Young Master from Dc

By moc.loa@rshcgny4buhcbuS

Published on Apr 22, 2008


This story is pure fiction though I wish it were true. Any similarities to a real situation are purely coincidental. You should be of legal age in your area to read this. This story will contain sexual acts between consenting legal age teenager and adult males. This is my first story I am writing or posting anywhere on the internet. I have many other ideas in my head and hope to get them on paper soon. All feedback is appreciated. You can email me or message me at

Who have we met so far

Slave - mid 30's chubby giving up his life completely for his 18 yr old Master

Master - 18 yr old HS student in DC.

Master's Mom and Dad - live in the townhouse above M/s's apartment.

Bill - another 18yr old Master's friend from school. blond hair surfer type. works at pet store and will be bidding on the slaves services

Jon and Dave - 20 something Dom Partners who own gay men's hair salon and spa

Young Master from DC -- Part 7

So we are finishing up at the coffee shop and i am still in shock about all of my possesions being given away. In the back of my head i was thinking i never agreed to this but at this point what choice did i have. i was totally committed to this dominant 18 yr old and i would be his for as long as he wanted me or as long as the rest of my natural life lasted. When Master finished his coffee he put the cup underneath the table and I knew right away what he was doing. i would soon be getting his recycled coffee and whatever else he had to drink that morning. Master filled the cup to the rim and put the lid back on. He told me to sip the cup as we walked to our next destination. Master got up and i assumed my position behind Master staring directly at His ass as directed to do whenever we are walking outside. i was instructed not to drink it to fast and make it last and savor the taste and smell of my Masters piss.

We made a few more stops that afternoon. Master bought clothes for me at some local botiques that catered to gay clientele. i had to model everything and then the tailors would figure out what alterations needed to be done for the clothes to fit me correctly. Though it would be very rare that i was even wearing clothes.

Our final stop of the day would be the toy shop as Master liked to call it. They had all types of S&M items for Master to purchase. As soon as we entered the store Master pointed to the floor and indicated for me to stay on my knees while we were in the toy store. Master started talking to a clerk. the clerk was wearing a collar was skinny and pale white and maybe mid 20's. Master asked if he was a slave and the boy said he was. Master ordered him to serve him and show him everything in the store for controlling me and keeping me in line. First place the boy took us to was the back of the room where there were cuffs attached to the wall. he suggested Master cuff me to the wall and then they could go around and look for items. Master agreed and i was cuffed face first with my hands stretched to the sides. It felt like i was left there for at least 5 or more hours but of course in reality it was like 1 hr. When i was released from my bonds Master ordered me to crawl behind him. They took me to the back room and i was forced to give my 5th blowjob of the day to another stranger. As a bonus to the boy showing him around Master had me blow him. The boy said that he has not cum for days so i should get ready for an explosion. I crawled over to the boy and unzipped his pants. Not surprisingly he was wearing no underwear. i took the boys cock in my mouth it was about 4" soft and grew to about 7" inside the confines of my mouth. Since he had not cum in a while i knew it would be a quickee. Within a few minutes i felt him tense up and i was treated to an explosion of cum in my mouth. i had to struggle not to spill any but i swear this boy shot more then 7 or 8 strong bursts into my mouth.

After the blowjob i followed my Master out of the store. Again the packages would be delivered and waiting for us when we got back to the apartment. On the way back Master said we had one more stop to make. We stopped at a supermarket and Master picked out a steak, potatoes and some fresh vegetables for his dinner and bought a cheap package of chop meat to feed me. Master had me purchase a bottle of wine since of course he was only 18 and could not do that himself. From the supermarket we headed back to Master's basement apartment.

We arrived back at the apartment Master striding through the front door, me holding the packages from the supermarket. This was going to be our first meal together in His apartment. Master instructed me to put the groceries away and then assume my position between his legs while he relaxes on the couch after a long day shopping. i quickly put the perishables in the fridge and the other items in the cabinets. Then i went over to Master on the couch, knelt down and placed my head in Master's crotch area. Master said i did well today. Master said that it was important that he tell me when i did good and when i was bad and would need to be punished.

Master was petting my head and started to tell me what the future had install for me. First even though originally i was taking two weeks off from work and then returning, Master now informed me that i would never be returning to work. i should email them on Monday and say that effective immediately i had resigned from the company and could not give any notice. Master said i should have realized this after he had me shaved. Master said i no longer needed to worry about money or earing a salary and my entire life needs to be devoted to serving Master and keeping him happy and satisfied. if i failed at that Master would find someone on the internet to sell me to or throw me out on the curb homeless with no worldy possesions to my name. my car had been sold, all my clothes and stuff had been given to charity i had nothing, so i had no choice but to stay with and serve Master. Not that i would have chosen anything else. Master was grinding my face in His crotch the entire time he was talking. I was breathing in his scent the entire time. Master pushed me away and told me to strip and do it fast. I quickly removed all of my clothes. i was instructed that from now on i am to be naked at all times in the apartment and that as soon as we come back from somewhere i am to remove whatever i am wearing as fast as possible unless Master instructs me otherwise. it does not matter if Master has company or delivery people come to the door i was to remain naked whenever inside Master's basement apartment. Master also instructed me that i was going to be naked even when in his parent's townhouse upstairs. They have to get used to the fact that i am there Son's slave and that slaves do not wear clothes indoors. The only thing i will always wear inside is my collar, which Master will chose from the assortment being delivered today and another surprise he has for me coming from the toy store. Master said he was ready for dinner and i was going to cook it for him. First i was to cook the chop meat for myself and put it in a bowl, but not eat any of it. Then i was to cook Master his steak, vegtables and potatoes. i am never allowed to eat any of the food i cook and if i am caught doing it i will be severly punished. At this point there was a knock on the door and it was Master's friend Bill from the pet store. Bill had all of Masters purchases from the store and he brought another employee to set up my cage. Master told the guy to set it up in the bedroom in the corner. The guy finished setting up the cage and left. Master asked Bill if he was hungry and wanted to stay for dinner. Bill of course accepted.

So i walked into the kitchen to start cooking but first i had to open the wine and serve them. They took the wine without saying anything and continued on with their conversation like i was not even in the room. This was something i would have to get used to. i was property to be used and nothing more then that. I quickly returned to the kitchen after that. First i put my ground beef in a frying pan and cooked it to it was medium and drained the fat off of it and then put it in a bowl and left it off to the side while i prepared Master and his friend a gourmet meal. Once the food was cooked i informed Master and bill that their food was ready. They sat down at the kitchen table and i brought each one of them a plate with steak and all the side dishes. Master then told me to bring my bowl of beef and a bowl of water and place it at his feet. Master told me to take off his shoes and socks and kiss his feet. Master then ground his feet in the beef and told me to start eating only off his feet not out of the bowl. if i got thirsty i could drink from my water bowl. Bill decided this sounded fun and i took his shoes and socks off also and i ate off his feet too. The two young Gods continued their gourmet meail while i was eating ground beef with no extras off their feet. Bill was going to feed me some table scraps but Master quickly stopped him. He told Bill not to spoil the slave. Slave would only eat basic foods from now on. They continued to eat and talk like i was invisible. Bill asked Master what he was going to do with me while they were in school. Master said i would be kept busy cleaning the apartment, worshipping pictures and video of Master and carrying out other tasks. If he is bad or i feel like it i will rent him to The Salon guys as a chair slave and he can spend the day servicing horny old guys who come in for haircuts. Or Master said he could some days just lock me in my cage and then i would realize that my life depended on him to let him out and that if he did not come back i could end up rotting away in my locked cage. Bill thought all of this was amazing and wished he had a slave too. He said he might start trolling the internet looking for one too. Must be nice to be rich and young in a big city. Well i will never know.

Bill left after dinner and it was just me and Master for the rest of the night. I took Masters after dinner piss in my mouth and now he said he needed to go to the bathroom to shit. Or maybe i should just use your mouth. No just kidding Master said, at least for now, maybe when we are older and i just am bored i might shit on you but for now it's not something i want to do. Master sat on the toilet and i kneeled at his feet. Master wanted me to suck his cock while he took a shit. So Master did his business and read a magazine while i sucked his dick on the toilet. When he was done he got up and told me to wipe his Ass with toilet paper. I cleaned up Master's ass and he said i hope you did a good job because after you clean my ass you will always kiss it and get your tongue deep in my hole making sure you did a great job cleaning me. So either way, by paper or your tongue my ass will be spotless.

Master said tomorrow would be a relaxing day at home and all the toys would be delivered and we would see how the rest of my life will continue.

As always I love feedback on the story. Always open to new ideas and where you think the story should go. As stated before this will not be a hard core BDSM story. I am trying to keep it as real as possible and give as many day to day details as i can think of. I have gotten a lot of positive feedback so far and would appreciate hearing from anyone reading the story. If you happen to be a young dom in search of a mid 30's chub sub email me and lets chat.

Next: Chapter 8

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