Young Vegas Master

By mike earl

Published on Sep 29, 2023


5:30am, just enough time to get situated for my Master to get home from work. I hope he is really tired and doesn't want to have sex this morning. I can tell my ass is still red from the paddling that David gave me.

I've got to rumple the bed to make it look like I've been sleeping, then dirty a glass to make it seem that I had a glass of milk when I arrived home from work, then unstraighten a towel and run water in the shower. RRRRRingm RRRRRRing, the telephone.

"Creighton residence".

"This is your Master, I will be going to Pahrump to pick up my nephew who will be spending the next 3 days with us, so I won't be home until 9 or 9:30 this morning. I will expect breakfast for two when we arrive, do I make myself clear boy?"

"Yes Master", was all that was needed from me. I heard the distinctive click of the connection being terminated and I hung up the phone. I didn't even know Master had a nephew because He never spoke of even having a brother or sister. Then it hit me, I was going to be babysitting his nephew for the next 3 days, but what about work and what about David on Friday. I had to sit down and think.

Sitting down at first didn't seem to help as all my thoughts kept going back to David and the fucking that he had given my ass. All of a sudden my mind started to speed up and the thoughts started to make sense. I am my Master's slave and my Master's nephew was coming to visit, so did his nephew know that my Master owned a slave and that, I the slave, would be watching after him most of the time?? All it seemed to do was make my head swim with thoughts.

After what seemed like a hundred hours I heard the driveway alarm go off. I did a mental spin to make sure everything was done that needed to be done and went to open the door for my Master and his nephew. Bowing as they came in and shutting the door I followed both into the living room. Waiting for a command I did a sweep of my Master's nephew. 15 years old, 5'10, 150lbs., brown hair, brown eyes, and a crouch that showed a rather large possibility. The command didn't take long in coming. "On your knees slave as you have been told or do I need to remind you of that fact", was all my Master said. I hit my knees in a heartbeat with my hands clasped behind my head and waited. "Ryan this is my slave Todd, he answers to boy, he is at your disposal while you're here. If you need anything, anything at all boy will provide it for you. If he doesn't, let me know and I will blister his ass for you or I may just let you do it as you look like you could handle a paddle pretty well, any questions Ryan?" "You mean, uncle Mark, that he will do anything for me That I want," Ryan asked kind of shyly. "Yes Ryan anything that doesn't involve injury to him or you, understand that this boy here is my property and he is very valuable, but he is here to be used in what every way other than that you wish," was the way Master explained it to Ryan.

Master stood eyeing Ryan for a moment, then asked, "how many times a week do you cum Ryan? Once maybe twice if your girlfriend is generous."

"Well we fuck a couple of times a week, I guess", was Ryan's reply as his face turned the cutest shade of crimson. "And how often has your girlfriend sucked your dick, ever Ryan?" Master knew how to catch people off guard. Ryan's answer was predictable, "well ah, you know like She says she doesn't or hasn't ever you know like." Master laughed, "that's what I thought, you've never had Blow jobs before have you Ryan?"

"I've wanted one be she hasn't even kissed my dick before, uncle Mark. She has jacked me off some though". Ryan said as if to keep his machoism in tacked.

"Come over here boy and show my nephew how you satisfy your Master by deep-throating my dick and making me shoot my hot load of cum down your throat. Remember you better swallow every last drop of my cum or I will whip your ass until you can't sit down, do you understand me boy", was the command that Master issued as much for Ryan's ears as for mine.

I crawled over to Master on hands and knees and started By kissing his feet to show my submissiveness. Beginning by untying his shoes and removing them. Then came his socks, which I folded and placed into his shoes. Kissing his bare feet several times each, I moved upon my knees and started to undo Master's belt and then unsnapping his pants, which I slid over his hips and down his legs.

Master had already untied his tie and took off his dress shirt, throwing both on the arm of the chair. Standing with his hard 8" dick sticking out of his boxer flap and his hand full of my hair as he pulled my head back, involuntarily opening my mouth. He looked at Ryan and said; "I guess you are going to get your first sex education lesson this morning, huh"?

Ryan, with a look of panic on his face stammered, "I'm not gay, Uncle Mark".

Master just laughed and said, "I hope your not Ryan. A guy isn't gay just because he gets his dick sucked. Have you ever sucked another guys dick"?

Ryan's answer was quick, "no". "Have you ever been fucked in the ass by a guy"? Was Master's next question.

"No", was Ryan's reply just as quick. "Then you're no gay, Ryan, however there's nothing wrong with getting your dick sucked, especially by my slave," was how Master put it to Ryan as he pulled my face to his large dick and slammed it down my throat in one thrust. The quickness of the thrust made me gag for just a second but as quick as that I was in the rhythm of sliding his dick in and out of my throat. Ryan just stood there with his mouth opened in disbelief as I made love to my Master's long, thick wonderful dick. Sliding up and down on the shaft brought moans from my Master's throat and I swirled my tongue around the head each time I came to the top of his dick bringing out even louder moans of pleasure from Master. Ryan stood watching and rubbing his dick through the Shorts that he had worn. I could tell by glancing at him he was getting pretty worked up, as the bulge in his shorts grew more pronounced. Finally I saw him pull his dick out of his shorts and start stroking it slowly. "Better be careful Ryan or you'll deprive my slave here of a protein snack, which he loves as it, slides down his throat. Save it for him, no need to waste it". Ryan stopped stroking his dick and just stood there watching as I could tell that Master was getting close to erupting. Master's dick began to increase in hardness and length as his hand went behind my head and filled with hair. His hips started slamming his now rock hard telephone pole down my throat just as far as it would go.

Master slammed his dick down my throat and erupted sending a flood of man juice straight to my stomach down the pipeline of my throat. I never even had the chance to lose any of his hot, thick cum as it never got to my mouth but shot after shot, eruption after eruption from the piss slit of his dick went right down my throat. I don't remember Master even Cumming as much as he did this morning. "Oh my God, suck my dick boy just like that" Was Ryan's demand as he looked back and forth between Master and myself. I looked up at Master as he pulled his now wilting dick from my mouth.

"You heard him slave, my nephew wants his dick sucked too or do I have to beat your ass to remind you that you are to service his desires too"? "Yes Master", was the only proper response I had. Turning to Ryan I bent my head to the floor and kissed his feet as he had already shed his sandals and short along with his underwear. I knelt up looking at the longest, thickest, hardest 6 3/4" dick I had ever seen in my life. I wanted his first blowjob to be something special so I started by running my tongue over his walnut sized balls sucking each into my mouth individually but very slowly. I could tell from the beginning that this kid and I were going to have lots of fun together in the next three days.

Ryan's guttural sounds and moans were telling me everything that I needed to know, this kid was enjoying having my hot mouth and swirling tongue working on his balls but I said to my self, "he ain't seen or felt anything yet". I slid my mouth off his balls and began slowly running my tongue from the bottom of his dick to the large purplish red head of his dick. The movement was like licking an ice cream cone. I licked Ryan's ice cream cone all the way around and continued for a second circle as I had to hold his hips to keep him from bucking away from my mouth.

Finally, when I thought that he could stand no more I slid my mouth around the head of his dick and slowly started sliding this wonderful dick into my mouth and very slowly down my throat.

Ryan's hands had intertwined into my hair on both sides of my head as he held my head to balance himself. I slid every inch of his dick down my throat and moved my tongue around the base as I began a slow move back to the top. As I reached the head of his dick I swirled my tongue again, around and slid it down my throat as his hips shoved forward sending 6 3/4_" of hot cock down my throat and the race was on.

I knew it wasn't going to be long until this Blowjob Virgin would shoot his hot boy load down my throat. I wanted it to last as long as I could, both for him as well as for myself because I was in heaven, cum heaven.

Without warning his dick erupted with his first volcanic shot of hot boy cum. It caught me by surprise and I wasn't able to swallow it fast enough. I swallowed, but cum was leaking out the side of my mouth and running down to my chin. I couldn't worry about that now, Ryan was still pumping hot thick cum into my mouth as fast as I could swallow with no let up in sight. After six or seven major eruptions and another five smaller ones Ryan was totally spent. I held onto him to keep him from falling until he regained his legs under him. I hadn't seen Master leave the room until he returned Just as Ryan was regaining his strength. "So what do you think about getting your dick sucked now Ryan", Master asked with a tiny smirk on his face?

The look on Ryan's face told me he was trying Frame his words as he replied, "I have never shot as big a load or shot a load as hard as that in my life, uncle Mark and my dick is still hard". "I know the condition Ryan, my slave will help you with that but first lets finish with the first round before going to the second. Present yourself boy", was Masters command. I jumped to attention with legs spread and hands clasped behind my head knowing what was coming. Masters voice was steady but firm, "remove your clothes boy". I did as commanded as quickly as I could since I was only wearing running shorts. They dropped to the floor in an instant and I was standing naked in front of my Master. "Ryan my slave knows that he suppose to swallow every drop of cum that is shot into his mouth. Well when you're cum erupted he allowed it to slide out of his mouth so he must be punished for that disobedience. Since it was you're cum, you should teach him that you would not allow him to be disobedient. The punishment is for you to paddle him ten times and here is the paddle", Master said as he handed the paddle to Ryan.

Ryan took the paddle and looked at it for a second then looked at me. Ryan walked behind me out of my sight, as I knew I was to keep looking straight ahead. Suddenly I heard the swoosh of the paddle and the burning pain as it landed squarely on my ass cheeks. The second lick landed as the first had, burning and bringing a moan of pain involuntarily from my chest. The third lick of the paddle was harder than the first two bringing a gasp from my mouth and tears to my eyes. The fourth lick set my ass on fire and started me crying as the pain started to radiate out from my ass. Number five brought a cry out of my chest and a jerk from my ass as the fire increased in intensity. Ryan seemed to be getting into the paddling as six and seven came in rapid succession making me dance and move my ass from the pain. Eight, nine and ten exploded upon my ass and had me begging for relief through my tears of unabashed crying as I felt my ass was on fire from the pain of this paddling.

After Ryan finished administering the tenth stroke of the paddle he stood and watched my tears running down my cheeks from intense crying.

"I would suggest that you beg for Ryan's forgiveness for your disobedience boy before he decides to give you ten more licks with that paddle", was Masters suggestion.

I hit my knees in a heartbeat.

"Please forgive me Sir, I'll never let that happen again, please forgive me, please Sir, please no more paddle, please forgive me" I whimpered and whined kissing his feet in a position of complete subjection and submission hoping it was enough. Ryan took all of it in and finally said, "I don't know if you are really sorry for your disobedience, you may need five more licks with this paddle to decide if you are really sorry", "Please, no Sir, I am really sorry For disobeying you. I'll do better next time I promise, please forgive me, please Sir, no more please as new tears streamed down my face.

Next: Chapter 4

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