Younger Guy from Work

By Mark Stevens

Published on Jan 22, 2015


Younger Guy from Work (Part 2)

As expected the day was long, very long. After Jack left I lay on the bed of my hotel room and tried to gather my thoughts. I had a terrible hangover and I felt incredibly tired but also excited. I looked around the room and saw the carnage of clothes, bedsheets and the now empty brandy bottle littered about; the debris from our night of passion. I could still smell Jack's aftershave and body scent on the sheets and I lay face down where he had laid, breathed in strongly and reminisced about the night. Despite my tired state this started to make me feel horny and I could feel myself getting aroused on the images from the night... (his lovely hard cock... his firm butt ...the memory of his face as he fucked me...). It all seemed unreal, I couldn't believe how the night had worked out and I lay for a while piecing together the fragmented erotic memories. Suddenly my phone rang, it was work. "Shit!" I shouted audibly as I realised I was late for my morning meeting, I had about 10 minutes to get showered and dressed and head to the office. My melancoly and horny mood was shattered and I had to abdruptly get to the day ahead.

When I arrived I saw the team already gathered in the meeting room. I looked rough and probably very flushed as I went in, the false excuse for my lateness well rehearsed and ready to go. The meeting was in full flow and so I wasn't challenged. I quickly sat down ignoring the few quizzical looks from the team and tried to concentrate on what was going on. As the meeting progressed I started to relax a little, but it was just at that point that the meeting moved on to discuss a particular topic that only Jack had been working on. "Hey, don't we need Jack in the room for this?" asked my colleague. (Shit) I thought again, seeing immediately where this was heading. "Where is Jack this morning?..." asked the boss. "Have you seen Jack?" he said looking directly at me, the eyes of others followed. I shook my head nonchelantly, trying to stay composed under the glare but the mention of his name made me feel anything but. I had hoped to get through the day without sitting in a meeting with him ... "I saw him downstairs, working on something. I'll go get him" said someone else. A few minutes later Jack arrived rather sheepishly. He looked very tired, slightly unshaven and his dark hair was slightly scruffy which was at odds with his shirt and tie. He probably thought he looked rough but to me his "just got out of bed" look was pretty sexy. He must have seen where I was sitting as he completely ignored me and thankfully chose a seat down the other end of the room. I hoped no-one else had noticed that in doing so he'd walked past two empty chairs that were directly facing me. I was paranoid that someone would read my face and work out why the two of us looked dreadful whilst everyone else in the room looked immaculate. I was focusing hard on tryng to look and act as natural as possible.

Jack started speaking with his nice eloquant voice, but he sounded quieter and less confident than usual. I tried to avoid eye contact with him so has not to put him off even further. Then suddenly it was my turn to speak and I'm not sure I did any better...and so the meeting went on... and on. In the quieter moments I looked at Jack through the the corner of my eye. I watched him as he reached forward and took a glass of water, holding it with those strong and lean fingers that I'd fantasised about at our team dinner a few weeks earlier. This time I didn't need to fantasise, only remember. Hours earlier those same stong fingers had been running themselves all over my body, had gripped my cock and had probed and fingered their way inside my arse. The memories came flooding back and I was instantly horny again and had to force myself to think of something else and get my mind back on the meeting. Then I noticed a fleeting glance from Jack, as if he read my mind, but from where I sat it was impossible to guess what he was thinking. I was already starting to wonder whether he was regretting what had happened.

We survived the meeting and Jack and I went to separate floors. Later that day, we met momentarily in the kitchen area purely by chance, he was making coffee and it was a very brief conversation as others were lurking. "Are you ok?" I asked. "Yeah, just" he asked in return. "Yeah, the same" I said. I guess we were both feeling quite guarded and a little awkward. I turned to leave as I heard someone approaching. "I'm cool about things, by the way" I said quickly as I looked back. "Yeah, me too" he said smiling slightly but his expression wasn't giving too much away and so my wondering continued. I didn't see Jack for the rest of the day. By the time I'd finished my afternoon meetings he had gone home for the weekend. I was relieved on the one hand to have got through the day unscathed, but I was also conscious that I wouldn't see Jack again until the following Wednesday. The question of whether he regretted the night and whether I'd get the chance to sleep with him again was starting to gnaw at me.

The day was long but the weekend seemed longer. I was back with my wife trying to remember what it was like to be the straight husband again but my head was elsewhere and full of Jack. I couldn't stop thinking about the night and the growing belief I had that this would turn out to be a one night stand. I was becoming convinced that Jack would reflect over the weekend, feel guilty about his boyfriend and put off by the work factor and decide that once was enough. I was starting to feel gloomy at the thought.

Finally Wednesday came and I travelled to Birmingham to meet the team once again knowing that I would see Jack. Sure enough he was there when I arrived. He was looking far smarter and brighter than last time we'd met. I had already decided to keep things light and friendly, having reconcilled myself to the conclusion that the events of last week were a sweet but brief sexual adventure. "Good morning" I said as I walked in, to no-one in particular. "Good morning boss" the team replied, including Jack who had clearly regained his composure over the weekend. I saw him a few times later on that day but again it was fleeting meets or when others were in the room. I wasn't ignoring him, but equally I wasn't going out of my way to talk to him; partly because I didn't want to attract attention and also to limit my own exposure to him. If last week was sadly going to be a one-off, as I had decided was the case, I didn't want to put myself through the ordeal of being in the same room with him. Every non-descript glance from him reinforced this and made me feel worse.

Later, around 6:30pm I was still in the office and I thought everyone else in the team had gone home. I was in one of the meeting rooms on the top floor looking at some charts when I felt someone enter the room behind me. I looked around and was surprised to see it was Jack. "Hi" he said "I was just leaving and thought I'd come and say goodbye for the day", he was smiling and looking more relaxed now others weren't around. "Thanks, yes....have a good evening... see you tomorrow" I said in a stuttering tone, not really meaning it but not knowing what else to say. Instead of leaving the room he lingered in the doorway for a moment looking a bit uncomfortable. " you have any plans tonight?" he asked casually. (This is interesting) I thought. "Ermm, well I don't really have any" I said, quite surprised by the unexpected turn the conversation was starting to take. "Do you want to meet for dinner and maybe have a chat?" I added, quickly seizing the initiative. "Yes, sure..." said Jack "just a chat?" he added with a glint in his eye and I thought back to the conversation we had in Manchester and my infamous "I just want to talk" comment. We both laughed. "Ok, see you about 7:30 then?" he said with a grin, turned and left. I stood there for a few seconds a bit stunned. It was not only possible, but actually looking quite likely, that I'd got this all wrong in my head and that Jack wasn't as regretful as I'd imagined. Perhaps he just wanted to have dinner and just talk things through (don't get excited!) but that glint I'd seen in his eye did at least give me some hope.

We met for dinner at a quiet restaurant a few miles outside the city and away from where the team were staying. He was well groomed and wearing a smart grey jumper and jeans, he looked nice and he smiled at me when I came in. "Hi there" I said in a friendly voice. "Hi" he replied. He had that glint back in his eye and no doubt I did aswell. "Here we are again..." I said. "Yes, and this time I'm not going to be fooled by the career chat!" he said grinning with an even bigger glint in his eyes. We both laughed. "Yes, I'm sorry about that...well, actually I'm not!" I admitted. "I didn't think I'd see you again for dinner" "Really?" he said, looking genuinely surprised, which in turn surprised me. Maybe he wasn't aware of how he'd been coming across. "Well I thought maybe you'd had a few regrets and since we haven't spoken much..." I continued. He looked away thoughtfully. "No regrets." he said. "Sorry if I've been ignoring you, its all a bit awkward you being my boss and everything" he added. He said this really sincerely and I started to realise that the work connection was probably more difficult for him than it was for me. We then talked about the day after our night together, how badly we'd felt and how awkward it had been trying to keep up appearances amongst the team. He'd also had the inquisitive looks and even a few questions from our colleagues who wanted to know what he'd been up to the night before. Fortunately it sounded like no-one suspected us.

Soon we were laughing and joking and very quickly relaxed into the easy and engaging style of conversation that we'd enjoyed last week. The wine was flowing freely and the conversation was creeping towards more interesting topics; we'd started flirting again as well and I was started to get a little more excited. At that point I realised that the restaurant was quite empty, we'd been talking quite loudly and I sensed that some of the staff were taking an interest in our conversation. A few moments later, a middle aged waitress came over to clear our plates. When she arrived at our table she scowled at me and then looked down at my left hand (which held my wedding ring). She then looked me in the eye distastefully, asking very coldly whether I wanted anything else. This I though was quite rude and then I realised that she'd taken objection to me flirting with a younger man whilst being obviously married. I was starting to get annoyed by this but Jack found it hilarious: "Normally its me that gets awkward looks in restaurants!" he said, barely able to control his laughter. He was clearly enjoying not being the centre of attention for once. Right now I was clearly cast in the role of the villain, leading the poor innocent younger guy astray...

We quickly left before I made a scene and found a bar which looked a bit more contemporary and felt a bit more 21st century. We sat down with drinks, relaxed again and started then to talk about our night together last week. "So, how are you feeling about last Wednesday night, then?" I asked casually and a bit cheekily. I'd been dying to talk to him about it for days and could barely wait for his answer. He must have sensed this because he just grinned and kept me in suspense a few seconds... (felt like minutes)... he was enjoying teasing me. "Yeah...hmmm... you certainly surprised me that night!... not what I was expecting!" he began. "aaaand..." I prompted. "Yeah, I'm cool... it was pretty awsome" he admitted after a while, looking slightly sheepish again but for different reasons than before. "Yeah, for me too" I added, although it was fairly obvious that I thought that too. Now my heart started to beat faster and I really was getting excited. Clearly he didn't regret last week and things were starting to look promising for later. I watched him speaking for a while, his handsome face, his dark wavy hair and those gorgeous deep, dark eyes.(Fuck I wanted him again!) It was getting late and we were then kicked out of the bar. We headed outside and found a taxi to take us back to the hotel. The change of scenery and the cold night air sobered us up slightly and, although we continued to chat freely, we were back to neutral subjects. Soon we were approaching the entrance to the hotel. "I'd better jump out here" said Jack, obviously consicous that we wanted to avoid being seen arriving back together. He looked back at me intently as he hopped out. "So, do you want to meet up later?" I asked, desperately hoping. "I'll text you..." Jack whispered, with that non commital look on his face, aware that the driver was probably listening.

The next 20 minutes felt like an age. I was back in my hotel room feeling horny as hell. I was pacing up and down the room staring at my phone, willing that text to appear. (God it was taking forever!) Suddenly, as I began to worry that he'd changed his mind, a text appeared from Jack. It read simply: "What room are you in?" "121" was my quicksilver reply... (yes!!) Ten minutes later, a quiet tap at the door, and there in the spyhole was Jack's face, looking slightly apprehensive and keen to quickly get out of the corridor. I opened the door half way, hiding behind it in case anyone saw and he squeezed on through. As the door closed he looked round to check it was me. "Phew, it is you!" he said with relief. "Yeah, who's room did you think it was?" I asked grinning. And then we just looked at each other, slightly shyly but also longingly (certainly in my case!) and once again I wasn't sure what to do next. I wanted to jump on him right then, tear his clothes off and grab his big cock with both hands; but I checked myself and instead went for a safer option and offered him a drink, which he accepted.

I went over to the table and opened two bottles of beer for us to drink and relax over. I turned to give him his and nearly poured it all over him. He was suddenly standing right next to me very close, almost touching my shouder. I could hear and feel his breathing on my neck and I could smell his aftershave, the aroma taking me straight back to last week's passion. He was staring at me and I turned to face him, staring back into his eyes, our mouths were less than 6 inches apart. We stood motionless for a while and I could feel my heartbeat racing. Gradually then he moved towards me and kissed me on the lips. It was a light, exploratory and sensual kiss. I kissed hm back, firmer and more passionately, my arousal starting to rise. He responded. His hands reaching around my shoulders and arms as we started to kiss more intently. I tried to hold him but I still had the beers in both of my hands and I was in danger of pouring the contents down the front of his jeans! I quickly broke away and slammed the beers down on the side, a bit too hard I realised instantly as the white frothy beer foam rose dramatically and spilled out over the bottles, pooling all over the table. Clearly the corny imagery of the escaping white foam wasn't lost on Jack "yeah, right!" he said, amused as we both watched it flowing off the table and onto the floor. I could feel the hardness of my cock, wanting to escape my jeans and I saw the bulge in his too. That was it, I went into overdrive. I threw my arms around him and started pushing him back towards the bed, a reversal of roles from last time. I think he was surprised by the urgency with which I set about him, but his fast breathing told me he didn't mind a bit! I slid my hands down his spine and grasped firmly at his butt, pulling it towards me and feeling his bulging cock pressing against mine. He gasped, and whispered and almost inaudible "yes" as I did it again. I moved my lips from his and buried my head in his neck, kissing and then biting at his stubbly neck. He clearly liked that too. I could feel his strong hands pulling me into him more forcefully now, pushing my cock again the firmness of his. I couldn't wait any longer, I needed his cock! Still standing, I reached down and rubbed the bulge in his jeans and he groaned a little. I jerked at his belt, slipped the button and pulled down the zip to reveal the straining mass in his underpants. I then slid my hand inside and gripped his lovely big firm cock once again. (Fuck me he felt good!) He groaned more loudly as I gripped harder and started to wank him, my other hand was now cupping his balls as I worked him harder. He had his eyes closed and began to moan. I looked down to see his cock standing proud, on full display and massively hard. Threads of precum were appearing and, with every one of my stroke, his foreskin was spreading the wetness over the head of his dick. I wanted to suck him but by then he'd turned his attentions on me, unbuckling my belt and pulling at my buttons. I was rock hard waiting in rising anticipation for his hands to find me. Eventually they did and he grasped my cock sending wave of pleasure through my body. He then started to mirror what I was doing to him: cupping my balls with his other hand. We started kissing again, increadibly passionately, our tongues intertwinning as we stood facing each other, working each other's cocks with identical rhythm and vigour.

"Lets lie down", I gasped "I want to suck you". "Yeah, I want to suck you too" he murmured, clearly as turned on as I was. We quickly ditched our clothes and lay as opposites. I scanned his fit body as I lay down facing his long muscular legs, my head level with his big hard cock. I gripped him again by the base with one hand, making his dick stand even taller and stretching his foreskin down as far as it would go. I started to lick the precum from his tip and heard his breathing quickened again. He was really enjoying this, (so was I!). Then I pulled his foreskin back up over the head and slid my mouth over it, pushing it back down again with firm lips. His long shaft slid into the back of my mouth and he groaned loudly. "Fuck me, that's good!" he gasped again as I started to suck him slowly and rhythmically, using my hand in tandom in a slight twisting motion to intensify his pleasure. I could taste the slight saltiness in my mouth and smell his body scent, the feel of his cock sliding across my tongue and into my throat was amazing. Then his attention shifted to me. He pushed his hands around my lower back and pulled me closer towards him and I knew he was going to suck me off as well. No sooner, I felt the warm, soft touch of his lips on the tip of my cock and an intense stab of pleasure as he pushed me into his mouth, then out and in again. "Yes, oh yeah" I moaned and I resumed my attentions on him, adjusting my rhythm so that it matched his. We were now sucking each other up and down in time and in perfect harmony.

I knew I wasn't going to last very long, in fact even this estimate was optimistic, as he reached around my butt and slid a finger down my crack and towards my ass. The anticipation and then the feel of his finger gently brushing my asshole, together with our coordinated sucking, was simply incredible. It felt unbelievably good and I could do nothing else other than explode into his mouth. I wanted to last much longer, and probably should have slowed thing down, but at that moment wild horses wouldn't have pulled my cock out of his mouth! Sure enough, my body quiverred involntarily as I felt the powerful orgasm rising in my balls. I pulled off his cock briefly to gasp a warning to him, "I'm gonna cum", but he'd already sensed that as I felt his strokes go deeper and his hands push down harder on the base of my cock. With that, I shot my load violently into his mouth, strong feelings pulsating through my body, my legs trembling uncontrollably as I pumped my cum repeatedly into his throat. "Fuck!!" I groaned, muffled by the large cock that was buried in my own mouth. He carried on sucking me as I came, swallowing my substantial load without any break in his rhythm. He was clearly enjoying my hard and now very wet and sticky cock. I realised then I'd been neglecting him momentarily and resumed my attentions. It didn't take long to get him to where I was. The feel of my cum bursting out of my cock and into his mouth had also tipped him over the edge. I felt his body twitch as I worked him hard, and felt his balls go tense as I cupped them with my other hand. "I'm gonna blow too" he groaned, and I felt him stiffen and then the sensation of hot spunk shooting fast into the back of my mouth. The speed and ferocity of his ejaculation caught me off guard and I nearly gagged, but I held it together, and continued to pump him until he was done and his moaning subsided. Once again, my mouth was full of his sweet tasting cum which I swallowed so I could carry on licking and savouring the last drips from his still hard, but slowly relaxing cock. He clearly didn't savour this quite as much as me because he'd now removed my cock from his mouth, but he remembered I was a bit of a "cum slut" and was happy to let me indulge myself. I heard him snigger slightly as I carried on for a while longer.

Eventually I stopped and we lay still, caressing each others legs and butts. I then turned around and lay beside him, facing him and looking into those deep dark eyes. He smiled and we kissed, the taste of each other's cum mingling on our tongues. It was sensual and mindblowingly erotic. "That was pretty hot!" he said after a while. "I don't do that often" he added, referring to our 69. "Yes, it was " I agreed, my brain still awash with passion and I was not really able to say anything more intelligent. We lay for quite a while, his right arm and leg stretched across me as I gently caressed his shoulders and upper back. I felt so content as we lay there, neither of us were particularly tired and he became gradually conscious that I wasn't talking much (not like usual!) "Are you ok?... you're quiet" he asked is a hushed voice. "Yes, I'm good... really good", I said "I guess I just thought we wouldn't be together again, so I'm feeling a bit surreal" I added. "Did you really thing I wouldn't want to do this again?!" he said, clearly still surprised that I'd drawn the wrong conclusion. He had the glint back in his eyes again.

We talked for a bit, mostly about sex and what we enjoyed from our first night, he spoke about having sex with his boyfriend over the weekend and how it had been when he got home. I told him about my weekend and the fantasies I'd had about him. I felt really close to him again. We continued to chat and then lie quietly, and then chat again for quite a time. I began to recall his gentle teasing of my ass and my mind was gradually turning on to the idea of sex. I'd been thinking about fucking him since last week, and the look of his firm butt was making the urge much stronger. Without knowing it, I must have been caressing him differently as he detected a change in the mood and suddenly looked up at me inquisitively? "What are you thinking?" he asked. "Well..." I began "I was just wondering what it would be like to fuck you" I said, with my slow sexy and hopefully enticing voice. He looked away at this point, smirked slighty self-consciously and I knew straight away that my words hadn't landed that well. I was pretty versatile, top or bottom, I liked both and didn't really think through the possibility that Jack maybe didn't. "Sorry, have I said the wrong thing?" I asked, quickly tuning in to his disquiet. "No, its ok... Its just, I don't really do that very much" he replied tentatively, "maybe some other time". He clearly wasn't that keen on the idea, and I was annoyed with myself for not thinking before speaking. I decided to quickly drop the subject so as not to cast a shadow over the rest of the night. "Well" I said, deliberately over-cheerfully "you know I'm very happy to stick to what we know in that department!", and we laughed which broke the tension. With that I reached for his hand and rotated my body, placing it unsubtly on my butt. He responded, not straight away, but after a moment and started to grasp at my buttocks.

It didn't take me long to get my head around the idea of getting fucked. He began to fondle my butt more rigorously and he pulled my leg over his body so that he could get better access. I couldn't reach his cock, but I saw that it was hardening again as he slowly ran his fingers down towards my asshole. He gently touched it, I gasped and he grinned "you like that don't you?" he said, as he did it again and then pulled away to tease me a bit. "that's just mean" I said, half-scolding him. His finger returned to my expectant hole and started running gently round its rim in slow circles, each time going ever so slightly deeper. I started to purr with the sensation and my breathing got shallower and quicker. "You really do like that" he said (unnecessarily!), a big glint in his eye now and the mischevious grin on his face. "Hmmm... I suppose its ok" I replied teasing him with a luke warm response and grinning back. "Ok then... how about this?" he asked and with that he did the expert manouevre from last week, prising my cheeks apart with his outermost fingers and slipping his middle finger skillfully into my arse. "Oh fuck, that's nice!" I said instantly, all pretence gone as I enjoyed the feel of him once again fingering me. He started to pulse his finger, rhythmically, probing deeper into my arse and with his other hand he grabbed my rapidly hardening cock, bringing my excitement to a whole new level. "Do you want fucking?" he whispered in a slow sexy voice. I nodded slowly and gasped a breathless "yes" in reply, getting rock hard with anticipation. I reached for the lube and handed it to him and he looked at me quizzingly at the lack of a condom. "Don't you want me to use anything?" he asked. "I'm ok if you are" I said. I knew I was being a bit reckless but I trusted Jack from what he'd told me about his sex life. Besides, I really wanted to feel him inside me without anything in between us so I made the decision. He looked very suprised "well I'm ok with it, if you are sure?" he asked, I nodded. "I really want your cum inside me" I added and hearing these words from me clearly pushed him beyond any doubts. He started to lube his cock and the sight of it turned me on massively, I knew what was coming next and I wanted it desperately.

He climbed off the bed and reached his arms around my legs. Then he dragged me towards the edge. I wasn't sure what he was going to do for a moment until he stood up next to the bed leaning over me, his well lubed cock massively tall like some magnificent statue. He placed his hands each side of my cock, and began to massage and gently prise apart my hole with both of his thumbs. (Wow, that felt good...). Then came the main event as he arched his back, leaned over me and pointed his cock down towards its intended target. I felt his blunt and gentle nudging against my hole, a perfect bullseye and I groaned involuntarily. He shifted his legs and gently pressed and teased me for a while with the head of his bulging cock, moving around and pushing against my eager arse. He shifted his stance again and I felt his cock start to push into me, this time more forcefully and with more intent. I opened my thighs and lifted my legs as high as I could to give him full access. My hole resisted (not that I wanted it to) and he paused to let everything relax, then pushed again further in. I began to remember how big he felt and the rising pleasure as he inched his way into my rectum. Deeper and deeper he slid, my resistance ebbing away, the sensitivity growing in my arse and towards the edge of comfort. I watched his face tighten, his eyes half-close and saw him bite his lip as he revelled in the feeling of my arse gripping him tightly like a glove. I was in anal heaven!, lying at the edge of the bed, my legs wrapped around Jack who was standing over me with unhindered access into the depths of my arse. His arms were either side of me on the bed, veigned and muscular, shoulders fully tense as they carried his weight. I was moaning, almost involuntarily, as he started to fuck me slow and deep (and fuck! did it feel deep!). He was gasping and grunting for breath as he quickened his pace and fucked me rhythmically and as deep as he could. I could feel my own face contorted now and I was biting my lip too, waves of pleasure and pain radiating alternately as his big cock glided up and down deep inside me. I watched him, in ecstasy, working hard above me and searching for the angles to go as deep as possible. He clearly loved this position because he was already close to cumming despite this being the second time tonight. I was half relieved, because as amazing as it felt, my arse was taking a real battering! I watched as he tensed. He looked at the ceiling and I could see the veins prominent in his neck as he gritted his teeth and started to moan. His rhythm quickened again and he thrust into me harder. "Cum right up my arse!" I gasped. His whole body seemed to jerk . "Yeah... I am!" he groaned loudly as he released his load, pumping hot spunk deep into me. I watched his face, contorted with pleasure, as he did it. (Fucking awesome!) He didn't withdraw straight away, but slowed his pace right down and smiled down at me, continuing to fuck me really slowly. "That was amazing!" he said. I couldn't really speak, I threw my arms back on the bed and collapsed like a rag doll. I just lay there a while recovering from the experience. I couldnt' believe how good it felt being fucked by Jack. Soon he clapsed on the bed next to me and we lay together a while longer. We were both pretty tired by now. "I really like the thought of going to sleep with your cum inside me" I said softly, and he smiled at the same thought. We drifted off together a few moments later.

The next day with the team was amusing rather than awkward. We'd both had time to get used to the idea and were getting better at semi-ignoring each other. Things felt more business like and I was starting to relax a bit more when I saw Jack in the office. I was getting used to his nonchelant non-committal glances and once in a while saw a small glint in his eye or the slightest wry smile as our eyes met. We didn't get to speak much. When he left for the day I was taking a call in one of the meeting rooms. He gestured with his phone so I knew I would get a text from him at some point in the evening. This was reassuring as I badly wanted to see him again that night.

It was about 9pm before his text finally arrived. It simply read "235 ;)" (A bit of an odd text) I thought, not immediately understanding what it meant. Then I realised this was Jack's room number! I didn't wait long. Grabbing the remains of my bottle of wine, I headed up to the second floor of the hotel, knocked on the door of 235 and waited anxiously in the corridor (my turn to feel vulnerable). He took a while to answer and in the meantime I had to check the text to make sure it was the right room (what if it was one of the team's room?!)

To my relief he eventually opened the door and I went inside. He was hiding behind the door like I had done and when I peered around it I was surprised to see he was wearing only a towel. "You were quick... I was in the shower, sorry" he said. "Don't worry" I said... (its really alright, in fact I'll join you in there if you like!!) I nearly said but didn't. "So, have you had a good day?" he asked casually. "Not bad, and you?" I replied, but my head was not really on the conversation. The sight of his toned body, and his still wet hair dripping water onto his muscular shoulders and chest was too distracting. I looked down and saw the white towel loosely knotted, resting on his hips and I couldn't think about anything but what was underneath! He started to read my mind. With my usual reserve abandoned, I threw my arms around him and kissed him passionately on the lips. He was a bit taken aback but quick to join in and I pressed him against the door of his room, my hands moving swiftly all over his still wet body. The towel didn't last very long, the knot was weak and gave way easily, revealing his lovely cock and Jack smirked, a little embarrassed. I'd not really seen it unerect before, it was long and uncut and hung nicely. I saw that it was on the move and immediately helped it along, grabbing his shaft and feeling it harden further in the palm of my hands. I was now really turned on; there was something about him standing there completely naked and with me still fully clothed.

As I jerked his now hard cock, I felt more frantic and more desperate than I had with him before. Passionate, slow build ups were not going to do it for me that night. I wanted hard and fast sex! He was breathing faster and moaning a little as we kissed urgently and I continued to work his cock hard. I was on fire. I wanted him in my arse (right now!), I simply couldn't wait. I broke off and quickly stripped down, flinging my clothes and shoes across the room as quickly as I could and in random directions. I saw that Jack was a bit surprised by my sudden wild antics. What I then did probably shocked him even more and was totally out of character for me: I jumped on the bed, totally naked and turned to face the headboard on all fours. I pulled down my stomach and arched my arse into the air, presenting my asshole directly towards him. "Fuck me now!!" I said in a loud voice and in an almost demanding tone. "Please, fuck me". I said more softly and desperately as I couldn't see his face and wasn't sure how he was reacting. I was worried for a split second that I'd scared him off, but soon I sensed him closing in on me. I could have looked around, but instead looked back between my own legs, passed my hard cock, to see his hairy legs approaching. I imagined his sexy eyes fixated on my tight, enticing asshole as he ventured towards me. Whether it was happening or not, the thought of this heightened my desire and expectation to another level. "I'm ready to go, Jack, fuck me now" I said...(I'd lubed myself up in my room earlier). The anticipation was killing me, I was gagging for his cock and thankfully I didn't have to wait long for the now familiar nudge and the wave of pleasure that washed through me. I wanted more. "Don't be gentle" I panted, as I reached back and grasped at his butt, pulling him in to me and urging him to do it quicker. I was ready but my arse wasn't and I had to bite hard on my lip at the pain from the sudden alien mass pushing passed my sphincter. "That's good...fuck you're tight!" he gasped excitedly as my muscle clamped down on his full length. I couldn't speak, I was just panting like a dog, the discomfort was intense but I was determined to ignore it. The pain turned to pleasure as my muscle relaxed a bit and he pushed still further inside me. It built up again as he went even deeper. I buried my head in the pillow "fuckkk!" I gasped as he reached the end and he withdrew slightly. "You ok?" he asked. "Yeahh..don't stop!" (I was hurting but I didn't care!) and with that he slid in again and started to fuck me.(Really good!). I could feel his large strong hands on my lower back, gripping my sides and then pulling my butt towards him so that he could go faster and deeper. Fuck me hard Jack!" I gasped loudly and his pace quickened immediately. I buried my head again into the pillow and held on for the ride, one arm pressed against the headboard the other tucked under my body so I could jerk myself off. I was getting very sweaty and I was groaning loudly, ferociously turned on. Each sound encouraged him to go harder and faster and he was groaning loudly too. we were making a massive amount of noise. I wanked myself hard to the same rhythm. He felt huge in my arse, and I knew I was going to suffer later, but I just didn't care! His hard banging felt frantic and fucking amazing! I couldn't last any longer... I felt myelf about to cum, my balls started to ache and my ass muscle pulsed and contracted hard against his hard cock. I shot my load violently, "Oh yessss!" I yelled as my spunk shot out of my cock and splattered against the underside of my stomach, my chest and all over the sheets. My ass muscle went into a spasm of pleasure, it felt like my entire arse was electified as the aftershock of my orgasm detonated in the centre of my prostate. Suddenly my intense erotic pleasure gave way to huge sensitivity and I couldn't deal with his size and pace any longer. I knew he was close too and I didn't want to stop him but things were really hurting now. He realised what was happening and quickly withdrew his cock and flipped me over onto my back. He loomed over me and started to wank himself furiously, his sweaty tense body and face contorted in pleasure (a fucking fantastic sight!) "I'm going to cum all over you" he gasped, his whole body jerked and he moaned as his own hot spunk spurted out of his cock, all over my stomach and chest. "Cum on my cock!" I gasped and he quickly shifted position and pumped the remainder of his load out all over my dick, his cum mingling with the remnants of mine. I grabbed his cock and wanked him slowly, determined to get every last drop out; he held mine and wanked me in turn. The sight of his larger cock dripping out over mine, my foreskin enveloping his cum and spreading it all over my tip, was one of the most erotic things I'd ever seen.

We collapsed together on the bed. Sweaty and panting "Wow!" I said eventually, still breathess. "I don't think I've ever had sex like that before". "Me neither" he replied. We were both a bit shocked and recovering from our unexpectedly frantic shagging. "I don't normally like fucking guys from behind." he said "It feels a bit impersonal". he added. "Ooops!... sorry" I said. "Don't apologise!" he said and we both laughed. "You were a man possessed!"... (and I was). We lay for ages. I felt completely shattered after my massive orgasm and intense fucking. Jack looked about the same. We didn't really talk, just lay next to each other, our hands gently caressing each other. At that moment, I was feeling incredibly intimate with Jack despite our animal-like and fairly brutal shagging. With my last reserves of energy I forced myself off the bed and left for the bathroom to take a quick shower. When I came back into the room he had fallen asleep. I curled up beside him, put my head on the pillow next to him and listened to his quiet and peaceful breathing. I felt so contented. Soon I drifted off to sleep as well.

I woke again to an annoying alarm sound and this time it was my phone buzzing. It took me a few seconds to come around and realise I was in Jack's room and not my own. He was waking up too "sleep well?" he asked sleepily. "yes, you?" "yeah, nice dreams!" "me too, and my arse really really hurts!" I said, gigling despite the considerable discomfort I was still feeling. He gave me a knowing and mischevious grin. I had to get up, I was travelling to another town for a meeting and needed to get dressed hurridly. I didn't want to go as I knew I wouldn't see Jack again for several days. I would have so liked to chill out with him in bed for a while, perhaps got some breakfast brought up to the room, but duty called and I quickly dispelled the thought. I looked back at him and he was propped up in bed, hair ruffled watching me get dressed. "You've a nice body" he said admiring me. "You're a hot guy" I became slightly self conscious, Jack wasn't usually forthcoming with his complements, especially in the morning. He seemed really relaxed and contented. "Not bad for a forty something, eh?" I said quickly (not good at receiving compliments) and resumed the search for my scattered clothes. I was struggling to find my socks. Jack was enjoying the spectacle (probably replaying the scene in his mind of how I threw them away in my crazy state!) Eventually I found them and it was time to leave. I went over to him. I could sense Jack was thinking about something, he looked like he had something on his mind. "Well I guess this is goodbye." I said as I put on my shoes "thanks for last night it was incredible." I said sincerely. "Yeah it was hot" he said "take care". I bent over to kiss him goodbye, a long and passionate kiss and looked into those deep eyes for the final time that week. As I started to stand up, he reached up to my neck and pulled my head back down. My ear brought close to his lips. He then whispered something softly that I simply didn't expect: "Next time... you can fuck me!"

For the second Friday in a row, I went home for the weekend with my head full of Jack, hardly able to wait until the following week. I used to hate the weekdays and live for the weekends, but now it was the other way around. At least this time I was more certain about what was going to happen when I saw him again and I knew exactly what I wanted to do first!

The End

Please send me feedback on the story, i'd love to hear about what you thought about it.

Best regards, Mark

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