Your Evil Ways

By Michael Birch

Published on Mar 15, 2017


Warning! The following story contains graphic images of gay sex and devil worship that some might find offensive

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.

This work is the intellectual property of the author, and is thereby owned exclusively by the author and cannot be copied, republished, or used in any way without the author's written consent. Copyright2017 Michael Birch

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Your Evil Ways Pt. 3

Jose and Tom get together several days later to make more plans for the event. They are concerned about the hard floor and all of the cum and how everyone is going to clean up. There is a kitchen with large sinks in the basement but there is only one small shower, they wonder how they will manage but they work out the details.

"What about food and drinks?" asks Jose.

Tom looks back on his computer, "Hmm, I don't see anything about it here, I know they have wine, maybe if we have like some appetizers or something, what do you think?"

"Yeah, I don't think anybodies going to be thinking of eating anything except cock, what about weed?"

Tom frowns, "That's a lot of money for that many people, maybe if we tell everyone to bring what they want to share, if enough people bring a couple of joints or something it will be fine."

Jose laughs, "My friends will definitely bring more than a couple, so if we have like a dozen bottles of wine, how about if we order some bread sticks and wings for afterwards, maybe a couple of trays of cheese and crackers."

Tom agrees, "Yeah, that should be fine. You going to help me the next day clean up?"

Jose nods, "Sure, I'll bet we can get a couple of guys to help us."

Tom sends a message to Jean asking him if he is OK with the plans, several minutes later he gets a confirmation. "Yeah, he says that sounds good. He asked how many are going to be there, I guess about 20?"

Jose nods, "Yeah, I don't think it will be more than that."

The 13th creeps up faster than anyone could hope. Tom and Jose go down to the church early. Tom ordered three dozen black towels from the laundry, the pizza place delivered wings and bread sticks and a couple of party platters that the guys set up down in the kitchen. They drape the altar with a large black and gold cover; they have twenty silver candlesticks with black candles around the room for mood lighting. The benches have been pushed back and some of them arranged in a semi-circle around the floor area. Tom has the gowns all cleaned and ready to go.

Just as it is getting dark, there is a knock on the front doors. Jean has showed up. He is taller than Tom had expected, his long black hair hangs down over his shoulders and half way down his back. He has a very pleasant face with a small black mustache and a goatee. He is wearing a black long-sleeved shirt with no buttons so it is open to his waist exposing his black fur that covers the front of his torso. He has black leather pants, buttoned up the front and black leather boots.

He looks around the room, "Nice." he says.

"I'm Tom. Nice to finally meet you."

Jean shakes his hand.

Jose walks up and shakes his hand too, "I'm Jose."

Jean is carrying a large silver bowl and a wardrobe bag. "Where can I put these?"

Tom takes him to the back room. Jean hangs the bag on the rack with the choir robes; he sets the bowl on the table. He looks at Tom and Jose.

"You're wearing clothes?" he asks as he pulls off his shirt.

Tom gazes at the man's body; it is very tan and meatier looking than in the photo. Jean unbuttons his pants, kicks off his boots, and pulls off the pants. He is not wearing underwear and his cock and balls fall out as he pulls them down. Jean's body is just like a Roman sculpture, defined muscles covered in black hair, his firm round ass and legs are also very hairy. The uncircumcised cock is 8" long soft, a silver and black serpent cock ring surrounds it and the balls hang several inches below the head.

"Get naked guys, you don't want me to feel out of place do you?"

Tom and Jose hurriedly get undressed. Jean walks over to them, he kisses Tom first, his hands reaching down and playing with his cock and balls as he runs his tongue around the inside of his mouth. He steps over to Jose, lifting the brown cock up looking at the big balls, and then he also kisses him.

"Mmm, now that we've met, show me around."

Tom takes him down to the kitchen where the trays are covered and on warmers. Then he shows him the shower and takes him back upstairs to the stage.

"You have wine?" he asks Tom.

"Yes," Tom goes to the back and brings out a bottle of Chianti, "will this be OK?" he asks.

"Oh, yes, very nice and blood red."

The front door opens and Corbin and the two Eds walk in.

"Welcome my friends." Jean says to them.

They come to the stage and introduce themselves.

"Gentlemen, you may go back to the room and get undressed." He points to the back room.

Ed and Corbin lead Jose's Ed to the back. "I guess you can call me Eddy so we don't get confused." says Tom's friend.

"Fine with me." says Ed. He watches as the other two start undressing,

"So, are we going to be naked?" he asks.

"No, we're wearing those black robes but we'll be naked underneath."

Ed smiles, "Too, bad, I don't mind being naked."

Corbin smiles too, "Yeah, that makes three of us, Eddy likes showing off too."

Ed looks at Eddy who is already undressed, "Shit man, you must have good genes or you must work out 24/7, nice body."

Eddy smiles, "Yeah, I don't work out that much, like you said just good genes."

"So when do we put the robes on?" asks Ed.

Corbin shrugs, "I don't know, I guess they'll tell us."

The three walk out to the front. The front door opens and Liam comes in with three other young men, they walk to the back, Liam introduces them.

"You know where to undress right?' Tom asks.

Liam nods and shows his friends where to go, they come back several minutes later all wearing their robes.

Jean looks at them, "Are we shy?"

Liam grins, "Yeah, kind of."

Jean asks Tom, "So can we all have a glass of wine and loosen up a bit while we're waiting?"

"Sure." Tom goes to the back and gets a box of glasses and more wine. He uncorks the bottles and passes drinks to everyone. Liam and Ed pull out joints and light them, passing them around. After several more minutes more people start showing up, they come in singles and pairs. All of them are fairly young looking. They are all shown to the back to undress, most of them choose to put on their robes but there are several notable exceptions that proudly walk out nude. Just before the hour they have nineteen men gathered, some have been smoking the weed others contented themselves to just the wine.

Jean stands up in front of them, "OK gentlemen, we are about to start. You understand this is a black mass; this is a tribute to the devil and all of the demons in hell. A black mass is consecrated in blood and semen, as we do not have a sacrificial animal tonight I will offer myself as the blood sacrifice. I need a volunteer for the altar, to lay naked with an erect cock during the reading and afterward to have their anus penetrated by me and anyone here wishing to fuck them. Do I have a volunteer for this honored position?"

A young blonde man steps forward.

"You are willing to offer yourself to our lusts and desires?"

"Yes master." he replies.

"OK, everyone else who doesn't have a robe please get one and come back here."

Jean goes back with them, he unzips his wardrobe bag and removes a black silk robe covered in gold embroidery, snakes, owls, upside down crosses, phalluses and other dark images. He puts on the robe and joins the others.

"Please form a circle here." he points to the pentagon and circle on the floor. He takes the young blonde man on stage with him. The man is 5'10", he has a swimmers build, nicely toned muscles over all, his soft cock is 5" long and he has normal sized balls in his tight scrotum. His blonde hair is medium length; he is clean-shaven and very handsome. He has a moderate amount of chest hair and curly blonde hair surrounds his cock and balls. Jean looks at him.

"What is your name?"

"John." the man replies.

"Good John, I will consecrate you as our altar for the evening." He steps behind the man and wraps his robe over the broad shoulders, Jean takes both hands and cups John's testicles and cock in his hands, he pushes his furry body against John's back and works his semi-hard cock between John's ass cheeks. He slowly takes both hands and starts stroking the young man's cock until it gets hard. Jean's dick is also now fully hard and poking out between John's legs.

"You will be our altar, you will be the chalice for our seed, your body now belongs to us. We call to Asmodeus and Astaroth to fill your heart with lust and your testes with unholy sperm. John you are to pray to Beelzebub, your supplication to be fucked and eat our seed will please him, please lie on the altar, be sure and keep your cock hard, you may stroke it as you need but don't ejaculate."

John lies down on the table, his dick sticking straight up in the air. Jean walks behind the altar, he takes John's cock in his mouth and sucks it six strokes and then licks his stomach and chest. He moves his mouth to each hairy armpit and licks them. He walks to the end of the altar and lifts John's legs; he licks the man's inner thighs and then licks the balls and tight asshole. He kisses John's mouth and then moves down to the circle of men. Jean holds his robe open displaying his furry body and hard cock.

"My fellow worshippers, look upon my naked body, your thoughts of sucking my cock, fucking my ass, raping me, filling me with your warm sperm and wishing for me to do the same to you. Gaze at my cock and balls, my hairy ass and know that I am yours and you are mine. We will delight in the pleasure of the flesh and blood. "

He takes his book of spells and incantations and starts reading the mass from it, circling in front of the men, as he passes each man he makes sure their robe is open exposing their cock and balls, he strokes each cock as he goes by and all of the men are fully erect. They peer out from under their hoods as Jean recites the mass and they look at each other's erect penises.

Prince of Darkness, hear us! I believe in one Prince, Satan, who reigns over this Earth, And in one Law that triumphs over all. I believe in one Temple Our Temple to Satan, and in one Word that triumphs over all: The Word of ecstasy. And I believe in the Law of the Aeon, Which is sacrifice, and in the letting of blood For which I shed no tears since I give praise to my Prince The fire-giver and look forward to his reign And the pleasures that are to come!

I who am the joys and pleasures of life which strong men have forever sought. I am come to show you my body and my blood.

Jean continues around the circle, his hard rod never falters and towers over his low hanging balls.

"In the presence of the Mighty Ones do I of my own free will and accord most solemnly swear that I will ever keep secret and never reveal the secrets of the Art except it be to a proper person, properly prepared, with a Circle such as this. In addition, that I will never deny the secrets of the Art to such a person if he or she be vouched for by a Brother or Sister of the Art. All this I swear by my hopes of a future life mindful that my measure has been taken and may my magical weapons turn against me if I break this my solemn oath."

"Dark Prince, as often as I desire your presence, you are to appear to me in a loving and agreeable form, never in a frightening or horrible shape. You are to see that each and every person shall do my bidding."

He finishes the reading, he walks to each man in the circle, he places their left hand on his cock and instructs them to stroke it six times which they do. After getting stroked by each man, he takes their left hand and puts it on the cock of the man to their left. He does this with all of the men until he reaches the last one. He leaves the circle and gets the silver bowl, he pours wine into it and then he holds a small knife to his left palm and makes a cut, he starts bleeding into the wine. He takes one finger and stirs the mixture. He walks to Jose who is the first man at the north side of the circle. He takes Jose's hard cock in his left hand.

"What is your name?"

Jose smiles, "Jose."

Jean asks him, "Jose, are you a true and faithful believer?"

Jose says "Yes."

Jean then sips from the bowl; he holds it to Jose's lips and Jose drinks.

"Do you submit to your master, will you allow me to penetrate your anus with my sacred cock and faithfully obey all of my commands, will you take your brothers life giving sperm into your body?"

Jose nods, "I submit."

Jean leans in and kisses Jose on the lips; Jean takes his hand off of Jose's penis and holds his own, "Kiss my cock."

Jose kneels and kisses Jean's hard cock.


He pushes Jose's robe back, it falls to the floor, and Jose is standing naked with his hard cock sticking straight out. Jean moves to the next acolyte, it is a taller black man, he is muscular, his head is shaved on the sides and he has stripes tattooed on the sides of his head running down his neck and turning into a spider web across his chest, the word "brothers" is tattooed in a semi-circle just under the clavicles. Jeans runs his hand over the rounded pecs, pushing back the robe on each side revealing a large gold stud in each of his large nipples. The man's hard rod is sticking straight up. It is long and uncut. Jean pushes the foreskin back as he puts his palm under the large meat, there is a large clear pearl of pre-cum on the head, Jean leans over and licks it off and takes the head of the cock in his mouth and sucks it.

"What is your name?" he asks as he straightens up.


Jean repeats the ceremony.

"Jesse, are you a true and faithful believer?"

Jesse says "Yes." Jean and Jesse drink from the cup and Jean kisses him.

"Do you submit to your master, will you allow me to penetrate your anus with my sacred cock and faithfully obey all of my commands, will you take your brother's life giving sperm into your body?"

"I submit." Jesse repeats.

Jean holds his cock, "Kiss my cock."

Jesse kneels and kisses jeans cock.

"Stand." Jean says and he pushes Jesse's robe off and places him in front of Jose, "Receive your brother's cock into your mouth but do not take his sperm yet."

Jesse kneels in front of Jose and starts sucking him. Jean moves to the next man. He is Hispanic, maybe around 30, he is shorter than Jose, his curly black hair hangs down to his shoulders. He has a dark tanned body, smooth chest and stomach and his 5" cock is sticking straight out.

Jean asks, "What is your name?"

"Randy" the man says.

Jean repeats the ceremony once again, after the man has kissed his cock he has Jesse stand and he tells Randy to suck Jesse's cock. He moves to the next man, which is Corbin.

"What is your name?"


Jean runs his fingers through the sumptuous hair on Corbin's chest then runs his hand over the stomach hair and holds Corbin's cock. He looks deep into the blue eyes.

"Corbin are you a true and faithful believer?"

Corbin says "Yes"

Jean then continues the rest of the ritual. He stands Randy up and has Corbin suck Randy's cock. Jean moves to the next man, an average height black man with dark skin, he has a nice smooth body and his cock is definitely the longest in the group, quite possibly a full foot long and it is topped with a huge round head. Jean runs his hand over the young man's body, he takes the enormous rod in his hand and kneels down in front of him, Jean takes the cock all the way in his mouth and down his throat swallowing every inch of it. He then stands up holding the penis in his left hand.

"What is your name?"


Jean repeats the ceremony with Robert and has him suck Corbin's cock. Liam is next, Jean has to coax Liam to submit to his pleasure but he finally does. Jean then has Liam in turn suck Robert's cock. The next man is very young, a shorter white man, his brown hair is trimmed neatly on the sides and swept up to a point on the top of his head, he has bright blue eyes in a very handsome face. His chest is nicely rounded and he has a triangle of curly brown hair across the top from his shoulder bones pointing down to his stomach. The man's cock is 7" long, very smooth and a nice beige color, it is sticking straight up in the air. As Jean puts his left hand under the beautiful cock, he can feel the testicles jump up on either side of the hard rod. He quickly moves the bowl with the wine mixture down in front of the man's throbbing rod and the youth releases his load in quick creamy spurts into the bowl. Jean leans in to the man's face as the man repeats,

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Jean kisses him deeply repeatedly and saying "Don't worry, it's OK, you're fine, it's OK, release your juices."

After a minute the man has stopped cumming, Jean kneels down, he takes the uncut cock in his mouth and sucks it while stroking it firmly to work the rest of the cum down the shaft. Jean stands up, he has pre-cum at the end of his own cock, he takes a finger and wipes it off and licks his finger.

"What is your name?" he asks the young man.


"Toby are you a true and faithful believer?"

Toby looks shaken, "Yes."

Jean takes his hand off of Toby's cock, he stirs the sperm into the wine mixture, he places his hand back holding the cock after licking his finger. He drinks from the bowl and holds it to Toby's mouth and Toby also drinks it. Jean kisses Toby's mouth, this time running his tongue into the man's mouth. He repeats the rest of the ceremony and has Toby suck Liam's dick.

Ed is next; he has been watching the action with Toby guiltily. Jean feels the thick fur on Ed's chest, he runs his hand around and feels the firm ass cheeks and then holds his hard penis.

"What's your name?"

"Edward" Ed says.

Jean asks, "Are you a true and faithful believer?"

Ed's eyes are fixed on the cup with the wine, blood and sperm mix, he looks up at Jean and says "Yes."

Jean takes a sip from the bowl and holds it up to Ed's mouth. Jose, Tom and Corbin are watching intently to see if Ed will drink from the cup, he drinks and swallows the mixture. Tom almost looses his load he is so excited seeing Ed drink the cum.

Jean kisses him. "Do you submit to your master, will you allow me to penetrate your anus with my sacred cock and faithfully obey all of my commands, will you take your brothers life giving sperm into your body?"

"I submit." Ed says.

Jean kisses him again, releases his cock and holds his own, "Kiss my cock."

Ed kneels down and kisses Jean's cock, and then Jean pushes off Ed's robe and has him suck Toby's cock. The men watch Ed as he takes Toby's dick into his mouth, Corbin grins broadly, and he looks over at Tom who winks at him. Jean then moves on, there are two more men before he gets to Tom. The man next to Ed is another young white guy, very hairy with a 6" dick and huge balls in a tight scrotum. He kneels in front of Ed after his ceremony and takes Ed's thick hard cock in his mouth. Jean repeats the ceremony with the next man and then gets to Tom. Tom is excited as he drinks the wine mixture and then kneels to suck the next man who is very handsome and has a beautiful smooth 6" dick. Eddy is next to Tom and also readily completes his portion.

There are six more men to complete the ceremony; there are no more stumbles or surprises as Jean goes to each man. As he finishes with the last man and that man is sucking his neighbor's dick, Jean sets the empty bowl on the floor; he takes his hard cock in his hand.

"My friends, my lovers, we honor Satan by taking our brother's blood and semen and ravishing the flesh, it is time to consecrate the offering."

He turns around, stroking his cock with one hand and running his other hand over his hairy chest, playing with the nipple rings and gyrating slowly as he displays his naked body to all of the men in the circle. He pulls up the last man in the circle who is still sucking cock; Jean kneels in front of him and sucks the hard rod for several minutes.

He stands up, "circle around the altar."

He picks up the bowl, he walks back and puts more wine into it, he stirs it with his finger walking to the naked man on the altar whose cock is rock hard sticking straight up. Jean drinks from the bowl and holds it up to John's mouth; John drinks some of the wine. The other men have circled around the altar.

Jean points to Toby, "Stand there next to John's head."

Toby moves close to the altar. Jean looks around and points to Robert.

"Robert you come and stand here." pointing to another spot by the altar next to John's waist.

Jean walks around and stands between John's legs, which are hanging from the table. "We will now consecrate this altar to our use."

He runs his hands down John's body, caressing the nipples, feeling the hair and smooth skin, he strokes the upright cock and cups the balls in his hand. He licks his fingers and places one next to John's hole, he slowly moves the finger into the hole, then removes it; he bends down and sticks his tongue against the tight flesh, wriggling it into the hole and kissing it. Jean then stands up, he moves his hard rod up to the tight hole and slowly inserts it, working it all the way in. John moans as he feels the cock in his ass.

"Toby, give John your cock to suck, Robert, you suck John's cock."

Both men do as told, Jean starts fucking John with his big dick, he looks around the circle of naked men.

"Friends, please join us, masturbate, suck each other and fuck each other. Eat each others flesh and sperm."

Eddy looks over at Jose who is standing next to him; he takes Jose's cock in his hand and starts stroking it. Corbin moves over, kneels down in front of Eddy, and starts sucking the hard rod. One by one, the men pair up in twos and threes. Tom watches Ed to see what he will do, Ed's eyes meet Tom's and he walks over and pushes Tom down on his magnificent cock. As he sucks the rod he runs his hands over Ed's hairy chest, Tom has wanted to feel the godlike body for a long time and now he can't control his lust, he plays with the nipples a while and then runs his hands down the sides of the torso and around to grab the muscular butt cheeks. Ed is taking deep quick strokes in Tom's mouth as he holds Tom's head. Tom runs his fingers into Ed's furry ass crack and then fingers Ed's hole. He is just about to insert a finger into the hole when Ed shoots his load in Tom's mouth, jerking furiously and the sweet cum fills the cavity and runs down his throat so he starts swallowing the juice quickly as Ed holds the cock at the back of his throat. As he swallows, he completes inserting his finger into Ed's ass and he fingers the prostate, which makes Ed shake even more until he pushes Tom's hand away.

Jean is fucking John quickly now as he watches Toby unleash another load this time into John's mouth. John's body starts quivering also and he cums in Robert's willing mouth, Jean points to Jesse who is being sucked by Liam and motions for him to come over. Liam and Jesse both come over; Jean positions Liam next to Robert and pulls Jesse behind his own ass.

"Rub your cock in my ass crack but don't enter." he instructs Jesse, Jesse willingly inserts the big cock between Jean's ass cheeks and pumps slowly.

Jean then reaches around and holds Jesse's body tightly to him. He pulls his cock out of John's hole and starts shooting his load on John's cock and balls, it squirts all the way up on his chest and across his stomach. Jean pulls Liam down on his throbbing cock and Liam sucks the remaining sperm from Jean's rod while Robert licks the cum off of John's body. After a minute, Jean pulls out of Liam's mouth and he pulls Jesse around in front of him, he holds Jesse's cock as he pushes it into John's ass, the big meat fills the hole very tightly. Jean takes Robert's wrist and guides him behind Jesse, Jean works a finger into Jesse's ass licking it as he drives it deeper into the dark hole, he withdraws his finger and pushes Robert against Jesse's ass and Robert's long rod slides easily into the hole while Jesse fucks John.

Meanwhile Corbin has moved over and is licking Toby's ass at the side of the altar, Eddy and Jose are kissing as they are getting their rods sucked by two of Liam's friends. Toby bends over John's chest, licking the blonde fur and kissing the nipples. Corbin slowly works his dick into Toby's ass and fucks him slowly.

Jean leaves Jesse and Liam and walks over to Ed; he takes Ed's face between his hands and starts kissing him. Ed runs his tongue deep into Jean's mouth and they kiss hotly while Tom watches from below as he masturbates. Randy slides down next to Tom and takes the dick in his mouth; the two of them lay under Jean and Ed sucking each other. Jean pushes Ed down on his knees and Ed takes Jean's newly reinvigorated cock into his mouth and gingerly starts sucking the manhood.

Jesse pulls out of John's ass, a young muscular Asian looking man has been watching Jesse, John and Robert fucking, when Jesse pulls out he quickly goes down on the black cock, which quickly unloads its store of musky sperm. Robert then pulls his cock out of Jesse's ass and bends him over inserting the big knob into Jesse's mouth and shoots it full of cum. The Asian man stands, he moves in between John's legs and inserts his penis in John's ass, stroking quickly and within a few minutes he has shot his load in the young man's ass.

Corbin takes a few more firm strokes in Toby's ass and then pulls out, he turns Toby around and sprays spunk all over Toby's face and chest, the young stud takes the dripping cock into his mouth and eats the rest of the cum, sucking loudly as Corbin moans.

Jean steps over Tom and Randy, he pulls Ed to the altar and bends him over, he presses his wet cock against Ed's tight hole and it opens to the touch and Jean's cock slides in easily and he begins fucking the virgin ass. As Jean looks around the room, he sees the muscular furry young man and a slender white guy kissing and stroking each other.

"Rudy, Pete, come over here." The two men come to the altar. "Rudy, kneel up here on the altar and fuck my mouth, Pete, come around behind me and put your cock up my ass." Jean continues fucking Ed's ass as he sucks Rudy's 6" cock, Pete slides his long slender rod into Jean's ass and matches the rhythm of Jean's fucking. Jean is holding himself over John's body with one hand and feeling Rudy's furry muscles with the other, Pete is playing with Ed's cock as he fucks Jean. Rudy tilts Jean's head back and he looks Jean in the eyes.

"Are you ready to receive my hot sperm?'

Jean nods yes and Rudy immediately cums in his mouth, some of the cums spills out and drips onto John's furry stomach.

A man named Mike is fucking John now and he leans under Jean to lick up the spilled cum. The Asian man has moved up and is sucking John's cock, which is only half-hard. He licks and plays with his balls as he works the dick to make it hard again. Mike is soon ready to cum and he let's his load shoot into John's ass, mingling with the other men's sperm. He looks over and sees a young black man standing watching him, he motions and the man comes over.

"I'm going to pull out, I can feel the cum in John's ass, it's going to spill out, help me catch it."

Mike pulls his dick out and the young man holds his mouth under the hole, Mike is right, cum is drizzling out and Mike puts his face next to the other man's and they lick the hole clean and kiss and lick each others faces clean also. Mike runs his tongue deep into the man's mouth and pulls his head close, kissing him wildly.

"I'm Mike; I don't remember your name."

The man smiles, "I'm Mike also." They hug each other as they kiss.

Jean turns his head, "Pete, I'm going to shoot, I need to pull out, but keep fucking me."

Jean pulls out of Ed's ass; Ed slides off of the altar in front of Jean and takes the pulsing rod in his mouth as Jean unleashes another load. Pete is fucking Jean's ass furiously, he starts yelling loudly, Jean turns his head.

"Cum in my ass big boy, fuck me hard."

Pete holds Jean tightly around the waist as his cock drives deep into the hole shooting it full of cum.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, Jean your ass is so fucking hot!" he yells as he shoots.

Pete holds Jean tightly for a few minutes, when he lets go Jean kneels down in front of him and eats the remaining cum from Pete's dick. He stands up and looks around the room, everyone is sitting watching him and Pete as they finish up.

"Are we finished everyone? Has everyone sucked their brother's seed?"

They start standing; they all nod and say yes. John sits up on the altar, his cock is half stiff, Jean strokes it gently as he kisses him.

"Thank you for being our servant and taking our seed. Are you feeling alright?"

John smiles, "Yes, but I don't think you're going to get me to cum again, I've been fucked full and milked dry." Jean kisses him again.

Corbin walks over to Ed who is still sitting on the floor by the altar; he takes his hand and pulls him up. He pulls Ed against his body, their furry chests tight together; he kisses Ed's lips and runs a hand over his forehead and cheek.

"I've wanted to hold you for so long and feel your cock against me."

Ed smiles. "Well maybe we'll have another black mass and we can hook up."

Corbin leans his head back, "You want to wait for another meeting?"

Ed nods, "Corbin, this was part of the mass, I'm straight, I don't suck guys or get fucked."

Corbin runs his hand down and holds Ed's cock, fingering the large balls as he does. "You sure you don't want to hook up some time?"

Ed smiles, "It's unlikely, we'll see."

Corbin is dashed, his pride wounded that this gorgeous man didn't want to have sex with him.

Tom has been watching, he then turns, "Everyone we have drinks and food in the basement, you can clean up down there too."

He and Jose lead everyone downstairs.

Jean walks up to Tom and Jose, "Fantastic group of guys here, so happy to have driven up here for you guys."

Tom is beaming, "Jean, you were great, I loved the ceremony, I can't believe you took Robert's whole damn cock, you have some talent."

Jean smiles, "It's just control, you have to learn how to stifle your gag reflex and let the cock in your throat, it feels great if you can learn to do it."

As they are talking Toby walks over, he leans over and whispers to Jean, "I'm really sorry about cumming so soon, I've never done this before."

Jean pats his back, "Really, it's OK, you're not the first one to cum during the ceremony. You just have to put mind over matter. I take it this is your first black mass?"

Toby shakes his head, "Yeah, I've never been naked with anyone before, I got pretty excited seeing all of the naked men and having them look at me."

Jean nods, "So you've only had sex with women or do you mean you've only had blow jobs?"

"No, I've never had sex with anyone, I've only watched porn and jacked off, this was the first time I touched someone else that way."

Jean leans back, "How old are you?"

"18" Toby replies.

Tom looks at him, "You never beat off with friends or anything, no girl ever gave you a hand job?"

"Nope, I've been wanting too for a long time, but I didn't know how to get someone to have sex with me. Every time I go in the showers at school with all those naked men I get hard and have to jack off."

Jose leans in, "Don't feel bad, I was a virgin until I got to college too."

Toby smiles, "Yeah, I can't wait to start college next year, I'm hoping for lots more sex now."

Jean pulls him back, "You're not in college?"

"No, I'm a senior, I graduate in May."

Tom looks at Jose, and then at Toby, "Who brought you here?"

Toby grins, "No one, Ed was my sister's boyfriend, he was waiting for her downstairs one day and I heard him talking to someone on the phone about it. I heard him say it was the 13th so I kind of stalked him today and followed him over."

Tom looks astounded. "But you're 18 right?" "Yeah, you want to see my license I'll prove it."

Jose waves his hand, "Wait a minute, your sister is Ed's girlfriend?"

"Well he was, they broke up a couple of days ago `cause she wouldn't put out."

Tom leans in closer, "Your sister and Ed, how long have they been together?" Toby shrugs, "I don't know, maybe a year or more."

Jose asks, "Ed and your sister weren't having sex the whole time or just recently?"

"No, never, my other sister got pregnant when she was 16, Connie said no way she was having sex until she got married so she's still a virgin."

Jose whistles. "Wow, so old Ed must have been jacking off the whole time. But wait, oh, that's funny, so your sister won't have sex with Ed but he sucked your cock?"

Tom adds, "Not to mention Ed ate his cum, in the wine remember."

They high five each other, "Fuck man, that's hot!"

Tom looks around to see where Ed is, he is in the corner with his back turned talking to Eddy and Liam. "Heh, don't tell Ed we talked." says Jose.

"Oh, I won't, when he saw me come in he told me to get the fuck out. I told him no way, if he made me go I'd tell everyone where he was."

Tom grins. "OK Toby, you can go shower or clean up at the sinks, there's a stack of towels over there."

Toby shakes his head, "No way, I'm not going to shower for a week, I love this. I feel so evil, I got to suck all of those cocks and eat cum. My ass is a little sore but I loved having a man fuck me. I want to smell like sex forever."

Jose smiles, "OK, but maybe you and Jean go over there and talk, I don't want Ed to know you spilled the beans on him."

Jean and Toby walk over and grab some food. Most of the guys are still standing around naked, eating, drinking, and talking. Tom looks around for Corbin; he is sitting on a table eating and talking to Rudy, the little muscle man that is so furry. Tom walks over there.

"Rudy, right?" Tom says.

"Yeah, I forgot your name."

Tom holds out his hand, "Tom. You are pretty sexy, who did you come with?"

Rudy looks around the room, he points to Pete, "Pete over there, Pete knows Robert, Robert is one of Liam's friends. He told us there was going to be a black mass; we figured there would be women here too. It's cool though, I've sucked guys before, I'm kind of bi."

"Are you married?" asks Corbin.

"No, divorced three times, I've learned my lesson; fuck em and leave em before they get all of your money."

Tom grins, "What about Pete?"

"Oh, yeah, Pete's married; I work with Pete's wife. She is the one who introduced us. She kept hinting around that she wanted to have a three way with her husband, and then later she told me she wanted me to fuck her and her husband. I was pretty shocked to say the least, but she said they had done it before and that Pete liked sucking a guy while he fucked her, or having a guy suck him while he fucked his wife. It all worked out. We fucked around for a couple of months but Pete and I discovered we'd rather fuck each other and leave his wife out of it, so that's what we do every so often."

Tom looks at Corbin, "You remember Ed jacking off the other day?"

Corbin nods, "Yeah, it was pretty hot."

Tom smiles, "Do you know why?"

Corbin shakes his head, "No, but I hope it's juicy."

Tom sits next to Corbin, "Hang on you're not going to believe this."

Tom looks at Rudy, "Ed lives in our dorm, Jose and he are roommates but Jose is gay and Ed is straight."

Rudy smiles, "OK"

Tom looks back at Corbin, "So that girl he's been dating for over a year, she's a virgin, Ed hasn't been fucking her."

"What? How do you know?"

Tom smiles, he points over at Toby, "That guy Toby who shot his load in the wine, that's Ed's girlfriend's brother! He said Ed and her broke up a couple of days ago because she wouldn't let him fuck her. So evidently this whole time he's been jacking off or getting some strange somewhere else."

"No way." Corbin says as he looks for Ed.

"Way, dude, he's been pulling his meat the whole time, we thought he was such a stud and was fucking all these women."

Corbin smiles again, "But wait, Ed sucked Toby's cock, does he know it's his girlfriend's brother?"

"Yes, he told Toby to go home, but Toby refused, then they end up next to each other. That's great eh?"

"Dude, that's fantastic, Toby could go home and say, 'heh sis, Ed sucked my dick.', it would be great."

"Yeah, but they're not together anymore, at least not for now. I think though that now he's sucked Toby's cock it probably won't happen."

The men continue to mingle; a few have gotten a second wind and are having sex again with someone they haven't had a chance to be with yet. Slowly the men start cleaning up, some shower and they get dressed and leave. Jose, Jean, Tom, Liam, Corbin, and the two Eds are the only ones left. Liam and Ed are in the corner talking, Corbin decides he wants to take another shot at Ed. He walks over and sees that Ed is stroking Liam's cock as they talk.

"Hi, you guys just about ready to go?"

Liam grins, "Well, if Ed here finishes getting me off."

Ed reaches his other hand over and feels Liam's balls. "Yeah, looks like there might be another load in there."

Corbin smiles, he kneels down in front of Ed, "If you want to suck him off I'll suck you." and then he takes Ed's cock in his mouth.

Ed continues to stroke Liam's cock while Corbin gets him hard. He watches as the mouth goes up and down on his cock, Liam reaches over and strokes the fur on Ed's chest. Jose, Tom and Eddy are watching from the other side of the room, Eddy is already hard so Tom goes down on him. Jose stands up next to Eddy and masturbates while feeling Eddy's ass and fingering his crack. Tom starts taking turns on the two of them, stroking the one while he sucks the other and vice versa. Eddy and Jose are kissing each other as they get sucked. In the other corner Ed has leaned over and taken Liam's cock in his mouth and is sucking it. Jean walks over and watches for a few minutes stroking his cock getting it hard. Liam watches Jean jacking.

"Heh, Jean, come kneel on the table I'll suck that for you."

Jean walks over and kneels on the table, Liam takes the big rod in his mouth, slowly sucking it and enjoying the combined tastes of ass and sperm lingering on it. Corbin is happy to finally be sucking Ed's beautiful meat; he reaches up and plays with Ed's hard nipples. He slowly gently twists them and then slowly moves his hand over the well-defined furry chest.

They continue sucking for quite a while, then Jean looks down at Liam, "I want to fuck your hole."

Liam looks down at Ed, Ed stops and removes his mouth.

"Go for it Jean, I'll fuck Corbin."

Corbin is startled; he rarely lets a cock in his ass. Ed pulls him up, "Now that you've got my cock juicy I'm going to fuck you."

Ed pushes him back on the table and lifts his legs up on his shoulders. Jean jumps down from the table and slides Liam next to Corbin and also puts Liam's legs up on his shoulders.

Jean leans over and kisses Ed, "We'll fuck them together."

Ed smiles as he plays with Corbin's balls and hard cock. Jean reaches over and sticks his finger in Ed's mouth, Ed licks it and covers it with saliva, Jean then works the finger into Liam's puckered hole. Ed kneels down and licks Corbin's hairy hole covering it in saliva, then he too pushes a finger in, Jean and Ed watch each other as they finger fuck their partners. Jean takes his cock in one hand and Ed's cock in the other. He guides both cocks to their holes as Ed rubs Jean's ass. With the cocks in, Jean and Ed run their hands over their asses as they fuck the hot men in front of them. Liam reaches over and starts stroking Corbin's cock so Corbin reciprocates feeling the big dark meat grow in his hand. Ed and Jean fuck in unison as the other two men stroke each other. Corbin keeps looking at the beautiful man fucking him; he has never enjoyed being fucked so much. Jean starts stroking Ed's furry chest and Ed runs his fingers through Corbin's thick hair.

Liam looks up at Jean, "You hot mother, fuck me man, shoot your hot cum in my ass."

Jean starts fucking him faster, his rod sliding in and out of the tight hole. Ed also starts stroking faster, driving deep into Corbin's dark cavern.

Corbin looks at Liam, "Your hand feels so hot on my cock, I'm going to shoot."

Liam slows down the strokes, caressing the big rod as it slides in and out of his palm.

"Fuck, oh fuck, I'm cumming." shouts Ed, he pulls his dick out of Corbin's ass and shoots his load all over Corbin's cock and balls and Liam's hand.

Liam is moaning now too as he shoots his load on his stomach and chest and he can feel Corbin's pulsing cock shooting its load on the manly body. Jean slows his pumping for a minute. He reaches up and grabs Liam's cock and runs his hands through the cum, he pulls his cock out of the ass and strokes it with the cum covered palm, shooting his load on Liam, mingling their cum together with his free hand while he strokes with the other. He drops his cock and licks the cum on his hand and puts his other cum covered hand to Liam's mouth to lick. Ed leans over Corbin and runs his tongue up Corbin's balls and cock and through all of the cum and then sticks his tongue into Corbin's mouth as he slides his furry body through the sperm and lays on top of him. They kiss each other sharing the taste of their juices. Jean lies down next to Liam, he continues to run his hands over the cum as they kiss.

They hear noises from the other side, Tom has sucked both Eddy and Jose until they finally have to shoot, they both cum together and cover Tom's face in pearly white sperm. He licks quickly as Jose pulls him up, licking his face also and kissing him, Eddy goes down on his cock and Tom shoots his load into Eddy's mouth. Eddy stands up and the three men kiss each other.

Jean reaches over and rubs his hand between Ed and Corbin's bodies and places his jizz covered fingers into Liam's mouth, Liam sucks off all of the cum. Jean watches as Ed and Corbin kiss, he runs his hand over Ed's ass as he kisses Liam.

Eddy points over to the four on the table, "Looks like they had fun too."

Tom, Eddy and Jose walk over to the table. "So did you guys get your fill of cock tonight?" asks Jose.

Jean sits up and runs his hand over Liam's cock, "I sure got my share, I'll remember this night for a long time."

Ed rolls off Corbin, Corbin is rubbing the cum covered chest, "Hell yes, so much cock and ass, this was great. Thanks Tom for planning all of this. Jean, you were so hot at the mass, I can't thank you enough."

He looks at Ed, he licks the cum covered hand, "Ed, you're the man, thanks for sharing."

Ed sits up, he reaches over and takes Jose by the hand and pulls him over, he stands up and kisses his roommate. "Jose thanks for persuading me to do this, I had a fucking hot ass time, Corbin, I loved fucking your hot ass, I guess we'll find ourselves doing this again."

Everyone stands up. They trade kisses. Liam looks around the room, "I think we should get this place cleaned up and get out of here."

The men walk over to the shower and clean each other off; then start stacking chairs and tables and bagging garbage.

"We can do the rest tomorrow." says Tom.

He grabs the two bottles of wine left over and the little bit of food. They all walk upstairs and look around, "Wow, look at all of that cum!" says Tom.

"Yeah, we sure spilled more than we ate." Says Eddy.

"I don't know, I think I ate a whole year's worth." says Ed. Jose laughs as he slaps Ed's ass.

Next: Chapter 4

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