing and fondling each other. Tom grins again, "Oh well." he says as he walks off.

Ed takes the soap and starts cleaning Corbin, starting with his arms, working up to the shoulders and across the chest with one hand and the back with the other, he kneels as he works the lather into Corbin's bush, and massaging his cock and balls with a soapy hand. Someone lets out a whistle. They look out and see Kirby standing there wrapped in a towel.

"What the fuck Ed. Are you a homo?"

Ed stands up, he rubs a soapy hand over his cock, "What? Is that what it looks like?" He looks at Corbin, "I guess buddies can't shower together." Corbin laughs.

"It looks like you were going to suck his dick." says Kirby.

Ed frowns, "Really? Would you suck a soapy dick? Besides, he doesn't need a blow job, he already fucked my ass." Ed closes the shower door, he and Corbin start laughing. Kirby opens the door and gives them the finger. He closes the door and goes down to the end shower. Ed continues soaping down Corbin's ass and legs, then Corbin takes the soap and repeats the steps with Ed, he takes extra time cleaning his ass and crack and making sure there is no more cum in his hair. The two stand in the steamy water rinsing off and kissing. "So, I guess my rep is fucked now, I'll be a fag to everyone now." says Ed.

"It's OK, I already am." says Corbin, they snicker.

Ed kicks the door open again letting out most of the steam. They turn off the water and start drying off. Kirby comes out of the end shower, they look at him, he grabs his towel and wraps it around his waist.

He walks up to them, "Seriously fuckhead, did you turn gay?"

Ed laughs, "No, man, I still fuck women, we were just having some fun, we did a black mass this weekend and I sucked some cock, no harm done."

Kirby frowns, "A black mass? You mean like devil worship?"

Ed smiles, "Yes, we had a high priest come up from New Orleans and he did the mass and we all got naked and fucked, you should try it some time."

Kirby shakes his head, "No, I don't think so, I don't want to go to hell."

Ed leans over to him, "You're going to hell anyway, you might as well embrace the evil inside you."

Kirby shrugs, "I don't know why you're saying I'm going to hell, I'm good."

Ed pulls Kirby's towel off and grabs his penis, "How many women have you fucked in the last year?"

Kirby pushes Ed's hand away and grabs his towel back, "Not that many, what's your point?"

Ed smiles, "Yeah, I know of at least 5, and you probably lied to all of them about how much you respected them. So, I'm not your judge, but let's face it, you're evil too. This weekend I just played out the cards. If I sucked a dick or fucked an ass, what difference does it make?"

"None to me, I just wouldn't do shit like that." says Kirby.

"It's OK, but just remember, everyone has their life to live, I live by my rules, not yours."

Corbin leans over and whispers in Ed's ear, "Heh, his dick is getting hard."

Ed looks down at it, "Yup, sure is."

Kirby looks down at his cock, it's at half mast, he pushes it down with his hand, "Figures you would like seeing my dick hard." he says.

"No matter to me unless you want me to suck it, then I like them real hard." Corbin laughs.

Kirby looks at Ed, "You saying you want to suck my cock?"

Ed shakes his head, "No, I'm saying if YOU want me to suck it I like it hard, otherwise just go jack off."

Kirby wraps the towel around him again. He walks off. Ed and Corbin finish drying off and go to Corbin's room. Corbin throws on some shorts and walks back to Ed's room to grab his clothes. He gets his clothes, "Heh, thanks for the hot sex Ed. You know where I live."

Ed smacks his ass, "Yes stud, I do." Corbin leaves and Ed lays down on his bed naked and closes his eyes. Yup, he thinks, he's given in to all of the evil in him and he knows he loved it.

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