Young Master from Dc

By moc.loa@rshcgny4buhcbuS

Published on Mar 30, 2008


This story is pure fiction though I wish it were true. Any similarities to a real situation are purely coincidental. You should be of legal age in your area to read this. This story will contain sexual acts between consenting legal age teenager and adult males. This is my first story I am writing or posting anywhere on the internet. I have many other ideas in my head and hope to get them on paper soon. All feedback is appreciated. You can email me or message me at

I apologize to the Doms/subs that have been reading this story for the delay in getting out new chapters. I will make sure to complete at least 1 chapter per week going forard. Thanks for sticking with the story.

Young Master from DC -- Part 6

So we were finally ready to leave the basement apartment. Master was dressed to the nine's in his tight t-shirt and jeans while me, the slave was dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt with my old sneakers. No underwear and no socks for the slave. I was instructed on how i was to walk with or follow Master depending on his mood. The normal procedure for when we were outside the house was i was to follow 2 steps directly behind Master and keep up with his pace no matter what. If i fell behind or got to close I would be punished later. I was to keep my eyes looking forward and staring at Master's ass at all times. If I was caught looking to either side or at another person there would be consequences later. Now being a sub who loves ASS there was no complaints with that rule.Once in a while Master will want me to walk side by side with Him, but he will let me know when that is. Master unlocks the door from the inside, remember all doors in our apartment have locks on both sides so Master can restrict which rooms i am allowed in and when i can, if ever leave the apartment.

We go outside and i take my place behind Master. i have no idea where we are going, how long it will take to get there, or what we are doing. But as i will learn quickly those are questions i know longer have to deal with. All I have to remember is obey Master and he will take care of all the details. I was wondering if anyone noticed that we were together and that i was staring at His ass. I am sure once we got into certain parts of the city some of the other guys would notice. I would hear some catcalls or other comments after we passed by.

So we had been walking for around 1/2 hour, at least i guessed thats how long it was since i no longer owned a watch, or a cell phone so i had to try to figure out how much time had elapsed. Master went through the doors of a store. Once i walked in behind him i realized we were in an upscale botique pet store. I would later on find out that Master despised the big box stores and we would always be going to smaller local shops whenever He needed to purchase things for us. I noticed there were no other customers in the store. What i missed on the way in was that the store was still closed. It was not opening up until later in the afternoon. Master walked right up to the counter and said hi to the clerk. I followed behind Master never taking my eyes off his ass.

Master spoke to the clerk. It turns out that he was a friend from the prep school they attend. Master told Bill that i was his new slave. Bill was impressed that a Junior in HS was able to take on a slave full time. Master told Bill he wanted to get some collars, leashes, dog toys and some doggie dishes for slave to eat out of. Bill thought this was the hottest thing ever and only ever thought this happened in stories on the internet. Bill was wondering where he could find a slave of his own. Master told me to look up and say hi to His friend. Hello Sir i said. Bill had never had an adult call him Sir and i could tell he liked it. Bill was another good looking white kid. probably about 5'9 and slim build. Blond surfer like hair that i would be was on his head and no where else on his body. Master remembered the last thing He would need. Bill I want a cage big enough to keep the slave in if he does bad or does not deserve to sleep in my bed for the night. He said no problem we have cages for great danes and he should be able to fit in that. Once Bill locked the door Master told me to strip. I quickly removed the clothes I was wearing. Bill came out from behind the counter and looked at my pathetic body. He asked Master why was i so hairy. Master said we are taking care of that next. I had no idea what he meant but obviously Bill did because he said cool. When Masters buddy was right in front of me, Master told me to kneel and kiss his feet to thank him for letting us in early to shop. I quickly kneeled and kissed Bill's feet. He had a big grin on his face and i could see some stirring in his pants.

First we went over to the collar section. Now being a high end store they had all types of collars - leather, studded, nylon, all colors and all sizes. Master had Bill measure my neck and he said the collars would have to be at least 26" long to fit slave. He showed Master what section to look in. I kneeled behind while these two cocky 18 yr olds picked out different collars for me. Bill said he had some gas and that he would be right back. Master said no need to leave. push your ass into slaves face and he will eat your farts. Wow Bill could not believe what he just heard but thought it was hot. So he pushed back into me and let go with some nasty wind. Bill was getting into it and was saying "Yeah bitch suck in my fart". tell me how it smells. Sir it smells great Sir, thank you for farting in my face. Damn you are one lucky son of a bitch to find this slave. Master told Bill dont' worry i will be renting him out to you guys to use from time to time once he is totally trained. Sweet bill said, he would be bidding for my services. He was daydreaming of being in the store and the slave under the counter at his feet while customers had no clue. Anyways back to the collars. Master first picked out a black leather collar 1" thick and tried it on. He liked it and said this would be my every day collar. Over the next few minutes he picked a black one with silver spikes, a purple one with fake jewels on it, and a nlyon blue collar, and a chain link choker collar. Bill told him that he made good choices. After that Master picked out some leashes. One of those ones that recoils back into the handheld unit, a 10 foot, 5 foot and 20 foot leash also. Master picked out chew toys and some rawhide bones. At this point i was figuring i would be Master's pet from time to time. Finally Master picked out a cage which was big enough for me to get into, turn around and lay down, but i could not stand upright. It was only 4 feet high.

We all went back to the counter and Bill said the total for everything was $620.00. Master agreed to this price but asked if there was anyway to get a discount. Bill said well i could give you my employee discount of 50% if you let the slave suck me off right now. Master thought this was a good deal. slave get your ass behind the counter now and get on your knees. I quickly go where i was told and assume the position in front of Bill. Bill pushes my head into his crotch. He tells me to smell him. I breathe in his manly scent. Take my pants and boxers down now bitch. I do to reveal a nice cock, not as big as Master's but at least 7" long hard and avg. thickness. Bill had no time to waste so he grabs my head by my ears and starts face fucking me hard. Master did not tell him i gag alot and am not good at deep throat yet. Bill did not care. He roughly was pushing in and out and he loved that i was gagging. He told me if i throw up i would be licking it up. After about 5 minutes of intense pumping in and out of my mouth, Bill could not hold out any longer. Shot after shot of teen boy cum entered my mouth. It tasted nice and sweet. I swallowed it all, cleaned Bill's cock and pulled up his boxers and pants. Master asked how it was. He said he needs practice and i will be happy to help out whenever i can. Master said he would take him up on his offer. Master paid Bill 310.00 and we left the store me 2 steps behind staring at ass. Apparently the items would be delivered back to the apartment.

We walked again for a while probably about 15 minutes not much longer then that. We came to a row of shops and went into one. It looked like a hair salon for women, but once inside you could tell it was for men, more specifically a gay clientele. Master said hi to the two men behind the counter. They were both mid 20's and you could tell they worked out. Master had been talking to them over the last few weeks about what he wanted done to the slave. They asked Master if he had restraints for me yet. He said no we would be buying them later today. Both of them smiled and said, ok we have some of our own to use. Leave the boy with us and come back in 2 hours for him. You will be happy with the results. Master walks out the door and leaves me in this gay male salon for whatever these two wanted to do to me.

They tell me to get on my knees and crawl. Submissive slaves are not allowed to stand here. I had not noticed earlier but at each hair station there was a stylist and a slave on the floor servicing the client while he was getting a haircut. Damn i can't believe these places exist but apparently they do. Jon and Dave, the two guys names i would find out later said hey if we finish early we can put him to work. Dave said although that sounds like a great idea we cannot do that without his Master's permission. Its a code among Master's and we would not be breaking it.

i followed them into a private room with a big table in the middle. ok boy jump up on the table facing up. i of course did as i was told. quickly restraints were placed around my wrists and ankles. Oh shit i cannot move and i am at the mercy of two men i just met a few minutes ago. Well Master trusts me with them so nothing bad would happen. Remembering that Master always has my best interest at heart. Next a restraint was placed around my neck and forehead so i was totally immobilized. I small ball gag was placed in my mouth so i could not speak and a blindfold was placed over my eyes. Jon started talking. He was going to tell me what was going to happen.

Your Master has decided that he wants you totally hairless forever below your neck. He might do the eyebrows too but not yet. So we have a special process that will take care of that. For the next 4 weeks you will come here once a week and we will wax your entire body. After four waxings with our special mixture, we apply this cream developed in Eastern Europe. Your hair will never grow back again. You will be a smooth little boy the rest of your life. I could not believe what i was hearing. Well for the next hour i was basted with hot wax and then had it ripped from my body. If you remember the movie about the virgin guy when he gets his chest waxed. If the gag was not in my mouth i would have been screaming like him even worse. After they finished every inch of my front including my balls they turned me over and waxed my back and ass. luckily for me i did not have much hair on my back. Once they finished the waxing they had a slave come in and put a moisturizing cream all over my body. I was then released from the bondages holding me in place and led by the slave to a shower in the corner of the room. The slave showered off my body with cold water. he told me the master owners of this shop do not allow hot water to be wasted on subs. Once i was showered off the two Master's reviewed there handi work. They told me on my next trip in they would have there slave tatoo artist add some work if Master wants it, which I knew he did. For the second time since we left the house this morning i found myself giving blow jobs to people i just met. Apparently Master was using my mouth to save some money on all the things He needed to buy for me.

Master returned to see the what was done to me as i was finishing blowing the slave boy who helped clean me up. Four blow jobs in one day so far today. At the time that was a record for me, but trust me down the road it would be a slow weekend day. Master was very pleased with my hairless body. Dave told Him come back same time next week and two more times after that and he will be hairless forever. Master smiled at this. Now i was still on my knees and naked. Master wanted to take advantage of this and give me my first full taste of his piss. He told me to crawl over to him and take out his cock. I unbuttoned the jeans and pulled his cock out of boxers. No you dumb fuck i don't want a blow job from you here. I need to piss and i was saving it for you. It would not be fair of me to waste anythin from my body. I was shaking a little because this was the first time and there was an audience. Master told me i better not embaress him or i would pay later. So i took Masters cock in my mouth and prepared myself for the oncoming piss. It started slow but quickly there was a gushing flow of piss coming into my mouth. I gulped and swallowed as fast as I could. Just a tiny bit dribbled out of the corner of my mouth. When Master was done he let the last little bit of shake go all over my face and hair. Rub it into you boy. Get my scent all over you. Master told me he was proud how well i did for my first time drinking right from the tap but still will be punished for letting a little bit sneak out the corner of my mouth. Thank you Master for letting me drink your piss and punishing me for my errors. Before we left Dave told Master that if he ever wanted to put me to work while he was at school or just as punishment there would always be a spot on the floor by a stylist chair for him. Master thanked Dave and said we would take him up on that offer.

After the salon we went to a local coffee shop. Master felt the same way about that big coffee chain as he did the box stores. Called them the devil and they were ruining cities and the local economies. Master was just so smart beyond his years. Master ordered a coffee for himself and nothing for me. Master smiled and told me don't worry you will be drinking this coffee later. Master sat at a table outside and told me to sit in the chair across from him.

Master informed me that while i was at the salon he had a service come to the apartment and they took all of my stuff to give to charity. I decided that you do not need anything from your past. Anything that you need i will buy for you. I was a little shocked by this but what choice did i have. I now have no wordly possessions, no money and no future except what Master has planned for me. Funny but i have never been happier in my life.

What happens next. Tune in to find out. Won't be as long between chapters i promise.

As always I love feedback on the story. Always open to new ideas and where you think the story should go. As stated before this will not be a hard core BDSM story. I am trying to keep it as real as possible and give as many day to day details as i can think of. I have gotten a lot of positive feedback so far and would appreciate hearing from anyone reading the story. If you happen to be a young dom in search of a mid 30's chub sub email me and lets chat.

Next: Chapter 7

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