Young Jocks Sexual Awakening

By Gerald Simmons

Published on Sep 29, 2004


As I turned back toward the house, I glanced over to see Charley passed on the ground. His pants and underwear were still gathered around his ankles. His right hand was filled with my cum, and I could still taste his in my own mouth.

The house was quiet at this point, and when I entered through the back door, I could see all the lights were still on but nobody was around. There were a few guys who had crashed in different corners and on different pieces of furniture. I began to get worried that my ride home, Peter had left without me. I called out his name, but there was no response.

I went upstairs, but it was even more deserted than the floor below. There was a light on in one of the rooms down the hall. Brandon was the senior host of this party, and I assumed that the light was coming from his bedroom. I hoped to find him still awake and that he would know where Peter was. The door was practically closed, so I knocked.

"Hold up," came the voice inside. I was pretty sure it was Brandon, but I wasn't certain. When I knocked on the door, it opened very slightly, and I realized that I could see somebody passed out sprawled across a bed. It looked like they were just in the underwear. Suddenly a blanket thrown on top of the bed obscured my view. Suddenly the door opened. Brandon came out in the hall and switched on the light.

"Jerry! Where the fuck have you been? Pete was looking for you earlier and we all thought you had gone home."

"Sorry, I was just hanging out outside, and I just now came back inside and found everybody pretty much crashed. Did Peter leave without me?"

"Naw, I think he's probably going to just crash here tonight."

"Do you know where he is?"

"He's around here somewhere. Why don't you take another look downstairs, and I'll check around up here."

I could tell that Brandon was trying to get rid of me because something was going on in his bedroom that he didn't want me to know about. It didn't take a much imagination to figure that one practically naked guy under his covers pointed to something sexual, but at this point, I had just gotten my rocks off, and I was worried about getting home, so I was happy to not be too curious about it.

I wasn't downstairs long before a cheerful Peter appeared coming down the stairs.

"Man where have you been? I was looking all over for you and couldn't find you." It didn't really occur to me until this point that it was Peter's mostly naked body I had seen upstairs. Suddenly a little bit of jealousy rose up in me. I realized that in the back of my mind that I was hoping to have an opportunity to fool around with Peter when he invited me. I felt left out thinking that he and Brandon had been having fun upstairs.

"I was outside hanging out."

"I thought you had left without telling me."

"I wouldn't have done that."

"That's cool. Look I'm thinking about crashing here for the night. I'm pretty wasted and tired, but I'll be happy to take you home, if you want me to."

"Well, I don't know. I guess I better go, because what else am I going to do?"

"Why don't you just crash with the rest of us here?"

"You don't think Brandon will mind?

"No man, he wants you to stay."

That sounded somewhat odd to me, but I was just happy to be included. "Yeah, I think that sound cool. I'll need to call home though."

"Come back upstairs with me and Brandon will get you all set up."

We went back upstairs, and I was getting excited. I was sure that Brandon and Peter were fooling around before I interrupted them. I had never even thought that Brandon might be into that sort of thing. I didn't really find his face to be that attractive, but he was well-built, and so I knew that I wouldn't mind seeing him naked somewhere besides just the locker room.

When we entered Brandon's room, he was reclining on his bed with his hands behind his head. His T-shirt had very short sleeves and so the hair from his armpits was visible. It turned me on now that I was thinking about him differently from how I had seen him before. Peter told him that I had agreed to stay and that I needed to call home. There conversation seemed a little artificial. I got the sense that these guys were following some sort of plan that I was unaware of. Brandon pointed me to the phone beside his bed. I sat down on the side of his bed to reach the phone.

Peter said, "I'm ready to crash. Brandon, where do you want Jerry and me?"

"Anywhere you want, you're welcome to sleep in here. I doubt there are any spots left that are very comfortable."

As I was dialing, Peter asked me, "Jerry, Brandon and I are gonna crash here. You wanna join us?"

I tried to answer "yes" without sounding too eager.

Both of them started stripping down while I was on the phone. My mom was cool with me staying after she made sure to sound annoyed about this change of plans. She didn't have much choice since I'm sure she realized that my ride home had been drinking. As my conversation progressed with Mom, I realized that Peter had totally stripped. I looked around and found Brandon standing on the other side of the bed totally naked as well.

"Let's help Jerry get those clothes off." Peter began playfully unbuttoning my shirt while I still on the phone with my mother. I ended my conversation as quickly as I could.

"What's going on?"

Both of them just laughed. By this time Brandon had joined Peter and he was working on my pants. The began handling me in a way that made me sense that they were going to force me to do something. I just hadn't quite figured out what. They stripped off my clothes. I was very excited by all of this, and they commented on how my dick was getting hard. Brandon pushed me stomach down on his bed. He laid on top of me.

"Have you ever been fucked before?"

"Say what?" I began to struggle, but Brandon was too strong for me and I was too tired to overcome him.

"Just relax man, you're gonna love it."

I was scared at this point, and I looked up at Peter. He had a huge hard-on and was smiling at me. "Trust me Jerry, you like this. Brandon, why don't you let me go first your cock is a lot thicker than mine, and I think he'll be able take it better if I go first."

That got me scared. Peter's dick was pretty big, and I had a hard time imagining that being stuck up my butt.

"Man I want to pop his cherry."

"C'mon man, let's not freak him out."

"Fine. Jerry, if I let you go, will you stay put?"

I didn't have much choice but to agree. There was no way I was going to escape from both of these guys, and this idea was beginning to sound pretty good to me.

Peter climbed on top of me, and Brandon came around in front of me. I couldn't believe how big his cock was hard. He saw me admiring it, and he offered it to my mouth. I started to suck on it tentatively. Meanwhile Peter was massaging my butt with his hand and fingers. He finally got it to open up enough that he slipped his dick inside me. I couldn't believe how good it felt. Sucking on Brandon while Peter was ramming me from behind felt incredible. Soon I wasn't able to concentrate anymore on Brandon, and I was crying out in ecstasy.

Suddenly Brandon looked up at Peter and said, "I think he's ready. I'll go downstairs and get the rest of the guys." Brandon disappeared as soon as he said it.

"What the fuck?"

"Don't worry; it's okay."

"What the hell is going on?"

"You don't mind being desert tonight for these guys do you?"

"Like hell."

"Brandon and I promised them that if they weren't able to hook up with somebody tonight that you'd be our bitch tonight."

I couldn't believe it. I was so mad and hurt I was fighting back tears. How could Peter treat me this way? I mustered up the strength to break away from Peter. He grabbed me, and looked me in the eyes. And he kissed me on the mouth.

"You know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. This is like an initiation. Most all of us have gone through this before. This is a compliment, man. It's not gonna hurt or anything. You're gonna like it. Just relax and go with it."

"You used me."

"Don't start sounding like some girl. Look man you like this as much as the rest of us, right? If Brandon was up here, and you had the chance to fuck him, you'd do it right? Now turn back around and relax." Peter gently took my cock in his hand and started stroking it and turning my body back around. He mounted me again, and started riding me, and it felt great. Soon the room filled up with several other guys, and they all stripped down. I sucked on everybody's cock, and I let them fuck me. In return they took turns giving me a blow job. I came several times throughout the who le time, and this was after I had already cum with Charley earlier. Brandon was the last guy to fuck me, and it was unbelievable. I was spent, fell asleep and slept like a baby.

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