Young Master from Dc

By moc.loa@rshcgny4buhcbuS

Published on Feb 24, 2008


This story is pure fiction though I wish it were true. Any similarities to a real situation are purely coincidental. You should be of legal age in your area to read this. This story will contain sexual acts between consenting legal age teenager and adult males. This is my first story I am writing or posting anywhere on the internet. I have many other ideas in my head and hope to get them on paper soon. All feedback is appreciated. You can email me or message me at

Young Master from DC -- Part 5

The rest of the night was very uneventful i stayed nestled up against my Master's body as he slept. i would say i probably slept for a part of the night but most of the time i was to excited to really sleep. i could not wait for my real training to start Saturday morning. What did it even mean to be trained for real. Would it be intense right from the beginning or would Master take it easy on me at first until i learned the ropes and was able to acclimate myself to Master's personal likes and dislikes. It was only a matter of time before i would find out. The clock was on the side of the bed i was laying on and it was around 7:00AM on Saturday morning so i figured Master would be waking up soon. Of course i really had nothing to base this on since this is my first night in bed with Master. I guess i was just hoping the waiting would not last much longer.

Luckily i did not have to wait much longer. Around 7:15 Master started to stir. Master told me groggingly to start sucking on his toes while he wakes up. I dove under the covers and started softly sucking on each of Master's toes while he was in the wake up phase of his morning. From my view under the covers i could see his beatiful morning hard on straining to it's full 8" long. The sucking on the toes went on for about ten minutes on each foot. i made sure to give each to attention and to lick in between each toe to make sure there was no dirt or anything on Masters feet. Master then told me to kneel by the side of the bed. Master said "slave today is the beginning of the rest of your life" "are you ready to devote yourself to me. to put my needs, my wants, my desires in front of yours. Anything you want is secondary to any of my needs, wants, desires or whims." I emphatically said Yes Master i am ready to serve you completely. Master smiled and stood up from the bed.

slave normally i will just sit on the side of the bed and you will put my cock in your mouth and drink my morning piss. But for today since you are in training we will go to the toilet. Master started walking to the bathroom and i crawled behind him. slave get behind me. I crawled behind Master who was standing upright at the toilet bowl. Next Master told me to reach my hands around and hold his cock for him while he peed into the toilet. i easily got my arms around his waist and held his amazing cock while he peed, just as he was about to finish and was getting to the last few drops Master stopped, brushed my hands aside and turned around. Slave open up your mouth he said. I quickly opened my mouth. He positioned his soft cock into my mouth and released the end of his piss and the last few drops. Slave get used to that taste. That is the piss of a real man. Yes Master thank you for the gift that has come from your cock. He then slapped his cock around my face splashing and marking my face with the last bits of pee out of his Master cock. Next time slave you get it right from the tap the entire amount. I am not going to spend a lot of time training you to drink my piss. It will be the main drink you have throughout the day so you might as well get used to it right off the bat and from the bat. Master smiled at his inside joke. So now i knew that every day for the rest of my life except when at work, my day would begin by drinking the piss of my Master. Although we never discussed this online, i was very excited about starting my day this way.

Master then explained the rest of my morning bathroom duties. After Master's morning piss in my mouth i was to go into the bathroom, take care of pissing myself (sitting on the toilet directly as i no longer am allowed to stand and pee) and rinsing my mouth out with mouthwash. Master likes to kiss a lot and wants me to be ready at any time and he does not want to taste his own piss so i am to always rinse with mouthwash after drinking Master piss. I have five minutes or less to take care of my needs in the bathroom. Then I am to prepare a shower for Master. i will be shown the exact temperature that Master likes and i need to make sure i get it as close to that as possible every morning for his shower. Around once or twice a week i will need to shave Master before the shower. His facial hair does not grow that fast but needs to be maintained at least once a week. When Master says entering the bathroom for shower i am to climb into the shower and get on my knees in the back of it. Master will then get in the shower. I am to wash him with a soapy washcloth from the feet all the way up to his head. then i am to wash his hair with shampoo and then use conditioner on it. i am to be gentle but firm running my slave hands through his hair. if he feels i am to hard or to soft on his scalp i will be punished. Once a month or when needed i will get down while the shower is going and trim Master's pubic hair. The rest of his body is hairless except his pits and crotch. I am to keep his pubic hair neat and short and always clean. as Master says many times i will be staring directly into that hair with his cock buried in my mouth so it was to my benefit to keep it neat and short. When Master is done with his shower i am to exit first and get a towel ready to dry him leaving myself dripping wet. I dry every inch of Masters body. Then i get a toothbrush with toothpaste ready for Master to brush his teeth. Any other grooming products that Master wants for that morning i will prepare for him. After he is done in the bathroom I am allowed to use his wet towel to dry myself off. i am never allowed to use a new towel on myself. According to Master that would be a waste of a good clean towel. Yes Master i totally agree with you.

After the morning bathroom ritual I would prepare a cup of juice or coffee for Master while he would lay in bed and watch the news in the morning. i would serve him his drink and start preparing his breakfast. Each day would be different but everyday Master would expect a hot breakfast to be prepared for him and only him. I always was to cook breakfast for one person. I would let Master know that breakfast was ready and he would come into the kitchen and sit at the table. i would then place the meal for Master's inspection at the table. Master still naked would sit down and point for me to kneel next to him or get under the table and lower my head into his crotch. Sometimes i would suck Master while he ate and other times i would sit by his side and he would feed me table scraps while he read the paper or chatted with his friends on the phone. I would hear him say to them "yeah i'm having breakfast and feeding my boy". On one hand i was embarressed that he was telling other people about us but on the other hand i was excited that he called me his boy. Once Master was done with his breakfast he would then get a bowl and pour some cereal into it and put it on the floor in the kitchen. After i take his dishes to the sink and wash them i am to get down on all fours and eat my breakfast without using my hands. Master would place a bowl of water next to the dry cereal. Some mornings Master would piss a little bit in my cereal for flavor. I treasured those mornings over the plain dried cereal.

After breakfast we would go back into the bedroom and i was to get Master dressed for the day. This is the first time i am getting an extended view at my Master naked and upright. What a beatiful specimen he is. Master stands 5'11" or even very close to six feet. He is between 170 and 180 pounds of pure muscle. There is not much body fat on him and he does not even work out that much. He has beatiful mid length brown hair and these amazing brown eyes that burn right through you. In fact Masters eyes were the first thing that attracted me to him. Master has a six pack of abs and then we already have discussed his 8" hard Master cock. It is a perfect size not extremely too big but big enough to make it tough to swallow. Master has a nice set of balls hanging below his cock and a beatiful smooth rimmable ass behind him. His legs are very strong and muscular and smooth as a baby's butt. Perfect size 10 feet to worship, be trampled on with, and just suck on each toe like it was a little cock.

Now for me i was the complete opposite. Only thing we had in common was height. I was around 5'11" but closer to 5'10" where Master was closer to 6'. I weigh around 330 but want to lose a little bit of weight to the 300 range. I have black hair with some gray/white sneaking in around the sides. I wear glasses, and am moderately hairy on my entire body. My slave cock is extremely small. in fact hard i am smaller then Master soft. I measure about 4" when completely hard. I do have big balls though that will give Master a lot of pleasure to torture in the future i am sure. My legs are hairy and feet are 13 wide.

To this day i don't understand completely why Master wanted me but who was i to complain. I am just going to go with the flow and hope this is a life long situation as Master claims it will be.

I dressed Master in his clothes. He pointed to drawers where i would find what he wanted to wear. we started with sexy D&G black underwear that i found in an underwear drawer filled with all designer underwear in every shape and color. I then got a pair of jeans and tight t-shirt for Master to wear. I put them on him one piece at a time. Before putting on his socks i am always to kiss his feet and lick the soles of his feet.

After Master was completely dressed he told me that i was to get dressed fast in sweatpants, t-shirt and sneakers and that we were going out shopping for toys and other things he needed for playing with and taking care of me.

Thats it for this chapter. I will try to get another chapter up soon with what happens on their first trip outside.

As always I love feedback on the story. Always open to new ideas and where you think the story should go. As stated before this will not be a hard core BDSM story. I am trying to keep it as real as possible and give as many day to day details as i can think of. I have gotten a lot of positive feedback so far and would appreciate hearing from anyone reading the story. If you happen to be a young dom in search of a mid 30's chub sub email me and lets chat.

Next: Chapter 6

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