Young Lust

By Julu Biswas

Published on Dec 16, 2001


This is a lesbian story, in complete Indian atmosphere of one young girl and a matured woman of 35, narrating vividly their sexual satisfaction. If this type of story vexes you, you are more than welcome to leave the page, otherwise, go through to enjoy.

As I'm still in the very early youth of my ambition to be a web-writer, your comments, suggestions and constructive criticisms are always welcome to Julu Biswas at and . Each mail will be replied properly, that's a promise.

Title - Young Lust (Part-II) F/f

Characters - A matured woman and a 16 years old lovely young girl.

Section - Lesbian.

Category - High School.

The Young Lust

Julu Biswas

(Part - II)

Tina was fidgeting alone in the gathering as none did she know too well to be intimate, nor did she have any intention to have one. She rather preferred to be lost in her thought of yesterday's erotic adventure with Julie. The more did she think of her voyage with her, more wet did she become. She began to feel ringing sensation between her thighs and she knew that her panty had already become wet and the nipples of her blooming breasts began to hard and erect. She really liked to be left alone and lost in her thought.

She became too restless to stay there any longer. Impatiently she had been consulting her wrist watch to find how long left for the hour hand to strike eight, as she had told her parents that she would go back to their flat to attend the phone calls of her friends that they would make from their homes. Ruefully she found that still another hour was left.

Her restless conditioned had not been unwatched at least by one of those assembled there. She was Ivy Shaw. A beautiful lady of about 120 lbs., with well-developed and large breasts of 38-C, voluptuous and a perfect hourglass figure even at her matured age of about 35; fair complexion with large provocative eyes and lips had made her much attractive.

Ivy had been watching Tina for long and, seeing her flushed face, she very correctly guessed that the young girl had been stirred with deep and uncontrollable lust. Tina's face, which had turned almost vermilion, had been drawing Ivy's eyes like a powerful magnet. The more did she see Tina, more rushes of blood did she feel in her veins and arteries.

Had Tina been able to hear the language of Ivy's heartbeat, she would have highly pleased to have known the words, "How beautiful you are looking, young girl! How I wish to caress the beautiful face! How I long to crush your beautiful boobs with my two hands."

Ivy was a confirmed spinster, as she did not find any stirring in her heart for men, for her heart always had responded to the young, lovely and attractive girls and women only. She, being English literature teacher of one the most reputed girls' school of Calcutta, she had never suffered from lack of materials to explore and fan her lesbian passion. Being extremely attractive and magnetic, girls always swarmed her, and she had never gone wrong to choose the correct ones from them.

She had an intuition to detect her lesbian partners without any difficulties and failure as if a lesbian-partner-detecting instrument had been imputed in her heart and, whenever a sure prospect was detected, her device began to beep at intervals and, her device hitherto had not betrayed her. Now, as always in the past, her device had started to beep, but incessantly. Her look on Tina caused the beep to sound intermittently signaling that her choice is perfect.

Ivy said to herself, "If you can play the cards correctly, you will be the winner and the long summer holiday will be flowery with that beautiful one."

Suddenly Tina's look fell on Ivy and her look stuck on the lovely attractive face of the older woman. Their eyes met and fixed upon each other as none could take her eyes off. Both detected warmth, passion and love there. After some time, Ivy's lips widened in a loving smile and Tina responded it happily. With a little movement on her lips, Ivy gestured a loving kiss and beckoned at Tina to accept, who responded eagerly.

After a few minutes of pregnant but silent sexual talk through their eyes, Ivy beckoned at Tina to come near to her. With a fast beating heart, Tina advanced towards her and quickly she found herself standing very close to the right of the lady. Ivy held Tina's left hand with her own and began to squeeze it lovingly by keeping their activity well concealed under the cover of their bodies from the view of the others.

Ivy said, "Hi beautiful, what's your name? By the way I'm Ivy, and a relative of Julia's mother."

Tina said, "I am Tina. I m a distant cousin of Julia."

"Squeezing Tina's hand meaningfully, Ivy said, "Feeling sad for someone? Ah, let me guess, perhaps for your girl-friend?"

Tina startled but huddled closer to the lady, "Yep, but how do you know?"

"It's secret." Ivy said mischievously, "Can we meet someplace, some lonely place? Really I'm dying to hold you in my firm embrace."

"I'm staying with at Shakespeare Sarani in Central Calcutta with my parents," Tina then quickly added, "they will be staying here late in the night till the ceremony ends. I am going back to our empty flat under the pretension of attending phone calls from my friends. If you can make it to come to our flat, we may be alone for a good four to five hours."

"Okay, done." Ivy said excitedly, "when your parents will return, tell them that as I am not feeling well, you are taking me in your car. Then at about Ten p.m., I shall leave for my house by taking a cab."

Tina agreed and, as soon as the clock was about to strike eight, she left the hall beckoning Ivy to follow her, and went to their car.

As soon as they entered the luxury of their air-conditioned car, the cold engulfed them but instead of soothing, made them both hotter. Ivy's right hand was playing lustfully on the smooth marble-white left thigh of Tina, while Tina's right hand had encircled the slim waist line of the lady thus pressing her left mound against the upper part of the too active hand.

Ivy was running her lovely soft palm over the thighs and began to push tentatively her little finger under her partner's skirt towards her crotch through the edge of her panty. On every occasion, she found Tina's body stiffened and a low suppressed hiss came out of her throat. Bolder now, she pushed her little finger more upward and quickly reached her destination of Tina's wet cunt.

Feeling the palm on her naked thigh and then the maneuvering of the naughty finger of Ivy, the flow of love-juice from Tina's cunt became profuse, though it had subsided earlier to some extent. Again Tina felt that her nipple had been engorged and straining pensively against the fabric of her sheer bra. She let go a suppressed moan so softly as to beat the eardrum of the driver at the front seat - and pulled the finger on her own clit.

Ivy felt the dampness of the thin panty and began to rub the clitoris under the lacy fabric of Tina's panty. In no time, her own panty inside her slacks became totally drenched. She began to rub the crotch as vigorously as possible without drawing the attention of the moving traffics as well as that of the driver. She was delighted to find that Tina's breathing had become heavy and laborious, which meant that the young partner is too sensitive there.

She whispered, " Tina, you are too hot honey. I promise you multiple climaxes in our voyage, which you will savour all the rest of your life."

"Do whatever you like to me," was the maximum that could come out off Tina's throat.

Once they were in the flat, they straight away went into Tina's room and did not spend much time to peel their clothes off; soon their nakedness dazzled in the diffused light emitted by the costly lamp sheds and comfort of he humming air-conditioner. None could take her eyes from each other's lush body, though Tina appeared to be more attractive than her Ivy instead of her large but arrogant breasts measuring 38-C.

Soon their bodies entwined and their hands began to move and touch all the curves of their bodies. When Ivy's hand reached and cupped the blooming breast of Tina with her two hands, the young girl hissed loudly,

"Eat them. Eat them Whole, Ivy. Ohhhhhhh squeeze them, knead them, crush them, do something violent to these as the two are continuously itching." Ivy felt that Tina's rock-hard nipples stood erect just like a soldier in the parade in attention.

Then Ivy led Tina to the waiting bed and made Tina laid there while she herself sat inclined on Tina's right side bringing her left breast right on the burning face of Tina. She then began to run the hard nipple of the breast slowly and lovingly all over the lovely young face whispering continuously, "How do you like it, honey? Isn't it a great feeling?" She next cupped the young and blooming breasts in her two hands.

Tina became much restless both by fondling of breasts and the caressing of the super-soft, but solid and firm, breast, and began to breathe laboriously. Unable to control herself she caught hold the mound and opened her lips to kiss and suck the highly engorged nipple of the hanging breast, but she had been denied the access by her lovely tormentor.

"Wait, my honey, just wait for the right moment." Ivy said huskily, "Don't worry, I'll let you do whatever you like to it, but wait. Let your passion shot sky-high first." She still continued the running of her breast over the fully flushed face of the young girl while squeezing the young breasts continuously.

Then Ivy brought her erect nipple between the two scarlet lips of Tina and began to run along the edges of the lips and then she hissed, "Open your lips, my young and sexy horny, suck my nipple," and pushed it into the waiting mouth of Tina. Tina had long been waiting to suck not only the nipple but the whole flesh of the two beautiful full breasts also, and she quickly opened her lovely mouth and began to suck the rigid nipple of the left breasts while fondling, caressing and kneading the other.

Ivy then let her hand travel downward and soon reached her destination between the silk-smooth thighs of her young partner. She lovingly rubbed her cunt with her hand and then began to run her fingers along the crevice between the two cunt-lips putting the heel of her hand firmly on the already swollen and aroused clit. Tina willingly spread her legs to give more access to Ivy's hand.

Soon, Ivy's index finger found the entrance of Tina's cunt hole and it had been so lavishly lubricated that the finger entered there as if in a magic. Tina began to move her hips violently trying to get more and more of the beautiful tormentor into her cunt while her hands became frantic with their jobs of sucking the her partner's stiff and aroused nipples of her big breasts and kneading them.

Noticing Tina's restlessness and violent hip movement, Ivy inserted first two then three of her slender fingers into the lovely tunnel and began to drive them in and out very fast while massaging the super-charged and super-stiff swollen clit with the heel of her hand.

Tina groaned, "More, more, faster, faster," as she was nearing her first climax of the evening. Then next minute she simply shouted, "AAAA .HHHH..OOOOO..HHH, OOUCHH," and went limp totally exhausted as the intrusion of three fingers and massaging of clitoris all the while were too exciting for her to linger her cumming.

Ivy brought Tina's cunt-invading fingers to her own lips and began to lick them provocatively while Tina had been looking with gaping mouth that how happily her senior partner was licking them exuding love pleasure from her beautiful eyes. Then Ivy advanced them to the gaping mouth of Tina and said, "Suck it. You'll like it, you should taste your own honey."

Tina hesitated for a moment or two. Then she took them in her lovely and sweet mouth, as she had not wanted Ivy to displease and depressed, and lo! As soon as her tongue touched them, she began to suck them hard, as the pungent and slightly saline taste was successful to ignite her lust once more. Crazily she was sucking the fingers.

After a little while of finger-sucking, Tina sat upright and said, "I want to drink your nectar too. Let me fuck you with my fingers. Tell me, how many fingers do you want inside your cunt?"

Ivy said, "Al right, suck my honey directly from the pitcher, right from the source." So saying, she made Tina to lie on her back and mounted her lovely body from top with her knees on the two sides of the young girl. Her dripping cunt was rested on Tina's beautiful, silk-smooth soft tummy. Slowly, very slowly, then, she pulled up her body along Tina's smooth skin till her profusely oozing cunt was rested on the left breast of Tina.

She spread open her cunt own lips with her fingers and then put the stiff nipple of the left breast of Tina inside her dripping pussy, and began to ride her. She began to say passionately, "Fuck me. Fuck me, Tina, by your beautiful breast. Push the whole within me. Fuck me till the doomsday comes and I cum."

Tina's surprise knew no bound, and so was her excitement and lust. Just twenty-four hours ago, she had never imagined - even her wildest fantasy, she would fuck someone with her breast. She forced her round flesh to enter as much as possible into Ivy's cunt-hole while she felt that her entire valley round her breasts was being washed by Ivy's free flowing love-stream. She felt an immense pleasure to think that she had been the cause of bringing and causing such ejaculation from Ivy's cunt.

The memory of fucking Julie's cunt yesterday flashed in Tina's mind and she encircled Ivy's shapely hips with her own lotus-stalk hands, and pulled her partner's wet and dripping pussy toward her lovely mouth.

Experienced Ivy correctly read the mind of Tina and slipped her hips upward along the valley and stopped only when her dripping pussy reached the destination of Tina's lovely mouth. She pressed her wet cunt there, and hissed, "Okay. Suck my pussy. Use your tongue, reach my inside. Fuck me now with your tongue."

Tina began to lick Ivy's cunt and its surrounding area vehemently. Her joy had no bound when she heard the intangible but loud moaning of Ivy that had been coming out of Ivy's sheer pleasure and ecstasy. Ivy pulled Tina by the head and pressed her pussy more firmly against the young girl's face, and continuously began to thrust in and out against the cum-smeared face of Tina.

Tina's tongue already began to explore the inner walls of Ivy's cunt though she was wishing to reach farther and farther inside the tunnel. While swaying her hips much passionately, Ivy hissed, "Use now your fingers inside my puss and tear everything there."

Each erotic word began to add fuel to the terribly burning fire of lust inside Tina. She then inserted first her index finger and, soon finding that her single finger was too insufficient to explore the tunnel properly, she brought two more and began to push them in and out as fast as she could.

"Yea, YEA, Y.. e ..a..," hissed Ivy and her hip movements became very fast, "eat me, eat me, eat me, fuck me with your fingers. Chew my clit, let your tongue love my clit. Fuck me deep with your fingers."

Soon Ivy let loose a huge load of cum, and pressing Tina's mouth very hard against her pussy with all possible force, she climaxed in violent convulsions. Waves after waves of sheer ecstasy, sheer pleasure rocked her matured body. Tina, almost suffocating for want of air in her loving place, began to drink and suck the sweet but tangy nectar to her heart's content.

In her endeavor to bring much pleasure to Ivy, Tina, again, had been very much aroused and, as a result, when Ivy collapsed by her side, she inserted two fingers of her right hand inside her own wet cunt and began to drive them in and out while cupping her left breast with her left hand.

Ivy lolled beside her and said, "That's my work, my dear princess. Let me do it. What do you want to have - finger-fuck, tongue-fuck or real-fuck with something artificial like a man's penis."

Since yesterday, she had travelled too far down to be satisfied with mere finger and tongue. So she quickly said, "The last two."

"Well," Ivy said, "let me take to your kitchen and let's see what we can use at such moments of crises and emergency."

Tina, anticipating a greater and fuller cunt-fill, led Ivy, who followed while caressing the swinging nether-globes of Tina softly and lovingly sometimes running her finger along the crevice there so that the intensity of the fire in the young and inexperienced might not diminish.

Ivy found many things that could be used as substitution but she selected two cucumbers - about 10" long, almost straight, with a diameter of around 4 to 5". She then asked Tin for some condom, which was not at all difficult to get at the bedside table by the large bed of her parents.

After returning to Tina's bedroom - each caressing other continuously - they sat on the bed. Ivy asked Tina to suck the smaller of the two cucumbers, while she was sucking the other. After a minute or so, Ivy leaned over the young girl and then she unwrapped one of the condoms, and showed Tina how to envelop a cucumber with the super-fine pink latex. Tina had been watching with great fascination like a most obedient student in a practical class.

Ivy slowly and lovingly began to turn herself along the upper part of Tina's lovely young body biting, kissing and caressing with her loving tongue most erotically almost all the accessible part of Tina's body, letting her young partner to do the same, and laid herself atop her young partner so that their mouths were on the each other's cunt.

Both began to lick and suck each other's cunt energetically till their lust was too intensified to endure, and their cunts were sufficiently wet to let their imminent intruder in within any obstruction. The hissing sound from the both, the exotic smell of their aroused sex and the slurping sound made the ambience most erotic.

"Put the condom on the cucumber." Said Ivy lifting her face from the young cunt, "Spread my thigh and push it slowly into my cunt." She too took the smaller cucumber and enveloped it with the latex. She next spread the lovely thighs of Tina as much as possible.

The beauty of the young cunt mesmerized her totally. A lovely pink to red tunnel with throbbing walls dazzled by reflecting the bright neon of the room, with eager expectation and quivering with the greatest fear of being explored for the first time in its life. Atop it, the small but swollen as well as engorged scarlet triangle had been keeping an eager watch over everything.

Tina's fear for being ruptured had been drowned by her ever-increasing eagerness for the ensuing fuck. She lovingly placed the top of the rubbered cucumber on the entrance of Ivy's vagina and pushed it gently. And lo! At a slight push about 2 to 3 inches of the "cock" disappeared into the love-tunnel. Another 2-3 inches had been consumed by Ivy's ever-hungry cunt by a sudden downward jerk of the abdomen of her partner.

Ivy placed the tip of the vegetable carefully on the entrance of the brimming cunt of Tina and gently pushed till about an inch was inside. Then she stopped as Tina stiffened. Rolling the clitoris with her tongue and waiting there for some moments to let Tina's body be slackened, she pushed it further and did not stop till the "penis" had disappeared for another 2-3 inches.

Tina felt that her entire body was at stake, so intense had the pain been, but soon after waves of pleasure drowned the pain totally and the feeling of fear had been flown away like a small piece of paper in a huge deluge. She cried, "Ahhh,ahhh, ohhhh, oh, it is L.L.L.lovely. More, more. Please give me More, Ivy. I'm dying for more, MORE." While saying this, she drove her cucumber into the slippery tunnel of Venus in and out till it did stuck against something, and kept it there.

Ivy did not oblige Tina readily, as she knew, further pushing of the cucumber may damage the sensitive parts inside Tina's body. So she slowly began to push in and out her "penis". After a few moments, she began to intensify the pressure and she felt how the overflowing cum had been accommodating the more and more of her "fucking penis."

Series of electric current began to run all over Tina's young body. An uncontrollable spasm, a blend of pain and pleasure, began to shake her young body. She began to convulse as a deluge of rapturous feeling flooded her entire body. Crazily she began to sway her body, but remembered to keep her "cock" activated all along inside Ivy's cunt and, though the pace had been much intensified, her senior did not mind much, as she really expected, as well wanted it in the same manner.

Everything went hazy in front of Tina's eyes, her ecstasy tuned into frenzy, her whole existence - it appeared to her - had been endangered, her being was nothing really, as she felt that she was no longer going to survive. Such delirium of sheer ecstasy was simply unendurable, she thought. She hissed, "YYY EEE AAA HHH! O.O.O.O. o..o..o..o..o.. Hhhhhhhhhhh. Ohhhh G-G-G-G- A-A--AA WWWW DDDD, what a pleasure! How Bbb..e.a.u..t..i ffullllll."

Next moment she burst out in a violent climax. For the first time in her life, she had achieved her maiden climax with something solid and filling inside her virgin cunt. On three occasions earlier, she had either been fucked by finger or by tongue but, the pleasure had been nothing in comparison to her present one.

Feeling Tina's shaking and convulsion, Ivy pushed her pelvis in and out rapidly on the "cock" as she had correctly guessed her young lover would not be able to hold her "penis" properly any longer. She, therefore, held Tina's hand with her own hands and began to push in and out in the rhythm of the movement of her own pelvis. By exerting a violent jerk - as if to engulf the entire "cock" - she collapsed atop the body of her lover.

Little did they know or were aware that the damp patch on the bed-linen below their hips were enlarging more and more - rapidly and continuously.

After controlling herself a bit and when her heartbeat was more or less normal, Tina brought her face to that of Ivy and whispered, , "I do not want to live after today's joy. Oh how lucky am I to have you in my life. Always give me such pleasure, Oh always! Call me any-when, I will be at your service forever. I do not want to live any longer without this pleasure."

While kissing the lovely face of Tina, Ivy whispered, "I shall, I will, I must. You too have given me heavenly pleasure. Whenever you will find your flat empty, call me and I promise that I will come, my darling, my young love."

The clock chimed half past ten. Then both necked and petted together for another 10-15 minutes with love and quenched fire of lust. Before it could be ignited again and returning home would become a problem, Ivy got up after a final hug and a long kiss, collected her scattered clothes and disappeared into the toilet. Soon after she came out and with a good bye hug, kiss and breast-fondling, she went out thus bringing a temporary end to their love-mission after leaving her telephone and cell-phone numbers.

To know what happened next to Julie, Ivy and Tina, please wait till its third part appears. Till then, please send me your suggestions, opinions and constructive criticism to Julu Biswas at and

Next: Chapter 3

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