Young Master from Dc

By moc.loa@rshcgny4buhcbuS

Published on Feb 17, 2008


This story is pure fiction though I wish it were true. Any similarities to a real situation are purely coincidental. You should be of legal age in your area to read this. This story will contain sexual acts between consenting legal age teenager and adult males. This is my first story I am writing or posting anywhere on the internet. I have many other ideas in my head and hope to get them on paper soon. All feedback is appreciated. You can email me or message me at

Young Master from DC -- Part 3

So now in a few minutes i was going to meet my new Master's parents. I have chatted with them a few times online but i would be lieing if i did not say i was very nervous about meeting them in person. I mean what parent could be excited or thrilled to be meeting their 18 year old son's much older boyfriend/slave. Master pats me on the head and says it is time to go. After dinner Master is going to show me around the rest of His living space down here in the basement. Conveniently there are two entrances to our apartment. One for us to use directly to the outside, and an inside staircase that leads directly into the main part of the house. Master tells me to be respectful but be myself at dinner and answer any questions that His mother or father may have for me. I was to be honest and hold nothing back. If they ask about sexual activities or anything else i was instructed to answer to the best of my ability and when not sure of an answer i should do the correct thing and defer to Master and he would answer the question for me.

So up the staircase we go to the main house. Wow what a beatifully designed town house. coming upstairs from Master's apartment you enter onto the main floor of the house. Their is an elegant living room behind glass doors that looks like is only used at parties or special occasions. on the other side is a large den area with a 60" flatscreen tv on the wall along with a complete entertainment center. Looked like there were 100's of dvd's and cd's to watch and listen to over the next few years. There was a small powder room off of the main entrance also. A staircase leading up to the next two levels but I was not to make it up there today. We walked through the hallway me respectfully a step behind my Master with my gaze at His ass. I was not to look up unless told too. On the way to the kitchen we passed the formal dining room. There was a table in there that would seat at least 20 people no problem. There were breakfronts with what looked like real expensive old china. Finally we made it to the kitchen area. To the left was a beatiful circular glass kitchen table with 6 seats around it. On the right hand side was an ultra modern redone kitchen with a large oven and stove. Stainless steel Sub Zero fridge and deluxe other appliances.

In the kitchen i finally got to meet Master's mom. She came over and kissed her son. Master introduced me to her. He said mom this is Stephen. You can call him Stephen, boi or Master's slave. any one of those names would be acceptable and he will answer to any of them. The whole time he is talking to his mother it was like i was not even there. I stayed immobile and quiet the whole time. She said we are having chicken Marsala, rice and salad for dinner. She asked if i liked that. Master stepped in before i had a chance to answer and said, mom it does not matter what he likes. I love that dinner so slave stephen will eat it and anything else i tell him too. slaves have no likes or dislikes, they take what there Master gives them and that is what they like. They need to be just happy to get anything. Finally Master told me to say hi to his mom. He said I should call her Diane or once comfortable with it she will tell me when, i should call her mom too. I finally looked up and said, Diane it is a pleasure to meet you. I am so impressed with the fine young man you have raised.

Diane said it was a pleasure to meet me also and she hopes that me and Master (she has agreed to call her son Master when we are around, so has Master's dad) will be very happy for a long time. As happy as i have been with my husband David. Diane went on to say she really did not understand the whole Master/sub relationship but she is very open minded and wanted to know everything about it. She hopes that we will have time to become very good friends if Master will allow it. Diane mentioned that just like Master and me there is a large age difference between her and David. Of course not 18 years like you guys but we are 10 years apart. My husband is 65 and i am 55. However we met later in life and got married when i was 35. So just about same age you are now Stephen, or i mean boi. Haha, not sure if i can get used to calling you that but we shall see in time. A few years after that we had Master. He is an only child and has been around grown ups his whole life so we are not suprised that his sub and lover would turn out to be an older man. Masters father should be home any minute now and then we will all sit down to dinner. Master turned to me and said for tonight i may sit at a chair at the table but there will be times when i am going to be eating meals on the floor at his side even when we are upstairs with his parents. You see Master has decided that we will not be hiding anything from Diane and David, Masters parents.

At that point i heard the door open. A few minutes later Master's father came strolling into the room. Damn now i am not into older men at all but i can see where Master gets his good looks. David was about 6'2 190 and very fit for a sixty five year old man. Very distinguished salt and pepper hair and glasses. Dressed in a full suit just getting back from work. We were all around the island in the middle of the cooking portion of the kitchen. He went around and kissed his wife. Then he noticed me and Master standing there. David says, nice to finally get to meet my sons lover and slave. I really have enjoyed chatting with you over the past few months. At least once a week Master would have me chat online with his father. He came over and gave Master a hug. He put out his hand to shake mine and i looked to Master for direction what to do. He nodded so i extended my hand to shake with David. He asked his wife if dinner was ready. She said yes and they should all sit down at the table and she will get everything together. Master offers Diane that his slave would help with anything she needs. She thanked her son but said for the first night here just let him sit and eat and talk, i am sure in the future he will be a big help to me. So Master, myself and David went to the table.

Diane brought over all of the food and served everyone drinks. I can tell already that Master gets this dominant streak from his father, as he would just sit there and have his wife serve his meal to him. So as we were eating Master allowed his parents to ask me any questions they wanted. No limits. Diane went first and asked the pressing question that is probably on everyone's mind. Why would a 36 yr old man want to be with an 18 yr old still in High School. Should we not think you are some pervert and be worried for our son. I was prepared for this question.

I looked at Master who said go ahead and answer. SO i told Diane the truth. When i was younger, going all the way back to early high school days, i knew i was gay but was not able to act upon it. It was not as accepted as it is today among young people. Even if i wanted to act on it, i was always chubby and not the best looking person in the group and unfortunately most young gay people are very shallow. So basically growing up i had no relationships with men or with women. Sure i went out with a few girls as cover but nothing ever happened. Same thing happened through college and my 20's. I have such low self esteem i felt no one would want me. So in reality i never got a chance to live my late teens and 20's as a young gay man and never had any long term relationships. So in fact Master and myself relationship wise are at the same point in life. If i was with someone my own age he would expect more of me and i would not be at the same level relationship and sexuality wise. Being with a young Master just seemed right. In fact Master and myself agree most of the time we do not agree with these cross generation relationships but in this case it just seems to be so right. Diane was very impressed with my response and said she felt much better about what was going on now.

David was the next to ask a question. He asked was i really going to give up control of my life to a young 18 year old boy still in HS no questions asked. I again got the ok to answer. I told David that yes as crazy as it seems i am ready to do that. After chatting and talking with Master for a few months i can tell that he is ready for the responsibility of taking on the life of another human being. He is wise beyond his years. Plus he has you and your wife to help guide him along this path. I agree that i cannot question anything. When Master decides i will give up any and all of my outside life and dedicate myself to him 100% of the time. Then he asked about finances. I told him that Master will have complete control. If i wanted or needed anything I would have to ask Master for to buy it for me or give me the money to buy it. I cannot make any purchases without his permission. While I am still working Master will give me an allowance for lunch and anything else i might need. Yes i am going to be transferring what little money i have saved and any other assets into Masters name. My salary will go directly into Masters bank account. I am now penniless and totally dependent on Master for everything.

Back to Diane, who broke the ice and asked what the sexual situation would be like. I told her the truth of course. Master is what is referred to as the top and i am the bottom. Master basically is the one who fucks me. I get fucked. In a sense I take on the female role in a sexual relationship. I am there to please me man whether it be through anal sex or oral. Yes i suck dick and i am not ashamed to admit it. i will give your son all the sexual release he needs for the rest of his life. Whenever and wherever he wants it. I will never say no to him. Master was smiling the whole time while i was explaining this. She said they knew he was sexually active and she was glad that he had a partner now and would not be looking for different guys every night. She asked will we be having sex often. I said i would think it would be a lot. Teenage boys tend to need a lot of sexual release and i have a lot of catching up to do for missing the last 20 years of my sexual life. In fact i am pretty sure we will be like honeymooners tonight and christening the bed downstairs.

So they asked a bunch of other questions and i answered every single one of them. I can tell Master was very proud of me. I thanked Diane for such a delicious dinner and she was very impressed with my manners. I said Master would expect nothing less of me and would be embarressed if i was not on my best behavior. Master and his dad retired to the den to watch tv and i helped Masters mother clean up the kitchen. She said after spending a few hours with me that she was already falling in love with me and thinks i will be a great partner for her son. I had tears in my eyes and she asked me what was wrong. I told her that made me so happy to hear that. I was very nervous that Masters parents would not be accepting of me. She said so far it seems like you have nothing to worry about. In fact she wants to have chats with me whenver possible and she is going to ask Master if we could have a "girls" night out once in a while. She then confessed to me that she thought her son was extremely good looking and she is so proud of him. Next thing she said shocked me. She said he is hung pretty well. I said yes he is.. She said well he takes after his father and smiled at me.

Once we finished the dishes i went into the den to join the other men. I did not know where to sit so Master pointed to the floor by his feet. I just sat their while Master and his dad spoke for about an hour. Master was petting me and touching my body. At this point i can honestly say that this was the happiest I had ever been in my life.

Master told his father he was getting tired and we would be heading downstairs for the night. I said goodnight to david and followed a step behind Master. When we got downstairs Master said i did well with my first real contact with his parents and that i pleased him so much. I felt like a little kid who just got access to the cookie jar. Master said for tonight we would just do a few activities and then head for bed. Tomorrow would start my first day of training.

End of Chapter three. In chapter four we will see what happened that first night and the start of the first day of training.

Please keep the feedback coming. Positive and negative love to hear from everyone. If your a young (18+) chaser/dom and want to chat, IM me or email me at Will chat with anyone. Hope to hear from people soon. I hope people are enjoying the way this story is developing. For those looking for hard core BDSM and a sadistic Master this story is not going to be for you. Open to ideas on how things should develop so get in touch with me.

Next: Chapter 4

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