Young Jocks Sexual Awakening

By Gerald Simmons

Published on Mar 28, 2004


The next day, I was still really turned on about my previous night's experience. I wondered whether Charlie would let me play with him again. I really hadn't enjoyed sucking him as much as just feeling him when he was hard and jacking him off. It wasn't long before I learned that I would be seeing Charlie again that night. He called and invited me to come over and spend the night!

I was so excited that I was nervous when asking my Mom about whether I could go. She sensed it and started grilling me about Charlie and what would be going on there. I think she suspected that we would be drinking. I decided to tell her about Charlie being a junior, because I knew she would find out soon enough. She decided to call Charlie's Mom. I was really embarrassed that she called, and I knew I would catch a lot of crap about it later with Charlie, but she seemed to be satisfied, so I was allowed to go.

Charlie hadn't really told me that it was going to just be the two of us like the previous night, but I sort of assumed it. So, I was really disappointed to discover three other guys over at Charlie's house. My mind started considering all of the possibilities, and one of the possibilities was that I was going to be able to "experiment" with all of these guys. Could it be possible that all of these guys jacked off together? I realized soon enough that that was hoping for too much. I had this strange sense of jealousy about sharing Charlie with these guys tonight because I had had my heart set on having him to myself.

At that point, I was just sort of impatient for the party to get over, so the rest of these clowns would take off. When I took my bag of clothes up to Charlie's bedroom, I was crushed to find that there was another bag lying on his bed. It was obvious at this point that at least some of these guys had been invited to stay over just like me. I remember feeling like a little baby at this point because I was mad and I was thinking about taking my bag back downstairs and making some excuse to leave.

Thankfully, I came to my senses, and tried to focus on how cool it was that I was hanging out with juniors and seniors. (One of the three other guys was a senior, and the other two were juniors.) We spent the night watching ESPN, playing poker, and talking. I had never played poker like this before; I quickly had lost my $10 stake. Now I was beginning to feel like I had been invited over to be the sucker for the poker game. I really had a lousy attitude that night, and I was miserable. I was certain that I would never be invited back.

I was ready to be alone, so I announced to Charlie that I was ready to go to bed. He looked at me a little concerned, but he didn't really ask me if there was anything wrong, he just told me good night, and he told me to set up my sleeping bag to leave room for Peter. Peter was obviously the other guy spending the night. It was odd because Peter was the one senior in the group, and I didn't expect him to be the one. This was also exciting in a way because Peter was one of the best looking guys on the team. He was very hairy, and he always really turned me on when I saw him in the showers after practice.

Charlie's room was chilly so I decided to sleep inside my sleeping bag rather than on top of it. Even though I slept in pajamas at home, I wouldn't be caught dead in them here, so I slept in my boxers, this made me even more chilly. As I was lying in my bag, I kept listening for the noises downstairs; I wanted to be awake when they got to the room because I wanted to see Peter take his clothes off before bed.

I fell asleep anyway, but Peter woke me. The first thing I remember was seeing him crouched in front of my face, with nothing on but his boxers, his knees apart, and his fly unbuttoned and open so that I was staring straight at his mass of black pubic hair. I tried not to stare, as he was trying to wake me up. Peter was telling me that he didn't bring a sleeping bag, and that he was wondering whether we could share since the room was so cold. Obviously, I wasn't going to refuse. I opened up my bag, and invited him in. He sort of laughed (I had a one person bag that would have been very tight for two people), and told me to open it up completely, and we would use it as a mattress while putting a blanket over us. I felt kind of stupid.

As the lights went out, I turned over on my back since it was now safe to let my raging hard-on loose. I could feel the warmth of Peter's big body next to mine, and I could hear his breathing. There was no way I was going to sleep quickly with him right next to me. I pretended to be asleep, as I would subtly move my leg so that I could feel his hairy leg tickling mine. This night was turning out very differently than what I had expected. I thought I would be in Charlie's bed, but he didn't seem to be very interested in me or Peter. He quickly fell asleep and began to lightly snore.

After a long period of time, just when I thought Peter might be asleep, he suddenly called out "Jerry?"

When you hear your name, you tend to respond automatically, but I didn't want to wake Charlie, and after giving it some thought, I decided not to respond at first. I wanted him to touch me to try to wake me. There was silence. Then he called out my name again. I was nervous, but I tried to breathe slowly like I was asleep.

He pulled up a little away from me and turned toward me. He was looking at me I could tell, but I didn't move. Then he lifted my arm that was near him and he pulled it out gently toward him. I couldn't help but flinch a little bit, but I didn't stir, so he continued. I had no idea what he was doing until he lied face down lightly on top of my arm. He moved his hips so that my hand slid into the fly of his boxers. His dick was very hard, and he began rubbing it into my hand. My perfectly still began jacking him off. It didn't take long before my hand began moving and gripping t o help out. When he realized I was awake, he wrapped his arms around me, and his hand quickly found my hard-on. Suddenly we were kissing each other, and I liked it a lot.

He started exploring my body with his mouth while he pulled my boxers all the way off. I did the same, and we ended up sort of in the 69 position even though we weren't sucking each other's dick. Suddenly he sprang up and declared. "I'm turning on the light."

I wasn't sure this was such a great idea, but as soon as the lights came on, and I saw his hairy body with his dick sticking straight out, I really got turned on. It didn't take Charlie long to wake up, and he stripped off his shorts and joined us. All three of us were rolling around on my little sleeping bag. It was very hot, and we kept it up for several hours. I remember it was about 4:30 when we finally stopped. Charlie and I came twice, and Peter came three times that night. There was cum all over my bag; it was a big mess. I had to hide it from my Mom when I got home, and I never really ever got it totally cleaned up from that night.

Next: Chapter 3

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