Your Evil Ways

By Michael Birch

Published on Mar 14, 2017


Warning! The following story contains graphic images of gay sex and devil worship that some might find offensive

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.

This work is the intellectual property of the author, and is thereby owned exclusively by the author and cannot be copied, republished, or used in any way without the author's written consent. Copyright2017 Michael Birch

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Your Evil Ways Pt. 2

Early the next morning Jose wakes up, they are still in the same position they went to sleep in, Jose's cock is pressing against the mattress and he can feel his balls tingling. He moves slightly and Corbin's hand moves slowly over his chest.

"Good morning." says Corbin, he then kisses Jose's ear and smells the short black hair.

"Don't be starting anything." they hear a voice say from the other bed. They both roll over on their backs and look over to see Ed is lying naked on top of his bed. Corbin takes in the carpet of hair and his eyes quickly move to the soft cock laying there. It is a nice brown color, smooth and about 7" long, partially concealed by the thick curly black hair but he can just make out the oval head, which is resting over the scrotum.

"It looks like I need to leave for a while again." Ed says as he points to the two.

They are under the sheet but they both are pushing up against it with stiff meat. Corbin, shakes his head, he pulls back the sheet and stands up, his large cock hanging down at a 45-degree angle.

"No, I need to get going." He leans back over and kisses Jose, "Thanks for a wonderful evening, we'll have to have an encore."

Ed starts laughing, "Dude, really?" he says.

Corbin realizes that his ass is pointed at Ed and his balls are dangling low between his thighs. He stands up, "I guess that wasn't the view you expected this morning."

Jose gets out of bed, he kisses Corbin again, "Thanks, I had so much fun, tell Tom we'll get together on that thing he is exploring."

Corbin grabs his clothes and shoes and walks down to his room.

Ed looks over at Jose, "So I guess you had a good time last night huh?"

Jose grins broadly, "Oh, hell yes, you wouldn't believe!" Ed just chuckles.

Corbin tries his door but it is locked, he rummages in his pocket for his keys, unlocks the door and enters the room. The shades are drawn and it is half-dark. He lays his clothes on the bed as he looks over at Tom's bed. All he sees is a big lump of man as Tom is completely covered by sheets and blankets. He walks over to the dresser and pulls out a pair of gray cotton gym shorts and heavy white socks; he crosses the room to get dressed.

Tom's head pokes out from under the covers. "Hi, I guess you had another good night eh?"

Corbin sits on his bed and puts on the socks and white athletic shoes, "Yeah, it was pretty good, I spent the night with Jose." He stands up and puts on the shorts. He walks over to the closet and gets a maroon t-shirt and pulls it over his head. He looks in the mirror straightening his hair with his fingers.

"Jose huh, so did you two do any black magic?"

Corbin laughs, "It was magic but nothing black. He says he'll get together with you on your new fetish though."

Tom gets out of bed, he is wearing white briefs, he has a morning boner, which Corbin goes over and rubs. "You should take better care of that cock, it needs love too."

Tom laughs, "Yeah, looks like you're off the hook for now, you going to the gym?"

"Yes." Corbin replies.

Tom pulls off his shorts; his dick flops out and starts getting harder. "I found a guy in Louisiana, he does major gay black masses, you should see his picture."

Tom goes to the desk and opens his laptop; he turns it on and finds a photo, "Here, looks at this."

Corbin turns and takes the laptop, looking at the photo on the screen. "Shit, he's hot!" The photo is of a white man, he has long wavy black hair flowing over his shoulders. He has a thick torso covered in black hair, dark maroon nipples; both of them have small gauge silver rings piercing them. The curly hair continues over the stomach down to trimmed pubes, he is sporting a big circumcised cock, which is hard, and pointing upwards. The thick legs are covered in black hair as well.

"He says he will come up here and do the mass if we want. Everyone needs a black robe, which they wear over their naked bodies. I'm not too sure about this part, he says they do a blood sacrifice like a sheep or goat and they do an orgy too."

Corbin looks displeased, "Really, you're going to kill a goat? Sounds kind of messy and disgusting to me."

Tom agrees, "Yeah, I'm thinking we can skip that, I don't know what he'll say. I guess that a long time ago they used to sacrifice human babies. Damn, that would be awful! He says he has a black robe with gold and silver embroidery; it has serpents and occult symbols on it. He says the men participating have to be open to anal intercourse."

Corbin shakes his head, "You are really pushing it, why not just have an orgy? Doing all this black stuff doesn't feel right to me."

Tom smiles, "Where's your balls man, I know you're pretty perverse, might as well take it to the next level."

"Uh huh, well, we'll see, right now I'm thinking it won't happen. I'll see you later; I have to get to the gym." He turns and leaves.

Tom puts the laptop on the desk; he sits down in the chair and starts masturbating looking at the photo of his new friend. Several minutes later there is a knock on the door. Tom walks over and stands behind the door as he opens it. Jose is there,

"Hi, did Corbin tell you I would come by?" He says as he starts in.

"Hang on a minute, let me put on some shorts." Tom says as he quickly walks to his bed.

Jose watches him, he chuckles, "Were you jacking?"

He walks to the desk and looks at the photo on the laptop, he whistles, "Damn, I'd suck that!"

Tom turns as he pulls on his briefs; his hard cock isn't cooperating going in.

"So you were jacking! You should have Corbin take care of you, he gives great head."

Tom smiles, "Yes, I know, but he just sucks me off, it's not like making love all night."

"Too, bad, but a good suck job still beats beating off."

"Yeah." Tom agrees. "That guy does black masses, he's from Louisiana, and he said he'd drive up and help us out if we wanted. I'm just wondering if we can get enough guys together to do it."

Jose sits on the bed. "Well, we used to have 6 or more show up when we were doing it. Ed would probably come, what about Corbin?"

"Who gives a fuck about Corbin if Ed shows up; he is kind of against the whole thing. Do you really think Ed would come if we told him it might be an orgy?"

Jose grins, "An orgy? What are you planning anyway?'

Tom sits down and pulls up another screen on the laptop. He shows it to Jose. "See, the guys are all naked under their black robes, the front is open and their hard cocks are sticking out, Jean does the black mass with a hard on and at the end he fucks the naked guy on the altar while the other guys suck and fuck each other. Jean says they do a blood sacrifice too, I guess blood and sperm are a part of the ritual."

Jose is reading the page, "Fuck man, we never killed a goat, I think that's going a bit far, don't you?"

Tom laughs, "Yeah, I'm not really into killing a goat, I think if we have cum that would be enough."

Jose goes back to the photo of Jean, "So this guy will do the mass, man, I'd suck that cock, as long as we don't have to kill anything I think we can get a group together. Do you think your mom will let us rent the space for the night?''

Tom grins again, "Yeah, as long as I don't tell her what I have planned, I'm pretty sure she doesn't want a bunch of a bunch of naked men having sex and calling on the devil and demons in there."

They both laugh. "OK, let me see if I can find some people interested, we'll have to come up with a date, etc. I'll talk to you later."

Jose gets up to leave, Tom stands up too, he pulls down his shorts exposing his cock, "You want to get me off?"

Jose stops and turns around, "I guess I've got time, you going to suck me too?"

Tom pulls off his shorts, "Hell yeah, I never suck enough dick."

Jose unbuttons his shirt and pulls it off; he pushes down his jeans and takes off his underwear. Tom sits down on the bed and pulls Jose over to him; he wraps his arms around Jose's waist and takes the cock in his mouth. He starts by licking the head slowly; he works his way down the rod as it gets hard in his mouth. Jose watches as Tom intently gobbles up his meat, Tom drops one hand and starts playing with the smooth ball sack and he rubs his hand over Jose's ass and up his back, he moves on to finger a hard nipple, feeling the soft brown skin beneath his touch. Jose bends over so he can play with Tom's nipples.

"I love a man with a hairy chest. I want to suck your dick, lay down on the bed."

Tom moves back and lays down facing Jose. Jose gets on the bed and inserts his cock in Tom's mouth; he moves down and takes Tom's dripping cock in his own mouth. As Jose sucks the penis, he pulls Tom's ass closer and swallows the whole thing, running his nose over the balls and feeling the head against the back of his throat. Tom's hands are busy feeling the firm buns, exploring the butt crack and playing with the hard nipples. Jose's hands are also busy feeling the hairy legs, stomach and chest. The two men continue sucking each other working slowly to give each other the most pleasure. Tom stops sucking Jose's dick for a minute.

"Can I cum in your mouth?"

Jose replies quickly, "Yes."

Jose slows down more, he lets his tongue explore the shaft and head, he can taste the pre-cum as he works his tongue in the slit, Tom starts moaning a little, Jose holds his mouth still, he then licks the shaft a few times, he stops again. Tom follows suit and the two men try to extend the pleasure as long as possible. A few minutes later Tom can't control himself any longer and shoots his load in huge spurts into Jose's mouth and down his throat, almost instantly Jose is cumming also and Tom is drinking in the large sweet load. Both men are gulping, licking, and swallowing all of their partner's sperm. Jose sits up; he rubs a hand over Tom's hairy chest.

"Have I told you I like hairy chests?"

He laughs. "I wish it were thick like Corbin's, but I do love having what I have, when I masturbate I love running my hands through it and closing my eyes imagining it is someone else."

Tom sits up next to Jose and kisses him, the men kiss for several minutes. Jose holds Tom's chin.

"Your mouth tastes like cum, have you been sucking cock?"

They both laugh. Tom runs his hands over Jose's hairy thighs; he feels the big balls lying between them and then gently strokes the soft cock. "Isn't it strange how some guys have such hairy legs and no chest hair, your legs are much hairier than mine but you are smooth on top."

Jose smiles, "When I was younger I had some stray hairs around my nipples, maybe a dozen or more but it looked strange, my sisters used to tease me about the way it looked. When I was maybe 17 I started pulling them out, damn it hurt but it looked better, pretty much they're gone now, every once in a while one will pop up but mostly I'm smooth there now."

Tom winces, "That must have hurt, the nipples are so sensitive anyhow. I've shaved my chest and stomach several times, I thought it would look good but my chest is too skinny, if I had nice pecs like you, it would be better. I love your muscles, you must work out."

Jose shakes his head, "No, once in a while but not regular like Ed, he's got like a fetish, he works out every morning. His body is so fucking hot though I'm glad he does it, I love his body."

Tom sticks out his tongue, "Fuck, he is hot, same with Corbin, he works out all the time, he's at the gym now. He walks around the room naked all the time; I always get hard looking at him. He used to lie on the bed and masturbate at night, sometimes he'd let me suck him, other times he just wanted me to watch. Believe me, I always watched. He loves showing off."

Jose agrees, "Yes, Ed loves showing off too, this morning he was laying on the bed naked when Corbin and I woke up. I'd love to suck him but he's not into it, he always told me no, so I just look now."

Tom starts kissing Jose again, his hand is on Jose's cock and it starts getting hard again. The door opens and Corbin walks in, his shirt and shorts are soaked with sweat from his workout. He looks over at Jose and Tom sitting naked on the bed.

"You guys are hooking up? That's funny, Ed was just in the gym working out and we spotted each other and he gave me some pointers and I come back to see our roommates fucking."

He pulls off his t-shirt and pushes down his shorts; he grabs a towel and then walks over to the two. He rubs his sweaty body with one hand, running it down his stomach and over his cock and under his balls.

"I'm going to take a shower, are you guys going to be fucking for long?"

Jose stands up, "No, we were done; I need to be going anyway."

Tom stands also, he grabs Jose from behind and pulls him against his half-stiff prick, "You want to shower? We can clean each other up."

Jose grabs Tom's hand and puts it over his cock, "Yeah, let's get nasty in the shower."

Tom grabs two towels and gives one to Jose; they follow Corbin to the showers. There isn't anyone at the sinks but they hear a shower going. The three of them walk around the corner, one of the shower doors is open and as they pass they see its Ed, he is stroking his hard soapy cock while leaning against the shower wall. He looks up and sees the three men. He continues stroking his cock.

Corbin leans in, "Heh, your girl friend didn't do a good job for you?"

Jose and Tom grin.

"She's out of town for the weekend, it's OK though, I love stroking my cock, you guys can watch if you want."

Tom grabs Jose's genitals, "we don't need to watch, we'll do each other." They head to the next shower and go in and turn on the water.

Corbin watches for a minute, "I'll suck you off if you want." he tells Ed.

"That's OK, I'll just jack off. If you want to stroke watching me it's alright."

Corbin smiles, "Thanks, but if you ever want a blow job just let me know."

He heads down to the last shower and gets in. He also leaves his shower door open, he soaps his body thoroughly, playing with his nipples and cock for a bit but then rinsing off and getting out to dry off. He can hear moaning and sucking noises from Tom and Jose's shower. He opens the door and looks in.

"Heh, keep it down guys, someone might think you're gay."

They are all soapy, and their hard cocks stick out from between their wet bodies as they kiss. He walks past Ed's shower and looks in, Ed has his eyes closed and is still stroking his cock and rubbing his other hand over his furry ass. Corbin watches for a couple of minutes and then Ed opens his eyes. His mouth opens a bit and he holds his hand firmly on his cock as he shoots his load, the sperm shoots across the shower and onto the shower door, he convulses as the white liquor keeps pumping from the end of the dick and falls on the floor mingling with the flowing water.

"Nice." says Corbin.

He walks out and back to his room. Tom and Jose finish up by jacking each other off, then they also rinse off and get out to dry off. Ed has already left the shower room.

"I love sucking cock, whenever you need a blow job come down and I'll suck you off if I'm free." Tom tells Jose.

"Heh, likewise, I'm always ready to suck a cock, no use jacking off if my mouth is free." They start kissing again after drying off.

"I really have to get going." says Jose, "if we keep this up I'll never get downtown!" Tom slaps his ass as they both go their rooms.

Several days later Tom is headed for Jose's room when he sees Jose coming out the door.

"Hey, I've got some news. My mom says we can use the building for a party, we don't have to pay but we have clean the whole building and clean up the lot around it. It has been empty for a while but it is not that bad. We walked around and she showed me what she wants done. In the back room there is a whole closet of choir robes, a whole bunch of them are black so that takes care of one item. I talked to Jean, he is free on the 13th of next month which is like so perfect, it's a Saturday and gives us plenty of time to get people interested."

Jose puts his finger over Tom's lips; he removes it and then kisses him. "I needed that."

Tom grabs Jose around the waist and pulls him close. He kisses him again.

Jose says, "I've got around 20 guys who want to do a Wicken mass, I'll let them know it's on the 13th if that's what you want. I talked to Ed, I think we can get him to come to, I really want to see someone like me suck his dick during the ceremony."

Tom laughs, "Wouldn't it be great if we get both Corbin and Ed to come, they're the hottest guys on campus."

"Yes, I've got a dozen more hot guys lined up too; a couple of them are gay so that will help get it smoking hot."

"When do you want to go check out the building?" asks Tom.

Jose thinks for a minute. "Maybe this Saturday, we can go look around and see what we need and maybe give it a sweep, the weather's supposed to be nice too, so if we get the grounds raked then we can do the inside cleaning before we use it."

Tom nods, "That works for me, I'll see if Corbin and a few others can make it, not sure if he'll want to get his hands dirty, but I'll try."

"OK, what are you up to today?" Asks Jose.

"I'm off to classes, full day today. I'll talk to you maybe tomorrow."

Jose grins, "Cool, I'd like to get more of your cock in my mouth soon too."

Tom rubs his crotch, "Yeah, I wish you could do it now but I have to get going. See you later OK?" Jose waves and they walk off.

Saturday comes and Jose shows up to Tom's room early, he knocks and walks in the door. Tom is sitting on his bed with another man; Corbin is lying naked on his own bed.

Tom stands up, "Hi, Jose, this is Ed, Ed, Jose."

Jose shakes the man's hand, "Another Ed. OK, nice to meet you."

Ed is short and husky, his round head is shaved smooth, he has bright blue eyes gazing out under thin blonde eyebrows, he has even white teeth glinting from between his pink lips. He is wearing a yellow t-shirt and tight white jeans. He has powerful looking arms and a huge muscular chest over a tapered waist and good-sized legs. Jose notices that the man's cock is hanging down one pants leg and the balls bulge from the other leg.

Corbin sits up, "Are you ready to go? I'll get dressed."

Tom looks at Ed and Jose, "Yeah, I don't mind you working naked but I think the police might have something to say about it."

Jose starts for the door, "Heh, I'll meet you down there; I'm picking up another guy who's going to help us."

Tom says, "Thanks, we'll see you there then.

Corbin pulls on a pair of tight blue jeans; he manages to stuff his cock and balls in and then pulls on a white t-shirt. "You driving?" he asks Tom.

"No, Ed is driving, he has a pickup and we've got the equipment in the back already."

The three head down the hallway and downstairs to the pickup. The red pickup looks pretty sad. The paint is worn through in many spots; the seat has a cheap cover on it that is barely hanging on.

Corbin looks at Ed, "I'll bet you're not gay."

Ed laughs out loud, "Yes, I'm gay but my brother isn't, it's his truck. I have a Miata, not much good for hauling things except for big cocks and round asses."

Corbin smiles, "Yes, I noticed you have a nice round ass; I'll bet it fits into the Miata just fine."

"Thanks, your ass is pretty fine too." Ed replies.

They drive down to the church, Jose is already there, standing next to him is a tall young black man, he is wearing plaid shorts that reach almost to his knees, he has on gray socks and ankle high boots. His shirtless body is slender and dark brown with small black nipples, he has a fine layer of fuzzy black hair across the lithe chest, he has a nice six-pack showing too. His head has short black hair; he has a small mustache under his broad nose that is supporting black rimmed glasses. Jose introduces them, "Liam, this is Ed, Corbin and Tom."

Liam shakes their hands, "So this is your roommate?" he asks Jose.

"No, that's another Ed."

The five men walk up the stairs, Tom unlocks the door and they all go in. The main room isn't real large, it might hold 100 in a squeeze, the benches are still there, the wooden floor is worn and quite dirty. There are four tall windows on each side, they are frosted glass and allow in plenty of light. The ceiling is vaulted going perhaps 25' up in the center; the plastered walls are painted a pale brown color. At the front there are two stairs that stretch across the front of the stage, which takes up the width of the room, they are covered in a plush maroon carpet. There are four huge wooden chairs on the stage; they are covered in a red and gold brocade fabric. Between the chairs there is a twelve-foot long table made of mahogany. There are doors on either side of the podium heading to rooms in the back. Jose runs to the front and jumps on the stage; he jumps up on the table and starts dancing.

"Wow, this is great, plenty of room." says Ed.

Liam tugs on one of the benches, it moves with the pressure, "Good, these aren't bolted down; we can move them back for more room."

Tom goes up and puts his hands up and Jose jumps off the table into his arms.

"Fantastic, we'll have a great time here. Is there any electricity?"

"Yes," replies Tom, "that way we can run the vacuum. We won't need it for the mass, we can use big candles."

"Or we can dim the lights real low and use candles too." adds Ed.

Tom takes them to the back room, it has racks with choir robes, off to the left are two bathrooms. There is quite a bit of furniture stacked up and everything is very dusty. The whole place smells dirty; a dusty haze hangs in the air. The men go out the side door into the yard.

"This isn't bad." says Corbin. "A little raking and pull up a couple of weeds, this won't take long."

The men walk back up to the truck, Corbin pulls off his t-shirt, he has already started sweating. Liam is sitting on the stairs tying his tennis shoes; he is staring hard at Corbin. Ed follows Corbin's lead and removes his shirt, his bronze skin is hairless, his bulging pecs glow in the bright sun.

Liam glances over at him, "Damn." he mutters.

Jose looks at him, "Do you think we'll get any work done Liam?"

Liam grins, "Yeah, but I'm hoping one of these gorgeous fuckers feeds me when we're done."

They all grab tools and within an hour have the whole lot cleaned and looking fantastic. Tom walks back to the truck, he lifts up a shop-vac out of the bed,

"Heh, can two of you guys get the cooler, I brought some beer, we can work inside and have a drink."

Corbin and Ed walk over, slide the large cooler to the back, and carry it into the church. They walk to the stage and set it down. Ed opens the lid, grabs a bottle of beer, Corbin searches through the ice, and takes out another bottle.

"There's a bottle opener on the side for the Dos Equis." yells Tom.

Corbin opens his beer and sets it on the altar, he unzips his shorts and they drop to his ankles, he kicks them up with one foot and catches them with a hand, placing them next to his beer.

Tom walks up, "Damn, we're here to work not look at your cock."

Liam walks up and gets a beer also, "I can work and watch at the same time." he says.

Jose grabs a beer too, "The doors are open guys, anyone can look in here."

Ed unbuttons his pants and takes them off, "I don't care, I like showing off."

Jose whistles seeing the small man's big equipment. Ed has big round pink balls topped by a huge pink uncut cock; his body is completely shaved accentuating the largeness of the equipment. The legs are indeed more magnificent uncovered, the muscles are thick and well defined. His calves are twice the size of Tom's arms.

"Well, fuck, might as well." says Jose and removes his shirt and shorts.

Liam and Tom are the only ones still dressed. Liam walks to the doors and closes them, "Well, if I'm going to get naked I don't want my momma to walk by and see me."

He walks back up to the stage and pulls off his shorts revealing a long slender circumcised black cock 10" long, his pubes are covered in a thick mat of spongy black hair. Tom shrugs his shoulders; he pulls off his pants and then his shirt.

"I feel kind of naked with all of you hot studs here." Tom has by far the least muscular body but he is never the less pretty hot.

Corbin motions to Ed, "Heh, hot stuff, let's see that ass of yours."

Ed obliging turns around, he flexes his back and ass muscles, he then bends over slightly and spreads his ass cheeks revealing a small brown puckered hole. He peers back at Corbin, "Satisfied?"

Corbin winks, "Satisfied, hell, I'll be satisfied when I'm inside that sweet hole."

Ed turns around, "To tell the truth, no one has ever fucked my hole, but if you want I'll work my meat into your hole."

Corbin smiles, "Damn dude, that will barely fit in my mouth, I don't know if my ass could take that thing, it is beautiful though."

Jose walks over to Ed, "Can I touch it?" he asks politely.


Jose puts his palm under the big piece of meat and wraps his fingers around, they won't even encircle it. "I love a man who's proud of his cock, and you sure have a lot to be proud of."

Liam gets another beer, "Shit, I've never been with so many hot naked cocks at one time, I'm thirsty." They all laugh.

Corbin looks over at Tom, then Jose, "So who all is going to be here on the 13th?"

Ed looks at Corbin, "What's happening on the 13th?"

"Next month," says Tom, "we have a master coming from Louisiana, he's going to have a black mass here. I was going to invite you too."

Jose adds, "I've invited 8 people who've said for sure they're coming, a couple more maybes. My roommate Ed for sure is coming. What about you Corbin?"

Corbin nods his head, "Absolutely, I'm in."

Liam looks a bit amazed, "Black mass? Is that like devil worship?'

"Pretty much." says Jose.

"You're doing that in a church? You might get struck dead." Liam says.

Tom points at the floor, "See that circle, this place was used by Wickens for years, they did all kinds of stuff here."


"Yes, really."

Liam looks down, "Man, I don't think I can do that."

Ed walks up to him, he takes a hold of Liam's cock, he reaches his mouth up and kisses Liam running his tongue deep into the young man's mouth. He then rubs his ass with a hand and pushes his pink cock against the dark brown skin.

"So, here you are in church, naked in front of all these hot guys letting me play with your junk, you don't think you'd enjoy doing that with a whole room full of guys?"

Liam grins, "Well, that sounds good, but I don't know about the devil worship."

Corbin chimes in, "We're not worshipping the devil, we're just worshipping each other in a big orgy, nothing to it but hot sex."

Liam grins again, "Yeah, that sounds hot."

Tom walks up, "Well, nothing is going to happen if we don't get this place cleaned up."

They all set down their drinks and start vacuuming and dusting, their naked bodies are glistening with sweat in the warm summer afternoon. Soon the place looks pretty good and smells a lot better to. Jose grabs the tools and places them by the door; the men go back to the restrooms and wash up. Tom is looking at the black robes.

"Heh guys, if you're coming why don't you try on a robe, I'll get them cleaned before the meeting.

The men all stand around the rack and try on robes until they find one that fits. Jose whirls around in his; he backs up and opens the front revealing his naked body.

"So, this is how we're going to be during the ceremony?" he asks.

"Yes," Tom says. "Jean has his own robe, he's going to do the mass and he says he will have his cock hard and sticking out the whole time, everyone else should be hard too."

Ed turns around, his cock is already hard, "Like this?" he asks.

Corbin smiles as he looks at the big rod, he opens up the front of his robe, as he stands there his cock is getting hard also. They all get in a circle; their cocks are all becoming erect as they look around at each other.

Liam walks across the circle, he kneels in front of Ed, "Man, I just have to have me a taste of your dick."

He puts his full lips on the big cock and starts sucking it. Tom reaches over and starts stroking Jose on his left and Corbin on his right. Jose starts jacking Tom's cock. They watch for several minutes, Jose looks at the others.

"We all need to take a turn on that meat."

Tom says "Hell yes."

Corbin kneels down next to Liam and takes over sucking the huge rod, Liam stands up and Jose kneels in front of him and starts sucking his cock. After several more minutes, Tom kneels down and takes over from Corbin, Jose stands up and Corbin and Liam take turns on his cock until finally he kneels down and takes the gigantic man meat in his mouth and sucks it slowly. Ed is reaching under everyone's robes as he is getting sucked, exploring the variety of manhood there. Tom drags a small table over, he pushes Ed back and he lays on it, Jose pulls Ed's robes back exposing the hot muscular flesh and they stand on either side of him, Jose jacks Corbin's cock while Corbin strokes him, Liam and Tom are stroking each other on the other side and Tom is also stroking Ed.

Ed is flushed, "I'm going to shoot." he yells and as he does. Tom gives a few final firm strokes and the hard rod shoots straight up in the air, splattering cum all over the hairless body, Tom shoots his load next, followed almost immediately by Jose. Corbin and Liam are kissing across the table as they both shoot hot cum onto Ed. Tom has leaned down and started licking up cum before the others have finished and gets his head covered in jizz also. The others joining him licking the hot man's body, slurping up every bit of the man juice.

Ed pulls Corbin over to him, "Feed me some of that cum." he orders.

Corbin licks a large pool of cum into his mouth and kisses Ed. Their tongues are drenched in sweet sauce. They all start rubbing the smooth wet body with their hands and cocks. Ed's cock is still hard and all of a sudden he shoots more cum and the men rub it over his body and lick it off.

"Fuck, that was hot." says Jose.

"Yeah, imagine with another 10 or so people, it will be too much." says Tom.

Ed sits up and then gets off of the table. "I think I want to be up on the altar during the ceremony, I loved watching you guys all sucking me."

Tom laughs, "You know what happens to the guy on the altar?"

Ed smiles, "Yeah, what just happened right?"

"No," replies Tom, "Jean is going to do the ceremony and then whoever is up here, he is going to fuck in the ass, then everyone else is going to fuck him if they want."

Ed laughs, "OK, fuck then, I'm out, I don't want to get fucked by one guy let alone a whole group."

Corbin shakes his head, "Yeah, I thought I wanted to lay up there naked too but no way I'm letting a dozen guys fuck me."

Jose looks serious, "Heh, the mass says that everyone has to be open to anal fucking, doesn't mean everyone will get fucked, but there's a chance."

Tom adds, "Well, if one or two guys shove their cocks up my ass I'm fine, I just don't want everyone up there, especially if they're all hung like Ed or the other Ed. Ouch!"

Jose grins, "Well, no one is going to get raped; it's all going to be consensual so no worries there. I just wonder who we're going to get for the altar."

Tom moves around the table, he starts taking everyone's robes, "I definitely need to get these cleaned now."

The robes all have cum splatters on them and are pretty sticky. The men all go back to the main room; they have another couple of beers.

"I guess we're done here then," says Tom. "Thanks for helping, I hope everyone shows up on the 13th, and if you have a friend you want to invite that's cool too."

They all get dressed and throw the tools in the back of the truck. Tom locks up and they all go home.

Next: Chapter 3

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