Younger Guy from Work

By Mark Stevens

Published on Dec 16, 2014


A true story.

I'd first met Jack two months previously when he joined my team at the large legal firm where we both worked. He was 25, dark and slim and gave the impression (later confirmed) that he was gay. I was quite a bit older, in my early forties, and was several grades higher in the management chain. I was married but, unknown to everyone I worked with, secretly bisexual.

My first impressions of Jack were that he was good looking, clean cut and with an air of quiet confidence. He was keen to make a good impression and although my initial thoughts were entirely professional, there was something about him that made him just that little bit more interesting. I think it was a combination of his confident manner, slight vulnerability and his deep, engaging eyes that during those early weeks of working together turned my attentions from mild interest to strong physical attraction.

It was one night in particular that tipped the balance. We'd been working as a team on an assignment in Birmingham and all went out afterwards for a team meal in the city. I ended up sitting next to Jack in a small booth, close enough to smell his aftershave and for my leg to occasionally brush up against his under the table (entirely accidentally of course!). The conversation was rich and vibrant, helped along by several bottles of claret, and we talked freely and laughed a lot. I watched him talk to the others, his smile and those attentive eyes becoming ever more animated and enticing. Fuck, I fancied him... My mind started to wander and I imagined myself pushing up his jumper and running my fingers over his firm chest and down the contours of his stomach. I watched his slim, strong fingers gently gripping his wine glass and imagined for a moment they were wrapping themselves around my cock! I felt myself hardening at the thought and realised I had to calm down as the end of dinner approached and I was going to have to stand up in front of the team. It didn't help when he stood up before me and I unavoidably stared at the slight bulge in his jeans just as he caught my eye momentarily. I cursed myself for being indiscreet. Of course I had to be careful, our company had strict rules about work place encounters and one wrong move could spell lots of trouble for me. Plus, for all my strong (and probably increasingly obvious) desire towards him, there was no indication he had any interest in me and even if he had, he was probably deterred by my seniority and the wedding ring I had on my finger.

Later that night, we continued drinking in the bar, my lust slowly rising with each mouthful of the brandy we were drinking and I began to imagine what it would be like fucking him...... We left at the same time and as it turned out, both had rooms on the third floor right opposite one and other. We chatted innocently about the evening as we walked down the corridor together and when we reached our doors we paused momentarily. I looked at him as he turned, I couldn't say anything, it was too risky but I badly wanted to. "Have a good evening" he said to me eventually and went in side his room. (It occurred to me afterwards that that was rather a strange thing to say just before bedtime...). I stood and watched his door closing, the opportunity slipping away and for a moment I felt a desperate urge to follow him though his door. Wisely, I restrained myself and stood a few seconds as I listened to his door latch click shut behind him. I then entered my own room, hardly letting my door close before I unzipped my jeans, grabbed my cock and started jacking off as hard as I could. It didn't take long before I shot my load all over the bedroom mirror... (It would have been interesting if Jack had reappeared at that moment asking to borrow some toothpaste!).

I didn't see Jack again for over two weeks. He went away on holiday immediately afterwards and left me to reflect on how I felt, fantasising about him and wondering how I could safely take things forward. One thing was clear in my mind though, it wasn't a case of if I should try and seduce him, but rather how and when? My big chance came the week after he was back from leave, and despite my three weeks of contemplation the opportunity came about quite easily. We both found ourselves on a new assignment in Manchester and he'd previously spoken to me about his future career and had been keen for my views on how he could progress. We got on to the subject again and so I innocently suggested we have dinner together, just the two of us the following week, to talk it through properly. To my relief he accepted the invite readily and seemingly without any qualms.

Soon, the night arrived and we found ourselves in a taxi together heading for a french restaurant in the centre of Manchester. It was a foul winter night, cold and wet and we were both dressed in jumpers and long coats as we sat in the dimly lit cab. I was glad of the low lighting, I was a little nervous and excited (and was conscious that I had a tendency to blush like a school girl when this was the case!) Fortunately my voice was calm and his company relaxing and I spent much of the journey listening to his account of the week's events.

The restaurant was quiet, atmospheric and the food and wine both fantastic. The taste of fine claret slipping down my throat helped me relax. We talked about neutral stuff to start with, mostly work and soon we settled once again into easy and enjoyable conversation. I kept my thoughts and feelings well under control as I listened attentively to him talk about his future aspirations. As well as being genuinely interested in helping him, I felt I owed him this. It was the only reason we were here (as far as he was concerned) and if everything went to rats later, at least he wouldn't feel cheated. I felt slightly guilty and underhand that I had other ideas aswell. During the conversation, I saw a different, more ambitious and passionate side to him and imagined him clearly as a successful future executive. I also saw a guy trying to balance his personal life as he alluded to a serious relationship but didn't elaborate. He kept talking about his "partner" but (somewhat frustratingly) didn't volunteer that this was a guy. I felt slightly awkward, and still a few wine glasses away from asking him directly if he was gay. It was going to be a long night! I'd figured out beforehand that the only way that this was going to work is if he first told me he was gay, and then I had to tell him I was bi-sexual (this was risky for me, and I had to be sure I trusted him). Hence it felt like there was a sequence to unlocking the conversation, a bit like a puzzle; and with every glass of wine, I became less convinced I was getting anywhere. My brain started to ache. Fortunately he seemed happy to carry on drinking and chatting and so time was on my side, at least for now. After dinner we went to a bar for a couple more drinks and continued to chat merrily as we walked back to the hotel together. He was always interesting and engaging to talk to and I realised this was one of the main reasons I found him so attractive. As we neared the hotel though, I started to get a sinking feeling as I felt that the opportunity of the night was slipping away. I watched him walking beside me out of the corner of my eyes and I wanted him. This made the feeling worse. Maybe, I should just tell him?....but how?....

As we left the rain and entered the hotel lobby, a moment of peverse and semi-desperate inspiration struck me. The hotel had given me a bottle of brandy (a sorry present for fucking up my reservation the previous week) and I remembered Jack liked brandy and so I told him I had a present for him and went to get it from my room. If he was sober he'd have probably thought it a bit weird, but he waited for me in reception nevertheless and when I returned with the bottle he probably felt compelled to go for a night-cap in the hotel bar.

So it was now after midnight, we were both quite drunk and sitting closely together in the hotel bar downing brandy (avoiding the hotel's £8 a shot drinks and secretly refilling out of our own personal stash). I got a kick out of seeing him being mischievous; watching him wait for the barman to pass and then pouring out discretely, a naughty twinkle in his eye. This heightened his appeal and my desires.

There were a few folk in the bar near us but I was past caring. It was now or never, plan A was well and truly out the window and now I just had to go for it... I stopped talking and starred into Jack's eye's for a few seconds, we fixed glances and he looked at me inquisitively. My pulse was starting to race, my stomach tightening with apprehension, I felt slightly nauseous as I braced myself for the impending point of no return. Clearly this transmitted into my eyes, as Jack asked: "Are you ok? What's up?". "Yes, I'm fine" I said, and after a slight pause "I'm just wondering how much I can trust you?". His face was honest and his voice sincere as he replied after a moment "you can trust me". The way he said it convinced me I could, and so I continued.... "I'm going to tell you something that no one else in our company knows, and I'd like it to stay that way" I said quite firmly. "Ok" he said quietly. At this point he was probably wondering what on earth I was going to tell him. Now I'd got his attention for sure and it felt like he was hanging off every word. So I took a deep breath and told him (in a roundabout way).... "Well you know I'm married right?" I began. "Yes" "Well that's not the fully story with me" I said rather cryptically. "How do you mean?" he asked, still not obviously following my drift. "Well, I have quite varied tastes when it comes to people", I said, smiling and trying out the knowing look. "So how varied are we talking about?", he asked, realisation was starting to dawn. "About as varied as it gets" I said, still smiling, still giving him the knowing look. "Like, with guys too?" (he knew the answer), I just nodded. He looked away for a moment, digesting the revelation and for a moment I felt apprehension again. But then he turned back and I knew instantly he wasn't offended and was about to react in the right way. "So I have a boyfriend" he said after a while, more to ease my discomfort rather than anything else. "How does being bi work for you then?" he asked. So I told him about my colourful private life, about my marriage and about my secret liaisons with guys. I talked about when I was younger and how I alternated between girls and guys and how that was varied and exciting. I talked about when I got older and things got less fun, as my bisexuality impacted more serious relationships. He was really interested and empathic.

He talked in turn about his relationships, and his experiences with guys, the fact that he'd never fancied or been with a woman (which I found intiguing) and how he'd always been gay. He talked about his experience in becoming open about his sexuality, and the mixed feeling he had about his current relationship. (I later reflected on the extent of our personal disclosures that night, it was unusual for me in the extreme and probably for him could have been the brandy, but actually I think we just knew we could trust each other.)

We must have talked for ages and it was getting late, but the conversation, the brandy and the open talking were intoxicating to me. I'd half noticed, but not really registered, that we were sitting much closer together now, leaning into each other and looking at each other a lot more. I was half conscious too that we had started flirting but strangely didn't think about it that much. I was away in the conversation and so savouring the rare opportunity to talk about being gay, that I momentarily (and quite bizarrely) forgot about my original intentions for the night! Even more bizarrely, it was Jack that got us back on track. "So what type of guys do you like?" he asked curiously and with a slight mischievous glint appearing in his eye. "Well, I like younger guys, good looking and slim....but they have to be interesting", I emphasised ".... in fact, guys like you really". I added casually and following up with a mischievous look of my own. "I bet that's freaked you out?" "No not at all" he said, grinning and seemingly unruffled. "So what type of guys do you like?" I asked in return. "Well I'm attracted to older guys" he said equally casually "......a bit like you really...." "Well I'm not freaked out either" I said and we both laughed. We talked for a while, I can't remember what about exactly because my mind was now racing and all I could thing about was getting Jack into my hotel room. My heart was beating faster with excitement and anticipation. "What do you want to do now?" he asked a short while later. "Well, why don't we finish our brandy upstairs and maybe talk some more?" "Just talk?" he said, with a somewhat disbelieving look. "Well I'd be happy to just talk, I never get to do this...." I said and it felt like I meant it, even though my mind was very obviously having other ideas.

We must have left at this point and taken the lift up to my floor (but I have no recollection of this at all). The next thing I remember was being in my hotel room with with Jack. He was sitting in one of the armchairs, me in the other pouring out what remained of the brandy. We both knew something was going to happen but he was waiting for me to take the lead, and I was suddenly unsure how to break into things. The change of venue and slight injection of reality had dented our momentum. So, I simply stood over him and stared down into his eyes. "What did you want to happen?" he asked. "Well, you know", I said suddenly feeling quite bashful. Then he stood up right in front of me "Ok, but no intercourse" he said firmly. He moved towards me and I remember thinking he looked taller and heavier built than I had imagined. My heart rate intensified. Our lips touched, we kissed experimentally at first, and our arms went around each other. I could smell his aftershave and his body scent and felt the stubble of his chin as I buried my head into his shoulders. (An unfamiliar sensation when you are used to women). He felt strong and muscular and as we kissed we ran our hands over each other's shoulders and upper back, our breathing deepened and he pulled me towards him. I suddenly felt very aroused and I reached down to his firm buttocks, digging my fingers into them and pulling him towards me in turn. He sighed and his breathing quickened. He was clearly getting turned on as well.

Suddenly he pushed me back on the bed and this took me by surprise. I hadn't been with a guy for many months, and had forgotten the "straight down to it" way of gay sex (none of this gradual build up crap you have to endure with the female gender!....). He was on top of me, we were kissing feverishly and I felt for the first time, his hard cock straining through his jeans and pushing down on my crotch. He moved to the side, and started rubbing my own hard bulge rigorously, pulling at my jean's to try and get inside. Fuck! this was getting good..... And it got better. My trouser buttons finally surrendered and suddenly his hand was right inside my pants. He gripped my cock firmly and pushed his hand down my shaft, stretching my foreskin as far as it would go. He rubbed his fingers round my tip and it felt fucking amazing. I groaned loudly, and started to pant like a dog, wanting more. He was very confident and clearly knew what he was doing. I wanted his cock now. I rolled him over and attacked his jeans, pulling at his belt and slipping my own hands inside. His dick was big, and very hard, and I had to reach down to grip it fully and firmly. He groaned and then groaned again as I started to wank him. Soon, trousers discarded, we were lying together kissing and pounding at each other's cocks. Every time he pushed down, I groaned as a bolt of deep pleasure shot down my shaft and into my balls. His body was rocking gently and I looked at this slim hairy chest, breathing heavily with each deep stroke. His cock was big and fullsome and the first signs on wetness were starting to appear on its head. This was my cue, I slid my mouth down over his stomach, into his crotch and then enveloped his large cock with my lips. He felt even bigger in my mouth, the head pushing against the inside of my cheek as I worked his tip with my tongue and pulled his foreskin down with my lips. I could taste his pre-cum and smell his increasingly potent manly scent. He was moaning faster now and, as I ran my hands over his balls, I felt them tightening and his lower body tremble slightly. "Oh yes" he gasped "That's fucking good". At that point, his hands left my cock and worked their way around to my buttocks, pulling them and kneading them rigourously. Then, without warning, he pulled them apart expertly with one hand and let the fingers of the other run down to my anus and start to rub and claw at my hole. This took me by surprise (girls don't usually do this!). Fuck me! though it felt fantastic, and as the initial shock subsided, I hungrily wanted more. I arched my back and pushed out my arse to improve his access and let him know this was the case. "Oh yes" I cried and with that I redoubled my efforts on him, burying his big cock as far down my throat as it would go. He groaned again, and I pumped him faster and more rigourously with my lips, curling my tongue around the head as I started to rediscover some of my rusty technique. I knew from his breathing and the tension in his body that he was about to explode. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum" he gasped, and immediately I felt his balls tighten and a second later his body shudder as he fired his hot load into my mouth. His cum was sweet tasting and I felt the hot spurting onto my tongue and into the back of my throat but I carried on working him regardless until he eventually relaxed. I wasn't going to miss a drop and by then my mouth was bursting full of sweet and salty spunk. I swallowed it all (just about!) and as he lay back I carried on licking him. He looked at me dirtily as I continued to work his sofening cock and lick off the the last remnants of cum as they appeared. He probably thought I was a bit of a "cum-slut" but I rarely got to taste guys' spunk these days and so I was going to savour the moment. Finally, we paused and we lay for a while, my head on his hot and sweaty body, his hands stoking my ass as we both took stock of what had just happened. "Are you ok?" he asked in a while "Fuck yes" I replied. "you?" "Yeah, that was good" he whispered. "Where did you learn to give blowjobs like that?" "I don't know" I said coyly. (I'd felt pretty amateurish really but obviously it worked ok for him)

We lay a bit longer, and I stroked his body, slowly at first and then with more urgency as he started to respond and mine reminded me that I had yet cum. "What do you want?" he asked. "I want you to fuck me" I replied and I really did want him too despite the earlier "no intercourse" arrangement. He lay for a moment, contemplating whether to respect his own rule. His head was nestled into my neck, his muscular shoulder and arm resting on my chest and I wasn't sure he would grant me my wish. "I really want you to fuck me" I repeated softly with more certainty. Again a pause, and then suddenly, the decision made he sprang to life, "Ok", he said "How do you want it?". "I don't care, I just want it", I gasped, excitement building once again. After a short pause (to get supplies) he lay on his back, and I watched as he lubed his cock and rolled the condom over it. I found this quite a turn-on. He then resumed his attentions on my ass, rubbing and clawing at first, and running his well lubed fingers around the inner edges of my hole. "Relax" he said as he then slowly but surely slid the first of his fingers inside. This felt really fucking good. "You've a really tight ass" he said and I could tell that thought was turning him on. He continued to work his fingers increasingly deeper into me, each time with more urgency and I moaned when he rhythmically brought them in and out. I'd forgotten how good this felt and especially so because it was clear he'd had some practice. Soon he pulled me towards him, down the bed, and I angled my back forward obligingly so that his large cock, hard and ready, was resting against my hole. I hadn't been fucked by a man for ages, at least not one as big as Jack, and I knew this was going to hurt (but there was no way this was going to stop me), I just wanted his cock deep inside me....and right fucking now! "Shall I go easy?" he asked "Probably best to start with", I answered wisely. I then felt a powerful and forceful nudging against my anus, my unfamiliar hole resisting at first. "Try and relax" he said soothingly and with that he pushed again and I felt his cock enter me and start to run up inside. My ass was still protesting, but increasingly, with less conviction. I nearly fainted it felt so good. "Jesus, fucking hell!" I gasped out, trying to catch my breath as he inched his way relentlessly into the depths of my rectum. Fuck me, how much more can there be?? I remember thinking as his head nudged my sensitive prostate and the pressure started to build. He breathed out slowly "God you're tight" he said (one advantage of bisexual blokes! I thought fleetingly) and with that he started to withdraw slightly, and then back in again. "Is that too much?" he said as he watched my contorted face ("Yes" half of me thought) *"No!" *the other half said, as the pleasure/pain mix shuddered through my confused yet willing body. "I don't want you to stop". I gasped. He felt so big I thought he was going to split me in half..... He quickened his pace, and I held on tight for the ride. My ankles were on his shoulders, hands clutching the back of his head as each time he thrust himself deeper and deeper into me. He started to wank me and that felt good but I wasn't sure my arse could take much more. At the same time there was no way I was going to stop him. Just then, his breathing quickened and he fucked me more rhythmically and I could feel the tension building again in his body. "I'm gonna blow my load" he gasped and he shuddered as I grabbed both his buttocks and pulled them hard into me. "Cum deep inside me" I gasped as he thrust into me again and I felt his cock shudder and then explode. He moaned and moaned again as he pumped his load repeatedly into the depths of my arse, my mind swimming with intense anal pleasure. I held him inside me for several moments, my arse on fire, as he slowly relaxed and lay on top of me lightly panting. I ran my hands across his sweaty back and across his spine, and lightly caressed his firm buttocks as I held in my mind the image of his face as he'd fucked me. "That was really hot" he said eventually,

We lay for a while whilst we recovered.Jack at that point was lying on his front looking quite spent but I had some unfinished business. I climbed on top of him, sat on his legs and began to massage his muscular shoulders, admiring the contours of his back and his firm ass. He started to stir again and he moaned, this time with relaxation and contentment, as I worked my thumbs and fingers across his shoulders and down his spine. "That's nice" he purred. I was hard once again and I lay forward with the shaft of my cock in between his buttocks, rhythmically rubbing myself against his arse crack. I looked down to the sight of my cock emerging from his butt cheeks and this turned me on massively... With all that had gone before, it didn't take long. Soon I felt the pressure rising in my balls and I knew I was about to cum. My body twitched suddenly and I groaned loudly as I felt myself explode, the first drops of cum shooting out of my cock reaching his shoulders, his neck and his still-sweaty hair. Then my main load came, arching upwards and spraying all over his back, most of my sticky cum collecting in a large warm pool at the base of his spine. "That's hot" he murmurred sleepily as he felt the hot drops raining down on him and I relished the sight of my load splattering all over his back.

After that I collapsed next to him and we talked for a bit, before we both fell asleep........

The dream I had that night was erotic and surreal and took place inside a drunken haze. I awoke to an annoying sound of an alarm that wasn't mine and slowly realised it hadn't been a dream at all. Jack was there in the bed next to me and his phone alarm was buzzing. My head hurt like hell, the room smelled of sex and brandy and my arse felt pretty fucking sore too! It definitely hadn't been a dream!

There was little of the usual awkwardness as Jack slowly came to. "You ok?" he said groggily. "Yes, I'm cool" I said "you?" "Yeah, cool" There was no time for anything else, Jack was really late for work, and we both confronted the horrible reality that we were going to spend the day with the rest of our team: looking like shit, smelling of brandy, fighting back immense tiredness and all the time trying to look natural. How the fuck were we going to pull this one off?!

"A nice night" he said as he got dressed, came over, kissed me briefly and went to leave. "Its going to be a long day" he sighed as he opened the door and looked back.

Sure, it was going to be a long day. The question was would there be another night...?

*** the end*** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please send me feedback on the story. Let me know how it made you feel, and if you'd be interested in a Part 2! thanks, Mark

Next: Chapter 2

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