Your Evil Ways

By Michael Birch

Published on Mar 10, 2017


Warning! The following story contains graphic images of gay sex and devil worship that some might find offensive

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.

This work is the intellectual property of the author, and is thereby owned exclusively by the author and cannot be copied, republished, or used in any way without the author's written consent. Copyright 2017 Michael Birch

I hope you enjoy this work. If you have any comments or concerns please let me know.

Your Evil Ways

Saturday afternoon Corbin walked down to his dorm room, the hallway is lit brightly with fluorescent lights; the old plaster walls are painted an uninspiring muted yellow. His room is halfway down the hallway; he unlocks and opens the door. He enters the room and sees his roommate.

"Hi Tom." he greets him.

"Hi Corbin, heh, I've got some exciting news for you."

Corbin walks across the room and sits in the only overstuffed chair in the room, an antique from the thrift shop, covered in a rough brown woven fabric; it is well worn but quite roomy and comfortable. He loosens his belt and unbuttons a few of the buttons on his shirt exposing a delicious field of golden brown hair.

"So what's the news?"

Tom smiles at him, he reaches over and sticks his hand in Corbin's shirt, "You're so fucking hot." he intones.

"That's not news, that's just fact." replies Corbin.

"No, my mom just told me she has a new listing, it's an old church, it's been empty for some time, and it seems the old tenants were devil worshippers."

Corbin frowns a bit; he runs a hand through his long straight hair. "So, how is this good news?"

Tom lifts the desk chair and turns it around facing Corbin, "You know that guy Ed that you think is so hot? He's into the occult, spells, witchcraft and all that crap."

Corbin leans forward, his interest is piqued. "So what's your idea, obviously you have some evil intent spinning in that brain."

Tom grins. "Yeah, I think that when they do spells and incantations and whatever else they do they all get naked and have like orgies and shit."

Corbin sits back in the chair and laughs, "I knew you had to have some deviant sex acts in your brain, dude, you have to think about something besides sex."

Tom slides off the chair and kneels in front of Corbin, he pulls off Corbin's belt and unfastens his pants, he unbuttons the fly and reaches his hand in, rubbing the pubic hair and reaching the fingers down to touch the cock.

"I knew you wouldn't have underwear on."

Corbin stands up, he pushes his pants down to his knees, bending over Tom as he does, he whispers in his ear "I like advertising."

He sits back down and puts one hand on each side of his cock and running his fingers under his balls, pushing them up from between his legs. Corbin has a large, smooth uncut cock; his large balls are covered in curly brown hair.

"You want to suck me I know, have at it."

Tom is two years younger than Corbin, he is slender, has a head crowned with medium length curly black hair. His slender mouth is topped with a thin black mustache under a roman nose. He is not athletic and has an average build. His slender arms are covered in thin black hair that stops at the elbows. He unbuttons his shirt and takes it off revealing his small chest covered in curly black hair that extends in a line down to his waist, he throws the shirt on the bed. He leans over and takes Corbin's cock in his mouth slowly, pushing the foreskin back with his lips as he works his way down the shaft and nuzzling the pubic hair with his nose as the rod touches the back of his throat. He fondles Corbin's balls gently with one hand as he moves up and down the shaft; the other hand is exploring the furry stomach and chest and playing with the tiny brown nipples.

Corbin watches intently as the other man makes his rod pulsate with pleasure. He loves watching men suck his dick; he feels no obligation to return any kind of attention. He then leans his head back and closes his eyes, enjoying every stroke of the warm mouth sliding up and down. After a few minutes he looks at Tom again, he starts moaning in a low voice, he knows he is going to release soon and can feel the tingle as the sperm works its way out of his balls and up the shaft.

"Owwww, fuck, I'm cumming." he yells softly. His body shakes as the load is shot into the waiting mouth.

Tom is still sucking as the load is released and he swallows quickly as the sweet cream shoots across his tongue and hits the back of his mouth and throat. He continues sucking and licking for several minutes, making sure he has recovered every bit of the cum load.

He lifts his head from Corbin's crotch and smiles, "That was a big load, I guess you didn't get off this morning."

Corbin bends forward and pulls Tom's face towards him; he kisses him on the lips gently and then runs his tongue into his mouth, kissing him more passionately. He releases Tom's head, "A good blow job deserves a good load."

Tom stands up, unzips his pants, and pushes them down, his hard cock is pushing against his white underwear and there is a large wet spot at the head of his dick.

"Can I fuck your mouth?" he inquires.

Corbin pulls down the underwear and the slender 5" cock sticks straight out in front of his face. He opens his mouth and takes it in, licking around the cylinder as it slides over his tongue.

Tom grabs the sides of Corbin's head and starts pumping quickly, his balls banging against Corbin's chin as he moves silently in and out of the mouth. His small ass clenches with each stroke and Corbin plays with Tom's small brown hole with a finger as his other hand plays with Tom's nipples. In a few minutes Tom jerks spasmodically and cums in Corbin's mouth. Corbin swallows the load and licks up small amounts of cum that have spilled out onto his lips and chin.

He stands up and grabs the still wet cock, "You satisfied now?" He smiles.

Tom grins, "For now." Tom pulls his pants and underwear the rest of the way off. "Now, how about planning a satanic orgy?" He grins.

Corbin shakes his head, "I think you're asking for big trouble messing with that shit. My best guess is that if you try to get straight guys to do gay shit you're in double trouble, I think they're going to expect naked women to fuck."

Tom sits down at the desk, "Well, I'm going to do some research, I really want to see if we can pull it off."

Corbin pulls off his clothes, "I'm going to shower, have fun."

Corbin puts on a bathrobe and grabs a towel and his toothbrush and soap. He leaves the room and walks down to the end of the hallway where the showers are. Walking in he hears the showers running, it is late afternoon and he imagines everyone is getting ready for a night of drinking. Their is another student shaving and washing up, the man is probably only 18 or 19, very skinny with pale skin, the kind that the blue veins are prominent, the guy is standing there in boxer shorts, the fly is part way open and Corbin catches a glimpse of the young man's pink cock and ginger bush.

"Hi." he greets the man.

The man nods an acknowledgement. Corbin brushes his teeth quickly, another student walks in a takes up the next sink. Corbin rinses his mouth and walks around the corner to the showers. There are four showers on each wall; each has a frosted glass door in an aluminum frame. The whole place is pretty worn looking from years of use. He walks down to one of the end showers, as he passes the next to last shower he notices that the door is open and someone is using it. Corbin looks in as he passes and sees it is Ed, the man that he and Tom had been talking about earlier. Tom was right, the man was gorgeous, about 5'10", solid build and good muscles, he can see the rounded bubble ass through the steamy air. He stops for a minute to take in the man's beautiful body; Ed turns as Corbin is stopped there.

"Hi." Corbin says.

"Heh." the man replies, he continues soaping his body, running his hands over his bulging chest muscles and through the dark curly hair covering it and his six pack abs.

Corbin starts toward the other shower, then he stops and turns around. "I've heard you're into the occult, is that true?" he asks.

The man smiles, "Why?"

Corbin is not usually one to be at a loss for words but at the moment, he can't think of a reason to justify his question. "Oh, just wondering, no particular reason."

Ed moves to the door, "You interested in the occult?"

Corbin smiles, "Oh, well, a friend and I were just discussing what went on at those meetings."

Ed smiles. "You're gay aren't you? I mean that seems to be the word."

Corbin laughs, "Oh, you know, boys will be boys."

Ed frowns a bit, "Is that a yes then?"

Corbin swallows, "Yes, I like guys."

Ed smiles again, "So, how do I stack up? You like me?" he asks as he puts both arms on top of his head and flexes.

"Yes, you're pretty hot." answers Corbin.

Ed turns around and continues with his shower, "yes, I've dabbled in spells and incantations, I and some friends attended a couple of Wicken events, nothing serious though. I have a girl friend by the way."

Corbin looks at him, "Oh, no, I didn't mean to come on to you, I just thought I'd ask. I'm not going to tell anyone, just wondered if it was true." He walks down to the shower and starts the water; he hangs his bathrobe on the hook and goes in, closing the door and starts his shower. A few minutes later the shower door opens.

Ed peaks his head in, "Heh, if you want to know more about that shit ask Jose, he's the one who used to do the rights. By the way, you're pretty hot too, just returning the favor."

Corbin laughs, "Thanks dude."

Ed closes the door and Corbin continues his shower, he rubs his cock and balls as he remembers Ed's hot body, his cock gets hard and he holds it under the running water feeling the pulsing of the strong warm flow. He finishes showering and slowly towels himself dry, standing naked outside of the shower stall, he really wants someone to come by and see him. He loves showing his naked body to other guys but no one appears so he puts his robe back on and goes back to his room.

When he enters the room Tom is sitting at the desk naked, he is stroking his cock looking at something on the computer. Corbin walks behind him; Tom is watching a fuck film, two skinny guys sucking each other.

"Dude, you just fucked my mouth, you going to jerk off again?"

Tom looks around at him, "Why not?"

Corbin inquires, "So no hot plans for tonight?"

"No," Tom replies, "I'm just going to sit here and masturbate all night."

Corbin pulls on clean socks and pants, as he dresses he tells him about seeing Ed in the shower, "You were right, he does some devil worship things, he told me to talk to some guy named Jose for more. By the way he made sure he told me he was straight."

Tom turns around, "I know Jose, I've been doing more research, spilling sperm and anal intercourse are a big part of devil worship, it seems that they do things counter to established rules, you know, white is black, the cross is upside down and men have sex with men instead of women. Not saying they don't have sex with women too but they think it's ok to fuck a man in the ass for the ritual."

Corbin is dressed, "Cool; now why don't you get dressed and come out with me?"

Tom keeps stroking his cock, "No, that's OK; I'll be alright alone, but thanks."

Corbin bends over, licks the precum off Tom's cock and lightly slaps his balls, "OK buddy, have fun." He walks out of the room.

Corbin drives over to a small gay bar; he likes it because it's quiet and not too expensive. He enters the front door, the room is dimly lit, the walls are covered with dark varnished wood, the bar is at the back wall, it stretches the length of the building, there is a brass rail for your feet and a black padded edge around an opaque dark blue glass top. There are a dozen bar stools all covered in the same black vinyl. The back wall is covered with gold colored metal shelves stocked with the liquor bottles, the wall behind is mirrored, Corbin sits down on a stool across from a place where there are no shelves, he likes to be able to watch himself in the mirror. There is a fireplace on the left wall; it has a stone surround and a heavy wooden mantle. All around the floor surrounding the fireplace are maroon leather easy chairs arranged in groups of four with a small glass table in front of the grouping. The right side of the bar has a small wooden dance floor big enough for maybe three couples, there are leather and fabric benches along the walls on that side.

Corbin looks around the room, the only other customers are a handsome 50ish gray haired man smothering a young blonde man with jeans and a tank top on.

The bartender walks over to Corbin, "Heh, gorgeous, what's your danger tonight?"

Corbin smiles, "Give me a Stella Artois and a Jaeger please, John."

The bartender bends down and gets the beer and opens it, placing it on a divit and then reaching around for the Jaegermeister and a glass, he pours the liquor and sets it next to the beer.

Corbin motions to the Jaeger with his hand "Have one with me."

John pulls out another glass and pours himself one. "Prosit" Corbin says as they drink them.

The bartender is around 60, he is the owner of the bar, he wears leather pants with an open ass, a black and read checkered long sleeve shirt unbuttoned all the way down revealing a chest full of gray hair. His balding head is shaved; he has bushy gray eyebrows and a small mustache. The leather pants have a huge bulge in front, Corbin has often wondered if the man really was hung or maybe just a lot of filling.

Corbin drinks his beer, "Kind of quiet today." he prompts the bartender.

"Yeah, they're having a big grand opening down the block so all the queens are down there."

"Typical, they just have to be in the middle of the action don't they?"

"Yeah, it's OK, gives me some peace of a little while."

Corbin finishes his beer; he pushes the bottle to John.


"Yes, you want another shot? I could use one." Corbin replies.

John pours two more Jaeger and gives him another beer. "Prosit."

The couple at the other end has taken up residence on the bench next to the fireplace. Corbin wonders if the young man is a hustler, he imagines he probably is, he has his hand deep in the older man's pants and the two are kissing like there will be no tomorrow.

Corbin stands up, "I'll be right back, I've got to piss."

He walks to end of the bar and around the corner to the men's bathroom. The room is painted red, there is a long ceramic trough serving as a urinal and the wall behind is mirrored so you can check out anyone else peeing. He unbuttons his pants and pulls he cock out, he pushes the pants down some and takes his balls out too. He starts to pee, watching himself in the mirror, he loves looking at his cock and balls exposed. John comes in and stands next to him, Corbin looks at him and smiles, he thinks to himself, wow, now I get to see what is in those pants. He looks away just to be polite, John unbuttons the pants and pushes them down to his knees, he pulls his shirt back so Corbin gets a full view. The curly gray hair flows down John's stomach into a huge curly bush and John's cock can only be described as sausage like, thick and veined, maybe 9" or 10" long with a massive head under a thick hood. The ball sack hangs down several inches and is filled with huge testes and covered in curly gray and black hair. Corbin looks in the mirror and notices John is watching him. Corbin turns his head and looks at John's round firm ass, then his eyes must return to the huge meat hanging there. Corbin's cock is suddenly rock hard in his hand and is pointing up at a 45-degree angle.

He looks at John's face and smiles, "That is some fantastic equipment."

John pats him on the ass, "Thanks Corbin, I'm glad you like it."

Corbin looks at his own cock, which now looks small in comparison. "Looks like you got about 3 times what I have, lucky man."

John smiles as he shakes his dick, he turns to Corbin as he pulls up the tight leather pants and stuffs everything back inside. "Yes, in my day I tore up a lot of ass, now it's reserved for my husband."

Corbin struggles to put his hard cock back in his own jeans, "I'm glad I got a chance to see it, that was a treat."

John kisses Corbin's cheek, "Thank you, you're so sweet."

They walk out of the bathroom together. He takes his seat again and finishes his beer. "That made me thirsty, I'll have another."

John obliges, "another Jaeger?" he asks.

Corbin shakes his head, "No, I better slow down or I'll be taking a cab home."

The two men continue to talk for half an hour and then slowly the bar starts filling with other patrons and John is busy. At 10 p.m., the other bartender shows up, he is younger, maybe in his mid 30s. He stoops and goes behind the bar, he is wearing a jock strap and leather chaps, he pulls off his shirt revealing a smooth muscular torso with a wisp of blonde hair running up from the band of the jock to his belly button. He has huge arms which he lifts one at a time as he applies deodorant to each pit that is filled with curly blonde hair. As he pours drinks for other patrons Corbin drinks in the hot body, the ass cheek muscles ripple as he moves, the ass crack also has blonde hair and Corbin can imagine sliding his hard rod in the tight hole. The jock pouch is overflowing with the man's cock and balls, a bit of the scrotum is sticking out on each side along with more blonde hair. His name is Ron and Corbin has lusted after him for as long as he's been coming in. He's seen Ron getting sucked off in the bathroom numerous times; unfortunately, it was never by him. Everyone talked about Ron's dick, an 8" long tube, very smooth with a beautiful rounded head. Corbin ordered a coffee, then another. It was getting late and he didn't see anyone he was interested in engaging. Finally he got up and walked down to the bathroom to piss again.

He rounded the corner and saw a tall man about his age with his pants around his ankles and another guy he recognized from the university was working the hard cock, slurping loudly as the recipient was playing with his own nipples and moaning. Corbin unbuttoned his pants and pulled his cock out to pee; he got the flow going and then went back to watching the guy being blown. By the time he finished peeing his cock was getting hard, he really wanted to get sucked too but not by these two. Another man came up next to him; he looked at Corbin's hard cock as he pulled out his own penis to pee. Corbin looked over at the man, he recognized him from somewhere.

"Hi Corbin," the man said.

"Hi." Corbin replied.

"Nice hard on, you want to get sucked?"

Corbin looked at the man's dick, it was nicely shaped, he was cut and not too big soft. He kept trying to remember where he knew the man from. He looked at the face again, "Maybe." he said non-committing.

"Do you remember me?" the man asked. He reached over and took a hold of Corbin's rod. Corbin couldn't get a name to come to him. He rubbed the man's ass lightly. "I recognize you but I can't recall where from." he replied softly.

"I live down the hall from you; you're Tom's room mate. I'm Ed's roommate."

Corbin dropped his hand, "Oh, yeah, now I remember seeing you. I couldn't remember your name."

The man takes his hand off of Corbin's penis and holds it out to shake, "Jose. I don't think we've ever really met but I know who you are. I know Tom your roommate."

Corbin shook his hand, now he remembered, he had seen Jose coming and going before, he lived a couple of doors down from Tom and Corbin. "Oh, so you know Tom. So is your roommate the dark haired guy, kind of good looking, Ed?"

Jose smiled, "The guy you were drooling over in the shower today, that Ed, yes."

Corbin blushed which was unusual for him. He looked in the mirror at his rock hard cock and looked at Jose's cock; it was also fully erect now. He looked back at Jose who wrapped his hand around Corbin's cock again.

"So you want to have a drink or maybe do something else?"

Corbin turned towards him, he started pulling up his pants, "I was just about to leave, but we can have a drink."

Jose gave Corbin's cock a few strokes, "I sure would like to play with this some more."

Corbin winked at him, "I think maybe we can do that, but not here." He pushed his penis back in his pants; Jose did likewise and zipped up his pants. The two walked back out to the bar.

"What do you want?" asked Corbin.

"Cuba Libre thanks."

Corbin ordered the drinks and handed Jose his.

"You want to sit over there?" Jose asked as he pointed over to the lounge chairs.

"Sure." The two walked over and sat down next to each other. "You asked Ed if he was into the occult?" asks Jose.

"Yeah, Tom told me he had some ideas for this old church that his mother has listed; he told me that Ed was into that stuff, that's why I asked. He told me to ask Jose more about it; I guess he was talking about you."

Jose smiled. "I've dabbled in some of it, I was talking to Tom about it because I wanted to suck his dick and I thought maybe I could get him naked that way."

Corbin chuckles. "Well, he thinks that he can get a bunch of straight guys to let him suck their dicks if he holds some kind of meeting, I think he's touched messing with it for sure."

Jose chuckles too, "Yeah, I saw a porn movie with a bunch of guys doing chants and sucking and fucking, but it was just porn, I don't think the real thing is quite like that."

"Yeah, Tom said he found some stuff about devil worship that it's OK for men to fuck each other, good luck getting them to actually do it though."

Jose smiles, he unzips his pants and pulls out his cock and balls, Corbin looks around the room, there are a couple of guys watching Jose.

"Dude, you're going to get in trouble."

"I know, but it's like what they're saying about doing what is wrong is right. So if you take your cock out in public and show it to everyone that is "evil" and it's OK and what you should do." He stands up, pushes his pants down a little and bends backwards a little, exposing himself to the room. Then he pulls up his pants and sits back down.

"Shit, man you're crazy." Corbin looks around, he sees people talking and pointing their way.

Jose laughs and pats Corbin's face. "It's OK, I was just making a point, everyone is too uptight. It's all this morality crap, they fuck everybody in the world in the dark but god forbid if they see a cock in public."

Corbin nods, "I know what you're saying, some of these tramps have had a thousand cocks up their asses and they go and talk about someone else. Do you want another drink?"

Jose empties his glass and hands it to Corbin, "Sure."

Corbin walks over to the bar; Ron walks down to him he is not smiling.

"You guys have to keep your pants on in the bar." He admonishes.

Corbin winks, "Yeah, he got a little carried away, something about morality; he was just trying to show he was evil; not get sexual." Ron nods.

"Can we get a couple more drinks?"

Ron grabs the glasses and gets fresh drinks, he sets them on the bar then turns around and spreads his ass cheeks, "See, you can have your butt exposed just don't show your hole like this."

Corbin grins widely, "Thanks Ron."

He takes the drinks, goes back, and sits down. "See, you're in trouble now, but I did get to see Ron's hole, so thanks." They clink their glasses together and drink.

Jose puts his hand on Corbin's, "So, what do you say we go get evil together?" He finishes his drink and Corbin does the same.

"We have to get a taxi; I'm not going to drive like this."

Jose grabs his hand, "I can drive, I've only had two drinks, is that OK?"

Corbin agrees. They walk out of the bar,

"Where's your car?' asks Corbin.

"Uh, I don't have one, isn't it OK to drive yours?"

Corbin is a bit frustrated, his car is his pride and joy, "Man, just this once, I normally don't let anyone else drive it."

They drive back to the dorm and go up the stairs. Corbin stops at Jose's door; Jose shakes his finger in front of his face. "We need to go to your room, Ed's in there."

"He knows you're gay right?"

Jose laughs, "Yes, but I don't think he wants to hear us fucking."

Corbin grimaces. "If we go to my room Tom might jump in. I like him but I don't want to share tonight."

Jose grins, "Yeah, you might be right. Let me think." They stand in the hallway for a minute. Jose beams suddenly, "What if we go to the day room downstairs, nobody ever goes in there."

Corbin frowns, "Are you sure man? What if someone walks in to get a snack or drink? Besides, we might need some things."

As they stand debating, Ed walks down the hallway. He stops, "What are you two up too? No good?"

Jose looks at him, "Oh, I thought you'd be in bed by now, we want to fuck but we can't go to Corbin's room and we didn't want to wake you up."

Ed looks at them. "You're going to fuck each other?"

Jose smiles, "Well, we weren't planning on fucking you."

Ed grins, "No, you definitely aren't fucking me; I can go to Cory's room if you want."

Jose looks amazed, "Really? You want to do that?"

"Sure, Cory has a roommate but he never sleeps there, I'll sleep down there, you guys can have our room."

Jose slaps Ed on the back, "You're the best, thanks a lot."

Ed goes into the room and grabs a few things, "I'll be back in the morning, and I don't want you fucking when I come back."

Corbin grins, "No problem, we'll keep it to a couple of hours then."

Ed grins, "Fucking fags, I love you guys!" He walks down the hallway.

Corbin and Jose start kissing slowly. Corbin pulls off Jose's shirt; Jose has a tight, light brown torso, completely hairless except for a small amount of black hair under his armpits. His small nipples are almost black and are already hard. He unzips the pants and pushes them down, Jose has on turquoise silk briefs that barely cover his cock and balls, Corbin pushes them down also and Jose steps out of them as he undresses Corbin. Jose's slender brown cock is fully erect, it is framed by neatly trimmed black pubes and his sack is hairless and has lovely nicely sized oval balls.

As Jose pushes Corbin's shirt off he rubs the curly blonde hair with his hand, "Ooh, I like." he says.

"Thanks." Corbin replies.

Jose pushes the jeans down and Corbin's thick meat pops up to meet Jose's mouth. He lifts each leg as Jose takes the pants off, Jose then turns his head back to the uncut cock, he licks the small pee hole, his hands rub over Corbin's hairy round ass as he takes his balls into his mouth, sucking them gently. He works them around in his mouth getting the furry sack wet with saliva. He moves up to the upturned cock and works it into his mouth slowly, leaving the hood in place as he slides up and down on the thick shaft. Corbin pulls him up and they start kissing again. The room is like Corbin's, with a single bed on either wall separated by a desk and chair.

"Which bed?" he asks Jose.

Jose pulls him over to his bed and the two lie next to each other, Jose running his hands over Corbin's generous fur and Corbin sliding his hand over Jose's soft skin. The two kiss for several minutes before Corbin pulls Jose on top of him, the hard cocks pressed between their warm bodies. Corbin starts pumping his rod against Jose's stomach as they run their tongues in and out of each other's mouths kissing deeply, Corbin runs his hands over Jose's beautiful firm ass and Jose is running his fingers through the hair on Corbin's head. Corbin starts fingering Jose's crack, his finger slides in between the smooth cheeks and he starts massaging the hole. He is working his finger deeper in to the dark moist space, Jose is moaning lowly.

Corbin sits up and lays Jose on his back, he lifts Jose's legs over his shoulders and moves his head between the thighs, he gently nuzzles Jose's balls and then starts licking the crack and hole with his wet tongue, working the hole until it starts opening slowly.

Jose puts his hand on the top of Corbin's head. "I've never been fucked before, please be gentle."

Corbin murmurs something and continues licking the brown hole. Finally he works two fingers in and slides them slowly in and out, he massages Jose's prostate with one finger.

"Oh, oh, fuck that feels good, that feels so good, damn you're going to make me cum."

"Don't cum yet." Corbin tells him as he removes his finger. He looks around the room, "Do you have some lube?"

Jose points down, "Under the bed in the box."

Corbin pulls the box out, he takes out a tube of an oily lube, he squeezes some on two of his fingers and re-inserts them into Jose's ass. He massages the hole a little more, the he moves up, he lubes his thick rod liberally, then he pulls back the foreskin and starts sliding the head in, slowly working it deeper and eases the big shaft in.

"FUCK!" Jose is biting his lip as he feels the manhood enter him.

Corbin has his cock in as far as it will go; he holds it in the tight space for a few minutes while he kisses Jose. Jose's cock has gone soft so Corbin massages his balls and then starts stroking the cock to get it hard.

Jose is moaning lowly, "Dude, you're going to make me cum, it feels so fucking good."

Corbin puts a finger on Jose's mouth, "Hold on, don't cum yet. Is my cock hurting you?"

"No, it's starting to feel good. Please fuck me, make me cum."

Corbin resumes kissing Jose and slowly guides his rod in and out of the virgin hole. He strokes Jose's cock again as he moves rhythmically in and out. Suddenly Jose starts moaning again and his cock jerks repeatedly as a huge load of cum starts shooting all over his and Corbin's stomachs. Corbin starts fucking Jose more quickly and soon he shouts as he cums in Jose's ass. He quivers for a few minutes as he shoots over and over delivering more cum into the tiny hole. Finally spent he lays on top of Jose, pressing the sticky cum between their bodies. The two kiss each other madly for several minutes skin on skin, balls nestled together and spunky cocks stuck together, gently caressing each other's bodies until Corbin finally rolls off.

He looks over at Jose, "Man, your ass is so fucking hot, I'm so glad we met."

Jose runs a finger through the sticky juice on his torso, he runs the other hand through the cum soaked hair on Corbin's stomach. "Fuck, I've had a lot of sex but I've never cum like that before, that was fantastic."

Corbin kisses him again, he lifts Jose's finger out of the cum and licks it, "mmmm, man juice. So nice."

Jose's eyes are watering a little, Corbin asks him, "Are you alright?''

"Hell yes, I'm great, but I can feel the cum running out of my ass."

Corbin sits up, "Do you have a towel?"

Jose points to the dresser, "Second drawer, you better grab a couple."

Corbin goes over to the drawer, he takes out several towels, he goes back to the bed and rolls Jose on his side, he slides the towel between his legs wiping up all of the juice, he folds the towel over and puts it under Jose's ass over the cum soaked sheets. Corbin can feel the cum running down his body as he leans over Jose, he towels the cum from Jose and then starts blotting the cum on his own body.

"I think we need to shower." Jose says. He stands up, they grab a couple more towels and they go down to the shower.

Both men walk down the hallway naked, their half hard cocks bobbing up and down as they move. There is another student washing his hands as they enter, the man watches as they go through to the showers. Jose turns on the water and the men get in together. Their hands roaming drenched bodies, they slowly soap each other, Corbin's hands softly cleaning the smooth caramel skin, lovingly cupping the smooth hard balls. He strokes the soapy shaft gently and cleans the head with rotating strokes.

Jose works lather through the thick golden fur, stroking it to create striped furrows and then wiping them away to appear like brush strokes over the tanned skin. He flattens both hands and slides them in Corbin's butt crack, separating the cheeks and massaging the tight Chianti colored hole. They see a shadow cross the door as they make love to each other's bodies. Jose smiles at Corbin and starts moaning loudly enough for the person outside to hear. Corbin stifles laughter and they both start panting heavily. The shadow moves back the other way and they hear one of the shower doors open and the water start running. They imagine the person in the next stall masturbating. Corbin turns off the water and they both step out and walk to the bench against the opposite wall. The door to the other shower in use is agape a few inches; they can see a slender black man showering. Jose towels Corbin dry, as he does Corbin bends over so Jose can thoroughly dry his crack and Jose pulls the cock and balls back and dries them carefully also. He turns Corbin around, dries the thick fur, and lifts each of his arms to dry the hairy armpits.

"He's watching us." Corbin whispers to Jose.

"I noticed."

Corbin takes over and slowly rubs Jose's body dry, taking extra care to make sure the man in the shower can see every movement. Finally, he rubs one hand over Jose's left nipple and cups the scrotum and cock in his other hand; he gently kisses Jose's mouth.

"I think we're through here."

Jose nods in agreement. They grab their towels and look towards the gap in the shower door, it is very steamy in there but they can clearly make out the young man stroking his big cock as they walk out. Jose takes Corbin's hand and is pulling him towards the room.

"Do you want to sleep together, or should I go back to my room?" asks Corbin.

Jose looks into the blue eyes; Corbin can see the longing for more.

"Yes, we can sleep together if you want to." The two walk back to the room and Corbin sits on the chair while Jose puts dry sheets on the bed. Jose leans over, kisses Corbin's lips, and pulls him over to the bed. The two lay next to each other for several minutes kissing, then Jose turns over with his back and ass to Corbin and Corbin slides tightly behind him, his cock against Jose's firm ass and drapes an arm over Jose holding him loosely as they go to sleep.

Next: Chapter 2

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