Young mothers, young lovers

By Jane Stephens

Published on Feb 27, 2002



YOUNG MOTHERS, YOUNG LOVERS by little lez janie (c) February 2002

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Twenty-three year-old Mindy Wilson stood in her bra and panties in front of her bedroom mirror, styling her hair. Her 15-month-old son, Cory, played at her feet, crawling around excitedly. Mindy smiled as she watched him. It was almost like he knew they had company coming.

Mindy's 22-year-old friend Julie was on her way to Mindy's house with her daughter April. Friends since junior high, Mindy and Julie had remarkably similar lives. Both had married young; in fact, their weddings had been less than a month apart. Both had gotten pregnant quite soon after marrying, and Cory and April had been born just over two months apart, with Cory being the older of the two. Julie was now four months pregnant with her second child. Since becoming mothers, the two old friends had renewed their friendship, and now spent quite a bit of time together, usually at Mindy's house. Mindy's husband, Will, was gone to work all day, but Julie's husband, Matt, worked from home, making their house pretty much off limits for company during the afternoon hours.

Mindy had just turned off her curling iron and stepped into her khaki shorts when the doorbell rang. Cory's eyes lit up; he loved the doorbell. Mindy called, "Just a minute," and hurriedly threw on a clean white t-shirt before scooping Cory into her arms and leaving the bedroom. She opened the front door and let Julie and April in.

The pregnant woman smiled and said hello, but Mindy could see in her friend's eyes that her nerves were frayed. Mindy took the heavy bag from Julie's shoulder and set it in the floor. The two friends carried their children over to the playpen and gently set them inside. Julie walked to Mindy's couch and flopped down with a heavy sigh. Her belly is more noticeable every time I see her, Mindy thought. "God, I'm tired," the pregnant woman chuckled.

Mindy knew there was more. "Is that all that's wrong?" she inquired gently. Julie contemplated her answer momentarily before answering. "Sort of. It's just that...I don't know. When I was pregnant with April, Matt and I continued a normal sex life right up until the doctor recommended that we stop. This time, he stopped touching me as soon as he found out I was pregnant." Mindy smiled and said, "I know what you mean. Will wouldn't do anything at all with me when I was carrying Cory." Julie was happy to talk to someone who could identify with her. "How did you get through it?" she asked.

Grinning sheepishly, Mindy held up her right hand and wiggled her fingers. The meaning was obvious, and the two women shared a laugh at Mindy's honesty. Julie replied, "I can't find an opportunity to do that. Matt's always there, and he doesn't like me to do that unless we're doing it together." Seeing the concerned frown on her friend's face, Julie continued, "I know, that sounds really controlling, but it's okay. I usually don't mind, because I get plenty of attention from him, but right now it's difficult." Julie sighed again, signifying the end of the conversation.

The two young women made small talk as they watched their children play. Finally, Mindy felt she had to make the offer. "Listen, why don't I watch the kids for a few minutes? You can go in the bathroom and, um, take care of some of your tension. I won't say anything to Matt, don't worry."

As soon as Mindy said it, Julie's eyes lit up, but she quickly regained her composure. "Oh, gosh, I don't's kind of embarrassing." Mindy smiled. "Why is it embarrassing? I do it too. And it's not like I'm gonna be in there with you. And besides, it's not like we've never done it before," she said with a sly smile. Julie blushed a little. It was true; the two of them had experimented a little in junior high, kissing and masturbating together more than a few times before high school and boyfriends claimed their attention. Julie appeared to be considering it, so Mindy said, "Wait here a second...I'll be right back." She disappeared up the hall and into her bedroom, and reappeared a few moments later with her hands behind her back. Julie looked at her friend quizzically. Mindy said, "This always helps!" and produced a pornographic magazine. Julie gasped in surprise; this was very unlike her churchgoing friend. Nevertheless, the offer was too much to refuse at this point. Smiling, she took the magazine from Mindy's hand and headed for the bathroom.

Mindy settled back down on the couch and kept an eye on the kids. Her mind, however, was whirling. Mentioning their past experiences had brought back a lot of memories for Mindy. To her pleasant surprise, she found herself growing excited as she remembered some specific moments with Julie: the time they showered together at cheerleading camp; the night they went to Julie's garage and masturbated together in her mom's car. Mindy briefly tried to estimate how much longer Julie would be; then, satisfied that she had enough time and that the kids were too young to notice, she raised her hips off the couch and pushed her shorts and panties down. Feeling even more aroused by the risk of it all, Mindy slowly and discreetly began to touch her rapidly dampening pussy.

She didn't get far. All too soon, she heard the bathroom door open and heard the click of the light switch. Leaping to her feet, Mindy frantically tugged her shorts back up, getting them a little twisted in the process. She hurriedly buttoned them, and had just finished zipping them and sitting back down when Julie reappeared around the corner. Julie noticed the Mindy seemed a bit nervous and inquired, "What's wrong?" Mindy tried to play it off as nothing, but knew her friend could see right through her. "Okay, okay...I was doing it too."

Julie's eyes widened; she had not expected this at all. She tried to think of something to say, but all she could come up with was a question. "What about the kids?" she said. Mindy assured her that they weren't paying attention to her. "Besides," she said, "I'm sure they're too young to remember something like that, even if they had seen me." Julie thought for a moment and agreed with her friend.

The next few minutes passed in semi-awkward silience. Julie and Mindy aimlessly watched a game show on TV, looking over occasionally to make sure the kids were playing nicely. Finally, Julie, thinking it an innocent enough question, asked, "Where did you get that magazine anyway?" Mindy smiled and said, "Will and I like a little porn sometimes." Julie was still surprised; this was so unlike Mindy. Suddenly, and not surprisingly, the pregnant woman found herself getting horny again. "Um, can I take this back to the bathroom with me again?" she said, a little embarrassed to be asking. Mindy studied her for a moment before answering. "Look, here's a quit to cover up with. Why not just do it right here? I'm going to do it too."

Given how long it had been since the two of them had done something so private together, Julie was surprised at how quickly she gave into the idea. "Okay," she said. Mindy pulled the cover off the back of the couch and draped it across both women, sitting at opposite ends of the sofa. Two pairs of shorts and two shirts dropped in the floor beside the quilt, followed by bras and panties, and then there was a visible movement of hands between each woman's legs. Julie tried desperately to concentrate on the magazine, but she kept looking at Mindy out of the corner of her eye, hoping her staring went unnoticed. It didn't. Mindy was unabashedly staring at Julie, letting her thoughts run free -- thoughts that she hadn't dwelt upon in years. Slowly, Mindy began to pull the quilt off of her body. Julie finally dropped the act of looking at the magazine and laid it in the floor, watching her friend. Soon, Mindy's perky breasts came into view, and then the top of her thick blond bush; then more and more, until finally Mindy was completely exposing her naked body to her friend. Julie reciprocated, pushing the cover away from her body as well, leaving both women with great views of each other's tits and well- soaked pussies.

All subtlety was now gone; the two friends were openly watching each other masturbate, just as they had done in junior high. Mindy was quite aroused by her pregnant friend; the fairly round belly somehow made her even more appealing. Being the hornier one of the pair, Julie was the first to arrive at an orgasm. As she did, under the circumstances, she was unable to stop herself from expressing her thoughts to her friend. "Oh, I want you, Mindy," she moaned as she exploded.

Mindy was surprised at Julie's forthrightness, but this was what she had hoped to accomplish by getting Julie to masturbate with her. Without another word, Mindy stopped what she was doing and crawled over to her friend, leaning forward until their lips met in a kiss. Their tongues immediately met, bringing back all the excitement of their younger days. Soon, Mindy felt Julie's hand between her legs, touching her wetness. She moaned and responded by slipping two fingers into Julie's smooth, wet box, while her other hand found her friend's full breasts. Finally, Mindy broke the kiss and began to suck on Julie's tits, alternating from nipple to nipple, while she continued to finger-fuck her needy friend. Trying to keep quiet to avoid alarming the children, Julie softly moaned her approval.

Already the women had gone beyond their younger experimentations; the two had never done anything more than kiss and occasionally masturbate each other in junior high. Julie desperately wanted her lover to eat her pussy now, but before she could voice her request, she was again thrown into orgasm. Mindy continued sucking and fingering her friend until her climax subsided. Julie whispered, "Oh, baby, you haven't cum's my turn to satisfy you." Gently, she guided Mindy to lie back on the couch. Mindy complied and then parted her legs, exposing her beautiful hairy pussy to her new lover.

Julie had never wanted anything as badly as she wanted to eat her friend now. She dropped to her knees on the floor in front of the couch and eagerly buried her head between Mindy's legs. She parted her friend's pussy lips with her fingers and dove in with her hungry tongue, quickly finding Mindy's throbbing clit and licking her into ecstasy. Mindy wasn't as successful at being quiet as Julie had been; she squealed with delight as her friend orally assaulted her pussy. As Julie continued to eat her out, Mindy became more and more active, grinding her pussy against her lover's face. She felt an incredible orgasm welling up inside her, and finally she could hold it back on longer. She moaned loudly as she came, releasing sweet wetness on Julie's face.

Finally, the two took a break. Realizing it was time to give the kids lunch, the women reluctantly dressed and went back to their motherly duties. Soon after lunch, however, came naptime. Both children went to sleep quite easily, leaving the women with the living room to themselves. Mindy knew immediately how they should spend the time; she wanted to eat Julie out as Julie had done for her earlier.

The couple wasted no time; Julie hurriedly stripped off her clothes, and the two came together for a quick kiss before continuing. Mindy didn't even give Julie time to sit down; as soon as she turned away to head for the couch, Mindy dropped to her knees behind her friend and stopped her in her tracks. Julie soon felt loving kisses all over her ass cheeks. As she did this, Mindy reached between Julie's legs and rubbed her still-wet pussy. Finally, Mindy let her friend sit. Julie sat down and opened her legs, just as Mindy had done earlier. Mindy kissed her way up the insides of both thighs until she came to Julie's delicious cunt. She almost savagely pushed her tongue into her lover's vagina. Julie yelped in pleasure as her friend tongue-fucked her. At the same time, Mindy used her fingers to manipulate Julie's clit.

The pregnant woman was way overdue; she erupted in another orgasm in no time at all. When she was through, Mindy joined her on the couch and the couple kissed for a few more minutes. Then, breaking the kiss, Julie said, "I'm sorry, but I'm exhausted; I just can't do anymore today." Smiling, Mindy replied, "That's okay, baby...we have five more months!"

So that's it...let me know what ya think! Again, the addy's Bye!

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