Young Master from Dc

By moc.loa@rshcgny4buhcbuS

Published on Feb 14, 2008


This story is pure fiction though I wish it were true. Any similarities to a real situation are purely coincidental. You should be of legal age in your area to read this. This story will contain sexual acts between consenting legal age teenager and adult males. This is my first story I am writing or posting anywhere on the internet. I have many other ideas in my head and hope to get them on paper soon. I will be breaking this story into multiple parts. The first one will be mostly set up for the rest of the story. All feedback is appreciated. You can email me at

Young Master from DC -- Part 2

So i finally got the word from my Master to be that I was to report to Him in Washington DC in two weeks. I was to take 1 week of vacation before getting there and one week of vacation when I get there. Those were his orders. He did not ask me to do it, He told me to do it and that was the end of it, no discussion, no questioning him on my part. Holy Shit this is actually going to happen. I figured this was as fake as everyone else that I had talked to on the internet. I then found out something from my Master. He was testing me telling me he was 17. In actuality He had turned 18 a few days before we started chatting. Now i know it should not matter but I felt a lot better that he really was 18.

The next thing for me to figure out was what was i going to tell my family. We are pretty close but they know i am ready to make a move to another part of the country so that will not come as a surprise to them. Howeveer they were not expecting it to happen until the Summer or the Fall. Plus I had talked about moving to a city in Texas or Florida. Never did I mention that I might move to Washington DC. I will have to come up with a story soon why i am moving there and so quickly. Will they believe me. I guess it does not matter because I am going through this with or without their support. My Master and his parents are going to be my new family. My real family has no clue that I am gay. To them and everyone i know from home I am so far in the closet I cannot see the doors. However once i meet my Master that will all change. I will be as open and out as Master wants me to be. I know at His young age he does not hide his lifestyle from anyone.

Well sure enough the first week flew by. I went to work as normal. I was working in California that week so I flew out Sunday and met with my manager on Monday. I asked her if i can take two weeks vacation starting next week. She asked me why and I said that I needed to relocate away from the Tri-State area and that I had to get some personal affairs in order. Since I had plenty of vacation time built up she agreed that I could take the two weeks off. The rest of the week went real fast. I did whatever was needed at work, but honestly all I was thinking about the entire time was serving Master.

We chatted for at least two hours every night that week. When I flew home Friday night I had a list of things that I had to accomplish that weekend and the following week before I drive down to DC to start the next and last phase in my life. First thing I did on Saturday was tell my family that one of my buddies from work had just bought a place in DC and wanted to rent out half of it for a good price. So that was why I was going to go down there earlier then i ever expected. I was then told to get and get a haircut. My hair should be no longer then a #3 with clippers all the way around. It was never to be longer than that and i should buy my own clippers so I can keep it at that length at all times. When I got home i looked so different with the short hair. I was to start getting rid of most of my worldly posessions. The only things i could bring to Washington were some of my clothes that I needed for work and any dvd's and cd's and small electronics (ipods, psps, gameboy, etc.) that would fit in my car. Of course once I was there all of those would become property of my Master. It has been made explicitly clear to me that as a slave i could not own anything. All worldy possessions were to be disposed or turned over to my Master. My brother was happy to hear I was giving him my 2 flat screen tv's. Most of my furniture I put up on craigslist and it was gone by Monday. All I said in the ad was - Moving free furniture if you can pick it up and take it out of my house its yours. Needless to say everything went fast. I even had a deal with a guy who would come pick up my bed on Friday after my last night in my old house.

During this last week at home I hung out with some friends who unknown to them i would probably never see them again. As mentioned earlier my new family and friends would be my Master's family and friends. Most of my friends going forward will be HS students. Bet you cannot wait to hear how it went when i met some of his closest friends for the first time. Don't worry that will be coming in future chapters. Everyone was happy for me that I was going to start a new life in a new city. Of course they did not know that meant being a slave to an 18 year old boy.

There was one thing i did more then ever that last week at home. And that was masturbate. I jerked off probably 4 or 5 times a day if not more. Master told me to enjoy myself this week because once i get to DC that would come to an end. I would only be allowed to Masturbate when he allowed it which at most would be once a week but probably once a month. He would own my cock and only he could make me cum. I would not be allowed to touch my own cock ever. I was going to make the most of this last week. Going to every porn site that i knew. reading every story on nifty and other porn lit sites. Lets just say by Friday there would be no lotions or any other form of lube left in my townhouse.

Believe it or not Friday finally arrived. I spent the morning packing my car. Soon to be Master's car. I was told to leave at exactly noon. Not to speed and he gave me the exact route to take to get to downtown DC. It was a little different then the way i normally would go but i followed his route to a tee. I was to park my car in a garage and meet him in the middle of dupont circle. For those who DC that is an area where two guys of any age will not draw attention to them meeting each other. I was to wait on a park bench that he specifically told me to wait. I was to sit on the bench and look directly down at the ground until he got there. If he saw me pick up my head at any point he said he might not show up. Imagine if i blew it now. I gave away or threw out most of my stuff. No where to go back too. So there i was a 36 yr old fat man waiting on a park bench for a HOT 18 year old to come and claim me as his property. After what felt like hours but was probably only less then 20 minutes i hear someone say hello boy. I do not pick up my head as he sits down right next to me. Finally Master says look at me. HOLY SHIT Master is even better looking then i could have imagined. I hit the slave lottery with the mega ball bonus. I am ready to give up my life to this young man.

Master starts talking to me for the first time in living color. He tells me that we have a busy weekend ahead. He has planned every minute. The getting to know each other process is just beginning. By the end of the weekend I would know every single part of his body inside and out. He says that he cannot believe i am as big as i said i was. He likes that i am fat. he knows that it adds to my low self esteem and that it is who i am. He has no plans to make me lose a lot of weight. He does want me to get to a healthier around 300 lbs and then maintain that weight. He tells me to give him the keys to my car. He then says to follow him 1 step behind and never take my eyes off his Ass. Well no complaints there. This slave is an ass slave. i could stare at that ass all day and never move. Master was dressed in jeans and a v neck sweater. Very preppy and clean cut as he was in every picture i had seen before of him.. As advertised he was almost 6 feet and around 170lbs. Wow i think i died and went to heaven. When we get to the car he tells me to get in the passenger seat. My, i mean His car is a 3 yr old japanese sedan. He is pleased with the car. He gets in the drivers seat and says get ready to go begin the rest of your life. We are driving through the streets of DC on the way to his parents townhouse which i found out was near the capitol. Next he tells me that he is going to sell the car next week on ebay to the highest bidder. Living in the city we do not need the car and he can put the money he makes with it too good use. Now this was the first time i had heard about this so i had a suprised look on my face. Master asked me what was wrong.

I told him that i was suprised about the car but i apologized for showing any doubts in my looks. The car is now his and if He wants to sell it to make some money who was i too say no. Apparently he loves to walk around the city and take the metro system when needed. And as a last resort when needed we could use one of his parents cars.

After about a 20 minute drive through the city we arrive at the townhouse. There is a seperate entrance into the downstairs apartment. Master leads the way and i follow right behind him. He instructs me to start bringing His stuff into the apartment now. I had to get it done fast and furiously. When he felt i had taken enough time anything else would be sold with the car. Well i did not want anything i brought for Master to go to waste so i managed to get everything into the house in record time. Master at this point is resting on the couch and watching TV. He says slave get over here. I go to sit next to him and i am told in no uncertain terms. slaves never sit on the furniture unless it is needed to service your Master. he points to a spot on the floor in between his legs. I would come to spend a lot of time in this spot. He starts petting me on the head. running his hands through my freshly cut #3 hair, playing with my ears. I am not talking as i have been instructed to only speak when asked a question. My Master really has no interest in hearing my voice. Finally he lowers my head into his crotch and tells me to take deep breaths. Smell the scent of your Master. Breathe in the essence of my body. Your life is going to be controlled by the cock you are smelling now. Every part of my body is more important than yours slave. He keeps me in his clothed crotch for over an hour as he is watching sportscenter and other shows. its around 6pm now and he says we are having dinner up stairs at his parents later that night.

Thats it for chapter two. IN the next chapter i meet my new parents and get taken on a tour of their house and our apartment. Will start to explore what happened our first weekend together.

Please keep the feedback coming. Positive and negative love to hear from everyone. If your a young (18+) chaser/dom and want to chat, IM me or email me at Will chat with anyone. Hope to hear from people soon.

Next: Chapter 3

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