Young Lovers of Tomorrow

By EdMike O'NYC-- AYISYEN mwen ye

Published on Apr 18, 2001


Do not proceed if offended by Sexually explicit stories between same sex individuals. If you are under age please stop right now.

Part Two.

I spent the rest of the evening and night in the room, on my bed in the nude. I slept, for the first time, in the nude. It was a very good feeling. The rest of the week was uneventful, just little check ups from Mrs. Weiner. She told me if I had a complaint for anything just to let her know. I think she liked me. Anyway, school started on a Thursday and that was something all new to me. Well, college was new to me, but sitting in a class where all the young men were Hot, with a capital H, was just shivering. I wanted all and every single one of them. I was registered for five classes. You know, the usual, Math, English, Economics, Biology, and French. Well, you know for that class I'd get an A. Uhm, it wasn't till Tuesday of the next week that I started talking to students. Apparently, they could have sensed that I was a freshman. But, before my French class on that Tuesday, I was never surprised in my life until that day. I was in my room preparing my book bag for the next class when I heard a soft knock on my door. I, anxious to receive my first visitor with a smile, ran to the door and opened it with 'Yes?' about to come out. But, 'No way' came out instead. I also gasped for air. "Hi, MarcAlain. Surprise! We've found you a roommate." Mrs. Weiner announced. I was still in shock. I was looking at him straight in the face; apparently he was looking down at me as well. I couldn't believe it, it was him. He dropped his bags on the floor with a grin across his face, "MarcAlain? Are you for real?" He said in Creole. "Rich... Aaahhh!!!" We ran into each other with a bear hug. You would have thought we were the best of friends around. I was so happy to see him, not only him, but another Haitian that I forgot where I was, "What's up man?" I asked in Creole, but Mrs. Weiner overlapped my voice with, "Apparently, you guys know each other." She laughed. We followed suit. "Yeah. Wow, man, what a coincidence?" I said. He kept on grinning. "May we come in at least?" She asked, as she pointed at the room. "Oh, yeah. Sure." I said and found myself grabbing one of his bags. I made way for them to go in. Mrs. Weiner went in first, then Richard. While we were on the plane, I never paid close attention to him. He was way cuter then I thought. I mean, he had some baggy jeans on that really defined his buttocks, a red shirt tucked inside his jeans revealing an athletes body, a nice blow out, and a small earring on the left lobe. His light pink lips were accentuated with some Vaseline. A light mustache that was precisely shaped around them. "So, this is going to be easy, since you guys know each other. I'll make it short. Hopefully, MarcAlain will give you more details..." Mrs. Weiner went on as soon as we walked in. He plotted his butt on my bed, and I quickly said "Yo, man that's my bed." "We'll see about that." He grinned. Mrs. Weiner smiled. He paid close attention to what was being said, and I was drifted away in my own thoughts. Remember the letter that Olivier gave me, well that didn't say much but 'Hope you find the significant other on the plane.' I smiled lightly and looked down at Richard, who was inquiring about certain things. I stood sideways as I looked at myself in the mirror. I was all into my booty... Did I mention that I had some? Oh, not really. Well, I gots what they call a Ghetto Booty. For a young man, I have a juicy one. I mean, my waist is a 34 in size, but my booty mandates a 36 or higher. Yep, that's how much shorty got Back, with a capital B.

After the lecture from Mrs. Weiner, she instructed me to take care of him. Huh? I asked. But, she was way down the hall when I followed her for the answer-take care of him. Anyway, she did our schedule for us, meaning that we were in the same classes. So we went to class together.

A couple of weeks later,

We hung out together, made jokes together, even studied together. But, that night we were invited to a dinner that the International Students Club was having. I was in my room getting ready, fixing my hair in the mirror. "MarcAlain... how do we have to dress for this thing?" I heard him asked by his side of the room. I was applying gel to my hair and brushing it, "She said it was nothing fancy." I paused to look at my face, I didn't like my hair. "Besides, its just a welcome back thing." He stumbled behind me with just a pair of slacks, "Oh, so I don't need to wear this then?" I looked at him through the mirror. His pants were not zipped all the way, his white brief showing as my eyes followed the trail of light hair to his navel. His abs were beginning to form the packs. "Well, yeah. Not with those shoes though. Be more relax." I glared back at the mirror. "That's what you're wearing to go?" He was looking at me from head to toe. "Yep. I just can't get the hair right" I had a pair of CK Khakis, with a plain white tee shirt tucked inside, and some loafers. "Man, just cut the damn things off. You're worst then my mother." He chuckled. I followed suit,

"Yeah, I know. My mom use to tell me that a lot... But, I'm gonna let it grow. I want that Jesus look."

"Oh really?" he came up behind me. I could smell his French cologne, Pierre Cardin.

"Uh huh." I added the final touch to my hair.

"You seem as if you going on a hot date." He whispered to me. I paused, looked at him in the mirror, turned to face him.

"You never know who's gonna be present. I have to look half decent." I whispered back. He's 5'10", so I had to look up at him.

" Well, my man, you look great... Now, get the hell away from the mirror before I have to hurt you." He laughed.

"No... Why don't you go put on a shirt on that bony chest of yours?" I poked him on the chest. There was nothing bony about it. I was just teasing him.

"What? Bones? What you talking about? Man, move before I kick your fat ass!" We laughed after he gently shoved me out of the way. " And you know you got a lot to handle a kick." I chuckled and said, "Uh huh... let me find out you checking me out? Anyway, boy I'll be downstairs." He paused from brushing his hair, "What you mean yo? Aren't we going down together? You don't wanna make that grand entrance with me?" He grinned. "Grand entrance?" I moved behind him, held his arms, and laid my head by his right arm, "Man, if we do that... then, I won't be getting any numbers. Get it?" I flirted and added a smile to it. He grinned even harder. I was beginning to feel a boner on my end, holding on his biceps... ooh. I quickly let him go and rushed out as I looked back at him. He was smiling and shaking his head as I noticed his eyes on my ass. Do I sense a 'Happy' person?

Richard got down a few minutes later. I was in my own world, getting acquainted with the students. I noticed that he noticed me. He appeared happy to see me and we both smiled at each other, but since we were so far from one another, I couldn't say anything. In fact, I purposely flirted with the guy I was talking to, to see his reaction. When I looked back to see if he was still watching me, he was nowhere to be found. The dinning room was loud with students from all over the world chatting their life off. Out of nowhere I heard someone whisper, "Having fun?" I turned to face the voice. Of course it was Richard. "Uh huh." I responded as I gestured to the guy I was talking to that I'd be right back. "You?" "Nah. Not yet." He said as he roamed the room. "Looking for the perfect chick?" I asked sort of sarcastically. We moved to the juice table. I added some more of the fruit punch. "Well... I'm planning on getting some action tonight." He announced with his arms crossed, flexing his bicep, and roaming the place. "Oh, really? Good luck!" We were both roaming the place. He then looked at my drink and started laughing. "What?" "Yo man, what you drinking?" He asked still laughing. "Pee! A big cup of pee. What you think I'm drinking?" I rolled my eyes at him. "Yo, I got some good stuff up in the room. Wanna come have a real drink?" He whispered to me. I never had a real drink before, and since I was away from my moms, I agreed.

A couple of hours later, the three remaining guests from the seven people we had in the room left. They were wasted. I never kept a real conversation going during the entire night. The people that Richard had invited over were not my type. I didn't feel at ease. In other words, there were no Happy persons in the room. So, I withdrew myself. Occasionally laughing at the Straight jokes. Uhm... what a bore.

I heard the door lock while I was staring at myself in the mirror. I had a cup in my right hand, lifted to my face. My left arm crossed, and my lips formed a pouch. "You Ok?" He asked with a fatigue tone. He stood behind me. I looked at him through the mirror nonchalantly and nodded, "Yeah. I'm fine." He looked unconvinced. He moved closer, "Uh huh?" He shook his head as in waking up from a deep thought. Then, he continued, "Would you like to tell me why you like looking at yourself in the mirror?" I chuckled, "I don't know..."

He licked his lips before he was about to say something, but I quickly interrupted with, "So, I guess you ain't getting no action tonight?" With a deepen voice, trying to sound tough and all. I turned to face him. He was closer then I thought. He chuckled at the remark, "Nah... I couldn't get any." "Well, would that be because... because you're a virgin." I said sarcastically and laughed. "Ha, ha. You think you funny, huh? Gimme that fat ass of yours and I'll show you who's the virgin, buddy." The joke was on me. I stopped laughing and shot him this 'yeah, right' look. I began to walk away and I could feel his stare follow me, "Uh huh... Keep on talkin' shit that you can't handle." I walked to the night table to place my drink, "Who's talking shit? It ain't me, man. Give it to me and I'll show you." He replied as he looked at me. I was beginning to wonder if it was the drinks that were making him talk like this or if I was just imagining this. "Yeah right, man..." I began and walked up to him. I placed my arms around his neck, "you wouldn't know what to do with it anyway." I flirted knowing that it was one of his jokes.

"Oh, yeah?..." He whispered as he wrapped his hands around my waist, and slowly moved me to the corner. My back was against the wall, his hand on my waist, and our eyes locked. "Muthafucka... you must be fucking drunk out your mind." I said surprised at his action. To me, at that point, I was dreaming. I must have fell asleep during the gathering. Uh uh... The way Richard would talk about females, you would think that's the only thing this world had to offer. "Nope, I'm not..." blew out of his lips, as his eyes began to shut, and his head began to come closer. This is where I would wake up from the dream. But, no I didn't. His lips landed on mines, sending a sensation that would erect my nipples, and make me shiver. We played with our lips, smacking just like the soap operas. We tilted our heads when it was necessary. He pulled away and whispered, "You must be the one that's drunk?" I opened my eyes- to make sure this was him- and whispered, "Uh uh... I'm not." As I pulled his head and began passionately kissing. We mingled with our tongues, sucked on the lower lips, upper lips, and light sucks on the tongue. I kissed his chin then back on his lips. He pulled me closer and began face sucking each other. Then I turned him against the wall, and began caressing his head, arms, and sled my hands to his waist. I went for the shirt. Unbuttoning it as fast as I could. Then, he took it off and as we continued on kissing, we walked to my bed. Where he took my t-shirt off and attacked my neck. That's my spot, and he was doing a damn good job at it. I moaned as I held on his head. He licked down to my left nipple and 'adjusted' my right. I began to scream in my mind, fuck... oh shit. He came back up to my lips, both of our eyes closed, and devouring each other. Then, he rolled me on top of him and I went down on his neck. I felt his athlete's hands run down my back and on my buttocks. He massaged them gently as he moaned. I sat up on him, on my knees while he's in between, and looked down. I smiled at his cute confused face. I rolled off and began kissing his navel, as I tugged with the belt and pants. He quaked in excitement and began caressing my head. I took his pants and brief off, and attacked his sack of balls. Then, I licked up to his tip. He was uncut and I began tasting the tip and under the skin with the tip of my tongue. I pulled down the foreskin, licked the mushroom head like an ice cream cone, and swallowed his shaft. Uhm... It was meaty. He was packing a nice one for his age and size. It was delicious. After a few slurps, I rolled back on him, and he whispered, "Ou douce, man." That's, 'damn, you hot!' in Creole. He reached down to my pants and unfastened them. He reached for my neck and pulled me closer as he tongues me down. I caressed his chest, his stomach, and his shaft. He rolled me over on my back, and took my pants and boxer brief off. He kissed my navel, then from left to right, kissed across my stomach. He then took my penis in his warm mouth, going deep down. I moaned, so did he. He lifted my left leg and began tongue bathing my crack. I wasn't down with that shit, so I pulled him up. He then sucked on my nipples. He got on all fours- while I'm under him- and asked me to roll over on my stomach. I did. Richard kissed my neck as he gently massaged my hair, and massaged my cracked with his shaft. He kissed all the way to my lower back. Every step he took down, I giggled because I was also sensitive on my back. He gently lifted my waist, and spread my legs apart. I looked back at him, and I saw this 'I'm gonna fuck you good!' look on his face. He didn't even smile. It was that serious. Then, getting ready for my fucking session, lubricated my hole and his shaft with my saliva. We were then ready. Gently he invaded me, making me close my eyes in enjoyment. He was good at this. My warm tunnel was wrapping around his love muscle. The alcohol must have loosen me up because I felt no pain. He went on as his breathing got faster and faster. He leaned on my back and sunk in deeper, making me hold the head board with a firm grip. We were moaning and groaning. And then, it felt like he had a motor attached to his hip because he was going at 50mph. He fucked me well! We both came at the same moment. Me all over the sheets and him all inside me. He was flooding me with his man juice. He grunted like it was the last drop available, and he wanted me to have it all. All!!! We both inhaled and exhaled, and lightly kissed each other. He thanked me for this moment. Then, we drifted away in each other's arms.

To be continued...

This is what's coming up on YLT,

...After he won the basketball game, he wasn't doing nothing else but scoring again with me... We then found our way against the wall, my back against it. With his left hand he gently tilted my head to give him space to devour my neck...

Stay tuned!

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