Young Times

By sissi lesli

Published on Sep 21, 2013


Young Times Part III

The bath water was having its effect, I was starting to recover somewhat from the excess of last night. As I though back on the experience, on the cowboys I had partied with, that old familiar stirring signaled just the slightest hardening of my clitty. My right hand immediately went there, rubbing it gently while my left sought and found my right nipple. Massaging both, I came slowly, but surely, to life. My mind stopped it's drift, and the fog was replaced with a focus on what was to come next. I rose from the tub and made my way back to the bed, floppy face down on it before pulling my knees up under me so that my ass faced skyward. Still rubbing my half erect penis, I brought my left over my back and to my ass where I began rubbing my brown spot with my index finger. I slowly inserted it into my anus, where all the partying had rendered it loose enough to offer no resistance. I quickly slipped the second and then third inside and began to slowly finger fuck myself. My penis was fully erect now as I brought my thumb and little finger to the party. God, I was turned on, and with only the slightest of effort I buried my hand up to my knuckles in my hole, feeling my anal cavity welcoming them like I had welcomed the cowboys cock the night before.

Slow down you slut' I said to myself, you're going to end up so turned on you're going to go looking for dick instead of going to work like you know you have to.' And that was true, I had lost one job for playing hookey at the ABS instead of coming to work. I couldn't afford to lose another. Hormones, makeup, and clothes cost money, not to mention rent, food, and gas. No, I needed this job right now, and besides, there was always tonight for cock.

As I slowly came down from the edge, my thoughts drifted back to that time when a job and getting cock were the same thing ...

Young Times (the between years) Pt III

Danny was coming down from his sexual high slowly, his half erect penis still in me. His mouth was all over mine as his tongue danced inside my mouth. I was still on fire from the short fucking and the warmth and wetness of his cum inside me. I kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck and arching into him. His arms went around my middle and folded me to him.

Something had changed, I sensed it. I had been with men and boys before, had sex with them, but nothing like this. For some reason, some strange reason I couldn't begin to explain, it wasn't the same as before, there was a nagging feeling that I had crossed some imaginary line into unknown territory and had no idea how I should feel.

Danny's voice jolted me back to the reality of now `God, you're terrific'.

`Ummmm, so are you' I cooed into his ear. "It was good for you? I mean, I came so quick, I just couldn't help it. You're so hot.' He sounded genuine, which clouded my mind even more. Good for me? Who the hell had I ever had sex with who asked if it was good for me? I sucked dick, I gave up my ass, but no one had ever asked how it was for me. To be honest, I didn't know if it was supposed to be good for me. I mean, I enjoyed sucking and getting fucked, but other than a few mutual oral sessions with Donnie, no one had given me the kind of attention I gave them. But here was the guy asking me if it was good for me. I was confused.

`Yeah,...I mean yes, it was good, I enjoyed it. You made me happy', I replied.

`Good, cause I loved it. I get paid Friday. You going to be around Friday night' he asked

`Sure' I replied, delighted at the thought of a second encounter with Danny.

`Great' he said, slipping out of me and pulling his pants up. I took the hint and retrieved my shorts from the floor board and slipped into them.. As I did I noticed the first tell tale signs of a cream pie working it's way out of my asshole.

You're going to leak out of me' I told him. Do you have anything I can dry myself with'?

`Oh shit, if my wife finds anything on this seat it's going to be lights out for me!' He wasn't wearing a ring, I noticed, but apparently wasn't any indication of anything. At least I knew that much about him though.

He fished in the back seat pocket and came up with several tissues which I folded and stuffed in my ass crack.

We got back into the front seat, Danny started the car, and before I knew it he had driven me back to the spot where he picked me up. Leaning across to me he gave me he put his hand to the back of my neck and pulled me to him in a long, deep kiss that caused my dick to stiffen and leak.

Don't forget this' he said as I opened the door to leave, and put a folded twenty in my hand. Worth every penny of it'.

I stood in the street, empty now, and watched his tail lights round the corner. A feeling of emptiness engulfed me. It was a weird feeling, one of many that I had that night.

Before I had time to gather my thoughts completely, Bill's car was stopping beside me. I walked up even with his window, which he rolled down, and bent to him.

`Whatcha got?' he asked from inside the darkened car.

`Uh, a twenty' I said, unfolding the bill Danny had given me.

`I'm sposed to believe all you did was suck dat john's dick? All dat time ya been gone? All ya did is suck a dick?"

"That's all the money he had' I explained, never denying or confirming his suspicions `And it took time to get him off'.

`Aite, member wha I tolcha bout gi'n shit away. I fine out cha gi'n a piece a ass away, I ain goan be happy. Unnerstan?'

`I understand' I said meekly.

`What!?' Bill yelled.

`I understand. I understand.' I clarified, leaving no doubt that I got the message. Fuck him, I thought, it's me making the money. It's me doing the work. If I want to throw in a fuck for free I'd do it. But he could never know, that I understood.

`Aite, Aite, gi me da paper. Can't have ya out here wid paper on ya, somebody rip ya off. Dese other trannies rip ya off or a john, or a copy rip ya off."

It made sense, plus the fact was that I had no pockets to keep the money in anyway. Between Bill's and Cookie's creative cutting, the inside of the pockets to my shorts were gone. I handed him the twenty and he drove off, back to where, I knew not. Leaving me here on the street with both the other hookers standing at the corner, looking my way. I averted their gaze and stepped back onto the sidewalk out of the streetlight.

Things were quite. I could hear the two hookers in conversation but couldn't make out what they were saying. I had to pee, so I wandered back of one of the abandoned buildings and peed against it. Walking in heels was tricky, especially when I left the sidewalk and tried to walk thru the dirt and grass. The heels kept sinking in the dirt to the point that they came off, so I took them off until I was back on the sidewalk. On level, hard ground, I was starting to feel a little more comfortable in them. I liked the way the looked, and I liked the way they forced me to walk, sort of mincingly, like I thought a hooker would strut. I practiced walking up and down a short stretch of the sidewalk, out of the light where the hookers couldn't see me that well. No need letting them know that I was a novice at this. No need to give them any advantage, physical or mental, over me that they didn't already have.

Car lights cut the night again, this time from their end of the block. I saw a car pull even with them, hesitate, and then slowly roll down the street toward me. I stepped off the sidewalk to make sure I was seen, then back in to the darkness, confident that once they knew where I was they could stop if interested. Sure enough, the car rolled up even with me and stopped. When it didn't move further I stepped into the street and came up to the driver's door. Bending down, the first thing I saw was a bald head, followed by wire rimmed glasses, and a mustache. Not to bad looking, about fifty I would guess, and dressed in a shirt, tie, and suit. The car looked to be a late model of some sort (I've never been familiar with cars) with bucket seats and what appeared to be a suitcase in the backseat.

`Evening' the driver said.

`Hi' I replied in the best imitation of a sexy voice I could manage. I don't know what it sounded like to him, but to me it was sexy.

`How much for head'?

`Ah...make me an offer' I replied.

`Make you an offer? What kind of hooker are you, asking me the price?'

If I was a hooker' I countered, I guess I'd be a careful one.'

`Ha Ha, that's pretty smart of you. Well, I'm not a cop, and I don't know what TVs charge for head here, but if you do a good job, I'll make sure you get a tip.'

`A tip on top of what?" I asked.

`OK, OK, twenty five and maybe a tip?'

`Sounds good. Want me to get in?'

Sure' he said , and with that I circled the car to the passenger's door, which he opened, and slid in. As soon as the door shut he moved the car slowly to the dark end of the street and parked against the curb. This a good place?' he asked, digging at his zipper.

"I guess', I replied `there haven't been too many cars on the street tonight and I haven't seen any cops'.

`Well a friend of mine told me if I was ever in Roanoke that I should check out this place. Said you could get a reasonable priced blowjob here. That true?'

`If you want your dick sucked, you're in the right place with the right person' I said, confidently. I was beginning to enjoy being the street slut. It was making me hot. Danny had been fun, but not nearly enough sex. I was warmed up to the point that I needed more sex before I was going to be satisfied. And it made me feel good that men, this man, saw me as a sex object and were willing to pay me money for sex. Sex that I would gladly give them for free under different circumstances. But Bill had made it clear that I needed to pay my way, so enjoy it as I may, I had to bring in money. And, so far at least, it didn't seem to be a problem finding men willing to pay.

`Well why don't you get over here and show me', it wasn't a question so I didn't bother answering. I reached across the console and grabbed a handful of the cock he was offering. From what I could tell it was going to be a rather small one, I could only wrap two fingers around it. I tugged it upward, out of the fold of his trousers and stretched my upper body across the console to get my mouth in position to take it. But it was still in the fold of his trousers, so even with my head all the way down in his lap I wasn't going to get much of it in my mouth.

This isn't going to work, this car I mean', I admitted. How about you standing outside the car and I blow you there?'

`I don't want the dome light to give us away' he replied.

OK, let's both get out and stand on the sidewalk side of the car so no one can see us.' He thought for a second and countered How bout I get outside the car, you roll down your window and suck me?'

`OK' I replied, and with that he got out of the car, shut the door, came around to my side and stuck his dick through the window. Well, it's more accurate to say that I leaned out the window and took his cock in my mouth, but whatever.

`Oh god, that feels good' he moaned as I licked the head of his cock, while I pulled his fly open with my hands to expose as much of his small cock as I could. When I took it in my mouth, I buried my face in his pubic hair and still his cockhead didn't reach my throat. It was the smallest cock I had ever sucked. But money is money, so I gave him the best blowjob I could, sucking him in, letting him slide out, and using my tongue to massage the underneath side of his cockhead all the way to his balls.

He was going crazy, holding my head between his hands and slamming his body into the car as he tried to bury himself in my mouth. I'll have to give him an A' for effort, but at the same time an F' for satisfying me. I finally got my hands to his belt buckle and unhooked it before unclasping his trousers to allow me to pull them down. That exposed more of his cock and I grabbed his buttocks with my hands and pulled him into me, which added at least 1 inch to the length of the cock in my mouth. Now we were getting somewhere, now I had enough cock to work my magic on, and I redoubled my efforts, getting just the tip of it in my throat. With that, I began pumping it by constricting my throat in a massaging action that usually brought men to the edge quicker than just sucking them in my mouth.

This guy was no exception. I had been milking his cockhead for just a few seconds when he went over the edge, the first spurts shooting directly in my throat, causing me to gag until I pulled the head back in my mouth and took the remaining ropes of cum on my tongue. I let my mouth fill with his cream before swallowing and sucking more from his balls. I had my right hand behind his ballsack and pulled forward as I sucked, trying to drain every last drop into my hungry mouth.

God, you faggots really know how to suck cock' he sighed as I sucked the remaining semen from him. My daddy always said, `'if something's worth doing, it's worth doing right'' and that's always been my mantra' I said.

Huh' , he said, your daddy know you're doing this?' The question was ridiculous but I decided to play him along.

Shit yeah', said, seriously, why my daddy used to take me over to Keystone on the weekends. Some of those miners couldn't afford the women, and some of them wanted a boy anyway'. An out right lie, but it had the desired effect on him.

`You've been doing this since you were a little boy?'

`Sure, that's how my family lived, I made more money than my daddy did til I ran away from home when I was sixteen' I continued to string him along.

`Seventeen' I told him, truthfully.

Oh shit' he exclaimed you're jail bait! Here, take this fifty and get out of the car. Forget you were with me'.

I was beginning to see what he was afraid of. My high school teacher had gotten in big trouble for having sex with me last year because I was underage. While this guy didn't know that I couldn't go to the police because I was a runaway, he thought I just might spill the beans on him. I decided it might be worth more than a fifty to him.

Oh, I'll never forget you' I sighed or your car. I have a thing for older men.' Just the right amount of bullshit to scare him generous.

`OK, OK, here's another fifty, just forget you ever saw me, much less what we did!' He was pleading now, and I was too much a softy to play him any further.

`Thank you, whoever you are' I said as I opened the door and stood on the sidewalk next to his car. Well, not exactly beside it, because he tore out of there like a bat out of hell, taking the corner is a squeal of tires that rivaled any movie chase scene that I've seen before or after.

Bill was flabbergasted when I handed him the two fifties and laughed his ass off when I told him about the tall tale I had used to spin the guy up.

Ya can fagit haven him as a repeat' he observed, but for a hunnad dolla, be worth it. Sheeeit, way til Cookie hear dat. She right, you a hit wid dem tranny lovas.'

I was feeling very good about the money I had made from these two tricks. And the way I had been able to come up with a bullshit story to fleece the old guy out of the hundred suggested, to me at least, that I had some talent to go along with my skill. But what made the strongest impression , at this point, was how I was becoming comfortable in the roles, to the point that I was enjoying it. And over a very short period I would become one with the role to the point that it didn't seem to be as much of a role as it was my identity. But that was still to come. I had no chance of being a girl until I could master these damned high heels.

I had plenty of practice strolling along the sidewalk as activity on the street slowed to nothing. I would learn later that Bill had rushed me onto the street about 4 hours before the activity really picked up, which was after midnight.

And so I practiced. I walked. I strutted. I stood on one foot, then the other. I posed. And gradually I came to some a truce with them. As long as I didn't try to move to fast, they let me stay upright. But as soon as I made some abrupt movement, bam, they dumped my ass. First on the sidewalk, then the street, even the grass! Godamn, how can something as beautiful as high heels, which made my legs look and feel sexy, be such a bitch?

I was just stepping out into the empty street for the umpteenth time when he came around the corner. He was on foot, which gave me pause because every john tonight had been in a car. Was he a pimp, friend, boyfriend of one of the two hookers on the far corner? Was he a john? Was he some innocent guy just walking home? Or was he a cop out to bust a hooker? I stepped back onto the sidewalk as I watched him come closer. I couldn't make out his features except for the fact that he was tall, maybe six feet. As he came closer I inched off the sidewalk into the grass at the edge of an empty lot.

Hey sugga pants' he called out whacha doin out hea?'

`Oh, you know, hangin' I replied.

`Ain seen you roun hea befo. You new?'

`Uh...yeah...on this street I am' I tried to sound confident but something about his tone of voice intimidated me. He sounded laid back and serious at the same time.

`Aw, yeah, new. Well ya know da rule? Ya new, ya do. So...ya do'.

`I..ah...don't, uh..know what you mean' I seriously didn't know what he was getting at, I was that naïve.

`Ya do me. Ya gi me some'.

`Oh...sure...uh...make me an offer?'

And with that he came in close, grabbing my elbow and backing me up a step. I heard the click of the knife and saw the glint of steel a millisecond before I felt the sharp tip push against my throat.

`Lissen heah faggot...heahs ma offa. Ya goan suh my dick off. I goan shoot my gig in yo mouf. An ei ya bite, I goan cutcha up baad. I goan carve up dat pretty face yo's. Ain nobody goan wan evan look atcha. Heah?'

My resistance didn't wain, it vanished. I was paralysed with fear. I couldn't speak, I couldn't move. I was too busy processing his threat. The only thing I knew for sure was that I didn't want him slicing me up.

`Get down' he demanded as he pushed my shoulders til I dropped to my knees in the grass. He wore loose fitting sweats and tugged the waste band down until they were around his knees. Then he pulled his boxers down in front, exposing his semi hard penis. It was rather large, even in it's less that fully aroused state. I stared at it in both fascination and fear. Fascinated at the size, the beautiful full dark head, the massive pee slit, and the interesting curve as the head drooped, pulled down by it's own weight. Fear that this massive piece of meat wouldn't fit into my mouth. That my teeth would scrape on it and I would be cut. I've never been so afraid of something I wanted so bad.

`Suh me faggot. Gi yo sissy lips on ma dick. An do it good.'

I reached out with my right hand and grabbed the monster just back of the head, lifting it, straightening it up. As I did, I moved my head in, tongue extended, to lightly lick the underside of the head. The taste was tremendous, strong and masculine. From the smell, I guessed he had cum today, maybe recently as the aroma assaulted me nostrils and made me slightly dizzy. I was definitely going to get into this, I could tell then and there.

And I did, opening my mouth wider and taking the head in, letting my tongue play along the bottom of the head. I held it there as I drank in the taste of this wonderful piece of cock.

`Awwwwh...sheeit...mutha fuck...bitch, you feel gooood', he stammered as I bathed his cockhead in saliva while I drew my hand lightly back along the shaft to his pubic hair.

`Ummph' I tried to reply, hoping the vibrations would feel good to him. I slowly began to stretch my jaw a bit, then push a bit more dick in, hold it, stretch again, push a bit more. When I had what I thought to be one third of the length in my mouth I slowly, and very carefully, began to pull back, to pull it out of my mouth. I stopped when the head was just back against my teeth and repeated the process of stretch, push, stretch, push, until I had nearly one half of it in and felt the cockhead pushing against the top of my throat. For me this is the point of no return. Once a cock is in my mouth and poised at my throat, I either have to pull back and just work on what I can fit in my mouth, or I have to relax my throat muscles enough to let the cock head slide into my throat. From then on I can pretty much work the entire length in and out without gagging.

But this was a different cock, while the shaft was long, it wasn't something I couldn't handle, and with my hand wrapped around the circumference I could jack it and control how much he fed into my mouth. He wasn't pressing my head to him yet, so in effect, I controlled the blowjob. But the head was a different matter. It had grown in my mouth until there wasn't room for much more. It pressed, not only, against the top of my throat, but the whole back of my mouth. I could tell from the feel that there was no way it would fit in my throat, no amount of stretching would accommodate this monster head. In fact, I was sure that this monster prick would suffocate me if I didn't get it out of my mouth. I started pulling back from him, trying to get the cockhead in the front of my mouth where I could work on it with my lips and tongue and where I would have some clearance to breath. As I did, I brought my other hand up to help.

That's when he put a hand behind my head and it forward, trying to bury his cock in my mouth again. Trying to force it down my throat. Trying, it seemed, to kill me.

`'Take it...take it all bitch...down ya froat,,,,,' he instructed. But there was no way it was going forward.

`Uppph...fppph...aaaeee.' I tried to scream, but my mouth was so full it was impossible to make myself understood.

`Wat da fuck?' he said as he finally eased the pressure on my head and let me push back til it was out of my mouth.

`I said it's too big, I can't take it all. Let me work on the head, that's all I can get in my mouth'.

`Buhsheeit, I sayed you goan suh my dick, so bitch, suh my dick'.

`I can't. It's too big for my mouth. Let me suck the head, I can get you off that way. I'll make you feel real good. I'll eat your cum, I swear it'll make you feel real good. Please, let me make you feel good.'

I felt his fist before I saw it coming. I it crashed into the right side of my head, the sickening pop accompanied by bright flashes in front of my eyes. I didn't realize he had knocked me off balance until I plopped sideways in the weeds behind the sidewalk where I had been kneeling. I didn't feel anything. My ears were ringing and I could hear his muffled voice above me, but the blow had numbed me instantly. I would discover later that I was in a kind of shock, my body trying to reject the physical hurt of the blow.

He reached down to grab me but I was already moving away from him which put him at an awkward angle and he wasted a second steadying himself before coming after me. That second was all I needed to bolt lunge sideways onto the sidewalk and plant my right foot in the grass to give me leverage. I came up at a sixty degree angle, which made it even harder for him to reach me, and moved out onto the sidewalk and into the street. It was then that the fucking high heels deserted me and I stumbled and fell face first in the street. As I rolled over, he was towering above me, a sick smile on his face. Without saying a word, he brought his left foot in a swinging kick that ended in my side.

`Arrrrrrrgggggg...' I screamed as loud as I could as the pain shot through me from one side to the other.

Now his right foot hit with what seemed to be even more power than his left. I could see the streetlight at the end of the street, but it was spinning crazy like above me and more bright flashes in front of my eyes. I realized then that I wasn't breathing, holding my breath in some insane attempt to keep the pain from spreading.

It was also then that I was aware of what sounded like high heels on the pavement.

Get off huh you crazy mutha fucker' the voice rang out You know who dis is? Dis ho's Bill's ho, get off huh nigga!' It was the voice of the black hooker who had given Cookie such a rough argument and me such a boat load of attitude. `You fuck wid dis ho Bill gonna fuck you an me up bad'.

`Aww fuck you Mandy, git yo faggoty tranny ass back up da street let me take care a sugar pants heah.'

`I sayed git off huh you dum nigga mutha fucka or I kick yo skinny ass.'

`An I sayed git yo queer ass up da street' he shot back. And with that the black hooker he called Mandy brought a punch straight up from her chest and knocked him backwards, the impact causing him to drop the knife he had held at my throat. For a big person Mandy moved like lightening and came up with the knife which she pointed directly at him.

`An I sayed git off huh. Else I cut yo ass up' and with that she took a menacing swing at him with the knife.

Aite, Aite' he screamed I git. You crazy ass tranny betta watch yo ass, that's all.' And he moved down the street, first slowly, looking at me and Mandy, and then turning to run through the open field toward the next block.

Crazy ass nigga' she said, ahwase comin round lookin fo sumpin free. Guess I sho he ass ain nuttin free on dis block, huh?'

Guess you sure did', I agreed, the only words we had exchanged all night. Funny, we seemed to have a common enemy and that made all the difference in our relationship. But will he come back? Like when you're gone.'

`Doan worry bout dat sista, come on up da block wid Mindy. Cupcake doin bidness but she be back an we sho dat nigga doan come roun agin'.

And with that I walked up the block, and into the most interesting friendship I've ever known.

Next: Chapter 4

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